HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 15 ANIMAL CONTROL 06-21-93CONSENT CALENDAR NO. -21-93 Inter-Com 15 DATE: JUNE 16, 1993 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ~993-94 ANIMAL CONTROL CONTRACT CITY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve an agreement with the County of Orange for fiscal year 1993-94 animal control services. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to the City for fiscal year 1993-94 is $93,040. included in the draft General Fund budget. This amount is DISCUSSION: Each year the City contracts with the County for animal control services. For the past several years, the contract price was based upon the actual cost of field services (patrol, impounding of stray animals, etc.), and shelter services, less animal license fees collected by the County. This arrangement enables the City to assess the level of services provided and determine whether the County contract is cost effective. Based upon the level of service provided by the County and the contract price, staff believes continuation of the contract arrangement with the County is the most cost-effective way of providing animal control services. WAHi % anmLcont,wah O OUNTYOF RANGE HEALTH CARE AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH May 13, 1993 YOM URAM L. REX EHLING, M.D VE TE RINARY PUBL lC HI' AL 1 H 56~ CITY DRIVE SOU~'H ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92668 Mr. William A. Huston, City Manager City of Tustin, City Hall !5222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, Ca 92680 Subject: Animal Control/Shelter Contract for Fiscal Year 1993-94 Dear Mr. Matz: Enclosed is an original and two copies of the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Contract for your city for Orange County Health Care Agency/Public Health Animal Control and Shelter Services. As explained in Tom U.am s May 4, 1993 letter, the Fiscal Year 1993-94 total contract budget is nearly eight percent below that of this Fiscal Year. Each city's actual cost is contractually assigned according to various service £actors and the application of that city's revenue. The final cost is then adjusted by either an estimated credit or debit from the current year and a final credit or debit from the previous year. The following changes in the contract language were discussed and approved by the Animal Control Operational/Financial A~so~ Board. i. Page 5, Section 3, A, (3), Shelter Services. Language is added which gives contract cities the option of requesting additional ch~ge=~e Animal Care Days on a space available basis. 2. Page 7, Section 3, B, and C, Conformity of Laws and Regulations Language in these two paragraphs has been revised to allow contract cities, with the agreement of both parties, to adopt their own customized ordinance or not adopt a County ordinance in a jurisdiction. This language was initially developed to accommodate differing views on cat licensing and gives £ie×ibility which was not available in previous contracts. - Mr. Muston May 13, ~993 Page 2 Please return the original and two copies of the signed documents by June 25, 1993, to the address shown below: Judy Maitlen, Director Orange County Animal Contro~ 562 City Drive South Orange, Ca 92668 If you have any questions regarding this information, or the process, please call me at (714) 935-7107. Sincerely, Judy Maitlen Director, Animal Control JM:cpc Enclosures cc: Robert MerrMman, Deputy Director, Public Health C0~URAC~:ccverg~ AGREEMENT FO~ ANIMAL CONTROL AND SHELTER SERVICES THIS ^Ct{EEMENT, autoread into this 1st day of July 1993, which date ia enumerated Far p.r;,o~e.~ of' reference only, is by and between the COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political ~u~bdiviaion of the State, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," ned the CITY OF Tustin, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to ns WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CITY is desirous of contracting with COUNTY for the performance of the animal control and animal shelter services through COUNTY'S Health Officer, as described herein; and WHEREAS, COUNTY is willing and able to render such services on terms and conditions her.~lm£ter set forth; NOW T}{EI{EFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED as follows: 1. TERM A. Thi~ A~re~ment shall begin on July 1, 1993, and end June 30, 199g. ~. The retail o? this Agreement shall b~ automatically extended for day period thrall{% I.ocomber 31, 199~, if a successor Agreement between the parties i~ not ~n been given hy .~i the~1 Agreement. forco by July 1, 1994, and no notice of non-renewal has :ITY ~,r COUNTY in accordance with paragraph 2 of ~his CONTRCT2:~ont rat2 -1- written nntie,, nh~l] 1993. Tgi{M1 NAT ~o~: A. If eithor p~rty determines not to renew this agreement, b,~ givon to the other party no later than December 31, 3. A. COUNTY ~!