HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 EAST TRANS CORR 10-17-94AGENDA]o-,
NO. 13
,nter- oo
OCTOBER 17, 1994
It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of October 17,
1994, oppose the proposed modifications to Eastern Transportation
Corridor Resolution 92F-09, paragraph 2b concerning the possibility of
opening of the Corridor prior to construction of the Jamboree
Road/Edinger Avenue interchange, and approve in concept the development
of a long-term contractual funding agreement with the Transportation
Corridor Agencies for repayment of fair-share interchange costs.
There will be no fiscal impact associated with the present City Council
On May 14, 1992, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency
Board of Directors certified the final Environmental Impact Report for
the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) and approved a number of
resolutions concerning corridor implementation. Included in the
approved resolutions were conditions relative to the engineering design
and environmental studies as well as implementation scheduling and
Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) for roadway improvements south of the
West Leg termination (vicinity of Walnut Avenue) along Jamboree Road,
commonly referred to as the Transition Area.
Resolution 92F-06, adopted on May 14, 1992 and amended on March 22,
1994, specified that prior to completion of the final design for the ETC
the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) shall administer, fund and
complete the engineering design and environmental studies for roadway
improvements to Jamboree Road south of the Terminus of the West Leg of
the ETC including: a) Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue grade separation and
interchange; b) Jamboree Road widened to eight lanes south to Barranca
Parkway; and c) Jamboree Road/Barranca Parkway grade separation and
interchange pursuant to certain specified conditions.
Also part of Resolution 92F-06 is provision No. 2 which specifies that
"Prior to final design for the ETC: a) A Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) shall be entered into which defines the TCA as the lead agency and
defines the roles of the Cities of Irvine and Tustin as cooperating
agencies in the environmental process" and "b) a MOU shall be entered
into identifying fair-share funding between TCA, City of Irvine and City
of Tustin regarding construction of the above improvements".
Modifications to Ea=_=rn Transportation Corridu. Approval Resolutions
and Funding of the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue Interchange (West Leg
Transition Area)
October 17, 1994
Page 2
A Memorandum of Understanding regarding implementation of environmental
and engineering studies for the above Jamboree Road improvements south
of the ETC West Leg terminus which defined the TCA as the lead agency
and the roles of the Cities of Irvine and Tustin for those improvements
was approved by the TCA Chief Executive Officer, the Tustin City Council
on September 6, 1994 and the Irvine City Council on October 11, 1994.
In regards to the fair-share funding MOU, discussions are in process
with the TCA and staffs from the Cities of Irvine and Tustin. Further
comments on this matter are addressed below.
AS noted above, Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) approval
Resolution No. 92F-06 obligated the TCA, City of Irvine and City of
Tustin to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that would identify
fair-share funding between the three parties for construction of
Jamboree Road improvements south of the terminus of the West Leg of the
ETC in the Transition Area, most notably the Jamboree Road/Edinger
Avenue improvements.
TCA staff has been informally working with the City of Irvine and City
of Tustin staffs regarding just such a funding MOU. A study has
previously been prepared by TCA which identified their proportional
funding share at 28%. Based upon the study and the presence of three
(3) parties they have agreed to a 33-1/3% maximum funding share, with
the remaining 66-2/3% of the costs left to the Cities of Irvine and
TCA has now indicated that they would be willing to fund the entire
Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue interchange costs (currently estimated at
$16.5 million) in the overall ETC long term project financing package
with later reimbursement by Irvine and Tustin provided that both cities
have entered into a formal contractual arrangement for repayment of
their fair-share of the total interchange costs. Under such an
arrangement and based upon a maximum 33-1/3% level of participation,
each City's obligation could be in the $5.5 million range based upon the
current expected total cost of $16.5 million. TCA staff have pointed
out that such an agreement will be heavily scrutinized by potential
financial lenders who will require that the City of Irvine and Tustin's
obligations be backed by some form of security or collateral, such as
future gas tax allocations.
