HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 14 UNIFORM CONT. 06-21-93CONSENT CALENDAR NO. t4 AGENDA o : 6-21-93 DATE: JUNE 21, 1993 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ! FIELD SERVICES UNIFORM RENTAL AND LAUNDRY SERVICE CONTRACT BID RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council, at their regular meeting of June 21, 1993, authorize staff to solicit bids for a new uniform rental and laundry service contract. FISCAL IMPACT: Current Projected Uniform Budget $19,950.00 Estimated Uniform Contract Reflectin~ the 9/80 Work Schedule $18,300.00 Estimated Cost Savings $1,650.00 BACKGROUND: . The City is required by the 1993 Memorandum of Under.,xanding to supply uniforms to specified City employees (Field Services and Water Services). DISCUSSION: The current agreement has reached expiration. The best interests of the City would be served by competitively bidding this contract. Numerous laundry services have expressed interest in submitting bids. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer RERfBL/ccm Robert E. Ruhl Manager Field Services SERVICE CONTRACT UNIFORM RENTAL AND LAUNDRY 1. PURPOSE OF CONTRACT The purpose of~is contract is to state the terms and conditions upon which uniforms will be furnished to City of Tustin for use by City employees. II. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED Contractor agrees tv perform thc following services for City of Tustin: Generally, Corn.rector will furnish uniforn~s for approximately fifty (50) City Employees for the period commencing approximately July 1, 1993, and continuing for two (2) years. Contractor shall be required to furnish new uniforms at various sites within the City of Tustin. Specifically. Contractor shall furnish and maintain an inventory often (10) uniforms per employee in order to proxide five (5) changes per employee, even' other week, and four (4) changes per employee the opposite week. Contractor shall provide for orderly and timely delivery of the required uniform changes per week.. This inventory of uniforms shall be maintained by Contractor during the life o£the Agreement. Contractor shall measure each City of Tustin employee of the work force, of the City of Tustin, as it is now. and si,all he?eaficr be constituted during the term of the Agreement, and shall be r~sponsiblc for supplying and maintaining properly fitting unifomls for each employee. Cootmctor shall bc responsible for maintaining thc uniforms in good condition and repair. The garment life sha'.l bc figured on a nornml wear basis of twelve (12) months. New replacement unifoniis shall b~ provided so that a first-class presentable appearance will be maintained as dctcrnfincd b} the Field Services and Water Services Managers of the City of Tustin. Contractor shall deliver clean uniforms a minimum of once each week. to such sites within the City of Tustin as thr Field Services mid Water Services Managers shall direct. Soiled unifom~s shall be picked up by Ccntractor at thc same times and places and shall be returned to Contractor's place of business. F. Contractor shal2 launder all uniforms in Contractor's oxxq, plm~ts in accordance with all applicable standards of ail County and State public health agencies. G. Uniform color c>mbinations shall be dctcrnfined by thc Field Services mid Water Sen,ices Managers and s;:i~icct to change with a sixty (60) da}' notice. H. All uniforms sl;:.!I remain thc propcrt5 of Contractor. Contractor sha2 install name tags und identifying patches as required by City of Tustin. Name tags and patch~s will bc fim~ishcd by Contractor m~d shall bc affixed by Contractor without extra charge. All rcex~rcd alterations will be at no cost to the City of Tustin. Contractor shall send a monthly statement to City of Tustin each month at the address hereinafter provided for notices, which shall be accompanied by an itemization together with control sheets itemizing the services furnished together with copies of signed delive~ receipts showing the employee names and the number of uniforms furnished to each employee in their respective divisions. III. OBLIGATIONS OF CITY OF TUST1N City of Tustin agrees to the following: City of Tustin'shall pay contractor, for unifomas and services to be provided by Contractor, the amounts set forth in Exhibit 'A', attached hereto, and incorporated here by this reference. Weekly charges shall be based upon the number of employees receiving services during the week, multiplied by the unit cost per change as set forth on Exhibit 'A', a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. B. Th~ weekly charge shall be imposed for new employees that require uniforms. C. City