HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 HUD CHAS 12-06-93AGENDA PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 12-6-93 In t e DATE: DECEMBER 6, 1993 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER TO: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FROM: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAM DEVELOPMENT (HUD): SUBJECT: COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING AFFORDABILITY STRATEGY (CHAS) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the City's ComprL~ne~Bive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) by minute action authorizing its submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for review and approval. FISCAL IMPACT The adoption of the proposed CHAS in itself will not have an immediate fiscal impact on the City. However, its adoption and ultimate approval by HUD will enable the City to apply directly for federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds. The receipt of these Federal funds would reduce the expenditure of City funds for projects (e.g. public improvements, housing and commercial rehabilitation, etc.) that benefit low and moderate income households'throughout the City. As the CHAS is implemented, each program and each year's budget expenditures will be required to be reviewed and approved by the city Council. BACKGROUND On March 29, 1993, the City of Tustin received a letter from HUD indicating that based on our current population (over 50,000), the City of Tustin would be eligible to apply directly to the Federal government for CDBG program funds as an entitlement community, beginning With the 1994-1995 funding year. It is anticipated that under the entitlement program, the City would receive up to approximately $450,000 in CDBG funds of its own in its first year of application. This compared to the City's receipt of $125,000 in CDBG funds during the 1993-1994 funding year by participating under the Urban County program with Orange County. On May 17, 1993, the city Council took action to accept the designation as a Metropolitan city and directed staff to pursue entitlement status. Further, appointment of the Assistant City Manager., or an authorized representative, was made to carry out all the administrative responsibilities within the scope of the entitlement process and CDBG program. One of the first requirements resulting from acceptance of the City's new City Council Reports Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy December 6, 1993 Page 2 entitlement statUs was the requirement for completion of an affordable housing planning document entitled the "Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy" (CHAS). The CHAS lays out the City's goals to address the issue of affordable housing, specifically where Federal dollars are involved. The CHAS is a Federal requirement of entitlement to describe the use of all resources, Federal, local and private, that are targeted for use in providing affordable housing. Staff has prepared the CHAS by combining background information, data, geal~ policies and programs contained in the City's Housing Element (pending and adopted) and the Final Report - Comprehensive Affordable Housing Strategy prepared by David Rosen and Associates for the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency's Housing Set-Aside Fund. This report was adopted by the Agency and City on November 1, 1993. As required by HUD instructions for preparation of the City's CHAS, staff held a public participation neeting on September 9, 1993, at 6:00 p.m. at the City's Senior Center. The purpose of the meeting was to solicit input from the public early on concerning affordable housing in the community. Meeting attendants included a representative from The Irvine Company and Akins Development Company; however, there were no City residents in attendance. Once the draft CHAS was cOmpleted, a summary of the document was required to be published including notification that the formal 30- day public review and comment period had begun· The CHAS summary was published on October 28, 1993, in the Tustin News. The public was atso informed of the availability of the CHAS for review and advised to submit comments by 5:00 p.m. on November 29, 1993, to the Community Development Department. Copies of the draft CHAS were also forwarded to members of the City Council during this time period. Finally, although not required by HUD, a public hearing notice identifying the time, date and location of the public hearing for the item was published in the Tustin News. Notices were also posted at City Hall and the Police Department. DISCUSSION The City is required to prepare a CHAS to be considered eligible to receive CDBG funds and other Federal funding sources providing housing assistance which the City nay be eligible for. The CHAS is a planning document that is mean5 to guide the development and maintenance of affordable housing cpportunities for the City. The City Council Reports Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy December 6, 1993 Page 3 CHAS is comprised of three components: Community Profile: This section is divided into three main sub-topics -- Market and Inventory Characteristics, Needs Assessment and Available Resources. A description of the community is provided highlighting the historical, social, and economic trends and factors that have influenced affordable housing in the City. A description of the City's general population and household characteristics is provided, including the identification by' the City of areas of concentration for racial/ethnic minority groups and lower ~ncomes as is required by HUD. The City's general market and inventory is analyzed in terms of supply, demand, tenure, vacancy rates, condition, cost and availability to special needs groups. A summary of the City's assisted housing inventory is provided, including an assessment of the facilities and services available for the homeless and persons threatened with homelessness. This section of the CHAS also provides a needs assessment Projection for the next five years for housing availability to low and moderate income households as required by HUD. These income ranges have'been closely tied to those contained in the Final Report, as reviewed by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency previously for use of the City's Housing Set-AsideFund. The purpose of coordinating with these income ranges is that it is currently anticipated that the Housing Set-Aside F~nd will provide the largest funding resource for the City to fulfill its housing affordability strategy. .However, as required by HUD the closing portion of this section provides a summary of all available funding resources. Five-Year Strateqy: This section establishes the long-term housing goals and programs in a general sense that are envisioned to be implemented over a five-year time frame. The programs are the same as those previously adopted by the Tustin CommunitY Redevelopment Agency; however, the programs 'are described in terms of Priority Activity Types with a separate analysis, strategy development and investment plan following. The Priority Activity Types include a First-Time Ho~buyers Program, the Cosmopolitan Apartments, the Preservation of Existing Affordable Units, Rehabilitation of Existing Housing Stock, New Housing Construction, and Suppor~ and Ancillary Services. More detailed information on each of these programs can be found in the CHAS. City Council Reports Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy December 6, 1993 . Page 4 Annual Plan: This section is the short-term guide for allocating monies towards improving housing conditions covering the first planning period of the Five-Year Strategy beginning October 1, 1993, through to September 30, 1994. With the exception of the Priority Activity Type entitled Support and Ancillary Services, it is anticipated that the City will initiate programs under each of the various Priority Activity Types described in the Five-Year Strategy. However, all of the programs are dependent upon the availability of funding. CONCLUSION Staff has prepared the CHAS in accordance with all HUD requirements coordinating information, policies and programs previously adopted by the City Council and Community Redevelopment Agency. The CHAS is required to be submitted by December 31, 1993, and with the Council's direction, staff is prepared to forward the document to HUD to meet the required deadline. Associate Planner : ab\chasappr, aeb