HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 05-17-93AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CITY OF TUSTIN MAY 17, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. INVOCATION - Rev. Ed Sempsratt, Hope Christian Church III. ROLL CALL IV. PROCLAMATIONS 1. COLONEL BRAATEN, MARINE CORPS AIR STATION-TUSTIN 2. OLDER AMERICANS MONTH V. PUBLIC HEARING 1. APPEAL OF LICENSE AND PERMIT BOARD DENIAL OF CITY TOW TRUCK PERMIT On February 16, 1993, the Tustin Police Department formally denied Mr. Dwayne Davis' application for a City tow truck driver permit. Recommendation: Uphold the City's License and Permit Board and Chief of Police denial of Dwayne Davis' request for a City tow truck driver permit as recommended by the Community Development Department. VI. PUBLIC INPUT - At this time members of the public may address the City Council regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council (NO ACTION can be taken on off -agenda items unless authorized by law). If you wish to address the City Council on any matter, please fill out one of the blue forms located on the speaker's podium and submit to the City Clerk so that your remarks on the tape recording of the meeting can be attributed to you. When you start to address the City Council, please state your full name and address for the record. A Public Input portion is provided both at the beginning and end of the meeting. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the _ Council, staff or public request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. Council Agenda 1 May 17, 1993 1. APPROVAL OF- "LUTES - MAY 3, 1993 REGUL MEETING Recommend. n: Approve the City Council Mr,. -.:es of May 3, 1993. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $845,233.55 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $302,704.68. 3. MAINTENANCE OF LOT K (PASEO AREA) OF TRACT NO. 13627 Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to execute subject quit claim deed and authorize the City Clerk to record subject easement deed as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 4. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 93-10 - CLAIMANT, RICHARD LARA; DATE OF LOSS, 9/18/92; DATE FILED WITH CITY, 3/22/93 Recommendation: Reject subject claim for general, personal injury and property damages of an undetermined amount as recommended by the City Attorney. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 93-51 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR EASTTUSTIN MEDIAN ISLAND LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION, LOCATION I, JAMBOREE ROAD BETWEEN BRYAN AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL; LOCATION Il, LA COLINA DRIVE BETWEEN WESTERLY CITY BOUNDARY AND TUSTIN RANCH ROAD Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-51 accepting said work and authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 93-52 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 93-3 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-52 approving Lot Line Adjustment No. 93-3 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 93-48 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 91-288 Recommendation: Approve Final Parcel Map No. 91-288 by adopting Resolution No. 93-48 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 8. RENEWAL OF CALTRANS CONTRACT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF CITY EXPENSES FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 1-5 FREEWAY AND THE 1-5/SR-55 INTERCHANGE Recommendation: Approve subject contract and execute the document for reimbursement of City staff efforts in making traffic signal modifications in conjunction with Caltrans' construction of the 1-5 Freeway and the 1-5/SR-55 Freeway interchange as recommended by the Public Works Department/ Engineering Division. Council Agenda 2 May 17, 1993 9. PROFESSIOP1 SERVICES AGREEMENT FOFr '-INSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES O[a_.„ CAMINO REAL WIDENING PRS QCT (RED HILL AVENUE TO BROWNING AVENUE) CIP NO. 700116 Recommendation: Approve selection of KaWES and Associates, Inc., Irvine, to provide consulting engineering services relating to the EI Camino Real widening project as follows: (1) Approve environmental document/preliminary engineering report preparation tasks in the amount of $180,000.00 of which $60,000.00 will be a supplemental appropriation from unallocated Measure M Turnback Funds; (2) Approve the remainder of the consulting services tasks consisting of final design preparation and right-of-way engineering in the amount of $256,630.00 as a part of the 1993-94 Capital Improvement Program budget from unallocated Measure M Turnback Funds; and (3) authorize execution of the Professional Services Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1104, UNIFORM FIRE CODE Ordinance No. 1104 had first reading by title only and introduction at the May 3, 1993 City Council meeting. _ Recommendation: Have second reading by title only and adoption of the - following Ordinance No. 1104 (roll call vote): ORDINANCE NO. 1104 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF ARTICLE 5 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION, WITH APPENDICES AND THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE STANDARDS, 1991 EDITION, WITH AMENDMENTS THERETO AS THE FIRE PROTECTION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN 2. ORDINANCE NO. 1109, ZONE CHANGE 93-001 Ordinance No. 1109 had first reading by title only and introduction at the May 3, 1993 City Council meeting. Recommendation: Have second reading by title only and adoption of the following Ordinance No. 1109 (roll call vote): ORDINANCE NO. 1109 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 93-001 TO AMENDTHE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCLUDE VARIOUS DEFINITIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS TO ACCOMMODATE A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL PRODUCT TYPE DESCRIBED AS "PATIO HOMES" X. OLD BUSINESS - None Council Agenda 3 May 17, 1993 XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT The Engineer's Report contains the proposed levy of assessments for fiscal year 1993-94 and three new parcels proposed for annexation to the district are identified as Parcel Map No. 90-292, Parcel Map No. 92-231, and Tract No. 14022. Recommendation by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division: a. Adopt the following Resolution No 93-49 approving the Engineer's Report for fiscal year 1993-94: RESOLUTION NO. 93-49 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE 1993-94 FISCAL YEAR FOR THE LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND FOR THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO SAID EXISTING DISTRICT b. Adopt the following Resolution No. 93-50 declaring its intention to annex additional territory, levy assessments for fiscal year 1993-94 and to set a protest hearing for July 6, 1993: RESOLUTION NO. 93-50 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING DISTRICT AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING OF PUBLIC LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING FACILITIES WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND GIVEN NOTICE THEREOF 2. METROPOLITAN CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM On March 29, 1993, the City received a letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development indicating that based on the City's current population (over 50,000), the City will be eligible to apply directly to the Federal Government for Community Development Block Grant funds as an entitlement community for the 1994-95 funding year. Recommendation by the Community Development Department: a. Accept designation as a Metropolitan City and pursue entitlement status for purposes of obtaining Community Development Block Grant funds. Council Agenda 4 May 17, 1993 b. Appoint kssistant City Manager or her a )rized representative as the agent o) .ne City to coordinate, proce_ , execute all applications, contracts, agreements, amendments, and ancillary documents within the scope of the entitlement process and CDBG program administration. XII. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - MAY 10, 1993 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of May 10, 1993. 2. SPORTS PARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE The City Council has requested updates on the progress of the preparation of the Master Plan, working drawings, and bid specifications for the Sports Park. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Community Services Department. 3. NATURAL COMMUNITIES CONSERVATION PLANNING PROGRAM STATUS The Natural Communities Conservation Planning program focuses on the protection of coastal sage scrub from a regional perspective before it becomes so fragmented or degraded as to require listing of species, particularly the California gnatcatcher and cactus wren, as endangered under the State and/or Federal Endangered Species Act. Recommendation: Authorize the Assistant City Manager to execute any future Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Orange for the preparation of a Natural Community Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the Community Development Department. 4. TRAFFIC CONCERNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF BRYAN AVENUE AND EPPING WAY At the May 3, 1993 City Council meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Saltarelli expressed concern regarding traffic movements at the intersection of Bryan Avenue and Epping Way. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. XIII. PUBLIC INPUT Council Agenda 5 May 17, 1993 XIV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XV. CLOSED SESSION The City Council will recess to Closed Session to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6; and if needed for legal or personnel matters. XVI. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, June 7, 1993, 7:00 p.m., at the Tustin Area Senior Center. Council Agenda 6 May 17, 1993