Without prior notice to the Cities of Irvine or Tustin, TCA staff is now
recommending that the TCA Board consider modifying paragraph 2b 6f ETC
Resolution 92F-09 (see attached TCA staff report No. 23) so that in the
event such an agreement between the three parties is not entered into
the TCA can open the full Eastern Transportation Corridor prior to
construction of the grade separation and interchange at Jamboree
Road/Edinger Avenue. Such a modification would be completely contrary
to the essence of the original wording of approved Resolution 92F-09,
paragraph 2b, which stipulates that "A grade separation and interchange
at Jamboree Road and Edinger Avenue shall be opened to traffic prior to
Modifications to East~ Transportation Corridor /proval Resolutions
and Funding of the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue lnterchange (West Leg
Transition Area)
October 17, 1994
Page 3
or at the same time as the opening of the ETC West Leg in the Transition
In addition, ETC approval Resolution No. 92F-06 and the recently City
Council executed MOU with the TCA already affirms both Cities strong
commitments to participate in their fair-share funding responsibilities
for the proposed improvements. To bring forth such a proposed change is
therefore considered inappropriate in light of the previous commitments.
It should be indicated that City staff has no problem with the other TCA
staff recommended actions to their Board relative to recommendations
Nos. 1, 2 and 4 (see attached TCA staff report No. 23). The matter has
been discussed at the Technical Advisory Committee, the Foothill/Eastern
Operations Committee, the Budget/Finance Committee and on October 13,
1994, at the Foothill/Eastern Board of Directors Meeting and action on
the proposed resolution changes has been deferred one month to enable
the Cities of Tustin and Irvine to meet with TCA.
It appears that there is strong support amongst the other agency members
that such wording modifications to Resolution 92F-09, paragraph 2b be
provided so in their minds the opening of the entire corridor is not
potentially held hostage in Irvine and Tustin's financial dealings with
Other agency members may need to be contacted by Tustin's elected
officials to provide a local perspective on this issue. It needs to be
emphasized that the Jamboree/Edinger improvements are a significant
regional facility not just one serving local needs and that the need to
implement the interchange improvements now is driven by the opening of
the Transportation Corridor and not current traffic demands. It should
be further emphasized that the City recognizes its obligations to enter
into a financial agreement with the TCA and the City of Irvine for
funding its fair share of the improvement costs provided that specific
details of the financial arrangements are clearly delineated and are of
acceptable terms.
Since it is clearly not in the best interest of the City of Tustin, it
is recommended that the City Council oppose the proposed modifications
to ETC Resolution 92F-09, paragraph 2b concerning the possibility of
opening the corridor prior to construction of the Jamboree Road/Edinger
Avenue interchange; and that the City Council approve in concept the
development of a contractual funding agreement with the TCA for
repayment of fair-share interchange costs.
Director of Public Works/
City Engineer
Dana R. ~asdah ~
Engineering Services Manager
TDS: DRK: ecg .' etcfund
Report No. 23
File No. 94F-003
BOARD MEETING DATE: October 13, 1994
Modifications to ETC Approval Resolutions and
Funding of Jamboree/Edinger Interchange
Approve the concept of TCA funding the entire Jamboree/Edinger interchange costs in
the ETC Project financing with later reimbursemem by the cities of Tustin and Irvine;
Authorize increased funding for the Jamboree/Edinger Interchange design from $350,000
to $1,200,000 with approval by the Chief Executive Officer of an amendment to the
Agreement between EMA and TCA.
Adopt changes to ETC Policy Resolution 92F-09 through the addition of Paragraph 2b
contained herein; and,
Adopt changes to ETC West Leg Approval Resolution 92F-06 through the addition of
Paragraph 1A contained herein.
Alternative strategies have been identified to ensure opening of the West Leg and consmlction of
the Jamboree/Edinger interchange and Jamboree/Barranca intersection improvements while
facilitating obtaining bond financing for the ETC. This requires modifications to two resolutions
adopting the ETC West Leg and the policy regarding construction of the ETC.
Cost: F/E: $850,000
SJH: -0-
;--~31 E. SANDPOINTE AVE., SUEE ~0, SANTA ALVA, CA 9£707 7'14/43E..9800 FAX 714/436.9848
September 21, 1994
F/ETC Board of Directors
ETC Project Manager
Modifications to ETC Approval Resolutions and
Funding of Jamboree/Edinger Interchange
Approve the concept of TCA funding the entire Jamboree/Edinger interchange costs in
the ETC Project financing with later reimbursement by the cities of Tustin and Irvine;
Authorize increased funding for the Jamboree/Edinger Interchange design from $350,000
to $1,200,000 with approval by the Chief Executive Officer of an amendment to the
Agreement between EMA and TCA.
