HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 PEDES ACCESS 11-01-93AGE N DA,
' 11-1-93
NOVEMBER 1, 1993
Pleasure of the City Council.
Estimates for the various alternatives are presented below. Since this
project was not previously identified on the City's list of Capital
Improvement Projects, funds are not currently available to implement the
project. If the Council wishes to pursue a project ~uring the current
fiscal year then it would be requested that the City Council approve a
supplemental budget appropriation to fund the desired alternative. The
following listing provides cost estimates for funding of each of the
alternatives studied: Alternative 1 is~$35,000.00; Alternative 2A is
$53,000.00; Alternative.'2B is $35,000.00; Alternative 3 is $2,500.00;
Alternative 4 is'$37,000.00.
At the July 19, 1993 City Council meeting, the Council considered an
item entitled "Citizens Concerns - Sycamore Avenue Pedestrian Access
Between Peppertree And Tustin Meadows Developments". The City had
previously received letters from residents living within the Tustin
Meadows and Peppertree residential development areas expressing concern
with the pedestrian walkway along Sycamore Avenue between the two
Engineering Division staff was directed by the City Council at the July
19, 1993 meeting to investigate the concerns of the residents and work
with the two affected Community Associations to recommend acceptable
alternatives that address the residents concerns.
The Engineering Division staff has completed the investigation of the
subject location and has developed feasible alternatives to address the
residents concerns. Reduced copies of the alternatives are attached for
your information. The alternatives are' described as follows:
Alternative 1.
This opens Sycamore Avenue to through vehicular and
pedestrian traffic between Canterbury Avenue and
Alder Lane. This alternative includes a striped
median, sidewalks, and landscapeQ parkways on each
side of the roadway. This a!~ernative was the
original plan for this street at the time of
development of both Tustin Meadows and Peppertree.
As indicated in the attached .letters, this
November 1, 1993
Page 2
Alternative 2A.
alternative would be a consideration by Mr. George
Simon, a resident of Tustin Meadows.
This alternative relocates existing pedestrian
access to the center of Sycamore Avenue in the
subject area. Vehicular access remains restricted
and emergency and maintenance access is provided
through a locked gate near the center!of the fenced
area. This includes the construction of full curbs
and gutters, sidewalks, and an asphal~ cover of the
existing dirt area. This alternativ~ is supported
by both Community Associations and by the George
Speicher family as indicated in .the attached
This alternative, similar to Alternative 2A, also
relocates the pedestrian access to ~he center of
SycamO-re Avenue in the subject area. ~However, this
does not include the full curb and gutter
construction nor the extensive sidewalk
construction shown in Alternative 2A. Vehicular
access is restricted and emergency and maintenance
access is offset toward the north side of the
street through a locked gate.
This alternative represents the full closure of any
type of access through this area. Construction
includes the removal of existing handrails and
ramps and the installation of locks on the existing
gates. Emergency and maintenance access will
remain at existing locations. As indicated in the
attached letters, this alternative would be a
consideration by Mr. George Simon, a resident of
Tustin Meadows.
This alternative is similar to Alternative 2B,
except that vehicular access is restricted at
Sycamore Avenue and Canterbury Avenue and at
Sycamore Avenue and Alder Lane by the installation
of removable, lockable bollards. This alternative
is not supported by the Tustin Police Department
due to possible security concerns.
The affected Community Associations were notified that the investigation
was complete and that feasible alternatives had been developed. A
meeting was held on September 27, 1993, to present staff's findings and
alternasives to the Community Associations and receive their input. The
meeting was attended by Mr. Carl Kasalek representing the Peppertree
Homeowners Association, Mr. Robert Quinn representing Tustin Meadows,
Mr. George Simon a resident of Tustin Meadows, and Mr. and Mrs. George
speicher residents o.f Peppertree.
Alternative 2B.
Alternative 3.
Alternasive 4.
November 1, 1993
Page 3
The aforementioned residents and Community Associations representatives
have submitted letters supporting some of the alternatives. These
letters are attached for your information.
With the City Council's approval of one of' the alternatives and approval
of a supplementary budget appropriation, this project may now proceed in
a timely manne~-to resolve concern in this area.
Robert S. Ledendecker Douglas R. Anderson
Director of .Public Works/City Enqineer Transportation Engineer
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September 28,1993
Mr. Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA. 92680
; SEP301993
Dear Bob'
Mr. Doug Anderson requested that I drop you a no't~ confirming our
approval of your Option ~2A as outlined by your staff in our meeting
this past Monday September 27,1993. This option provides paving the
dirt area on Sycamore between Tustin Meadows and Peppertree as well as
extending the sidewalks to the middle of a single wrought iron fence.
