HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 3 ALMERIA HOA 07-20-92REPORTS NO. 3 7-20-92 Inter -Com .TE: JULY 20, 1992 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS: Receive and file. BACKGROUND: At the June 15, 1992 City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to continue to coordinate the review of traffic related issues with the Almeria Homeowner's Association. A copy of the agenda item is attached for your information. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division staff met with Mr. Howard Mitzman, President of the Almeria Homeowner's Association, on July 2, 1992 in the field within the Almeria tract and discussed traffic concerns of the Almeria Homeowner's Association. The attached letter is a recap of the field meeting. During the discussion at the meeting it was agreed that the Engineering Division staff would investigate the following issues: 1. Installing centerline striping, raised pavement markers, and appropriate signing at roadway knuckles within the subject tract. 2. The possible installation of a raised and landscaped median on Palermo at the entrance to the Almeria tract from Tustin Ranch Road. The Almeria Homeowner's Association would be responsible for the cost of design, construction, and continued maintenance of the median, if the concept is ultimately approved. 3. Continued coordination with the Tustin Police Department to monitor the traffic activity in the area. 4. The use of raised pavement markers on stop bars to remind drivers to come to a complete stop before proceeding through an intersection. 5. The review of the unauthorized installation by the Almeria Homeowner's Association of the "Slow Watch For Children" signs in the Almeria tract. STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES July 20, 1992 Page 2 The Engineering Division staff is currently in the process of reviewing the above items and will keep the City Council and the Almeria Homeowner's Association informed of our progress. This is a status report only and no City Council action other than receive and file is necessary at this time. Robert S. Ledendeck_er Douglas R. Anderson Director of Public Works/ Transportation Engineer City Engineer RSL:DRA:k1b:ALMERIA6 Attachments %__ JUNE 15, 1992 ): WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER /0 �. Inter -Corrin S� ,OM: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER 1BJECT: ' STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of June 15, 1992, direct staff to continue to investigate residents' traffic concerns in the area of the Almeria Development, continue to coordinate with the Tustin Police Department to possibly increase enforcement in the area, and coordinate the review of street signing with the Almeria Homeowners Association. BACKGROUND: At the June 1, 1992 City Council meeting, Mr. Howard Mitzman, President of the Almeria Homeowners Association, requested assistance,.to slow traffic through the Almeria Development. The Almeria Development is located in the Tustin Ranch area of the City and is accessed by Palermo, Monterey Street, and Burnt Mill Road. jISCUSSION: The Engineering Division staff has previously received similar requests from residents of the Almeria Development. As a result of these requests, staff has installed speed limit (25 MPH) signs on the aforementioned streets that provide access to the Almeria Development. The speed limit signs were placed in accordance with the California Vehicle Code and the State Guidelines (Caltrans Traffic Manual) for signing on public streets. Additionally, staff previously notified the Tustin Police Department and alerted them to the concerns expressed by the area residents. During a field review of the area, it was observed that unauthorized signs indicating "Slow Watch For Children" have been installed throughout this area. These signs were not approved for installation and they are not recommended in the State Guidelines for public street signing. The unauthorized placement of these signs may also have the potential of creating liability for the City in certain cases regarding litigation. If so directed, Engineering staff will coordinate the review of street signing in the subject area with the Almeria Homeowners Association. STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES �une 15, 1992 ige 2 The Engineering staff will continue to monitor the traffic situation in the subject area and will work with the Almeria Homeowners Association to address residents concerns. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:DRA:ccg:almeria Doug as R. Anderson Transportation Engineer Public Works / Engineering July 8, 1992 Mr. Howard Mitzman, President Almeria Homeowners Association 13222 Cortina Tustin, CA 92680 City Of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 544-8890 FAX (714) 832-0825 Subject: Field Meeting Recap Regarding Almeria Homeowner's Association Traffic Issues (P.W. File No. 1093) Dear Mr. Mitzman: Thank you for meeting in the field on July 2, 1992 with members of the City's Engineering staff regarding the noted subject. Many traffic concerns were discussed and the following is a summary of the meeting: 1. The Traffic Engineering staff will investigate the installation of centerline striping, raised pavement markers, and appropriate signing at roadway knuckles within the subject tract. 2. The Traffic Engineering staff will investigate the possibility of installation of a raised and landscaped median on Palermo at the entrance to the Almeria tract from Tustin Ranch Road. The Almeria Homeowner's Association would be responsible for the cost of design, construction, and continued maintenance of the median, if the concept is ultimately approved. 3. The Traffic Engineering staff will continue to coordinate with the Tustin Police Department to monitor the traffic activity and to enforce traffic regulations in the area. 4. The Traffic Engineering staff will investigate the use of raised pavement markers on stop bars to remind drivers to come to a complete stop before proceeding through an intersection. 5. It is our understanding that the Association wishes to have their posted signs "Slow Watch For Children" remain throughout the tract. Since these signs were not approved for installation nor are they recommended in the State Guidelines for public street signing, it is our recommendation that they be removed. Mr. Howard Mitzman - Meeting Recap Almeria Homeowners Association Traffic Issues July 81 1992 Page 2 These topics were the main issues that were discussed. You also indicated that you may want a City representative to -attend a Homeowner's Association meeting to discuss these issues. You may arrange City representation through the City Manager's ' office. ,.Again, thank you for your attention and input into these traf f is issues. We are preparing a status report on the Almeria Homeowners Association traff is issues to be presented to the City Council on July 20, 1992. We will be keep you informed of the progress'of,our investigation. If you have any questions, please contact me or Chuck Mackey at 544-8890. Sincerely, : Dougal s R. Anderson Transportation Engineer DRA:ktb:ALMERIA5 cc: William A. Huston Robert S. Ledendecker Dana R. Kasdan Chuck Mackey