HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 MODIFYING FEES 07-19-93DATE: JULY 19, 1993 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 7-19-93 Inter-Oom TO: WILLI_AM A. HUSTON,-CITY MANAGER FROM' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGiNEERING .DIVISION RESOLUTION NO. 9-~-03, MODIFYING CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT . SUBJECT: FEES AND INSPECTION CHARGES FOR THE ENGINEERING DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION That the Tustin City Council at their meeting of July 19, 1993 adopt Resolution No. 93-03 modifying certain construction permit fees and .inspection charges for the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, with such revisions being effective August 1, 1993. 'ZSCAL ZUZ;ACT Implementation of the proposed fees will yield an increase in revenues that will cover current City costs for providing these services. BACKGROUND The City Council has previously requested that existing fees for City services be reviewed (Attachment I - Existing Construction Permit Fees). 'In response to this request, Engineering Division staff have conducted an intensive study of construction permit fees and inspection charges. This analysis has considered costs incurred by the City Engineering personnel to inspect projects within the public right-of-way (Attachments II, III, & IV). Staff has also conducted a survey of various Orange County municipal agencies to ascertain the permit fees levels they currently have in place so as to determine a median level for permit fees (Attachments V & VI). The California Government Code allows public agencies to charge applicants a reasonable fee not to exceed the amount reasonably necessary to proVide the service required. DISCUSSION Construction permit fees were calculated on the following basis: The City of Tustin Plan Check and Construction Permit Fees have not been revised since March 17, 1980. Resolution No. 93-03 will only cover Public Works Department/Engineering Division Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges. Possible changes to Public Works Department/Engineering Division plan check fees will be included in a separate resolution for City Council consideration at a later date. Modifying Certain Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges July 19, 1993 Page 2 In order to-update construction permit fees and inspection charges, the hourly rate for an inspector and a vehicle was determined based upon data provided by the Finance Department and Field Services Division of the Public Works Department. Additionally, permit fee schedules were secured from other Orange County agencies for review and comparison. The City Engineering Division inspection team then reviewed each construction item typically encountered in its activities, and calculated the average inspection time required for each individual item based upon actual experience. Lineal feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk and square feet of pavement require a minimum of one and one-half hours of inspection for the smallest project (on average); sewer main lines and water main lines require a minimum of three and one-half hours of inspection time. Exhibit "A" tables project a sliding scale for charges on these items based upon the amount of work performed. Traffic control; striping, legends and related items (Nos. 18 & 19) are extremely variable and each case will be reviewed on an individual basis to determine the actual fees to be charged based upon anticipated inspection hours required. Traffic signal installations typically require numerous hours of inspection. Inspector logs were reviewed and it was found that approximately fifty hours of inspection time is required on a fully signalized intersection. For "turn-on" operations, upwards of twelve