HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 T COMM FOUND 09-20-93EN NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 9-20-93 3ATE: SEPTEMBER 20, !993 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER VALERIE WHITEMAN, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK INTERVIEWS FOR TUSTIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: At their meeting on September 7, 1993, the City Council determined that interviews for the Tustin Community Foundation Board of Directors would be conducted during the City Council meeting of September 20, 1993. When the deadline for submitting applications closed on September 14, 1993, the following residents and community members had expressed interest in serving on the Foundation's Board: Cheryl Bell James Farley Nancy Fontaine Patricia E. Godfrey, Ed.D. Dr. J. Phil Hall · . LaVerne Laskey Bernard Joseph McLean George Mabee Terry Ann Riggins Richard Scherr Staff has contacted each of the above candidates and requested that they be present at the Sept=_mber 20th City Council meeting, 7:00 p.m. Valerie Whiteman Chief Deputy City Clerk CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 (714) 573-3025 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT FUll Legal Nmlle- Street' Apartment # City State Zip Code Home Phone Number (~)~0-~C~ Business Phone: .. Co-mission/Committee Position applying for: ~UUO~T/O~ Reason you are applying for that po~iti0n: i P~ ' . Please list below your background, anh any e~erience .you feel ~alifies you .for the position: . . List any prOfessional organizations to which you belong: 'Tusm_ ~u I(,w~s ~u.~6 i [1-°~4u~/z-Y /~nn_~,~z-/o,o's -~s~r~r~. . Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? ~& zf so, which ones? ~SL,ro~/~ L~T~r~ ~~ /~~S~/~/P. Have you' ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If so, why? EDUCATION: circle.Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 lib'l' ALL COLLE(IES, BUSINESS 'DATE~ ATTENDED 01~ TRADE SCHOOLS ATTENDED: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ DE(II'tEE OBTAINED What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? .~' Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the Office of the City Clerk.at the ..... address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. ' coa~mappt, cc AYL LYNN (MELVOLD) BEL. 10535 Bruno Dr. Tustin, California 92680 (714) 730-6205 EDUCATION LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL, LOS ANGELES, CA Juris D~tor, December 1989. Admitted to Califi~rnia State Bar June 1990 -Studen: Member: Faculty Appointment Committee. LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY, LOS ANGELES, CA Bachelor of Arts, History, May 1986. Minor: Business/Accounting. -Austria Semester: University of Salzburg, American Institute of Foreign Study, Spring 1985. -Phi Al?ha Theta International History Honor Society. -Scholarships: LMU Alunmi Academic Scholarship; Kiwanis Sponsored Youth Scholarships (2); Home Savings and Loan Career Awareness Scholarship. -Circle K International - Awards: Jay N. Emerson Distinguished International Lieutenant Governor, California-Nevada-Hawaii District Outstanding Lieutenant Governor; Offices Held: Lieutenant Governor. District Scholarship Chairperson, District K-Family Relations Chairperson, LMU Club Pr~sidunt. EXPERIENCE WESTERN LAW CENTER FOR TIIE HANDICAPPED, LOS ANGELES, CA. Intern - Attended depositions; drafted and answered interrogatories; researched issues related to the legal rights of the disabled (August 1989 - December 1989). EMPLOYMENT KEYSTONE PACIFIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC., NEWPORT BEAClt, CA. Community Manager - Responsible tbr the management of homeowners' associations (nonprofit torpor-at,ohs)', including contract negotiations and administration; CC&R enforcement; and daily operation of the as.sociations (At,gust ! 991 - Present). o HUGIIES & ASSOCIATES, SANTA ANA, CA. Associate Attorney - Responsible for preparing files for settlement and trial, including pleadings, discovery, meeting with clients, research, and other legal work pursuant to fismily law (June 1990 - February 1991). LAW OFFICES OF GEORGE W. FULTON, JR., SANTA ANA, CA. Law Clerk - Responsibilities included preparing legal documents, summarizing transcripts, and legal research, for insunmce defense (Jtme 1987 - August 1987). LOYOLA LA~,' SCIIOOL LIBRARY, LOS ANGELES, CA. Library Clerk - Assisted students and other library users with reference materials; filed and updated looselm."s, books, and other materials. (August 1986- May 1987) O'MELVENY & MYERS, LOS ANGELES, CA. Summer Clerk, Records Department - Assisted with tasks for automation of firm; performed data entry; filed offlze paperwork. (June 1986- August 1986) ASSOCIATIONS Ttt,;tin Ranch Sycamore Glen I'lomeowners Association: 1992-1993 President, 1991-1992 Vice President, 1990-1¢91 Rules and R~gulatitms Chairperson Community Ass~ciations l~tstitule, C:tlil'm'ni:t Southern Cotmties Chapter: 1994 Director - Elect, 1993 Associate Board Member, 1993 Strategic Planning Committee, 1992 & 1993 Social Committee City o1' Tustin Ad Hoc Cmnmittee {m Election Rel'm-m: Member Kiwanis Club o,r Tustin: 1993-1994 Treast, rer - Elect, 1992-1993 & 1992 Treasurer, 1991-1992 Director American Bar Association, Orange County Bar Association, Orange County Barristers: Member CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 (714) 573--3025 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Street Apartment # city 7/~ State Zip Code Home Phone Number (~) Y~F-/~]Business Phone: Reason you are applying for that position: ~.,.~-~ ~~,.. . , /]. , Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: List any professional organizations to which you belong: , &~, , - ,, ~ . .. Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? If so, which ones? ~/O Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? I ~ wh? ? ~/o ~ SO~ EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ LL~T ALL COLLEGES, BUS~ESS OR TR~/)E SCHOOLS ATTENDED: DATES ATTENDED DEGP~EE OBTAINED ~aat type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. C :,wnal:~ t. CC RESUME JAMES J. FARLEY 14231 Willo~ Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 838-1637 SL~4MARY: Over 40 years of diversified practical experience in personnel, administration, t~aching, fund-raising, consulting, public relations and building construction. Served as Vice Presid~%t of Develol=nent and ~ity Relations for ~3rtin Luther Hospitnl M!~4__ical Center in Anaheim and President of the Martin Luther Hospital Foundation frcm 1976-1987. His responsibilities includod fur~-raising and coord4,nation of all cc~unity ar~ public relations, hospital growth and develo~n~_nt and marketing activities. I-I.e retired in November of 1987. Prior to accepting his position with Martin Luther Hospital in 1976, hc sc'.L~;~! as V[cc.-Pl-c:.;~dc~t for Ek3velol~.:nt ~x] for L]lat~un Colluge in Or~]ge for 13 years, lle was supervisor of all non-acad~ntic functions at the college. He fouled the Cha_unan College ~3nagement Center, affilliated with Cal Tech and the University of Chicago and served over 300 corporations in Sout2nern California. lie planned and administered an $8.5 million building prcxjram a~YJ cicvc,.lo[xx] 'long-tau]ge fiscal and b~ildin(3 plans. also serv~/ as Chaiinnan of the I.'oundation for Shipb~-~rd Dducation. Ills responsibilities included Director of Major Gifts, Director of Public Information, Director of Alumni Activities, Director of Special Projects, ar~ Director of Annual Fund. His functions included responsibility for the development of the overall proqr..am for the Annual Fund, Major Gifts and Deferred Giving, budget preparation ar~ control, planning and construction of all buildings, handled sales of real estate and acted as executive secretary for standing cc~ttees of the Board of Trustees. From September- 1948 until 1963' he was an.-employee of Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. He served as a Professor of .