HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1982 07 06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way JULY 6, 1983 I, CALL TO ORDER~.~- ~ ~MR ~e meeting ~s called to order by Mayor Edgar at 3:34 p.m. lI. ROLL CALL. ~ Co~cilpersons Present: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli ~ Co~cilpersons ~sent: Greinke ~hers Present: J~es G. Ro~ke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City ~nager ~ry E. Wynn, City Clerk ~ke Brotemarkle, ~. Dev. Director ~b Ledendecker, City Engineer Alan Warren, Senior Planner Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director Royleen ~ite, C~ity Services Director Approx~ately 3 in ~e audience III. PUBLIC CONCERNS None ~ Co~cilwoman Kennedy requested that Consent ~lendar item No. 4 be reoved from the ~tendar. It was moved b~ Kennedy, seconded bX Saltarelli, to approve the Consent Calendar except for Its 4. Carried ~0, with Greinke abstaining on Item 2. 1, APPROVAL OF MINUTES- J~e 21, 1982. ~ 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS ~ ~ DMS in ~e ~o~t of $202,141.93 ~ RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL~FI~ ~ PA~ in ~e ~o~t of $94,260.97 50 3. RESOLUTION NO. 82-51 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, COMMENDING AND EXPRESSING APPRECIA- TION TO FRANCIS OSCAR OSTANDER FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND ACTION AS A CROSSING GUARD Adoption of ~solution No. 82-51 as reco~ended by the Police Depar~ent. 84 5. RESOLUTION NO. 82-52- A resolution of the City cOUNCIL OF THE City of TUSTIN, California, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Adoption of Resolution No. 82-54 as recomended by the Engi- neering De~r~ent. 54 6. RESOLUTION NO. 82-53 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, URGING THAT ALL BALLOTS AND BALLOT MATERIALS BE PRINTED IN ENGLISH ONLY AND THAT SAMPLE BALLOTS BE PRINTED IN AT LEAST TEN-POINT TYPE Adoption of Resolution No. 82-53 as requested by the City Co~cil · 48 ~ CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 4. RESOLUTION NO. 82-52 - A Resolution of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE City of TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CER- TAIN CITY RECORDS, TO-WIT, RECORDINGS OF POLICE TELEPHONE AND RADIO COMMUNICATIONS AS PROVIDED BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 34090.6 Adoption of Resolution No. 82-52 as reco~ended by ~e City Attorney · ~cilw~n Kennedy asked if there was anyway we could keep any tape ~at is significant. The City Attorney responded ~at ~ey do retain any ~rtant tapes on a cassette that is still an official record of the Police Dept. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 7-6-82 It Was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adopt Resolution No. 82-52. Carried 5-0. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy asked if staff could send some kind of conEaen- dation to all Crossing Guards for their service to the City. The City Manager responded that staff would have a report for the next meeting · 82 V, ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 872 - An Ordinance Of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO CONVERSION OF MULTIPLE DWELLING UNITS TO CONDOMINIUMS Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director, reported that this Ordinance was to clarify Council's intent that relocation benefits should be paid on a per unit basis rather that individual tenant basis · MayorilPro. Tem Kennedy expressed that $600 for relocation assistance ~jis: adequate~ now but may have to be updated in the future. Mr. Brotemarkle explained that $600 is the minimum. The amount paid would be the greater of twice the last months rent or $600. The City Attorney said we could address that problare with ja cost of living annual adjustment or we could do it by fixing an amount by Resolution each year. Councilman Hoesterey brought up that in Section 1 (a), it refers to "each parson who is a tenant" and he felt that was contradictory to benefits being on a per unit basis. He suggested this wording should be changed to avoid any further misunderstandings about relocation assistance. The City Attorney said he would change the wording in the ordinance. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Greinke, to continue to July 19, 1982. Carried 5-0. 43 VI. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION- None VII, OLD BUSINESS 1 . YORBA STREET ON-STREET PARKING REQUEST Mayor Edgar reported that some residents had requested this for the evening meeting. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to ;:~! continue'this item to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried 5-0. 74 VIII. NEW BUSINESS 1, APPOINTMENT OF ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE The City Manager reported that this item was continued from the last meeting for consideration of residents for representative · This item has not had any formal advertising. Gloria Alm, the previous representative recommended that a member of staff be appointed because of their knowledge of the Housing Authority. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said that she would like to recruit for a resident who is howledgable in this field. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, to appoint a member of staff as representative and to recruit a resident who is know- ledgable in the Housing Authority. Motion carried 5-0. 67 2, AWARD OF BID FOR F.Y. '81--'82 HANDICAPPED RAMP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, to award the con- tract for subject project to Nobest Incorporated of Westminster, CA, in the amount of $7,098.00 and authorized staff to add additional work to the contract to utilize all of the funds available for handicapped ramp construction. Carried 5-0. 92 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 7-6-82 3. AWARD GF BID FOR IRVINE BLVD. FAU PROJECT It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded b~ Kennedy, to award the con- tract for s~ject project to Grissom & Johnson Inc. of Santa ~a, CA, in the ~o~t of $779,839.~9. ~e City Manager said that the re~rt was developed on the basis of last year's budget and that ~ have included ~ney in ~e '82-'83 City and Redevelopment Agency budgets. ~yor Edgar expressed that the allocation for Redevelo~ent Funds ~uld probably ~ ~re ~an for Gas Tax and asked staff to report back with an est~ated allocation. ~. Huston said that staff can have a report at the next Budget Workshop. Motion carried ~0, Greinke abstaining. 95 4. SIGNAL WARRANTS - YORBA STREET AND VANDENBERG LANE Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, re~orted that this intersection did not meet ~e warrants for a signal. ~ere have ~ly ~en 3 acci- dents from January, 1977 through May, 1982. Staff~s recomendation is to not put ~ a sig~l but to continue to monitor ~e hterse~ t~on · No action was taken on ~is ~tter. 94 IX. REPORTS 1. TRACT NO. 10281 - DRAINAGE FACILITY INFORMATIONAL REPORT Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, rearted that it had been deterned that d~ing ~e course of construction, ~ere was a high spot ~to the channel that caused about a half inch depth of water to back up. ~e develo~r has been contacted and will high s~t so there will be a continual mov~ent of water and no ponding · Discussion followed regarding the ~nding of water and mosquitos. ~. Ledendecker said that quite a few areas in the do~to~ area lack c~bs and ~tters or cross ~tters at ~e intersections. He said that there are plans to redo the streets and that would help the standing water problem but the future. Mayor Edgar suggested that c~bs and gutters on Second Street ~ght alleviate the problem. ~. ~dendecker said ~at a few years back, the City sent out questionaires to see if the residents wanted c~bs ~d ~tters ~d ~e mjority ~d not want ~em. Co~cilman Saltarelli moved~ seconded by Hoesterey, ~at a survey done by letter that would basically say: "~e City Co~cil has been made aware of ~e fact ~at there is a problem with casual water yo~ area and perhaps mosquito breeding and we are conducting a su~ vey as to how ~y property o~ers ~sh to consider havhg c~bs, gutters and perhaps sidewalks placed in front of their houses. ~e issue of f~ding this could ~ by a c~bination of City f~ds as well as pro~rty o~er f~ds and although no figures would ~ avail- able at this t~e, as a prel~inary non-b~ding sit~tion, would you prefer to have c~bs, ~tters, and sidewalks or to have no change." Motion carried 5-0. 47 X. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy cosended staff for the great fireworks on the 4th of July. ~cil agreed. ~ere ~re approx~ately 8,000 in attendance, about 1,500 or 2,000 more than last year. ~yor Edgar suggested that a nice letter of co~endation ~ sent to ~e School District and the staff. ~yor Edgar cosended C~ity Services and Engineering for the excellent re~rt on Park develo~ent. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 7~6-82 · ~ XI. ADJOURNMENT- It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoestere~, to adjourn at 4:18 p.m. to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried 5-0. MINUTES OF A REAULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Cntennial Way July 6, 1982 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER ~e meeting was called to order by ~yor Edgar at 8:05 p.m. IX. ROLL CALL. ~ Co~cilpersons Present: Edgar, Kennedy, Hoesterey, Saltarelli Greinke Co~cilpersons ~sent: None ~hers Present: J~es G. Ro~ke, City Attorney Willi~ A. Huston, City ~nager Mary E. ~nn, City Clerk ~ke Brot~arkle, C~. Dev. Director Bob Ledendecker, ~ty Engineer Dale Wick, Assistant Engineer Nor~od Willi~s, Police Captain ~:' L ;~ ~ : ;~. Ronald Nault, Finance Director Reed Jensen, Water Se~ices ~alyst Approx~tely 25 in the audience AGENDA ORDER VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. YORBA STREET ON-STREET PARKING REQUEST Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, gave the staff re~rt and recom- mended that ~e ~- street parking request ~ denied. ~e plan resulted in s~standard lanes and staff feels that there are seri- ous liability ~obl~s if ~is striping pl~ is ~plemented. ~e following spoke in opposition to the on-street ~rking: R. G. Watkins, 14242 M~osa Lane Ralph Blower, 14241 Acacia Dr. Walter R. Sc~id, 17402 Jacaranda Ed ~o~nd, 17281 Norwood Park P1. Marjan Farnswor~, 17331 Nor~od Park P1. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said ~at she felt this is a mtter that sho~d be solved by ~e two o~ers of the buildings. ~ey have not been ~le to ~rk out an agreement. She supported staff' s recome~ dation · It was moved b~ Hoestere~, seconded bX Kennedy, that request for :o~street ~rking on Yorba Street ~ denied ~cause it is a safety hazard · .... Co~cilmn Saltarelli said he wo~d support the motion but thought staff ought ~ monitor ~e situation and if it gets ~y ~rse, maybe parking sho~d be put on one sideof the street. ' ~ ~e City Engineer said that each t~e he went to the site, there were ~tween 6 to 20 vacant spaces. ~ey were ~e fartherest spaces from the building. Motion carried 5-0. 74 III.PUBLIC CONCERNS- None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. RESOLUTION NO. 82-44 - A Resolution of ~e City ~cil of ~e City of ~stin, California, ~STING WA~R SERVICE ~S Willi~ Huston, City ~nager, rearted that the Comcil has the staff re~rt which includes one report dated J~e 2, 1982, and CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 7-6-82 dated June 30, 1982. He pointed out that the only changes in the rate structure are on Page 1, Section 1.b of Resolution 82-44. It is recommended that the rate for water usage charges over 600 cubic feet be increased to $0.537 per ~00 cubic feet. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:43 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the Public Hearing was closed. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to adopt Resolution No. 82-44 with a change in Section 1.b to increase the water usage charges for over 600 cubic feet to $0.51 per 100 cubic feet. It was pointed out by Mayor Edgar that the Council would be review- ing these rates again in Janury, 1983. Motion carried 5- 0 · Mayor Edgar asked for a confirmed date on the water study analysis. Mr. Huston responded that this would be scheduled for the next Council meeting. 107 V. OTHER BUSINESS 1. ODOR COMPLAINTS Councilman Hoesterey reported complaints regarding odors in the industrial complex between 9 and 11 p.m. He asked for a list of companies that might burn off chemicals at their plants. Mr. Huston responded that staff would check into the matter. 2. IRVINE BLVD. FAU CONTRACT Mayor Edgar asked about the addition of some improvements for center islands into the FAU Irvine Blvd. contract. Staff responded that the report is 75% complete. 3. COMMUNICOM PROGRAMMING Councilman Hoesterey asked about how much time Communicem was going to provide for City programs. The City Attorney responded that his office is working on that issue. VI. ADJOURNMENT- It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to adjourn at 8:59 p.m. to the next regular meeting on July 19, 1982. Carried 5-0.