HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 14 ALLWAY STOP CNTL 11-07-94AGENDA, s- NO. 14 11-7-94 Inter-Com ...o- DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJEC~ WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL ALL-WAY STOP CONTROLS STREET AT TUSTIN EAST DRIVE ON SAN JUAN RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of November 7, 1994, adopt Resolution No. 94-125 authorizing the installation of all-way stop sign controls at the intersection of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive, per Figure 1 of the attached Traffic Study. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that the cost to install stop signs and the appropriate pavement markings at the subject intersection is approximately $800.00. Funds are currently available in the Public Works/Engineering Division and Field Services Division budgets to accommodate this work. BACKGROUND: The City of Tustin received a letter, dated August 29, 1994, from Mr. Chris Herbstritt, a Tustin resident expressing concern with traffic on San Juan Street and the apparent inattentiveness of drivers leading to several near-miss traffic accidents. In the letter, Mr. Herbstritt requests that the City of Tustin install stop signs at San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive. A copy of the letter is attached for your information. DISCUSSION: The installation of stop signs is typically justified by satisfying established warrants along with other site specific conditions that warrant the placement of stop signs at a certain location. The stop sign warrants' currently used by the City of Tustin are established by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and are located in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. A Traffic Study (attached) has been prepared to address the appropriateness of installing all-way stop signs at the San Juan Street/Tustin East Drive intersection. The Study not only addresses the satisfaction of stop sign warrants, but also addresses intersection and roadway geometry, potential sight distance restrictions, accident history, parking usage in the area, and future vehicular and pedestrian traffic needs in the future. Authorization to Install All-Way Stop Controls on San Juan Street at Tustin East Drive November 7, 1994 Page 2 Based upon the Study, it has been determined that all-way stop signs should be installed at the San Juan Street/Tustin East Drive intersection. Installation of these stop signs will provide for positive vehicular/pedestrian right-of-way assignment at the specified location. Tim D. Director of Public Works/ City Engineer TD$:DA:SFFED ougl~s R. Anderson Transportation Engineer RESOLUTION NO. 94-125 1 2 $ 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 25 9_7 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DESIGNATING THE LOCATION OF CERTAIN ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL INTERSECTIONS WHEREAS, Section 5323 of the Tustin City Code provides for the designation of stop intersections by resolution of the City Council upon the making of certain findings; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the placement of stop signs at the intersections listed below is necessary to facilitate the flow of traffic and provide for the assignment of vehicular right-of-way; and WHEREAS, said findings are made subsequent to receipt of a traffic engineering report summarizing traffic survey data realistic to said intersections; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Tustin that the intersections set forth below are hereby designated as stop intersections and the City Engineer is hereby directed to place and maintain stop signs at one or more entrances to said intersections as herein specified, and that the resolution shall take effect upon placement of said signs. INTERSECTION SAN JUAN STREET AND TUSTIN EAST DRIVE PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 7th day of November 1994. ATTEST: Thomas R. Saltarelli, Mayor City Clerk AUG 3 i Igsz/ ,~- .OEI~ , 'STIN PUBLIC VL'ii,i.g ldr~ Z~VE ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC ISSUF~ CONCERNING TIlE INTERSECTION OF SAN JUAN STREET AND TUSTIN EAST DRIVE INCLUDING AN ALL-WAY STOP WARRANT STUDY By Charles RM~i Date CITY OF TUSTIN Engineering Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92680 (714) 573-3140 October 19, 1994 SUBJECT: The City has received a letter from Mr. Chris Herbstritt, dated August 29, 1994, requesting that the City install two stop signs on the San Juan Street approaches at the tee-intersection of Tustin East Drive. Copies of his letter and a City response are attached to this study. Tustin East Drive currently has stop sign control. The intersection location is shown on Figure 1. The stated purpose for the additional stop signs is that traffic moves too fast and therefore pedestrians (especially children) crossing San Juan Street are in danger. This problem came to his attention when a friend in a wheelchair was almost hit by a vehicle crossing San Juan Street at the subject intersection. This study addresses the findings of the field investigation and discusses the all-way stop sign warrant analysis. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The installation of all-way stop sign control at the intersection of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive should be installed at this time. STATEMENT OF THY_, ISSUES OR PROBLEMS: All-way stops impose substantial inconveniences on traffic by requiring all vehicular traffic to stop at an intersection. All vehicles would be delayed entering an all-way stopped intersection, whereas presently only about one-fifth of the entering vehicles at the subject intersection are delayed. All-way stop control can provide for safe and orderly traffic and pedestrian movement. The installation of stop signs are typically justified by satisfying established warrants. The City currently uses stop sign warrants established by Caltrans and currently found in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. There is a yellow crosswalk at the west intersection leg which is uncontrolled at the present time. Veeh Elementary School is located on the north side of San Juan Street at the subject intersection. An adult crossing guard aids the elementary school children crossing in this crosswalk during school hours. 624 pedestrians were observed using this crosswalk during the school hours counted. Current City policy is not ~to recommend the installation of crosswalks at uncontrolled locations. CITY OF TUSTIN BY DATE CHKD. BY__ DATE SHEET NO. OF FILE NO. k_ =InN=lAY ONIN~O~8 N~$nJ. It is a common belief of the general public that stop signs can furnish relief from speeding problems. However, many studies conducted nationwide show that speeds within a block of the stop sign ~re either the same as they were or higher. Another concern is whether drivers will comply with the stop control. It has been shown that there is good compliance by drivers at a high volume, warranted intersection with four intersection legs. In a recent national study, it was indicated that at low volume tee-intersections with unwarranted all-way stop signs, approximately eleven percent of the drivers complied with the stop sign. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Marjorie Veeh Elementary School is located on the north side of San Juan Street with about 320 feet of school frontage to the west for the extended centerline of Tustin East Drive, and 340 feet to the east. Students access the school from this area. The subject intersection of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive has a marked cross-hatched yellow crosswalk at the west intersection leg and a marked yellow crosswal~ at the south intersection leg. The intersection has stop sign control for the Tustin East Drive approach. The crosswalk approach for the west leg is signed with a SW25 (School Pedestrian Xing Symbol with the SCHOOL XING legend on the sign). In general, San Juan Street is 41 feet wide, curb to curb, and has a parking lane at each curb and two travel lanes - one in each direction. San Juan Street is centerline striped with a broken yellow line. There is 40 feet of red curb on the south side of San Juan Street west of the crosswalk and 39 feet of red curb on the north side on each side of the crosswalk. Except for the school, the majority of the land use is multiple-family residential. There is some single-family land use further to the east and commercial land use near Red Hill Avenue. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The City's accident record log for the last three years (1993, 1992, 1991) and the first eight months of this year has been researched and the accident description is noted in the following table: 3 TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMARY LOCATION ~ SAN JUAN STREET AND TUSTIN EAST DRIVE Accident Date 5/13/93 Accident Description NB vehicle stopped and then pulled out in front of a left-turning WB vehicle. EB = eastbound; WB ~ westbound; NB = northbound; SB ~ southbound Several field reviews have been made of the study area. When school is convening and concluding, there is considerable vehicle and pedestrian activity. The adult crossing guard is effective in controlling the school pedestrian and vehicle traffic. During the other time periods, the street activity appeared relatively normal. No extreme speeds have been observed by city staff. The posted speed limit on San Juan Street is 35 MPH. The spot speed study, dated February 28, 1994, shows a 85th percentile speed of 35.9 MPH. Out of a sample of 112, 5 vehicles exceed 40 MPH; 3 vehicles at 42 MPH and 2 at 44 MPH. The pace speed range is 27 to 36 MPH with 80.4 % of the sample. San Juan Street functions as a local collector street averaging about 4,500 daily trips. All-way stop sign control warrants include an overall general warrant that states if the traffic volumes on the intersection streets are approximately equal, then any of the other three warrants that follow may be used to warrant the installation of an all-way stop sign control. Part 1 of the all-way stop warrant evaluates the urgent need for traffic signal installation. Part 2 of the all-way stop warrant evaluates traffic accident experience. Part 3 of the all-way stop warrant evaluates the intersection traffic volumes. Total entering volume from the intersection approaches and the volume from the minor leg are analyzed separately. The all-way stop warrant for the subject intersection is summarized in the following table: DETER/~INATXON Overall Major Warrant. The traffic volume ratio between San~ Are the intersection approach volumes Juan Street and Tustin East Drive is approximately equal? 