There will be a single pedestrian opening in the fence with an
additional opening for emergency and maintenance vehicles.
This solution addresses most, if not all, of the concerns outlined by
Mr. Simon, my neighbors the ~Fellicks, and myself in prior
correspondence and phone calls. This improvement will greatly improve
the visual aspects of the area, reduce noise levels adjacent to our
homes, reduce vandalism and other negative activities, as well as
improving the ability of the Tustin Police Department to patrol the
areas in question.
Mr. Carl Kaselek, our Peppertree Homeowners President, brought this
matter before our Association at tonight's PHOA Board meeting and
%his. option ~2A was approved unanimously. Mr. Kaselek will drop you a
note to this effect. I trust the Tustin Meadows Board will do the
Bob, I really do appreciate your support and courtesy in this matter
that has been a chronic problem for years and I would urge that you
bring this matter before the Tustin City Council at your earliest
possible opportunity. Apparently, your staff will address the costs
for these changes and pass this a long to you for presentation to the
Council. Any help that you or the Council can provide in expediting
this work would be greatly appreciated by all of us that are impacted.
Please feel free to' contact me if you have any questions" on the above.
Thanks again for the help and I look forward to working with you in
the future. ~
Very Trtkl~o~ /// ~
/,~~~pe i ch er
~ i47110% Ald%r Lane
./ Tustk~, CJ. 92680
~ (714~-3070 (Office)
,~) 669-9877 (Work)
cc' Doug Anderson, Transportation Engineer, Tus%in ~ Mr. George Simon
Mr. Carl Kaselek, 'Pregiden% PHOA ·
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Fellick
September 29, 1993
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Attn: Mr. Doug Anderson, Transportation Engineer ~
Public Works/Engineering
Subject: Proposed change of Traffic Flow,
Dear Sir:
My neighbor, Mr. George Simon, 14712 Hyannis Port Road, has
advised me of the meeting held September 27th, at which changes
in the existing traffic flow on East Sycamore, between Tustin
Meadows an~ Peppertree tracts were ~iscussed~ This change can
have an impact on the residents, anm I am amzed other residents
bordering East Sycamore were not advised of the project so they
~Could offer their input. Mr. Simon has showed me the prints of
the possible change and the alternates, and I believe not all
of these choices consider the im~act o~residents. Please con-
sider the following:
1. The opening of East Sycamore to both vehicles and pedestrian
traffic will benefit traffic from Peppertree far more than Tustin
Meadows, as a shortcut to Redhill, to avoid Walnut traffic. This
traffic increase of vehicles through T.M. would probably cause
the need of some other traffic controls in T.M, such as the Stop
Sign installed a few years ago to 'slow-down' short cutting cars
from Walnut, thru Oxford-Roanoke to the Red Hill exit. Thus the
opening of E. Sycamore would affect a large part of T.M, not
just a dozen homes bordering E. Sycamore, in heavy traffic in a
residential area where many children live, and the nuisance of
noise created..The traffic in reverse (mhrough~ Peppertree) would
be similar, but probably in a lesser amount.
2. Daytime foot traffic is principally children from Peppertree
going to or from school. This is also a ~roblem to us. Kids toss
their trash over residents fences: I received a dead oppossum on
my patio~ recently, soft dri~ cans, and even a couple worn out
tires. Kid's occasionally climb uoon the fences to fence-walk,
a danger~u~ practi~e from a residents point o£ view, as an injury
from a fall makes the resident liable.
3. Closing the street to both vehicles and pedestrians also nas
oroblems. We would still have motorcycles 'test-r~ning' up and
down the street, kids throwing trash, and tire-changers' throwing
tires dn our ya'~°ds.
It appears a "Catch 22" situation, there is no solution that
will olease everyone, i sincerely hope there are other alternates.
So fa~ it appears opening E. Sycamore may b~ the lesser o£ evils.
Thank you £or letting me state some opinions.
Dona~"'~. Wylie /
14711 Hyannis Port Rd.
Tustin, CA 92680
P.O. Box 491, Tusdn, California 92680
October 1, 1993
Dear Mr. Ledendecker:
Mr. Robert Ledendecker
City Engineer
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
OgT Zll993
After reviewing the four different alternatives presented by
your staff regarding the ~pedestrian walkway on East Sycamore
leading from Tustin Meadows to Peppertree, we reccomend Alternative
2A as the best solution. Alternative 2A solves the problem of
children passing too closely to any residence and it is also the
most asthetically pleasing as well. Alternative 2B would be the
only other acceptable plan presented, it is not as nicely completed
as 2A therefore it is our second choice.