Adopt changes to ETC Policy Resolution 92F-09 through the addition of Paragraph 2b
contained herein; and,
Adopt changes to ETC West Leg Approval Resolution 92F-06 through the addition of
Paragraph lA contained herein.
The TCA and the Cities of Irvine and Tusfin have prepared a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOIY) regarding inaplementation of environmental and engineering studies for the widening of
Jamboree Road to eight lanes between Barranca Parkway and Edinger Avenue and the Jamboree
Road/Barranca Parkway grade separation and interchange consistent with Item 2a of Resolution
92F-09 and Items lc and 2 of Resolution 92F-06. The MOU that defines the TCA as the lead
agency and the roles of the Cities of lrvine and Tustin. The TCA Chief Executive Officer and
the Tusfin City Council have authorized the MOU. The Irvine City Council is expected to
authorize the MOU in October, 1994, al~er which the MOU will be fully executed and in force.
Modifications to ETC Approval Resolutions
Page 2
Discussions are underway between the TCA and the cities of Irvine and Tustin to identify the
fair-share funding responsibility for the Jamboree Road/Edinger Avenue grade separation and
interchange consistent with Item 2b of Resolution 92F-06. Fair share studies were prepared by
TCA and presented to the cities. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is in preparation to
address fair share funding and implementation responsibilities and completion is anticipate by
the end of 1994.
Of the three projects on the ETC West Leg south of the transition area, two are being
incorporated into the Eastern Corridor Project funding. The status and progress on
implementation of these improvements since incorporation into the ETC Project is as follows:
~ The TCA commissioned EMA to 1) incorporate the interchange
improvements into the Moulton Parkway Smart Street EIR which was accomplished and the
document certified in October, 1993; 2) prepare a Project Report for the interchange which was
completed by EMA and approved in April, 1994; and 3) contract for fmai design of the
interchange for which the process is underway.
Jamboree Widening - The TCA retained Austin Foust to perform traffic studies to determine
when these improvements would be required. These studies showed that the widening would not
be required with the initial opening of the ETC and the requirement for widening this section of
Jamboree Road was deferred by Amendment to Resolution 92F-06, date April 14, 1994.
Jamboree/Barranca Intereham,e - Austin Foust also studied the traffic requirement at this
intersection and determined that at-grade intersection improvements would satisfy the traffic
requirements of the initial ETC opening and the interchange improvement project could be
deferred. This deferral until after the Corridor is opened to traffic was also accomplished by the
Amendment to Resolution 92F-06 on April 14, 1994. The intersection improvements required to
satisfy the early year traffic were conceptually developed to determine the need for additional
right of way and relocation of transmission lines.
Jamboree/Edinger Interchange
Project activities are progressing as discussed herein. Design of the interchange was initially
planned to be performed in-house by EMA and $350,000 was authorized by TCA. It has now
been determined that an outside consultant is needed and the cost of design is estimated at
$1,200,000. EMA is administering for TCA the selection of an engineering consultant for design
of the project which process will be concluded in October, 1994: A twelve month design
Modifications to ETC Approval Resolutions
Page 3
schedule is planned which will allow construction to begin in early 1996 and be completed in the
1998-99 timefi'ame, prior to opening of the ETC scheduled for September 30, 1999. Funding for
the recommended increase will be from the available cash flow.
The TCA is on schedule for Implementation of the Interchange Improvements and is committed
to comply with Resolution 92F-09 including Provision 2b which states that the Jamboree Road
and Edinger Avenue grade separation and intemhange shall be opened to traffic prior to or at the
same time as the opening of the ETC West Leg in the Transition Area. Implementation of these
improvements within the time frame specified could be jeopardized by inability of the cities of
Irvine and Tustin to meet their fair share funding of these improvements. To meet the intent of
Resolution 92F-09 and support the requirements of bond financing, it is proposed and
recommended that the following clause be added to Paragraph 2b of Resolution 92F-09:
"The TCA has agreed that Agency, subject to Cities inability to initially provide
their fair-share funding, will advance the cost of the Edinger Avenue/Jamboree
Road grade separation and interchange provided that the cities of Irvine and
Tustin have entered into a formal contractual arrangement for repayment of their
fair-share of the total interchange costs. Lacking such agreement with the Cities
will not relieve the TCA of the obligation to pursue construction of the
interchange but will allow opening of the full Eastern Transportation Corridor
facility prior to the construction of the grade separation and interchange. All
parties to the arrangement agree to pursue supplemental funding (including
Measure M funds) for these improvements to offset the total cost of the
Jamboree/Barranca Intersection
Conceptual layouts of intersection improvements that were recently developed suggest that the
required initial impmvemems can be accomplished without impacting the existing overhead
transmission line towers and without requiring MCAS(I-I) Tustin fight of way, provided certain
compromise highway geometric standards are applied. These include the reduction of traffic and
bike lane widths and deferral of the sidewalk adjacent to the Base. These concepts are being
developed into preliminary plans to be followed by design and construction of the improvements
by TCA.
