HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1980 06 16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way June 16, 1980 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli at 4:04 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilpersons: Saltarelli, Edgar, Kennedy Absent: Councilpersons: Hoesterey, Sharp Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Karen J. Beardsley, Deputy City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Russ Churchman, Acting Park & Recreation Director Dr. R. Kenneth Fleagle, Community Development Consultant Ed Bushong, Finance Director Dale Wick, Assistant City Engineer Norm Hower, Traffic Engineer Gary Napper, Administrative Assistant Approximately 12 in the audience. III. RECESS It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency at 4:05 p.m. Carried 3:0. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 16, 1980 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Saltarelli at 4:05 p.m. 2. Present: Members: Saltarelli, Edgar, Kennedy Absent: Members: Hoesterey, Sharp 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 2, 1980 meeting. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to approve the Minutes of the June 2, 1980 meeting. Carried 3:0. 4. APPROVAL OFDEMANDS in the amount of $16,822.68. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve demands in the amount of $16,882.68. Carried 3:0. 5. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn at 4:06 p.m. to the City Council Meeting. Carried 3:0. C IRMAN MINUTES OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 4:06 P.M. june 16, 1980 I. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. NO U-TURN SIGN ON RED HILL BETWEEN WALNUT AND SYCAMORE AVENUES Kathy Weil, 1702 Summerville, representing Tustin Meadows Community Association, thanked Bob Ledendecker, City Engineer, and staff for ~he installation of a 'No U-Turn' sign in the middle of the median strip on Red Hill Avenue, between Walnut and Sycamore. 2. OCCUPANCY OF SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES BY MORE THAN ONE FAMILY Kathy Weil asked Council to consider two amendments: a. Amend Building Code to prohibit separate entrances enabling separate occupancies in the same house. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 6/16/80 b. Amend Municipal Code to preclude occupancy of a single-family dwelling occupied by more than one family in an R-1 zone. Mayor Saltarelli requested that staff look into these suggestions. Attorney Rourke informed Council that the Supreme Court recently decided that a city cannot limit R-1 houses to people related by blood. Ms. Well asked if there are restrictions on the number of people who may live in one house. Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director, replied that the Uniform Building Code requires a minimum number of square feet per person, but it would still allow several people to reside in one house. He said that staff will look into the question and submit a report addressing the legal position on families, definitions and number of people. II. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- June 2, 1980 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in the amount of $303,740.57 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in the amount of $68,161.59 3. RESOLUTION NO. 80-55 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, INDICATING ITS INTENT TO IMPLEMENT PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31, 1982 HEREIN DEFINED "REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL MEASURES" FROM THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN. Adoption of Resolution No. 80-55 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 80-56 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO IMPROVE HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION SYSTEMS, POLICE AND CITY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RE- ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Adoption of Resolution No. 80-56 as recommended by the Building Official. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 80-57 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Adoption of Resolution No. 80-57 and. assmmlng that no claims or stop payment notices are filed within 30 days of the date of completion, ~o authorize paymenn of the final 10% reten- tion ($1,993.96) at that time as recommended by the Engineer- ing Depar~menE. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 80-58 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Cali- fornia, INFORMING THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE STATUS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS. Adoption of Resolution No. 80-58 as recommended by the Engineering Deparrment. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 80-59 A Resolution Of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, INITIATING ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS AND SCHEDULING A HEARING FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SAN JUAN-GREEN VALLEY ANNEXATION NO.110 (Revised)" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Adoption of Resolution No. 80-59 as recommended by the Community Development Deparumen~. 8. AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 Approval of the guidelines as submitted and recommended by the Finance Direcnor in his memo dated June 10, 1980. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 6/16/80 Item i. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 2, 1980 Councilman Edgar requested correction of the June 2, 1980 Minutes to reflect the subject of shared insurance costs, by the City of Tustin and the Jaycees, for the Tustin Tiller Days Parade, and direction for staff to investigate the cost of the city's share. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that the Consent Calendar be approved, subject to correction of the June 2, 1980 Minutes. Carried 3:0. II. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. III. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. IV. OLD BUSINESS 1. STREET LIGHTING ORGANIZATION AND POLICY It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to approve the following: 1. Request County to do the following: a. ConSolidate all street lighting district areas from the four street lighting districts that are within the City of Tustin into the Tustin Lighting District and transfer to other districts the area within the Tustin Lighting District that is located outside the City of Tustin. b. Consolidate the street lighting district areas outside the City but within the City's sphere of influenceinto one district if possible. c. Upon consolidation of the Tustin Lighting District as provided in "a" above, notify City. d~ Verify the following: 1) The City may, by resolution pursuant to Street and Highway Code Section 19271, assume administration of the Tustin Lighting District once it is solely located within the City. 2) The City's act of assuming the district will not dissolve the district nor terminate the district receiving its entitlement to property tax revenues. 3) The City will automatically receive the portion of funds allocated to the Special District Augmentation Fund pursuant to AB 8 derived from the tax rate areas within the district for street lighting purposes. (The street lighting districts contribution to the Special District Augmentation Fund.) 4) The Tustin Lighting District, and those areas annexed to it from the numbered lighting districtS, will be exempt from the "appropri- ations subject to limitation" provisions of Proposition 4, since it had a 1977-78 tax rate below 12.5¢/$100 A.V. as provided in Section 9 (c) of the proposition. e. Commit to protect the existing reserves of the Tustin Lighting District from unnecessary use prior to the City's assumption of administration by funding the district insofar as possible with the district's basic property taxes and the district's contribution to the Special District Augmentation Fund. This commitment is necessary, since the County is not prepared to accommodate the transfer of administration to the City for six-to-twelve months. (The City will be faced with enough problems in funding the street lighting service without having to re-establish an adequate level of reserves.) f. Complete the updating of district maps with current boundaries and lighting details such as type of standard and lamp, size of lamp, and location; and complete the inventory of lights, revenue projections, and appropriation requirements. 2. City to adopt its re~olution assuming administration of the district when the County is ready for the transfer. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 6/16/80 3. City to later form a city-wide district (within a yearlfrom the date of transfer) under the Landscaping and Street Lighting Act of 1972 to assume the functions of the present district. The 1972 Act provides the most efficient method of levying an additional charge, when necessary, to supplement the available property tax revenue of the district. 4. City to form zones within the 19~2 district as follows: a. Zone 1 consisting of the existing Tustin Lighting District area where the assessment need only cover the deficit of the property tax revenue. b. Zone 2 consisting of newly lighted areas where no property tax for lighting is received and where the assessment is needed to recover the full cost of the service. c. Zone 3 consisting of areas not served by lighting, where no assessment is needed. As lighting is installedl an area will be transferred to Zone 2 or another Zone as specified in Section "d" below. d. Additional zones where residents may need construction or installation of lighting zn existing developmenLs and where the assessment muse cover both service costs and construction costs. 5. All new developments shall be required to install street lighting, to deposit the estimated cost of service until annexation to a lighting district is effective, to consen~ to annexation if necessary, and to consent to the necessary assessments ~o sustain the service. 6. City to consider the placement of street lighting on existing poles pro- vided there are no plans to remove the poles. This will avoid duplicate poles on a street. Each such project must come before the Planning Agency for a waiver, as provided in the City's undergrounding ordinance. 