~oncm~ics. and Business 7~hninistration au~J se~-~od as Ek3[~rtn~nt He taught courses in Accoanting, Business Law, .Economics, ' [-~irketing, Industrial Relations, and 5~nnag~t. He also did consulting vx~rk for many corl~.orations. In 1957 he became Vice-President of Westminster College in charge of Develo~nent, Public Relations ar~ Ccn~nunication, Building Construction ar~ Director of Center. lie was res[xonsible for all Fund-Raising Programs, charge of all new construction on the campus, working with architects, contractors, loaning institutions and the gove-~n~ent. He also supervised all Public Relations ar~ Ccnxmnnications of the college. Frcm Feb~naary to August 1971 he was Assistant Superintendent cf Schools, Tustin Union High School District. Responsible for all business ser¥[ces for the school district; financial, tr~nspcration budget preparation a3xl control, construction and developn~c~.t cf a Bond Acceptance Prc~jram. ACTIVITIES AND MEMB~HIPS: /' An active m~rber of Rotary International, he has been Presiden% of the Artifical Kidney Foundation of California, Chairman of the Foundation for Shipboard Education and Chairman of the City/ County Gcver~ant Ccun~ittc~2 of the Anaheim Ch~0aur of Cc~Nnurce. lie has been a member of the Advisory -Board of the Orange YMCA, the Orange County Chamber of Ccranerce ind the Health Advisory Cc~tte for Congressman William Dann~neyer. He has served on the Providence Speech ar~ Hearing Clinic Board of Directors, Governor's CcJm%ission on llighcr ~ducation, ~irman of Emerg-uncy 'Medical Services of Orcu~ge County, A~visory Ccmnittee American Heart Association and is past President of the Chamber of Conmarce of the City of Orange. He has also served on a number of corporate boards. · ., He holds the :.~ Degree in Econcmics and Management from the Univ~_rsity of Utah. He is a veteran of the U. S. A/r Force. He is married and has children ar~ Two grar~children. PERSC~S THAT CAN ATIEST TO THE' QUALIFICATICI~ FOR FILLING THIS POSITICN: Dennis J. Archer, President Robert J. Waller Citrus Products Co. Developer Anaheim }kxntington Beach Jeannette Banoczi, President KNOB Radio Anaheim R. Kenton Wines Retired Businessman ;~he im Robert F. Beaver, President Willard Brent & Co. 1.A~ller ton Paul Zippwald, Vice President Bank of ~ica ~.~he im Howard E. Brewer, Vice Pres. California Con[muter Products, Inc. Anaheim D~_nnis Hardin t ~-~din Oldsmobile k-2~heim W. Il. Cr~nur, President Star Milling Co. Anaheim William K. Hocd, Chnirman of the Board Pioneer Bank N~port Beach Roger W. Dankert, President Sensor Labs Orange John M. Kent Antorney at L~w .~.-~heim Richard J. Stegemeier, President Union Oil Co. of California Anaheim Glen E. Stillwell Retired Businessn~n Newt×3rt Beach Dr_. Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Retired Laguna Nigeul E~iTond B. Buster Ratired Businessman S~nta Ann R. Davis Taylor, President '"" : · '~--[-'~ ''~'" "%~: ' '"'r' T__~,in C. Chapman CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WA~ -TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 - (714) 573-3025 .---.'- ; ' C'...;'l '.,:,'0../..,:'., :.? ~:,. ' ".' -'"~ "'" ' -:.';;~',' .' ':.:'" i-,':.'..~.: "'.',: '.' - ' .' · · ' ' .' - ..> .-- ~..'.~,,' ;,% - :: ,-.~ ',... .~ · . . .,., · . . . · ~ , .:,~;..,....~..f.. ':.%...... ; . ,. -;.. .. -...- . .. ~.. ~ .. . . - ~ - ,:.);-, i;.,r ';.J, .:."r'-.~i'~ ~,,' ..". ':.-. : , : -.. . .. : . ' ... ....::>..t>;..:--.-..-.,.~>,,.;;...~.~,:...'--;..: .' , FOR coMMIsSION/COMMITTEE APPOI~"~MENT ::,: :;..~..,:':. :.;-;.-..:.:: -...-.- ..' ~. ' -'. · APPLICATION .. . . y...--., ,~-... ~ ... ~ · . - >/C--;:-"'-'" ' ~ ~-,',. ".'' .... ' -' - ' - ' · ' · '.l:~t-..-:'>,.:.~/J>,,::--',, :.';.:-:::-,: ?.'~; ,....','. .: _. . . .. :,: ,.-...-..~ .,...,.:(,.,. ~..'..,.....:- ........ ..... . . . ..... · . .... .. · rm t # ::/&':':'.',:.'--'-.;~.:~..j-...:.-.' Street '' 'Cz . ,'>... f.': ....o.. . ..' · -':". . , . ' , · '::::' "';' - State ' ~,ip Code · -:G:i::[./: !': ::...:.City :~..' :.: ... :":':>'~:.':. "-'". ::.': ": : :..: :': ." :..' >' "' .' ~1,~1 ' .' ~.¢~.'N i~,-[?;,,~,,,.',.-,~-.V.':"4: > ;';, ..:. :,. :,'.. ~ ,.;: ... ': "· · · · . -. , · :-~,~.~,, 'o;.-..¢ . ,,.~ .. ~ ,y: -:-~ -. :;. -.t ,-.. - ,~ -. .... . o.: - o · ':..,'.~-,~.h-Zf,' ........ · . · · ' · ..... .~,~,6,>~a~....Co_m~tss~on/Comm~ttee Pos~t~on applying for. ,. ......... . ...... ... .. ::-~:~)';..~.~ r,.',:,...:t. ~,:: ....... ....., . .- . . · . .'~-~,$Q ~;.~jh,,..,.-,,'i . ... ,- ~. r:.. '... ,... . ., · ' · · s · · '~[:'Rea~On.¥oU are.' apply'~.ng for that posJ. t~.on: ',i';:~>. '.. / ..,¢-:,: :, ....~. _, ,: ?::: ,~. :...-/ . ..... , .......~ .....:~- . i:[:~".j:':'"'.:::Pi~S'~' list'.below your background and any experience you feel qual~f )!":.,,~(:!':i~:: ~ou(:fo~ the.. position_.' ~ r / , /P,/'//~ ~ ' ~, / ~. ?- : :" - i: .....' -.. -''- · -~ -/ '.- .,. ' .. - ~..'~7~:-'~*-:¥o'ff-n0w;-:.0r,:_,. have"¥°u ever,', held any. professional· licenses.* /ff.'.";'-'%.: ...*.: -. ....... ~ . "- .... ~t'., .--. .', --.' ......... :,.':.. ..... .', ..... ',-c',:: .:,' .. ,., ..'.....,~?.,.- ,...,. ~.-... ~ ..... . - , -~ -~ - / ', - , . .. - , '~ ~'~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ ' -'" '· ' , ..... ' // - ~ '" ' ' .' '" ''v ' V;,--".;5-'" ' ~~:,~ .' . .... ,-. ",.'-. , . ~ ~ . - . ~. ' ~ ' - . ~ "., ..... - ' ...., . ' ". ;/::?::~.~~.=~.'..',...'--..' .~.. ,.~ .... :. ... .. : . -, ,, · /'" ' ~'~ - 9~ · -. ' -' :'. ~ ' '"' '' ' ' "- ' ' " :- · .... J~',~':: ~'.' : 7' ' . '.~ . . ._.../..~ ~'~ , . :. ', :'~. .: -"' :' . ...~. )'.' ....... . ..... . . . . . .- . . ,'/,~' 'r ",'"'i??-'~,~.~'~"yOU' ever"'had '-a professional' license suspended i°r[, reVoked?. :'.?;,'....; : .-- '..'~.:,".: If2 so"- why? EDUCATION: . ..(,':,~..,.. .',. . .... 'i.~'!.' : :'!-'. ~ ...',.. ",..,-..i, "' · "/.~. circle Highest Grade completed: ...... ":' ' ' ::~ ~ i:&i;%'.- "" ,. . :... .: ,'-' . .,~- ...', ~ -': :A._ O~ "I'B)~E SG'HOOI~ A~gD: ' - ... , -.~. .'~;.,.; ...,..'.. .. · . , , 'j :.., - '.. · .:':... . ... ~, ~ :~. . . . '. , 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DATES ATTENDED DEGREE OBTAZNED involved in? .. . ,...(.'~ .._.; , ,. - ..., .. ,'. !;~i:~:''~';.-'',.' 7'-: ...! ". ,i ",., ')..-,'.. ,"... :...,-.. ' ': ." ,.q'~: 5"~ ~ ' '-'i".'. ' - .:..-~.v.'.,-..~ ~-~- -' ' '. ' - ' - . .'-;.~t; ~j :. - .'- , ' ':'.:.-'!.",:.:.--Your '3e'SUme':mUst als°. be' attached for yoUr aPPlication"to' be considered. - [:?.i.)).'-."' ?.,:%:.- .. ~.:.~,- .._. . . .. i~.'~':.:.. ...... :. .: .... ~.' . ', "-. ~:','!'~V-, .. PleaSe.. return. your application to the Office of 'the.:'City'"clerk at the (-il;~&~i.'address' shown', at' the. top of this form. Thank you' for-your interest in . ..-~ .._. . . . .':/j.?):,.f.'th~s position~ '?-''-"' ' : "-.' ' (".'//~- ~!'~ .:~ .' : ::~, ,... '!./.. · ..',. ~., ~ .. ~,i~.. ,.. ". . . . o -,~.; . ... .. - i il ii-. ~sPIR IT, f' Fonlaine :,*** ? ...t. · ,,c. ": Mane'urn'.' '~ lt~:i8 India" ln)~~ LribuLe!:'t0 ;th~'~ sting A' - ,' '?hildren of Viet Nam?One'of'her most',:'. mericas ... ". . . ,.., .','.... . ,. . .... -ortraits *of ~*'~'*':' ::* notable, paintings,, 'Woman of. the Thresh. ~'Hoilvw0od:'"and'/~s? V~'~ ,-ers0n":':'~'~!';[i'er,?'''' hangs in the Nii~yRoOm;°f theWhitei::J. 'g.. -J . · -~-'~ -:. .' 'e, .t'' **'.i-'~;'-.' ' · ' ::' ' · -"' ' - · , '"." · ,,.'..including.:-.: Dean :: '.Martim** Bettv~.::' **~ *~ ?ousc and. is-the~ l~:,rsonal.~ · *:v.. · · -'* --.' ,~.,*:-'*...,,.- * ' · ,~... '., .' * , *...o:~ .y. Gree. n .. and :. Della Reese .**:? '~*' t.he Kennedy f_am. dy..:: l.t ~..s..a, me, nons! to · : ..... -'* -*.-' ' *.';' ':<~**?' the*widows* of thenaw'men lost aboard';*' a-'member Ol. tile cast rler~..* .'. ",'.. · _ * . ,. ~ .__.' _ '... .-.,.*, .. o. · .. , ,. *:.,, ' · *** :' -; the U,'~5..,.i Thresher'. submarine '~ disaster.' . ? sh~:; '*was...' commiSSioned Lo:' d°.' por:*.'*:..-~.i, ,, :.'. . ... . ,.,, .... . . * ..... · S: ?,~ .Th,.~dore * Bikel* a,,d,~.the entire i.: .;? _ri.er * pa,n,ng;,:ot**~'the:;~.'.Suomanne;:;ua~ .... - .....'' -- .,~ ~ - **' *..: '** ~**. '~ · Threshc*r is now hanging :. in** the** Nationnl -*:' '{ Ol'.'*lsiGQler on [ne llkOOl. : :.~.':., .',...'.' .* . : · . i- . . ,. ': . ~ ,'..': ?_':_'~ .- :' :' ,:'. ' . '*, ..' '".';":' ..'*'.' ,"- :' '. = :Archives and :.wdl be placed~permanentlv .... ~ ~irame'-18.~a'.Slligel~ Ol.llote,~"a-' DrO-'..- · · ., tx. "''~.,~t ..... . ', ,,,,. · ~. ~*'..' '_.- · __ '.__l:,_*_ ~ ..' '. , .... . -- "* ;' - *'~." In . tile Kenil~,o~ ~ l¥l('.morlal'i: E,iDral-V ~11 .~ : :~,*-'mi.:r.u~ror, a writer anG all'.*actres8;~ ,..'-'r~ ' . · · :-..: .-. '*'. ...... ,* .;a,.~;. ~,.' · - *' ;' :. . " · ~.' .bOStOn'" :''"" "";' :i*"" *~' "; .... ::'' ' ' ' '' : .... ' ''' "a '~t .... *' ' '. ~:~'"'- 'l'{t ~' I has,.emerged .most.of all .as. an..ac-;":*'..;.. ~... ':.~ '.' .",.:,.:'~, :;:.*~':,;'.~.:,..,~.,.'.,.,:...~ '~ :: '"-?. 'corn lish~,d~ artiS(· .... ~-,"*.'-- -" , :' ~;' -. , rontame .was emDioved 'as'stali'artist- ,'.::,?~; , D . '-- .'~*jDne .nas{aDpe*arl;a ';.:. _' .., .'_ _ .,_- .::. .- . ~.~?.~,in." t~e...Bro'ad,,,,,,/~.*',~,Xd,,;,;,,,, ',,}..,,r,,,, ~',' :'~* for t aedsars Yalace Lmm 1965 dlru I 7. ,.. o. ~' - . . , o .... o . .,.,,. :~. ,*, ; · , ,. : ~, ..,., ..