The Agency is committed to comply with Resolution 92F-06 including Item lA, as amended
April 14, 1994, which states that: "Prior to completion of the f'mal design for the ETC the final
design for the initial improvements necessary for the Jamboree/Barranca intersection shall be
completed. These improvements shall be opened prior to or at the same time as the opening of
the ETC West Leg in the Transition Area."
Modifications to ETC Approval Resolutions
Page 4
Relocation of existing overhead power line supports and potential acquisition of right-of-way
from the MCAS(H) Tustin could cause delays in the schedule for construction of these
interchange improvements. To meet the intent of Resolution 92F-06 and support the
requirements of bond financing the TCA staff recommends that the following clause be added to
Resolution 92F-06 to Paragraph lA:
"It is intended that the design of the intersection in the Initial Project not include
right of way from MCAS(H) Tustin or other properties and to avoid relocation of
the overhead power lines in the median of Barranea Parkway. It is recognized that
if such fight of way or relocations are necessitated by the design, the
implementation of those design improvements shall not delay opening of the full
Eastern Transportation Corridor."
May 14. 1992
Amended April 14, 1994
On motion of Board Member Diehl, duly seconded and, carried, the following
resolution was adopted;.-
WI're. REAS, the Eastern Transportation Corridor ('ETC) has been identified as a
needed facilityin studies of existing ~ projected travel demand in Orange county beginning with
the 1980 Northeast Orange County Circulation Study;, and
~, the Multimodal Transportation Study and Refinement Study, and the
Northeast Orange County Circulation Study evaluated land use and transportation alternatives for
northeastern Orange County;, and '
~, the ETC was added to the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial
--Hishways bythe Orange County Bo~d of Supervisors in Ausust, 1981; and
WHEREAS, following addition of the ETC to the Master Plan of Arterial
Highways, baseline environmental studies and praliminai7 engineering analyses for the ETC and
the Foothill Transportation Corridor were conducted, and Environmental Impact Report No. 123
was prepared end certified; and
~, in February 1986, the Orange County Board of Supervisors selected
18 links to be evaluated u pan of the ETC Route Location Study and Tier 1 Environmental
Docmnent; and
WI~-P-.EAS, EIR No. 451 addressed potential environmental effects associated
with the 18 links end a range of non-alignment alternatives for the ETC; and
WHEREAS, FIR. No. 451 was certified by the Orange County Board of
Supervisors on June 8, 1988, and a preferred alignment was selected by the Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor Agency and the Orange County Board of Supervisors in June 1988; and
WHEREAS, the ETC was officinlly phced on the State Hishway System in
Sanuary 1989 by the state Le~s!ature, now designated as State Route 231 and State Route 261;
WHEREAS, the Foothill, Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency issued a Notic~
)of Preparation on December 27, 1988, and a Revised Notice of Preparatlon on J'anuary 24, 1991;
wI-n~REAS, duly noticed scoping hearings were held on Ianuary 10, 1989, and
J'anua~, 12, 1989, concerning the ETC project; and
WI~-REAS, numerous other public hearings and meetings have been held
concerning the ETC project; and
WHEREAS, Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 2 was distributed for public
review on November 8~,-1991, for a period of public review lasting until December 30, 1991, and '
the public review p~riod was expanded until January 17, 1992; and
"WHEREAS, public information meetings were held on Dral~ Environmental
Impact Report No. 2 on November 19, November 21, and December $, 1991; and
1992; and
WHEREAS, public heatings were held on December 12, 1991 and February 13,
W/~-R.EAS, TCA Draft ~ No. 2 was prepared and circulated pursuant to the
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and
ithe Foothill/Ea~em Transportation Corridor Agency CEQA Procedures; and
WHEREAS, written comments were received during and after the public commeat
period, and a written response was prepared to written comments and to oral comments at the
public hearing, which employ a good faith, reasoned analysis to describe and address the
disposition of environmental issues raised by the comments; and