hours are needed by the City's traffic signal technical consultant, to calculate timing parameters, verify installation procedures, check signal timing and monitor the final operation. Water meter costs plus installation charges have been supplied by the Public Works Department/Water Division. Item No. 28 (individual water service including meter) is to be utilized if the Water Division is required to install the entire service. In that case, the Water Division will submit an estimate for permit issuance. Included within this report is the backup data for inspection time required for each construction item. Also included is the highest and lowest fees that were found to be charged from other local agencies for the various construction items. It is evident that even after performing a detailed analysis of the work, the proposed fee schedule falls cn the low side of the average fees cnerged by these other agencies. It is felt, however, that the proposed fee schedule is reascnab!e and will cover the City's incurred costs. Modifying Certain Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges July 19, 1993 Page 3 It should be pointed out that the proposed fees are based upon current salary rates and there are no Provisions in Resolution No. 93-03 to automatically amend the fees for inflation or changes-in salary levels. It is proposed that as salary levels and material costs increase in the future, staff will review those increases and bring them forward for City Council consideration for any increase in construction permit fees and inspection charges deemed appropriate to recover City incurred costs. SUMMARY Staff is cOnfident that the proposed revisions to the Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges will enable the City to recover the costs associated with the Public Works inspection process. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:ktb:FEES Attachments (See page 4 of 4) Engineering Services Manager Senior Public Works Inspector Modifying Certain Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges July 19, 1993 Page 4 Attachments: R~solution 93-03, Modification of Certain Public Works Department~ Engineering Division Construction Permit Fees and Inspection Charges (Proposed Fees), including Exhibit A tables. Attachment I Existing Combined Installation, Inspection and Plan Check Fees. Resolution 80-28). Materials, (Adopted by Attachment II City of Tustin, Public Works Hourly Inspection · Costs. Attachment III City of Tustin, Construction Permit Fees Analysis. Attachment IV City of Tustin, Tree Planting WorkSheet. Attachment V Public Works Hourly Inspection Fee Survey, Orange County Cities. Attachment VI Survey of Permit Fees in various Other Orange County Cities. CHR I S2 6 ? 9 10 11 16 17 19 20 21 25 :2? '25 RESOLUTION NO. 93-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, MODIFYING CERTAIN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT. FEES AND INSPECTION CHARGES FOR THE ENGINEERING-DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I e The City Council finds and determines ae There are a 'number of services provided by the City that are of primary benefit to certain individuals. Be The costs of these services should be borne by the individuals, receiving benefit from such services. Ce The City can account for actual costs of these services. II. The following schedule as detailed in Exhibit A containing fees and service charges are hereby established effective August 1, 1993 and supersede certain existing fees, and shall be applied uniformly except where, in the discretion of the City Manager, reduced fees are justified by special circumstances. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 19th day of July, 1993. ATTEST: Jim Potts, Mayor City Clerk EXHIBIT A (Resolution No. 93-03) CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FEES BAsic PERMIT FEE $ 35..00 1. L.F. Curb & Gutter See Table "A" $ 55.00 Min. 2. S.F. Sidewalk See Table "A" $ 55.00 Min. 3. Drive Apron-Residential $ 55.00 each · 4. Drive Apron-Commercial $ 73.00 each 5. S.F. Pavement See Table "C" $ 55.00 Min. 6. L.F. Sewer Main Line See Table "D" $128..00 Min. 7. Compaction Test Deposit 8. Cross Gutter $110.00 each 9. House Lateral (in exist. $110.00 each street) 10. House Lateral, clean out, $ 55.00 each saddle , 11. Sewer Manhole $110.00 each 12. L.F. Storm Drain (Up to $1.02 L.F. $ 55.00 Min. 24") 13. L.F. Storm Drain (24" and $1.60 L.F. $ 91.00 Min. over) 14. Storm drain structure, $128.00 each catch bas in 15. Street name, traffic sign $ 10.00 each 16. Misc. $ 15.00 each 17. Traffic Signal $3,350.00 18. Traffic Control To be determined on a case by case basis 19. Striping, legends & lO be determined on related items a case by case basis 20. Street tree in tree well $155.00 each A-1 EXHIBIT A (CONTINUED. (Resolution No. 93-03) ,, 21. Street tree in parkway $115.00 each 22. L.F. Water Main See Table "D" $128.20 min 23. Gate Valve $ 36.50 each 24. Fire Hydrant Only $ 91.00 each 25. Water Service incl. Corp. $ 54.75 each Stop 26. Tapping sleeve incl. Gate $ 91.00 each Valve 27. Detector. check and vault $330.00 (excluding meter) 28. Individual Water Service T,o ~ determi~edm Incl. Meter a case ~ case ~sis 29. Water Meter See Table "E" 30. 31. $100.00 Penalty Fee if Applicable A-2 EXHIBIT A (Continued) (Resolution No. 93-03) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS INSPECTION FEES TABLES.A, B, C, D & E TABLE "A" (CURB AND GUTTER) Lineal Feet of Curb & Gutter 0-50 ................ 51-99 100-199-- 200-299-- 300-399 400-499 500-999 1000-1499 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 3500-3999 4000-4499 4500-4999- Fee Per Lineal Foot $55.00* $ 1.08 5000 or more $ 0.95 $ 0.78 $ 0.63 -$ o. 53 --$ 0.41 ........ $ 0.36 .............. $ 0.33 -- .... $ 0.32 .... $ .0.30 ' ..... $ O. 28 .......... $ 0.26 ...... $ 0.24 ...... $ 0.23 ....... $ 0.21 * Fee for 0-50 Lin. Ft. ?ABLE "B" ( SIDEWALK) Square Feet of Sidewalk Fee Per Lineal Foot 0-199- 200-399- 400-599 600-799 800-999 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-4999 5000-9999 10,000-19,999 20,000 or more --$55.00* --$ 0.29 ---$ 0.22 ---6 0.20 ---$ 0.17 .... $ 0.15 .... $ 0.13 ..... $ 0.11 .... $ 0.09 ...... $ 0.06 ...... $ o. 04 * Fee for 0-199 Lin. Ft. A-3 TABLE "C" (PAVEMENT) EXHIBIT A (Continued) (Resolution No. 93-03) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS INSPECTION FEES TABLES A, B, C, D, & E Square Feet of Pavement 0-199 200-399 400-599 600-799 800-999 Fee Per Square Foot 1000-1999 .... 2000-2999-- 3000-4999-- 5000-9999- 10,000-19,999 20,000 or more ............... $55.00* ---$ 0.29 ......................... $ 0.23 ............. $ o. 2o ..... $ 0.17 ....... $ 0.15 ....... $ 0.13 ........ $ o. 11 .................. $ o. 09 ..... $ o. o6 .............. $ 0.04 * Fee for 0-199 Sq. Ft. ~ABLE "D" (SEWER MAIN LINE AND WATER LINE) Lineal Feet of Sewer Main Line 0-99 100-499 500-999 1000-4999 5000 or more Fee Per Lineal Foot ................... $128.00' .... $ 1.27 ---$ 1.02 --$ 0.77 .... - ........... $ 0.50 * Fee for 0-99 Lin. Ft. TABLE "E" (WATER METERS) Fee Per Meter * 3/4" Water Meter * 1" Water Meter ** 1-1/2" Water Meter ** 2" Water Meter ** 3" Water Meter ** 4" Water Meter ** 6" Water Meter ** 8" Water Meter .......... $ 75.00 .......... $ 140.00. ............ $ 285.00 $ 390.00 $ 620.00 $1,100.00 $2,025.00 $3,400.00 Denotes City furnishes material or item and City installs Denotes City furnishes material or item and applicant installs A-4 O: CiTY OF TUSTIN TELEPHONE (714) 544-8890 ATE ATTACHMENT I (Ex~ s ) -;rmission is hereby requested to perform the following constructton work at ,e following location in public rights of way in the CITY OF TUSTIN · 'STA LLATION0 MATERIALS, · ~SPECTION & PLAN CHECK FEES: (DRAWING NO. + Lin. ft. of Curb and Gutter per Table "A" + Sq. ft. of Sidewalk - per Table "B". ..... + Drive Aprons - Residential ............. + Drive Aprons - Commercial ............ + Scl. ft. of Pavement - Per Table °'C". .... @,~ + Lin. ft. of Sanitary Sewer Mainline ...... @ + Lin. ft. of Trench Compaction only ..... + Cross Gutters..; ..................... @ + House Lateral, Cleanout, Saddle~ ....... + Sewer Manhole ..................... + Lin. ft. of Storm Drains (up to 36") ..... @ + Lin. ft. Of Storm Drains (over 36") ...... + Storm Drain structure or Catch Basin .... + Street Name Sign, Traffic Sign ......... @ + Misc. @ · Street Trees in Treewell .............. @ · Street Trees in Parkway ............... @,~ + Lin. ft. of water main ................ + Hydrant Only ...................... . @ + Gate Valve ......................... @ + Water Servioe Incl. Corp. Stop (Dev.) .... + Tapping Sleeve Incl. Gate Valve ........ · ~" Water Meter Incl. Installation ....... ° 1" Water Meter Incl. Installation ........ ' 1 ~" Water Meter Incl. Installation ...... .@ · 2" Water Meter Incl. Installation ........ @ ° 3" Water Meter Incl. Installation ........ ~LF tSF 13.00 EA 18.00 EA. SF 0.23 LF 0.15 LF 25.00 EA. 13.00 EA. 20-00 EA. 0.45 LF 0.85 LF 25.00 EA. 5.00 EA. &00 EA. EA. EA. 0.23 LF 15.00 EA. 5.00 EA. 10-00 EA. 20.00 EA. 65.00 EA. 125.00 EA. 285.00 EA. 390.00 EA. 620.00 EA. WJdth) * 4" Water Meter Incl. Installation ........ @1,100.00EA. ** 6" Water Meter-Developer installs ..... @2,025.00EA. ** 8" Water Meter-Developer Insta!ls ..... (_@3.400.00EA. * Individual Water Service Incl. M'etcr ..... @ EA. S50.00 Penalty Fee if Applicable (See Back of Fo~m) ................ = PERMIT FEE .......................... = 10.00 TOTAL FEES .......................... $.- + Denotes inspection & plan check fee o,;!¥ ' Denotes City Furnishes Material or Item and Installs · ' Denotes City Furnishes Item and Developer Installs PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT DEPOSIT: Sq. ft. ot Pavement Replacement ( Length X . . Less than 50 Sq. ft. (Min. S200.0O ................... = 50 Sq. ft. to 100 Sc. it (M,n. S200.00)..(C 2.50 .S..F ....... = 101 Sq. ft. to 2500 Sci. fi (M,n. S250.00) . @2.00 SF ....... = ' Over 2500 Sq. tr. (Min. $5000.00) . . . @1.50 SF ....... = :~AVEMENTSECTION: "~.c OR '"rH,c~ "/-. E; ASPHA L'I TOTAL AMOLJr~T OF FEES AND DEPOSIT ]-] CONSTRUCTION PERMIT N° AND RECEIPT . 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECTIONS --exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Forms and sub-grade must be inspected and approved before ordering Portland Cement. Concrete or Asphaltic Concrete. Say,,ers and other pipelines must be inspected and approved before backfilling. Failure to obtain approval before proceeding with work may be cause for reiection. CONTRACTORS -must hold a valid State Contractors License for the type of work they will perform, and must hold a valid CITY OF TUST IN Business License. SEE THE BACK OF THIS APPLICATION FOR OTHER RULES AND REGULATIONS: R EMAR KS CAUTION IF CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES WORKERS AND/OR EQUIPMENT TO BE ¥~iTHIt~ 6 FEET AND CRAN~L. OF; HOISTING DEVICES TO BE WITHIN 10 FEET OF OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES, CALL SDL.'THERN CALIFORNIA ED;SOt, CO. (714) 835-3:g22 IMMEDIATELY. Attachment I (Existing Fee's) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK AND INSPECT]ON FEES FOR CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT TABLE "A" '(CURB AND GUTTER) Lineal Feet of Curb & Gutter Fee Per Lineal Foot 0-99 100-199 200-299 300- 399 400-499 500-999 1000-'1499 --- 1500-1999 2000-2499 2500-2999 3000-3499 .................................. 