HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 5 REV INV POLICY 07-19-93DATE:
JULY 12, 1993
Approve the revised City of Tustin Statement of Investment Policy
as recommended by the City's Audit Committee.
None ~
While Government Code Section 53646, which required cities to
develop and annually review an Investment Policy and prepare a
monthly report of investment activity to the City Council was
repealed January 1, 1991, the City's Audit Committee previously
recommended that the City Treasurer continue to provide monthly
Investment Reports to the City Council and that the Investment
Policy be reviewed at least annually.'
The City of Tustin's Audit Committee has condUcted an exhaustive
review of the City's Investment Policy. The attached draft has
been shaded to indicate new or amended language for easier
comparison with the current document. The proposed changes are not
material in that they do not alter the types or limitations on
investments, it simply enhances the overall meaning of the policy.
The new language is consistent with the model Investment Policy
developed by the Municipal Treasurer's Association of North America
and Canada (CMTA). The Audit Committee spent a considerable amount
of time developing the policy changes that 'are presented for your
consideration. The CMTA has recognized only twelve cities .in
California that have a policy as comprehensive as that proposed by
the Audit Committee.
Ronald A. Nault
Director of Finance
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Safety. It is the primary duty and responsibility of the
City, City COuncil, City Treasurer and Director of
Finance at all times to protect, preserve and maintain
intact the principal placed in trust with the City on
behalf of the citizens of the community.
Liquidity. An adequate percentage of the portfolio shall
be maintained in liquid, short-term securities which can
be converted to cash as necessary to meet disbursement
Yield. Yield is to be a consideration only after the
basic requirements of adequate safety and liquidity have
been met.
Legal Investment Authority. Temporarily idle monies shall be
invested in accordance with State and local laws and
regulations and this Statement of Investment Policy.
Statement of Investment Policy. Each year after review and
report by the Audit Committee, the Treasurer shall submit to
the City council a proposed Statement of Investment PoliCy for
Council consideration and adoption as submitted, or as revised
-by the City Council.
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payment and shall not be pledged as collateral.
Repurchase Agreements. Funds shall not be invested in
repurchase or reverse repurchase agreements of any kind.
Selling Securities Prior to Maturity. Generally losses will
be acceptable on a sale before maturity if the reinvested
proceeds will earn income with a present value greater than
the present value of the income that would have been generated
by the old investment, considering any capital loss or forgone
interest on the original investment.
Monthly Reports. The Treasurer or Chief Fiscal Officer shall
render a monthly report to the City Manager and the City
Council, which states its relationship to the Statement of
Investment Policy. This report is filed with the Chief
Executive and the Governing Body. Sample attached, Exhibit I.
Required elements of the monthly report are as follows:
a. Type of investment.
b. Institution.
c. Date of maturity.
d. Amount of deposit or cost of the security.
e. Rate of interest.
f. Statement relating the report to the Statement
of Investment Policy.
g. Statement that there are sufficient funds to meet
the next 30 days' obligations.
II. GUIDELINES. The folloWing directions and limitations are
hereby established to direct and control investment activities
in such a manner that above-stated goals are achieved.
Investment Transactions. Every investment transaction shall
be reviewed, authorized and documented by the Treasurer.
Pooled Cash. Wherever practical, the City's cash shall be
consolidated into one bank account and invested on a pooled
concept basis. Interest earnings shall be allocated according
to fund cash and investment balances.
Competitive Bids. Purchase and sale of securities shall be
made on the basis of competitive offers and bids whenever
Cash Forecast. The cash flow for the City shall be analyzed
with the receipt of revenues and maturity of investments
scheduled so that adequate cash will be available to meet
disbursement requirements.
Investment Limitations. Security purchases, deposits and
holdings shall be maintained within statutory limits imposed
by the California Government Code and shall include only the
Certificates of deposit (or time deposits) of less
than $100,000 may be placed with commercial banks,
savings and loan institutions and federally insured
industrial loan companies (with a percentage of equity to
assets of not less than three (3) percent to the. extent
they are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation as required by the Government code.
Deposits in excess of $100,000 may be made based on a
full evaluation of financial soundness of the depository
and approved collateral at the required percentage of
market value in accordance with California Government
Code Section 53651 and 53652. Evaluation of financial
soundness shall be based on a minimum equity to asset
ratio of, three (3) percent; $100 million of assets
minimum; continued profitability based on the latest
quarter-end/year-to-date FHLB Reports; and external
rating service rating of AA or better, i.e., Findley's
Bank-A-Lert Report, ITC, etc. The maximum deposit per
institution shall not exceed the lesser of $1 million, or
ten (10) percent of the bank's capital (or equity account
as measured by Findley's Bank-A-Lert Report). Total non-
insured deposits shall not exceed ten (10) percent of
invested funds and limited to a maximum maturity of one
Prime quality Commercial Paper, highest letter and
numerical long term debt ratings by Moody's or Standard
and Poors, AA or equivalent, but not to exceed twenty-
five (25) percent of invested funds' at the time of
purchase and limited to a maximum maturity of ninety (90)
days, and average weighted maturity shall not exceed 31
days if Commercial Paper exceeds fifteen (15) percent of
total portfolio assets.
c Local Agency Investment Fund (State Pool)
Orange Count~ Treasu~ Co-mingled Pool (County..) demand
Commercial Bank Time Drafts (Banker's Acceptances),
highest letter and numerical long term debt ratings by
Moody's or Standard and Poors, AA or equivalent, but not
in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of invested funds
at the time of purchase with a maximum maturity of one
hundred and eighty (180) days.
Medium Term Notes of a maximum maturity of five (5) years
issued by corporations organized and operating within the
U.S. or by depository institutions licensed by the U.S.
or any State, and operating within the U.S. Notes
eligible for investment under this subdivision shall have
a long term debt rating of AA or its equivalent by
Moody's or Standard and Poors. Purchases may not exceed
ten percent (10%) of invested funds at the time of
Federal Agency bonds or notes, but not in excess of
twenty-five (25) percent of invested funds at time of
purchase with a maximum maturity of five (5) years.
h. Treasury bills , bonds or notes not exceeding five (5)
years to final maturity.
~iquidit¥. The marketability (salability) of a security shall
be considered at the time of purchase, as the security may
have to be sold at a later date to meet an unanticipated cash
Long-TermMaturities. As a general rule, long-term maturities
shall not represent a significant percentage of the total
portfolio, as the principal risk involved can outweigh the
potential for higher earnings. In no event shall any
investment have a term longer than five (5) years and, at the
time of purchase, holdings with maturities greater than one
(1) year shall not exceed thirty five (35) percent of the
total portfolio.
Authorized Dealers/Brokers. Investments shall be transacted
only through brokers/dealers which have been reviewed by the
Finance Director for reliability, credit worthiness and
Diversification. The portfolio shall cOnsist of a mix of the
various types of securities approved by statute and this
Statement of Investment Policy as well as a mix of issuers and
Safekeeping. Securities purchased from brokers/dealers shall
be held in third party safekeeping by the trust department of
the local .agency's bank, or by other third party trustee
designated by the Treasurer. Said securities shall be held in
the name of the City with the trustee executing agreements and
confirmations of investment transactions as directed by the
City Treasurer.
III. STRATEGY. Strateg~ refers to the ability to manage financial
resources in the most advantageous manner.
Economic Forecasts. The Treasurer periodically shall obtain
'economic forecasts from-economists and financial experts
through-bankers and brokers in order to assist the Treasurer
with the formulation of investment plans.
Implementinq Investment Strate_~7. The Treasurer shall execute
investment transactions which conform with anticipated
interest rate trends and the current investment strategy plan.
Rapport. The Treasurer shall maintain a close working
relationship with the departments of the City so as to
anticipate and accommodate disbursements of City funds. For
liquidity planning purposes, department heads shall apprise
the Treasurer when large expenditures are anticipated.
Preserve Portfolio Value. The Treasurer shall develop yield
standards in order to maintain earnings near the market and to
preserve the value of the City's portfolio.
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