HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 ON-ST PKG 11-02-92NEW BUSINESS N0. 4 11-2-92 A G E N D Ic m l nver- C ���, ll D ATE: NOVEMBER 21 1992 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER TO: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER FROM: CITIZEN REQUEST FOR MODIFICATIONS BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND IC" SUBJECT:ECT: RmREETCTIONS ALONG SIXTH STREET RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of November 21 1992, authorize the following: 1. Deny the request to remove the two-houbetweenrElparking Camino restriction signs along Sixth Street Real and "C" Street. 2. Maintain the existing red curb markings in the area of the El Camino Real and Sixth Street intersection. BACKGROUND: Mr. Don LeJuene, a resident of Tustin, has requested the Public Works Department consider implementing the following changes to existing parking restrictions in the E1 Camino Real/Sixth Street area: 1. The removal of the two-hour parking zone along Sixth Street between El Camino Real and "C" Street. 2. The reduction of red zone on Sixth Street at ethe southwest corner and on the northeast corner of Cam no Real and Sixth Street. El interseclL__ DISCUSSION: The two-hour parking restrictions along Sixth Street between E1 Camino Real and "C" Street were auth:r�zed by City Council action t ff reports and their in June, 1984. Attached are copies c_ two s a p respective City Council minutes from the May 7, 1984 and June 18, 1984 City Council meetings regarding the parking issue in this area of the City. The existing red curb markings in the area of the E1 Camino Real/Sixth Street intersection were also authorized by the City Council in conjunction with the installation he traffic ssignal and at the same intersection. A copy of t staff report accompanying City Council minutes from the March 15, 1982 City Council meeting, recommending the installation is attached. red ta h b markings in the area around the subject intersection, Citizen Request For Modifications November 21 1992 Page 2 To On -Street Parking Restrictions The subject red curb markings were recommended to improve intersection visibility and to provide adequate turning radii for vehicular traffic at this location. The Engineering staff met with Mr. LeJuene on October 26, 1992 at the subject location and discussed concerns regarding his requests. Staff is concerned that removal of the time -restricted parking zones may evoke similar volatile reactions from the residents in this area that were experienced prior to the installations of the parking restrictions. Also, by removing the time -restricted parking zones, the opportunity would exist for the Tustin Garage to return to the vehicle maintenance operations and practices that preceded the Council direction to install the parking restrictions that currently exist in this area. CONCLUSIONS: Upon review, the Engineering Division concludes the following: 1. The two-hour parking restrictions along Sixth Street between E1 Camino Real and "C" Street should remain since there has not been substantial changes in the area to warrant a change in parking restrictions. This would preclude a reoccurrence of concerns that were previously expressed by area residents. 2. The E1 Camino Real/Sixth Street intersection has not been physically modified since the original signal installation in 1984. The City Council previously directed the installations of the red curbs in conjunction with the installation of a traffic signal at this location. The same concerns that led to the installation of the existing red curb markings in this area in 1984 are still concerns today. Therefore, it is recommended that the current red curb zones in this area be maintained. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Attachments RSL:DA:kIb:PARKiNG1 Doug s R. Anderson Transportation Engineer !,GE''NDA, 'Y 6 TE: JUNE 13_, 1984 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER 0L f) GUS `l. 1 -18-84 Inter --,Com APPR0VE0 ICTAFE Ri r01V1P-` .0";DA-10N FROM: BOB LEDENDECKER., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: PARKING COMPLAINTS AT 200 BLOCK WEST SIXTH STREET AND 500 BLOCK SOUTH C STREET RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of June 18, 1984, authorize the following: 1. Two hour parking tow away zone, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.-, Monday through Saturday on Sixth St. between "B" Street and 150 + feet easterly -of El Camino Real. 2. Install handicapped parking zones on westerly side of "C" Street and the northerly side of B Street. 3. Install red zones at the intersections of Sixth and "C" Street, and Si xth ' and "B" Street. BACKGROUND: On May 7., 1984, staff presented a report (copy attached) to City Council outlining parking complaints at the 200 block of West Sixth Street and the 500 block South "C" Street and some.suggested actions to help resolve some of the complaints. This report also suggested that a neighborhood meeting be held to discuss the concerns and hopefully resolve some of the indifferences. A neighborhood meeting was held Thursday evening, May 24th, with nine residents/businesspersons in attendance and.a representative of the Tustin News. DISCUSSION: As a result of this neighborhood meeting, several concerns and/or ideas surfaced with respect to the parking complaints as follows: 1. Restricted parking on "C" Street northerly el seSixth utilizing ethewould streetpose for hardship both on the residents and anyone parking. The dwelling units along the 500 block sout�, of "C" Street have garages, but these garages are either used for storage or the property owner charges additional rent for the use of the Garage. 1UNE 13, 1984 .GE 2 2. Individuals delivering groceries, meals, etc. to the senior citizens within the complex at the 500 block of south "C" Street can not find a place to park within a reasonable distance of the point of delivery. 3. The Tustin garage utilizes the on -street parking for employee parking, customer car parking, and parking of inoperable vehicles. 4. A concern of the residents was the industrial development on the Southwesterly corner of Sixth Street and "B" Street was utilizing the underground parking for storage in lieu.of vehicle parking. In March, 1983, the Community Development Department reviewed a similar . complaint and found no storage of materials. Additionally, on June 1, 1984, the underground parking area was investigated with the finding of no material storage and the following vehicle/parking space information: a. Total parking spaces available is 32. b.. Eight vehicles parked in underground parking area. A copy of the March, 1983 Community Development Department staff report is attached -for information. 5. Mr. Chornomund suggested that the City might lease the vacant parcel at 450 El Camino Real to his business for use of parking on an interim basis. This suggestion has been reviewed and found not to be feasible. The Redevelopment Agency purchased this parcel for future commercial development and any use for parking would be very short term with respect to the improvements that.would be required to have it function as a parking lot. 6. It was also suggested that the top level of the parking structure on "C" Street could be utilized for employee parking of the Tustin garage. However, this parking structure should not be utilized for the long term storage of inoperable vehicles. 7. The Chornomund's have requested the residents to notify then immediately if any of their employees infringe upon the residents private properties, disturbing the peace-, repairing vehicles in the street- right-of-way, etc.., and they will attempt to reduce these occurences. As a first phase reaction to these community complaints, staff suggests the following actions: 1. Modify existing parking zones to read "Two Hour Parking Tow Away Zone, 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday" on Sixth Street both easterly and westerly of El Camino Real. JUNE 13, 1984 'AGE 3 2. Add additional two hour parking zones (as described in+No. 1 above) on of both sides of Sixth Street between Street and 15 _ E1 Camino Real in areas currently unmarked arkin zones on Sixth Street and "C" Street as shown 3. Install handicapped p 9 in blue on the attached map. 4. Install additional red curb on all appon roaches of the "C" Street/Sixth tre t/Sixtached It Street and "B" Street/Sixth Street intersections as map. In addition to these measures, the Police Department is seeking to modify the . Municipal Code to include a section of continuountinualtbasis�, i.These once Tustin P modifications would allow violators -to be cited on a co every two, hours within a two hour parking limit zone. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr Attachment fril /''� �►' = PASADENA AVE %04 W V W 7 V u► W i 7i70 Ln N-1 v -71 i --�' �6,77v�.�FZv oo0000 7W .� tMYRTLE AV IGO G57��``5 t } , • �• G �?� I AL 7col G— ,�.ds _ ss f 4 � - 600 - � .s � `:� �•. � • 1Gdi o PACI FIC - • - ST: PST ssts3PAC I F IC : ST 3d rn s3sL5 � C)1511F 0 CALI .. 4vs �iid 439 1416 =� x,04 4ZO 45 3fO U) 330 iso -4 35s 310 Zo 1 (ni — 6148 6 =_ = ST 4 PEPPERTREE U) PARK _ _ZZs g - • ti Lo kt H --•4 4 171 4 PEPPERTREE U) PARK _ _ZZs g - • Ell" q IgEffiris A 023 zo ova Lo kt H --•4 4 171 Ell" q IgEffiris A 023 zo ova MINUTES OF A REGULAR 1£ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JUNE 18, 1984 I, CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayo- Kennedy at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial way. -The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Edgar, and the Invo:ation was given by Councilman Hoesterey. I1. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present= UrsulFrank H. E. � H. Greinke,MayorrrPro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoeste-ey Donald J. Saltarelli Councilpersons Absent: None Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledenaecker, Dir. of Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Approximately 5O in the audience III. PROCLAMATION - 1983 WOMAN OF THE YEAR Mayor Kennedy read and presented a pro:lama-ion honoring and recog- nizing Frances Wilcox Logan as the 1983 «oman of the Year, nominated by the Tustin Historical Society. Mrs. Loan expressed her thanks to the Council and the Historical Society, and Sine introduced family members. Members of the Tustin Historical Society were invited to stand and received recognition as well. IV. RECESS - CLOSED SESSION; RECONVENED to recess At 7:09 p.m. it was moved by Greinke, z^3 ntl attersHoesa�r ed 5-0. to a Closed Session or discus o -_ The City Council meeting was reconvenes at 7:32 p.m. with all members present. V. PUBLIC INPUT 1. DRAINAGE PROBLEM - 1422 LANCE DRIVE Retired Major R. A. Campbell, 1422 lance Drive, complained that stagnant water settles in front of nis home as a result of sewage backed up on Andrews. He stated he nas complained to the Water and Engineering Departments in the past =o no avail, and he will circu- late a petition among area homeowne•-: and contact the County Health Department if the problem is not olved. Mayor Kennedy assured Mr. Campbell the Director of Publi: 40rks would be in contact With 91 him the next day. 2. PROPOSAL - BURGLARY PROTECTION SYSTEM Philip Costanzo, 14422 Grassmere LE -e, proposed and demonstrated a low-cost, high technology burglar�ote ostanzo ion sand requested tem which he has developed. Mayor Kennedy thanke. direct a letter to Council for ev-' iation, response and review 82 the Chief of Police. CITY COUN-- i_ Mid Pa4e 2, VI. PUBLIC HEARING 1. APPEAL OF USE PERMIT NO. 84-8 - GEORGETOWN MANOR APARTMENT EXPAN- SION AT 13181-13195 GWYNETH DRIVE The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation as contained in the inter-com dated June 13, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director summarized a letter dated June 14, 1984, from Alice Anderson, 1362 Olwyn Drive, in opposition to the project. The Community Development Director narrated slides of the proposed apartment expansion which were viewed by Council. Mayor Kennedy opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. James Beauchamp, project applicant, spoke in favor of Use Permit ho. 84-8 and responded to Council questions. The following persons spoke in opposition to Use Permit No. 84-8: Howard Gorman, 1421 Mauna Loa Edward Chang, 1271 Mauna Loa Charles A. Tamulevich, 13191 Gwyneth Drive, kC, read a letter from Michael/Diana Marchese, 1282 Olwyn Drive, in favor of U.P. #84-8. Kent Sorey, 1321 Mauna Loa, spoke in opposition to Use Permit No. 8-111-8. The following persons spoke in favor of Use Permit Nc. 84-8: Tim Hawthorne, 13183 Gwyneth Drive, #A hugh Daschbach, 13189 Gwyneth Drive, #C, read a letter dated ,lune 7, 1984, signed by three neighbors and himself. Gilliam Jones, read a letter from Terry White dated A.oril 12, 1984. 5ernard Maye-O'Brien, 13181 Gwyneth Drive, ¢A ne following spoke in opposition to Use Permit No. 8=-8: Marsha Sorey, 1321 Mauna Loa .:aures McKahan, 1392 Olwyn Drive -ed Ondracek, 1342 Olwyn Drive, read letter dated %':ne 11, 1984, `rom Mrs. Ondracek in opposition to Use Permit No. .mon Kelly, 1312 Oiw_vn Drive .-is Gorman, 1421 Mauna Loa !'.3ureor, McKahan, 1392 Oiwvn Drive ..Ile public nearing was closed at 8:37 p.m.. b_,• Mayor t._nnec;. :ouncil discussion followed, with consensus tna: tnE utter be con- _inued to review project modifications, i.e., Bowe-ine structure ne:ont to one-story, decreasing density throuen Lamination e` grits, and providing fire access to the complex. _ was then moved by Greinke, seconded by cdga�. tc continue cer- _'3eration of se Permit No. -6 to July 16, 1Q64. `lotion carries 8I VII. CONSENT CALENDAR It w -=s moved by Hoesterev, seconded by Edoar, to app-,ve the entire Cons:_:-,`_, Calendar. Councilman Edgar made a correction _o the June 4, 1934, Minutes, page 4, item 4, to read as follows: "4. =.JJOURNED REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED - BUDGET DISCUSS:JNS Council concurred to schedule an adjourned -eou':- meeting on "iesday, June 5, 1984, at 4:00 p.m, in the City Conference =Dour to discuss the 1984-85 budget." CITY ,IL MINUTES Page ,-18-84 The motion carried 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar with the noted correction to Lem o. 1. 1, APPROVAL OF MINUTES - J, 193-: (As corrected) UNE 5 JUNE 6, 1934 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE A`QUNT OF 5109,399.24 50 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 5878,090.18 3. RESOLUTION N0. 84-44 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 12018 Adopted Resolution No. 84-4= as recommended by the Community Development Department. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 84-45 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA,INFORMING IhHE THEARTERIAL EOFA THEGHWAY CITY OF FINANCING TUSTIN PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS Adopted Resolution No. 84-45 as recommended by the Director 54 Public Works/City Engineer. 5. REQUEST FOR RESTRICTED � PARKING DURING STREET SWEEPING OPERATIONS - WALNUT PARK COMM Authorized the installation of signing to restrict on -street parking during street sweeping hours, 6:00 A.M. to Noon on Monday, on all the streets within the Walnut Park Community development and that warnings be issued in lieu of" citations for the first 30 days after sign installation as recommended 75 the Director of Public Works./city Engineer. 6. LOAN TO TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELUNMM RUEM-1, .~W■•• - PROJECT AREA Authorized the Mayor to siqn the subject Agreement loaning the South Central Redevelopmen: Project Area $125,000 at 145 interest as recommended by .ie Finance Director. 84-28 VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. X, OLD BUSINESS 1. PARKING COMPLAINTS - 200 BLOCK WEST SIXTH STREET AND 500 BLOCK SOUTH "C" STREET As recommended in the inter -co- report dated June 13, 1984, pre- pared by the Director of Publ i -I WorKs , it was moved by Hoestere•. , seconded by Greinke, to authoriz= the following: 1) Two hour, parking tow awa zone, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mone,%. y through Saturday on Sixth S_. between "B" Street and 150 + fee, easterly of E1 Camino Real; 2) Install handicapped parkin_ zones on westerly side of Street and the northerly s:c_ of "B" Street; and 3) Install red zones at the inverse; -ions of Sixth and C Stre��, and Sixth and "B" Street. In accordance with Councilman :=gar's suggestion, the Director of Public Works was requested to :-ovide a status report six months from implementation of the autr: izec action. 75 The motion carried 5-0. ,50 Leonard Chronomud, 14401 Clover-roo�, owner of Tustin Garage a.* El Camino Real, voiced objections to the two-hour parking tow -away zone on Sixth Street between Street and 150 + feet easterly of E1 Camino Peal. COUNCIL MIN;, 4, 6-18-84 Chris Chornomud, 14401 Cloverbrook, spoke in concurrence with Leonard Chornomud's comments and requested that Tustin Garage be provided sufficient timely notice of any changes to be implemented in the parking conditions. AGENDA ORDER OTHER BUSINESS Councilman Greinke extended congratulations to Joyce Bailey, Edison Company representative, upon her election as President of the Tustin Chamber of Com- merce. Xi. NEW BUSINESS 1. PUBLIC HEARING - 1984-85 BUDGET It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to conduct a public hearing on July 2, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., regarding the preliminary 1984-85 budget as recommended by the City Manager in his inter-com dated June 12, 1984. Carried 5-0. 29 2. ANNUAL TREE STUMP REMOVAL b GRINDING PROGRAM Pursuant to the recommendation contained in the inter-com dated June 13, 1984, prepared by the Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, to award the Annual Tree Stump Removal and Grinding Program to Edney Tree Service for $7,175.00 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 86.1 AGENDA ORDER - WALK-ON ITEM CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE COMMUNICOM/UNITED CABLE Bob Guthrie, CommuniCom representative, made a chart presentation show- ing that the system will be completely installed by June 30, 1984, with the exception of three areas. Councilman Greinke reiterated hi,. concerns regarding failure to obtain corporate guarantees from Unmet Cable. He stated he would not support anv extension until the City recovers 510,000 in legal fees from United Cable, to which the City Attorney responded it could be a condition of extension. Bob Towe, Vice President of United Cable, explained the confusion sur- rounding completion of system construction. It was then moved by Saltarelli. seconoec t)­Greinke, that subject to payment of legal fees in the amount ,10,000, plus staff time spent on the p^oject, CommuniCom wit be c:iven a 30-aay extension. for con- struction without the 5500/day penalty and a 90-0a.v extension, for acquisition, by Un'ted Cable. Cour,_iiman Hoesterey was aoreeabie on the condition that ther- he updates at 30 -cad intervals on how matter_ are proceedin_. Mr. Towe stressed the quality of the system's operation, and requested that acquisition of CommuniCom by United be kept a separate issue. He aoreed the City should be reimbursed for additional legal expenses, but noted that staff time is covered by the franchise fee and that, it should not be included in ongoing expenses. The City Manager recommended staff be directed to determine future expenses as "reasonable compensation." There was general consensus and furtner Council discussion. The motion carried 5-0. X1. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) 3. BICYCLE 9 PEDESTRIAN FACILITY PROJECTS (FISCAL YEAR 1984-85) 53 The Director of Public Works presented the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in his inter-com dated June 11, 1984. CIT 'NCIL MINUTES Pag 6-18-84 Following Council/staff discussion, it was moved by Edgar, seconded Greinke, to autr,:)rize sidewalk construction on the northerly side of McFadden Avenue and 200 + feet easterly of Tustin Village Way and Pasadena Avenue at an estimated cost of $13,300.00, with costs over and above Tustin`s allocation of $10,294.00 to be aug- mented from the Gene -al Fund. Carried 5-0. 4. PROPOSAL TO REPLACE CITY WISHING WELL ENTRANCE SIGNS The Community Development Director presented the staff report and recommendation as cantained in his inter-com dated June 13, 1984, on subject project. Council discussion followed regarding installation of signs for traffic entering Tustin from southerly points. It was then moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to: 1) Authorize staff :o obtain competitive bids and expend a maximum of $5,000 from the Beautification Fund to replace three City entrance signs as recommended by the Director of Community Development; anc 2) Direct staff to review a City-wide entryway sign plan, includ- ing relocation'of existing signs, not necessarily tied to the wishing well design. The motion carried 5-0. 93 XII. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - JUNE 11, 1984 It was moved av Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar., to ratify the entire Planning Commission Nction Agenda of June 11, 1984. After a brief question -and -answer period, the motion carried 5-0. 80 2. COLUMBUS-TUSTIN WELL PROJECT STATUS REPORT Following a question -and -answer period, it was moved by Edgar, sec- onded by Saltarelli, to receive and file the inter -corn report dated June ; 1964 prepared by the Director of Public Works on subject 107 item. Carried 5-0. 3. STATUS REPORT CONCERNING ZONING CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN As recommended in :he inter-com dated ,June 13, 1984, prepared by the Community Deveopment Department, it was moved by Fioesterey, seconded b Edgar, :e receive and file subject report. Motion car ried!)-U. 4. REVIEW OF CITY'S ZOKING b BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM It was moved Dv I+o_sterey, seconded by Edoar, to direct City staff and the City Atto-ney to prepare the necessary documents for a citation program tc enforce Zoning and Building Code violations as recommended by the Community Development Department in the inter- com dated June 13, :984. Following Council/s::aff discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 81 5. PARK b CIVIC CENTER BOND REDEMPTION OPTIONS The City Manaaer :resented the staff report as contained in the inter-com report sated June 13, 1984, prepared by the Finance Director, and responded to Council questions. It was then movec 5v Edoar, seconded bly Saltarelli, to authorize the Finance �rec:or to exp ore pure asing t e bonds (with no increment limitati-.-is) and actively pursue same with available fund balances. Motion carried 5-0. 50 CITY COUNCIL MIN,. Nage 6, 6-18-84 XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR CONTINUED CLOSED SESSION The City Manager requested a continuance of the Closed Session for discussion of legal matters. 2. NATIONAL AWARDS FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING The City Manager noted with pride that the City has been awarded a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting, and the Finance Director has been presented an Award of Financial Reporting Achievement, by the Government finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA). The City Council requested a press release to that effect be prepared, accompanied by a Council congratulatory letter to approp-fate staff members. 50 3. SAN DIEGO CREEK SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN The City Manager responded to Councilman Edgar's inquiry on the San Diego Creek Sedimentation Control Program, stating that the City was not advised of same until most details had been worked out, and the City's position is contrary to that stated in County Supervisor Riley's letter. Staff has no intention of bringing the matter to Council until a response to concerns on the program is received. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION GUIDELINES There was discussion regarding expiration of Planning Commission terms, establishing guidelines for interested applicants, and establishing a logical appoint -rent procedure. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize the Planning Commission to continue in its present form until such time as appointments/reappointments are made. The motion carried 5-0. 80 5. TUSTIN LEGISLATORS Councilman Greinke reported he was in Washington, D.C., a few weeks ago and met with, and was able to express thanks personally to, Congressman Dannemeyer on supporting Tustin on the Bullet Train issue, and to Congressman Bad -a -n or, assisting in the realignment issue through the USMCAS(H), lus_in. 6. REVIEW OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGN SIGN REGULATIONS Councilman Greinke inquired or, :ne status of Council's direction at its April 16, 1984, meeting to -irect staff to review existing sign controls for possible revision _e place political signs under same guidelines as those for realto etc. The Community Development. Director responded that staff ho-3es to have a report at the Jule 1984, meeting. 93 7. CONGRATULATIONS TO COUNCILMAN EDGAR Councilman Greinke congratulate= Councilman Richard B. cduar or� hi:. joint char Tianship of the :ounty Sanitation District. 8. TUSTIN WATER UTILITY ANNEXATION NO. 131 Councilman Saltarelli ex;resse_ thanks to staff and City Council for the excellent follow-up j7_ done in the LAFCO matter regarding Tustin Water Utility Annexatior 'io. 131. 24 9. TUSTIN MEADOWS DRAINAGE PROBLEM Councilman Saltarelli reported a problem in Tustin Meadows with the Bridgeport/Greenmeadow drain ca::sing water backup, and it needs to be flushed out. 91 Pac i -18-H4 10. CLEANUP OF NORTHBOUND 55 FREEWAY Mayor Kennedy thanked the Director of Public WO -KS for effecting the cleanup of the northbound Costa Mesa 55 freeNz:4 by C�alTrans. XIV. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - CLOSED SESSION; ADJOURNMENT At 10:22 p.m., it was moved by Noesterey, seconded by Edqar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency, thence to a Closed Session for discussion of legal matters; and thence adjourn to the next regular meeting on July 2, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. MAY R CITY CL RK MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY ff TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JUNE 18, 1984 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Kennedy at 10:22 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2. ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Chairperson Frank H. Greinke, Chairperson Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Donald J. Saltarelli Agency Members Absent: None City Attorney Others Present: James G. Rourke, er Mana William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City 9 Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Approximately 10 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved bY Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to approve the minutes of the June 4, 1994, meeting. 79e -Motion came 5-0. 4. LOAN TO TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - SOUTH CENTRAL PROJECT AREA As recommended in the inter-com dated June 13, 1984, prepared by then Finance Director, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterey, authorise the Chairperson to sign subject agreement accepting the loan of $125,000.00 at 12% interest from the City's General Fund. After a brief question -and -answer period, the motion carried 5-0• 84-881 5. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Greinke reported there are some major cracks in the parking structure ramps which need to be sealed. He requested the Director o` Public Works look into the matter. 6. ADJOURNMENT At 10:24 p.m., it was moved b Edgar, seconaed by Kennedy, to adjourn to the next regular meeting on m y 1, 9 _. .,arried-�- i M1! LR��- ! i 0.TE_ TO: FROM: susJ ECT: MAY 2, 1984 WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER IaL'.. No. 5-7-84 Inter -Com .: D STAFF I-) L_ BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PARKING COMPLAINTS AT 200 BLOCK WEST SIXTH STREET AND 500 BLOCK SOUTH "C" STREET RECOMMENDATION: That the Tustin City Council consider holding a neighborhood meeting to discuss any proposed changes with respect to parking modifications that they desire to implement along Sixth Street, C Street, or E1 Camino Real. BACKGROUND: A letter has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson- regarding vehicle parking problems in the 200 block of West Sixth St. and 500 block of South 'C" p list of ten signatures of Accompanying this letter was a Street (copy attached). individuals requesting additions to the existing parking limitations. The parcels There these individuals reside are shown in yellow on the attached map. DISCUSSION: The Police Department traffic section has reviewed the concerns outlined in the Anderson letter and have recommended, with concurrence of the Engineering Division, implementation of the following measures: Parking Zones 1. Modify existing parking zones to read " Two, Hour on „P'arki ng Tow Awath Zone, 6:0nd A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through RealbetweenMain St. and westerly of El Camino Real and along El Newport Avenue/I-5 Freeway. 