HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 9 MOU TPMA 10-19-93AGENDA UATE' CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 9 10-19-93 Inter-Com OCTOBER 13, 1993 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER BETTIE CORREA, SENIOR PERSONNEL ANALYST MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - POLICE MANAGEMENT UNIT RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the Tustin Police Officers Association regarding the Police Management Unit which consists of Sergeants and Lieutenants. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact should be negligible for the health and welfare benefits as all benefits currently.received by this unit were incorporated into this MOU. The retiree medical plan is the only new benefit in this MOU and since no money is expended until a member of the unit retires, there is no immediate impact. There are 16 employees eligible under this MOU and in this group there are 5 employees 50 years of age or over who could choose to retire and begin drawing the $166 per month benefit toward their health insurance. Should all five choose to retire immediately, the cost would be $9,960 per year. In another two years, an additional two employees woUld be eligible and should they retire then, the cost would rise to $13,944 per year. At this time we have no information to indicate how many of those eligible will retire in the next five years. We can expect that the cost will increase gradually as more employees become eligible. DISCUSSION' This is the first Memorandum of Understanding for this unit since they just organized at the end of last year. The City has met and conferred with the Tustin Police Officers Association and this Memorandum of Understanding contains all provisions to which both parties have agreed. BMC2:CNCLRPTP.MGR MEMORkND~ OF UNDERSTAi~DING TUSTIN POLICE MANAGEMENT UNIT TUSTIN POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION CITY OF TUSTIN TERM: JULY 1, 1993 TO DECEMBER 31, 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article 1. Recognition ................... 1 Article 2. Retirement Plan ................. 1 Article 3. Retirement Survivor's Benefit .......... · 2 Article 4. Paid Leave .................... 2 Article 5. Uniform Allowance ................ 3 Article 6. Standby Duty ................... 3 Article 7. Call-Back Duty .................. 4 Article 8. Deferred Compensation .............. 4 Article 9. Court Pay Provisions ............... 4 Article 10. Overtime Compensation .............. 4 Article 11. Employee Life Insurance ............ 5 Article 12. Medical and Dental Insurance ........... 5 Article 13. Section 125 Program ................ 5 Article 14. Retiree's Health Insurance ............ 5 Article 15. Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plan ......... 5 Article 16. .Tuition Reimbursement .............. 6 Article 17. Management Rights Clause ............. 7 Article 18. Scope of Renegotiation .............. 7 Article 19. Administrative Regulations ............ 7 Article 20. Effective Date .................. 8 Article 21 Application of Agreement ............. 8 · 8 Article 22. Gender ...................... Article 23. Severability ................... 8 Article 24. Binding on Successors .............. 8 Article 25. Ratification ................... 8 Article 26 Amendments .................... 8 · 8 Article 27. Notices .... . ................ Article 28. Term of Agreement ................ 9 Article 29. Conclusion of Agreement ............. ~ Article 30. No Change of Benefits .............. 9 Article 31. Performance Evaluations ............. 9 Article 32 Probationary Rejection .............. 9 · 9 Article 33. Work Schedules .................. ATTACHMENTS A. Master Policy - LTD MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING POLICE MANAGEHENT REPRESENTATION UNIT CITY OF TUSTIN AND TUSTIN POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the California Government Code Sections 3500 et.seq, and Section 17 of the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of Tustin, City representatives have met and conferred in good faith with the Tustin Police Officers' Association pertaining to the wages, hours, benefits and conditions of employment for employees in the Police Management Representation Unit; and WHEREAS, the meeting between the Association and City representatives has resulted in an agreement and understanding to recommend that the employees represented by the Association accept all of the terms and conditions as set forth herein and that the City representatives recommend to the City Council that it adopt by resolution or resolutions the changes and additions to the wages, hours and conditions of enployment for the police management employees as set forth herein. W I TNES SETH Article 1. Recoqnition. The City has previously recognized the Tustin Police Officers' Association as the majority representative of employees in the Police Management Representation Unit for purposes of representation on issues of wages, hours and other terns and conditions of employment. As majority representative, the Association is empowered to act on behalf of all employees who hold positions in classes in th~ Police Management Representation Unit whether or not they are individually members of the Tustin Police Officers' Association. The Classifications constituting the Police Management Representation Unit are: Police Lieutenant Police Sergeant Article 2. Retirement Plan. The City shall continue to "pick up" and pay on behalf of each employee the employee's required contribution to the Public Lmployees Retirement System (PERS) in the amount equal to nine percent (9%) of the employee's "compensation earnable". Employees serving in a Classification covered by this Agreement shall have a vested right to receive all of the retirement benefits entitled them as of the effective date of this M.O.U. Article 3. Retirement Survivor's Benefit. The city shall provide the 1959 Survivors Benefit option of the Public Employees Retirement System for employees, at employee cost. Article 4. Paid Leave. A. General Leave 1. Each employee accrues general leave in accordance with the following: Years of Service General Leave Hours Per Year 