HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 4 CMP STATUS RPT 07-20-92�- REPORTS NO. 4 7-20-92 E: JULY 20, 1992 Inter - Com , � C's�,�-1 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - 1992 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) LEVEL OF SERVICE UPDATE RECOMMENDATION: Receive and.file. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the current Orange County CMP guidelines, the County of Orange is responsible for providing levels of service to Orange County cities for streets designated on the Orange County CMP Highway System. Within the City of Tustin, Jamboree Road, Irvine Boulevard, and Edinger Avenue are identified on the CMP Highway System. DISCUSSION: In April 1992, the City of Tustin received materials submitted by the Orange County Environmental Management Agency regarding the collection of data pertinent to the 1992 level of service calculations for the CMP Highway System. The calculations were completed and received by the City of Tustin in June, 1992, and are summarized in the attached exhibits. Also, attached to this report is a comparison of levels of service for roadway links and intersections on the CMP Highway System within•Tustin for 1991 and 1992. Particular attention is directed to the intersections of Irvine Boulevard/Jamboree Road and Edinger Avenue/Jamboree Road. These intersections show significant decreases in levels of service from 1991 to 1992. This is attributed primarily to commuter traffic on Jamboree Road. Since its September 1991 opening through the Marine Corps Air Station, Jamboree Road has been used as a bypass route by commuters to avoid traffic congestion on the SR -55 Freeway. The impact of this to the City of Tustin is not only an increase in traffic congestion within the City, but also the future possibility that its levels of service may exceed CMP requirements, with the possible loss of CMP funding if suitable improvements are not implemented. Staff has recognized a potential concern with the level of service at the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue intersection and with City Council concurrence in Spring 1992, submitted two projects to the County for Measure M funding that would enhance the intersection traffic capacity and provide full major arterial highway widening .of Edinger Avenue from Harvard Avenue to west of Jamboree Road. STATUS REPORT - 1992 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM JULY 20, 1992 Page 2 Unfortunately, Measure M funding for these projects was denied under the first year call for projects. However, it is envisioned at this time that with the Eastern Transportation Corridor, an overcrossing of Edinger Avenue by Jamboree Road will be pursued by the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) in accordance with the TCA Board's actions of May 14, 1992. Also, Measure M funding for the widening of Edinger Avenue to its full 6 -lane major arterial width in this area may be reapplied for in the next call for Measure M projects in Fall, 1992. The capacity along Irvine Boulevard will increase with the implementation of the County of Orange's Irvine Boulevard Widening and Restriping Project, which is currently in the environmental stages. Implementation of that project will provide a 6 -lane facility where only 4 -lanes exist today. The level of service at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard/Jamboree Road will be enhanced with the future implementation of a third northbound through lane on Jamboree Road from the I-5 Freeway to Irvine Boulevard, and also with the completion of the East leg of the Irvine Boulevard/Jamboree Road intersection, which is in the County. The City's seven year CMP Capital Improvement Program currently calls for utilizing Proposition 111 funds on the Jamboree Road widening as well as County of Orange funds since a portion of this link (I-5 Freeway to Bryan Avenue) lies within the unincorporated area. It should also be indicated that current I-5 and SR -55 Freeway construction is having a significant impact on City streets due to traffic diversion from the freeways onto the local arterial system. In conclusion, the City of Tustin remains in compliance with the current CMP requirements provided the levels of service do not deteriorate below level E. As can be seen in the attachment, the City of Tustin in terms of 1992 reporting is within CMP compliance at this time. This is a status report only and no Council action other than receive and file is necessary at this time. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Attachment RST:DRA:k1b:1992CMP Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager ■ INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE (1992) INTERSECTION INTERSECTION CAPACfTY UTILIZATION LEVEL OF SERVICE A.M. PEAK PERIOD 1. EDINGER AVENUE/SR-55 FREEWAY NORTHBOUND RAMPS 0.74 C 2. IRVINE BOULEVARD/JAMBOREE ROAD 0.93 E 3. EDINGER AVENUE/JAMBOREE ROAD 0.95 E 4. IRVINE BOULEVARD/SR-55 FREEWAY P.M. PEAK PERIOD I.- EDINGER AVENUE/SR-55 FREEWAY NORTHBOUND RAMPS 0.70 B 2. IRVINE BOULEVARD/JAMBOREE ROAD 0.67. B 3. EDINGER AVENUE/JAMBOREE ROAD 0.90 D 4. IRVINE BOULEVARD/SR-55 FREEWAY NOTES: REFER TO FIGURE FOR INTERSECTION LOCATIONS. • INTERSECTION OF SR-55/IRVINE BOULEVARD (4TH ST) NOT COUNTED DUE TO FREEWAY CONSTRUCTION/CLOSURE. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INTERSECTIONS ♦� — • --� .-L j IRVINE BOULEVARD NO SCALE ` V CMrIIOs ♦• � I 4 V �•����PRa ` j a Z , 4 BRYAN AVENUE Z ; Z a 1 > w Q � P PN P SAN i 2 O WALNUT AVENUE GF P�O�?' •` 0 I �. �z(D a 0. � 1 FREEWAY i ? , W � � m r ` � Q 1 Taccaa 1 LEGEND 3 0� DENOTES INTERSECTION NUMBER. E' d I Q I X (REFER TO TABLE.) >1 Z Q ;l W L 1 ---- CITY LIMIT UNE =I Q (n {fr_ C.M.P. HIGHWAY SYSTEM O L • — — • WARNER AVENUE E. I BARRANCA PARKWAY I 1 Of TRABUCO ROAD IRVINE CENTER DRIVE s ARTERIAL ROADWAY LEVELS OF SERVICE (1992) - ROADWAY SEGMENT NOTE- ROADWAY LINKS NOT IN CITY OF TUSTIN ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM HIGHWAY SYSTEM VOLUME-TO-CAPACrIY RATIOS AND LEVELS OF SERVICE `•♦ �7 4� 4 6 q IRVINE BOULEVARD o.71(C) i0 84(D) OSO(A) oaZ(p1 NO SCALE r- BRYAN AVENUE O. .� O• X41 Z W � y l• o: • EAGER AVEC T0= VOLUME (V) CAPACITY (C) V/C RATIO LEVEL OF SERVICE GRAND AVENUE SR -55 FREEWAY 22.345 37,500 0.596 A SR -55 FREEWAY RED HILL AVENUE 28.895 37.500 0.771 C RED HILL AVENUE JAMBOREE ROAD 19,833 37.500 0.529 A JAMBOREE ROAD HARVARD AVENUE 21,259 37.500 0.567 A HARVARD AVENUE CULVER DRIVE 21,793 46,900 0.466 A JAMS ROAD ♦0 4 FROM: TO o.ssu+ ALTON PARKWAY BARRANCA PARKWAY 24.425 56.300 0.434 A BARRANCA PARKWAY WARNER AVENUE 23,868 56,300 0.424 A WARNER AVENUE EDINGER AVENUE 20.998 56.300 0.373 A EDINGER AVENUE WALNUT AVENUE 36,908 56.300 0.656 A WALNUT AVENUE 1-5 FREEWAY 31.053 56.300 0.552 A 1-5 FREEWAY BRYAN AVENUE 24.922 46.900'` 0.531 • A BRYAN AVENUE IRVINE BOULEVARD 1 17.345 46.900• 0.370• A SNE BOULEVARD All- �--E-•--.--.--.--.- £ARRANCA PARKWAY o I FROM: TO CULVER DRIVE JAMBOREE ROAD 30.375 37.500 0.820 D JAMBOREE ROAD TUSTIN RANCH ROAD 27,992 56,300 0.497 A TUSTIN RANCH ROAD RED HILL AVENUE 31,646 37,500 0.844 D RED HILL AVENUE NEWPORT AVENUE 26.452. 37,500 0.705 C NEWPORT AVENUE SR -55 FREEWAY 33.190 37.500 0.885 D NOTE- ROADWAY LINKS NOT IN CITY OF TUSTIN ARE SHOWN FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM HIGHWAY SYSTEM VOLUME-TO-CAPACrIY RATIOS AND LEVELS OF SERVICE `•♦ �7 4� 4 6 q IRVINE BOULEVARD o.71(C) i0 84(D) OSO(A) oaZ(p1 NO SCALE r- BRYAN AVENUE O. .� O• X41 Z W � y l• o: TO ALTON PARKWAY cc .4 FREEWAY TRABUCO ROAD r1A 1 0y1 i Z l 1 SC 0. > I o l y �aN / tis rT� --�_ ` AVENUE: WALNUT CL ♦0 4 AT N. SF RR 4 o.ssu+ 0.77(C) 4 c t �9y LE� . + D•57(AZJ O If DENOTES ExtSTING NUMBER Or `� O s SEGMENT O� IRVINE CENTER ` 9Lf 5 N 1 LANES PER ROADWAY a o `�,9) x.xx(x) vet RATIO (LOS) �IIZ �J DRIVE �l r `� b CURRENTLY 2 LANES NORTNSOUNO AND 3 LANES SOUTHBOUND. fOR = i Q W CAPACITY CALCULATIONS ASSUME b N 1 s LANES. U - \ - • -, YY�� . - - - cm uMrr LANE C.N.P. HIGHWAY SYSTEM J� WARNER AVENUE 1 v49L 10 C All- �--E-•--.--.--.--.- £ARRANCA PARKWAY o I TO ALTON PARKWAY 0) O) r - r 07 LL W 00 W> cr- W W J O 0 > Q cc V�00000 QU tL Q U W ... �� J .O Q:.i000 m— O n co O n N co 0 LO r- . 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