HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 5 RDNG/HKNG TRAIL 07-06-93REPORTS NO. 5 7-6-93 ! DATE: JULY 6, 1993 10: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER' .. FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PETERS CANYON REGIONAL RIDING AND HIKING TRAIL RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the City of Tustin. Trail dedication and construction are conditions imposed on new construction in the County. Once trails are dedicated to the County, maintenance of trails becomes the COunty's obligation. BACKGROUND Mayor Ports at the City Council meeting on June 7, 1993 requested a status report of the County's efforts to extend trails from Peters Canyon Regional Park south to the Newport Upper Back Bay. On December 9, 1992, the staffs of Tustin, Irvine and County Harbors, Beaches and Parks met to discuss the extension of Peters Canyon Regional Trail. With the completion of Peters Canyon Trail within the City of Tustin, Councilman Potts expressed the Tustin City Council's concern about critical gaps in the continuation of the trail south to the ocean. These gaps are due to either physical or economic factors occurring within the unincorporated County and within the City of Irvine. As a result of that meeting a strategy was formulased: I o The County would draft a letter to the Irvin~ Company to explore the Company's position on implementing early interim Peters Canyon Trail improvements on their agricultural properties between Jamboree Road and Edinger Avenue along the trail alignment which is presently flood channel levees or dirt service roads. o The City of Tustin would set up a meeting with the Marine Corps at MCAS, Tustin to attempt to reach agreement regarding access to a portion of the trail between Edinger Avenue and Warner Avenue that is presently on MCAS property. City Council Report Peters Canyon Regional Riding and Hiking Trail July 6, 1993 Page 2 The County took the lead in preparing a letter to the Irvine Company. The first draft was sent to Tustin and Irvine to review on January 15, 1993. Tustin's comments were returned to the County on February 2, 1993 and City of Irvine's comments were received and returned to the County on March 1, 1993. Since April, the Tustin Community Development Department has been regularly contacting the County to de~ermine the status of the letter to the Irvine Company. We were told that it was still being worked on or was with Michael Ruane, Director of the Orange County Environmental Management Agency (EMA). Finally, the Community Development Department received a copy of the letter sent by the County to the Irvine Company on June 285h (see attached). In the meantime, the Community Development Department received notification on June 23rd that the Orange County EMA was preparing a general plan amendment to the County Recreation ~lement. The amendment would amend the existing Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails by adding' three proposed trail links. The new link that has significance to Tustin is Skyline Trail, located in the unincorporated area of Cowan Heights/North Tustin and will provide a link between Peters Canyon Regional Park, Irvine. Regional Park and Santiago Oaks Regional Park. With providing new trail links, the County is attempting to extend trails to serve the entire County. The proposed Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails (atsached) shows trails from Tustin Ranch to the Upper Newport Bay and Tustin Ranch to Emerald Canyon. The County informed us that traSls are shown on the Master Plan map as existing although there may not be legally dedicated access to the trail. Other trails are also shown and used but may not be dedicated because they don't mee5 County standards, but are used regularly by bicyclists. As you can see the County is working %o provide adequate trail facilities throughout the County and it appears that if we are able to get the Irvine Company or Marine Corps cooperation, Tustin will shortly be linked to the ocean trails. a W~'~t fie ld~ Assistant Director Community Development Dept. Christine A. Shing~t0n Ass~istant City Manager CAS: RW: kbc\ptrtrls, mem  N~ OF RANGF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY MICHAEL M. RUANE DIRECTOR, EMA 300 N. FLOWER ST. EIGHTH FLOOR SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 4048 SANTA ANA, CA 92702-4048 TELEPHONE: (714) 834-2306 FAX # 834-2395 .. June 23, 1993 COMMUNI~ O Carol Hoffman Vice President The Irvine Company 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92658 -. Dear Carol: Your assistance is requested to help implement the Peters Canyon Regional Riding and Hiking Trail by making available right-of-way for early development. This multiple use trail is a Master Planned facility of the City of Tustin, the City of Irvine and the County of Orange. Staff of the three agencies have discussed the desire to implement this trail as soon as possible. This proposed 12 mile long recreation route extends across much of the mid-portion of Orange County. It is a backbone "mountains to the sea" trail, connecting four regional parks, several local parks and a vast network of regional and local trails. The trail will serve hikers, equestrians and mountain bike.riders from all of the mid-coast cities north to the Anaheim Hills. .From Upper Newport Bay Regional Park north to Irvine Boulevard, much of the proposed alignment exists as flood channel levee or dirt service road along the channel. The cities of Irvine and Tustin have been particularly diligent in coordinating trail development along the trail route with proposed projects to ensure the many needed undercrossings and trail development issues. \ . The City of Irvine has several on-going trail projects along San Diego Creek/Peters Canyon Wash. These include the much needed undercrossings at Warner Avenue, Barranca Avenue, Main Street, Coronado Street and the San Diego Freeway. It is estimated that approximately two million dollars will be expended on these undercrossings. The City of