~, · .. ,, . 07,. ,. ~}".~ap...;and continued -:with" the -company. c;:::'. · !..'$ucc~st'u{ 'art; shows'.were.~eld exc]u'i" 6'i;!"*~n~:.*'., a":national '. to*Ur;" ,;.'; i. Sh~:' ~,'br~e*are~ll i~" '.:"':'; 'i~ siv~.ly "fOr" .' Fo'nain~.";ai'; Ca~',~ru" Palace'S:.I* · "*;! '&~' ' tl ' . ,..; :. ' ~s. .' .':';. ~ .~ ~ . ' . .1~t ~ ' -... · ,... ' · .... .,'. ~'i.~ 'i,Okla.homa ::,:and m concert -'.wRh ',lohn',:. :'..j.' 'Atr, um Room.....~luly.,~ ]967;~:and' Trop,.~*..= ;:Tc'...!~: (,hades.' Thomas 'thrOuEh' 'SoUthern :Call ,i-.~!.i..~.". cana Hotei "Sui~crsiar''; The/atre"" Fid, ... ~:~: t'omia.'./-' Sh,: has.be,in active'in radio and -..;. ruary 1976.."; .:i;~..~ i,.;.J:-;;~ i?,?-..-..";..~'t,;.,,~:":.~;~.'~;;'i;:.'-'.";:.;**- · 'i' · ; ' ~ 'i:i.~.~,eLions .',s "Damn Yank,:,:s'. and '.'Guys.. 'tiv,: r,:nd,:rings ar,: r.ap!d!¥ib,i.e~'iming,valu... '~.i; and Dolls." .': "~" '~'" · ·abh: pro[,:rLi~..~. ' · -:' .';::~?' '~'~!i"' ':: ~'-'·:' - ..... '.. ...... · -'~ ',... ':i"..' .. ' '":::.'.?, ,..,.,,...:' ~J"~'"~ 'i ~J '"' .. :'".~' '" " · '"'":" -~ """-"' '" · 7 ~.', ; '".'..'??~.-.':?? .:"-'( ": .-~'~ *"" ' ~'' .... ~ :*'~' ' :. i, '/' : t ,'. · ' .' 'FONTAINE ART STUDIO .' -~ :.;. '. '-,~;:,.~;, ', .... ' _  :- 'r r- ' '"" ' - ' .-. ,~. . : . - ..~... }.:';.' .' .!,:..'. :. "" .~ .. .!~ .' .i.: ..... ~.. -. · . . , ........:...' ': . . ~'. · . --. ' . ~... , - NANC~ O. Fo]~rAINE 18321 Plaza Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 730-8245 ~'UM)~HY OF QUALIFICATIONS, - Extensive experience in public relations management - Ten years planning, organizing and coordinating civic, social, and cultural programs in Orange County - Ten years of established relationships with local, state, and national media - Four years as Promotional Designer for a Las Vegas hotel - Ten years as Director of two Orange County non-profit corpora~ions, focused on building a solid base of funding and volunteers EDUCATION: - Bachelor of Arts - Fine, Arts Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts - Bachelor of Science - Education, & Art Education, Tufts University - Master of Science - Education, & Special Ed, Lesley College Graduate School WORK EIPE£IENCE~ - Pointes of Liqht--founder and executive director of this community organiz- ation of volunteer professionals who share their assets & talents to enhance the quality of life of their neighbors. Programs created have included: *Working with children with life-threatening illness, world-wide *Daily bread service to Los Angeles & Orange Counties *Educational program in public schools *Providing health care and welfare for children & the elderly *Christmas program for community agencies, motels, & needy indiViduals *Thanksgiving program for community agencies, motels, & needy individuals - Make a Wish Foundation--working with children with life-threatening illness - BaJa Wings of Mercy--also working with children with life-threatening illness - Crisis Center Hotline--c~lls involved individuals dealing with such problems as substance abuse, homelessness, suicide, child abuse, A.I.D.S. transition, battered women and children. - Shelter for the homeless--on the Board, and assisted with developing programs and fund raising events. - Boys Club corporate Offices--Phoenix, Arizona. Was Director of Community Relations in charge of media coverage, community coordination efforts, and fund raising activities. - Caesar's Palace--Las Vegas, Nevada. Promotional Designer. Designed ads, brochures, and a variety of other marketing materials. Promoted Jerry Lewis' first telethon for Muscular Dystrophy. REFERENCES AYAILIBLE ON REQUEST · I~I::~UTDR · *tB32'1 PLAZA WAY - ~N. Pointes Of Light is a volunteer community organization. Its worldwide member_~ form a united human congress addressing the social needs of our communities. Children Health Crisis. Pointes of Light has a network of health care professionals: specialists and surgeons wh~ donate their services. F'ointes Of Light works with "Make a Wish", "Baja Wings of Mercy", "Flying Samaritans, and Mission Pilots for transportatimn needs in worldwide pediatric emergency situations. Pointes of Light works with the U.S. government in obtaining visas for children who require treatment in this country, relying heavily on strong congressional support enabling the children to obtain visas. "Room at the In" Doubletree Hotels sponsors free hotel rooms for economically underprivileged family members accompanying children who come to Orange County for medical treatment. Economic Hardships. F'ointes of Light sponsors a variety of fundraising events for non-profit and community organizations, as well as on-going efforts to directly aid the economically and socially distressed in local neighborhoods through the crisis hot line, daily food distribution, holiday care packages, and other basic services. Continuing Education and Harmony. Pointes of Light has implemented and Cirected programs aimed at increasing cultural awareness and diversity in school systems directly supporting teachers and demonstrators at no cost to the school. The Pointes of Light ~_tudent cultural program has involved 25c~0 school children in four districts. Racial Harmony. '~'ith the aid of Dr. Jack Kent, our primary focus is to initiate a Truce Awareness project to help diminish delinquency and violence and encourage positive cultural interaction. Computer Training. One of our members from the compLtter industry is plann'-ng to teach computer skills to the unemployed and unskilled. Pointes of Light intends to develop a self sustaining education and cultural center that would attract local, regional and international attention. It will provide an international marketplace for folk art created by our diverse ethnic population. We ~ant to create and arena where each culture can use their talents to their fullest potential. By sharing and interacting, the?, become responsible for developing their individual identi-_ies, self-worth and recognition are the u] timate oL:tcome. Pointes of Light is philanthropic, non-geographic, and nondenominational. F'ointes of Light serves as a non-profit organization supporting a variety of programs, services and individual projects. Ms. Nancy Fontaine is the Executive Director. t Z:D ?67 I::D 860 P$¥ $00 ED 550 .. PSI' 503 '- ZD 569 ZD PSI' 600 ' ams O'Leary .. ~........ .. N a n cy ' ':~'::' · :' :,' ....... , :.v. '. :-: . .: :..: .., .Noreen ~ ' ~ Adml..j.. Dm, '21/9/73 P'rmmmnt"A6d,,,, .8'., Irving Street _ '"--, ' ' ,h.., ' C. ambr_idge .o.,~,.,. ~,._ Massachusetts 02 1 38 w.h~m.~ ~0,. _ 4 9 2 - 6 7 3 2 s~.l..,,o~ ~__j>eclal Zd. ~h~te: 4/L7/32 --~ll E B.D./L.D.=~-TEACHIHG CHILDREN ~ ~ofBi.h: MassachusettsBEHAVlORAL p S DE S z CHILDREN ~ndary ~h~l ~~ ." Undergraduate ~Ufts ~lVersftv ~ ....... ~. U · -~ · D~'np,,r ~ Jtle ~mr~tr~ ~ I tr~uct/on to ~ln9 Distillates ~ ~' Discipline in ~e CI~~ . 1_19~74~ p [ ~:~ 11.5 PsYchol~ & ~uca%lon of ~cep:lonal Children J~ 1974 ~ "~ 5.5 Children . ~ 1973-74 p 3 5 ~uca:tonal ~ses~n: of ~lldran with ~arning Probl~s . ~n ~~ & Develo~en: :~ 1973-74 A- 3.5 13.D Prac~tc~ !n S~clal ~ucatton [I t973-74 A Studen= ~eachtn9 3.5 14.0 ~~s & ~Certals SS 1974 p 3.0 .... ~ading, ~Iting, S~llin9 for Children with SS 1974 p 3.0 I 1974-75 A- 3.0 11. C°~s"llng~ P~lOsophy, Theory & Practice I 1974-75 A- 3.0 S=~n: T-a:hlng & Ss~nar In S~=tal ~ucatlon I 1974-75 p 3.0 ~DI~ B$TC~D FAS~p~ C~T~ A~~ 3.7 36.5 ~T 50b ~eorte, of ~r~ona~ty ~T 5~ Abno~l ~holo~ ~ 1~75 A 2.0 ~ ~.0 ~T 508 ~°~os!e ~n~ Treo%men~ of Children ~ B~a~orai S5 1975 A 2.0 [ 8.0 ~so~ers SS 1975 A 2.0 ~ 8.0 70%, no T~ re.rd becomes ot~al only when signed and sealed by lbo autho~ ~9nature and soul of tho college. The sludenl is ~,9 ....... , entitled to honorable dhmi~l u~ oth-rwi.e stated. ~Y CO~GE GRADUA~ SCHOOL O~ EDUCA~ON ~m, ~st~r ACCENT Friday, SepL 10, 1993 IBLE SHOO'rgB , ] TODAY . IN HISTORY ..' iiafion Center helps 'resolve " ..... ' :'4'°day Is' :~riday,~6~pt.~0,,~e'~ )utes . outside .the COlll O0m . vet H.,Perry sent ~e message/,-q ble Shooter: The M ,ter would like to t ~w that our center -ctive, low-cost :h- e resolution in ch. with the help of arty mediators, s to resolve their _.e the court s ation Center is a ~ization establishec funded by the sial esolution Pro ater's services available on a sit, nding on ~se of this alt, :ire iving process to arden on the rorcement s ;r also offers ning .terested in b~c, The training," ~ins our course in I edia- leveloped in ~junc- e Dispute Re~o~tions ~ct. ! I complete the Iourse ertificate, an~attor- · :omp]ete the~l:ourse uing-educatioI cred- course will ifil given nings Sept.