~r~s, under the direction of Hen]th Officer of COUNTY to provid~ anim~,l c,~,~tr,~] nervices within the corporate limYts of CITY. oerv~ces $~r~,id,~d by C{~UU'rV shall include the enforcement of State stat~:tes d~emed appl~c~b]e to ClTY by COUNTY. COUNTY will not be obligated to enforce asy ordin~uc~ n~pt~,,~ by CITY except those adopted in compliance with Paragraph ~$ o{' this ,'gre,,~,,nt. The level of animal control and shelter services %o be provided u,~.~er this Agreement shall be established as those customarilN provided to residents of unincorporated areas of the C0UNTY. Services nhalt be provided in the following three categories. (1) ~IELD SERVICES: Field Services shall be provided seven daym a w~[, 2~ hours per day, 365 days a year, with the level of 8ervice r~%uce~% between the hours of 11:OO p.m. and 7:00 ~.m. 7elephon~ ~erv]~e request lines answered between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ever?day, e~cept holidays; lines monitored and responded to on ~ Dr[ori~.~~ h~m~ on holidays and after 5:00 p.m. Activit[e~ %u~n~~. b~t .~ro not limited to: patrol of assigned reg[ona! areas: [m?~undi~]~ of s~ra3 dogs or confined stra)~ cats and of o,.n ~ r [ ...... nnimals, pick-up of injured wildlife; cruelty [nvestign~tonz: return of unclaimed animals (following required rotentton ~er[~) to one designated location on behalf of C1TY; f~o~ ~ ~ .... asc ~/~ owner and lmpouna fee collection for licensed dogs ~,~: Dl~lde~: b~-' investigations: quarantine activities inclu.~ng ~ ch~ ,~ unimals involved in bites; inspections of facilities ~.~ ~ .~ r~rod to compS2,~ with the vicious dog tr,~nnport~t~on of all injured impounded animals to emer~en~3 vetorin~r~nns; issuance of citations; impounding of dead animals for d[spo~{]; response to service request calls from law en~'orcement and tit3 officials to assist in areas re~ardin~ suspected criminal activities or zonin~ violations; citizen contacts to ~]v= information or advice regarding wildlife or other al]imn] oon,~erns, not to include wildlife eradication services. ]n-h,~us~ field service activities shall include: assistance to .t]I]n~n9 r.'t~,r~]in~ barkin~ do~s and other nuisance complaints; advice r~!l.,rdi~l~ wildlife management and other issues which ma3 not r~qui ~e onntact in the field by an officer; visits to schools and community ~ronps to provide education regarding wildlife mana~ement, responsible pet ownership and other animal control [2> SFECIAL SERVICES (Pet and Facility Licensing) In keepin~ with Fubl[e }lealth laws which require the rabies vaccination and licensin~ ,~ all dogs over four months old, COUNTY shall canvass every re~.]~nc~ within the CITY approximatel~ every 20 months to locate and license unlicensed dogs. Licenses shall be sold at the res]d~nce: ~nf~rcement officers will follow-up on problems when n~cess~{ry'. Notiling in this contract prohibits other methods for the sale ~!' do~ licenses b~, CITY or COUNTY. !~]1 animal related businesses in the jurisdiction will be Jn~peeted l~wicc each year and in response to any complaints received t~ ass~lre that facilities met required standards. -3- Appropriate notification shall be given to CITY. In those cities which allow animal permits for private homes, permits shall be issued wit}] the approval of CITY following neighborhood iuvestigattons and inspection of the home to assure that the residence has adequate facilities to maintain the requested number of ~nimals. Pet licens~ renewals shall be processed through an automated r~,]~wal symtem. COUNTY will process renewals and answer telephone amd ~n-p~rson q~estions regarding licensing requirements. Low ~,~st vaccination clinics, coordinated by Animal Control staff, wi]~ be held throughout the year in various locations in the County in cooperation with the Veterinary Association. (3) SHELTER SERVICES: Shelter will receive animals from the public 365 days a year from 7:00 a.m. until 11:O0 p.m. Stray ~nim~ls w~ll b~ accepted without charge. Owners who release their animals will bn ~harged a fee. The Shelter will be open to the publi, e to locate lost pets or for pet adoption Monday through S~t,]rd~y (uot ~,lcluding holidays) from 10:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and until 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. A low cost vaccination clinic will be h~ld the £~r~t Tuesday of each month at the Shelter. The Shelter shall retain dogs and cats without owner ideattfic,~ttoa for three days, plus the day of impound and any Sundays or holidays. Those with identification shall be retained seven days, plus the day of impound and any Sundays or holidays. Animals will be kept on public display to allow owner ~dentification. When animals are wearing identification, owners wil] be coutact*~d by telephone and by mail. If animals are not -4- redeemed by theic owners and adoption holds have not been placed so,,~ may b~ made available for adoption for an additional time period on ~ space available basis. Those which are neither redoomed nor adopted will be euthanized and carcasses disposed of. If CITY wighes to request additional retention days for healthy, ,~,~n-a~-essive animals impounded within CITY such service may be req~ste,t in writing with 60 days advance notice. Such service w~].l bo provided to CITY upon written approval of the ~{es]th 0ff%eer. If agreed to, additional animal retention days will be of?ere,1 on a space available basis only. CITY shall pay chsrges for additional retention days as defined in Paragraph 6, C, 4, and in compliance with Paragraph 6, B. Veterinary services shall be available seven days a week. VetemJnary staff shall perform required euthanasia by lethal inject[on. Necropsies will be performed on animals which die under s~p[clo~s cir,~umstances and at the request of law enforcement. B. COU~T¥ shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, and supplies to provide the services described in this Agreement. In all ~n:~tances wherein special supplies, stationary, notices, forms and the like are ~ssued in the name of CITY, the same shall be supplied by CITY at [ts own ewpense. C. The m~thod by which services are provided, the standard of performance, any otheF matters incidental to the performance of such services, and the costrol of pe~'son~el so employed, shall be determined by COUNTY. In the event of a dispute between the parties as to the extent of the duties and functions to be provi:ted hereunder, or the level and manner of performance of such service~, the p~'ties shall meet in good faith to resolve their -5- differences. In the event of an impasse, the decision of the Health Officer of COUNTY ~hall be f.iual. D. To facilitate the performance of services hereunder, COUNTY shall have full cooperation and assistance from CITY, its officers, agents and employees. E. If agreeable to both parties, additional services may be rendered by CO!INTY au.t paid for by CITY. F. COUNTY agrees to maintain its animal shelter in a humane manner and keep .~aid p~emi.ses in a clean condition at all times, and that all services furaiahnd by it hnreunder shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of California, ~m,l that it will give required notices and use humane methods of cafe and destruction of any animal coming under its jurisdiction. 4. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR - Although the services herein described are municipal functions, all persons employed by COUNTY to provide said services shall be COUNTY employees; no person ~,~ployed h~,,',~un.l,wr shall have the right to any CITY pension or civil service statu~. Whea performing services under this Agreement and for the purpose of F, iv'inF., o~ie~a]. "~tatus to the performance thereof where necessary, but not fo~ th~ purpo;;e of Iiability or indemnification, every COUNTY officer or employee al]ali be ,lenmmt to be an officer or agent of CITY. 5. CONFORMITY OF LAWS OR REGULATIONS &. llotw~l:hsta,]ding anything to the contrary herein contained, this Agreement shall terminnte at any time that CITY fails to enact, and to maintain in full forc~ and effect an ordinance identical in intent to the provisions of Article 1 through 10 of Division 1 of Title 4, and Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of Title 5 oF the Codified Ordinances of the County of 0range, and -6- other regulations pr~:~ent]y adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors concerning animal control, iucluding those which relate to fees. Thin Agreement shal~ else termJnnte if CITY does not enact the name amendments to its Municipnl Code as those adopted by COUNTY's Board of Supervisors regarding animal control within sixty (60) days after a request to do no by COUNTY Health Officer. B. ~f CITY is consbtering adopting an ordinance and requesting its enforcement by CO(JNTY, the ~{ealth Officer may provide assistance to CITY in defining the ~,suner i~ which the proposed ordinance enforcement would be p~ovided hy COUNTY. COUNTY will provide such services when a written request in received 60 d~ys ;~r[er ~o the requested impleutation of the service upon the written spproval of the }{ealth Officer. The manner and extent to which services are provided ~n response to such a request shall be determined by the Health Officer and will only be provided if the cost of such services can be delineated ~nd ~co~odated under the provisions of Paragraph 6, C. C. CITY may request that specific ordinances adopted by COUNTY not be euforced in CITY when written request for exclusion is received 60 days prior to the requested exclusion upon the written approval of the Health Officer. Such requests will n,~ly be considered provided they are not in conflict with State statutes or do ,u~t nn~langer the public health. The COUNTY Health