DATE: MAY 3, 1993 Inter -Com
ti r,
Receive and file.
At the April 19, 1993 City Council meeting an inquiry was made by
Mr. Robbin Nili, the owner of property at 15551 Boleyn in Tustin,
regarding the status of his pending code enforcement case at the
subject address. The following summarizes the status to date of
the code enforcement action taken regarding the subject property.
Staff learned that the Nili family has owned a multi -unit apartment
complex since July 1984. The Tustin City Code restricts the
collection of past due business license taxes to a maximum of 3
years taxes and penalties. Currently, Mr. Nili owes the City
$208.25 with the fee increasing to $214.50 if not paid by April 30,
1993. On June 18, 1992, correspondence was sent to Mr. Nili
advising him that as the owner of rental property of 4 or more
units within the City of Tustin, he is required to procure and
maintain a Tustin City business license.
Several months after the initial letter to Mr. Nili, he continued
to operate his complex without a valid business license.
Therefore, two subsequent Business License letters, a "second"
notice and "final" notice, were forwarded to Mr. Nili at his
Boleyn address. These letters again advised Mr. Nili of the
business license requirement and that he was still in violation of
Tustin City Code 2512(a) "operating without a business license."
Through additional investigation and research, in January, 1993,
Code Enforcement Officer Beal discovered that Mr. Nili no longer
lived at the subject property where all previous City
correspondence had been delivered.
Considering the fact that Mr. Nili may not have received any of the
previous correspondence sent to him at the Boleyn address, Officer
Beal initiated a Violation letter to him at his new address in
Costa Mesa. Mr. Nili responded to this letter with a phone message
City Council Report
15551 Boleyn Circle
May 3, 1993
Page 2
which was left on the Code Enforcement extension. Several
unsuccessful attempts were made by staff to contact Mr. Nili by
On March 16, 1993, a "second" notice was sent to Mr. Nili at his
Costa Mesa address, advising him of the continued Tustin City Code
Mr. Nili did respond to this correspondence and inquired as to the
possibility of Business License fee and penalty waiver for the
subject property. This request was based on the fact that the
subject property is located in the southwest neighborhood of the
City. He also inquired as to whether a payment plan for the City
business license would be acceptable.
As per City Council, at the conclusion of the business license
amnesty program this past year, staff has been directed to enforce
the provisions of the City Code requiring payment of license fees
and penalties in full. Therefore, after careful consideration,
correspondence was sent to Mr. Nili on April 14, 1993, advising him
of the decision to deny his request for fee waiver. That notice
stated: Required Action (1) "please submit full payment for
business license and penalties within the next ten (10) days" and
that failure to comply may or will result in citation, bringing
with it the possibility of a fine of up to $500.00.
To date, Mr. Nili has not applied for a Tustin City business
license and remains in violation of Tustin City Code 2512(a)
"operating without a business license" unless otherwise directed by
the City Council, Mr. Nili should make a business license payment
to the City of Tustin in the amount of $214.50.
The Police Department will be available to provide any additional
information on Mr. Nili's inquiry about a wrongful search by the
Police Department at his property if requested by the Council.
Christine A. Shingleton Rit Westfiel
Assistant City Manager Assistant Director