Tustin has similarly conditioned trail construction in the Tustin Ranch area, along Jamboree Avenue and extending northerly to the southerly entrance of Peters Canyon Regional Park. This 1.5 mile segment is actually two distinct parallel trails consisting of a paved off-road asphalt bicycle trail and a natural surface riding and hiking trail. Carol Hoffman Page 2 The County of Orange is also in the process of opening two other sections of this trail. The first segment extends north from Upper Newport Bay Regional Park to Michelson Drive. The second segment is Peters Canyon Regional Park and its 1.5 miles of regional trail which was opened on April 30, 199~. Between Jamboree Road and Warner Avenue much of the proposed trail passes through land owned by The Irvine Company and is presently used for agriculture. A portion of that land, between the Santa Aha Freeway (I-5) and Edinger Avenue is within the City of Irvine. The length between Edinger Avenue and Warner Avenue extends through the Tustin Marine Corps Air Station Base within the City of Tustin. We would like to pursue with you the early implementation of this trail between Jamboree Road and Edinger Avenue. The current proposal is for the construction of an interim trail to include fencing, signage, and "- signalized "at-grade" road crossings. Attached is an Action Plan and map delineating this interim trail. It is anticipated that permanent trail improvements, including grade-separated road crossings, would occur as this area develops and conditions are imposed requiring trail construction. .Early public access along Peters Canyon Wash through this area is the pre-eminent need. The Irvine Company's consideration of granting this public access in the form of easements or rights of entry would be appreciated. It is our desire, as well as the cities of Tustin and Irvine, to be able to open this significant link in the regional trail system as soon as possible. My staff is available to discuss this matter with you. Please contact Mr. Kenneth Winter, Manager, Special Projects, EMA/Harbors, Beaches and Parks at (714) 834-4620. Thank you again for your consideration in this request. Very truly yours, · e M. Ruane,' Director Environmental Management Agency KW:DM:dme 3021007453273 Attachment: Interim Action Plan and Map cc: Robert G. Fisher, County of Orange Rita Westfield, City of Tustin Ami Amirani, City of Irvine INTERIM ACTION PLAN Peters Canyon Regional Riding & [liking Trail l. . Be . 5~ . . Jamboree Avenue The existing bridge understructure can accommodate a trail of standard height and width (12 feet high by 10 feet in width). Jamboree Ave. to Irvine Blvd. - - From the undercrossing at Jamboree Road, the trail would use an existing dirt road paralleling the east side of Peters Canyon Wash. Irvine Blvd. An at-grade stripped and signed crossing is proposed on the east side of Irvine Boulevard. Using the existing road bridge, the trail would cross to the vest side of Peters Canyon Wash. Irvine Blvd. to Bryan Road The trail would continUe south using an existing dirt service road located on the west side of the Wash. Bryan Road An at-grade stripped and signed crossing is proposed. Bryan Rd. to Santa Ana Frwy (1-5) ~ The trail would continue south using an existing dirt service road located on the west side of the Wash. Santa Ana Frwy (i-5) A ramped undercrossing of the freeway is proposed. There may be reduced height clearance under the freeway (less than 12 feet) therefore, the posting of caution signs may be required. Riders may need to dismount to proceed safely. o Santa Ana Frwy (I-5) to Walnut Avenue The trail continues south on the west side of Peters Canyon Wash. A flood channel (F07) connects to the west side of the Wash at a point 100 feet north of Walnut Avenue. To avoid a bridge crossing of this channel, the trail could use an existing bridge (old Walnut Ave.) to cross to the east side of the Wash, then south to Walnut Avenue. Walnut Avenue At Walnut Avenue, the trail is proposed to cross to the west side of peters Canyon Wash using the existing Walnut Avenue Bridge. The trail would then cross Walnut Avenue, at-grade; stripped and signed, and continue south. 10. Walnut Avenue to AT and SF Railway Tracks The trail would continue south using an existing dirt service_road located on the west side of the Wash. 11. AT and SF Railway Tracks Consulting with the AT & SF and the Public Utilities Commission regarding an interim at-grade crossing of the tracks. If an interim at-grade crossing is not permitted, an undercrossing will need to be designed and constructed. 12. AT and SF Railway to Edinger Avenue The trail would continue south using an existing dirt service road located on the west side of the Wash. 13. Edinger Avenue The trail is proposed to cross at the existing signalized intersection of Edinger Avenue and Jamboree Road. 14. Edinger Avenue to Moffett Drive The trail would continue south using an existing dirt service road located on the west side of the Wash. 15. Mof.fett Drive An at-grade crossing is proposed at Moffett Avenue. A rail structure is proposed on both sides of Moffett Drive through which all users must pass. With bollards at road edge, users will be required to walk across a stripped section of Moffett Drive. Note: Alternative route may be required subject to U.S. Marine Corps approval. 16. Warner Avenue, Barranca Parkway, Main Street, Coronado Aventme and 1-405 Grade separated crossings are being proposed by the City of Irvine. Construction is expected in 1993. 17.' Mic~elson Drive., Campus Drive, MacArthur Blvd. and Jamboree Road Grade' separated crossings are existing under these roads with a continuous dirt service road. This road would also serve as the trail. JD:dm 3021808483594 \ / ,.~-.._./' _cc.? ~/dt ~/~ Regional · / : / /.'x,.,/ - / · ., '-1. mboree Rd. Jamboree Rd. to trvine Blvd. / , ~ ~, ',,~ · · rner~Av~.'.-~ ~ Pkvcv Main St.,,,~. ~ ~ ,' ' 16 Wa ....... - '-.~,,~ ~. .. ',, - ~ ~o~nq ~u~ ~ ,' '~ ~. ~ --' -~'"--/~. 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