HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 SILICON SYSTEMS 09-08-92EW BUSINESS N0. I ,-8-92 t?� �; _ �- ..• ATE: SEPTEMBER 8 , 1992 Inter-Coms T TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: REQUEST TO WAIVE REQUIREMENTS TO CONSTRUCT SIDEiALK AT 14511 MYFORD ROAD (SILICON SYSTEMS) RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND Attached for City Council consideration is a letter dated August 21, 1992 from Silicon Systems, requesting that the City waive the requirement to construct a standard sidewalk within the public right-of-way adjacent to their building along Myford Road, located at 14511 Myford Road, i.i conjunction with tenant improvements. This particular building is located at the northwest corner of Walnut Street and Myford Road. At the City Council meeting of January 19, 1987 (minutes attached) , the City Council established a•uniform policy for the construction of 5 -foot wide utility clear sidewalks within any industrial areas, except in areas with concentrated retail uses where the sidewalk width shall be 8 -foot wide. This requirement is a standard City condition of approval imposed for all new construction as well as tenant improvements'with_n the industrial areas. DISCUSSION An 8 -foot wide sidewalk currently exists along the Myford Road frontage of the adjacent parcel (No. 14451 Myford Road - Pacific Bell facility) immediately to the north. In addition, the City has scheduled during the current fiscal year the next phase bf sidewalk construction, utilizing SB -821 funds, along the north side of Walnut Street from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway (A.T. & S.F.) crossing spur to Myford Road. This segment also includes the frontage area for the building in question along Walnut which represents approximately fifty percent of the buildings total street frontage along both Walnut and Myford. Last year's SB -821 Walnut Avenue sidewalk ccnstruction included the northerly roadway portion between Franklin and the A.T.& S.F crossing. A range of five alternatives for City Council consideration regarding requests for sidewalk construction waivers in industrial areas has been presented in a separate agenda item, entitled "Request to Waive Requirements to Construct sidewalk at 2512-2522 Chambers Road (Crestmark Real Estate and Investments) " . Those five alternatives include the following: Request for Waive Requirements (Silicon Systems) September 8, 1992 Page 2 1. Rescind the requirement for sidewalk construction that was approved by City Council on January 19, 1987 within the industrial zoned areas. This alternative could have an adverse impact, to traffic safety by forcing pedestrians in the street` travel way area with the trucks and automobiles. 2. Place a moratorium on the sidewalk requirement within the industrial areas for a designated period of time or until the recession is resolved. 3. Require the developer to place a cash deposit in the amount of $5,000 in a joint account (bearing interest to the developer) for the construction of the sidewalk at the time the building occupancy rate increases to 85% from its current level of 50% as outlined in the letter of request. 4. Create an assessment district for sidewalk construction within each industrial.area which would spread the cost of said sidewalk construction and administrative district costs over a multi-year payoff period of 10 or 20 years. This alternative would allow the sidewalk to be constructed at one time in lieu of on a piece meal basis as it is currently being done. 5. Deny the request, for waiver of sidewalk construction and uphold the current City Council requirement of January 19, 1987. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:klb:WRCSC2 Attachments Dana R. Kas an Engineering Servi s Manager sko v v A TDK Group' Company August 21, 1992 Mr. Bob Ledendecker Director, Public Works CITY OF TiJSTIN 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Sir. ro I I USTlN p U811C WORKS DEPT FC -92-074 Silicon Systems, Inc. has submitted construction drawings to modify an existing restroom in one of our buildings. The plans were returned with the correction for a required exterior sidewalk around the building with the physical address of 14511 Myford Road. I have been informed that the sidewalk required on the Walnut Street side of our building will be constructed with money available from the City; however, the cost for the Myford Road side will need to be funded by Silicon Systems. I would like to formally request a variance to this requirement and at the same time, be allowed to proceed with the improvement project. Please advise me of any meetings which may be necessary to attend in order -to obtain this variance. Sincerely, S SYSTEMS, INC. on over Director, Facilities RM:lb 14351 Myford Road, Tustin, California 92680-7022 (714) 731-7110 TLX 188353 FAX (714) 731-5457 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 1-19-87 7. RESOLUTION NO. 87-9 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF TUSTIN APPROVING FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 12759 (EAST TUSTIN APART- MENTS) Approved- Final Tract Map No. 12759 for the East Tustin Apart- ments project 'located north of the Santa Ana Freeway, west of Jamboree, east of El Camino Real, by adoption of Resolution No. 87-9 as recommended by the Community Development Department and Planning Commission. 99 , • .8. EXTENSION OF CONTRACTS - EARL ROWEMMST AND REED JENSEN ' Authorized extension of thef employment contracts for Earl ' Rowenhorst and Reed Jensen to July 13, 1987, as recommended by the City Manager. 