~l-30 at ;enior Citizex~l~enter, :Fadden, Sahib. Aha. $225, which il~ludes :erials and a I~ertifi- tpletion. Anot~[ ses- · held in N,OV'L_lnDer. se is reqmre~b~, the :l those who. a~ ,diators. diation Cen~r ' ~er you neesI med~a- : a dispute ozltrainir~ a mediator.~ ,__~ - A~., Irvine - :oun'tY residel~s who : more infort~on about mediation services or want to schedule a free initial consul- tation can call the Irvine office at (714) 250-4070 or the Santa ~Ana office at (714) 542-9393. Readers interested in the me- diation-skills course can call Amy at (714) 250-1617 for more fformation or reservations. Can you help? ?ointes of Light eeds the assistance of your readers once again. Pointes of Light is a non-profit worldwide organization of volun- teer professionals dedicated to answering the requests for help of individuals in need in our com- munity. We have three 'needs that we hope your generous rea~lers Can help us fill. We need Type O-posi- tive blood to be donated to help a gentleman, Robert Lanflisi, who has an inoperable brain tumor. If you can help, call Christie Maya at the UCI Blood Donor Center at (714) 456-5733 for an appoint- ment. -' . - We need a 20-foot truck or van for the Shelter for the Homeless. The shelter has a 67 percent suc- cess rate in helping the homeless become self-supporting and is strengthening and making our community a safer place. The van is needed to help move furni- ture and supplies. To help, call (714) g97-3221. We also need a small or porta- ble television set to brighten the life of a resident of a convales- cent hospital. Pointes of Light is always look- ing for volunteers from 'all walks of life, races, nationalities and professions to join together with us to help make an even greater difference in the world. - N.F., Tustin tor of'Pointes of Light. If yg 'We have met the enemy,,end; would like to donate a television l~heY are ours," after an Amert-. set or .get .more .information I~n naval.force defeated th~ ;'.-~ .1 about volunteering, call her a~ t~'itish in the Battle'ofLake-'.~J · (714) 730-8245 or Westminster ~'ie in the War of 1812. Councilman Tony Lam. at.. (7~ this date: , . · ip'1608: John Smith'was 898-3311 Ext. 274. Flood-relief yard .S~lllllllll~elected president of the James: Enterprises Property Manage- town colony council in Virginia. ment Co. will have yard sales at ~ In 1846: Elias Howe of three locations Saturday to raise .'Spencer, Mass., received a Pat-- money for the Red Cross ~Flood ent for his sewing machine. Relief Program in the Midwest. · In 1963: Twenty black stu-~ The yard sales will be 11 a.m.-3 dents entered public schools in" p.m. at Ponderosa Mobile Es- Birmingham, Tuskegee and · tares, 2300 S. Lewis Ave. (Chap- 'Mobile, Ala., after a standoff ..~ man and Lewis), Anaheim; Car- between federal authorities and riage Mobile Estates, 201 W. Col-' .Gov. George C. Wallace. lins (Main and Collins), Orange; · In 1977: Convicted murder. and Crestmont Mobile Estates, er Hamida Djandoubi of Tunisia 1051 Site Drive (Central and becamethe last person execut:. Site), Brea. The admission fee ed by the guLUofine in France for each yard sale is $3, all of which abolished capital puni: which will be donated to Red ment in 1981. Cross. k In ~979: Four Puerto Rican ~ Each sale will raffle door nationalists imprisoned fora prizes during the day. 1954 attack on the U.S. House of · . - P.B:, Irvine Representatives and a.1950 at-: · For more' information, call ' tempt on the Life of President (714) 442-1031. Truman were granted clemency · by President cart'er. . ' '.~. WORtO WAe telephone calls. If you have a prob- Fifty ybars ago today: An am-.'~ lem, write to the Trouble Shooter at phibious assault by.Soviet ': ·. P.O. Box 11626, Santa Aha, Calif. troops captured Mariupol on ' 92711. Your letter must contain your the Sea of Azov; German forces name, address and phone number. If in the Kuban region began with- published, it will be signed with ini- drawing through Novorossiysk rials only. The column appears Mon- across the Ketch Strait to the: days through Saturdays in Accent. Crimea. o -.: SIZE 14+ WOMEN ONLY A specialty resale consignment store · ' MY SECRET PLACE Located in Huntington Beach 18862 Beach Blvd. #116 (between Ellis & Garfield) M-F 11-7 Cr~ s^T.]]-, (714)963-4743 ^~,,,,, $1699 Customer Appreciation Day · D · 'te3~l PLAZA waY TU~TIN, UAU'.=0F:IINA g2BDO * ?14/730.~245 May 24, 1993 Pointes of Light is proud to support and participate in the Shelter for the HOmeless" . Fundraiser to be held at the Braemar Country Club on September 18, in which a drawing will be held for a '55 Classic Thunderbird. Only 500 tickets will be sold at $100 each. Pointes of Light would like to offer a challenge to the Key Club members. The student who sells the most tickets will be awarded: l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) A trip to Washington A visit and a photograph with Congressman Cox A visit and a photograph with Congressman Dornan ' A tour of the Senate and Halls of Congress A tour of the Capitol, Bureau of Printing, and the FBI A visit and commendation from the Director':of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Tickets to the White House I will work on a meeting with the President-- also a personal commendation from SFTH and POL. This competition is being offered to other school groups as well as your own. S P E C'I A L E V E'N T"S ACADEMY AWARDS - I RVINE 'MARRI 0TT HOTEL A "Pointes of Light" event .and fundraisep in--suppor't '.o;~ Pride and Development Inc., .an .extended day care center. Donated: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) A11 through Grand Ballroom Hotel Light & Sound Man. McDonalds children's food (seperate room) Direct Mail Phone Stamps and mail Printing Enter ta i nment Awardees Dinner Trophys $5,0.00 seed money Corporate and individual donations. Au c t i on and perf items to date: I) Orange County Chamber. Orchestra will cook dinner orm. Value approx. $5,000 2) International Peace Children's Choir. 3) A walk-on part in a movie or t.v. program for a chi ld. 4) 5) 6) Underway is preparation for first Jerry Lewis Telethon Gold Congressional cuff 1 inks Suite at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel Various sports and celebrity items. a telethon (I co-ordinated the in Las Vegas) DUFFER'S I~Y GOLF TOURN~IENT Co-ordinated wi th Mr. Frank Zellner, ExecUtive Manager Chamber of Commerce Westminister this event which was held at the Naval Golf Course in Los A1 ami tos. ~OT EXPRESS THE -PUBLI CITY . AND :'EXPOSURE AdE :HAVE ~RECEIVED . ' ..... # ,. . ;-. WILL '~ER ~ RBO~ ITS/ ~I~CE ~LES8 THE ~RIGIN .'~D SEmi CES ARE .~~. OUR OR~]ZATI~ .~8 BE~ IN O~E CO~ '-FOR ~ER FI~E~(15) Y~R8 ~D ~ 'PEOPLE ~ VE~ LI~LE -ABO~ ~OUR .... :. PURPOSE ~D ~LS. -WHICH IS'HELPIN~ PAR~S .MHO -~RE WILLIN6 ' TO HELP THYSELVES,' O~ BROCHURE' ~CLOSED WILL 'FULLY ~P~IN W~T WE ARE ALL ~BO~, _ T~K YOU FOR OUR TRIPS~ ( 1 ) C~LWEST NURSING HOPIE TO HELP Pi_Z~NT A TREE I N MEHORY OF THE I-~TE .BASKETBALL STAR ~K .-~THERS, (2) OUR VISIT TO THE DOUBL~REE H~EL WHERE WE ~ THE POI~S OF LIB~ S~ WRI~ ~D C~POSED ~-A ~AFF. M~BER FR~ C~GRES~ DO~'S OFFICE, . (3~ THE BIG TROT ~S ~POS]NG US'TO A~O~ ~ERY TEL~]SI~ ~T]~ 'IN O~GE CO~~ ~H~ THE"F~ZLY OF HOSTAGE ~ESSE TU~ER [N ~RU]T~ VISITED ]N CELEB~T]~ OF H]S ~UG~ERS/ B[~H~Y~ JOINING US ~ERE HER'G~DPAR~S ~D HER H~HER. "WE .~E N~ER SE~ SO ~ ~E~/S IN'ALL OF OUR LI~LE LI~S ~ · . . T~K YOU~ FR~ ALL OF RESPEC'E. FULLY Y?URS · DR. DOROTHY L FOUNDER "HELPINO PARENTS t¥1LLINC TO HELP THEMSELVES" JIM MOORE PRES, · DR, DOROTHY DAVIS: FOUNDER ' March 24, 1992 Enclosed please find Pointes of Light packet on our .most recent project - Donald Villanueva. DOnald's initial medical was 'being sponsored by Hoag Hospital of Newport Beach and a team of surgeons, and through high technology, they found an added tumor inside his brain. Hoag Hospital is not equipped with a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. .Any .complications that could arise will certainly warrant this special unit. We are grateful to Hoag Hospital for their generous offer. At the present time, Donald's prognosis is not good. Two surgeries .are needed. The first surgery will be to remove the tumor pressure on the brain and to imp]ant a shunt to lessen the swelling. The second surgery will be to remove the tumors .between his eyes; replace the eyes so he may see for the first time. Pointes of Light must find a new sponsor for both .surgeries. Any support or suggestion you could offer to help this child would be the miracle we need. ,. Many Pointes of Light volunteers are trying to fulfill Donald's urgent medical needs. It would be most tragic to send Donald home still blind, the tumors pressuring his brain and his face. . . . Time is very precious for Donald. We must make very effort to help him. ' Gra yours , :SANTA ANA Father Gets Wish of Surgery for Child l~uro seiko.left the Philippines Or·rife County .tLve years Mo to e~ou~h money ..to pay for~ltfmv~n~ be~n surgery for his daughter, then 2 years old, · The da~a entry eJerk, wino left hi~ lanffiy bel~nd, 'rotund work J.i Amyx, · Costa Mera m~rk~etJng comply, where he often put Ln 14-horn- days s~x-d~y weeks to'save enough money brin~ the youngster here for treatment. "I knew th·t by eomi~ to the ~Jmted States, I could emro lots of money," s~dd 5ei)o. who earned ~3 · day in the Phi~ppines. "But every tL, ne I sub-ted to ~et money, she would ~et ~ek, ma I would have to .s.e. nd money to pay her hospJ~l bilLs....:. I w~'t sure we would let her.her~ in trine." -- ;- But on l~riday~'th~ks to Pointes of Z~ight, · vo]untee~ &,roup, Seijo, 27, stood in the Compri-~Hotel, strokJn~ his daughter's f·ce ;with one hznd and holding his w~e,-Nih, with the other while __~ I..3-member chgd~-en's choir from Pride ·nc~ ~velopme~t School -comere,¢e. '~-ne younEster, ~uLh Grac~, ~ ~senuy m · wheelcha2', hu~,i.