HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 07-06-93I' AGENDA ,' Ci, ~' 'COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINi / CITY OF TUSTIN TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1993 o 7:00 P.M. BUDGET WORKSHOP - At 5:30 p.m., the City CoUncil will conduct a Budget Workshop. This workshop is open to the public. II. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION - Rev. Alan Waterson, Aldersgate United Methodist Church. III. ROLL CALL IV. Vm VI. · VII. VIII. PROCLAMATION - Parks and Recreation Month PRESENTATION - "Tree Grows in Tustin" Plaque PUBLIC HEARING 1. LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT This public hearing is conducted so all interested persons may appear before the City Council and be heard concerning the annual levy of assessments to the district and the annexation of additional territory to an existing district. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. ~UBLIC INPUT - At this time members of the public may address the City Council regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council (NO ACTION can be taken on off-agenda items unless authorized by law). If you wish to address the City Council on any matter, please fill out one of the blue forms located on the speaker's podium and submit to the City Clerk so that your remarks on the tape recording of the meeting can be attributed to you. When you start to address the City Council, please state your full name a~d address for the record. A Public Input portion is provided both at the beginning and end of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Council Agenda I July 6, 1993 1. APPROVAL 0F ~IINUTES- JUNE 21, 1993 REG~'~L..~R MEETING Recommen~ j_Q: Approve the City Council: utes of June 21, 1993. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $1,475,855.16 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $313,088.00. 3. 1 CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR BUILDING AND GRADING PLAN CHECKING CONSULTANTS Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to execute an extension of plar~checking consultant contracts with B.S.I. Consultants, Inc.; Hunsaker & · Associates, Inc:'; Pac~setter Muni.cipal Services,,Inc.; Melad & Associates; and G.P.S., Inc. pursuant to the terms noted and subject to the review and approval of the contract amendments by the City Attorney as recommended by the Community Development Department. RESOLUTION NO. 93-67 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECORDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-67 authorizing the destruction of Public Works Department records as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 5. PRE-PAYMENT OF HATFIELD DEVELOPMENT RULE 15 "DEVELOPERS ADVANCE" Recommendation: Authorize the Finance Director to buy out Hatfield Development's "Developer Advance" Contract for $2,919.00 from the City's Water Enterprise Fund as recommended by the Finance Department. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 93-72 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR SIDEWALK AND CURB AND GUTTER REPAIR PROJECT, 1992-93 FY, PHASE Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-72 accepting the works of improvement and repair and authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion for subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. m RESOLUTION NO. 93-68 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 93-4 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-68 approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 93-4 as recommended by the Public Works Department/ Engineering Division. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 93-69 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE EDINGER AVENUE REHABILITATION BETWEEN JAMBOREE ROAD AND 2410 -I- FEET WESTERLY Council Agenda 2 July 6, 1993 IX. X, 9. Recommendatip-~ Adopt Resolution No. 93-6P'~cepting said work and authorizing the ~rdation of the Notice of Corr[, L.)on as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Divisiori, ' RESOLUTION NO. 93-71 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION, FY 1992-93, SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER REPAIR PROJECT, PHASE ONE AND ASPHALT CONCRETE REHABILITATION AND OVERLAY PROJECT, PHASE TWO -Recommendation.: Adopt-Resolution No. 93-71 accepting said work and - authorizing the recordation .of the 'Notice of Completion as recommended by the Public-Works Department/Engineering Division. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 93-70 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR SIDEWALK AND ACCESS RAMPS, SB821 PROJECT 1992-93 FY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-70 accepting the works of improvement and authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion for subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 93-63 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-63 establishing an environmental policy for the City of Tustin as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1112, NON-PROFIT SOLICITATION Ordinance No. 1112 had first reading by title only and introduction at the June 21, 1993 City Council meeting. Recommendation: Have second reading by title only and adoption of the following Ordinance No. 1112 (roll call vote): ORDINANCE NO. 1112 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ARTICLE 2 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO REVISE THE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR A PERMIT TO SOLICIT DONATIONS FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES WITHIN THE CITY 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1113, UNIFORM FIRE CODE Ordinance No. 1113 had first reading by title only and introduction at the June 21, 1993 City Council meeting. Council Agenda 3 July 6, 1993 Xl. Xll. XlII. Recommends ' Have second reading by' ~only and adoption of the following Ordinance No. 1 1 13 (roll call vote): ORDINANCE NO. 1113 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION, WITH APPENDICES AND THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS, 1991 EDITION, WITH AMENDMENTS THERETO AS THE FIRE PROTECTION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN OLD BUSINESS 1. TRAFFIC CONCERNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF BRYAN AVENUE AND EPPING WAY At the May 3, 1993 City Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tern Saltarelli expressed concern regarding traffic movements at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Epping Way. Recommendation: Direct staff to modify the traffic signing and street markings in the area of the subject intersection as recommended in the study entitled "Traffic Study For The Intersection of Bryan Avenue and Epping Way". NEW BUSINESS 1. REPORT ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DELINQUENCIES Mayor Pro Tern Saltarelli has requested a report concerning delinquency status of Assessment Districts 85-1 and 86-2. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Finance Department. 2. COUNTY OF ORANGE ALTERNATIVE METHOD OF TAX APPORTIONMENT (TEETER PLAN) The County of Orange has determined that they will implement a new method of property tax distribution under Section 4701 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - JUNE 28, 1993 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of June 28, 1993. Council Agenda 4 July 6, 1993 . INVESTMENT SC~'~:)ULE AS OF MAY 31, 1993.' ~I'-') Investment schedule with maturities, 12 months or less. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Finance Department. 3. FIRE RETARDANT ROOFING . During recent discussions regarding the adoption of the Uniform Fire Code, some additional questions were raised regarding the impacts of increasing the City's fire retardant roofing requirements and the impacts of any changes in the regulations on property owners when reroofing a building or a portion of a building. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Community Development Department. STATUS REPORT: REQUEST TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD AND HERITAGE WAY (ARCADA CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT EAST TUSTIN TRACT NO. 13096) A traffic evaluation study was conducted to determine if on-street parking should be disallowed on Myford Road and Heritage Way. Based upon the study, it was concluded that city-wide traveling public would be better served by maintaining the current parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 5. PETERS CANYON REGIONAL RIDING AND HIKING TRAIL Mayor Potts, at the City Council meeting on June 7, 1993, requested a status report of the County's efforts to extend trails from Peters Canyon Regional Park south to the Newport Upper Back Bay. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recOmmended by the Community Development Department. 6. SPORTS PARK DESIGN UPDATE The City Council has requested updates on the progress of (he preparation of the Master Plan, working drawings, and bid specifications for the Sports Park. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Community Services Department. XlV. PUBLIC INPUT Council Agenda 5 July 6, 1993 XV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XVl. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will recess to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Zo give instructions to. the City's negotiator regarding negotiations with Mr. Harold Nehe'r concernin..g the Purchase/sa!e/exchange/lease of the property located at 13331 and 13333 Foothill Boulevard, Santa Ana, California; and to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957; and to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6. XVll. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, July 19, 1993, 7:00 p.m., at the Tustin Area Senior Center. Council Agenda 6 July 6, 1993