7. City Council consider providing Engineering with additional temporary help in 9 months to a year ~o establish the s~reet lighting records in a sound and accurate manner. This will save time in the long run and simplify administration. This help may also need ~o work on a land parcel inventory to be used in the event assessments are required. 8. Areas such as the Debusk Lane, Raleigh Place and Walter Avenue fwhich was an island annexation of an unlighted neighborhood located in a lighting district) not have lighting installed at City expense. Instead, the City agree to pay a percentage of the installation if the residents will agree to pay for the balance (either in cash or through assessments over a period of ~ime, such as ten years, for a major expenditure per parcell. Motion carried 3:0. V. NEW BUSINESS 1. REGULATION AND USE OF BARBED WiRE Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director, informed Council that the Community Development Department has had various requests by citizens Eo use barbed wire, i.e., Eo prevent vandalism or to enclose a hazardous area. He requested a determination by the Council on whether it would be in the interest of public health, safety and general welfare ~o regulate the use of barbed wire. Councilman Edgar said-that he would approve a study on this, but added that he is concerned about increased bureaucracy. Mayor Saltarelli agreed that CDuncil should be careful about unnecessary bureaucracy. Council concurred that staff should do a study on the need for regulating the use of barbed wire and submit it to Council for recommended policy and/or approval. 2. BAILOUT FUNDS 1978-79 Mayor Saltarelli said that the matter of the State Controller's claim that the City of Tustin should return $177,536.20 of the Proposition 13 Bailout funds should be arbitrated in a court of law. Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, said the court would probably agree that the Controller is entitled to draw the money back. Councilwoman Kennedy asked if the City would stand ~ chance of winning. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 6/16/80 City Attorney Rourke replied that, although he has not been directly involved in this, it might be worth fighting for, since a considerable amount of money is involved; and he will take a look at it. Mayor Saltarelli said it seems to be a penalty for good manage- ment and he would prefer to fight it all the way. Dan Blankenship said he would appreciate a motion to establish a reserve in the amount of $177,536.20~ in the event that it must be paid back. It was moved by Edgar~ seconded by Kennedy, to establish a reserve 'of $177,536.20 and authorize Attorney Rourke to study the matter and offer his recommendation. Carried 3:0. 3. AWARD OF BID - CIVIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Bids for this project were opened on June 5, 1980 at 11:00 a.m. and were received as follows: Porter Construction, Santa Ana ............... $168,415.34 Hardy and Harper, Tustin ..................... $174,156.04 Sully-Miller Const. Co., Orange .............. $210,570.91 Nobest, Inc., Westminster .................... $217,107.96 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to award the contract for Civic Center Improvements to Porter Conszruction of Santa Ana, in the amount of $168,415.34, and to authorize a supplemental appropriation from the General Fund in the amount of $56,087.34. Carried 3:0. 4. AWARD OF BID - TRAFFIC SIGNAL - MAIN & WILLIAMS STREETS Bids for this project were opened on June 6, 1980 at 11:00 a.m. and were received as follows: ~" Electrend, Inc., Norwalk ..................... S42 444.00 Steiny and Company, Anaheim .................. $42 900.00 William R. Hahn, Temecula .................... $43 777.00 Grissom and Johnson, Santa Ana ............... $44 500.00 Paul Gardner Co., Ontario .................... S45 231.00 Baxter-Griffin, Stanton ....................... $47 772.00 Smith Electric, Stanton ...................... $48 201.00 The Engineer's estimate for this project is $45,000.00 and there is presently $40,000 budgeted for it. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, ro award the contract for Traffic Signal--Main & Williams Streets to Electrend, Inc. of Norwalk, in the amount of S42,444.00, and to authorize a supplemental appropria- tion of $2,444.00 from the Gas Tax Fund. Carried 3:0. 5. AWARD OF BID - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE Bids for this proiect were opened on May 23, 1980 at 11:00 a.m. and were recelved as follows: Signal Maintenance, Inc., Anaheim ............. $1,872.72 per month for 35 intersections & 3 flashing beacons Superior Signal Service, Bell Gardens ........ $1,961.00 per month for 35 intersections & 3 flashing beacons It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, ~o award the con~rac~ for Traffic Signal Maintenance to Signal Maintenance, Inc. of Anaheim, in the amount of $1,872.72 per month for 35 intersections and 3 flashing beacons. Carried 3:0. 