~ · "Peanuts" pillow, while caryEen w~s ~upplJed to her through a tube. Ruth Grace--who ts frail and looks · h~f her Me--s~r/ved last week tnd will undergo surgery ~at ~oma IAnda Uni- versity Medical Center, near Stn Ber- nard/no, within a few days. Doctors hope to reptir · hole in her heart that she has had since birth. Ruth Grace's ~ourney began when Lauro Seijo call/~d Nancy' Fonta/ne, director of Pointes of Lt~ht--a group that began a~ ~ children's cultural foundaOon and ha~ bran~ ~w other areas. Lauro Setjo ,had ~een ·'nSwspaper · ecoum of how ~e S*o~ ibelped · Polish boy with · s/mllar problem. "We took this on_because th/s is what · we do," Fontaine tMld, "We try to help whoever tsks us." Fonta/ne said she had to overcome severaJ problem~. F/rs~ there wa· fmd- in~ a hospital that:would a~'ree to treat Ruth Grace. Doctors at Loma Lind· Mreed to t~ke the case for free, she said. Then she had to overcome the bu- reaucracies in both the Phil/pP~nes and Umted States and~secured the help of Rep. Christophell Cox (R-Newport Beach). · The MakeoA-Wt~h Foundafibn of an~e County, which helps terminally ill ch/ldren, provided $2,800 for tit ftre. An 18.hour fight frmm Manila to Los Angeles followed. Ruth Grace and her mother were reunited with her father, but the couple's 8-yem'-old son remains in the Philippines. · 'l jvst thank the Lord that he lave me N~ncy FontaJne," Lauro 8eijo ss. id. Ru~h Grace Seijo, who suffers from heart clefect, tnkes in oxygen through tube, Education "Pointes of Light" Communication .. Participation .- Understanding October 18, 1990 Gay Weeks, Executive Director MAKE A WISH Foundation of Orange County, Inc 881 Dover Drive, STe #35 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Dear Gay: On behalf of "Pointes of Light", thank you for agreeing to grant the wish of Mikolai Hartwig, a young Polish boy with medical problems. With your help we may be able to give him a chance at living a normal productive life. Your efforts will also promote a better relationship between our countrY and his homeland. ! am enclosing a copy of the notice scheduling a press conference at Westem Medical Center on Monday, November 19th at 3 p.m. This has been mailed to all Orange County media bureaus and should receive major coverage. I know that your representatives'will want to attend the conference. We are arranging for an interpreter. Perhaps your group will want to utilize this person to talk to Mikolai. Again, thank you. I will be in contact with you over the next few weeks. If there is any information you require about the press conference, or if there is any change in plans, contact me at (714) 730-8245. Nancy Fontaine, Director 18321 Plaza Way Tustin, CA. a non-profit corporation operating under the auspices of THE WESTMINSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY 92680 Girl Scouts With participation in activities such as this, Junior Girl Scouts meet the requirements to be- come Cadets. In so do- ing, they learn self re- spect, respect for oth- ers, the use of resources, and respect for author- ity. ~Pointes of Light "., Around'the World Students An International Cultural \ Assembly that is designed to introduce children from grades \ K through 6 to a wide range of interesting and exciting places. ] We aim to promote world / peace through intercultural Acknowledgements Sponsors Pointes of Light · Trinity College of Graduate Studies Brian Rqthford, Laidlaw Bus COmpany ! Grand Hotel Jack in the Box St. Brigid's Choir Terry Anderson Ed Strano, Strano Productions Joe F'miguerra, Cai Vision Charles Weber ' 'Key Club The University High School Key Club is part of an International Vol- unteer Organization.. They work throughout the school and commu- nity. The University High School Key Club has logged over three thousand hours during this academic year. 25th Anniversary Celebration Committee C_oordinator, Nancy Fontaine Publicity, Deb0mh Nell Sally Sullivan ,~ Fr. Joseph Scerbo ~:- ,- Agnes Taylor Eleanor Whipple Animator, Charles Weber Security Brad Blaylock Carl Chiles Sean Hazley John Simpson John Troesch 7u..~.:n. ;A April 5, 1991 Ms. Nancy Fontaine POINTS OF LIFE 18321 Plaza Way Tustin, CA 92680 . Dear Nancy, The Boys and Girls Club of Tustin is pleased to be a part of the "Points of Life" pro, ram. We are picking up the bread at Lucky's Market every Monday and Thursday and delivering it to ,five centers, on a scheduled basis. The five centers are: Salvation Army on Edinger in Santa Ana; Pena Referral Center on Warner in Santa Aha; S.O.S on Superior in Costa Mesa; Southwest Community Center on 2nd. Street in Santa Ana; and, Rev. Paul Gone on 3rd Street in Santa Ana. The parents of the members of our Club also benefit by this program on a monthly basis. We feel privileged to serve the community an~ reach far beyond the OPEN DOORS of the Boys and Girls Club. . Sincerely q , / .- / u,,~_~. ,~. / 'i f.' :.' Cliff Polston Executive Director August 22, 1993 Ms. Nancy Fontaine "Pointes of Light" Orange County Jack Kent, M.D. Peacemaker Los Angeles and Orange County Dear Nancy: This is the plan that I talked to you about. Mike Dickergon submitted it to Pat Mulligan, Executive Director of Hands Across Watt's earlier this vear. 'This is the plan that will get the job done. It is the starter. I would like Mr. Dickerson to present it at the Gang Conference being hosted by Supervisor Harriet Weider this coming November. Sincerely, Jack Kent, M.D. Attached. S~_rano iDroctu~t, ion~ 474 E1CaminoReal · Tustin, California 92680 * 714/669-1912 ' ' / A COMMUNIIY ORGANIZATION OF VOLUNTEER PROFESSIONALS WHO SHARE THEIR ASSETS AND TALENTS TO ENHANCE THE QUALIFY OF LIFE OF THEIR NEIGHBOR Thursday, August 19, 19'93 C/O Warner Brothers Mr. Eric Clapton 75 Rockefeller Plaza 20TH FL New York, NY 10019 Dear Mr. Clapton: I've enclosed a sketch and poetry of a little girl who was molested by her father for 5 years. The little boy was raped by a neighbor. They represent so many children who have been physically and sexually abused. Pointes of Light found them through the Crisis Center Hot Line in Anaheim. The Crisis Center is a non profit agency which serves a large community in California. Pointes of Light is a volunteer Congress of people who try to address the medical and social needs of their neighbors. We have no geographic limitations, no salaries, no operational funds, grants or money donated. We just respond to the human need by written request. If you read some of her poetry, you will never be the same. I had to react. I contacted the JW Event Company in lrvine who put on the "Taste of Orange~, a yearly event at the Irvine Spectrum. The Spectrum is a huge secured area with a professional stage, sound, and light equipment for major talent. I need to have an event so powerful that humanity would take notice of these children and help them. ! received a favorable response from JW. They will donate the site, stage and equipment. The LA Times has also agreed to co-sponsor and to donate all PR, PSA's, Radio, TV and news stories. Casey Kasem has volunteered to MC or to assist in programming. I told them I'd try to get the biggest name and most humanitarian talent on this planet to help. The date is the evening of June 18, 1994. If you can participate in any way, you may make a dramatic difference in the lives of these young children and many others subjected to this abuse. Although it a year away, it is important