HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 AIRPORT STATUS 09-07-93AGEND/L.-. REPORTS NO. 2 9-7-93 DATE: SEPTEMBER ?, 1993 inter-Com TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AIRPORT STATUS REPORT RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. FISCAL IMPACT Monitoring of the various special interest groups concerned with airport issues requires the use of routinely scheduled staff time and is therefore part of the City's normal budgeted expenses. The City retains · the consulting firm of J. J. Van Houten and Associates, Inc. for review of noise related items and there is a limitation of one-thousand dollars ($1,000) per review of each JWA Quarterly Noise. Report. DISCUSSION Notice of Preparation (NOP) for UPS Proposal at John Wayne Airport Staff has received and responded to a recent NOP for a proposal for John Wayne Airport (JWA) to incorporate air cargo carriers into the allotted flights arriving and departing from JWA. The NOP is the first step in the process for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The proponent for the proposal is United Parcel Service (UPS). The proposal would require further amendments to Phase 2 - Access Plan for JWA by reallocating regulated Class "A" flights or allowing additional Class "A" flights. In response to the proposal, staff has forwarded comments to the County expressing the City's concern over the establishment of a maximum Single Event Noise Equivalent Level (SENEL) at RMS-7, controlling hours of operation, the cumulative noise impacts that would occur due to the potential increase in flights, and clarification on the characteristics of the type of aircraft proposed.. Our response was mailed August, 2, 1993. Staff will continue to monitor this proposal.and has requested that the County provide copies of their response to the issues identified and all subsequent environmental documents. City. Council Report Airport Status Report September 7, 1993 Page 2 Orange County Cities Airport Authority (OCCAA) As directed previously by Council, staff continues to monitor the activities of the OCCAA. On July 21, 1993, staff attended a general meeting of the Board. The agenda items included a review of the work program for the County of Orange's E1 Toro Task Force and the consideration of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) proposal to study re-use alternatives for MCAS, E1 Toro. The Board did not take action on these items other than to express their disappointment in the County staff's recommendation for appointments to the Advisory Council for the Re-Use Planning Process for MCAS, E1 Toro. The OCCAA Board also expressed their interest in leading the Aviation Committee, one of the standing committees that report ~o the Advisory Council, in order to ensure that commercial airport reuse is considered as the most economically viable land use before all others. The County deflected this suggestion as much as possible, but encouraged the Board to seek participation in the committee. JWA Noise Abatement Proqram Quarterly Report J.J. Van Houten and Associates, Inc., Tustin's noise consultants, prepared a review of the most recent County-prepared John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Program quarterly report for the l~st quarter of 1993. A copy of their report is attached. For the first quarter of 1993 there has been an increase in the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) at monitoring station M7 in Tustin of two-tenths (.2) of a decibel. However, during the same period, the number of aircraft operations has decreased to a total of 15,560 for the quarter from the previous quarter total of 16,411. Based on data for the first quarter of 1993, the annual average CNEL at station M7 is estimated to be 56.8 dB for 1993. This is five-tenths (.5) of a decibel higher than the average annual CNEL of 56.3 dB for 1992. However, this is below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB for residential areas. The number of quarterly noise complaints for Tustin/Orange has significantly decreased for this same time period which does not correspond with the increase in the average CNEL; however, this does correlate with the decrease in flights discussed above. The consultant has again analyzed the relationship between changes in CNEL and the number of quieter aircraft put into service at John °City Council Report Airport Status Report September 7, 1993 Page 3 Wayne Airport. This analysis shows that the percentage of quiet Class E aircraft has decreased slightly between 1991, 1992, and the 1st quarter of 1993 as did the weighted average noise level. Class E aircraft are the quietest of the three types of aircraft (Class A, AA and E) unique to John Wayne Airport. However, the classification only applies to departures and in some cases, aircraft classified as Class E are actually noisier on arrival than some Class A and AA aircraft. Therefore, the percentage of Class E aircraft does not significantly affect noise levels at Tustin's noise monitoring station. As a result, it is difficult to correlate the types of aircraft flown with the measured CNEL. CONCLUSION Because the issues discussed above are of considerable importance to the City of Tustin, the Community Development Department will continue to monitor airport, issues unless otherwise directed by Council. A~ E. BonneA/ ' Associate Planner ~ant Dlrectol of Community Development Attachments: Report from J.J. Van Houten and Associates' RW :AB: kd\CCREPORT\a J rpstaS, aeb j.j. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. JOHN J. VAN HOUTEN, PE, Principal Consultant DAVID L. WIELAND, Principal Engineer ROBERT WOO, Senior Engineer 1260 EAST KATELLA AVENUE, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 {714} 978-7018 {714} 635-9520 FAX {71,~} 939-064,8 July 26, 1993 Project File 2306-91 CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development Department 15222 Del Arno Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 -- RECEIVED J II L 2 6 COMMUNITY Attention: Ms. Rita Westfield Subject: Review of John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Program Quarterly RePort, 1st Quarter 1993 Reference: 1. "Data Evaluation and Aircraft Noise Impact Study for the City of Tustin," J. J. Van Houten and Associates, Inc., January 8, 1990 . "Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Report for the Period: Janu- ary 1, 1993 through March 31, 1993," John Wayne Airport Dear Ms. Westfield: As requested' we have reviewed the referenced quarterly report for the noise abatement program at John Wayne 'Airport. The following provides our findings with regard to a/rport operations and their impact on the City of Tustin: o Referring to Figures 1 and 2, the average annual CNEL at station M7 will be 56.8 dB for 1993 based upon data for the 1st quarter. This is 0.5 dB higher than the average annual CNEL of 56.3 dB fOr 1991. (NOTE: The noise contours for John Wayne Airport are based on average annual CNEL values measured at each remote monitoring station.) However, this estimate is likely to be high. As shown in Figures 1 and 2, the average CNEL during the 1st quarter of the year is typically higher than during the remaining three quarters. Further, it should be noted that the quarterly CNEL is skewed by the lack of data for the entire month of January. . Referring to Figure 2, there does not appear to be any correlation between the average number of noise complaints received from the Tustin/Orange area and the.average quarterly aircraft CNEL or the average quarterly number of jet operations. As indicated in the figure, the number of noise complaints'was lower e in the first quarter of 1993 than in 1992 even though the average quarterly CNEL has increased slightly.' Referring to both Table 2 and Figure 2, the number of complaints also does not correlate with the percentage of noisier aircraft (Class A and AA) landing at the airport. As indicated in Item 1, above, the annual average CNEL measured at station M7 will be about 57 dB based on information through the first quarter of 1993. This is slightly less than the 58 dB that was estimated for the station in the referenced aircraft noise impact study for the Phase 2 Access Plan (Reference 1). AIRCRAFT NOISE CONTOURS In 1988, an exterior aircraft noise monitoring effort was conducted throughout the City of Tustin by the John Wayne Airport: Noise Abatement Office.and by J. J. Van Houten and Associates, Inc. (Reference 1). Aircraft-generated single event noise exposure levels (SENEL's) were measured at twelve locations in Tustin over a five month period. As a result of this effort, noise contours were developed for John Wayne Airport as they impact the City of Tustin. Although the shape of the contours does not change (since' flight tracks are fixed), the value of the noise contours does change with different levels of operations at the, airport and different mixes of aircraft. Figure 3 provides the approximate location of the John wayne Airport noise contours for 1990 based on measurements obtained at monitoring station M7 throughout the year. Referring to the figure, the community noise equivalent level (CNEL) ranged from 53 to 59 dB in the City. of Tustin, with a CNEL of about 55 dB at station M7. Based on data through the first quarter, the annual average CNEL at station M7 will be 57 dB in 1993. The existing and future Phase 2 contours (based on 1993 data) are provided in Figure 4. Referring to the figure, it is estimated that in 1993 the aircraft- generated CNEL will range from 55 to 61 dB. This is well below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB for residential areas. -- USE OF QUIETER AIRCRAFT AT JWA As requested, we have analyzed the correlation between the increasing use of quieter aircraft at JWA and the change in CNEL within the City of Tustin. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) classifies.aircraft into three categories based on noise levels. In -- order of decreasing noise levels, there are Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III aircraft. John Wayne Airport has only permitted Stage III aircraft since the early 1970's. CITY OF TUb~FIN 2 Project File 2306-91 J.J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. The airport has its own classification scheme for passenger aircraft. In order of decreasing noise level, these are Class A, Class AA, and Class E aircraft. Table 1 provides the estimated number of each class of aircraft that used the airport between the first quarter of 1992 and the.first quarter of 1993. Also provided is the measured average quarterly CNEL at monitoring station M7. Table 2 provides the same information, but the values have been normalized to.17,000 aircraft operations (takeoffs and landings) per quarter. In this way, a correlation can be established between the quarterly CNEL and the mix of aircraft types. Referring to Table 2 and Figure 5, the percentage of quieter Class E aircraft using John Wayne Airport ~as higher in the 1st quarter of 1993 than in all of 1992 (about 22%). This increase in Class E aircraft was offset by decrease in the use of the noisier Class AA aircraft, Despite this increase in quieter aircraft, the weighted average quarterly CNEL increased slightly. This may be attributed to variations in the aircraft landing profiles during the year (e.g., different altitudes at monitoring station M7 or different lateral distance from the station) or possibly in the landing procedures (e.g., different power settings). If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 714/978-7018. Very truly yours. J. J. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. iPn'/~c°ustics "1 ~W~gineer dw:.\Wla51 \r~ports\2303-tg\23061 q93 CITY OF TUSTIN 3 Project File 2306-91 j.j. VAN HOUTEN & ASSOCIATES, Inc. z 0 n Z Z 0 Z _J 00000 C) O 0 0 LO LO O0 (D 0 ILO I~ 000 0 03 C E C 0 E E E 0 Z (~P) -I':INO 8O 60 4O 20 2O ~ ~5 O . ~ ~ 10 "~ o O 5 0 100 80 60 40 20 o [Average Quarterly Aircraft CNE~;__M~_I 1Qtr92 2Qtr92 3Qtr92 4Qtr92 1Q~r93 2Qtr93 3Qtr93 4Qtr93 Quarter/Year I Total Quarterly Jet Operations, M7 1Qtr92 2Qtr92 3Qtr92 4Qtr92 1Qtr93 2Qtr93 Quarter/Year I Average Quarterly Noise Complaints 3Qtr93 I 4Qtr93 1Qtr92 2Qtr92 3Qtr92 4Qtr92 1Qtr93 Quarter/Year [ J._ J 2Qtr93 3Qtr93 4Qtr93 Figure 2 II · II I! ,////;> II II II Figure 3. Approximate Location of John Wayne Airport Noise Contours, 1990 M-? 1' *-4.2--- ;56 55 Figure 4. ~ // / // I! · II II II II ,, . I II //' '~../ // Approximate Location of John Wayne Airport Noise Contours, 1992 8 ! I I spuesnoql SNOIIV'd:ldO ..L_-IV'¢IO~I¥ -I0 ~-~81/~rIN !uJ