2. Add additional two hour parking zones � a -s described in No. 1 above) on both sides of Sixth Street between "B" Street and Newport Avenue in areas currently unmarked. 3. Add additional two hour parking zones (as described in No. 1 above) on both sides of "C" Street between Sixth Stree.- and the northerly cul-de-sac terminus in areas not covered by other recommended restrictions. 4. Add additional two hour parking zones las described in No. 1 above) on both sides of "B" Street between Sixth Street and the southerly cul-de-sac terminus. PARKING COMPLAINTS AT 200 BLCOK WEST SIXTH STREI h.�0 500 BLOCK SOUTH C,�STREET MAY 2, 1984 PAGE 2 Install h andi caPP ed parking zones along Sixth Street adjacentto the esteri n 5. portion of 570 "C" Street and adjacent to 540, 550-560 C St blue on the attached map. Red Zones th 1. Install additional red curb on all approaches of the "C" Street/Sixmapstoeet and "B" Street/Sixth Street intersections as shown on the a tachedimprove intersection vi Sabi 1 i ty. . . In addition ion to these measures, the Police. Department is seeking to modify the Tustin n Municipal Code to include - a section on continuous i nual violations. i ons . These . once modifications would allow violators to be cited on a cont every two hours within a. two hour parking 1 imi t zone. None of these additional measures have been discussed with hat he reriornto/anyiness persons within the affected neighborhood.ltbesschesugdested uled to notify the approval by the City Council, that a meeting neighborhood of said changes. Bob Ledendecker _ Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL:jr cc: Sgt. Smith, T.P.D. A%ori l 24, 1984 T0: THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL FROM: Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Anderson We want to call your attention on to the vehicle parki ng problem which exists in k of West Sixth Street and the 500 block of South f the garage the 200 bloc in to the employees P the parking of automobiles belong 9 located on the corner of E1 Camino Real and West Sixth Street. he City Council and Tustin Police many t m al l n havetypes of We have contacted t ndiscrparking of asked for some kind of control over this eceived1fullt cooperation within the vehicles, mostly in disrepair, and have r limits of City control. - 1 broken-down, junky automobiles, all sizes of trucks We contend with unsight yft from the r streets for days at a time; abusive language from the and motor homes lining ou men sleeping in these vehicles; litter parkway. employees of the garage; from our avocado tree by the vehicles in the street or eating them lunches in the men works ng on a very large limb was broke This past Saturday morning attempting to park a 2 to 2 1/2 ton encla�keded bacrosse one of the employees who was P This same truck had been P truck directly in front of our residence. _ the street for 10 days and had been ticketed by the police. w have conducted a survey of the residential o and business Due to the above, a to do perso nne1 in the 200 block of West Sixth Street and and advantageous thing Street and the consensus is that the most prat is osted for limited ask that the above stated area (diagram attached) b2 P Monday is to 6 a.m. and six (6) P•m- 2 hour parking between six ( ) appearance of these parking - i.e. two ( ) the Saturday. This would greatly enhance better over 11 he limited on -street streets, through g streets, and thus the community, as well as and residences. We al so request one handl cline dopfathen parking for both business the boundary on the north side of West Sixth Street ri vewaveo` serve the needs of the slot - Anderson property eastward to the exp sti ng d I ' c _.•eet . totci' hanoicarped Person residinc at the addressc' y of signatures and addresses of thosz requesting Attached you wi i i find a list - limited parkins posting. NAM: ADDRESS NAME AMRF J l/� Y 1� - NAME: J NAME: ADDRESS C NAas: ` ADDRESS : HAME s ADDRESS: NAME:-'-•�/� ADDRESS: NAME: DRESS � / NAME: — ,-- � ,.`. • ADDRESS, �. ADDRESS : AMRESS NAME: ADDRESS : NAMES CL ADDRESS NAMES e ADDRESS: 1 - v f 0 � O�a PASADENA AvE V1 r 674 t- 7 ...� 1%41 " 4,71 "41 Ilk v 677 v: "7 - o --{ MYRTLE AV b� low X ! %,':% . FGi Z Epp J� �. - - PAC FIC'- - ST: t S, 7 S3 30 rn 535 , 9 '.630 • . PLI C I F I C _ ST _ . - X 43 4-36 420 r' .-c t % •` � . egg � � �•� . VT Lo ND - f,Ass 5.= _i Ni • �� . �� WON �� • - PEPPERTREE • 2 PARK P'• T J � Ln wo m - _ • m O � Q EL CAMING REAL s (T1 171 PROSPECT AVE . s O �, o o -•� .,1 l 0 tr o • - PEPPERTREE • 2 PARK P'• T J � Ln wo m - _ • m O � Q EL CAMING REAL s (T1 171 PROSPECT AVE . s O �, o o -•� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 7, 1984 I,. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kennedy at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Hoesterey, and the Invocation was given by Councilman Edgar. II. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor ` Frank H. Greinke, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar Ronald B. Hoesterey Donald J. Saltarelli Councilpersons Absent: None Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Donald D. Lamm, Com. Development Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Dir. of Public Works Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Royleen A. White, Dir. of Admin. & Com. Srvcs. Isabelle McClements, Sr. Citizens Leader Approximately 125 in the audience III. PUBLIC INPUT 1. REGULATIONS FOR OFF -SALE LIQUOR OUTLETS Jack Miller, 17352 Parker Drive, representine the "Parents Who Care" organization, read a letter dated May 4, 1984, addressed to the Council which recommended: 1) A moratorium on issuance of per- mits to alcoholic beverage outlets, except restaurant -type loca- tions, to allow the Planning Commission and City Council time to study the negative impact of such outlets: 2) That the criterion for distance between schools and off -sale outlets be at 1,000 feet minimum, anr' 600 feet minimum for on -sale outlets; 3) That the sale of alcoholic beverages and motor ver.icle fuel at the same business location be prohibiter; and 4) That all off -sale outlets be subject to the CUP process. as required by most other Orange County cities. It was then moved by Hoesterev, seconded by Edoar, to direct the Planning Commission to review how other Orange Lounty cities are dealine with this matter, and report back with recommendations based on that review. Mr. Miller requested that Co. nci1 also declare a morator`.um o�, itsuance of permits durina the revier. period. In response to Councilman Hoesterey, the City Attorney stated that the Council could adopt a 90-d:.; moratorium, on issuance of any permits; staff could come back to Council with an emergency ordinance of that tvpe, ti-,ith a condition that a study is to be placed into process witn a report Tor a permanent solution to come back to Council: and the 90 -day moratorium could be extended at a later point. Following Council/staff discussion, the motion was amended by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to direct staff to prepare an urgency ordinance declaring a 90 -day moratorium on issuance of permits for retail "off -sale" liquor outlets to alloy the Planning Commission time to review other Orange County cities' regulations for same, and report back with recommendations based on that review. The amended motion carried 5-0. 81 CITE COuhCIi. NIr, Page 2, �-7-81A 2. IRVINE COMPANY'S PROPOSED AUTO CENTER AT BRYAN A BROWNING AVENUES The following persons spoke in opposition to subject project: Bob Clevenger, 1761 Andrews, voiced concerns about the proposed location of the project to schools, a church, and residential areas. Bruce Carter, no address given, felt the project should be termi- nated without going into public hearings or plan review. Councilman Edgar explained the Environmental Impact Report process and noted that Council is legally required to conduct public hear- ings to receive all evidence and public input. Hubert Clark, 1942 San Juan, stated that the purpose of area resi- dents attending this evening is to make Council aware of their Opposition to the present location of the proposed project. Councilman Saltarelli provided additional information pertaining to development of the- East Tustin area; he assured the audience that Council will not allow a commercial development 60 feet from exist- ing residential areas; and that whatever is done, there must be residential -type buffers to protect the existing residential areas. Councilman Saltarelli stated he felt the project should be located at the I-5 Freeway and Myford Road. Oscar Barnhardt, 13872 Karen Way, shared photos of Browning Avenue which was flooded during last year's rainstorms. Mayor Kennedy thanked residents in attendance and encouraged all to leave their name, address, and phone number with the City Clerk for mailing of information and public hearing notices. An informal question-and-answer/discussion period followed, and the City Manager once again explained the EIR process. 81 IV. PROCLAMATIONS 1. "FIRE SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY" - MAY 12, 1984 Mayor Kennedy read and presented a proclamation to Battalion Chief Greg Peterson, Orange County Fire Department, designating Saturday, May 12, 1984, as "Fire Service Recognition Day." Chef Peterson thanked the Council on behalf of Fire Chief Holms and the Orange County Fire Department. 84 "OLDER AMERICANS MONTH" - MAY, 1984 A proclamation designating the month of May, 1984, as "Older, ir.,eri- cans Month" was read and presented by Mayor Kennedy to Isa%bell MicCl ements . Senior Citizens -eaoe- e r�r Council an *^ rs. MCClements thankee the oduced ofr_ kers or various senior citizens ` clubs. 