HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1982 07 19 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way July 19, 1982 I · CALL TO CRDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 4:13 p.m. II~ ROLL i-'~ CALL Councilpersons Present: Edgar, Kennedy, Greinke, Hoesterey Saltarelli Councilpersons Absent: None Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer Charles Thayer, Chief of Police Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Community Services Director Dale Wick, Assistant City Engineer R. Kenneth Fleagle, Consultant Approximately 8 in the audience PRESENTATION A Resolution of commendation and appreciation for outstanding ser- vice and action as a Crossing Guard was presented to Francis Oscar Ostrander by Mayor Edgar. 84 IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS None V. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved b~ Saltarelli, seconded b~ Greinke, to approve the Con- sent Calendar. Carried 5-0, with Kennedlx registering a "No" vote on Item 4 and Hoestere~ and Saltarelli registering a "No" vote on Item 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- July 6, 1982 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $103,475.82 50 3. REQUEST FOR RESTRICTED PARKING AT 345 aND 350 PASADENA AVE. Authorize the installation of signing to restrict on-street parking during street sweeping hours, 6: 00 AM to Noon on Wednesdays on the Pasadena Avenue cul-de-sac adjacent to 345 and 350 Pasadena Avenue and that no warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after the sign ,~ :i ~ installation' 75 4. RESOLUTION NO. 82-56 - A Resolution Of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING FINAL TRACT NO. 11428 LOCATED AT 1122 SYCAMORE AVENUE Adoption of Resolution NO. 82-56 as recommended by the Com- munity Development Department. 99 5.RESOLUTION NO. 82-57 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11752, LOCATED AT 1971 REN CIRCLE Adoption of Resolution No. 82-57 as recommended by the Com- munity Development Department. 99 6. RESOLUTION NO. 82-58 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 11829 ( 18302 Irvine ) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-58 as recommended by the Cem- munity Development Department. 99 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 7-19-82 7. RESOLUTION NO. 82-60 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (CITY HALL AND POLICE DEpARTMEnT MODIFICATI0NS) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-60 and assuming that no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days of rec~rda~ tion, authorize payment of the final 10% retention amount at that time as recommended by the Community Development Depart- me nt · 39 8. RESOLUTION NO. 82-61 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND SIGN AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF ALCOHOLISM, ORANGE COUNTY Adoption of Resolution No. 82-61 as recommended by the Per- sonnel Director. 79 VI. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 872 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO CONVERSION OF MULTIPLE DWELLING UNITS TO CONDOMINIUMS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 872 have first reading by title only. Carried 5-0. Following the reading of the title of Ordinance No. 872 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 872 be introduced and that $750.00 be set as the minimum relocation amount. Carried 5-0. 43 VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None VIII. OLD BUSINESS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 82-59 - A Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, REQUESTING THE COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF UNINHABITED. TERRITORY KNOWN AS IRVINE- ELIZABETH WAY ANNEXATION NO. 130 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Saltarelli, to adopt Reso- lution No. 82-59. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said that this was a costly annexation. She supported it originally and can give it some lukewarm sup- port now but feels that the days are over that the Council can annex in areas that cannot pay their own way. Motion carried 5-0. 24 2.PUBLIC HEARING -- 1982/83 BUDGET aND PROPOSED USE OF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS It was moved b~ Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to set August 2nd at the date for Public Hearings for the 1982-83 Budget and for the Proposed Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and that applicants be notified. Carried 5-0. 29 3 · PLANING COMMISSION ORDINANCE Following discussion regarding fixed terms, manner of choosing commissioners, compensation, etc., it was moved blF Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to continue this item to August 2nd for further study and then consider it point by point at that meet- ing. Motion carried 5-0. 