3500-3999 - 4000'4499 4500-4999 5000 or more 'LR "B" (SIDEWALK) $ O.36 0.31 0.26 0.21 O.17 0.13 O.115 0.105 0.10 0.095 0.09 0.085 0.08 0.075 0.07 S.quare Feet of Sidewalk 0-199 200-399 400-599 ................... 600-799 800-999 .1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-4999' .5000-9999 .................... 10,000-19,999 20,000 or more Fee Per Square Foot' $ 0.08 0.07 0.'06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 TABLE "C" (PAVEMENT) Sc~uare Feet of Pavement 0-199 200-399 400-599 · 600-799 800-999 .......................... 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-4999 5000-9999 10,000-19,999 ........................... 20,000 or more F_ee Per Square Foot $ 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 O.O1 I-2 ATTACHMENT II CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS HOURLY INSPECTION COSTS .. Public Works Inspector "E" Step $214'72 x 2 (inspectors) = $ 43.44 Sr. PUblic Works Inspector' "E" Step $24.26'x 1 (inspector) = ,,$ 24.26 $ 67.70 +3 Avg. Inspector Hourly Rate $ 22.57 With Benefits + 27% City Overhead City Vehicle Hourly Inspection Rate $ 28.66 + 14% $ 32.67 + 3.75 $ 36.42 (Rounded to closest $0.25 = $ 36.50) me · · '4. · · · ATTACHMENT III CITY OF TUSTIN CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FEES INSPECTION PERSONNEL TASK ASSESSMENT LINEAL FOOT CURB & GUTTER Minimum 1~'5 h~urs'inspection time. Check forms and check final product. See Exhibit "A", Table A. SOUARE FOOT SIDEWALK Minimum 1.5 hours inspection time. Check forms and check final product See Exhibit "A" Table B DRIVE APRON - RESIDENTIAL 1.5 hours inspection time. Check forms and check final product. DRIVE APRON - COMMERCIAL 2.0 hours inspection time. Check forms and steel. Check final product. SQUARE FOOT PAVEMENT Minimum 1.5 hours inspection time. Check subgrade, check'rock grade, and check final product. See Exhibit "A" Table C LINEAL FOOT SEWER MAIN LINE Minimum 3.5 hours inspection time. Check bedding, pipe and sand shading, mirror line, pressure test and ball test See Exhibit "A" Table D LINEAL FOOT TRENCH COMPACTION ONLY (Technician & vehicle = $56.00 per hour, maximum density testing = $115 plus inspectors time).. Deposit to be taken under permit, based upon the City's estimate as to the number of tests to be taken, plus inspector's time. If the amount is not exceeded, the remainder of deposit will be refunded along with copies of the invoices for the compaction tests. If amount is exceeded, the applicant will be required to deposit additional funds. · CROSS GUTTER 3 hours inspection time. Check subgrade, rock grade, forms and final. · HOUSE LATERAL (In Existing Street) 3 hours inspection time. Check layout and sawcut. Check lateral prior to backfill. 10. HOUSE LATERAL, CLEANOUT OR SADDLE 1.5 hours inspection time. Check lateral,check cleanout, and check chipping of pipe prior to installation of saddle. 11. SEWER MANHOLE 3 hours inspection time. Check subgrade, pour base, set shafts and cone, adjusz to finish grade. III-1 ATTACHMENT III (Continued) 12. LINEAL FOOT STORM DRAIN (Up to 24") Minimum 1.5 hOurs ~ inspection time. Check pipe bedding and pipe grade.' Check banding and sand cover. 13. LINEAL FOOT STORM DRAIN (24" and over) Minimum 2.5 hours. inspection time. Check pipe bedding and pipe grade. Check banding and sand cover. Physically enter pipe to inspect interior banding. 14. STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE'OR CATCH BASIN 3.5 hours inspection time. Check forms and steel on two pours. Check inside after stripping and patching. Raise to grade on junction structures. 15. STREET NAME, TRAFFIC SIGN Based upon the average dollar amount between the high and low construction fees of the Orange County cities surveYed. 