that we receive a committrnent as soon as possible. Sincerely, Dir~ctor, Pt~a~intes of Light 8321 Plaza Way .Tustin. California 92680 (714) 730-82~5 POEMS OF SHAME : Dedicated to the child within me the child wilhh7 you 'POEM OF TRUST . ~EMS OF SHA~IE THIS POEM IS FOR YOU THE BATHROOM FLOOR You have heard my real voice and not run away You have watched me cry and saved your questions You have weathered my screams, long overdue and shaky This poem is for you You have come back when I did not trust You have helped me talk when I had no words You held me so I could learn Touch can be gentle This poem is for you. WHAT I'M REALLY SAYING don't want anyone near me! (Isn't there anyone I can trust?) don't want to feel better! (I'm keeping a secret) don't want love! (Is there someone who could just hold me?) don't need anybody or anything! (I'm angry. I'm afraid. I hurt.) My face is on the bathroom, floor Daddy, where You put me One side of my face is 'cold from the linoleum because the rug is too small Shall I ask mother to buy a bigger rug for me to lie on? Shall I tell her why I need it? Why the left side of my face always bums with the cold? Why I hate linoleum tiles? I rest my bottom' by keeping it in the air for a few minutes after you hurt me . after you leave before I have to dress for dinner and pretend I'm hungry and want to eat Pretend nothing happens to me in the bathroo Pretend I'm a normal little girl who happens to like spinach (It looks the way I. feel) MY VOICE MY THROAT My mouth is all full and my throat is too and does this thing go all the way to my stomach? I think so -- My stomach is sick and I try to breathe "' When I cough you say ' .n't stop" and I think I'll have to eat peewee forever BAD GIRL SONG I'm a bad girl Ugly and evil Bad things happen to me -- The Bad Girl No one is as bad as me No one I know -- I have a secret from everyone About how bad I am I hide it in my body Except when I feel mean No one can love me The Bad Girl I want to scream and cry. when my father touches me At night I dream of telling my motheI everything but during the day I'm quiet No one can know what happens to me My voice is a claw in my throat . want to spit it out It is no good to me I will sing! I will act! All the words that are not mine can come through my mouth this way my voice will be heard but no one will know my secret My real voice is a daw in my throat. ~/~' '; ,.~/ FINDINO THE KITTENS A white kitten ~ith blue eyes walked into my dream She let me pick her up and I mb~ my ch~k a~inst her fur Then she dimpled and I thought nothing g~ ev~ stays with me she came back to me and I hel~ her ve~ gently in my a~s and she told me if I want~ CITY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92 680 (714) 544-8890 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Date 9-8-93 Full Legal Name Patricia Edith Godfrey Address 11062 Hunting Horn Drive Street Lemon Heights Apartment # California 92705 City State zip Code Home Phone Number (714) 832-6793 Business Phone: (714) 996-2550 Board of Directors ~_commission/Committee Position applying for: Community Foundation Reason you are applying for that position: There is a growing population of senior citizens and people i.~i.%he community with special needs. I want to be part of a process that develops programs to address these needs. Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: Business and teachinq experiences that demonstrate my service orientation and problem so]vinq skills. My recently completed doctoral studies in health care b~oadens my background. List any professional organizations to which you belong: £~lif. Assoc, of School Business Officials FINANCE COMMITTEE · ,n~thmrn Calif. (ReLiEF) Joint Powers Assoc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS nrange County Department of Education BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Placentia-Yorba Linda USD Manaqement Assoc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? ¥e$ , If so, which ones? Elementar), and Secondary Teaching Credentials Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? N0 If so, why? EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ LIST ALL COLLEGES, BUSINESS DATES ATTENDED DEGREE OBTAINED OR TRADE SCHOOLS ATTENDED: Univ. of Southern California 1988-1993 Ed.D. Univ. of Southern California 1966-1967 M.S. Univ. of Southern California 1962-1966 B.A. What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Giveh the challenges of the fiscal sector of public education today, the Community Foundation would be my primary-civic activity. Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the Office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. commappt, cc September 11, 1993 City Clerk City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 Attached is my application for a beard of director position on the ~astin Community Foundation. As can be seen in my attached resume, my last few years of work experience have been with an organization that is definitely nonprofit! The Community Foundation seems an excellent vehicle to develop strategies requisite to support programs for v.arious demographic segments of the Tustin community. I look forward to an opportunity to discuss the Community Foundation further. Sincerely, Patricia E. Godfrey, Ed.D. PATRICIA EDITH GODFREY, Ed.D. 11062 Hunting Horn Drive Lemon Heights, CA 92705 (714) 832 - 6793 Residence (714) 996 - 2550 Business OBJECTIVE: A board of director position on the Tustin Community Foundation. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE PLACENTIA-YORBA LINDA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Placentia, CA Director, Business Services 5/90 - present LAWNDALE SCHOOL. DISTRICT Lawndale, CA Director, Accounting and Budgeting 10/88 - 5/90 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Los Angeles, CA Regional Controller-Customer Service 4/87 - 10/88 WESTERN AIRLINES Los Angeles, CA Director, Revenue Accounting Manager, Revenue/Interline Accounting Statistician Supervisor, Revenue Accounting 1977 - 1987 LONG BEACH CITy COLLEGE Long Beach, CA TORRANCE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Torrance, CA Mathematics Instructor 1975 - 1977 Mathematics Instructor 1967 - 1975 Patricia E. Godfrey 1993 1992 1988 1967 1966 EDUCATION Ed.D. Educational Administration University of Southern California Certificate in School Business Management University of Southern California School Business Management Seminars Pepperdine University M.S. Education University'of Southern California B.A. Mathematics/Psychology University of Southern California PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Orange County Department of Education Business Advisory Committee Placentia-Yorba Linda USD Management Assoc. Board of Directors Southern Calif. (ReLiEF) Joint Powers Assoc. Board of Directors Calif. Assoc. of School Business Officials Finance Committee References are available upon request. CITY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92 680 (714) 544-8890 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Full Legal Name Address. ~"/77/ Street .-h..- sC ,',,,,' Apartment # ¢2. ~¢ ,f' City State zip Code Home Phone Number' (7'Y)E32-/~ff Business Phone: Commission/Committee Position applying for: Reason you are applying for that position: Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position:' List any professional organizations to which you belong: ,/' Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? / Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If so, why? EDUCATION'. Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16+ LIST ALL COLLEGES, BUSINESS OR TRADE SCIIOOLS ATTENDED: DATES ATTENDED DEG I{.EE OBTAINED What type(s) of civic activities are you involved i'n? Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the .Office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. c ommappt, cc CITY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 (714) 544-8890 :, ;---i ? i i~ .. '3E .q VtCE ~- APPLICATION FOR COF~ISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Date ~- J- ? 3 Full Legal Name ~ ~ V Z~/$- ~3 ~ P L/-~,- ~ ~-~_?,'~ y' Address / ~' ~' ~ ~ ~, J ~['//' ~"~ Street City State Home Phone Number (~/"~)~3/--/~/~Business Phone: Zip Code or.- Reason you are applying for, that position: Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: List any professional organizations to which you belong: -U ,. . you now,-or have you ever, held any professional licenses? Do If so, which ones? 4_L ~"-~'7~~ ~ ' ' Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If so, why? EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~ 13~15 16 16+ LIST ALL CO1.LEGES, BUSINESS OR TRAD~ SCilOOLS ATTENDEI): DATES ATTI{N I)EI) I) I'~C. I{.EE OI{TAINICI) What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? ,' /" . ...--___z_ ,,. · .~ Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. · Please return your application to the Office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for'your interest in this position. c on~nappt, cc LA VERNE LASKEY C]'TY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 926fl0 (714) 544-8890 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Street City Home Phone NUmber '(7]~ State Business Phone- Apartment '~ · · g.i.p Code Commission/Committee Reason you are applying for that position: / & ~/~ bEu ~z~o £p E ~.__/.-7_ ................ Position applyi, ng for:~__.~...~..D/-- _~./..~..C.~.'.T.O/~.~__ff. z.. t o_.C ...... /_~_ ..... .._7_.'.¥..__.;.7_-z..~ ~ .... L_e_ ....... :..¥4 ........ .Q_~.~ ~TN Please list below your background and any experience you feel you for the position: .1 /~_~ ~.._ ~ e--~.,,__n:_.-c.e_..,R ..... A..~ ~ ~ 4..j.~. ..... ~_.p._.,v. ZtG..~ ~ [0_.~.o_o__~_~..._~.~./.5 ..... ]._r ~ . ~o ,,,- ?~. ,, ,._~.. o ,ec,_,~ ~/ z,~ gL_lOS I~ ~.K~_c £ x, ~ T ~Y ..... I-_-'_U. ~. F [ ~. ~._S_z~__D._ ............ qual i fi es FoR TN£... / List any professional organization.~ which you be]on(/': L..~__Z_..~-~ Fo_~_~ ..... ~ ~ e_.;_.~.~_C_.~__ Cf'FY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 926fl0 (714) 544-B890 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Date Full Address Street 7o~ r~rq £7 ~ity State Home Phone NUmber Ap ar tme'n-[:'-'~ ................................ · . Z.i.p Code Business Phone- ~_/~.. )...~_~.~....-.4.$:.~., / eonmission/eommitt'ee ~osition ~pp~y.i. ng for:~__.~£~ .=F b ~s ~ / ft ,,, u ~_ ~ ¥_ ~_.x...;:..~__.4,_e g T ~ ~ .... ~...._~. ....... :..~..x. ......... ...0._~.~ x, Tw 6 a/-~ b6u gko £/~ _F/u T: ........ Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: .1 /Ln ~.__~ e"_.o._co...-:..o_~ ..... b..~ r~ z ,4 .:..e-. .... ~_.n._.,' ~c-E ,< Fo R '77[.:.. //(F (- o/v.¢./_ <./.R 7 / e/v h ~c ~- fl.~ z._..-E..., o,¢~,~/r/zz mo,c/. 1 .... t_.:~ ~ > l .ou~_/~..__& ........... List any professional organi:;at].on.q to which you be].onci: pqb/~l~bEzcr~ T 5_..b -: :: ,O'T- go..,R_.z ..... aE_eo__.~..,?.R_c__.¥___ :: :DC / ,4-/-/,0 L~ ...O F~c:x % , .. . .. Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? z~ ~o, w~c~, o,~-: _ C E_ t~ ' ?I ~D_ .................... /~ E z)~,~-ro/( ./ $~_~- ~1: c~z~ztu,Xl ]lave you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? I f so, why? EDUCATION: Circle llighest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 I) !':(: ILl';l'| OIITAINEI} / c/7 ~ .-_ Z.~' . ...... ~&CT~'Z3._ /,~ What type(s) of civic activities a-e you involved in? Your resume must also be attached fcr your application to be considered. Please return your application to the office of the City Clerk at the ,ddress shown at the top of this fcrm. Thank you for your interest in this position. Bernard J. Mc Lean 14631 Yorba St. Tustin, Ca. 92680 (714) 669-0170 Dear .Sir: I am enthusiastic about the oppor,mnity to submit my i'esume to you. My years of management and administrative experience arm me with the necessary skills to do the .job. I am an excited people person who is at his best in the problem solving environment. I am confident in my ability to perform well in this position. ' I have enclosed a copy of my resume and will call in several days to see if you are interested in setting up an appointment. Inte.wiewing me would give you a better opportunity to evaluate my capabilities against your needs. I feel ver.; strongly that my.background, e.vperience, motivation, and teaching sk/lls will be an asset to your organization. I would like the opportunity to demonstrate to you that I have the experience and the personal chemistry to fit the position. · Sincerely, ~an¢~ Bernard J. Mc Lean 14631 Yorba Street Tustin, California 92680 (714) 669-0170 OBJECTIVE: CMLIAN EDUCATION: BACKGROUND: TEACHER: TRAINING To work in social/public service programs as a resource/program development director. Master of Education, Sul Ross State University B.A. Social Science, Niagara University Broad and valuable training and development experience in diverse, increasingly demanding, highly competitive jobs -- creating, directing, and achieving corporate goals. Extensive experience in resource management, career development, planning, organization, and training. Additional areas of skills and experience: - Teacher - college and adult vocational training - Managed repair and maintenance facility - 90 employees - Organized and conducted Quality Assurance Training Programs - Coordinated plans and operations - Planned and managed budgets - Conducted tests and evaluation - Administrator and counselor - Drug and Alcohol Programs - Mediator in Victim Offender Reconciliation Program - Counselor in Volunteers in Probation - Improved employee job performance by teaching them new skills - Reorganized teacher staff resulting in better utilization of personnel - Taught management and technical courses - Developed curriculum into easy to learn lessons - Reduced the cost of instruction by using closed circuit TV - Reduced course length by improving methods of instruction - Developed team building programs which resulted in improved methods of instruction - Refined budgeting and scheduling methods and reduced overall operational costs CONTRACT OFFICER MAINTENANCE Managed a Missile Systems Depot Maintenance Facility rated first in its class Monitored and evaluated performance standards Developed a negotiation system which resulted in better contracts in less time Organized preventive maintenance programs which increased operational time available Established cross training which increased our capability with no more personnel Supervised quality control programs resulting in reduced operational costs ENGINEER - Reduced cost and improved quality of software testing - Established software programming standards and procedures - Completed projects on time and within budget - Developed procedures to check on subcontractor progress CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 (714) 5?3-3025 ]%~PLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Street Apartment City State Zip Code Commission/Committee Position applying for:~J~ ~~ ~.. 33 Reason you are applying for that position: Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: List any professional organizations to which you belong: Do you now, or have you ever, held'any professional licenses? If so, which ones? ~ Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If so, why? EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14'~ 16 16+ LIST ALL COLLEGES. BUSINESS DATES ATTENDED DE~REE OBTAINED OR TRADE S~OOLS ATTENDED: What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please.'return your application to the Office of tho City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. -Thank you for your interest in this position. c om~appt, cc GEORGE J ~BEE 13092 Wheeler Santa Ana, Ca_ 92705 714--997--7578 PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES: EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: 1990 to PRESENT 1986 to 1990 1979 to 1986 1968 to 1979 Capable of providing competent ethical and dedicated service for an organization or individual concerned with management, sales, marketing and leadership of personnel. Applying knowledge and background experience in time management, sales programs and production efficiency. Graduated Newport Harbor High School 1956. Orange Coast Junior College AA degree 1958. University of Wyoming 1958-59. Western regional manager for Murietta Oil Company, involved with sales development, inventory control, accounts receivable and personnel management. Western regional manager for 0tto Industries and RRS Corporation. Developing dealer and operator networks throughout the Western States involving plastics, recycling, residential, medical, hazardous and nuclear waste containers. Initiated and developed the first sales department for 'SCA Inc., moving from sales representative to assistant manager in eighteen months. Initiated and developed contractors services for WMI, using fencing, mobile trailers, electriCal hook-ups, storage containers, roll-offs and portable toilets into a new profit center now used nation wide by WMI. Owned Mabee Tire Service in Santa Ana, Ca. Building a 65,000.00 a month business into the largest unit sales tire store west of the Mississippi. CITY OF TUSTIN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 (714) 544-8890 APPLICATION FOR COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Full Legal Name Address 2~0~ Street City Apartment # State ~,ip Code Home Phone Number (~q) -7~}-~_o0~ Business Phone: Commission/Committee Position applying for:T~'T~ Reason you are applying for that position: Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: d List any professional organizations to which you belong: Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses?~4~ If so, which ones? Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? If so, why? EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~ LIST ALL COLLEGES, BUSINESS DATES ^TTENI)EI) OR TRADE SClIOOLS ATTENDED: D EG ii. EE OBTAI NED What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. c ommappt, cc September 8, 1993 City of Tustin It is with great enthusiasm that I apply for a position on the new Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Foundation. I have extensive professional fund raising, funds distribution and experience working with Boards of Directors which I feel would be an asset to this new organization. I would welcome the opportunity to serve Tustin in the capacity. I look forward sharing my views with you on what the Foundation can become. Sincerely, 2202 Palermo Tustin CA 92680 731-6056 Ms. Terry A. Riggins 2202 Palermo Tustin, California 92680 Work (619) 492-2124 Home (714) 731-6056 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT: 21 years post-masters employment · 18 years with United Ways · 3 years with the State of Washington, Dept. of Social and Health Services EXPERIENCE IN: · Management · Fund Raising · Finandal Management · Funds Distribution · Marketing & Communication; Media Relations · Community Planning/and Problem SoMng · Strategic Planning · Government Relations · Volunteer Development POSITIONS HELD: June 1989 - Present April 1993 - Sept 1993 Jan 1988 - June 1989 April 1984 - January 1988 July 1975 - April 1984 June 1972 - July 1975 · Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, United Way of San Diego County · Interim President, United Way of San Diego County · Executive Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Planning, United Way of San Diego County · Vice President, Pla.qning, Allocations, Research and Community Services, United Way of San Diego County · Associate Executive Director, Planning and Allocations, United Way of Pierce County, Tacoma, Washington · Planner, State of Washington, Department of Social and Health Services, Re~ion 5 EDUCATION: 1972 1969 Masters Degree in Social Work, University cf Washington Specialty in Planning & Community Organization B.A. in Sociology, University of Washington -1- My professional experiences: · Staff the Board of Directors; Strategic Planning efforts, and the Bylaws Committee. · Have eighteen years of fund raising experience raising corporate contributions · Did grant writing bringing in over $2 million for community projects. Developed a Marketing Plan. Created new approaches: · Paid advertising, leveraging our dollars 1:3. · Awards and recognition progrs,'n. · Market research with local business · Applied "music video" technology to the fund raising and community leaders · Created newsletters for year-round communication to volunteers, agencies and companies. · Designed and implemented a funds distribution system which awarded funds based on priority community needs. In the Financial Management area: · Plan the distribution of $27,400,000 · Coordinate the $4 million operating budget development process. · Co-staff the Finance Committee Development of Linkages and Partnerships · . Developed the partnerships with the local governments for the formation of the Regional Task Force On the Homeless, and regional Information and Referral Service (InfoLine). · Helped develop the Children's Initiative partnership with local foundations. · Negotiated contracts with several non-profit organizations · Serve on the Private Industry Council Strategic Planning Committee, 1991-1993. · Served by appointment of the Mayor on the City of San Diego's Growth Management Advisory Committee (1987-88). · Instructor for the United Way of America's National Academy for Voluntarism since 1979. Helped expand the Volunteer Center from serving 4,000 people/year to 15,000/year and from serving 200 agencies to 600 agencies today; started the Youth volunteer program and the Corporate Volunteer Connection. -2- CITY OF TUSTiN 15222 DEL AMO AVENUE TUSTIN, CALIFOR/qIA 92680 (714) 544-8890 APPLICATION FOR COF~ISSION/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT -- Date September 13, ]993 Richard J. Scheft Full Legal Name Address 120 Nisson #D (PO Box 1009) Street Tustin, CA 92680 Apartment # City Home Phone Number State (714)731-1354 Business Commission/Committee Position applying for: Reason you are applying for that position: Zip Code Phone: (800) 525-6718 X305 Community Foundation board of directors With my experience working with tile Boy Scountsof America in fund raising, commun:.ty youth groups and training senior citizens to help organize scounts troops. This experience will benefit tile City of Tustin. Please list below your background and any experience you feel qualifies you for the position: I have worked as a professional scout executive '.'or tile Boy Scouts of America. My main objective was fund-raising within.thc.busLness cc.mmunitv. Presently lam working with Hoag Hospital Foundation 50 to raise several miEion dollars for a new cancer wing. List any professional organizations to wkich you belong: President, Arizona State University Alumni Assc~_[ation, Southern California, Hoag Hospital 552 Club. Do you now, or have you ever, held any professional licenses? If so, which ones? Reserve Police officer, Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, Private Pilot License, Reserve Police Officer Tcmpc. AZ. Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked? NO If so, why? EDUCATION: Circle Highest Grade Completed: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '6~~ LIST ALL COLLEGES, BUSINESS DATES ATTENI)I.;I) I)ECREE OBTAINED OR TRADE SCltOOLS ATTENDED: Phoenix College Phoenix, AZ September 65 - June 67 Assoc of Arts Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ September 67-June 70 BS What type(s) of civic activities are you involved in? Hoag Hospital 552 Club, Arizona State Univ. Alumni Assoc. Your resume must also be attached for your application to be considered. Please return your application to the Office of the City Clerk at the address shown at the top of this form. Thank you for your interest in this position. c on~nappt, cc ZHARD J. SCHERR P. O. Box 1009 120 Nisson #D Tustin, CA. 92681 (714) 731-] 354 CAREER OBJECTIVES Responsible position in sales and marketing utilizing my record of accomplishments in meeting sales goals; business development, planning and new product introductions. EXPERIENCE Major Account Manager Boehringer Mannheim Corporation, Indianapolis, IN. 1989- Present Responsible for sales of diabetic products to food, drug and chain headquater accounts; training of medical staff and consumers in use of products; managed account.sinSo. California District. Achieved 1990 quota increasing business ] 5%. · Exceeded quarterly objectives for 199] generating $5.3 million in sales. · Increased'sales in largest account by $1.2 million in 1991, 29% increase over 1990. Regional Broker Manager Hawaiian Tropic Inc., Murry, KY. 988 - 1989 Broker-manager for seven ',Vestern States and Southern California. Responsible for six food/ drug brokers and headquarter accounts. Managed broker relations and provide sales training and recruitment for new brokers. · Created time management program for broker staff which increased employee effectiveness for generating new sales. Designed a retail store checklist including out of stocks, missing tags, and incorrect plan-o-grams, which increased business to $8.9 million from $6.7 million. · Increased military sales 14% by assertive management. Major Account/Broker Manager A. }{. Robins Co., Richmond, VA. 1976 - 1988 Managed three brokers for all classes of trade to meet sales objectives. Supervised staff of four retail merchandisers in the drug industry to increase facings and reset plan-o-grams. Established all phases of new product distribution, over 4 Western States. · Ranked in top 5% of Broker Managers in 1986. · Staffed and supervised retail merclmndisers to increase sales, facings and meet objectives in a $5 million territory. MILITARY U. S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate Training - Honorable Discharge EDUCATION B. S., Arizona State University