81 NEW BUSINESS 1. AWARD OF BID FOR F.Y. 1981--82 MISCELLANEOUS PARK IMPROVEMENTS It was moved by Noesterey, seconded by Saltarelli; to award the contract for subject project to ACME Pipeline & Engineering Inc. of Palmdale, CA in the amount of $42,130.70. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 7-19-82 Councilman Greinke was not in favor of awarding the bid when there 'was just one bid submitted and especially since it was $10,000 above the Engineer's estimate. The City Engineer explained that there were several different types of bid items in this job and two items, one which was a drinking fountain, came in substantially higher than the engineer's estimate. Councilman Hoesterey said there was a possiblity that if we readvertise, the bids would even come in higher than this time. It was moved by Greinke, seconded by Kennedy, to reject the bids and readvertise. Motion failed 2-3, Edgar, Hoesterey, and Saltarelli opposed. The original motion to award the contract carried 5-0. 77 2, SPEED ZONE -- MAIN STREET AND BRYAN AVENUE ORDINANCE NO. 873 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, REVISING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CER- TAIN STREETS Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, gave the staff report basically as contained in his report dated June 29, 1982. He recommended setting the speed limit on Main Street at 40 mph from the Westerly city limits to "B" street, 30 mph from "B" Street to Prospect, and 40 mph from Prospect to Bryan Ave; and for Bryan Avenue at 40 mph from Main Street to Browning Avenue and 45 mph from Browning Avenue to Myford Rd. The area near the school at Farmington would be posted "25 mph when children are present." These speeds would be enforceable with radar. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, that Ordinance No. 873 have first reading by title only with the addition that stop signs be placed at Pacific Street and "B" Street on Main Street. Councilman Hoesterey was concerned that when the Town Center is put in we will have traffic backed up and rather than solving a problem, we may be creating one. The City Engineer expressed that we can put in the stop signs but people will still drive 40 mph between the stop signs. He recommended not putting in stop signs at either street until warrants are taken. We presently have a suit from an accident in the area of Pacific over visibility coming over the overpass. The Police Dept. has not had an opportunity to enforce the speed limit because they could not use radar. Perhaps we should take time to see if enforcement by radar will reduce the speeds. A substitute motion was made by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to continue this item to see if we can bring the speed limit to 35 mph on Main Street from Pacific to the downtown area. Carried 5-0. 3, SELECTION OF CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING SERVICES FOR IRVINE BLVD. FAU PROJECT It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to select the firm of Greer and Company to provide subject services and autho- rize the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest to the subject agreement. Carried 5-0. 95 4, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MELAD & ASSOCIATES It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to affirm the ongoing relationship for contractual services for Melad & Asso- ciates and authorize execution of the subject agreement by the Mayor. Carried 5-0. 45 5. RESOLUTION NO. 82-55 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, REQUESTING THE COMMENCEMEnT OF PRO- CEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION~ AND REORGANIZATION OF CERTAIN NON- CONTIGUOUS UNINHABITED AREAS DESIGNATED AS "TUSTIN WATER UTILITY ANNEXATION NO. 131" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 7-19-82 It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded b~ KennedX, to adopt Reso- lution No. 82-55. Edgar said that this resolution includes a well site on La Veta in Orange and we might want to sell that site to the City of Orange at a future date. R. Kenneth Fleagle, Consultant, responded that there is one pro- perty in Orange, which is on Parcel "D" and one in Santa Aria, which is Parcel "L". These two well sites have not as yet been '-u~de~-~.dlscusston for transfer of ownership. This would be a separate negotiation. We will wait to submit this to the Local Agenc~ Formation Commission Until the determination has been made as to the disposition of sites in Santa Ana and Orange. We will still proceed then as an annexation without reorganization. The City Manager said that whether we proceed or not, it is not going to limit your flexibility to either retain or sell them at some later point because the sale wouldn't hinge upon whether it is inside or outside the City. These sites will only be annexed as long as the City owns them and uses them for mUnicipal purposes. Motion carried 5- 0 · 24 6. PAVING OFNARROW NECK CENTER MEDIANS WITH STAMPED (EMBOSSED) CONCRETE The City Manager recommended that the CoUncil include the narrow neck center medians on Irvine Blvd. from Yorba to Mountain View and from Newport Freeway to Prospect to be paved with stamped concrete in conjUntion with the Irvine Blvd. FAU Project. With regard to the other projects, there are two things that need to be considered: 1) Any differential between what is funded out of RDA would come out of the Gas Tax fUnd. and 2) We need to look at this cost relative to the monies needed for Moulton Parkway. The Moulton Parkway preliminary estimate from the Engineering study will be available the first week in August. Also each time we allocate additional Redevelopment money, that is less money available to cover any start up costs on the bond program. If the CoUncil postpones any action on sites "C" through "J" until the second meeting in August, you would still have time to include them as part of the FAU project. CoUncilman Saltarelli suggested that we might want to consider changing some of the wide portions of islands on Newport, south of First Street, in order to allow more stacking room. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to include sites "A" and "B", which are on Irvine Blvd., from Yorba to MoUntain View and from Newport Freeway to Prospect, and consider the other sites after we have the financial input. The City Manager said this would be included on the August 16th agenda · Motion carried 5-0. 95 REPORTS 1. IRVINE BLVD. F.A.U. PROJECT FUNDING RECAP Received and filed. 95 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF A GATE FEE AT DUMP SITES BY THE BOARD OF SUPER- VISORS Mayor Edgar reported that he went to the meeting of the BOard of Supervisors and they lacked sensitivity and voted to approve this gate fee without considering committee reports or cities' feelings. It was improper and illegal and I think that we should join the other cities of Orange CoUnty andl Sa~itation CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 7-19-82 District in taking the Board of Supervisors to task. Jim Rourke, the City Attorney, said that he and several of the attorneys in his office had conferred on the matter and have talked with other concerned Orange County City Attorneys and a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday morning in the City Attorney's office in Anaheim and all Orange County City Attor- neys have been invited to send a representative. We have done some very preliminary research and we think that the County is on very thin ice in this matter but in any event, after this meeting on Wednesday, we expect to come up with some recommenda- tions to the League as to how we might then proceed. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that we authorize Attorney Rourke to participate and share with the other cities of Orange County in whatever legal items can be pursued. Carried 5-0. 102 3. CURB, GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION (DOWNTOWN AREA) It was moved by Hoesterey~ seconded by Saltarelli, to review the subject survey letter and direct staff to mail same to the twenty-five property owners whose properties do not contain curbs and gutters. Mayor Edgar felt the reference to sidewalks would react nega- tively. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy agreed and volunteered to rewrite the letter for the next meeting. Council concurred to leave open until the next meeting. 92 4. WATER SERVICE STUDIES TIMETABLE Received and filed. 107 XI. OTHER BUSINESS REDHILL TRAFFIC SIGNALS Councilman 8altarelli reported that the Redhill traffic signals had been out of synchronization for four days. The City Engi- neer responded that this was due to one being knocked down but they have been reset. 2. 4TH OF JULY PROGRAM Councilwoman Kennedy had received a letter thanking the City of Tustin and the Police Department for the fine work they did in controlling all phases of the 4th of July program. CouncilmanHoesterey suggested that staff should send a response back from the Mayor and Council to people who take the time to send letters of con~nendation. Mr. Huston responded that staff tries to acknowledge every letter that comes from residents. 3. MEETINGS Councilman Greinke reported that he and Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy had luncheon with Supervisor Stanton which was very productive as far as communications. Also he artended the League of Cali- fornia Cities meeting in Monterey and gained some ideas on ~ finance, some fresh approaches from cities and about 500 differ- ent suggestions that he would like staff to duplicate for the other Councilpersons. 4. POLITICAL SIGNS Mayor Edgar reported some political signs from the April elec- tion are still up on Moulton Parkway and in industrial park. XII. ADJOURNMENT - It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to adjourn at 5:30 p.m. to the next regular meeting on August 2, 19s2. carried C