79 VII. OROINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. VIII. OROINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. IX. OLD BUSINESS 1. ELECTION CONSOLIDATION - RESOLUTION NO. 87-11 Pursuant to Council direction at the January 5, 1987, meeting, staff prepared subject resolution to consider consolidation of the municipal election with the Statewide General Election held November of even -numbered years. Following a brief questa on -and -answer period, It was moved by Saltareili, seconded by Kelly, to adopt the following reso u o setting the matter of the proposed consolidation of elections for a public hearing on February 2, 1987, and prescribing notice. RESOLUTION NO. 87-11.- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO REQUIRE iT5 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE CONSOLIDATED WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING THEREON The motion carried 5-0. 48 X. NEST BUSINESS 1. WIDTH OF SIDENALr.S IN THE INDUSTRIAL AREAS The Planning Commiss;on has requester a formal pooicy decision, from Council regarding sidewalk widths and requirements in the indus- trial areas. On two separate occasions at the request of level- opens, projects were granted 5 -foot sidewalk widths in lieu of the FILE F,a COD full. 8 -foot widths required by Council Resolution No. 81-4. Since then, sidewalk requirements have been establisned on a project -by - project basis subject to site circumstances, proposed use, and specific zoning regulations. Engineering staff indicates a uniform policy for 5 -toot, utility clear sidewalks for the entire industrial area is appropriate, except areas with concentrated retail uses. Sidewalk meandering would be subject to specific design guidelines of specific plans and other documents. Community Development staff supports this Position with the note that Planning Commission be allowed to devi- ate from those standards if considered appropriate. The staff report was presented by the Community Development Direc- tor as contained in the inter-com dated January 19, 1987. prepared by the Community Development Department. Mayor Sa l tarel 1 i was supportive of the staff reccrmendat i on • The Director of Community Development and Director of Public Works CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 1-19-87 responded to Couf cquestions build ng searding sidewalk placement and retaining right o wa Y to establish a uni- It was moved b KenneQo� seconded tt tty t c ear sidewalks for the form po cy or entire industrial area. inxgept in foot width. The motion with cOncent carried 5-0. uses where it shall rim 92 Z. SANTA /lull fREE1aJ1Y (I-5)/COSTA MESA FRf.EMY (RTE. S j INTERCHiIl16� - MOOiFICATIO11 • is planning complete modification of subject interchange CalTrans th freeways within the Immediate vicinity along with widening of bo of the interchange. The 01 rector of public it Works informed Mayor b affected al ohat the by any' interchange modification project 1l delays on the basic widening project. The newspaper arti.cl.e.Cefer- enced pertained to the 1-5 ti 1 man aEdgarbetween t that Costa s Masa con . Garden Grove freeways. Cour firmed by the CAlTrans representative at the redent Transportation Commission meeting. The Director added that it is CalTrans' desire to accelerate.Stage III and attempt construction concurrently with Stage II If all design and The:right-of-way 'acquisition can be completed in time. the Mayor thought Tustin -should wi 11 pressure 1 ncrease CalTrans access to do SO interchange modificationbut trot f is since will _- still be bottlenecked on the narrow freeways. As recommended in the inter -can dated January 14, 1987, prepared by the Public Works Oepartment/EngineerintheDivision. it was Agreemenvewit bi Kennedy, -seconded b Ed ar, to approve the—state o a t ornta or Stage II and Stage III work an the I-S/Rte. 55 ModificationInterchange roand authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. 5-a 87-8 - Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey requested staff contact CalTrans about the passibility of restri pi ng the merging lane on the 1-5 between Rte. 55 and the Newport Avenue oofframp t relI eve some of the congestion where vehicles mergeIn and 3. COLUMUS TU nN PARK CONCESSION STAND LEASE AGRE04EMT . Proposed agreement Is for use of the concession stand at Columbus Tustin Park Mr. David Ascher. dto make the concession stand a for-profit corporation with the intention of making dona- tions to non-profit youth orgar.iza;.iors in the Tustin area. �7)' Counci l wcxaan Kennedy expressed concern that the agreement does not require a minimum donation t= youth groups.•�Council/sta:f discus- - uperintendent responded to Council Sion fol.lcwed. The Recreation S questions. The City Manager suggested t"at 1f there is Council consensus that there should be a built-in formula for donating profits to youth work onw�at ti is and of Mr. C Ascher. bring it bak to Council so groups, staff will there is no question about Mr. Ascher stated he will pay the City 1O% of gross profits after the first year of operation. He explained the procedure for donat- ing profits to youth groups on an as -needed basis. with requests to be submitted in writing. He stated he would not be interested in operating -a concession stand wnicn requires built-in percentages for various donations. Councilwoman Kennedy was strongly in favor of setting aside a cer- tain percentage for youth group donations. rather than leaving it to Mr. Ascher's discretion. Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey suggested a review period at the expiration