6. PROPOSED NISSON/"B" STREET ANNEXATION Mayor Saltarelli asked that discussion be agendized for a future meeting relative to whether those people who do not wish to be annexed to Tustin should be excluded from enjoying the benefits that county residents enjoyi and whether such exclusion would be more costly to the city. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 6/16/80 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to send the proposed letter to Ralph Clark,~ Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, with minor changes, requesting allocation of funds and a program for public improvements within the area. Carried 3:0. 7. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Councilman Edgar suggested that Council wait until the Community Services Director is appo%~ted, but that the Director be informed that the City should only act as a monitor of the calendar. Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, said the Chamber of Commerce is working on ah alternative that may be more cost effective. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to continue this item indefinitely. Carried 3:0. 8. INFORMATION FOR IMPROVED FIRE PROTECTION REGULATIONS It was moved by Edgar, seconded by 8altarelli, to direct the City Attorney to do a summary of findings and prepare an ordinance to modify the Uniform Building Code to retroactively require that all multi-family structures be protected by a smoke detector by a given date; 'and to direct staff to do asummary of all recom- mendations in Chief Holms' letter of June 10, 1980. Carried 3:0. 9. BRYAN-BROWNING INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS (So. Cal. Edison Co. Joint Use Agreement) It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp, that City Council adopt a Minute Order authorizing the Mayor to execute the Joint Use Agreement for the utility pole relocation at the northeasterly corner of Bryan and Browning Avenues. Carried 3:0. 10. REQUEST TO FILL VACANCY IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to authorize the filling of a vacancy of one Property Officer in the Police Department. Carried 3:0. 11. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GENERAL EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTED BY ORANGE COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve in concept the Memorandum of Understanding with the General Employees, repre- sented by the Orange County Employees Associateion, to authorize staff to prepare the necessary implementing documents and resolu- tions and direct staff to prepare for the implementation of the June 30, 1980 Salary and Benefits. Carried 3:0. VI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. IMPLEMENT REMOVAL OF BILLBOARDS It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to direct the City Attorney to implement the removal of billboards as soon as possible. Carried 3:0. 2. ORANGE COUNTY FIRE SERVICE - FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 Dan Blankenship,~City Administrator, received the proposed price for Orange County Fire Service to Tustin for Fiscal Year 1980-81, estimated at $806,000.00, depending on the result of employee negotiations. Chief Larry J. H01ms said he would not anticipate more than a 15% change. He also said that the new structure would provide a far better system. Mayor Saltarelli asked if we should take this under advisement. Dan Blankenship said it would be appropriate to accept the proposal; however, the estimated price does include reducing one 4-man company to a 3-man company, and the cost of adding a fourth man would be an additional $68,000 per year. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 6/16/80 Councilwoman Kennedy was concerned because we do not have a set fee, and she feels Council should have been supplied with more information before voting on such an important issue. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that the City of Tustin staff be directed to authorize the continuation of the contract with the County for fire service as proposed in the letter of June 11, 1980 from Chief Holms, for the amount of $806,000.00, subject to renegotiating the terms and amounts on levels of service mutually agreed upon in the future. Carried 3:0. VII. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn at 5:17 p.m. to the 7:30 p.m. meeting. Carried 3:0. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 16, 1980 7:56 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER The City Council Meeting was called no order an 7:56 p.m. by Mayor Saltarelli. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilpersons: Saltarelli, Edgar, Kennedy, Hoesterey Absenn: Councilpersons: Sharp Others Present: James G. Rourke, City Attorney Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Karen J. Beardsley, Deputy City Clerk Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director Ed Bushong, Finance Director Charles Thayer, Chief of Police Dale Wick, Assistant City Engineer Norm Hower, Traffic Engineer Approximately 40 in the audience. III. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ALLEY VACATION AND ABANDONMENT RESOLUTION NO. 80-53 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, ORDERING VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY BETWEEN EL CANINO REAL AND "C" STREET AND NORTHERLY OF SECOND STREET The Public Hearing opened at 7:58 p.m. Walter Flaherty, 190 E1 Camino Real, asked how the sewer relocation would affect future tie-ins no the sewer from E1 Camino Real. Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director, replied that the alley will be utilized by the four properties at the end, and the sewer will be ~vialable on Second Street. Mayor Saltarelli closed the Public Hearing. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to adopt Resolution No. 80-53. Carried 4:0. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 6/16/80 2. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (772) MODIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION TAX FEE FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS ORDINANCE NO. 831 An Ordinance of the City Of Tustin, California~ AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 2603 CONCERNING THE PAYMENT OF FEES IN CONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS The Public Hearing was opened at 8:01. There being no comments or objections, Mayor Saltarelli closed the Public Hearing. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that Ordinance No. 831 have first reading by title only. Carried 4:0. Following the reading of the title of Ordinance No. 831 by Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by 8altarelli, that Ordinance No. 831 be introduced. Carried 4:0. 3. PROPOSED LAGUNA ROAD NAME CHANGE The Public Hearing was opened at 8:06 p.m. Margaret Byrd, 158 North "B" Street, spok~ in opposition to the proposed name change, for historical reasons. Elmer Loy, Tustin Fix-It Shop on E1 Camino Real, spoke in favor of ~he name change all'the way, or at least to Red Hill Avenue, for better identification from the freeway. Walter Flaherty, 190 E1 Camino Real, spoke in favor of the name change for easier identification, which will bring more business to the downtown Tustin area, and, in turn, bring more tax revenue to the city. Frank Greinke, 230 South "A" Street, spoke in opposition to the name change, saying that the signs on the freeway will Say Red Hill Avenue, notE1 Camino Real, so there will be no actual freeway identification of E1 Camino Real; and he is opposed to change just for the sake of change. Mayor Saltarelli closed the Public Hearing at 8:18 p.m. _It was moved by Hoestorey, seconded byEdgar, to install signs identifying Tustin's downtown district, to be located on Laguna Road and Red Hill Avenue, possibly using the familiar 'bell' sign. Mayor Saltarelli agreed and added that it is logical to change the name of Laguna Road to E1 Camino Real from the point of inter- section with E1 Camino Real, and to end at Newport Avenue, which would only be changing the street name on the curve. Councilwoman Kennedy agreed and added that perhaps we could get a freeway sign designating Old Town or Downtown Tustin. Councilman Hoesterey amended the motion, seconded by Edgar, to change the name of Laguna Road to E1 Camino Real from the point of intersection with E1 Camino Real, to end at Newport Avenue; and staff to submit a plan for signage from Red Hill Avenue on how to get to the downtown area. Carried 4:0. 4. RIGHT TURN MOVEMENT - RED HILL AND BRYAN AVENUES The Public Hearing was opened at 8:35 p.m. Bonnie Perkins, 13382 Epping Way, told Council that she had sent a letter and petition to them requesting the re-installation of the "No Right Turn On Red" signs at the intersection of Red Hill and Bryan Avenues. Carol Taylor, 13532 Farmington Road~ asked questions in regard to the reasoning for the removal of the sign. Mayor Saltarelli closed the Public Hearing at 8:42 p.m. COUNCIL MII~gTES Page 9, 6/16/80 It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, that staff install new signs saying "No Right Turn on Red Between Hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.". Carried 4:0. IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. RENT CONTROL Tim La Fave, Steven Price, Virginia Barnett and Ronald Vaclavik, all residents of the California Apartments, addressed Council in regard to several problems in the complex, including lack of hot water, leaking pipes, leaking roofs, and ceilings caving in, and their dissatisfaction with their landlord's failure to repair them in a timely manner; yet, every tenant has been given notice of a July 1, 1980 rent increase. Mr. La Fare, Mr. Price, Ms. Barnett, Mr. Vaclavik, and several other California Apartments residents have requested that Council look into these problems and also consider initiating rent control. Mayor Saltarelli said that, up to the present time, the Council has taken the position that they will not get involved in rent control, as it should be an open and competitive market. He informed them that rent control can only beachieved in Tustin by the circulation of a petition to qualif~ rent control as an initiative measure for a special municipal election. Attorney Rourke also suggested that the tenants look into the possi- bility of entering into a lease with their landlord in order to protect themselves from future rent increases. Tenants were advised to call the Building Department with specifics in regard to structure and water complaints~ which would be investi- gated immediately by that department. 