The remaining aiternatives presented are.not acceptable to us
for a variety of reasons. Alternative 1 is unacceptable at this
time because the majority of our residents do not desire through
vehicular traffic on East Sycamore. Alternative 3 does not allow
for any access, either pedestrian or vehicular and is also not
acceptable. The children do need access to walk to and from school
since the residents of Peppertree do not feel that WalnUt is a safe
pedestrian way. Alternative 4 is not acceptable because we feel
that police and other emergency vehicles need easier access than
this alternative would allow.
Thanks to you and your staff for your prompt attention to this
matter. We hope that a decision can be made soon and this situation
be taken care of as quickly as possible. Please keep us informed as
the process continues and don't hesitate to call me with any
questions or concerns.
Robert Quinn
President, Tustin Meadows Homeowners Association
cc: Carl Kasaiek
George Simon
George Speicher
Peppertree Homeowners Association
October 3, 1993
Bob Ledendecker
City Engineer
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mr. Ledendecker;
As president of the Peppertree Homeowners Association, I was in attendance at the City
of Tustin's September 27th meeting regarding the Sycamore Avenue pedestrian access
between Peppertree and Tustin Meadows. Four alternatives to remedy the problem were
presented by your staff with drawings detailing each proposal.
My recommendation was to accept alternative 2A. It is possibly the most costly alternative, '
but offers all interested parties the maximum satisfaction to their concerns. All alternatives
were presented and discussed at our last Peppertree Homeowners meeting on September
28th. The entire Board of Directors, along with all in attendance, unanimously approved
alternative 2A.
We do want to tnake very clear, that opening Sycamore Avenue for vehicular traffic
between Peppertree and Tustin Meadows is NOT acceptable to the Peppertree homeowners
and should not be considered in any way.
I thank you for all the good work you and your staff has put into this project and would
be happy to assist you in any way we can toward its completion.
Carl Kasalek
~ .rge SIMON
14.7].2 Hyannis Port Rd.
Tustin, CA., 92680 ~
c/o Bob Ledendecker
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA., 92680
Dear Bob;
18 Octobe
? Off[ [ 9 1993
This ltr is in response to the recent meeting with Doug Anderson
& staff @ City Hall on Monday, 27ZhSep93 @ 4pmo Regarding the
matter of the Ped crossing between Tustin Meadows & Peppertreeo
Results of which a near majority approved Alt 2A. I objected.'.'
My preference is to completely OPEN or CLOSE the access.
Option 2A accepted overwhelmingly by the Peppertree (PT) part-
ticpants ~ the meeting is a ~est "Self Serving" for the PT people,
for which the Ped Crossing was approved for originally. Example;
My neighbor, Mr. George Speicher across the access was a confirme&
advo~e of "completely Closing" the access until recently when his
kids reached school age and are now utiliziAg the crosswalk to at-
tend school on Redhil'l Avenue. Option Alt 2A was his original
ideaand if you look closely at his proposal you can readily see
WHY he wants it soo badly .' .' At the moment, his kids and many
T~-fends use the existing area outide his house as a rollerblade/
hockey arena, etc., his proposal enlarges the existing area quit~
appropriately for his kids &. friends to utilize as a mini-play
ground. I am extremely opposed to this enlarged area because I
feel this will certainly be a draw for a miniplayground on both
sides of the Ped crossing. NOISE is what we're trying to suppress
not enhance .' .'
Bob, what I'm hoping for is that "Good 01e Common Senee" will pre-
vail and all will agree that opening Sycamore street to Alder Lane
is the best of any and all proposals· I'm sure the original intent
of building the street in the first place was to eventually OPEN it
to traffic , pedestrian & wehicular I don't like the idea, but.. '~-
· ·
Please refer to Encl (1) my modified proposal of Alt's 2A/2Bo
My proposal will not only minimize the use of the area as mini-
playground, better direct Ped traffic away from sensitive areas,
but will save TIME, MONEY & MATER'ALS for now and the eventual
OPENING of sycamore s~reet thra to Alder lane in PT.
COST EFFECTIVENESS AND FEASIBILITY is the word for now & future.
cc: Rob Quinn
Thanks Bob & Staff.
? .