Officer, neting on ben,all of COUNTY, may use discretion and need not request CITY to adopt amendme,~ts wh[ch do not apply to CITY. 6. PAYMENTS A. BASIS FOR PAYMENT - CITY shall pay COUNTY for the actual costs of providing nn~mal control and animal shelter services. -7- B. PAYMENT METHOD - (1) In consideration for the animal control and shelter services p~evided by COUNTY during the term of this Agreement, CITY shall make a FY 1993-94 Provisional Payment to COUNTY in the amount of :~96,95~. This payment for 1993-94 services shall be adjusted by a 1992-93 cred}.t of $541 and further adjusted by a final 1991-92 credit of :~5,371, resulting in a total adjusted provisional payment oF $93,040. This payment shall be adjusted as described in Paragraph 6 E. below. (2) The Provisional Payment shall be paid to COUNTY in four iamtallme~ts, each equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the total Provisional Payment. The first installment is due September 30, 1993, the secosd is due December 30, 1993, the third is due March 30, 199~, and the fourth is due June 30, 1994. (3) IF p~yment is not received by COUNTY within thirty (30) dsys ~f~.~' the due date, COUNTY may cease providing any further service under this Agreement with CITY and may satisfy the i~debted,~,~mm iq any manner prescribed by law. (4) C£TY shall not be called upon to assume any liability for the dir~,~t, payment of any salaries, wages or other compensation to any COUNTY pers,~nnel performing services hereunder for said COUNTY, or any li. abi]%ty other than provided for in this Agreement. CITY shall not be l~uble for any compensation Or indemnity to any COUNTY employee for injury or sickness arising out of his or her employmnnt. (5) In the event this Agreement is extended in accordance w~ th Par~,,~raph I B. above, CITY shall make monthly provisional p,]ymentm ~o CO~NTY in an amount equal to one twelfth of the amount shown as the adjusted Provisional Payment in 6 B. (1) above. Such payments shall be due no later than thirty (30) days after the month Jn which services were provided. C. DETE}~MINAT[ON OF ACTUAL COST OF SERVICES - (1) COUNTY agrees to collect and maintain expenditure and wo~-kload data to be used to determine the actual cost of the animal control a,]d shelter services provided to CITY during the term of this Agree,,ent. (2) CITY's Actual Cost of Animal Control Field Services shall be determined by applying CITY's percentage of the total Field Actions previded by COUNTY to COUNTY's Total Actual Expenditures (inclndin~ indirect charges) for providing all Animal Control Field Services within COUNTY. (5) CITY's Actual Cost of Animal Control Special Services shall be determined by applying CITY's percentage of the total animals l~censen sold by COUNTY to COUNTY's Total Actual Ex}~enditurns (including indirect charges) for providinE all Animal Control Sp,~cia] Services within COUNTY. (4) {~ITY's Actual Cost of Animal Shelter Services shall be det~rminbd by ~pplying the CITY's percentage of animal charge days, Cot snims]~ },n},nunded from within the corporate limits of CITY and animals received from residents of CITY, to COUNTY's Total Actual E×p~nditures ~ncluding indirect charges) for providing all Animal Shelter Services within COUNTY. An animal charge day is defined here so each d~3 or portion of a day that an animal is housed at COUNTY's A~imsl Shelter. D. FEE HEV~NUE - (1) CuUNTY shall have all powers of CITY and shall receive ali coopor~t~on possible from CITY to enable efficient enforcement n[ fee col]ectb~n. COUNTY shall retain all fees and revenue derived ~rom the enforcement of the CITY Ordinances pertaining to the animal control services provided by COUNTY. (2) COUNTY agrees to keep record of and to credit to CITY all lin~nse r~venue collected from residents of CITY, and all fee ~ev-nue Ke~]erqted from animals received from CITY residents or impounded within the corporate limits of CITY. Said revenue credit shal.] be used to determine the Net Cost of animal control and shelter services described in Paragraph 6 E. below. E. ADJUSTMENTS TO PROVISIONAL PAYMENT - (t) CITY's combined Actual Costs of Animal Control and Shelter Services, as described in Paragraphs 6 C. (2), 6 C. (3) and 6 C. (4) above, shall be reduced by the total amount of license and other fee revenue generated from CITY, as described in paragraph 6 D. above~ to determine the Net Cost of Service provided under this Agreement. (2) If tho Net Cost of Service in less than the Provisional Psymeut am,~.nt ~udicated in Paragraph 6 B. (1) above, the COUNTY shell credit difference to CITY. COUNTY agrees to refund the different? tf CITY does not enter into a subsequent agreement with COIWTY For animal control and shelter services. (3) If the Net Cost of Service is greater than the Pruvisio,~] Pny!,l=nt amount indicated in Paragraph 6 B. (1) above, tbeu COU~IT¥ shall invoice CITY for the difference if CITY does not enter ist~ n subsequent agreement. If payment is -10- not receiv,~d by COUNTY within sixty (60) days after the invoice is suhm[tted, COUNTY may satisfy the indebtedness in any manner pr~scribed by law. (4) COUNTY agrees to complete the calculation of the Net Cost of Service for animal control and animal shelter services, and credit or vefun,~ any overpsyment by CITY, or invoice CITY for the ad,~t~onsl amol~nt owed by CITY, on or before December ~1, 1994. 