84 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS I. AMENDMENTS TO 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE - ORDINANCE NO. 909 T7' staff r eaort and recommendation. was presented by the Community 11evelopmen,. Director as contained in the in;er-com dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department. A brief question -and -answer period followed. The public hearing was opened at 8:05 r.r:.. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. It was then moved by Greinke, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordi- nance No. 909 have T first rea ing by tit e on Following first reading by title only of Ordinance NoCa9rie�y5L0e City Clerk, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edqar, that Ordinance No. 909 be introduced as follows: CITY 'CIL MINUTES Page 7-84 ORDINANCE NO. 909 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING PART 8, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8103 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING AMENDMENTS OF THE 1979 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (Re: Elevators, Escalators, Etc.) 30 Motion carried 5-0. 2. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT N0. 84-1 - ORDINANCE NO. 911 ` The Community Development irent tpresented hfaor tl recommendation contained heinterom dated May /1984 prepared by the Community Development Department. { Council discussion followed on restricting day care homes with swimming pools. The public hearing was opened at 8:10 p.m. There being no speakers on the matter, the public hearing was closed. Ordinance No. It was moved b Edgar. seconded b HoeaC�1e ,St0hat The City Clerk 911 have irs reading y title on y. provided first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 911. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 911 be introduced and amended to exclude day care homes with swimming pools as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 911 - AN ORDINANCE pUSHESECT O COUNCIL OF TTHE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING VAR TY CODE ALLOWING LARGE FAMILY ORDINARNCEHOMES IN AMENDMENTTHE NO. 84�1)E-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ZO 1NG Following Council/staff discussion, the motion carried 5-0. 109 VI. CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 7 was removed from the Consent Calendar bytheEdgar. remain t wof moved by Saltarelli, seconded b Greinke, to approve the Lotisent C a en a ar. arrie ETING 1, APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1984, ADJOURNEDRIL 16, 1984, REGULAR REGULARMEETING 2. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $107,040.90 50 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 51,304,863.24 3. RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING H.R. 4103. (Cable Television) Adopted Resolution No. 84-3: as requsted by the City Council 53 4. REJECTION OF CLAIM OF WILLIAM ALLEN REID; DATE OF LOSS: 3-8-84; DATE FILED WITH CITY: 3-29-84; CLAIM N0. 84-7 Rejected subject claim as recommended by the City Attorney. 40 5. POLICE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Authorized exception to Tustin bid procedures and authorized purchase oltSwonCohuefrpatrolImpalas fleet, tat rapcost ohe522,484older, •721oh as mileage u 87 recommended by the Chief of Police. 6. RESOLUTION N0. 84-36 ORN]A AAPPROVINGRESOLUTION FINALTHE TRACT MAP COUNCIL THE 138(26o1Y OF TUSTIN, CALL 2685, 2691 Dow Avenue) Adopted Resolution No. 84-36 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 8. HOMEOWNER REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 13572 UTT DRIVE Authorized removal of subject trees under the provision of the current City Tree Removal Policy, Section II, as recommendedby the Maintenance Superintendent. CO LlNZILMI(�'. , 5-/-84 9. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR TRACTS NO. 8590 AND NO. 8763 Aitnorized the following: 1) Execute the amended and restated Jamboree Road Improvement Agreement between the Irvine Company arc the City of Tustin; and 2) Release of the following Sub- division Improvement Bonds: Tract No. 8590, #244109 - Faithful Performance in the amount of 5318,750.00 and #244109 - Labor and'Materials in the amount of $159,375.00 and Tract No. 8763, X2584139 - Faithful Performance in the amount of 5498,700.00, and 12584139 - Labor and Materials in the amount of $249,350.00 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 45; 84-26 10. CITIZEN REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL - 14831 BRANBURY CIRCLE 99 Authorized removal of subject tree under provisions of Section I: of the current City Tree Removal Policy as recommended by the Maintenance Superintendent. 86.1 11. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS ITEMS Declared the 45 items listed in subject report as surplus items to the needs of the City as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 85 12. RESOLUTION NO. 84-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 84-2 (Walnut Street) Adopted Resolution No. 84-37 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 81 Consent Calendar Item No. 7 - Senior Center Consultant Contract - Councilman Edgar expressed concern that a tentative date be fixed for commencement of project. If that date is not feasible, then a report should be made to Council fixing a future date, etc. Council discus- sion followed. It was then moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoestere , to approve the following with the condition that Council have a status report at :he September 4, 1984, Council meeting: 7. SENIOR CENTER CONSULTANT CONTRACT Ap:­ove�; the Senior Center Consultant Contract with Recreation Sys -:ems, Inc., in the amount of 55,000 and authorize the Mayor anc %"'i -:y Clerk to sign the agreement as recommended by the Re:reation Superintendent. Motion car-ied. 45 84-27 VI:. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 1, KJISAN-_E ABATEMENT PROCEDURE - ORDINANCE NO. 908 The Con—in'.ty Development Director presented the staff repo r; and recommeraat;on as contained in the inter-com dated Nav 0,RL c retia --e-- ')v the Community Deve i opment Depa r:ment . Counc;.'stE=f discussion followed regarding Councilman Greinke's concer- ov_- prohi'itine parking of vehicles on residential lawns. Counci- to direct staff to present a play, at the r;av 2' for abatement /removal of inoperative vehi;ies anr' prop ^'— c-. of parking vehicles on lawns. It was :her moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance hav_ firs', rea ing y title only. Carried5-0. Followinq first •=ad rc of Ordinance No. 908 by title only by the City Clerk, it was ny Edgar, seconded by Greinke, that Ordinance No. 908 be int-ocuc;_'-c as follows:- ORDINANCE o ows: ORDINANCE NCI. 908 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 5, SECTIONS 5500 THROUGH 5510, TO ART:CLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE, ESTABLISHING NUISANCE ABATE- MENT R=S_1L:7I0NS Motion :ar.'':Ad 5-0. 81 CIT' 4'CIL MINUTES Page �-7-94 VIII. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 1. ZONE CHANGE 84-1 - ORDINANCE NO. 910 It was moved bX Hoes tere seconde_ by Edqar, that Ordinance No. 910 have second� reading y title ry. arried 5-0. Following second reading by title only of `-dinance No. 910 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edqar, seconc-�d by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 910 be passed and adopted as to ,ows: ORDINANCE N0. 910 - AN ORDINANCE OF -HE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE RE -ZONING OF THE PRO:_RTY LOCATED AT 17361 MCFADDEN AVENUE FR,"M MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDE`. -IAL (R-3) DISTRICT TO RETAIL COMMERCIA'' (C-1) DISTRICT Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Greinke, Hoesterey, ,ennedy, Saltarelli NOES: gone 110 ABSENT: hone IX. OLD BUSINESS None. X. NEW BUSINESS 1. PARKING COMPLAINTS - 200 BLOCK W. SIXTH STREET b 500 BLOCK S. 'C' STREET The Director of Public Works prese-:ed the staff report and recom- mendation as contained in his report dated May 2, 1984. Charles A.hderson, 255 West Sixth ::reet, relayed vehicle parking problems and incidents related to sane. Council/s:aff discussion followed, a -t the Chief of Police reported methods tney are legally empowerec to use to resolve some of the parking problems. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by=reinke, to conduct a neighbor- hood meeting to discuss any propos__ changes with respect to park- ing modifications that residents c= -Pre to implement along Sixth 75 Street, "C" Street, or El Camino Rea-. Carried 5-0. 2. REPORT OK 40 PLUS ADULT SOFTBALL LE&GGUE FEES The stair report and recommendatic- was presented by the Director of Commjrity and Administrative Se -•'_es as contained in the inter- com date: Mai• 2, 1984, prepared by :ie Recreation Superintendent. Foliowinz a brief question -and -a'_., -2r period, it was moved by Greinke, seconded by Saltarelli, :: maintain a fee of 5225, and 41 eep the same number of games and :-=�ds. Carried 5-0. 3. LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREWORKS - RESOLUTION NO. 84-38 As reconT--ended in the i nter-com d:-: _ Ma v 3, 1984, prepared by the City At,c-ney, it was moved by Edc_-. seconded by Kennedy, to adopt the fol':,»ing: RESOLUTION NO. 84-38 - A RESOLUTI0% DF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING -'-E CO141C.EPT OF LOCAL REGULATION OF FIREW._RKS Motion carried 5-0. 52 CITY COUNCIL N.INL �'aqe 6, 5-7-84 XI. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - APRIL 23, 1984 Mayor Kennedy expressed appreciation to the Planning Commission and staff for their work on Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 84-1 (Large Family Day Care homes). Councilman Saltarelli reported that Planning Commissioner Kathy Weil has suggested that 1) the Council Chambers have an identifica- tion sign; and 2) an interior board be installed in the Chambers for noting agenda changes, etc. The City Manager indicated staff would investigate same. The Planning Commission Action Agenda of April 23, 1983, was rati- fied by unanimous informal consent. 80 2. TILLER DAYS PROGRESS REPORT It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kennedy, that the inter -corn on subject item dated April 1/, 1964, prepared by the Community Services Department be received and filed. Carried 5-0. 34 3. REQUEST FROM PLANNING COMMISSION TO AFFIRM NEED TO INITIATE ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT LIMITING SPECIFIC USES IN THE IMMEDIATE VICIN- ITY OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS Following consideration of the inter-com report dated May 7, 1984, prepared by the Community Development Department, it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file same. Carried -0. 81 XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. THIRD QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT OF OPERATIONS The City Manager reported that the Third Quarter Financial Report of Operations has been provided to Council and suggested that it be reviewed in conjun:tion with a Budget workshop or as an agenda item, whichever Coinci1 desires. The budget will be delivered to Council the latter part of the week. 29 2. AUTHORIZED DELEGATE - LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterev, to appoint Council- man P.icharc B. Edoar as Justin's authorized votinc delegate at the �eaeue of California Cities, Drange Cour,--% DivisiOn, meetinc to oe riel d on May 1C, 198-1. Ca rri ec 5-0. 73 REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION The Citv Manaaer requestec E Closed Session for discussion of leoal Matters. 4. OIL LEAKS ON CITY STREETS In response to Councilman Saltarel 1 i 's complaint of an ole vehicle aari:ed in Tustin Meadow_ which leaks. a oreat am')un: or of t.ne Crie` of Police requested that he be provided with the address of same. 5. KUDOS TO MAYOR KENNEDY Councilman Saltarelli was joined by Councilman Greinke in coaniend- inG Mayor Kennedy on conducting her first meeting as Mayor. 6. ABATEMENT OF OVERCROWDED HOUSING Councilman Greinke reported the City of Santa Ana has imposed jail terms on landlords for illegally overcrowded housing and requested that staff work with Santa Ana to see if Tustin can take the same type of action. CIT' 1CIL MINUTES Page 5-7-84 7. BULLET TRAIN Councilman Hoesterey reported that American High Speed Rail's costly trip to Japan has proven unsuccessful in view of reactions expressed by several legislators who attended, rode the bullet let train, and reviewed economics of the project. 8. JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Councilman Edgar requested that the Council strongly oppose con- tinued increase in air flights out of John Wayne Airport. 9. BID AWARD, COLUMBUS-TUSTIN WELL PROJECT In accordance with Councilman Edgar's concern and following Council/staff discussion, Council concurred to schedule a Redevel- opment Agency meeting on May at :00 p.m. for bid award of the Columbus Tustin Well project, to be followed by a City Coun- 107 cit workshop regarding water deficiencies. 10. CONGRATULATIONS TO ENTIRE CITY STAFF Councilman Saltarelli congratulated all City departments and staff for the fine job they have done in the last 90 days which has had the greatest activity in Tustin's history, i.e., elections, bullet train, auto center, etc. 11. ACQUISITION OF RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Councilman Hoesterey reported that homeowners have expressed inter - est in acquiring abandoned railroad land between the Peppertree and Tustin Meadows subdivisions. He requested that staff work with the homeowners from the standpoint of avoiding potential problems. The Director of Public Works stated he is presently working with the residents. 12. CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM FOR MAY 21, 1984, COUNCIL MEETING mayor Kennedy reported that two Council members will be out of town or: May 21, 1984, and was able to confirm a quorum will be present a:. subject Council meeting. XIII. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - CLOSED SESSION; ADJOURNMENT -,t 9:19 p.m. it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli, to recess �o the Redevelopment gency, thence to z dosed ession for discussion leoal matters; and thence ac;journ to a workshop regarding water ceficiencies immediately followinc the Redevelopment Agency adjourned ^egular meeting on May 15, 1984, at 5:0C! P•'�-> and thence to the next --ocular srp-e`inc on May 211, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0. — AC T I NC hsr'.YOT.` %— MINUTES OF A REGUILAR MEETING OF THE REDEV'ELOPKENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIh, CALIFORNIA MA - 7, 1 ?84 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order �v C-=irperson Kennedy at 9:19 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennia' may, Tustin, California. 2. ROLL CALL Agency Members Present: Ursule " =. Kennedy, Chairperson Frank i-. Grz--nke, Chairperson Pro Tem Richarc B. :-_gar Ronald S,. h:=sterey Donald S!'tarelli Agency Members Absent: None Others Present: James G. Ro,:-ke, City Attorney William. A. h:ston, Exec. Director/City Manager Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Donald D. Lawn, Com. Development Director Ronald A. Aa -.alt, Finance Director Robert S. Leiendecker, Director of Public Works Charles R. "payer, Chief of Police R6yleen A. h`iite, Dir. of Admin. & Com. Services Approximately 20 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved !!X Hoestere , secondee oy Edgar, to approve the minutes of the Apri_1_16, 1984, meeting. a:'rie_ 5-0. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS It was moved bx Hoestere , secondee ov Edgar, to approve demands in the amount OT$197,273.53 Tor the wontn: of Ra -r -c -hand April, 1984, as recom- mended by the Finance Director. Mot on carried 5-0. 81 5. IST ANNUAL EL CAMINO REAL CHAMPIONSHIP CHILI COOK -OFF Mr. Hoesterey invited everyone =o a ---end the Chili Cookoff to be held on E1 Camino Real between First and n Streets on Sunday, June 3, 1984, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6. TUST I N LIONS GARAGE SALE Mr. Greinke announced the Tus`�- Club is holdina the "World's Larg- est Garage Sale" on Saturday. ',a\l 1984, a. Tustin Nioh School and extended an invitation to every--ne attend,'participate. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 9:21 p.m. it was moved by Gre­,e, seconded .DY hoesterey, that the Agency adjourn to an ac,lournec ec_ � meet,.nc o�a< it - P.M., and thence to the nex, mee, nc or M -ay 21, '_984- Carried -0. ACTINn CHAIRPERSON "—%, ,• / �--ccs—. RECORDING SECN-TARY Following the Closed Session, the Bo -_d of Directors authorized the City Attorney and the City Manager tc nec_.iate the purchase of the Southern Pacific Land Company parcel (approx;mat=-v 44,660 square feet) situated at the northwest corner of Irvine Blvd. a-:. Avenue for a price not to exceed 510.30 per square foot. f—�--- _ DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MARCH 10, 1982 WILLIAM HUS MN, CITY MANAGER lnter-Coin BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER PARKING PROHIBITION AT EL CAMINO REAL AND SIXTH STREET REO>1MENDATI0N: That the Tustin City Council,.at their meeting of March 15, 1982, authorize the red zoning of curbs at the intersection of E1 Camino Real at Sixth St., resulting in a loss of thirteen (13) on -street parking spaces, prior to the installation of the forthcoming traffic signal. BACKGROUND: As a result of the closure of "C" Street, the City Council authorized the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Sixth Street. The installation of this signal will require the red zoning of curbs to provide improved intersection visibility and adequate turning radii for vehicular traffic. More recently, at their last meeting, the City Council expressed their desire to proceed with the red zoning prior to the signal installation. It is anticipated that the traffic signal plans and specifications will be presented to the City Councii at their April 5, 1982 meeting for authorization to advertise for bids. DISa7SSION: The attached drawing indicates the additional areas that will require parking removal for the forthcoming traffic signal installation. These areas are detailed below: STRE- South leg of E1 Camino Real (westerly side) North ►eg of E1 Camino Real (westerly side) (eas zerly side) Weste-rly leg of 6th St. (northerly side ) ( southerly side) ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES TO BE REMOVED i L 1 2 2 PARKING PROHIBITION AT EL CANINO REAL AND SIXTH STREET MARCH 10, 1982 PAIGE TWO STREET Easterly leg of 6th St. ( northerly side) (southerly side) BOBEiD.�1 DM ' DIRECIOR OF PUBLIC O CITY ER db Attachment ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES TO BE REMOVED TOTAL 3 2 13 KINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF MiE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTI N , CALI FORN I A March 15, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER 71ie meeting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 3:12 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. 