HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA D.R. 93-020 09-07-93AGEND RDA NO. 8 9-7-93 .~ATE: SEPTEMBER ?~ 1993 Inter-Com TO: FROM' SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DESIGN REVIEW 93-020 (MICRO CENTER) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency take the following actions: I® Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 93-12; and · Approve Design Review 93-020 by adopting Resolution No. 93-13; as submitted or revise~. FISCAL IMPACTS There would be no negative fiscal impacts to the City or Redevelop- ment Agency as a result of this project. This property is located within the South/Central Redevelopment Agency Project Area. The applicant is requesting that the Redevelopment Agency provide financial assistance for-this project. Details of the request for financial assistance is contained in the related Agenda item also on this evening's City Council and Redevelopment Agency's agendas. BACKGROUND The applicant is proposing a Design Review to make various site and building improvements to an existing 45,600 square foot building to establish a computer retail store. The project-site is located within Planning Area 6 of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan (PCESP) on the southwest corner of Edinger and Del Amo Avenues on a site previously occupied by Builders Emporium (see location map). Since the PCESP is within the South/Central Redevelopment Project Area, the Redevelopment ~gency has final authority on Design Review applications. On August 23, 1993, the Planning Commission took the following actions: ~ Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September 7, 1993 Page 2 I · Approved a Planning Area 6 Concept Plan which includes the project site, pursuant to provisions of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan; · Approved a Variance to increase the building height for the two tower elements of the building and decrease the landscape setbacks along Edinger and Del Amo Avenues; · Approved a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Master Sign Plan which deviates from the City's Sign Code; and · Recommended approval to the Redevelopment Agency of the Design Review for the project. Copies of the adopted Resolutions of the Planning Commission's actions are included in Attachment A. Surrounding uses to Planning Area 6 and the project site include retail and vacant property to the west, and industrial and vacant properties to the north, south and east. This item does not require a public hearing. Therefore, no notice was transmitted for this project. The applicant and property owner were informed of the availability of the staff report on this project. PROJECT SITE The project site is approximately 4 acres in size and is developed with an existing 45,600 square foot building which has been previously occupied by a retail use (Builders Emporium). Existing site improvements include paved parking areas and minimal site landscaping. The applicant is proposing to make various site improvements which include repaving and striping the parking lot, adding site and parking lot landscaping consistent with the City's Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines and modify access to the site. While there will be a significant alteration of existing space on the site, no net increase in square footage is proposed on the site. The existing driveway on Edinger which serves the Project site and Nurseryland would be reconstructed. The existing easterly most driveway on Edinger would be removed. The two driveways on Del Amo would be removed and two new driveways would be constructed further south of the Edinger/Del Amo intersection. A total of 237 parking spaces would be provided which is in excess of the 228 spaces required by the PCESP (1 space/200 sq.ft.) for retail uses. Forty eight (48) of the spaces would be compact which represents 20% of Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September 7, 1993 Page 3 the total parking provided on the site as permitted by the PCESP. The compact spaces are located along the Edinger frontage. New site lighting would be provided consistent with the City's Security Ordinance. A 60 foot radius intersection treatment would be provided at Edinger/Del Amo as identified by the PCESP. The proposed site modifications accommodate the ultimate right-of- way requirements on Edinger and Del Amo as determined by the latest alignment studies for Newport Avenue and as required by the PCESP Circulation Plan. Since final street alignments have not been established,'the construction of the ultimate street improvements can not be completed as part of this project. However, the property owner would be required to make an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for street right-of-way and post Bonds with the City for the construction of the ultimate improvements. Previous alignment studies identified future right-of-way requirements for Del Amo to be taken from the west side of the street and that the existing curb line on the east side of the street would be maintained as the ultimate improvements. This design would significantly impact the ability to develop the project site as a retail use without removing the existing building as over half of the parking along Del Amo would be eliminated. In addressing this issue, the property owner has agreed to shift the alignment easterly to accommodate the proposed parking and site improvements of the project site. In accommodating this alignment, the property owner has also agreed to provide an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication and to Bond for the construction of the ultimate street improvements on the east side of Del Amo. ARCHITECTURE The applicant is proposing extensive improvements to the existing building. New stucco and plaster walls and parapets are proposed around the entire building to provide a consistent wall and parapet treatment and to screen the necessary roof mounted mechanical equipment. The wall and parapet system would start at approximately 10 feet from the finish grade and reach the main parapet height of 27 feet. The wall and parapet system would project from the main building wall approximately 6 feet on the east and north elevations. The wall and parapet system would project approximately 6 inches from the main building wall on the west and south elevations. The main entrance of the new retail facility is proposed on the east elevation of the building facing Del Amo Avenue. An arcade element, supported by columns, is proposed to project approximately 15 feet from the main building wall and would be 30 feet in height to highlight the entrance. A new bronzed aluminum and clear glass Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September 7, 1993 Page 4 store front system is proposed under the arcade and on the north elevation which would be used to provide secondary access to the training facility within the building. A reveal, accented with red neon, would be provided around the entire building on the new stucco and plaster wall system. A new stucco and plaster wall system is proposed to enclose the existing overhang area on the south elevation of the existing building. Openings would be provided for the loading dock and trash compactor areas. The lower portions of the building would remain as existing with a concrete tilt up and textured pattern. This area would be painted. Wall mounted light fixtures would be provided on the west elevation to increase surveillance opportunities. Two tower elements are proposed on the northwest and southwest corners of the building. The tower heights are proposed at 45 feet. Section 4.3.F.2 of the PCESP establishes a maximum of 35 feet for freestanding commercial buildings within the Regional Center Land Use Designation. The tower elements would enhance the westerly building elevations and provide greater freeway presence which is encouraged by the PCESP. Section 3.2 of the PCESP states that: "With orientation and visibility opportunities at the SR-55 freeway, special emphasis should be given to architecture, including building geometry and the relationship of building forms oriented toward the freeway, Newport Avenue and Del Amo and Edinger." The towers appear proportionate to the scale and mass of the proposed eleVation improvements. However, since the proposed towers exceed the maximum height of 35 feet, a Variance was approved by .the Planning Commission to authorize the increase in the maximum height to 45 feet for the tower elements. Please refer to the Planning Commission Staff Report dated August 23, 1993 (Pages 8-10) for additional discussion related to the Variance request to increase the maximum building height (Attachment B) The proposed finish colors and materials include an off-white stucco color. A light taupe is. proposed for the existing wall elevations and a dark taupe is proposed as an accent on the columns and other wall accent elements. A material and color board will be available at the September 7th meeting. Overall, the proposed building improvements would improve the appearance of the existing building and are consistent with the Urban Design Concepts established on the PCESP. Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September'7, 1993 Page 5 LkNDSCAPIN~/HARDSCAPE The applicant is proposing to add a significant amount of landscaping to the subject site. New planters would be added adjacent to the building and within the parking lot consistent with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. The parking lot trees are proposed to be 24" Bradford Pear. Other trees proposed on the interior of the site include 36" box Natal Coral at the theme intersection treatment (Edinger/Del Amo), 5 and 15 gallon eucalyptus and 15 gallon Brisbane Box adjacent to the building and also within the parking lot. Parking lot screening with berming and hedge rows would be provided around the street frontages consistent with the requirements of the PCESP. Landscaping along Edinger and Del Amo would also be provided consistent with the landscape concept established in the PCESP. This includes 15 gallon and 24" box Ponderosa Pine and 24" box London Plane Trees on Edinger and 24" box London Plane Trees and Date Palms on Del Amo. The PCESP requires a minimum 30 foot landscape setback along Edinger and Del A mo which is measured from the curb face to the building or parking lot. The Planning Commission approved a Variance authorizing the reduction of the ultimate landscape setbacks on Edinger from 30 feet to 24 feet and on Del Amo from 30 feet to 23 feet. Please refer to Attachment B (Pages 8-10) for additional discussion on the Variance request to reduce the landscape setbacks. Landscaping would also be typically required on the West elevation of the existing building. However, the existing railroad spur, which is not proposed to be removed at this time due to construction timing constraints, would prevent landscaping from being installed, at this time. A condition was included in Planning Commission Resolution No. 3180 that requires the property owner to install landscaping along the western boundary at the time the Nurseryland property is developed. Since the ultimate street improvements would not be constructed with this project, it would be necessary to provide interim landscaping until such time as the ultimate street improvements are constructed. Interim landscaping of turf would be provided between the ultimate curb and the existing curb. Due to the location of the ultimate curb on Del Amo, the planting of Date Palms as called for in the PCESP Would b~ deferred and planted in the future in conjunction with the ultimate street improvements along Del Amo Avenue. Condition No. 5.11.g of Planning commission Resolution No. 3180 requires the property owner to post bonds to ensure the installation of the Date Palms as part of the ultimate street improvements. Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September 7, 1993 Page 6 Decorative pavement consisting of integral colored concrete would be provided at the main entrance. A pedestrian sidewalk would be provided from Edinger to the site at the corner intersection treatment consistent with the PCESP related to pedestrian circulation. Interim street improvements also include providing a sidewalk from the bus stop on Edinger to the corner at Del Amo with a new handicap ramp at the curb return on the Edinger/Del Amo intersection. Overall, the proposed landscaping plans would add a significant amount of landscaping to the site and provide a consistent streetscape as provided for by the PCESP. The proposed landscaping plans are also consistent with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines related to the amount and type of plant materials. SIGNS The Planning Commission approved a Conditional use Permit to establish a Master Sign Plan for the project which deviates from the City's Sign Code with respect to the amount, size and location of signs, including a pole sign. Section 3.8.5 of the PCESP indicates that a Master Sign Plan may deviate from specific Tustin City Code standards for proposed center and business identification signs, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. Please refer to Attachment B (Pages 10-13) for additional discussion related to the Conditional Use Permit to establish a Master Sign Plan for the project. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS An Initial Study was prepared for the project, a copy of which can be made available upon request. Based upon review of Design Review 93-020, Variance 93-004 and Conditional Use Permit 93-027, as well as Environmental Impact Report 90-1, it has been determined that the environmental issues relating to this project have previously been addressed. Also, appropriate mitigating measures identified in EIR 90-1 are included as conditions of approval for the project. With this information in mind, it is recommended that the Agency make the finding that requirements of the California.Environmental Quality Act have been met and that no further environmental review is required. Redevelopment Agency Report Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center) September 7, 1993 Page 7 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditions of approval are included within the attached resolutions. Outside of specific issues discussed~in this report, conditions of approval are standard conditions required by either the PCESP, EIR 90-1, other applicable municipal codes, requirements of City Departments or outside reviewing agencies. CONCLUSION Given the analysis conduCted by the Community Development _ Department, and in consideration of the Planning Commission's actions, comments from other agencies and the public, it is concluded that the proposed project meets the requirements of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan and the California Environmental Quality Act. With the inclusion of conditions of approval listed in Planning Commission Resolution No. 3180, it is recommended that the Redevelopment Agency approve the environmental determination and Design Review 93-020. .. Senior Planner '~gMlaenta°~er CAS: D F: br'/D R930:>0. D F Attachments: Location Map Plans and Elevations Attachment A - PC Resolution Nos. 3177, 3178, 3179 and 3180 Attachment B - PC Staff Report, August 23, 1993 RDA Resolution Nos. 93-12 and 93-13 LOUATION MAP,~/ Z / / NO SCALE f~ --' j~' '" - . ~ ~' ~ I~ J ~ ~ . :::~: ' "~' *~ ~ ~; ~ i ;~ ;i; :i~J ; i~; ~' ils "'~'"~,,-'.,,.~,-", ~ ~ ~ .... , _. 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Be That said application was considered by the Planning Commission on August 23, 1993. Ce Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area,~the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Setbacks and site planning; · · Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation; Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood; and e Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council, particularly the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. II. The Planning Commission hereby conditionally approves the Planning Area 6 Concept Plan for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan,' subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14: '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3177 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 23rd day of August, 1993. KATHLEEN CLANCY Recording Secretary,/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) Chairperson I, KATHLEEN CLANCY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3177 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. ~ATHLEEN CLANCY. / Recording Secretary EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 3177 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLANNING AREA 6 CONCEPT PLAN GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantiallY conform with the submitted plans date stamped August 23, 1993, on file with the Community Development Department as herein modified or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans if such modifications are found to be consistent with provisions of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. (1) 1.2 The property owner shall sign and return an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form prior to issuance of building permits for Design Review 93-020 (Micro Center). (1) 1.3 The property owner shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin for all claims and liabilities arising out of the City's approval of.the entitlement process for this project. PL~kNNING AREA 6 CONCEPT PLAN (4) 2.1 The intersections of Edinger/Newport, Edinger/DelAmo and (5) Newport/Del Amo shall be signalized intersections. The mid-block intersections on both Del Amo and Newport may have full turn access restricted due to traffic volumes, subject to approval of the City Engineer and signals may be required at these intersections, subject to approval of the City Engineer. (4) 2.2 The landscape concept within the Planning Area shall be consistent with Exhibit 8 of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. . SOD~CE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) PC/CC POLICY (4) DESIGN REVIEW *** EXCEPTION . Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval Planning Area 6 Concept Plan Resolution No. 3177 Page 2 (2) 2.3 Development of vacant parcels shall submit a pesticides/toxicity report which identifies any potential pesticide "hot spots" and recommends, procedures for necessary soil mixing or removal.' (2) 2.4 Any future development plans for structures over 60 feet in height shall be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration and Airport Land Use Commission for review and comment. OF:br 1 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 RESOLUTION NO. 3178 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING VARIANCE 93-004 TO INCREASE A PORTION OF THE BUILDING HEIGHT FROM 35 FEET TO 45 FEET AND TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE SETBACKS ALONG THE EDINGER AVENUE STREET FRONTAGE FROM 30 FEET TO APPROXIMATELY 24 FEET AND.ALONG DEL AMO AVENUE FROM 30 FEET TO APPROXIMATELY 23 FEET ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 EDINGER AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the city of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: Ie The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: ao That a proper application, Variance 93-004, has been filed by Micro Center to increase a portion of the building height from 35 feet to 45 feet and to reduce the required landscape setbacks along the Edinger Avenue street frontage from 30 feet to approximately 24 feet and along Del Amo Avenue from 30 feet to approximately 23 feet on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue. Bo Ce That a public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the Planning Commission on August 23, 1993. The Planning Commission has reviewed the subject request for a variance to decrease the ~andscape setbacks on the Edinger and Del Amo Avenue street frontages and has made the following findings: le Granting the variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the project is situated in that there are other properties within the PCESP on Del Amo with less than the minimum 30 foot landscape setback. For example, the property at 15222 Del Amo is presently developed with a 22 foot landscape setback to the parking lot. · There are unusual or exceptional circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings which deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the area, in that .with the existing structure remaining and the site parking lot reconfigured to comply with applicable drive aisle widths and stall sizes, the maximum amount of landscaping along the street 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3178 Page 2 frontages are provided. In addition, the requirements to dedicate the ultimate right- of-way also reduces the amount of land between the existing structure and the street. Even with the reduction in the. landscape setbacks, the intent of the street scape concept to provide parking lot screening, an 8 foot side 'meandering sidewalk and street trees consistent with the PCESP Landscape Concept Plan can be accomplished. D. The Planning Commission has reviewed the subject request for a variance to increase a portion of the building height and has made t~e following findings. - 1. Granting the variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the project is situated in that there are other uses and structures within the Regional Center that would permit higher maximum building heights. The hotel could be a maximum of eight stories or 120 feet. Office buildings could be a maximum of 65 feet in height. The'original Urban Design Plan of the PCESP envisioned that the 'rehabilitation site would be demolished and reconstructed with office buildings and a hotel. The strict conformance to the height limit would preclude this property from enjoying the height limits of other uses within the Planning Area to gain visibility and exposure to the SR-55 freeway as encouraged by the PCESP. · There are unusual or exceptional circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape,, topography, location or surroundings which deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the area, in that the site is not immediately adjacent to the SR-55 freeway which increases the need to utilize architectural features of the building to provide visual opportunities. In additions, the mass and scale of the building presents a need to provide some vertical articulation to add interest and variety to the elevations as encouraged by the PCESP Urban Design Guidelines. The towers and the resultant height of 45 feet appear to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23: 24 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3178 Page 3 appropriate with the proposed ~levation improvements and would still be well under the 120 maximum height limit for hotels within this Planning Area. E. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR 90-1) for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan has been certified in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Variance 93-004 to increase a portion of the building height from 35 feet to 45 feet and to reducethe required landscape setbacks along the Edinger Avenue street frontage f~om 30 feet to approximately 24 feet and along Del Amo Avenue from 30 feet to approximately 23 feet on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3180, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at aregular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. KATHLEEN CLANCY Secretary MARJORI E ~SALEK Chairperson STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CO't~TY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, KATHLEEN CLANCY the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3178 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. -KATHLEEN CLkNCY Recording Secretary 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10~ 11 12 14 15 16 o 17 18 19 20 21 9_7 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3179 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 93-027, AUTHORIZING A MASTER SIGN PROGRAM WHICH DEVIATES FROM THE CITY'S SIGN CODE ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1100 EDINGER AVENUE. · The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: Ie The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application, Conditional Use Permit 93-027 has been filed by Micro Center to establish a Master Sign Plan which deviates from the City's Sign Code on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue. Be Ce A public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the Planning Commission on August 23, 1993. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed Master Sign Plan will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor to the general welfare of the City of-Tustin as ~videnced by the following findings: · Although the individual sign area exceeds that allowed by the Sign Code, the allowed sign area percentages of a building elevation would not be exceeded ensuring that the signs appear proportionate to the elevation on which they are located; · The tower sign on the north elevation provides business identification while the smaller wall sign provides directional information and identifies the building .address encouraging proper site access and direction toward the front entrance of the store on Del Amo Avenue. · The pole sign would result in the removal of two nonconforming pole signs, one on the subject property and one on the adjacent property to the west thus enhancing the overall appearance of the PCESP area. The proposed pole sign incorporates the existing pole structure of the pole sign from the adjacent property into its design and provides architectural elements consistent with the ] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 o 17 18 19 20 22 25 9.6 27 28 Resolution No. 3179 Page 2 proposed building improvements to p~ovided a consistent design treatment. This would not set a precedent to establish pole signs within the Pacific Center East Specific Plan area as there are no other pole signs within the Specific Plan area to be removed with any future development proposals. II. The Planning Commission hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 93-027 to establish a Master Sign Plan on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. PASSED ANDADOPTED at a regular meeting of the T~stin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. KATHLEEN CLANCY Secretary Chairperson STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, KATHLEEN CLANCY the-undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secreta~7 of the Plannin~ Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3179 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. ~fATHLEEN CLANCY---/~--~ Recording Secretary ExhIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 3179 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 93-027 (MICRO CENTER) GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans date stamped August 23, 1993 on file with the Community Development Department as herein modified or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance, with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan 'check if such modifications are found to be consistent with provisions of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in the Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any sign permits for the project, subject to review and approval.by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 Conditional Use Permit approval shall become null and void unless all building/sign permits are issued within eighteen (18) months of the date of this Exhibit. (1) 1.4 The applicant shall sign and return an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form prior to issuance of sign permits. (1) 1.5 The applicant and property owner shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin for all claims and liabilities arising out of the City's approval of the entitlement process for this project. (1) 1.6 Ail graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours of a complaint being transmitted by the City to the property owner. Failure to maintain said structures and adjacent facilities will be grounds for City enforcement of its Property Maintenance Ordinance, including nuisance abatement procedures. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITIONS (Z) PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY (3) MUNICIPAL CODE (4) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 - 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3180 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, REcoMMENDING TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGRNCY APPROVAL OF DESIGN REVIEW 93-020 (MICRO CENTER) FOR VARIOUS SITE AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AT 1100 EDINGER AVENUE. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: ae That a proper application, Design Review 93-020, was filed by Micro Center requesting approval of various site and building improvements on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenhe. Bo That the said application was considered by the Planning Commission on August 23, 1993. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 90-1) for the Pacific Center East Specific · Plan has been certified in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. Do This project has been determined to be e~empt from the provisions of Measure "M" and CMP requirements in that the project is below the thresholds for Measure "M" and the CMP. Ze F, The proposed retail use in permitted within the Regional Center LandUse Designation of the Pacific Center East Specific.Plan. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 2. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.5 1G 17 18 ~0 22 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3180 Page 2 o · Size and spacing of windows, doors and other openings. Towers, chimneys, roof structures" flagpoles, radio and television antennae. t Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. · Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. · Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure% 10. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood'. 11.'' Appearance and design relationship of proposed structure to existing structures and possible feature structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. 12. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council, particularly th~ Pacific Center East Specific Plan. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the Redevelopment Agency approval of Design Review 93-020 for various Site and building modifications on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 3180 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 23rd day of August, 1993. Recording Secreta~ Chairperson STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, KATHLEEN CLANCY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3180 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin'Planning Commission, held on the 23rd day of August, 1993. THLEEN CLANCY Recording Secreta~% EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION NO. 3180 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DESIGN REVIEW 93-020' (MICRO CENTER) GENERAL (1) · . 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans date stamped August 23, 1993 on file with the Community Development Department as herein modified or as modified by the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director of Community Development may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are found to be consistent with provisions of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in the Exhibit shallbe complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 Design Review approval shall become null and void unless all building permits are issued within eighteen (18) months of the date of this Exhibit. (1) 1.4 The applicant and property owner shall sign and return an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form prior to issuance of building permits. (1) 1.5 The applicant and .property owner shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin for all claims and liabilities arising out of the City's'approval of the entitlement process for this project. (1) 1.6 Ail graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours of a complaint being transmitted by the City to the property owner, Failure to maintain said structures and adjacent facilities will be grounds for City enforcement of its Property Maintenance Ordinance, including nuisance abatement procedures. SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) (2) CEQA MITIGATION (6) (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE/S (7) (4) DESIGN -REVIEW *** EXCEPTION RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES PC/CC POLICY Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 2 PLAN'SUBMITTAL 2.1 At building plan check the following shall be submitted: (2) A. (3) Construction plans, structural calculations, and Title 24 energy calculations. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Handicap and Energy Requirements shall be complied with as approved by the Building official. (2) (3) (2) (3) Bo Ce Preliminary technical detail and plans for all utility installations including cable TV, telephone,, gas waster and electricity. Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made withoUt corrections submitted to and approved by the Building Official. Final grading and specification consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval by the Community Development Department and in conformance with the city's standards for private improvements. (2) D. (3) (2) E. Any new foundation work shall include reinforcement as reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. Ail pavement "R" values shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department in accordance with applicable City standards. (2) F. (3) Ail structures shall be developed in accordance with applicable seismic design provisions of the Uniform Building Code and reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. (1) 2.2 Submitted construction drawings shall be in conformance with all development standards as applicable in the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. (1) 2.3 Submitted construction drawings shall be in conformance with all applicable provisions of the City's Security Ordinance, including exterior lighting requirements and security hardware. Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval- DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 3 *** Z.4 .Specifications at building plan check submittal shall reflect material call-outs on all elevations of the building and applicable details and notes added indicating that all surfaces below the proposed stucco/plaster wall system shall be coated and protected with a graffiti resistant finish and/or material. (2) 2.5 The applicant shall comply with all City policies regarding short term construction emissions, including periodic watering of the site and prohibiting grading during second stage smog alerts and when wind velocities exceed. 15 miles per hour. SITE AND BUILDING CONDITIONS (1) 3.1 Provide exact details of all exterior door and window (4) types, including but not limited to such information as frame color and glass tint. (1) 3.2 All exterior colors to be used shall be subject to review (4) and approval of the Director of the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments shall be coordinated with regard to 'color, materials and detailing and noted on submitted construction plans and elevations shall indicate all colors and materials to be used. (1) 3.3 Note on final plans that a six-foot high chain linked fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall' be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. (1) 3.4 Ail mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment (4) shall be adequately and decoratively screened from view from any abutting street or highway. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the project and shall blend with the architectural design-of buildings. All telephone and electrical boxes shall be indicated on the building plans and shall be completely screened. Electrical transformers shall be located toward the interior of the project maintaining sufficient distance to minimize visual impacts from Edinger and Del Amo Avenues. (1) 3.5 Exterior elevations of the buildings shall indicate any (4) fixtures or equipment to be located on the roof of the building,, equipment heights and type of screening. Exhibit A - Conditions of ApprOval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 4 (1) 3.6 No lights shall be permitted which may create any glare of have a negative impact on adjoining properties. The location and types of lighting.shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. (1) 3.7 All exposed metal flashing shall, be painted to match the building. (1) 3.8 All utilities exclusively 'Servicing the site shall be (2) undergrounded. (2) 3.9 The applicant shall consult with the utility Companies to incorporate energy Conservation measures which will reduce stationary sources emissions. (2) 3.10 The applicant shall comply with all South Coast Air Quality Management District rules and regulations related to the project. (2) 3.11 Periodic cleaning (i.e. street sweeping) of paved areas shall be performed to remove small ~particles 'size sediments with absorbed pollutants caused by uses of the area. (1) 3.12 The applicant shall comply with the City's Noise (2) Ordinance and the use of properly maintained muffler systems on all construction equipment. *** 3.13 The southerly driveway which accesses Del Amo Avenue shall be removed and closed at .such time that the midblock intersection on Del Amo Avenue'as indicated on the Planning Area 6 Concept Plan is constructed and adjacent access improvements are installed on the property to the south of the subject property and reciprocal access is granted to Micro Center. "Modifications to acceSs to the loading area shall also be modified consistent with the Planning Area Concept Plan. LANDSCAPING, GRoUNDs AND HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS (1) 4.1 Submit at plan check complete detailed landscaping and irrigation plans.for all landscaping areas, consistent - with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. Provide summary table identifying plant materials. The plant table shall list botanical and common names, sizes, spacing, location and quantity of the plant materials proposed. Show planting and beaming details, soil preparation , staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall show location and control of backflow Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 5 prevention devices, pipe size, sprinkler type,, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment must be provided. Show all property lines on the landscaping and irrigation plan, public right-of-way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas, and wall locations. The Community Development Department may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity materials during plan check. Note on landscaping plan that coverage of landscaping and irrigation materials is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Community Development. (7) 4.2 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check shall reflect the following requirements: B~ Turf is unacceptable for grades over 25%. A combination of planting materials must be used, ground cover on large areas alone is not acceptable. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 5 feet on center. Ce Ground cover shall be planted between 8 to 12 inches on center. De Fences, walls and equipment areas, shall be screened with shrubs and/or vines and trees. E · Ail plant materials shall be installed in a healthy vigorous condition typical to rthe species and must be maintained in a neat and healthy condition. Maintenance includes but is not limited to trimming, moving, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering and replacement of diseased or dead plants. F· Buffer driveway and Parking areas with landscaping berms when possible. G · Landscape adjacent to the right-of-way shall be coordinated wit~ parkway landscaping. *** 4.3 At such time that the property to west develops (Assessor's Parcel No. 430-251-03), the railroad spur on the west side of the subject property shall be removed and area landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines within 90 days of the removal of the railroad spur. Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 6 Landscaping and Irrigation plans for said landscaping shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval prior to the installation of landscaping within said area. PUBLIC WORKS (1) 5.1 A separate 24" X 36" street improvement plan showing all proposed interim construction that would be constructed as part of the initial project within the public right- of-way will be required, which shall include but not be limited to the following: a) b) c) d) curb and gutter interim sidewalk on Edinger Avenue at the existing bus stop to the intersection'of Edinger/Del Amo drive apron curb ramp Said plan- shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. In conjunction with the above plan a traffic control plan as prepared'by a California Registered Traffic Engineer will also be required. (1) 5.2 A separate 24" X 36" signing and striping plan showing all modifications along Edinger Avenue and Del Amo Avenue which are required as a result o~" this development will be required. Said plan shall be prepared by a California Registered Traffic.Engineer. (2) 5.3 Additional street right-of-way dedication will be required from the property owne~ along the Edinger Avenue frontage adjacent to this development, as indicated on a plan on file in the Engineering Division and identified as "REF:NEWT©P2.DWG 7/8/93" and "Option 2". This dedication should be in the form of an irrevocable offer of dedication at this time. Additionally, in order to facilitate the construction of the infrastructure improvements in the fUture, it is required that an - irrevocable offer of dedication be executed for the additional right-of-way at the following locations and also as identified on said plan: a) Edinger Avenue and Del Amo Avenue adjacent to 1200 Edinger Avenue (AP ~430-253-03). Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 7 b) Del Amo Avenue adjacent to 15222 Del Amo Avenue (AP #430-253-09) . Ail offers of dedication shall also state that the City of Tustin shall be permitted 'to obtain, at no cost, a right-of-entry for all on-site construction adjustment and transitions when the ultimate street improvements are constructed. The right-of-entry shall terminate on the date that the Notice of Completion is recorded at the Orange County Recorder's office. A legal description and sketch of the area for Offer to Dedicate, along with the legal Vesting, shall be provided to the Engineering Division. (1) 5.4 Construction of a curb ramp per City Standard No. 124 will. be required at the southwesterly curb return of Edinger Avenue and Del Amo Avenue. This may require dedication of additional'right-of-way at the corner cut- off in order to accommodate the curb ramp. If additional right-of-way is required, the Engineering Division will need a legal description and sketch of the dedication along with a copy of the legal vesting on the property. *** 5.5 Construction of a temporary sidewalk (4 feet minimum) to comply with ADA requirements along Edinger Avenue adjacent to the existing bus stop will be required. This would extend from the Beginning of Curb Return on Edinger Avenue to approximately 100 feet westerly where the bus stop is located. (5) 5.6 Removal of the easterly drive on Edinger Avenue and the northerly drive on Del Amo Avenue along with construction of full height curb and gutter will be required. In conjunction with the drive on Edinger Avenue, the existing grate inlet catch basin deck will require reconstruction with full height curb. (5) 5.7 The site plan indicates that the two drives on Del Amo Avenue will be radius type drives. This type of drive will require addisiona! street right-of-way dedication and construction of curb ramps per City Standard No. lO8E. The Engineering Division will need a legal description and sketch of this right-of-way dedication prior to issuance of permits. Also, the northerly BCR/ECR'of the northerly drive should be no closer than 200 feet from the BCR/ECR at Edinger Avenue. Additionally., the maximum curb return radius for this 'type of drive is 25 feet. Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 8 (5) 5.8 The drive on Edinger Avenue will need to be signed on- site for right turn Only. (5) 5.9 The westerly drive on Edinger ~venue shall be reconstructed with a radius type drive per City Standard No. 108E. In order to accomplish this, the existing sidewalk culvert will need to be removed along with a certain amount of pavement reconstruction. In addition, the existing median gap needs to be closed at the area where the railroad spur line once existed and the median extended easterly past the drive to prevent left turn ingress/egress. Plans for this work have previously been prepared and approved. Only minor revisions to the plans are needed prior to commencement of construction. A copy of the plans has been included as Attachment C (File R-1500, K.W. Lawler and Associates). (5) 5.10 Prior to issuance of building permits, the property owner shall be required to bond for the ultimate street improvements adjacent to this development, an amount as determined by the City Engineer, including, but not limited to: a · curb and gutter sidewalks pavement utility undergrounding storm drain, water and sewer one third of the cost for the future traffic Signal reconstruction at Edinger Avenue and Del Amo Avenue landscaping, including seven (7) date palms on Del Amo street lights signing and striping FIRE DEPARTME~NT (5) 6.1 Prior to the issuance of any building Permits for combustible construction, evidence that a water supply for fire protection is available shall be-submitted ~o and approved by the Fire Chief. Fire hydrants shall be in place and operational to meet requirements and fire flow prior to commencing combustible materials. Indicate on the site plan the proposed location for the relocated fire hydrant and the locations of all other fire hydrants on or near the site. Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 9 (5) 6.2 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, all underground piping for automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be approved. Plans for.an automatic fire extinguishing system shall be approved'by the Fire Chief prior to installation. Such systems shall be operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. Provide plans for the changes to the automatic fire sprinkler system for the Fire Chief to review and approve. (5) 6.3 The following notes shall be provided on the site plan: ae Fire Department Final Inspection Required. Schedule inspection 2 days in advance, Phone 832-1011. Be Locations and classifications of extinguisher to be determined by fire inspector. Co Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable and combustible liquids, flammable and compressed gasses and other hazardous materials shall comply with Uniform Fire Code Regulations. De Buildings(s) not approved for high piled combustible storage.' Materials in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids if~high stock piling, comply with UFC, Art.' 81 and NFPA Std. 231, 231C and 231D. E · Plans of modifications to or new fire protection, detector or alarm system(s) shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. (5) 6.4 Prior to the issuance of any certificate of eccupancy, fire alarm plans shall be submitted for approval by the Fire' Chief and installed. Every building used for an educational purpose shall have a fire alarm system. (5) 6.5 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, a site plan shall be submitted for approval by the Fire Chief. Extend the proposed walkway for the south rear of the structure to the area beyond the screen wall. (5) 6.6 Prior to the issuance of the building permit, provide to the Fire Chief for approval the architectural plans. Accompany these with a letter of intended use. Include Exhibit A - Conditions of Approval DR 93-020 Resolution No. 3180 Page 10 the following information: type of storage, height of storage, any flammable, combustible or hazardous materials for use or storage, square footage of any area proposed' for high pile stock and the use of the educational area. FEES (1) 7.1 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including, but not limited to: a. Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 sewer connection fees. b. All applicable building and Fire Department, grading, private improvement and building plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department. c. Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges to the Public Works Department. d. Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of $25.00 (twenty-five dollars) pursuant to AB 3158, Chapter 1706, Statutes of 1990, enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under~ Public Resources Code Section 21151 and 14 Cal. Code of Regulations 15094. ~ If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that the applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above- noted check, the approval for the project granted herein shall be considered automatically null and void. In addition, should the Department of Fish and Game reject the Certificate of Fee Exemption filed with the Notice of Determination and require pa}~ent of fees, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, within forty-eight (48) hours of notification, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of $850.00 (eight- hundred fifty dollars) pursuant to AB 3158, Chapter 1706, Statutes of 1990. If this fee is imposed, the subject project shall not be operative, vested or final unless and until the fee is paid. OF :br: kbc ITEM NO. 5 Report to the Planning Commission DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LAND OWNER: LOCATION: ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: REQUEST: 1. · · · AUGUST 23, 1993 DESIGN REVIEW 93-020, VARIANCE 93-004 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 93-027 (MICRO CENTER) AND MICRO CENTER 1555 WEST LANE AVENUE COLUMBUS, OHIO 43214 ATTN: MR. RICK MERSHAD CATELLUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1065 NO. PACIFICENTER DRIVE, SUITE 200 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 1100 EDINGER AVENUE PLANNED COMMUNITY (PC); PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN - REGIONAL CENTER THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED EIR (90-1) FOR THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN. APPROVAL OF A CONCEPT PLAN FOR PLANNING AREA 6 OF THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC APPROVAL OF VARIOUS EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO AN EXISTING 45,600 SQUARE FOOT RETAIL BUILDING, INCLUDING VARIOUS SITE IMPROVEMENTS, TO ESTABLISH A COMPUTER RETAIL STORE; APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE TO INCREASE THE BUILDING HEIGHT FOR PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING FROM 35 FEET TO APPROXIMATELY 45 FEET AND TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE SETBACKS ALONG THE-EDINGER AVENUE STREET FRONTAGE FROM 30 FEET TO APPROXIMATELY 24 FEET AND ALONG DEL AMO AVENUE FROM 30 FEET TO 23 FEET; AND APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A MASTER SIGN PLAN WHICH DEVIATES FROM THE CITY'S SIGN CODE RELATED TO THE NUMBER OF SIGNS, PROVISIONS FOR A POLE SIGN AND MAXIMUM SIGN AREA. Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions: le Approve the Environmental Determination for the project bY adopting Resolution No. 3176; · Approve the Planning Area 6 Concept Plan~ by adopting Resolution No. 3177; as submitted or revised; · Approve Variance 93-004 by adopting Resolution No. 3178, as submitted or revised; · · Approve Conditional'Use Permit 93-027 by' adopting Resolution No. 3179; as ..submitted or revised'; and Recommend to the Redevelopment Agency approval of Design Review 93-020 by adopting Resolution No 3180; as submitted or revised. BACKGROUND The property owner is proposing to establish the Planning Area 6 Concept Plan for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan (PCESP). The applicant is proposing a Design Review to make various site and building improvements to an existing 45,600 square foot building to establish a computer retail store. In conjunction with the Design Review application, a Variance is requested to: 1) reduce the required landscape setbacks along the Edinger Avenue street frontage from 30 feet to approximately 24 feet and along Del Amo Avenue from 30 feet to approximately 23 feet; and 2) increase the maximum building height for two proposed tower elements on the building from 35 feet to 45 feet. A Conditional Use. Permit is also required to establish a Master Sign Plan for the project site which deviates from the City's Sign Code with respect to the amount, size and location of signs, as well as, the request to allow a pole sign. Planning Area 6 is generally located south of Edinger Avenue, west of Del Amo Avenue and east of the future alignment of Newport Avenue. The project site is located on the southwest corner of Edinger and Del Amo Avenues on a site previously occupied by Builders Emporium (see location map).. Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 3 Pursuant to provisions of the .PCESP, the Planning Commission must approve a Planning Area Concept Plan prior to any subdivision or development proposals within a Planning Area. The Planning Commission must also take action on the Variance and Conditional Use Permit requests and recommend to the Redevelopment Agency approval of the Design Review. Since the PCESP is within the South/Central Redevelopment Project Area, the Redevelopment Agency has final authority on Design Review applications. Surrounding uses to Planning Area 6 and the project site include retail and vacant property to the west, and industrial and vacant properties to the north, south and east. A public hearing notice identifying the time, date and location of the public hearing on this project was published in the Tustin News. Property owners within 300 feet of the project site were notified of the hearing by mail. Since consideration of a Planning Area Concept Plan does not require a public hearing pursuant to the PCESP, property owners within· 300 feet of the Planning Area 6 boundary were not noticed by mail. Notices were posted on the site, at City hall and at the Tustin Police Department. The applicant and property owner were informed of the availability'of the staff report on this project. PLANNING AREA 6 CONCEPT PLAN The PCESP designates 'Planning Area 6 as Regional Center which permits a variety of commercial, retail and office uses. A minimum 250 room hotel was identified to be located within either Planning Area 6 or 7. The PCESP originally identified Planning Area 6 as approximately 12 acres in size and established a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 1.03. A maximum of 75,000 square feet of retail, 287,400 square feet of office was also established for Planning Area 6. The proposed Planning Area .6 Concept Plan includes approximately 9.5 acres and an approximate floor area ratio of .60. The reduction in acreage is a result of the latest Newport Avenue aligm~ent studies. These studies have shifted the future alignment of Newport Avenue to the east to better accommodate the proposed undercrossing with the AT & SF Railroad and flood control channel. A maximum of 75,000 square feet of retail (45,600 Provided on the project site) and a minimum 250 room hotel is proposed within Planning Area 6 which is consistent with the maximum thresholds established by the PCESP. Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 4 The proposed Planning Area 6 Concept Plan. identifies the intersections of Edinger/Del Amo, Edinger/Newport and Newport/Del Amo as signalized intersections. The Concept Plan shows a realignment of Del Amo Avenue terminating at a new northbound on/off ramp for the SR,55 freeway. Access into Planning Area 6 is proposed from a restricted right turn in/right turn out only driveway on Edinger Avenue in the location which presently provides access to the project site and Nurseryland. The existing driveway immediately west of the Edinger/Del Amo intersection would be eliminated. One access point on Newport would be provided. This proposed intersection may be signalized in the future if warranted, as determined by the City Engineer. Two access points are proposed' on Del- A mo Avenue. The southerly drive may be signalized in the future if warranted, as determined by the City Engineer. The northerly driveway would serve the project site and would not be signalized at this time. The general land use pattern shown in the proposed Concpet Plan for Planning Area 6 incorporates the existing project site and it's existing building-which would remain. The Urban Design Concept Plan in the PCESP originally anticipated'that existing buildings on the project site would be demolished and reconstructed with an office/commercial center. A new retail building is proposed to the west of the project site which would be oriented toward the future Newport Avenue. The hotel site is proposed to be 6 stories in height and located in the southern corner of the Planning Area at the intersection of Newport and Del Amo. The proposed Planning Area 6 Concept Plan would be appropriate given the desire of the property owner to incorporate existing structures into the plan and the need to accommodate the latest alignment of Newport Avenue. The Planning Area 6 Concept Plan is consistent with the provisions of the PCESP, particularly those related to land use and circulation. Resolution No. 3177 includes conditions of approval applicable to the Concept Plan required either by the PCESP or EIR for t-he Specific Plan area. PROJECT SITE The project site is approximately 4 acres in size and is developed with an existing 45,600 , square foot building which has been previously occupied by a retail use (Builders Emporium). Existing site improvements include paved parking areas and minimal site landscaping. The applicant is proposing to make various site improvements which include repaying and striping the parking lot, adding site and parking lot landscaping consistent with the city's Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR ~93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 5 Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines and modify access to the site. While there will be a significant alteration of existing space on the site, no net increase in square footage is proposed on the site. The existing driveway on Edinger which serves the project site and Nurseryland would be reconstructed. The existing easterly most driveway on Edinger would be removed. The two driveways on Del Amo would be removed and two new driveways would be constructed further south of the Edinger/Del Amo intersection. A total of 237 parking spaces would be provided which is in excess of the 228 spaces required by the PCESP (1 space/200 sq.ft.) for retail uses. Forty eight (48) of the spaces would be'compact which represents 20% of the total parking provided on the site as permitted by the PCESP. · The compact spaces are located along the Edinger frontage. New site lighting would be provided consistent with the City's Security Ordinance. A 60 foot radius intersection treatment would be provided at Edinger/Del Amo as identified by the PCESP. The proposed site modifications accommodate the ultimate right-of- way requirements on Edinger and Del Amo as determined by the latest alignment studies for Newport Avenue and as required by the PCESP Circulation Plan. Since final street alignments have not been established, the construction of the ultimate street improvements can not be completed as part of this project. However, the property owner would be required to make an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for street right-of-way and post Bonds with the City for the construction of the ultimate improvements. Previous alignment studies identified future right-of-way requirements for Del Amo to be taken from the west side of the street and that the existing curb line on the east side of the street would be maintained as the ultimate improvements. This design would significantly impact the ability to develop the project site as a retail use without removing the existing building as over half of the parking along Del Amo wou].d be eliminated. In addressing this issue, the property owner has agreed to shift the alignment easterly to accommodate the proposed parking and site improvements of the project site. In accommodating this alignment, the property owner has also agreed to provide an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication and to Bond for the construction of the ultimate street improvements on the east Side of Del Amo. ARCHITECTURE The applicant is proposing extensive improvements to the existing building. New stucco and plaster walls and parapets are proposed around the entire building to provide a consistent wall and parapet Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 6 treatment and to screen the necessary roof mounted mechanical equipment.. The wall and parapet system .would start at approximately 10 feet from the finish grade and reach the main parapet height of 27 feet. The wall and parapet system would project from the main building wall approximately 6 feet on the east and north elevations. The wall and parapet system would prOject approximately 6 inches from the main building wall on the west and south elevations. The main entrance of the new retail facility is proposed on the east elevation of the building facing Del Amo Avenue. An arcade element, supported by columns, is proposed to project approximately 15 feet from the main building wall and would be 30 feet in height to highlight the entrance. A new bronzed aluminum and clear glass store front system is proposed under the arcade and on the north elevation which would be used to provide secondary access to the training,facility within the building. A reveal, accented with red neon, would be provided around the entire building on the new stucco and plaster wall~system. A new stucco and plaster wall system is proposed to enclose the existing overhang area on the south elevation of the existing building. Openings would be provided for the loading dock and trash compactor areas. The lower portions of the building would remain as existing with a Concrete tilt up and textured pattern. This area would be painted. Wall mounted light fixtures would be provided on the west elevation to increase surveillance opportunities. Two tower elements are proposed on.the northwest and southwest corners of the building. The tower heights are proposed at 45 feet. Section 4.3.F.2 of the PCESP establishes a maximum of 35 feet for freestanding commercial buildings within the Regional Center Land Use Designation. The tower elements would enhance the westerly buildin~ elevations and provide greater freeway presence which is encouraged by the PCESP. Section 3.2 of the PCESP states that: "With orientation and visibility opportunities at the SR-55 freeway, special emphasis should be given to architecture, including building geometry and the relationship of building forms oriented toward the freeway, Newport Avenue and Del Amo and Edinger." The towers appear proportionate to the scale and mass of the proposed elevation improvements. However, since the proposed towers, exceed the maximum height of 35 feet, a Variance is requested to increase the maximum height to 45 feet for the tower Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 7 elements. Please refer to the Variance Section which follows for additional discussion related to the Variance request to increase the maximum building height. The proposed finish colors and materials include an off-white stucco color. A light taupe is proposed for the existing wall elevations and a dark taupe is proposed as an accent on the columns and other wall accent elements. A material and color board will be available at the August 23rd meeting. Overall, the proposed building improvements would improve the appearance of the existing building and are consistent with the Urban Design Concepts established on the PCESP. LANDSCAPING/HARDSCAPE The applicant is proposing to add a significant amount of landscaping to the subject site. New planters would be added adjacent to the building and within the parking lot consistent with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. The parking lot trees are proposed to be 24" Bradford Pear. Other trees proposed on the interior of the site include 36" box Natal Coral at the theme intersection treatment (Edinger/Del Amo), 5 and 15 gallon eucalyptus and 15 gallon Brisbane Box adjacent.to the building and ~lso within the parking lot. Parking lot screening with berming and hedge rows would be provided around the street frontages consistent with the requirements of the PCESP. Landscaping along Edinger and Del Amo would also be provided consistent with the landscape concept established in the PCESP. This includes 15 gallon and 24" box Ponderosa Pine and 24" box London Plane Trees on Edinger and 24" box London Plane Trees and Date Palms on Del Amo. The PCESP requires a minimum 30 foot landscape setback along Edinger and Del Amo which is measured from the curb face to the building or parking lot. The applicant is requesting a Variance to reduce the ultimate landscape setbacks on Edinger from 30 feet to 24 feet and on Del Amo from 30 feet to 23 feet. Please refer to the Variance Section below for additional discussion on the Variance request to reduce the landscape setbacks. Landscaping would also be typically,required on the west elevation of the existing building. However, the existing railroad spur, which is not proposed to be removed at this time due to construction timing constraints, would prevent landscaping from being installed at this time. Resolution No. 3180 recommending approval of the Design Review to the Redevelopment Agency includes Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 8 a condition of approval that requires the property owner to install landscaping along the western boundary at the time the Nurseryland property is developed. Since the ultimate street