16. MISCELLANEOUS Minimum of 0.5 hours inspection time to check the average constructiOn item not listed in standard permit categories. 17. TRAFFIC SIGNAL Based upon the actual average number of hours of inspection time (50 hrs) and the actual average number of hours of traffic engineering consultants time (12 hours) to. properly inspect this work. 18. TRAFFIC CONTROL Based upon an estimate of hours required for inspection and will based upon the scope of the work to be determined on a case by case basis. 19. STRIPING, LEGENDS AND RELATED ITEMS (Same as No. 18). 20. STREET TREE IN TREEWELL See Attachment IV (Page IV-i). 21. STREET TREE IN PARKWAY See Attachment IV(Page IV-i). 22. LINEAL FOOT WATER MAIN Minimum 3.5 hours inspection time. Inspect bedding, pipe and sand shading. Pressure test and bacteria test. See Exhibit "A", Table D. 23. GATE VALVE 1 hour inspection time. Check bolts and thrust block. III-2 ATTACHMENT III (Continued) 24. HYDRANT ONLY 2.5 hours inspection time. Check grade, thrust block, concrete pad (if in dirt) and paint. Pressure test-: 25. WATER SERVICE INCLUDING CORPORATION STOP 1.5 hours inspection time. Check street cut, tap main, inspect service, sand bedding and shading, inspect meter box. 26. TAPPING SLEEVE INCLUDING GATE VALVE 2.5 hours inspection time. Inspect tapping sleeve bolts, inspect tap; inspect thrust block. 27. DETECTOR CHECK VAULT 9 hours inspection time. Inspect footing and supports, inspect detector check and bypass meter, set vault, check rock in bottom, check cover and.- reading lid, compact around vault (excludes 3/4" bypass meter) . 28. INDIVIDUAL WATER SERVICE INCLUDING METER Price based upon time estimate charges of City of Tustin Water Service for their labor and materials. 29. WATER METER See Exhibit "A" Table E FRED III-3 ATTACHMENT IV TREE PLANTING WORKSHEET CITY OF TUSTIN HOURLY NUMBER OF HOURS RATE WORKERS WORKED SUBTOTAL '$17.14 2 Maint. Workers x 1 hr. x 1.33 = $45.59 NO. HRS. HOURLY ITEM USED RATE SUBTOTAL Bucket Truck Flat Rate x $100.00 = Loader x Hrs. x $ 30.00 = Grinder x Hrs. x $ 30.00 = Dump Truck x. Hrs. x $ 25.00 = Chipper x Hrs. x $ 30.00 = Pick Up x 1 Hrs. x $10.00 =$ 10.00 Backhoe x 1 Hrs. x $20.00 =$ 20.00 AMT. USED ITEM SIZE/AMT . COST SUBTOTAL 1 Trees 15 Gallon x $ 30.00 =$ 30.00 Trees 24" Box x $100.00 = , 1 Root Barriers x $ 30.00 =$ 38.00 Deep Watering System x $ 30.00 = 2 Tree Stakes x $ 3.00 =$ 6.00 4 Tree Ties x $ 0.25 =$ 1.00 4 Fertilizer Tabs x $ 1.00 =$ 4.00 TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT $154.59 ($155.00 rounded to closest $1.00) * Tree in parkway will take a little less time to pla~ without $38.00 root barrier = $115.00 CHRIS IV-1 ATTACHMENT V PUBLIC WORKS HOURLY INSPECTION FEE SURVEY (Various Orange County Cities) Anaheim ................................... $ 53.00/hr. Brea ...................................... $ 75.00/hr. Buena Park ................................ $ 50.00/hr. Costa Mesa ................................ $ 50.00/hr. Huntington Beach .................... , ..... $ 50.00/hr. Irvine .................................... $ 59.31/hr. Mission Viejo.' ................. ~ ........... $ 81.25/hr. Orange .................................... $ 50.00/hr. San Clemente ............................ o.. $ 45.00/hr. Villa Park ................................ $ 65.00/hr. Santa Ana ................................. $ 44.00/hr. *The above hourly rates are without vehicle. City of Tustin adds $3.75/hour for vehicle. .. FRE~ V-I ATTACHMENT VI SURVEY OF PERMIT FEES IN OTHER ORANGE COUNTY CITIES · L.F. CURB AND GUTTER Low: Costa Mesa - $0.25 L.F. Flat Rate High: Huntington Beach - 8% = $1.20 L.F. (Avg. $15 L.F. based on 300 L.F.). · S.F. SIDEWALK Low: Costa Mesa - $0.05 S.F. Flat Rate High: Huntington BeaCh - 8% = $0.18 S.F. (Based on $2.25 S.F.) . DRIVE APRON - RESIDENTIAL Low: Costa Mesa - $10.00 High: Brea - $150.00 · DRIVE APRON - COMMERCIAL Low: Costa Mesa - $15.00 High: Brea - $225.00 0 S.F. PAVEMENT Low: Fountain Valley - $0.06 S.F. Flat Fee High: Huntington Beach - 8% of construction costs L.F. SANITARY SEWER MAIN LINE Low: Cypress - $30.00 Flat Fee High: Huntington Beach - 8% Depends on existing conditions · L.F. TRENCH COMPACTION N/A - some agencies utilize their own compaction equipment and others have developer furnish tests. It is proposed that fees be based upon actual charges by laboratory plus inspectors time. · CROSS GUTTER LOW: Cypress - $30.00 High: Brea - $375.00 9. HOUSE LATERAL, CLEAN-OUT, SADDLE & Low: Buena Park - $40.00 10. High: Villa Park - $330.00 11. SEWER MANHOLE Low: Cypress - $30.00 High: Anaheim $250.00 Vi-1 ATTACHMENT VI (Continued) 12. L.F. STORM DRAIN (Currently up to 36"(Changing to up to 24")) Low: Garden Grove - 5% of Construction Costs High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs 13. 'L.F, STORM DRAIN (Currently over 36"(Changing to up to 24" & OVer) ) Low: Garden Grove - 5% of Construction Costs High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs 14. STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE OR CATCH BASIN Low: Cypress - $30.00 High: Brea - $225.00 - $450.00 15. STREET NAME OR TRAFFIC SIGN LOw: Garden Grove - 5% of Construction Costs = $6.25 Huntington Beach - 8% of ConstrUction Costs = $12.00 Construction Costs = $150.00. High: Placentia - $21.56 minimum 16. MISCELLANEOUS' Low: Garden Grove - 5% of variable Construction Costs Huntington Beach - 8% of variable Construction Costs High: Cypress - $30.00 17. TRAFFIC SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION Low: Garden Grove - 5% of Construction Costs = $4520.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs = $7,200.00 (Based upon Construction Costs of $90,000.00) 18. TRAFFIC CONTROL Low: OCEMA - $21.56 min fee )Median is High: Brea & Mission Viejo - $75.00 Per hr. )$52.48 per hr. 19. STRIPING, LEGENDS & RELATED ITEMS LOw: OCEMA - $21.56 Min Fee )Median is High: Brea & Mission Viejo - $75.00 per hr. )$52.48 20. STREET TREE IN TREE WELLS Low: (Not applicable, no one plants trees for developers) 21. STREET TREE IN PARKWAY Low: (Not applicable, no one plants trees for developers) vi-2 ATTAC]{MENT VI (Continued) 22. LINEAL FEET WATER MAIN Low: Cypress - $30.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% 23. GATE VALVE Low: Costa Mesa - 5% of Construction Costs = $40.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs = $64.00 (Based upon estimated Construction Costs of $800.00) 24. HYDRANT ONLY Low: Costa Mesa - 5% of Construction Costs = $75.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs = $120.00 (Based upon Construction Costs of $1,500.00) 25 WATER SERVICE INCLUDING CORP. STOP (APPLICANT/DEVELOPER) Low: Costa Mesa - 5% of Construction Costs = $1.75 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs = $2.80 (Based upon estimated Construction Costs of $35.~00 per L.F.) 26. TAPPING SLEEVE INCLUDING GATE VALVE Low: Costa Mesa - 5% of COnstruction Costs = $125.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction Costs = $200.00. (Based upon estimated Construction Costs of $2,500 per each) . 27. DETECTOR CHECK AND VAULT Low: Garden Grove - 5% of Construction costs = $320.00 High: Huntington Beach - 8% of Construction costs = $512.00 (Based upon average Construction Cost of $6,400.00) 28. INDIVIDUAL WATER SERVICE INCLUDING METER N/A - Based upon time estimate charges of City of Tustin Water Service for their labor and materials. 29. WATER METER N/A - other cities have per unit charge, deposit charges or developer furnishes. City of Tustin Water Service charges are based upon the actual cost of the meter plus a minimal labor installation charge. FRED VI -3