ofTustin ~hall be responsible for returning all uniforms to Contractor for any'employee whose employment is terminated. City of Tustin shall pa5; to Contraqtor the cost of each slain or pair of trousers lost by City of Tustin and/or its employees, with the replacement charge to be prorated on a twelve (12) month life expeetm~cy per sh!rt mid/or pair of trousers. Ci~, of Tustin will be responsible for damage to uniforms in excess of normal wear and tear. City of Tustin shall pay to Contractor a reasonable amount for necessary, repairs to such damaged ufiifurms in excess of the repairs necessitated by normal wear and tear. However, such charges shall not in any case exceed the depreciated cost of the uniform based on a twelve (12) month life eXl~eetancy. F.. City of Tustin reserves thc right to add or delete unifom~s, without penalty, ifstaffis increased or reduced. 1V. TERM The term of this agreement shall be for the period commencing approximately July 1, 1993, for two (2) 5'ears, provided however, flint City of Tustm may cancel this agreement upon thirty. (30) days written notice to Contractor at any time. V. SPECIFICATIONS A. General ~ All uniforms shall be new and of good quali~' and suitable for the uses and wear intended. 2 Trousers / Shorts - The unifom~ material of all trousers shall be sixty-five percent (65%) Dacron Polvcstcr, thiriv-five percent (35%) cotton TWILL seven (7) ounces per square yard, crease-resistant fabi'ie, vat-,dvc~l for maximum color retention and Sanforizcd with a nmximum one pcrcent (1%) shrinkage. '/~hcv shall be of single needle open seamed construction, zipper fly, stop button through left hip pocket, ~o button right hip pocket, 5/8" wide belt loop and double stitched without cuff. Levi cut shall be supplied over regular style except where not available in size. Shirts - Shirt material shall be sixty-five percent (65%) Dacron Polyester, thirty-five percent (35%) Combed Cotton, 4.77 ounces per square yard, crease-resistant fabric, vat-dyed and Sanforized with maximum of one percent (1%) shrinkage. They shall have sport shirt styling, six button front, convertible collar, button through breast pocket with long or short sleeves as selected by employee. Long sleeve shirts shah have lined cuffs and all shirts will have long tails. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATUTES, ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS Contractor shall comply with all applicable Fedcrak State, County and City of Tustin statutes, ordinances and regulations. V. INSURANCE Contractor shall ear~' worker's compensa[ion, public liability and property damage insurance with not less than reasonable minimum bnfits as follow: GENEIOIL LIABILITY General Aggregate $1.00(L000.00 Prod-Cqmp/Op Aggregate $500.000.00 Pets. & Adv. lnjnD $500.000.00 Each Occurrence $500,000.00 Firc Damage (Any One Fire) $50.000.00 Medical Expensc (Any Onc Person) $5.000.00 A UI'OMOBILE L1A B1LITY Any Auto Scheduled Autos Hired Autos Non-Owned Autos Bodily ln.iup,.' (Per Accidcnt) $500.000.00 F2'CESS LIA BILIT'}' (lhnhrclla Form) Each Occurrence $ Aggregate t $ IV()IUx'I~IUS (7()3 [I'EN,t,M 770:V & :~/II'LO}'Ell.S" I. LqB1L1D' Statntor? Limits Each Accident $ Disease - Policy Limit $ Discasc- Each Employee $ 3 VI. GOVERNING LAW - ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT Th~s agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding its subject matter and there have been no representatives, warranties, agreements or understandings not set forth herein. Any amendment, modification, change or revision of this Agreement shall be effective only if in writing and signed by both parties. If any provision in this Contract is held by a court to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect. VI1. NOTICES Notices to be given under this Agreement and place for sending bills and statements shall be as follows: TO CITY OF TUSTIN: FIELD SERVICES MANAGER ,.15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 WATER SERVICES MANAGER 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 CONTRACTOR: Executed at Tustin, California on ~he day mid year first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: James G. Rourke, City Attorney CONTRACTOR By: Its: '4 EXBIHIT BID ITEMS ITEM BID PRICE SHIRTS Per Day ~i $ TROUSERS / SHORTS Per Day ~ $ COVERALLS 2 Per Day ~ $ BAR TOWELS 10 Per Wk ~, $ SHOP RAGS 250 Per Wk ~ $ MEDIUM DUST MOP HEAD 12 Per Wk ~ $ LARGE DUST MOP HEAD 4 Per Wk ~ $ MEDIUM DOOR MATS 13 Per Wk ~ $ LARGE. DOOR MATS 11 Per Wk ~ $ Cost of-new replacement for articles lost, stolen or damaged. (Subject to pro-ration over twelve (12) months.) ITEM BID PRICE SHIRTS TROUSERS SHORTS