2. ROLL CALL 580,741.5E Agency Members Present: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli, Sharp Agency Members Absent: None Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney Gillespie Construction, Buena Park William A. Huston, Exec. Director/City Manager California Western, Placentia Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary/City Clerk Fleming Engineering, Inc., Buena Par}: Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director A. M. Construction, Inc., Whittier Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works R. J. Noble Company, Orange Ronald Nault, Finance Director All American Asphalt, Orange Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Sully -Miller Constracting Compan_., Orange Ken Fleagle, Planning Consultant Excel Pavinc Company, Lone beach Royleen White, Community Services Director Mever Constructors, Highland Fred Wakefield, Captain, Police Department The lo -7 bid __ 25k below the enG_neer's estimatE of $107,584.40, w:tt-. Eva Solis, Deputy City Clerk for the projects. ns recom- Approximately 30 in the audience 3. APPROVAL OF KMTES Division, __ was moved by Edgar, seconded It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to approve the minutes of the March 1, 1982, regular meeting. Carried 5-0. 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to approve General Demands for the month of February, 1982, in the amount of $$38,186.07 as recom- mended by the Director of Finance. Motion carried 5-0. 81 5. BID AWARD - ALLEY R1=NSTIMrTZON IP5PROVEMENTS, PROJE= 1, II & III -ds for subject project were rece_.-ed as follows: Porter Construction Company, Santa Ana 580,741.5E Sun Paving Company, Santa Ana $86,132.01 Five States Plumbing, Orange $86,153.70 Hardy & Haroer, Inc., Tustin $86,614.16 Gillespie Construction, Buena Park $89,190.6C• California Western, Placentia $90,801.25 Fleming Engineering, Inc., Buena Par}: ;95,149.12 A. M. Construction, Inc., Whittier ;?5,266.2; R. J. Noble Company, Orange $97,927.7-. All American Asphalt, Orange �1UG,457.15 Sully -Miller Constracting Compan_., Orange 1OZ,222.0= Excel Pavinc Company, Lone beach 107,685.0( Mever Constructors, Highland s108,071.3C The lo -7 bid __ 25k below the enG_neer's estimatE of $107,584.40, w:tt-. 5102,000.00 ir. RDS funds t-)resentlx budgeted for the projects. ns recom- mended in the report dated March 9, 1962, prepared by the Eng;:ieer.inc Division, __ was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kerne6v, to away tine con- tract for subject project to the _ow bidder, Porter Construction Company, inc., Santa Ana, in the amount of 190,741.5E. Carried 5-6. 95 6. AGENCY CONCERNS - None. 7. ADJOURN KEN T It was moved by Eduar, seconded by Hoesterey, to adjourn at 3:15 p.m. to the next regular meeting on April 5, 1982. Carried 5-0. RECORDIt!C SECRET(l�y li.INUTES OF A REGULAR METING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way March 15, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The meet:nc was called to order by Mayor Sharp at 3:15 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Councilpers3ris Present: Counc:lpers.3ns Absent: Others Present: III. PRE- SENTATION Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarell- Sharp None James G. Rourke, City Attorney William A. Huston, City Manager Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Comm. Dev. Director Ken Fleagle, Planning Consultant Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Ronald Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Community Services Director Fred Wakefield, Captain, Police Department Eva Solis, Deputy City Clerk Approximately 30 in the audience 1. PROCLAIQiTION - "RED CROSS MONTH" -'tie Maur read and presented to Scott Tokarzewsk" Red Cross Youth .=lunteer, a proclamation designating March, 1982, as "Red Cross Yonth.w 84 IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. TBE CALT_FORNIAN TENANTS' ASSOCIATION - CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION Pic.: 'r_.—o -?res--'dent of Cal :forn:an Tenants' Assoc _at_o:., pro- videe un:.etP or the condom _'n:urr. conversion proposal n_•- Cal- State=ssocrates for the Cal:forn:an Apartments and relave6 nroble -_= residents are facing_ as outl:ned :n h -'s letter dated March 19==. Mr• Horton added that as:de from cosmet:c repa:ri. no structural repairs are beinc maie. Also, construe - tion c-. a temporary structure was commenced the week before, with2= mar:Inc spaces removed for a storage area, without City perryits _ stop work order was issued by t" -If C tv, but Mr. hortor reported that wort: has been cont:nuInc on the project out of the view. Tne Co_,un_ty Development Director responded that no tentative r:.ap or =Ina= map has been filed, therefore, the City :s pres- ently�es'_Inc w:th a Use Permit onlv and utlli=_:ng tentative map �.apro: as a mechanism by wh:ch to achieve compliance. He cor.- a:nuec tnat :f a tenant has a spec:f:c problem, :t should be reoorte_ to the Commun:tv Development Department, and an Inspec- tor a:__ be ser.- out to that unit. That particular unit ma thenrpie=emeal-Improved." Staff has been press -r= for su!_- m:tta__f a comprehensive plan for the overall treatment. There :s .�a__o-: Coordinator on-site now. Staff has :nformed Cavi State=_ssoc_ates that any building perry_:t issued, on e:t`ier all or a of the project, constitutes :mplementat-'on of the conver__D n• -ve n though the 120 days on tthe ass:stance program does :._ : co-.mence until Mav 16, whe.r. will be automat:c for all te-._:ts, those tenants that would be- spec:fready affected by any bu::c:ng permit would be automatically, :mmed:ately eligib:_ for the relocation assistance program because the buildin__ per -:t would supersede the 120 -day wafting notice. As part of the Jse Permit approval, the relocation plan w:'_: auto- mat_c_=_`: co :nto effect on Piav 18 for ell tenan-S. P.1ki,• _ , -, - 1 .a. State Assoc-ates has been informed by stafl that encios_ng _ne garages would be considered a bu:Id-no Ix-rm=t for those _enants whose qaraqes or parking spaces were eliminated and the -elocat-on assistance plan would be implemented for those units :ryned;ately, and a stop work order was issued on those building enclosures. A stop work order was not issued for remova: of s.-)rne of the storage units within the parking garages, since it -mould have been granted regardless of whether a conversion was `re -ng cons-dered or not. %ormally the map and use permit are coterminous. In th_s parti- _;lar case, without a subdiv4sion map the requirement for 120- -:vs' notice of intent to convert is not enforceable until actual commencement of sales is within 120 days. �tr. Horton requested that Council consider implementing a time- table for completion of the conversion. Councilwoman Kennedy suggested that anything that threatens health, safety, or life be checked into and compliance encouraged. ^ne City Attorney stated that under the approval given, the developer is required to file a proposed tenant relocation pur- chase plan with the City. Even though a document entitles 'Highlights - Tenant Assistance Program" was filed last week, tIke developer should file a document with details of the tenant assistance and relocation for consideration by staff and approval by the Council or Planning Agency. Secondly, any waiver of conversion rights being signed by tenants does not :ave any application. City approval and Ordinance 822 require -nat anybody whc was a tenant at the time of Use Permit approval January, 1982, is entitled to receive relocation benefits. -=ter further discussion, the City Attorney indicated staff could :cake available to all tenants copies of the document enter _led "r.ic*-.'-ghts" whic-: has been filed with the City. If anv _enant has input approv:ng!disanprorinc same, it should be filed ;ith the Community Development Department. Ultimately, the _roject must have City approval. First, the 0ev•2loaer should and identifv ' whatever file complete plan is, Dro-oe c_oies to the tenants, and staff car: proceed frog tlerr tc mage recommendation to the Agency. and wnen a final document -s filed, the developer car. prow -de z�enantE: Math a copy of same. 93 V. CON SEA T CALENDAR _e- '' ..a, removed from, the :-nsent Calendar nv Sal tare Ili . :_ w;:. --dca_, seconaed b•: =-erev, to approve the remainae,.- of _n,L- _Dnsent Calendar. M,o- -o- carr -e6 5 -(, APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Marci. i , 1962. 2 . hDPROVAi OF DEMANDS in the' amoun',_ of RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL In the amount of 50 PESOLUTION NO. B2-19 - Resolut_or. of ,.nc _-t1' Counc__ the ' - c c Q Tat_ �,� ', !, !i;, 1. Tust- , Ca_ -fornix, ORDERIN:' :CiP%�: E:.EZ7^-'IOI: BE HEIa Ji: :J :�:,`', ,..';I 13, 19632, H:: PK Adoption of Resolution No. asrecrrn ie. b_• thf - w Clerk. 4B 4. FESOLUTION NO. 82-20 - Resolut-on -:•` the _-t\• Counc_' of t')- of Tust_n, -.L' fornix, S7PPOR=L cG THE EFt'URTS OF ;.:AHE-' :1, PARK, ORI%NGE, AND OTHER ORANGE COUNT -i CITIES eV, OP3At:IE�- "�£ T) BRING 'NE SUPER B7>h:. XX ':O ANA111:1M STA DIU!j I,doption of Resolution No. 62-20 a_ requested by the Ci y 36 Council. `.'r� :I:, r:IN,;TES Page -15-82 S. RESOLUTION NO. 82-21 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, SUPPORTING RATIFICATION OF THE PERI- PHERAL CANAL REFERENDUM Adoption of Resolution No. 82-21 as requested by the City Council. 107 6. RESOLUTION NO. 82-22 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORDS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (EI, CAMINO UTILITY UNDER- GROUND DISTRICT NO. 5 CONVERSIONS) Adoption of Resolution No. 82-22 as recommended by the Engi- neering Department. 104 The Director of Public Works responded to Councilman Edgar that ti: -:s contract provides the conduit for the telephone conversion, and actually has noth►ng to do with the conductor cable for telephone service; the telephone company will be converting that on their own. Also, staff is waiting for the telephone company to complete the conversion (approximately three weeks) until final accounting notices are sent out. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 82-23 - A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GEN- ERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS (POLICE PATROL VEHICLES) (BUDGETED) Approve purchase of six police patrol vehicles at a total purchase price of $54,343.38 and adoption of Resolution No. 82-23 as recommended by the Chief of Police. 87 8. DENIAL OF CLAIM OF SCOTT MUMER - Date of Loss: 12-6-81, Filed With City: 2-11-82, Claim No. 62-4 Deny claim of Scott Keeler as recommended by the City Attor- ney. 40 9. DENIAL OF MAIM. Or PEARL MURRAY - Date of Loss: 12-6-81, Flied 4a=. City: 2-11-82, Claim No. 82-5 Deny claim of Pearl Mut-ay as recommended by the City Attor- nev. 40 10. DENIAL OF C"&IM OF PETER OLIVARES - Date o: Loss: '-r-8 F=1ec Wlith City: 2-11-82, Cia_rr. No. 82-6 Dene claim of Peter Olivares as recom- mended b•_: the City Attorney. 40 Consent, Calendar Item No. 11 - :'_nce the City is not a member o: tae So%:them California itssociatior. of ,,overnments (SCAC) , Councilman Saltareili questioned the necessity of the resolut_on, wh-'& would comr;_t the City to a regional sedimentation program (establ_sned b SCAG) and require a great deal of staff time. ^_ne City Manager and Director of Public Works proy_ded clar_`._ca- t_or., stating that the Citi- is under a State/Federal mandate to comply with the program; a need to increase staff Is not env_s:ones; th-E program is for the betterment of the regional area; be_na a=oposed in the form of a resolution in lieu of an ord:nanc•-, w.__Cho SZAG has been promoting; and it is more of a voluntary compl_- a-_e and coor�erat_on rather than a stiff, regulatory measure, wi1_&i be tai• ultimate. In response to the Mayor, -_ouncilman Saltarell_ stated ne would be- favor efavor of the resolution so long as the last paragraph in tht- resolut_on is loose enough tiia= the C --t,,- cannot be forced to creat; - a7. ordnance unless both the ;qty and the Santa F,na Regional tJate_ Control Board (Rt.,)CB) agree that the ve_untary program is _nef`ect_ve. The City Manager stated that _s the intent. In an-,, case, the item would come back to Council and allow the opportunity to take whatever direction would be appropriate. The resolution merely _ndicates a statement of Intent. It was then rnnved 2)v Kennedy, seconded by Edaar, , to a(Aoi)t the' followin7 resolution as recommended by tht• Enq_neering F)epart- ment: 11. RESOLUTION NO. 82-24 - A Resolution of the Citi• Council of the Citi• of Tun ---'n APPROVING J11E IMPLEMENTATION AI4D ENFORCEMENT OF THOSE ELEMENTS OF THE SOUTH COAST AREAWIDE WASTE TREATMENT MA14AGEME14T PLAT; APPLICABLE 7U THE CITY Motion carried 5-0. VI. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - Wone 107 VII. ORDI- NANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 869 - An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin REZONING 13681 REDHILL AVENUE FROM R-3 (2700) TO R-3 (1960) It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 869 have second reading by title only. Motion. carried 5-0. Following reading of the title by the City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Hoesterey, that Ordinance No. 869 be passed and adopted. Roll call vote: AYES: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli, Sharp NOES: None 110 ABSENT: None VIII. OTUER BUSINESS 1. TILLER DAYS COMMITTEE REQUEST Cy)�_ill Webb, Tiller Days Chairperson, reported that t'jt, co:n- r.i--tee :las looked into a couple of sources for the third :>ower ttie the nt-r- ;c vat" One ir source. !JO_l._nc '.laS moron'. �= ne-ther of tt?e twu source`6 comes througr., the i.Om)rt_ttee net -ds. conn- from rom the Citi -Citi -because they feel tne, cannot cc the Tiller Days without the third pole am electricity. In response to Couixilmar. hoesterel•, Ms. Web'_- tha-_ last yc2;:_, =ss>c were blown and circuit brewer- went o`_r wit.. the e>:ist=nc r_:-L_nnent, and. mam boot. renters c_c not have the they neeaea. -._�•0r, t 11 CO^m:I n_: _ ,e rv; Ce£� renerte. _aa So .then.. Ca'_.forr._a Ec_sn:-company does not get _n, lvec t}le hardware enc. Gene Carter, Southern. Ca-iforr.,� Lt.tna' "'-• T�O�', _. no: r!lF .SSllt': _- til COI!— me C:ai iJ7ti, e.. tha- i_ eY.7enS�VE, wf.:C.', iG_SO�. �JTM noes nn', nanc1c. :lis. Webr, res_aonaec tc: Counci:mar. Hoesterey that 1, c_ boo"15 would havt to be __iminatFc, alonc with the panda :� f f act_v_�_e< <_r- be accommodate- b. Brea i.. as- , _ - e^c_ gym• nt. F ,e is dec �.at generators• a- e>:'renely cost__ a-"-• ,a r. -s +rinse to Counciiwotnan -;ennedl the Cortmun.itY Se~v:Ce �irer-t�r stated tilat C=tv use of the tn:rd pole cannot :x lus".'- `_er, ^, for P:)urt!, of July act_._.._es, and __ile: il:_ � not tny_.::cxl• a� b•�co�n:nc s;elf-sun: "rt_no _`or appro:.imat�ly _�. vears Followine further Counc_: discussion, Coun-_! concurred that C,>u lcilmem'Ders Edgar and !,ennedy .., _ . _ with Webb to :ttemp�_ tc i�act, a solutio 34 VIZI. NEW BUSINESS :-_TY __ M:!4:;TES F'ayc• . 15-8:' 1. BID AWARD - RED HILL AVENUE AHFP PROJECT NO. 1064 B_ds for subject project were received as follows: R. J. Noble Co., Orange $130,964.95 All American Asphalt, Orange $134,933.33 Blair Paving, Inc., Yorba Linda $136,488.68 Five States Plumbing, Orange $138,063.50 Lee Construction Corp., Mission Viejo $140,774.79 Porter Construction Co., Santa Ana $142,681.14 Griffith Co., Irvine $146,919.95 Sully -Miller Contracting Cu., Orange $153,891.30 Red Hill Construction Co., Inc., Santa Ana $156,340.10 Hardy & Harper, Inc., Tustin $162,405.48 Hannon B. J. Gladd Const. Co., Los Angeles $183,709.10 The low bid is 24.8% below the engineer's estimate of $174,170.30, with $107,800 in gas tax funds budgeted for the City's share of the project. Based on the low bid, the cost split for the project is as follows: City Share $ 54,395.93 County Share 76,569.02 Total $130,964.95 As recommended in the report dated March 9, 1982, prepared by the Engineering Division, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to award the contract for subject project to the low bidder, R. J. Noble Company, Orange, in the total amount of $130,964.95. Motion carried 5-0. 95 2. PARKING PROHIBITION AT EL CAMINO REAL 6 SIXTH STREET The Director of Public Works presented the staff report and recommendation. Pursuant to h_s report dated March 10, 1982, it was moved by Edaar, seconded by Saltarelli, to authorize the red zor.-nes of curbs at the intersection of E1 Camino Real at Sixth Street, result:no in a loss of 13 on -street parkins spaces, pr -'or t:, the installation of tnE: forthcom-'no_ traffic s_gnai. Carried 5-0. 75 3. UNIT FEE FOR M LTIPLE UNITS SERVICED BY ONE WATER METER Tne Citv Manager presented the staff report and recommende__on and stated that the effective date for the adjusted b:-montnl-, water usage rates and charges would bQ ;.pr_! 1c', 1962. It was then moved - Saltarelli, seconded by Hoesterev, to adopt the follow --'ng r•.s-)iution- RESOLUTION No. 82-25 - A Resolutio. of the ._tv Counc:_ of the Cit", of Tust_n, Cal:fornic, ADJUST_=NC; TUSTIN WATEF1 SERVICE RATES Motion carried 5-0. 107 4. DRAFT ORDINANCE FDR GAME ARCADES Tne- Z:ommurif t% i>rveio xnen .: r-rctor presented the stzf f repor t and recommendation. He stated stat` recommends approves: ,-if the pror:s:ons outlined in Alternative I_ as conta_ned :n the renort date. t•tarch 15, 1982, prepared by the Community Development Department. quest:on-and-answer period followed, rafter °urther d:scuss:or., ;t was moved b•; Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, tc- refer th•.: matt�.­ baci; co the Police Department for input. Tne Community Development Director reported that the Use P•:rmit mDrator:um for arcades exp,res in May. The mot:on carred 5-0. 81 IX. OIMER BUSINESS 1. CITY MANAGER Tne City Manager stated he has distributed to Cour►cil a rejx3rt on fund balances for the Redevelopment Agency and will answer any Agency questions at the next regt.Iar meeting. 2. SIDEWALK CONDITION AT RED BILL L WALNUT Councilman Saltarelli stated he has received citizen complaints regardinq the dilaF-dated con :it:on of the asphalt sijewalk at Red Y.ill and Walnu-. He reouested that staff look into the 92 matter. 3. SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL Councilman Hoesterey reported teat the California League of Cities, Orange County Division, unanimously appointed Ruby May as a voting delegate to the Oranoe County Senior Citizens Advi- sory Council as recommended by the City. Council. 28 4. MONITORING OF STATE FUNDING Councilman Hoestr-rey provided a report of some current State funding cutbacks. He suggested that staff monitor the State's actions as the City goes into the budgetary process, that unfunded State mandates be identified, and that list be provided to the League of Cities so it can be combined with those of other cities and lobbying commenced to get them removed. The City Manager indicated staff woc:d provide such a 1-st at the next regular meeting. 29 5. DIAL -A -RIDE Councilwoman Kennedv in:•u-'red i`_ there was a problem Mai; the Dial -A- Ride program, ar _--ne has received, citizen concerns that -he system has been chanced, the-. are no longer usinc two-wa`, _adios, etc. Tne Directo- of ".-_-- works stated he wool: !o" -)V into the matter ant repo* bac 6. SEGERSTROM DEVELOPPIENT Tne Mayor inquired about the ti- schedule for the Seger-trom Development on N ewport. Staff resconoec that would be opt_- mistic if it read: --s completion 145:-£�� . T•.'.�J O:J ids !3E.'►1 T _ wz__S, moved b:• Edaar, seconded S to ad-iourn at memory- of ualter Rawl_-naE t7� a�xt r�^'liar m� et_n _ or. r:pr_ 1 19S2. Carried 5-11;- 64 K-71YOR