5.1:1. The over-all warrant is NOT satisfied. Part 1. Are traffic signals justified? NO Are they needed urgently? NO Part 2. Accidents at intersection that are I intersection accidents - NO correctable - 5 or more in a 12 month period. Part 3. Total = 406 vph (500 vph min) NO Traffic Volumes. Minor = 139 vph (200 vph min) NO Comment. Total volume is 8! % met. Minor volume is 70 % met. The line-of-sight characteristics of the crosswalk and intersection are shown on figure 2. Based on the existing red curb placements and assuming worst case parking, the existing lines-of-sight for the crosswalk have a design that is less than 20 miles per hour. In order to gain 35 MPH lines-of-sight for the crosswalk, the red curb will have to be extended 65 feet on the south side of the street and 75 feet for each on the north side. It is noted that there is heavy parking demand in the area, especially during the evening and night-time hours. There could conceivably be considerable violation of no parking zones if addtional red curb is painted on San Juan Street, thereby necessitating police enforcement of the red curb. COM/~ENT The existing yellow cross-hatched crosswalk across the west intersection leg of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive is at an uncontrolled location since traffic is not required to stop at the intersection for San Juan Street. Within the City of Tustin, crosswalks are not currently being installed at uncontrolled intersections. The primary purpose of marking crosswalks with paint is to guide pedestrians into the proper path to cross the roadway. In the vicinity of Veeh Elementary School there are many children. The crosswalk was previously painted to provide guidance for the proper route to cross San Juan Street. This study validates the justification for the marked crosswalk at this location. However, if the installation of the crosswalk was being considered in the present, it would not be installed unless accompanied by stop sign controls. The study indicates that the traffic volumes at the study intersection are not sufficient to satisfy the all-way stop control warrants completely. However, the total traffic volume and minor intersection leg volumes are 81 percent and 70 percent satisfied, respectfully. Given that the design speed for the crosswalk lines-of-sight is less than 20 MPH, consideration should be given to using 70 percent warrants in compensation. In this case, then, all-way stop control is warranted. 5 CITY OF TUSTIN BY DATE CHKD. BY DATE -.% Engineering judgement based on traffic engineering experience must be utilized in the determination of traffic control for the crosswalk. Based upon the study, most of the pedestrians in the area are elementary school age children, and there is a need to route their walking paths throuqh the study intersection. 70 percent all-way stop warrants are satisfied. Current City policy is to install marked crosswalks at controlled locations. Given these considerations at this location, it is recommended that the all-way stop control be installed for the San Juan Street directions at this location. When the all-way stop sign controls are installed, the lines-of-sight will be adequate for the crosswalk and intersection and there will be no need to paint additional lengths of red curb to provide adequate sight lines for the crosswalk. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of all-way stop sign control at the'int'er~ection of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive should be installed at this time. Attachments: SNJNTSE. R~ Letter of request and response All-way stop sign warrant sheets Public Works / Engineering September 8, 1994 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (7'14) 573-3150 ' FAX (714) 832-0825 Chris Herbstritt 13802 Tustin East Drive, ~67 Tustin, CA 92680 subject: Request To Install All-Way stop Signs At The Intersection Of San Juan Street And Tustin East Drive (P.W. File No. 1093) Dear Mr. Herbstritt: The Engineering Division has received your letter dated August 29, 1994, regarding the noted subject and the speed of traffic on San Juan Street. We will be investigating the subject request and we will notify you of the results at the completion of our investigation. The concerns, regarding speeding are being