0-5 168' 6-10 208 Over 10 248 * 160 hours for employees hired after the effective date of this Memoradum of Understanding. · · The Police Chief may annually grant an additional eight (8) hour~ of general leave to each employee whose work performance is satisfactory. Subject to the availability of funds and guidelines established by the City Manager, employees may be paid for a maximum of forty (40) hours of general leave, eighty (80) hours if the employee has six (6) or more years of City service. B. Administrative Leave Employee~ shall receive an annual credit of forty (40) hours of administrative leave which may be uzed only as paid time off during the year in which it is credited. Subject to guidelines established by the City Manager, the Police chief may grant up to an additional forty (40) hours. C. Holidays The following holidays are observed by the City: January 1 Third Monday in February Last Monday in May July 4 First Monday in September November 11 New Year's Day Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day D. The Thursday in November designated by the President or Governor as Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day The day following the Thursday in November designated as Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Afternoon before the Christmas Day Holiday Christmas Holiday Eve December 25 Christmas Day Afternoon before the New Year's Day Holiday New Year's Holiday Eve When a holiday occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed instead. When a holiday occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed instead. For the designated holidays, employees are eligible for eight (8) hours of paid time off for each full day and four (4) hours for each of the two (2) afternoon holidays. Unless operational needs, as determined by the Police Chief, require that the time be taken at some other date the time off will be taken on the scheduled holiday. If the holiday hours paid on a holiday or substituted day off are less than the employee's regularly scheduled hours the employee may use accrued compensatory time or general leave to ensure that hours paid will be the same as would regularly be paid for the day. Bereavement Leave The City shall allow up to three (3) days with pay for the purpose of bereavement leave in the event of a death in the employee's immediate family. "Immediate Family" shall be defined as including the spouse, mother, father, brother~ sister, child, grandparent, and grandchild of the employee or the employee's spouse. Article 5. - Uniform Allowance. Employees will be paid a uniform allowance of $325.00 per year. Special motor officer gear and officer public safety leather gear required by the department will be provided. Article 6. Standby Duty. Police Sergeants shall be compensated for standby duty at the rate of two (2) hours straight time for each eight (8) hours required, including holidays. Standby duty for scheduled court appearances on behalf of the City shall be compensated at a rate of two (2) hours straight time for morning (a,m. hours) appearances and one (1) hour straight time for afternoon (p.m. hours) appearances. Article 7. Call-Back Dut¥.~ In addition to standby compensation, if any, Police Sergeants shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours overtime paid at a time and one-half rate for any call which required them to return to duty. Article S. Deferred Compensation. The City shall contribute 2% of the employee's base salary to a deferred compensation program or vehicle currently offered by the City. It is the responsibility of employees to complete the necessary paperwork and take required steps to enroll in the program. Should employees fail to enroll, the City is under no obligation to make retroactive contributions on behalf of said employee or employees. Employees hired into the representation unit shall be provided with a notification of the deferred compensation program, including the amount of employer contributions, during employee orientation. Article 9. Court Pay Provisions. Police Sergeants shall be paid at a time and one-half rate for time spent in required court appearances involving City business that occur during the Sergeant's off-duty hours. A minimum of two (2) hours of such compensation will be paid for court appearances scheduled in the morning (a.m. hours) and/or two (2) hours for court appearances scheduled in the afternoon (p.m. hours). Article 10. Overtime Compensation. The City shall pay Police Sergeants time and one-half for all approved overtime hours worked in excess of; (1) regularly scheduled hours per shift; (2) hours worked on a day the employee is not regularly scheduled to work; or (3) hours worked in excess of the prescribed hours during the applicable work cycle, (i.e. (a) 40 hours in a 7-day work cycle for employees on the 4/10 work schedule; (b) 160 hours in a 28-da~ cycle for employees on the 3/12.5 work schedule; and (c) 80 hours in a 14-day work cycle for employees on the 9/80 work schedule). General leave, compensatory time and holiday hours paid shall be counted as hours worked in these calculations. In lieu 6f receiving cash payment for overtime, the employee may elect to be credited with compensatory time at the rate of time and a half, subject to a maximum accrual of forty (40) hours. The time during which an employee may take compensatory time shall be subject to approval by the appointing authority or designee with due regard for the wishes of the employee and for needs of the service. Should this provision be found invalid by an arbitrator, court of competent jurisdiction or the Department of Labor, the accrual of compensatory time shall cease and all accrued compensatory time shall be paid at the employee's current straight time rate. Upon separation'from City service, an employee shall be compensated for all accrued compensatory time of forty (40) hours or less at his/her straight time hourly base rate. Article 11. Employee Life Insurance. The City will provide life insurance on the life of each regular, permanent full-time, employee and pay the premiums thereof. The death benefit of said insurance shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's base annual salary to