HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 9 SCRRA PRE-EMP 09-20-93AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 9 9-20-93 lnter-C;om ATE: sEpTEMBER 20, 1993 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION FROM: AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY SUBJEC~ (SCRRA) TO INSTALL ANDMAINTAINRAILROAD PRE-EMPTION EQUIPMENT FOR THE RED HILL AVENUE/EDINGER AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recomnended that the City Council, .at their meeting of September 20, 1993, approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the attached agreement. It is also recommended that the Council approve a supplemental budget appropriation in the amount of $5,000.00 from unallocated Measure "M" Turnback Funds to complete this project. ., . . FISCAL IMPACT: This project is currently funded in the City's FY 1993-94 CIP budget at the level of $10,000.00. However, due to a recent ownership change of the railroad main line tracks, the estimate for the work to be performed within the railroad signal cabinet has increased, which has caused the total estimate for this project to exceed the project's budgeted amount by approximately $5,000.00. The additional requested budget appropriation will be funded from the City's unallocated Measure "M" Turnback Funds. BACKGROUND: Currently, when trains are crossing Red Hill Avenue just north of Edinger Avenue, the traffic signal at the intersection of Red Hill Avenue/Edinger Avenue continues to operate through its normal cycle. This operation tends to cause confusion among drivers who see a green indication in the Red Hill Avenue direction, yet have no where to stack as they wait for the railroad activity to move along. This is causing traffic to block the subject intersection and impede the through traffic movement in the Edinger Avenue direction. With the installation of pre-emption equipment at the noted location, traffic in the Edinger Avenue direction will be allowed to proceed uninterrupted through the Red Hill Avenue/Edinger Avenue intersection, except for conflicting moves, when trains are crossing Red Hill Avenue. Furthermore, traffic in the northbound Red Hill Avenue direction will be held on a red indication behind the limit lines on Edinger Avenue, thereby not allowed to enter the subject intersection to impede opposing through traffic and not blocking the intersection. .. DISCUSSION: This project was previously scheduled to be completed within the City's FY 1992-93. Traffic signal modification plans, specifications, and estimates have been prepared and approved. However, negotiations with the A.T. & S.F. Railroad to complete this project have been a lengthy process. To further complicate the matter, the Orange County main line railroad rights-of-way were recently acquired by the Orange County Transportation Authority operating through the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) and the negotiation process had to be restarted with the new owners. This has resulted in an outdated project estimate, which is higher than previously anticipated. With the City Council's approval of the project agreement and additional budget appropriation, this project may now proceed in a timely manner with the result of maximizing traffic operations at the subject intersection during railroad activity. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ city Engineer Attachment D~ugYas R. Anderson Transportation Engineer RSL :DA: k[ b: scr ral II ll METROLINK ~CRRA ORIQINAL COST Ah D i , ANCE.AGRF F . lENT THIS AGRE~HENT is made and entered into.this day of , 19 ~, ~ym~a between the BOUTHERNCALZFORNIAREGIONALRAZL A~THORITY, a Cal- ifornia ~lic Ag~cy, h~etnafter desi~.ated as ~BC~', and ~e CITY 0F-TUSTXN, A m~lcipal cor- poration in ~e State of California, hereinafter desi~ated ,CITY~. I_~ Animal,s County Metropolltnn Tr~nspodatlon Autl~rlty Omnoe County Trnnspart~lon AIJthorll~, Riverside County Tr'~n~ortation Commission San Berr~rdlno $0000008 Associated Governments W. tufa County l'ransport~tion Commission · Ex--Otflclo M~mbers: Soud~em California Xssoc~lon o1' Governments Sat~ Diego Association of Gov~'~m~nts Stats'of California ~, City is requesting=hat BCRRA install traffic signal pre- emption interconnection at R~D HILL ~V~UE, PUC Crossing No. 2- 177.9 in T~tin and; WHEREAS, The SCRRA is a five (5) County Joint ~oger~ Agency for~ed to manage the design, planning, constr~ction and operation of the Metrolink commuter rail system of which the Orange County Tran~- portation Authority (herinafter designated 0CTA) is a member and; ~ER~, On March 30, 1993, the OCTA became the new owners of the rail line and the SCRRA is coordinating all its construction and permitting efforts wi~h the 0CTA and local cities and; WH~, the parties hereto are in accord as to said Project and said parties are willing that, as set' forth below, SCRRA shall con- nect the City provided traffic ~ignal preemption conduit, as indi- cated on Exhibit 'A', made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference and; ~H~R~AS, the City and/or its contractor at their sole co~= and expense dezire to place ccnduit, as depicted on -Exhibit 'Ae, carrying certain traffic signal cables to connect to the SCRRA crossing ~ignal controller, cro~ing a portion of that certain railroad right-of-way owned by the OCTA and maintained by the SCRRA, to provide for traffic signal pre-emption circuitry for their o~n convenience and for the safety of the public: .dthern Callfornim 818 Weot Seventh Street. 7:~: Floor 21~ ~23-1194 Relilonal Rail Authority Los An0eles. CA 90017 FA~: 213 489-14§9 COST AND MAINTRNANCE AGREE~fENT (cent) Page 2. NOW T!TI EFO IT IS AGREED: 1. SCRRA w~11, at expense of City, design and install the ~equired track circuitry and relays to provide.traffic signal preempt_ion at RED HILL AVENUE and EDINGER AVENUE in the City of Tustin. of work set forth in this paragraph are attached hereto and marked Exhibit ..... ~ neoe~sa~ to place conaui= an ~ ....... ~. ,~_ --- ............ license from ~e o~-z'a. -,-~= ant alee constitutes provision of a . . _ . p~~ ~-~-'~- .- .... '. _~ ~_ __~ ~ a~O0 n~ ~our per per eon. 0~e person will De u=~~ ~ ..... e as soon as practicable, cons~.aerlng avaL~a~~ ~ -~ e~ .ha ~n~ual total coat of work, Bpecifi ...... .~_. Fifty-n~ne ~ 36/100 dollars (~~-~7. (100%) of eBttmate~ cost upon execu~lon o£ cos~ and_ the City shall pay the actual final cost, less cre~L~ ment. sum previously paid, upon compl, etion of audit and receipt of an itemized billing. If the cost zs less than estimated, 8CRRA will .refund to city any amount due. 5. city agrees to install and maintain, at its sole cost and ex- pense, the conduit and interconnecting wire from City's traffic controller to SCRRA~s instrument Cas~, as ~hown on Exhibit ~A~ attached hereto, made a part hereof, and incorporated herein by reference. 6. 8CRRA agrees to operate and maintain, at its expense, the necessary relay(s) and other materials required within it' s in- strument case for the interconnection and coordination of the op- eration of the railroad grade crossing automatic warning devices with the operation of the highway traffic control signals. COST AND MAINTEN]tNCE ]~GREEMENT Pag~ 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY OF TUSTIN has caueed these preeents ~o be executed and attestea by its duly qualified and authorizea offi- oials p~lrsuant to authority reg~llarly granted them by its City Council and the BCRRA has execute~ these preeents both ~'-e of the day and year first above written. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REgIONaL P~IL AUTHORITY By: Its: CITY 0]' TUSTIN by; Its: ATTEST~ (City ~ierk) D pREKMPTIONt RED HILL . (2-177.9) SIONAL. ESTIMAX% 420000-41X 400025 Lot; 74.50 7A.50 310.00 310.00 2.99 2.99 50.00 50.00 4~7.49 21.87 4~9.3.6 Ct. ro~Lt De.:Lgn Engtn*~:.£ng/D~r&f*:lng ' D&ys 1 ~lgnal InstalZ&~ion L~bor - Days I LABOR TOTAL 1,000o00 400.00 2,000.00 320.00 320°00 200.00 200.00 3,S20.00 5,280.00 8,800.00 9,259.36 August 17, 1993 SCR~A-SSO CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATXON * PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ×v/o ~,~'(~'~L PROJECT OR OPERATING ACCOUNT NUMBER FUND FISCAL' 'YEAR: AMOUNT CURRENTLY APPROPRIATED: FUNDING ALTERNATIVES: SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AMOUNT --'REASON FOR REQUEST: CITY MANAGER: APPROVED DENIED CITY ~ANAGER SIGNATURE/DATE: CITY COUNCIL ACTION (if required)/DATE: APPROVED DENIED * A supplemental appropriation includes a capital improvement project change order (for any amount that exceeds the contract and/or budgeted amount); where there is no appropriation in the authorized budget, or ~ny capital or operating expense that exceeds the authorized budget. suni ap~o. req