HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem No. 2 Presentation: ApplicantCOUNCIL WORKSHOP TFC.-�-+�,�-- � �� — �1� �� ! .3�V�'i. _.u. « . 1. yc `(�" % ,' ". ` /�.. '�r r•%. � ^� Y. ,; - ���i w�.ti •atm_ r • �{ !- �` % � � .w I �Ir ti' ' i . h _ mf •�!a,. � *� - .p f � J �• f\. � �� �.,''�Z'�? 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EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS L EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS ►�,.r � 'r r rr t 1 0 0 r EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PHOTOS j t. i J THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF TUSTIN TOWN CENTER - A NEW BEGINNING ♦'C 4k THE NEIGHBI T A S T R A T E Objectives: ■ Increase the supply of housing ■ Enrich the livability of ri Pi alilknrli nnrl c • Overall Strategies from the goals in the Guid( • Convert underperforming commercial sites to other uses mixed uses. • Encourage introduction of moderate to high-density residential development along street corridors, compatibl with the adjacent neighborhood. • Encourage construction of a greater variety of residentia product types to accommodate a variety of family sizes a price points. • Consolidate commercial uses defined neighborhood centers developments. along corridors and/or mixed into well - use • Expand streetscape improvements along street corridors. SITE DESIGN FROM NEW BEGINNINGS Noma _ � 1 Le►�� 2 Mixed- Use buildings should have ground floor retail and no setbacks to deme the street and encourage pedestrian activity. ^ Landmark buildings should have a higher building element such as a tower to increase visibility, provide orientation, or form a gateway. SITE DESIGN FROM NEW BEGINNINGS Mixed-use buildings should front the street with large storefront windows forground floor retail uses Buildings should be modulated with architectural elements, recesses, overhangs, and special corner treatments. Entrances should be easily identifiable. Signage should be well-designed and integrated in the facade. • Guiding Principles ■ Consistency with General plan Goals and Policies ■ Activate the street with new retail/ commercial uses and live -work units ■ Consistency with Overall Strategies in City Council adopted Neighborhoods of Town Center ■ Provide development standards in the Zoning Text change which promote and preserve the residential character of the neighborhood here and in other parts of the City, and provide positive economic growth. ■ Develop a new Mixed-use product to the City of Tustin and provide new Class A market rate housing to a very underserved area. ■ Encourage introduction of moderate to high-density residential development along street corridors, compatible with the adjacent . neighborhood 14 • Project Objectives ■ Provide significant economic development in an underperforming area of the City. ■ Consolidate commercial uses along corridors into well-defined neighborhood centers and/or mixed use developments. ■ Provide a new "Entry to Old Town" which promotes a positive image for A the City of Tustin and provides new economic growth in the neighborhood. ■ Expand streetscape improvements along street corridors. ■ Provide architectural design features and character which is compatible with the existing neighborhood. ■ Develop a new Mixed-use product to the City of Tustin and provide new Class A market rate housing to a very underserved area. iW • Market rate apartment project ■ Property Owner is desirous of developing non -senior project on subject site. (201 UNITS (60 DU/PA) ■ Owner has been working with staff since early 2014 and have responded to many requests including: ■ Increase size of the site by acquisition of adjacent office building at San Juan St. and Red Hill. ■ Include commercial uses in the project (mixed-use) with retail and live -work units. ■ Widening of Red Hill with landscape improvements, addition of traffic signal on Red Hill, utility improvements, street improvements. LE ■ Architectural design modifications ■ Traffic study, sound report, Tract Map, WQMP, and preliminary environmental scope. i 11 Project features and architectural elements respond to Project Objectives • New mixed-use residential/ commercial development in a "wrap" type product with parking structure • 10,000 s. f. of retail and commercial uses with leasing office and fitness center all with commercial store fronts, signage, architectural elements and street furniture. • Ground floor Live -work town home units • Activates the street and reinforces the pedestrian activity • Corner identification and architectural elements. • Provides maximum economic benefit to the neighborhood • Mixed-use project has less impact on the environment, neighborhood and traffic than other Commercial Uses currently allowed by Zoning. RFA • Revised submittal is expected to include the following: • Retain PC -C GP Land Use Designation on Original Site since residential development already permitted • Re -designate additional property added to site from CC to PC -C • Land Use Element Textural Amendments to clarify mixed use as permitted, density stds. and locational criteria • Rezone both parcels to Planned Community (PC) for consistency with Land Use Designation of PC -C • Zoning Textural Amendments to the PC Zone to clarify mixed use as permitted by CUP and to add development stds. • CUP Application for 201 unit residential mixed use project 18 D-- ttEiau =.z •r.wl.•. woo w w o! roar arwwrrr• r!ti! M �r �.r♦...w... Yra.rr. w Yr i, r _ H r� Y� _ S2 •r.wl.•. woo w w o! roar arwwrrr• r!ti! M �r �.r♦...w... Yra.rr. w Yr i, H r� _ S2 VIEW FROM SAN JUAN AND RED HILL } y'tIn 0. 'A .rr •r/ � ar � I ■ r I� a. Elio Proposed Project - A VIEW FROM SAN JUAN AND RED HILL Ell VIEW FROM RED HILL LOOKING NORTH • _ - f Applicant has looked at several alternate projects: A. Proposed project with 201 units — 60 DU/AC Mixed-use with commercial and retail on the ground floor Wrap project type with parking structure 3 and 4 stories with live work townhomes and retail on the ground floor B. Alternate project with 169 units — 50 DU/AC Mixed-use with commercial and retail on the ground floor Wrap product type with parking structure 3 and 4 stories with live work and retail on the ground floor C. Alternate project with 135 units — 40 DU/AC No mixed-use or commercial uses on the ground floor, or pedestrian oriented. All on -grade parking, no parking structure. Four stories over one level of parking on grade Parking on the ground floor — no retail or live -work. Provides no activation of the street or commercial retail 23 a 'MET, C. • y � G+een•V Was ALTERNATE TUD)�MW GROUND FLOOR a ALTERNATE STUDY ZIPPER FLOOR IL ui L ' - Cr— GO ■ t 1' ... , Q � •r. +ts �h T ns •ss 'its . -r. .ts � "� fh -r. t• r ` -� ,1// r v J M r t �. r• r r � y. . r — - .tar, - AP' - ALTERNATE STUDY No retail, or Live work ALTERNATE PROD] Alternate Product I Product Description Proposed Development - A Wrap product - 60 DUJAC 201 Units Alternate Study Project - 6 Wrap product • 50 DU/AC 165 Units Alternate Study Project - C Parking On grade -40 DU/AC 135 Units Alternate Study Project - D Garden apartments - 25 DU/AC 72 units ANALYSIS Achieve Consistency Ecomonic Applicible with Town Feasibility GP Policies Center Study y If y y V N N N N N T N Comments Achieves all of the objectives and is the optimal density for Wrap product Achieves all of the objectives except eccomom►c feasiblity No Mixed-use, or pedestrian friendly, and is not ecconomicalty feasible No Mixed-use, or pedestrian friendly, and is not ecconomicatty feasible Provide policy to the Applicant and City Staff supporting the applicant's submittal of a revised application for a 60 DU/AC project Given the time frame applicant has been working with staff, we request expeditious and timely processing of revised application Applicant would revise and complete application and any required environmental documentation PW