the nearest multiple of $1,000.00. The City shall also make available, at the employee's option, a supplemental life insurance policy, the death benefit of which shall be $18,000.00. The premium of said supplemental policy shall be paid by the employee. Article 12. Medical and Dental Insurance. After thirty (30) days of employment, each employee will be eligible for a City payment of premiums for employee selected medical insurance under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Program and dental insurance under plans offered through the City. Employees who do not choose to participate in the insurance programs shall be paid $120.00 per month. As a condition of' receiving such amount, the employee must provide evidence, satisfactory to the City, that he/she has medical insurance coverage comparable to coverage available through the City program. Article 13. Section 125 Program. A Section 125 Program will be implemented on or before January 1, 1994 and include such options as may be available. The Program shall be administered through Colonial Life provided that the City retains the right to change administrators for cause. Participation in the Program is voluntary and such costs as may attend participation are to be pai~ by the employee. Article 14. Retiree's Health Insurance. The City will contribute a maximum of $150.00 per month towards the payment of medical insurance premiums for employees who retire from the City of Tustin after October 1, 1993. SuCh contribution is supplemental to the $16.00 per month City contribution to be made for eligible retirees under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act Program and subject to the same conditions applicable to the PERS City ccntribution. Article 15. Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plan ae Attachment "A" is a master policy for an employee Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan. This policy contains the primary components of a plan to be offered employees by the Canada Life Assurance Company as soon aS possible but not later than January 1, 1994. Parties to this M.O.U. are in agreement with the master policy but retain the right to meet and confer on any provisions of the final Policy which are considered inconsistent with the intent of the parties. Be The "Bank of Hours" program referenced in the Long-Term Disability Plan, adopted by reference to Attachment "A" in the current M.O.U., will be abolished upon the effective date of the Plan in A. above. Hours in the bank will be distributed equally to the general leave accounts of employees, provided that if such distribution results in the employee's account exceeding the authorized maximum accumulation, such excess will be paid at the employee's then current hourly rate. Ce It is understood that extant liabilities of the City administered LTD Plan are to be satisfied as a condition to implementation of the Canada Life Assurance Company Plan. Funds on deposit which may not be needed to satisfy such liabilities will be applied to costs of the Canada Life Plan. De In addition to provisions of the Long-Term Disability Insurance Plan, the City agrees to pay the same salary benefit paid by the Plan for disability leave which occurs after the employee has used eighty (80) consecutive hours of general leave during the 30 day period beginning with the 1st day of the leave. E. FleXible benefits will be continued for three (3) months of a disability leave and such time will be counted towards satisfying Federal FMLA requirements. Article 16- Tuition Reimbursement. Employees shall be encouraged to further their academic education and trainin~ in those areas o~ benefit to the employee and to the City. Full-time employees will be eligible for reimbursement by the City of tuition for professional techniCal courses subject to the fcilowing conditions and related Council Policy statements: ae Department Head and City Manager approval must be obtained before enrollment in the course. B. Reimbursement shall be made of tuition fees, textbooks, lab fees, or required supplies, upon completion of the course with a satisfactory grade and after the completion of the initial probationary period. C. Tuition reimbursement shall not be made ~f ~he employee is drawing veteran's education benefits or any other reimbursement for the same course. De Reimbursement for up to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per semester for two (2) semesters in any calendar year will be paid upon receipt by the Personnel Department of proof of successful completion of the course and proof that payment of fees has been made. Article 17. MaDagemeDt Right9 ClaUse. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Memorandum, the Personnel Rules & Regulations and Departmental Regulations, and amendments and revisions thereto, will remain in force and effect, whether exercised or not, and they are the sole and exclusive righ= and functions of management including, but not limited to: The right to contract or subcontract construction, services, maintenance, distribution or any other work with outside public or private entities. The right to suspend provisions of this agreement in the event of, and for the duration of, an emergency as determined by the City Council, and/or by county, State or Federal action upon notification to the association regarding the nature and expected duration of the emergency. The right to determine ztaffing and to direct the work force, including the right to hire, promote, demote, evaluate, transfer, lay-off or discharge any employee. The right to take such further action as may be necessary to organize and operate the City in the most efficient and economical manner to serve the public interest. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Tustin Police Officers' Association of any right to meet and confer and/or represent its members pursuant to the Meyer-Milias-Bro%~ Act or any other applicable State or Federal law. Article 18. Scope of R~ne~ot~ation at Conclusion of contract. Ail provisions of this agreement and other conditions of emplo?=ent appropriate to the meet and confer process shall be subject to renegotiation at the conclusion of the contract period and may thereafter be included in the meet and confer process at the request of either party. Article 19. A~inistrative Regulations~ The City Manager may issue written administrative personnel regulations designed to augment or clarify the provisions of this memorandum. Article 20. Effective Date. Ail provisions set forth herein, shall be effective as of the date of approval of this Memorandum of Un&~tan~in~ b~' tho Tu~tin City C0uncil, unless o~herwise specifically provided. Article 21. Application of Aqreement. The parties agree that the term "employee" whenever used herein, whether singular or plural, means and applies only to those employees of the City included within the Tustin Police Management Representation Unit, and that this memorandum covers only said employees. Article 22· Gender. Words used in this memorandum in the singUlar include the plural, and the plural include the singular. Words appearing in the male gender include the female gender and the female gender include the male gender. Article 23. Severabilitv. If any part of this memorandum is rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently-enacted legislation, governmental regulation or order or decree of court, the invalidation of such part of this memorandum shall not render invalid the remaining part hereof. Article 24. Bindinq on Successors. This memorandum shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto and no provisions, terms or obligations herein contained shall be affected or changed in any way whatsoever by the consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or assignment of either party hereto. Article 25. Ratification. This memorandum contains all the terms and conditions agreed to between the parties. This memorandum shall be of no force or effect unless or until duly approved adopted, ratified, and agreed to by the City Council of City, or in the alternative, that all of the substantive provisions contained herein are adopted by resolution of the City Council. Article 26. Amendments. This memorandum can be altered or amended only by written agreement between the parties hereto. Article 27. Notices. Notices hereunder shall be in writing and, if to the Tustin Police Management Unit, shall be mailed to President, Tustin Police Officers' Association, Post office Box 1516, Tustin, Ca 92680; and, if to City, shall be mailed to City Manager, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680. Article 28. Term of Aqreement. This Agreement shall be and remain in effect from July 1, 1993, up to and including December 31, 1993. Article 29. Conclusion of Aqreement. This agreement shall contain all of the covenants, stipulations and the provisions agreed upon by the parties. It is understood that all items relating to employee wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment not covered in this agreement are covered by existing ordinances, resolutions, policies and practices of the City as well as the Personnel Rules & Regulations presently in effect. Therefore, for the life of this agreement, neither the City or Tustin Police Management Association shall be compelled to meet and confer concerning any mandatory bargaining or meet and confer issue, whether specifically met.-and conferred about prior to the conclusion of this agreement or which may have been omitted in the meeting and conferring which led up to the conclusion of this agreement, except by mutual agreement of the parties. Article 30. No Change of Benefits. During the life of this agreement there shall be no change of benefits or privileges contained in existing resolutions and rules not specifically- revised by the provisions of this agreement, except after compliance with applicable laws. Article 31. Performance Evaluations. An employee may not appeal or grieve a performance evaluation unless said evaluation results in the denial of a merit increase. Nothing herein shall serve to restrict an employee from having a written, rebuttal attached to a performance evaluation with which the employee disagrees. Article 32. Probationary Re~ection. A probationary employee, rejected for failure to meet standards or pass probation, shall not be eligible for any internal grievance or appeal procedure pursuant to Swift vs. County of Placer. Article 33. Work Schedules. ao Effective February 22, 1993 the Department will implement the 4/10 work schedule; (in a 7-day work cycle the employee works four 10-hour days where the scheduled work shift commences and ends at the same time each day, with three consecutive days off) or the 3/12.5 work schedule, (in a 28-day work cycle the employee works three 12.5 hour days where the scheduled work shift commences and ends at the same time each day, with 4 consecutive days off, in each seven (7) calendar day period, 10 except that the employee must work one additional 10-hour shift during the work cycle) as follows: Be Co De 4/10 3/12.5 (1) Traffic and Investigation Divisions, (2) Employees in special assignments [continuation of the schedule is subject to needs of the Department, provided that if the Department desires to discontinue that work schedule, the employee will revert to the 9/80 work schedule (in a 14-day work cycle the employee works eight 9-hour days where the scheduled work shift~ commences and ends at the same time each day, and one eight-hour work day, with one period of 3 consecutive days off and one period of two consecutive days off.) or some other schedule upon mutual agreement of the Department and employee]. Patrol Employees assigned to special task forces or regional teams will work the hours that the team works. The Department shall continue the present practices of (1) rotating shift assignments on a regular basis at 6-month intervals; (2) allowing employees to sign up for and select shift assignments based on seniority; and (3) limiting an employee to 12 consecutive months on any shift assignment. Any employee's work schedule may be temporarily changed to accommodate training assignments which are eight (8) or more hours in duration. ' In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this document this day of , . City of Tustin By William Huston City Manager PMA-MOU.D3 Tustin Police Officers' Association B ~ Robert LaBarge President