WI-~-REAS, the response to comments was dism'buted to commenting agencies
and members of the public on March l?, 1992, for a period of public review ending April 16,
1992; and
~, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
incorporated the ETC into the Regional Mobility Plan after analyzing regional transportation
alternatives for the Southern California region; and
~, SCAG, as the designated Metropolitan Planning Orga~,~tion under
the Federal Clean Air Act, has included the ETC in the Transportation Improvement Program and
has certified that the Transportation Improvement Program conforms with the requirements of the
State Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act; and
WI4~-~, the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Callfomia
~Air l~asources Board included the Res~onal Mobility Plan as a component of the 1989 Air O-nifty
l~fanasemant Plan and identified the ETC as a Tier I transportation control measure in tha- 1~8~
Air Quality Management plan after~analy'zin8 regional alternatives for achieving attainment with
the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of the Federal Clean Air Act; and
~FdEREAS, the 1991 Air Quality Management Plan and the Regional Mobility
Plan assume that both mixed use and HOV lanes will be constructed on the ETC by the year
2010, and SCAG and the Foothill/Ea~em Transportation Corridor Agency have entered into a
memorandum of understanding regarding the timing of HOV lane implementation, and the use of
toll pricing mechanisms to encourage higher vehicle occupancy; and
~.~, toll facilities provide an inherent financial incentive to encourage
HOV usegei and
'WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (TCA Final EIR No. 2) has
been prepared pursuant to CEQA and to the State of California CEQA Guidelines which includes
the fonowing:
1. TCA Draft EIR No. 2;
2. TCADraft ~-n~.No. 2 Technical Studies; -
3. Comments received on TCA Drat% ~ No. 2;
4. Responses to comments on TCA Draft HIR No. 2;
5. Comments, and responses to comments received on the Responses to
Comments on TCA Draft E1R No. 2;
6. StaffReports of the Transportation Corridor Agency concerning Draft
and Fired TCA EIR No. 2;
WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of
Directors has conducted duly noticed public hearln~s concerning the certification of TCA lrmal
l~n~ No. 2 and concerning the approval of the ETC project on December 12, 1991, February 13,
1992 and May 14, 1992, and heard evidence from all persons interested in testifying concerning
the certification of TCA Final EIR No. 2 and the approval of the ETC project; and
WI-~-REAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Conidor A&ency Board of
Directors has reviewed and considered TCA lrmal I~_IK No. 2 and has considered the oral and
w~iian comments on the TCA Final FIR No. 2 and the responses thereto prior to approving the
project; and
WI-n~.REAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Board of Directors has
certified TCA Final EIR No. 2 as adequate and complete prior to taking action on the project:
NOW, THEILEFORE, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Board of
Directors resolves as follows that:
1. The Wes~ Leg of the-ETC, described as the Corridor with West Leg
(2lA) Alternative in TCA Final EIR No. 2 Cmcluding interchanges and other ancillary facilities
described in TCA lrmal El[IL No. 2), is hereby adopted.
2. In the Peters Canyon area, as described in TCA Final EIR No. 2, the '
West Leg Alignment designated as 21AolH (with adoption of 21A-5 under the criteria outlined in
Mhigation Measure AL-l) and 21A-IS is hereby adopted.
3. In the Tustin Plain area, the Refined Concept Alignment (semi-
depressed), as describedgn TCA Final FIR No. 2, is hereby adopted.
· . 4. In the Transition Area, as de, scribed in TCA Final EIR No. 2, the
alignment designated as lC Modified (consistent with Mitigation Measure T-14) is hereby
5. The Environmental Findings, Facts in Support of Findings, and
Statement of Overriding Considerations attached as Attachment "A" of Resolution No. 92F-06
are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
6. The Mitigation Monitoring Plan attached hereto as Attachment "B' in
Resolution No. 92F-06 is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
7. The mitigation meaauras described in the Mitigation Monitoring
Program attached as Attachment "B' of Resolution No. 92F-05 are hereby adopted and
incorporated herein by reference.