forwarded to the Tustin Police Department for their determination. Your request for a second all-way stop sign control at the intersection of San Juan Avenue and Farmington Road may be investigated in the future pending the results of the current investigations. Thank you for your letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Douglas Anderson of my staff at (714) 573-3150. Sincerely, Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager SEPTF~MBER 8, 1994 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: LT. ROBERT SCHOENKOPF TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT DANA R. KASDAN, PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING OOMPLAINT OF SPEEDING ON SAN JUAN STREET (P.W. File No. 1093) We have received a letter of complaint regarding speeding on San Juan Street between Red Hill Avenue and Browning Avenue. Included in the letter is a request to install all-way stop sign controls at the Tustin East Drive and Farmington Road intersections with San Juan Street. We plan to investigate the intersection of San Juan Street and Tustin East Drive for all-way stop control in the later part of September for all-way stop control warrants. Please determine if additional enforcement of the speed limit is needed at this tim~. If there are any questions, please call me or Doug Anderson of my staff. Dana R. Kasdan ~ Engineering Services Manager Attachments: Letter from Christ Herbstritt Letter to Christ Herbstritt r'-. .~P e.e_O ~.;:'.~. J '77:F '-~ 2'. F) ~ ;L ~ "" ' i, z d -, ~¢,'7 7v';C'~K ",Kf;! ZFHC (.')-~3' t.O(2 ....... . . , ...=- .. ., ._ ,: · .'!JSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.' ~..~B~ _.hN.O_ ._TUb.Z~..:~3~_~V~, _ 0~ ~- R~ NTERSECTION OF CITY OF TUSTIN 4-WAY STOP ~/ARRANT ..~// ~'"~a~ ,.5'-~ AND "~$"'/','~ (Major Street) (Minor Street) Any of the following conditions may warrant a 4-way stop control where the volume of traffic on the intersecting treets is approximately equal: . Where traffic signals are warranted and the need is urgent, the -stop is an interim measure. · Accident occurrence, as indicated by 5 or more reported ccidents of a type susceptible of correction by a 4-way top installation in a 12-month period. Types of accidents asceptible of correction include right angle as well as ight- and left-turn collisions. Meets signal warrants? yes; ~fi'no. Urgent? Accidents = / 5 or more? __ yes; . Minimum Volume Warrant: a. Total entering volume must average at least 500 vph any 8 hours of an average day. ENTERING TRAFFIC VOLUME for 8 hours = 1 hour ave. = ~-/,/ b.The combined 'vehicular and pedestrian volume from minor street must average 200 unites per hour with an average delay of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour. Side street volume and peals for same 8 hours = /~ / I hour ave. - ./fid DELAY c. When the 85th - percentile approach speed of the major street exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70% of the above requirement. 85th%-tile speed = ~ 70th% applies? __.yes; no. Applicable minimum volumes: Total 35TM .; Minor 'raffle Volume Ratio Determination Traffic volume on major street approaches Traffic volume on minor street approaches Total volume RATIO =- ..~-", 4-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANTED? (Y~__ NO. Calc. b y :~'4'~e,' date: INTERSECTION OF CITY OF TUSTIN ALL-WAY STOP WARRANrr ~'~'~ ,,.Jzr.,,~,4 ff--/--' AND (Major Street) (Minor Street) Any of the following Conditions may warrant an all-way stop control where the volume of traffic on the intersecting streets is approx mate y equal: 1. Where traffic signals are warranted and the need is urgent, the all-stop is an interim measure. Meets signal warrants? __yes; ko. Urgent? 2. Accident occurrence, as indicated by 5 or more reported accidents of a type susceptible of correction by an way-way stop installation in a 12-month period. Types of accidents susceptible of correction include right angle as well as right- and left-turn collisions. Accidents = / 5~nre? -- Minimum Volume Warrant: a. Total entering volume must average at least 500 vph any 8 hours of an average day. ENTERING TRAFFIC VOLUM~ ~ . for 8 hours = ~ 24'7 ~.,~: , .,,,-w.a:, I hour ave. = 406, 4-~'1 b.The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from minor street must average 200 unites per hour with an average delay of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour. Side street volume and peds for same 8 hours = II t ~ I hour ave. - /.~ ~/ DELAY = /Y~v4a~a~-~.~. c. When the 85th - percentile approach speed of the major street exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70% of the above requirement. 85th%-tile speed = 70th% applies? __yes; no. Applicable minimum volumes: Total 3~'~D ; Minor /4-49 Traffic Volume Ratio Determination Traffic volume on major street approaches Traffic volume on minor street approaches Total volume RAT10 = .~'~,/ Comments: ALL-WAY STOP CONTROL WARRANTED? Calc. by: / __ NO. date: ~' '-~' ~ -,~>'~'~ CITY OF TUSTIN SHEET NO. OF FILE NO. ~