2. FIREWORKS ~-~ Jim Straun, 14901 Foxcroft Road, and Todd C. Nelson, 14912 Foxcroft Road, voiced their opposition to the recent ban on fireworks in Tustin~ Mayor Saltarelli thanked the boys for expressing their views and told them that the voters of Tustin decided to ban fireworks, but that at the next election the people may decide to vote on it again. He a~so reminded them that the city will have an excellent Fourth of July celebration at the Tustin High School and encouraged them to attend. V. OTHER BUSINESS 1. LAFCO REPRESENTATION - RESOLUTION NO. 80-60 Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, requested that Council adopt Resolution No. 80-60, authorizing City representation to the Local Agency Formation Commission. it wa~ moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to adopt Resolution No. 80-60, which authorizes the following individuals to represent the City of Tustin in LAFCO proceedings: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator; Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director; Dr. R. Kenneth Fleagle, Consultant; and Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor. Carried 4:0. 2. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, asked for direction on the prompt selection of a Community Services Director, for which there are three finalists. Councilwoman Kennedy felt that Council should interview the candidates. It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to direct Mr. Blankenship to conduct the interviews, with the help of one or two department heads; and then to proceed with extending a job offer. Carried 3:1~ Kennedy opposed. COUNCIL MINUTES Page 10, 6/16/80 3. PUBLIC SAFETY CONCEPT Dan Blankenship, City AdministratOr, asked if Council wished to agendize Public Hearings for the Public Safety Concept. Council concurred that this will be a long process and it should be handled independently of the budget. 4. BUDGET WORKSHIP DATES Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, said the budget should be ready for Council by Friday, June 20th. Council concurred that the budget workshop is scheduled for Thursday, June 26, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. 5. MICROPHONES IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Council concurred to wait a few weeks on a decision concerning new microphones in Council Chambers and staff is to come back with a report on their findings. 6. FIRE PROTECTION FOR ROOFS Councilman Hoesterey requested that staff look into fire/flame retardant roofing materials and consider an ordinance that would protect the community. Council concurred. 7. REZONING NEW ANNEXATION FRONTING MCFADDEN - BETWEEN "B" STREET AND NEWPORT AVENUE C Duncilman Edgar suggested possibly rezoning uo commercial that island which fronts on McFadden, and which was recently annexed. Mike Brotemarkle, Community Developmenm Director, said it is a difficult site, and odd-shaped as well, and he is looking for a more specific vehicle ~o bring forth the issue; bum staff could bring it forth as a general issue as well. 8. PARKING ON LAGUNA ROAD BEHIND TAYLOR'S RESTAURANT Councilman Edgar said that sometime in the last couple of months there has been signage which prohibits parking on the dirt area behind Taylor's Restaurant and he has not yet received a report on d this. Mr. E. Pankey, 320 W.Main, had inquire about the parking restriction in this area. 2ouncilman Edga~ proposed that we go back to"What we 'had and make the determination of modified ~arking a delibeEate council action. Norm Hower, Traffic Engineer, read a reporu explaining that, due ~o several traffic accidents and complaints about poor visibility because of trucks parking on the south side of Laguna Road easterly of Taylor's Restaurant, mow-away signs were installed. Council concurred that staff is uo communicate with Mr. Pankey the need for these signs. 9. RED HILL AVENUE UNDER I-5 FREEWAY - REQUEST FOR STUDY ON BIKE LANE Councilwoman Kennedy requested that staff look into the possibility of widening the roadway ~o make room for a bicycle path on Red Hill Avenue under the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway. Council concurred. 10. INCREASED TRAFFIC CONGESTION AT NEWPORT AND WALNUT AVENUES Councilwoman Kennedy noted an increase in congestion aE Newport and Walnut Avenues in the 5:00 to 5:30 uraffic and asked if staff could look into this problem. Council concurred. VI. RECESS It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, mo recess at 10:02 p.m. to an Executive Session for personnel and legal mauuers. Carried 4:0. COUNCIL MINUTES page 11, 6/16/80 VII. RECONVENED AND ADJOURNED Council reconvened and adjourned at 10:38 p.m., thence to the June 19, 1980 Executive Committee meeting with the Chamber of Commerce at 4:30 p.m.; thence to the Budget Workshop on June 26, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. in the Conference Room~ and, thence to the next regular meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1980 at 3:00 p.m. ci >SL K