HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 PEDES ACCESS 07-19-93NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 7-19-93 DATE: JULY 19, 1993 TO' 'FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION CITIZEN CONCERNS - SYCAMORE AVENUE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS BETWEEN PEPPERTREE AND TUSTIN MEADOWS DEVELOPMENTS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of July 19, 1993, authorize Engineering Division staff to prepare a study investigating citizen concerns relating to the existing pedestrian access on Sycamore Avenue ~between Peppertree and Tustin Meadows developments. FISCAL IMPACTS: It is~estimated that the study will cost approximately $4,500.00. This will include City staff time as well as support service from the City's Traffic Engineering Consultant. These funds can be absorbed in part within the Engineering Division budget, which has funds for these types of studies, and also in the Engineering Division budget for Engineering Consultant Services. BACKGROUND: The City has recently received the attached letters from residents' living in the Tustin Meadows and Peppertree development areas expressing concern with the pedestrian walkway along Sycamore Avenue between the Peppertree and Tustin Meadows developments. Copies of these letters, as well as an exhibit showing the location of the subject pedestrian walkway are attached for your information. DISCUSSION: Due to the recent concerns expressed by residents in the area of the Sycamore Avenue pedestrian walkway, staff is recommending that a study be prepared to investigate and analyze these concerns and identify any feasible modifications in the study area to alleviate these concerns. Upon direction from the City Council, staff will begin preparation of the study, which will be brought back to the Council for consideration when completed. Robert,.,c'. ;Ledendecker Public Works Director/City Engineer DoUglas --R. Anderson Transportation Engineer RS,_: DA:pcdway / / Mr. ~o~ Ledendecker~ City Enginee~ City Of Tustin !522~ ~ Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Bob' ! just wanted to confirm our brief telephone conversation of this past week regarding the possible disposition of the pedestrian crossing on Alder and Sycamore joining the Peppertree and Tustin Meadows developments. Without re-hashing the statements made by my neighbor on the Tustin Meadows side, Mr. George Simon, and the ecxcel!ent follow-up letter written to you by the TMHOA President. /aa word ~ R A V 0 for their comments suggestions! They have basically confirmed and expanded upon prior correspondence that I have written to the City during the last fifteen years that I have lived at 14711 Alder Lane. The pedestrian crossing in questicn has produced everything from the minor inconveniences of noise, liter, necking, etc. to far more serious situations like findin? empty liquor containers, used drug paraphernalia, -~---ncgraphy, broken glass ~ottles~ and it simply goes on and eh. This s;tuat~on runs in ~vcles and s~em= tc =low down in the Win+~r month= ~nd accelerate dramatically during the Summer months to ALMOST unbearable ~evel for Mr. Simon, my neighbors Mr.& Mrs. Ralph Fellick (they live on the ~oposi~e ~n,-t~,-a~ 1474~ ~1~=~ z,-.~ ~v :- ' ~s a r ent example, . ..... ~ y 4th w~ek~nd = {re ~ = ...... .... ~_ ~-a._ se~ on the Tu=ti~ Meadows =ide. ~g=in, ,he area attracts p'-~lems =_...,= a h~g= magnet' _ ,~ =; ,. wou]d do net believe that clos~,n9 the _-ede.=_trian c..-_?.._~nc _ -'~.~ldrer.... .. [,: ............ Pepp6rt,"¢-~ ~-'~_~,;~. ~:se ~w~.. c~-~={,-.~. ...... ~ .-.~ ........ the;~' way to coho ~ - ' ~ ..:~ I ~.~nk changing ~he 'oca+~~.~ ~ ~.= - . za.e is = sa~factcry so .'.~ ~-.ar pre-o~tly ~ %hat a c~,:~? -~,-,e a ~,i%'= or skateboard wj~= 'njuref. ~d;ng dcwn our si,o~.~a~'- : '~de _ ....... ~.. an._., onto ~.. r lane.' Th[s ',= comFt~'n.~=d ~¢ ~]~e gate w~,'~ mo' == ~c ~-,= cen%e~ o~ ~he =~ P.£ 3) Opening Sycamore will allow the Tustin Police Departmer. t to more sily patrol this area. Check the Police records of how mnany times per they respond to calls from Mr. Simon, Mr. Fellick, or myself .... it's a stly proposition tc the City in it's present configuration and tentially gives you tremendous finacial liability.. 4) Opening Sycamore will allow immediate access from eithez- Tustin '~dows or Peppertree for fire or other emergency equipment. 5} Opening Sycamore will eliminate the costs incurred by the City and :ine company in terms of weed abatement and other maintenance.. 6) Opening Sycamore and putting in a maintained street will eliminate ~orrible eyesore that has been created in our developments. 7) Putting ga four way stop sign on Alder Lane and Sycamore--gives rorists a genuine reason to make a full stop on the corners of Alder Lane Sycamore. At present most motorists simply ignore the three way stop ~ause they see no reason to stop at a street that has no through traffic. 8) Open. lng Sycamore will make the traffic flow much smoother between ~tin Meadows and Peppertree. In the pas~ Tustin Meadows and Peppertree 'e been opposed to the opening of Sycamore because we feared dramatically :teased traffic coming off Redhill. With the opening of Tustin Ranch ~d~and Jamboree I believe these fears are unfcunded. If opened, I would like roaches Pepperiree and T.M. be restricted to 2~ MPH en th~s part of -am. or~ Id_--a~v I would l~ke tc ~=e speed bumps draq~nage dip~ or er means of ~!owing traffic on this short cerridor apprcach~ng Alder .e. If th~z ~s no% ?tactical I would like fo see highly v~sible periodic ~ic control_ +.v... tee Op gh raz~, ic ~= real-v - WIN-WI}'" ' en;n9 Sycamor~ ~". throu a!] parties. I can appreciate the fact that th~ City has certain ccst _ , = .... ~.c deal :.:i~~-, regar,~.ing ~. ~ : . =hat what~v~ short + _ .: _ z,a ~ -,,-=,- ~-= ' { = -heap cc, m~re... · - ........ .. ~. . ~ ......... [_ .i~. . - Page 3 If you have any. questions on the above please feel free tc contact my at my business (714) 474-3070 or at my home 669-9877. I would appreciate anl' and zll help you can give us in eliminating this most frustrating situation. LET'S PUT SYC~AMORE THROUGH'.! !:'.:'. .Ge. o_.r.g~ . .~S~ i cher /~A 1 a el---~ane cc.' Ra pl h & De~,BIE Fellick 14741 Alder Lane Carl Kaselek, President PHOA Council MemDers.',/ Tom Sattarelli 3eft Thomas Chuck Puckett Leslie Pontious 3im Ports, Mayor Chris Shingleton, Drtr. Community Development tustln P.O. Box 491, Turn, California 92680 June 11, 1993 t TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Mr. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Ave. Tustin, Ca. 92680 Reference: Pedestrian Walkway - East Sycamore Dear Mr. Ledendecker: I am writing you on behalf of the Tustin Meadows Community Association regarding our concern over the pedestrian walkway between East Sycamore and Alder Lane that connects Tustin Meadows with Peppertree. As you know, this walkway has caused concern over the past thirteen years that it has been open. The problems, however, have escalated beyond that of noisy children walking to and from school. We are now seeing more criminal-related activity in this area, especially in the late night and early morning hours. This issue was discussed at our Board of Directors meeting on June 8, 1993 with homeowner George Simon. His home is located at the end of the walkway adjacent to Sycamore. One action we will be taking is closing the access pass-through from Foxcroft to Sycamore. This pass-through is being used as an escape route from the police. With this closing there will be no open walks through to any streets adjacent to Sycamore. This will be closed within a month. We would like to recommend the following suggestions as ~ctJ.on the City can take to improve this situation: 1. Close off this walkway completely between Sycamore and Alder. The walkway is there omly as a convenience and is not necessary. The amount of trouble caused by this walkway in addition to the cost of police calls to this area warrants its closing. 2. In lieu of closing the walkway completely, the City could reroute the walkway to the center of Sycamore sc that people would not be passing in such close proximity to the Simon residence. Continued ..... Mr. Robert S. Ledendecker June 11, 1993 Page 2 3. Open Sycamore completely. At this time there are mixed feelings as to the complete opening of Sycamore through to Alder. Although this would solve the problems associated with having a dead-end-street, we would be concerned about the possible increase in traffic. This solution needs to be studied further, including discussions with Peppertre~. We are looking forward to your prompt response to this matter. You are invited to attend our next Board of Directors meeting which will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 1993, at 7:30 P.M. at our West Clubhouse, 14702 Devonshire, Tustin, Ca. Sincerely. Robert Quinn, President Tustin Meadows Community Association cc: Tustin City Council: Jim Ports, Mayor Thomas Saltarelli, Mayor Pro Tem Jeffrey Thomas Leslie Anne Pontious Charles Puckett Police Chief W. Douglas Franks Carl Kasalek, President, Peppertree Homeowners Assn. Guido Borges, President, Laurelwood Townhouse Assn. George Simon, Homeowner, 14712 Hyannis Port Road George Speicher, Homeowner, 14711 Alder Lane Rex Combs, Civic Liaison Director, TMCA Mr. George Simon 14712 Hyannis port Rd Tustin, CA., 92680 # 667-87c 1 Cit~ Of TUSTIN Dept of Public Works 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA., 92680 ATTN:' Mr. Bob Ledendecker:: TUll'IN FUSL. IG YdQ DF.F'T. _ RE:- Follow-UP Ped X'ing between Tustin Meadows Peppertree on East Sycamore Street. I recently attended an Association Meeting in Tustin Mea- dows, 18Jun93 ~ 1930 hrs. I recounted to the members the ir~ormation I discussed with you during our phoncon 1Jun93, and the contents of the letter I submitted to you. A report will be forthcoming to you in the near future. .. . . '. .. · .... . ~._... '' ~. ~'.~ ~' · ' ."' -.'~:~:~..-.%-'.'" '-'-: '. ',~'--.F.-~' :' Enclosed are a few documents from years past, which will en- able you to better understand my concer~s of today. Please note particularly the hi-lighted areas of Enclosures #3&4- Also, please consider that your actions and those of the City Council ( or lack of) severly compromised the SECURITY and Quality of Life for msny of the Residents living in Tustin Meadows, particularly those of yours trully ~ NElrER TO LATE TO RIGHT A WRONG .': Bob, give it your best shot~ My Suggestion as before is to CLOSE off the Fed X'ing Per- manently ! ~'; Bob, Thanks for taking the time to listen. Yours ?r.u21~ '... --~- :" ---..Please,~ · . . . .-..** ~ . :-- *_ "** .- -~ -'-~l-~ _-~A¥ -~.;~i.O - -;...~- were hoc % ~-.' -- ... ~ She.-'ope n~' -c ... "A clever scheme.' ~a8 devised by"~he ~hen ~a~or of Tus~ln'*; ..mr. ~o . - .Ho!es~ry, .~o .~tnd a ,Shor~-Cu~" for his ktd~ Co go ~o schoolt -. "~;':'"~'" " · "~:":'""e~uen~es:'°r his ' Apoarently 'Not-givi~~d~mn,'' about th~ cons - '~'- . · . . acti$~. I~' a~so strongl~"~feel'. the .~.ua~in' Meadows. residents .-. - were ,SuckeredM into sacrAfi'cing thai Net to mention their quality of life :!:: Thanks Ben, wherever ycu are :.': Closing of Foxcroft street access is still imper- sincerest thanks for your time and efforts. /-.. '~:" '" "' " /'- ~' Ol,t-r'S' '~flf~'±l~r'- ' , A little less than one-year ago a pedestrian crossing was built Alder Lane and Sycamore with the primary objective of reducing walking distance to school for the children of Peppertree. Since the crossing has been opened our home has experienced the' following.: 1) A dramatic increase in noise resulting from not only the increased pedestrian traffic but moped and motorcylce traffic as well. 2) Our home has been the victim of numerous acts of vandalism such as .... a broken window, paint on the sidewalks, lawn s-Teas, stolen sprl nkler heads, the house has been hi t by rocks ..... you name it and it has happened or pzxpbabiy will in the near future. 3) Increased undesireable activity such as drinking and the use of drugs ~sulting from the crossing becoming the centra/ meeting point between Tustin Meadows and Peppertree. 4) On numerous occasions the children ridetheir bikes or moDeds " down the sidewalk adjacent our home directly onto Alder Lane causing a number of near accidents...the law of aver~_ff, es will soon catch up to someone. This would undoubtedly cause liabilty problem for the city. 5) We now have a beautiful view of two towering bright silver posts approximately twenty feet high with a full compliment of bells and lighting devices .... just what every residential neighborhood needs. These devices sre necessary for safety, however, I feel that they could be ma~e far less obtrusive with a lit. tle work. Ideally I would like to see the crossing ~ closed! This would cause short term inconveniences for the children at~d'i~ Thorma. High but would benefit all pa~-ties long-term. ~ ---.x~.i~ I ~ propose the following: ,O ~.~'"'_ ~ PERMANENTLY CLOSE THE TW0 EXISTING GATES THAT APE ,"[EX-f TO HO~ AND THAT OF MY h~EIGHBOR IN TUSTIN ~;J)OWS AKD PUT. TP~ · f~ GATES IN THE, MIDDLE OF THE FENCE h]EXT TO TF~_ E~'~RCENCY FI_.r~ ROAD. This modification wo~ld accomplish the following: l) C~t the traffic off of oua~ sidews_lk amd reduce the noise we are experiencing. We. have a two-year-cid smd an i:~&nt tna'~ s_re constantly awakened by the noise 2) Eliminate the chances of a child or ~ult from bein.~ sever!y in jutted as a result of riding directly from the side~-~alk into the Alder and Sycamore intersection. The change would, ad]ow then to rffde directly into the Cul De Sac which is free from /~.~ECT COSTS TO CITY OF TUSTIN: I will do the work and supply whatever materials are necessary to do the job' properly .... consequently the cost to %he City of Tustin will be nil. . I am enclosing a copy of the existing situation and the proposed .. minor modification. If you have any questions whatsoever please do not hesitate to give me a call at: 8...38-429.,,3 Residence Business My wife and I have been residents of Peppertree and Tustin for over ten years and have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves until this crossing was installed. I realize that the project was designed with specific objectives in mind and did not foresee the ramifications that I described earlier. You are all homeowners in the area and probably have a fairly good idea of what we are experiencing. ~¥our consideration and support in the matter would be sincerly appreciated. Thank You, :;eorge F. SPeicher ..o ; cc Tustin City:Council Members, City Engineer,Todd Ferguson-Homeowners Pres. · Inter -Com TO: DAN BL~NKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRO~4: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: SYCAMORE AVENUE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING On September 15, 1980, Mr. George Speicher appeared at the City Council meeting and presented his concerns regarding the subject pedestrian c~ossing. Also attached for your information is a written con~nunication from Mr. Speicher. Since the completion of this crossing about a year ago,. staff has received complaints from both Mr. Speicher of 14711 Alder Lane and Mr. Sin~n of 14712 Hyannis Port Road about the vandalism, noise, drinking and use of drugs within the in~nediate area of the crossing. More recently Mr. Speicher has expressed his concerns about the children who ride their bikes or mopeds down the sidewalk directly into Alder Lane. Mr. Speicher has made the following suggestion: 1. Permanently close the two gates and re- locate them in the middle of the fence next to the emergency fire road. Staff has reviewed this suggestion and has verified with the railroad that if the gases are relocated, a new application must be processed through the Public Utilities Commission (P.U.C.)and the existing warnin_c devices with bells and flashing lights would be required to be adjacent to the relocated walkway. Other than noise and traffic on the sidewalk, Mr. ,Speicher's other concern was for the safety of a child or adult being injured as a result of riding directly from the sidewalk into the Alder Lane and Sycamore intersection. The closure of these gates would certainly eliminate the hazard directly from the sidewalk to Alder Lane, but any relocation to the midOle of the fence area would only relocate the bicycles, mopeds or motorcyles to Sycamore where a conflict with the Alder Lane traffic would still exist. One pe.~sr, anenant solution to this problem would be for the City to pursuex~ the abandonment of the railroad tracks and the con~letion of the Venta Storm Drain from an open channel to a closed conduit. This would'allow the adjacent property owners to hopefuly utilize the storm drain and railroad riQhts of way as a portion of their yards. More in~ortant would De th~ opening of Sycamore Avenue as a through street between the communicies of lustin ~adows and Pepper Tree which would eliminate the · seclus']on of the two dead end streets now enjoyed Ly the yout~ of the communities. This would certainly be a long term solutioq. September 30, 1980 Dan Blankenship Sycamore Avenue Pedestrian Crossing An interim solution would be the-posting of no loitering signs within l~he immediate area, increased police patrols during critical hours to reduce the noise and vandalism and the installation-of barriers and ramps to discourage bicycle, moped and motorcycle traffic on the sidewalks. In addition the installation of a stop sign for north and south bound traffic on Alder Lane at Sycamore Avenue. This stop sign would probably not meet the State warrants and would most likely be irritating to motorists living southerly of the intersection. Recommendati on' As an interim solution, it is reconvnended that the following be initiated' 1. Post no loitering signs in the in~nediate ~ ~('~£ vicinity of the pedestrian crossing. ~ "~ · 2. Increa.se Police patrols during critical hours. 3. Install barriers across sidewalks, and construct asphalt ranges to street for access of bikes, mopeds and motorcycles to Sycamore Avenue. (Per attached sketch) 4. Install stop sign On Alder Lane at Sycamore Avenue to reduce bicycle, moped and motorcycle conflicts with traffic.on Alder Lane. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER It is further recon~nended that staff be directed to pursue the abandon- ment of the Venta Spur line, so that Sycamore Avenue may be extended · to join the two con~nunities.-~ (LO~o~]D~Ai-/.: kj: ,J t"~r..T;~ ht~,.~,~",. BL'dph cc' George S~eicher Georoe Simon Todd-Fercuson - Pepper Tree Home - Owners Association Kathy We~l - Tustin Meadows Home Owners Association I ,-- I :: "'.~ '- ~ -JC:-' '~r,~ ~ I I -* I . ! - - ; t ii: , i "D i . --l, .'/,';, City Of TUSTIN Dept Of Public Works 15222 Del Amo Ave Tustin, CA., 92680 George SIMON 1~712 Hyannis Port Rd Tustin, CA., 92680 Ph # (714) 669-8991 01 June 1993 ATTN:- Bob Ledendecker; RE: Disposition of Pedestrian Crossing - Alder Ln & SycamOre Ave. As per phoncon O1 June 93 @ 141.Shrs, I hereby submit my comments on the disposition of the Crosswalk between Tustin Meadows & Peppertree. On 15 Sept 1980 an appearance by myself and Mr. George' Speicher before the Tustin City Council to discuss the alleviation or modi- fying of the Ped Crossing proved futile. Since then the problems resulting from said crossing has -dramatically worsened. To wit; NOISE level increased, Ped path being used as SKATEBOARD areana, bicycles, Mo-Peds & Motorcyle roadway~ etc.. . When I moved'to my present location in April 1974, Sycamore Ave was a .Dead End Street, a major ditch existed behind my house, a Train would 'come by once a week and except efor afew beer parties, and Couples parked on (Lover's Lane) Sycamore all.was relatively .QUIET '. . · ~0T SO anymore; Every morning the children going to school around '7~M Tome screeming by, ,those on Skateboards come roaring by (Ten "feet from my bedroom) Mopeds even motorcyles cruise thru the ineffective 'bar- riers, not to mentioned those thoughtful Parents who drive up in cars to ride-share/honking their HORNS to get the attention of some Of the students coming from Peppertree. They do this on the TuStin Meadows side right adjacent'to'my house. Let me tell Xyou, "What a sound to awaked to .' .' .' WHAT A WAY TO START THE DAY????? .' .' .' ,.,. During the afternoon around 2:30 PM the kids return from school and commence to eeign terror on all neighbors houses by throwing rocks (as big as your fist) into backyards in my sideyard and on my rooE, Soda bottles, cans. dead animals, dog crap, you name it. What energ2 these kids of today have, esoec~ally the ones living in Peppertree w and Laurelwood where .one the kids I caught in the act of throwing rocks at my house on~-~hie way from school. AT night it 'sa whole new ball game. My Sugge s t ions; cc George 'Speicher Bob Quin (1) Close 'the street off permanently along with Foxcroft Street. (2) Re-Route the Ped Crossing . (3) Completely OPEN SyCamore s~reet. - T~ ~T,~ ~J~-J~ ~ ~¢O~ Respectfully Submitted Mr.~ George Si~.on ' --J -~'2,. ' ?