7. ~INANCIAL/OPERATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Th~ part~es agree that there shall be a Financial/Operation Advisory Bo~r!] to advise the Director of Animal Control on financial and operational matters and to assess cost recovery options for future years. The Financial/Operational Advisory Board shall be made up of seven members, four members appointed by the Orange County League of Cities and three members appointed by COUNTY. 8. RECORDS All record!~ credited or received by COUNTY in accordance with this Agreement shall be COUNTY records. COUNTY agrees to keep such books and records in such form ~nd msnner as the Auditor-Controller of COUNTY shall Said books shall be open for examination by CITY at all reasonable specify. times. 9. ANI~A],$ RE'I'AINEI) FOR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Animals which are being retained in criminal prosecutions, except for violatloe~ of An~,nal C,~ntrol regulations and/or ordinances pursuant to the Agreement, are not t~ be construed as held pursuant to the services provided under this Agree,neat: housing will be done at the discretion of the COUNTY and at the COUNTY's usual and customary charges for such housing. -11- 10. ALTER^TIO}; OF TERMS This ^greoment fully expresses all understandings of COUNTY and CITY with respect to the s~bject matter of this Agreement, and shall constitute the total ~greement between the parties for these purposes. No addition to, or alher~ion of, the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in w~'iti,~, formally approved and executed by duly authorized agents of botll 11. IN DEMI'II F [~: ATION A. That noithnr COUNTY nor any officer or emploNee thereof shall be responsible For as3 d~unage or liabilit3 occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be dona by CITY under or in connection with an~ work, authority or ~ur[sdict[on delefated to CITY under this Agreement. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant ~o Oovernment Oode Section 895.4, CITY shall fully defend, i~demnify and hold OOUNTY ha~less from an~ liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810.8), includinfl attorneys fees and be done by CITY under or in connection wi[h any work, authority or ~urisdict[o~l delegate,] to CITY under this AEreement. B. That neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any ,lassie or liability oceurrin6 b3 reason of anythin~ done or omitted to be dona b3 COUNTY under or in connection with any work, authority or 3urisdiction delegated to COUNTY under this Agreement. It also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, COUNTY shall fully defnnd, indemnify and hold CITY hamless from any liability imposed for in,ur3 (as defined bx Government Code Section 810.8), including attorneys fee~ and co.~ts, occurrinE b3 reason of anything done or omitted to be done b.%' COtIPITY u~.l.~r or in connection with an3 work, authority or ~urisdictioe d~l~ato.] to (~OUNTY under this Agreement. -12- 12. NOTICES Un]ess tho pernons or addresses are otherwise identified by notice given in the manner specified by this paragraph, all notices authorized or required by t}ll.s Agreement shall be deemed effective when reduced to writing and deposited in the United States mail, certified, and addressed as follows: To C [?¥: City Manager City of Tustin [5222 Del Amc Avenue Tustin, Ca 92680 To COUNTY: Health Officer County of Orange 515 N. Sycamore Santa Ana, CA 92701 IN WITNEtS WHMHMOF, the CITY of Tustin by motion duly adopted by its City Council, cause,~ this Agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk, and the COUNTY OF ORANGE by order of its Board of Supervisors, has caused these presents to be subscribed by the Chairman of said Board and this seal of said Board to be affixed thereto and attested by the Clerk of the Board, all on the d~y and year first above written. -13- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. DATED: DATED: By Chairman, Board of Supervisors SIGNED AND CERTIFIED T$IAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD PHYLLIS HENDERSON Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange, California DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: TERRY C./ ANDR~S; C~U~TY COUNSEL .~-CITY OF Tustin [ ~ a municipal corporation Mayor DATED: ATTEST: City Clerk DATED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney CONTRCT2:contrac2