8. The Chief Executive Officer of the Transportation Conidor Agencies is
authorized to initiate such steps as necessary to: (i) prepare final construction plans, specifications
and estimates; ('fi) acquire right-of-way; (',ii) obtain financing for the construction of the ETC; ('iv)
implement the mitigation measures identified in Attachment "B'; (v) obtain necessary permits and
approvals for the construction of the ETC; (vi) take such other steps as may be necessary to
construct the ETC and open the facility to traffic as early as feast"vle; and (vii) bring back to this
Board any appropriate recommendations to further knplement the foregoing.
BE IT FUR. TH~P, R~SOLVED that adoption of the West Leg of the ETC as set
forth in this resolution is subject to the following conditions of approval:
lh-ior to completion of the fmai Design for the I:-TC, the TCA shall administer,
fund and complete the engineering design and environmental studies for the
Edinger/J'arnboree grade separation and interchange.
An~ financial constricts relative to improvement~ within the project limits shall
aot impsct flnucial fea~oilit7 of thase intprovemeets south of'the West LeS
terminus. Fundtn8 for these projects will be developed between TCA, Irvino and
.Prior to completion of the final design for the ETC the final design for the initial
,?~ necessary for the ~'amboree/Barranca intersection shall be completed.
The~ improvements shall be opened prior to or at the same time as the opening of the
ETC West Leg in the Transition Area.
With Respect to the ultimate ~'amboree widening and the ultimate lamboree/Barranca
intersection improvements the following conditions shall apply:
Jamboree widened to eight lanes south to Bnrranca improvement-
Besinning with the first quarter of 1995, the TCA shall prepare an
annual update to the ETC West Leg Transition Area Phasing
Analysis (November 1993) and shsll validate the results of the
update with the Cities of Irvine and Tustim
Upon opening the Corridor to traffic, TCA shall monitor dally and
peak hour trsl~c volumes on this roadway segment and prepar~ an
analysis on a yearly basis showing uaflic volume trends and a
projection of when service levels will reach level of service 'D".
Approximately three years prior to reaching the projected level of
service 'D", TCA shall initiate, administer, fund and complete
engineering design and environmental studies for the two lane
widening of this segment.
b) lamboredBarranca ~rade separation and interchange improvement-
Beaming with the first quarter of 1995, the TCA shall prepare an
annual update to the ETC West Leg Transition Area Phasing
Analysis (November 1993) and shah validate the results ofthe
update with the Cities ofhvine and Tustim
Upon opening the Corridor to traffic, TCA shall monitor daily and
peak hour tra~¢ volumes on each leg of'the intersection and
prepare an analysis on a yearly basis showing tr~c volume trends
and a projection of when service levels will reach level of service
Approximately three years prior to reachin8 the projected level of
sm'vice *D*, TCA shall initiate, administer, fired and complete
enginem~n~ design and environmental studies'for a ~rada separation
and interchangn.
TCA shall work with the City of Irvine and the City of Tustin to define the improvements
(identified in lB above) and identify the pm-ties responsible for the fight-of-way
requirements, fimdln8 sources and the implementation procedure, including c~)nstrucilon
and timing. This shall include design and environmental studies consistent with the Tustin
Ba~e Reuse Plan and the City of Irvine Planning Area 10.
Prior. to ~ design for tbe ETC:
A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall be entered into which
define~ the TCA ~ the lead a~ency and defines the roles of the Citie~ of
Irvine ~md Tustin as cooperating agencies in the environmental process.
A MOU shall be entered into identifying ~air-share funding between TCA,
City of Irvlne, and City of Tustin regarding construction of the above
BE 1T FURTI-TI~ RESOLVED that, thi~ l~..solution is approved, adopted and
signed this 14th day of April, 1994, and .~hsl! take. effect immediately.
Chairman of the Foothill/Eastern
Transportation Corridor Agency
Corridor Ageacy
.... , I hereb~ cer~ ~ the ~oresolns lt~olutlon wu ~ ~dopted b~ the Board ofDirecton ort~
~Footl~l/E.m~ Tr~pons~ion Co~dor ~ ~t ~ ~ .ch~lul~d m~tinS t~mor on
14th d~ o~April, 1994, I~ th~ ~ollowin~ vot~ oftl~ Bo~d:
Secretary ofth~ FoothilU
East~n Transpo~,afion
Corridor A~ency
May 14, 1992
. On motion of Board Member Diehl, duly seconded and caJ'ried, the following
resolution was adopted:
as a need--,'~--'.~R. EAS' ~e ~em Transportation Corridor O · ·
.... ~. ,~=.~y ,n stuales ot existina an ,,,,,,..,._., ..... (ET) has been idemified
inmn . d ..,.,,j.,,,.u ~ravel oeman
oeg g with We 1980 Norther,.- ,', ...... cl in Oranoe
,~ ~,ange ,,;oun~ Circulation Study; and ......
WHEREAS, the E-?.C was officially placed on the State Highway System in
January 1989 by the state legislature, now designated as State Route 231 and State
Route 261; and
N . WHEREAS, the Foothi~/Eastem Trans,~rtati-- ,~ .....
otice of Preparation on ~, u, ,.,~moor Agency issued a
January 24. 1991; and December 27, 1988 and a Revised Notice of [=reparstion on
be ...... ~WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (TCA Final .
en preparsa pursuant to CEQA an,~ +,, +~- ~,, ......... EIR No 2) has
inctudas the following: ' '" "'= ~= o~ un,n'orrma CEQA Guidelines. whictl
TCA Draft EIR No. 2;
TCA Draft E1R No. 2 Technical Studies;
Commer~ts received on TCA Draft EIR No. 2;
Responses to comments on TCA Draft F_IR No. 2;
Responses to ~e Rasponses-to-comment document on TCA ~[
EIR No. 2;
Staff reports of ~ Transportation Corridor Agency concerning Draft
ancl Final TCA EIR No. 2;
, r~o. 2 ami ~ approved a faci
Lag, ii Noeltl Leg, and an East Leg; iity with a West
1. The .Board of Directors fu~er cra-ec~
Construction of ~e West Leg, Nont~ Leg, and ~=,~ Leg in ~e
first phase of Initial Constm~on.
.. inclumng east aha west connectors in the
of Iniua] ConsmJction. first phase
Construction Of full intemh~.~e ~
1 5/$R133 inciuclina 5he r~,~. , generaJ purpose lanes at
.Const~u...ction of ramps in the first phase of Initial ~n
,---, ....... po by fl"re Cities of Tuslfn and ~r~.~
,,,,~,~,-~nmaon of the ramps ~ be consist~m w~, ,~,-- '.'._""
measure T-17 which -,,~,,~-
=, u~n, aria cotlstru n '
~. ....... .C~C). for Ule foIlOW~lO Irnm'm.~,m.,,~.
fOIJOWS: ....... ,~ ,~, u,u .es[ Leg terminus as
Prepare an impleme.?lio.n program for the foil
dwnix~ ~ ~on rn,,rove ........ ~
· . ~ ,,m,'~ aol.~erly of the
EIR/EI.S. project hmits to Barranca p-,~,- ........ .-,
Resolution 92F-06 to include: .... -x ao ~mm~ ~1
ii) Jamboree-,, ...... --..'~.'- ~
/,~anca gmae separation and interchange
A grade sepa,-.~on and inte~
~ Avenue shall be :~"~C~"t~ at ~ ROad and
ope to
_same =me as the opening of ~e tzaffic pnor to or at Itm
ETC West Leg in me
~ ransifion Area.
3. FL
~:~.lt~e__/:~_li_c~j~ _c~ th.e Bo.ar.d of Directors that issues re{aa'dina
'-,.=. ~,~i aha pnasmg o~ me ETC shall be oroces~aa
~_ . . . . , ~.,,..~.,m ~uv~c)ry L;omm~e8 for
mmr recommenoation pnor to final Board approval.
.~ '.=/ .... '~.;,-,~,= '- prior 10 I=1 {.; .cort~b-ucfion to update
r~..!oems on me status of final, cl.es~gn, COr, airuCt~on and
mitigation efforts so that the pubhc ~s aware of what can be
expected when work commences.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resol.ution i?. approved, adopted and
signed ~is 14th day of May, 1992, and shall take effect ~mmedmtely.
/ Chairman of the Foothdl/Eastem
Transportation Corridor Agency
Vasquez, Sheridan, Wilson, Krause, Cody,'Diehl, Friess, Thomas, Wisner
Pickler, Beyer, Richardson
~"~'atem Trallspol-tafioll
Corridor Agency