improvements would not be constructed with this project, it would be necessary to provide interim landscaping until such time as the ultimate street improvements are constructed. Interim landscaping of turf would be provided between the ultimate curb and the existing curb. Due to the location of the ultimatecurb on Del Amo, the planting of Date Palms as called for in the PCESP would be deferred and planted in the future in conjunction with the ultimate street improvements along Del Amo Avenue. Condition No. 5.11.g of Resolution No. 3180 requires the property owner to post bonds to ensure the installation of the Date Palms as part of the ultimate street improvements. Decorative pavement consisting of integral colored concrete would be provided at the main entrance. A pedestrian sidewalk would be provided from Edinger to the site at the corner intersection treatment consistent with the PCESP related to pedestrian circulation. Interim street improvements also include providing a sidewalk from the bus stop on Edinger to the corner at Del Amo with a new handicap ramp at the curb return on the Edinger/Del Amo intersection. Overall, the proposed landscaping plans would add a significant amount of landscaping to the site and provide a consistent streetscape as provided for by the PCESP. The proposed landscaping plans are also consistent with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines related to the amount and type of plant materials. VARIANCE As previously mentioned, the applicant has requested a Variance to: 1) reduce the required landscape setbacks along the Edinger and Del Amo frontages; and 2) increase the maximum building height for two tower elements. The proposed site plan indicates a reduction in the landscape setback on Edinger from 30 feet to 24 feet, based upon the ultimate stree~ improvements. A reduction in the landscape setback ~n Del A mo would be from 30 feet to 23 feet, also based upon the ultimate street improvements. Pursuant to the PCESP, the landscape setback is measured from the curb face of the ultimate street improvements to the parking lot or building. The proposed building elevations indicate an increase in the maximum building height for the two towers from 35 feet to 45 feet. Planning Commission Report DR 93-02.0, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 9 In determining whether to approve a Variance to allow the reduction in the landscape setbacks and increase in the .maximum building height, the Planning Commission must make the following findings: le That any variance granted shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustment thereby' authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileqe inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated; and · That becaus~ of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. In considering the reduction of the landscape setbacks on Edinger and Del Amo, the above findings can be justified. The granting of the Variance would not constitute a special privilege as there are other properties within the PCESP on Del Amo with less than the minimum 30 foot landscape setback. For example, the property at 15222 Del Amo is presently developed with a 22 foot landscape setback to the parking lot. There are special circumstances related to the site, particularly the size and existing structures which prevent strict compliance with the landscape setback requirements. With the existing structure remaining and the site parking lot reconfigured to comply with applicable drive aisle widths and stall sizes, the maximum amount of landscaping along the street frontages is provided. In addition, the requirements to dedicate the ultimate right-of-way also reduces the amount of land between the existing structure and the street. Even with the reduction in the landscape setbacks, the intent of the streetscape concept.to provide parking lot screening, an 8 foot wide meandering sidewalk and street trees consistent with the PCESP Landscape Concept Plan can be accomplished. In considering the increase in building height for the two tower elements, the above findings can be justified. There are other uses and structures within the Regional Center that would permit higher maximum building heights. The hotel could be a maximum of' eight stories or 120 feet. Office buildings could be a maximum of 65 feet in height. As previously noted, the original Urban Design Plan of the PCESP envisioned that the project site would be demolished and reconstructed with office buildings and a hotel. Freestanding commercial buildings were envisioned to be limited to small freestanding pads such as restaurants. Under this situation, Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 10 a 35 foot height limit would be appropriate. However, since the existing structure is proposed to be rehabilitated, the strict conformance to the height limit would preclude this property from enjoying the height limits of other uses within the Planning Area to gain visibility and exposure to the SR-55 freeway as encouraged by the PCESP. There are special circumstances related to this property related to the existing structure and site location. The site is not immediately adjacent to the SR-55 freeway which increases the need to utilize architectural features of the bUilding to provide visual opportunities. In addition, the mass and scale~ of the building Presents a need to provide vertical articulation and architectural variation to add interest and variety to the elevations as encouraged by the PCESP Urban Design Guidelines. The towers and the resultant height of 45 feet.appear to be appropriate with the proposed elevation improvements and wOuld still be well under the 120 foot maximum height limit for hotels within this Planning Area. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT~SIGNS The applicant is proposing a Master Sign Plan which deviates from the City's Sign Code with respect to the amount, size, and location of signs. The applicant is also requesting a pole sign. Section 3.8.5 of the PCESP indicates that a Master Sign Plan may deviate from specific Tustin City Code standards for proposed center identification and business identification signs, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. In determining whether to approve a Conditional Use Permit, the Planning Commission must first determine whether or not the establishment, maintenance or operation of the subject temporary use is detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use; and secondly, whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the City. The proposed sign plans indicate that business identification signs would be located on the main entrance arcade on the east elevation, on the south elevatio~ tower-element, the north elevation tower element and the parapet, and the west elevation on the-southerly tower. A monument sign would be located at the northerly driveway on Del A mo. A pole sign is proposed to be located in the southwest corner of the site. The wall mounted signs are proposed to be backlit reverse channel letters with a white halo and gray/bronze letters. The monument sign is 6 feet in height and would be Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 11 finished with stucco and painted to match the building. The copy would be illuminated red. A red neon band would wrap the monument consistent with the building elements. The pole sign is proposed to be 71 feet in height. The copy would be illuminated white. The background would be gray/bronze and would be opaque. The pole structure includes an aluminum skin with a vertical pattern. The base would be finished to match the stucco of the building. With respect to the number and size of signs, the City's Sign Code permits commercial uses not part of the center to have one primary wall sign, 15% of the store front area or a maximum of 75 square feet, and two secondary wall signs, 5% of the store front area or a maximum of 25 square feet. Secondary signs are required to face onto a street, parking area or service road. The proposed plans indicate that the primary wall sign would be located on the east elevation ~centered on the arcade at the main entrance to the project. This sign is proposed to be 144 square feet is size. Although it exceeds the maximum authorized size by the City Code, the 144 square feet represents approximately 2% of the' building elevation and appears proportionate to the arcade element on which it is located. This location is consistent with the Code in that it faces a street and parking lot. The south elevation tower sign is considered a secondary sign and is proposed to be 171 square feet. Although it exceeds the maximum authorized size by the Code, the 171 square feet represents approximately 3.5% of the building elevation and appears proportionate to the tower element on which it is located. The location is consistent with the Code in that it faces a parking lot. The north elevation tower sign is also considered a secondary sign and is proposed to be 105 square feet. Although it exceeds the maximum authorized size by the Code, the 105 square feet represents approximately 2% of the building elevation and appears proportionate to the tower element on which it is.located. The location is consistent with the Code in that it faces a parking lot. However, an additional wall sign is also proposed on this elevation. Additional copy of 40 square feet plus "entrance" for directional purposes is proposed on the northeast corner of the building. Although this would be a second sign on this elevation, the two signs, have separate f~nctions. The tower sign provides business identification while the smaller wall sign acts as a directional sign and includes the site address. Given the configuration and orientation of the front entrance facing Del Amo, this site has historically needed additional directional signs to direct customers around the corner to the entrance of the site on Del Amo Avenue. Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 12 The final wall sign is proposed on the west elevation of the southerly tower and would also be considered a secondary sign. The sign is proposed to be 171 square feet in size. Although it exceeds the maximum authorized size by the Code, the 171 square feet represents approximately 2.6% of the building elevation and appears proportionate to the tower element on which it is located. This location would not normally be authorized for a sign since it does not face a street, parking lot or service road. However, given the exposure to the SR-55 and the future alignment of Newport Avenue further to the west, sign visibility to the west is extremely important and is reasonable given the constraints of the existing building. Again, the proposed tower sign appears proportionate to the tower element on which it is located. The monument sign is.proposed at 6 feet in height and copy area includes approximately 6 square feet, which is less than the 32 square feet typically allowed for monument signs. The ~ign would be located at the entrance on Del Amo and is designed and oriented to be visible to the motoring public. The pole sign is proposed to be located in the southwest corner of the site and to be an overall height of approximately 71 feet in height and 288 square feet in size. The sign would be located approximately 650 feet from the closest travel lane of the freeway. While the City's Sign 'Code does not permit a pole sign for freestanding commercial uses unless they offer eating facilities, lodging accommodations or automobile service, provisions of the PCESP would allow the applicant to request signage in conjunction with a Master Sign Plan which deviates from the City's Sign Code. Freeway signs, when permitted by the Sign Code, are limited to 24 feet in height and 50 square feet in size. The proposal to establish a pole sign would include the removal of the existing 40 foot high, 160 square foot Builders Emporium sign. In addition, the 62 foot high, 200 square foot Nurseryland sign on the adjacent property to the west would also be removed, in its entirety, from that property. The proposed pole sign would utilize the 53 foot pole structure of the Nurseryland sign. The Planning Commission would not be setting a precedent for establishing pole signs in the PCESP area in this particular case in that the proposed sign would result_ in the removal of two nonconforming pole signs and-utilization of the existing structure from one of those signs as just mentioned. There are no other pole signs within the PCESP which would need to be removed as part of any new development proposals. The existing Case Swayne pole sign on the north side of Edinger Avenue would be removed with the extension of Newport Avenue as the sign is within the future right- of-way alignment. Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 13 Photos have been provided by the applicant to illustrate the visibility of the proposed pole sign at various heights. The applicant believes that the proposed height of 71 feet would provide the best visibility from both north (Attachment A) and south (Attachment B) bound directions of the SR-55 freeway. It should be noted that according to the applicant, the sign's perspective view from the southbound direction of the SR-55 freeway would appear lower than the existing Nurseryland sign since the proposed sign would be located further south and east away from the freeway than the existing sign. The applicant did considered a 60 foot high pole sign consistent with the existing Nurseryland's sign height. As indicated on.the sign plans, the applicant believes that while a 60 foot high pole sign would provide good visibility northbound, it would only fair visibility southbound. For a point of comparison, the Tustin Auto Center Sign is approximately 55 feet in height and 450 square feet in size immediately adjacent to the freeway. The Tustin Market Place monoliths on Jamboree are 50 feet in height immediately adjacent to the road. The Santa Ana Auto Mall freeway sign is approximately 60 feet in height and 108 square feet in size immediately adjacent to the freeway. No exact information was available for the Case Swayne pole sign. However, based on field observations, it appears to be approximately the same height as the Nurseryland pole sign. Overall, the proposed Master Sign Plan would provide a high level of quality and adequate building identification. The proposed wall mounted signs are proportiOnate to the elevations and elements on which they are located. The monument sign would provide appropriate identification to the site entrance. The pole sign Would provide adequate visibility and provide a high level of detail which would minimize the impacts typically associated with pole signs. In addition, two nonconforming pole signs would be removed from the area. The proposed Master Sign Plan would not be detrimental or have a negative impact on surrounding properties in that the quality of sign detail, proposed proportions of sign area on the wall surfaces and the removal of two nonconforming pole signs would improve the aesthetics of the area and provide an overall greater conformity to the Sign Code. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS An Initial Study was prepared for the project, a Copy of which can be made available upon request. Based upon review of Design Review 93-020, Variance 93-004 and Conditional Use Permit 93-027, as well as Environmental Impact Report. 90-1, it has been determined that the environmental issues relating to this project have previously Planning Commission Report DR 93-020, VAR 93-004, CUP 93-027 August 23, 1993 Page 14 been addressed. A/so, appropriate mitigating measures identified in EIR 90-1 are included as conditions of approval for the project. With this information in mind, it is recommended that the Commission make the finding that requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act have been met and that no further environmental review is required. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Conditions of approval are included within the attached resolutions. Outside of specific issues discussed in this report, conditions of approval are standard conditions required by either the PCESP, EIR 90-1, other applicable municipal codes, requirements of City Departments or outside reviewing agencies. CONCLUSION Given the~ analysis conducted by the Community Development Department, and in consideration of comments from other agencies and the public, it is concluded that the proposed project meets the requirements of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan and the California Environmental Quality Act. With the inclusion of conditions of approval listed in Resolution Nos.3176, 3178, 3179 and 3180 it is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the.environmental determination, Variance 93-004 and Conditional Use Permit 93-'027 and recommend approval of Design Review 93-020 to the Redevelopment Agency. Daniel Fox~/ Senior Planner ~<S/~s~t city Manager Ch'r ist ine~n CAS :DF: br/DR93020.DF Attachments: Location Map Plans and Elevations Attachment A - Northbound SR-55 Sign Photo Attachment B - Southbound SR-55 Sign Photo Resolution Nos. 3176, 3177, 3178, 3179, and 3180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 93-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, FINDING THAT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) FOR THE PACIFIC CENTER EAST SPECIFIC PLAN (FINAL EIR 90-1) IS ADEQUATE TO SERVE AS THE PROGRAM EIR FOR DESIGN REVIEW 93-020 AND ALL FEASIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows: ae That Design Review 93-020 and their respective development plans are considere~ "projects" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act; and Be That the projects are covered by a previously certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan which serves as a Program EIR for the proposed project. II. The Pacific Center East Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (90-1), previously certified on December 17, 1990, was considered prior to approval- of this project. The Redevelopment Agency hereby finds: this project is within the scope of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan previously approved; the effects of this project, relating to grading, air quality, drainage, plant life, noise, land use, circulation, public services, utilities and aesthetics, were examined in the Program EIR. All feasible mitigation measures and alternatives developed in the Program EIR are incorporated into this project. The Final EIR, is therefore determined to be adequate to serve as a Program EIR $or this project and satisfied all requirements of the"'California Environmental Quality Act. Further, the Redevelopment Agency finds the project involves no potential for any adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources; and, therefore, makes a De Minimis Impact Finding related to AB 3158, Chapter 1706, Statutes of 1990. Applicable mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR have been incorporated into this project which mitigates any potential significant environmental effects thereof. The mitigation measures are identified as Conditions on Exhibit A of Planning commission Resolution No. 3180 recommending to the Redevelopment Agency approval of Design Review 93-020. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 93-12 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, held on the 7th day of September, 1993. JIM POTTS Redevelopment Chairperson MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS CERTIFICATION FOR RDA RESOLUTION 93-12 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing RDA Resolution No..93-12 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency held on the 7th day of September, 1993, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9.0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 93-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW 93~020 (MICRO CENTER) FOR VARIOUS SITE AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AT 1100 EDINGER AVENUE. The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Redevelopment Agency finds and determines as follows: A, That a proper application, Design Review 93-020, was filed by Micro Center requesting approval of various site and building improvements on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue. Bo That the said application was consi'dered by the Planning Commission on August 23, 1993 and by the Redevelopment Agency on September 7, 1993. 'C. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 90-1) for the Pacific Center East Specific Plan has been certified in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. De This project has been determined to be exempt from the provisions of Measure "M" and CMP requirements in that the project is below the thresholds for Measure "M" and the CMP. Eo The proposed retail use in permitted within the. Regional Center Land Use Designation of the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. F® Pursuant. to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance of the proposed development will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 2. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 93-13 Page 2 · Size and spacing of windows, doors And other openings. · Towers, chimneys, roof structures, flagpoles, radio and television antennae. · Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. · Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. 9. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. 10. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. 11. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structure to existing structures and possible feature structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. 12. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council, particularly the Pacific Center East Specific Plan. II. The Redevelopment Agency hereby approves Design Review 93-020 for various site and building modifications on the property located at 1100 Edinger Avenue, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3180, incorporated herein by reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, held on the 7th day of September, 1993. JIM POTTS Redevelopment Chairperson MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk