HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA IMPLEMENTATION PL 10-03-94RDA NO. 3
3ATE: OCTOBER 3, 1994
It is recommended that the City Council review and approve public
improvement projects to be included in the Implementation Plans for
the South Central Redevelopment Project Area and the Town Center
Project Area, as submitted or revised.
This action will have no fiscal impact on the Redevelopment Agency.
It provides only for direction by the Agency concerning the
proposed public works projects for the next five years, as part of
the preparation of Implementation Plans as required by State Law.
During the 1993-94 legislative year, the Legislature approved
significant changes to the Community Redevelopment Law. One of
these changes requires all redevelopment agencies to adopt five-
year Implementation Plans for each Redevelopment Project Area. The
purpose of these plans is to outline the programs the Agency
expects to undertake during the coming five years.
It should be noted that the Implementation Plans are intended to be
guides only; there are no penalties in the Law if the Agency finds
it necessary to deviate from the Implementation Plan during the
five years.
The Staff is currently working with Katz Hollis, the Agency's
redevelopment consultant, to prepare these plans. The final plans
will be presented for Agency consideration at its December 5, 1994
The Plans will address the expected Agency expenditures for Fiscal
Year 1995-96 through Fiscal Year 1999-00. The expenditures will
include those for debt service payments, administration, property
development and improvement assistance, public works and housing.
Redevelopment Agency Report
Public Works Projects: Implementation Plans
October 3, 1994
At this time, the Staff is requesting direction from the Agency
concerning public improvement programs to be included in the
proposed Implementation Plan. At a later meeting, staff will
request direction on property development and improvement
assistance programs. The Agency has already provided direction for
the expenditure of the tax increment housing set-aside funds
through Fiscal Year 2002-03 in adopting the Housing Affordability
Strategy in November, 1993. A synopsis of this information will be
included in the Final Implementation Plan when it is presented to
the Agency for adoption.
During the past few years, the Agency has outlined acceptable
administrative expenditures for each Project Area. Staff will be
following this same direction when it returns to the Agency with
projections of anticipated administrative expenditures for the next
five years.
Under the Community Redevelopment Law, there are two primary
limitations on the expenditure of funds for public improvements and
facilities as follows: 1) the construction of public facilities
must assist in alleviating blight and blighting influences; and 2)
the construction of the facilities must be identified in the
Redevelopment Plan.
In identifying specific public facilities in both the Town Center
and South Central Redevelopment Plans, the Agency has already
determined that they alleviate blight, as defined under the legal
definition of blight that existed when each Project Area was
adopted and, subsequently, amended. Therefore, no further
determination is needed. However, the narrative in the
Implementation Plans will need to discuss how the proposed projects
for the next five years alleviate blight and blighting influences.
The requirement of State Law that all public projects be identified
in the Redevelopment Plans limits the Agency's flexibility in
developing new public facilities not identified in the Town Center
and South Central Redevelopment Plans.
Attached as Attachment 1 is the list of public facilities that are
currently included in the Town Center Redevelopment Plan.
Attachment 2 is the list of public projects that are currently
included in the South Central Redevelopment Plan.
Redevelopment Agency Report
Public Works Projects: Implementation Plans
October 3, 1994
Page 3
The major public facilities which were identified in the Town
Center Redevelopment Plan have been accomplished, as well as many
of the smaller projects. Additional projects have been included in
the current Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 94-95 budget.
Currently, there are limited unencumbered funds in the Town Center
Project Area. Town Center bonds were sold in both 1987 and 1991.
These have been used for the construction of such major facilities
as the Civic Center and the Tustin-Columbus Gym. Most of the tax
increment projected to be received in the Town Center Project Area
is already pledged to retire these bonds.
Attachment 3 is a matrix indicating potential capital projects to
be included in the Implementation Plan. It includes all capital
projects, those already identified to be funded by .tax increment,
as well as those proposed to be funded by other sources.
Because of the uncertainty of the impact of the State budget
shortfall on future Agency and City revenues, the Staff recommends
the Agency secure its funding by including all projects,
notwithstanding their anticipated funding sources, that are
consistent with the Town Center Redevelopment Plan. If the Agency
wishes to include additional projects not shown on Attachment 3,
the Staff requests direction from the Agency about which projects
to add to the matrix.
Major traffic and circulation improvements are needed in the South
Central Project Area and have been an Agency priority for a number
of years. Without these improvements, the undeveloped land in The
Pacific Center East Project Area cannot be developed and the City's
transportation network serving both the Southern portion of the
City as well as the commercial core in Old Town will continue to be
impacted by traffic congestion.
These roadway improvements include three major components:
1. The extension of Newport Avenue from its existing
terminus south to Valencia Street.
2. The construction of new on and off ramps at Edinger and
Redevelopment Agency Report
Public Works Projects: Implementation Plans
October 3, 1994
Page 4
The widening of Edinger Avenue from just west of SR55 to
Red Hill Avenue.
The total cost for these improvements is estimated to be in excess
of $30,000,000 and is to be shared between the Agency and the
private land owners in Pacific Center East.
Since the 1985 amendment which added this area to the Redevelopment
Project Area, the Agency has been adding to a capital improvement
reserve fund each year in anticipation of these improvements.
Additional funds are needed, although the Agency has begun the
necessary steps to bring these improvements to fruition.
During the past year, the Agency has undertaken the following
Authorized acquisition of the Case Swayne property for
right-of-way purposes;
Authorized payment to the developers of the Renaissance
Project (formerly the Cosmopolitan Apartments) for right-
Required irrevocable offers of dedication along Del Amo
Avenue and Edinger, fronting along the Micro Center
Required irrevocable offers of dedication for the right
of way along the Orange County Teachers Federal Credit
Union property;
Authorized the
Project Study
freeway ramps.
retention of consultants to prepare the
Report required by CalTrans for the new
The Staff expects that a major portion of the South Central tax
increment over the next 5 years will be needed for these
Attachment 4 is the matrix showing potential capital projects for
the South Central Project Area. Similar to the Town Center Project
Area, staff recommends the Agency include in the Implementation
Plan all proposed capital improvement projects located within the
Project Area boundaries that are eligible projects, notwithstanding
Redevelopment Agency Report
Public Works Projects: Implementation Plans
October 3, 1994
Page 5
the anticipated funding source, so that the Agency can secure its
tax increment in light of potential State actions.
Not all of the costs for the projects in the Pacific Center East
Project are to be borne by the Agency. They will be shared with
the developer/property owner of Pacific Center East. Based on
actual Agency cash flow and developer contributions, the timing of
the projects can be modified to either earlier or later years.
If the Agency wishes to add additional projects to those to be
included in the Implementation Plan, please provide the Staff
direction as to which additional projects to include.
Staff recommends the Agency review and modify, if desired,
Attachment 3 (for the Town Center ProjeCt Area) and Attachment 4
(for the South Central Project Area)and then approve the list of
public projects as shown in these Attachments to be included in the
respective Implementation Plans for the ~0wn Center and South
Central Project Areas.
Christine A. S~ngleton
Assistant Cit~//Manager
~6~ard t
t Program Manager
NO. 17
That Section 329 (Construction of Public Facilities) be retitled and amended
to read as follows:
"(Section 329)
Construction of Public BufldinKs,
Structures or Other Improvements
"The public bufldin~ra, - facilities~ structures or other
improvements planned for the T;~:= ~v-..--. ..... --' ..... ~--~-....~ ...... A. ea,
Project area, with the exception of public buildings and l~arking
facilities, may be, but shall not necessarily be, located pF4m~y il~
the Public right-of-way. These public buildingst facilities,
structures and other improvementa may include, but ahan not be
limited to the foliowin~.
Street and traffic control improvements on public rights-of-
way which may include, but need not be ]im{t~ed to, the E1
Comlno Design Area, Irvine Boulevard and lqewport Avenue.
Center isls~d construction on public rights-of-way which
may include, but need not be limited to, the E1
Design Area and Irvine Boulevard.
Landscaping, gral~hics, lighting, atreet furniture, and street
improvements, on public rights-of-way which may include,
but need not be lim~ted to, RI Cemi~o Real, Main Street,
Third Street, Second Street and First Street~
Landscaping and recreational facilities in Columbus-Tustin
Acquisition of land and construction of parking areas in
euch areas as may be determined from time to time by the
governing body of the 49e~m~m/%~- Redevelopment Agency to
be reasonable and neces~ry.
"G.F Acquisition of such land and structures' for hi£toric
preser~ra!ion and public use in %he Pian Project area as may
be determined by the governing bod.~' of the C~m. mu.~i~..-.
Rede-¢elopment Agenc~ to be reasonable and necessary from
time to time.
"H.G Acquisition of land and construction or acquisition of
structures for fire set,r/ce facilities in the Project area.
"$.H Transportation facilities.
The public improvements described in the Project Report for
the Town Center Area, a copy of which is at~cq~
· ~f~ro~. located in the Agency's offices.
Expand and/or renovate exiating civic centert includ~n?, city
hall, police facilityt community center and library.
Street and Traffic .Improvements:
1) Traffic aignal (let St. e B St.)
'2) Street Hghting (various locations)
3) Street widen/nK (Prospect Avenue
and Main Street)
4) Utilities underKroundlnK (various)
between 1st Street
Water System and Storm Drsi~s.~.s Improvements:
1) Drill and install water ~ at:
a. 235 E. Y~in Street
b. Future aite to be determined
2) Hepiace unders/zed water
a. B Street s/o 6th Street
b. Prospect Ave between Main and 1st
3) Eniar~e existing reservoir (235 E. Main Street)
4) Renovate maintenance build/nE (235 E. Main Street) or
construct new building at City yard
5) Install AmaKansett Way storm drain {between ProspectS--
and Acacia) 3',,~'~// ~,'~/~fe ~',,/,~,,~-,e.,,~'/
"M. Renovation and expansion of senior citizens center (200 S.
C Street)
Purchase ~nd renovate existing school distr/ct administrative
bui!dinK for recrea.t/o.nal pr_ogr.,~ms_(300 S. C Street]
"O. _Major i-enovation of Peppertree Park (1st and C .~treets~
.p. Additiona~ im_p~rovements to Columbus Tu~ti~ Park (Irvine
Boulevard @ Prospect Avenue):
"1) Phase II: Installation of new storm drains; expansion of
existing parking lot; construction of new Eymnasium
{including new restroom faculties); new picnic are~.
"2) Phase III: Renovation of ex/sting restroom facilities~
sprinkler and drainage systems, tennis courts and b~ll
Expansion of Tustin Branoh Post Office."
That Sections 400 through 404 be deleted ii their entirety and the following
Sections 400 through 402 be substituted in Heu thereof:
#(Section 401) Redevelopment Plan Map- and
Project Area Land Uses
"The Redevelopment Plan Map attached hereto illustratas th-,
location of the Project area beundaryt identifies the major streets
within the Project area. and designates the major land use~
authorized within the Project area by the City's current General
Plan. The City will from time to time update and revise the
General Plan. It is the intention of this Redevelopment Plan that
the major and other b,.d uses to be permitted within the Project
area shall be as provided Within the City's General Plan, as it
currentb- exists or as it may from time to time be amended, and
as imolemented and aDDHed by ~it~- oral/n-aces, resolutions and
other laws. The major land u~es authorized within the Project a~e~
by the General Plan are described below. Other uses may
authorized from time to tim~ b]~ General Plan amendmenta.
"(Section 402) Majo. r Land Uses
"Major private ]and uses permitted within the Project area
shall include: Residential, Commercial-Retail and Office-Professional.
The areas shown on the Redevelopment Plan M,? for the foregoln~,
uses may he used for any of the various kinds of uses specified
for or permitted within such areas bi' the General Plan and City
ordinances! resolutions and other laws."
AM]~qD~ NO. ,~_9
That Sections 405 (Public Uses), 406 (Public, Semi-Public, Institutional, Open
Space and Non-Profit Uses), 407 (Public Streets, .adleys, Rights-of-Way,
Easements, Improvements and Utilities) be renumbered, respectiwell-, es
Section's 403, 404 and 406.-
That a new Section 406 be added, to read as follows:
"(Section 406) Conforming Properties
"If the owner of property within the Pr_o. ject area believes
the property to be in conformity with this Redevelopment Pla__nj
such owner m_aZ al%P._ly to the Agency for issuance of a certificate
of conformance in accordance with this Section 406.
All development plans (whether public or private) shall be
to the Agency or their designee for approval and archii
review. All development in'the Project area must conform to
Plan and all applicable Federal. State and local laws and
receive the approval of the appropriate ~ubl{c agencies.
2. (Sec. 409.2) Personal Property Oisposition
For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency is to sell,
lease, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, or otherwise
dispose of personal property which is acquired Agency.
(sec. 410) Rehabilitation, Conservation
1. (Sec. 410.1) Rehabilitation and
of Structures
The Agency is authorized to and conserve, or to cause to
be rehabilitated and any building or structure in the
Project area owned by the The Agency is also authorized and
directed to advise, and assist in the rehabi)itatton and
conservation of prope the Project area not owned by the Agency.
The Agency is also horized to acquire, restore, rehabilitate, move
and conserve bui' of historic or architectural significance.
2. (Sec. 410.2
9 of Structures
As in carrying out this Plan, the Agency is authorized to
cause to be moved, any standard structure or building or any
or butldt ' ro3ect.
K. (Sec. 411) Construction of Public Facilities
1. (Sec. 411.1) Public Improvement Projects
The public improvements planned for the South/Central Project areas,
with the exception of public buildings and parking facilities, may be,
but shall not necessarily be, located primerily in the public
right-of-way within the project areas and those areas outside of the
project areas directly impacting the project areas.
(Sec. 411.2) Central Area Transportation Facilities
Transportation projects within the Ce~itral area which may include
curb, getter, sidewalks, paving, street trees, and street ~i~hting may
include, b~t shall not be limited to, the following:
a. Orange Street between Laguna Road and San Juan Street
b. San Juan Street between Newport Avenue and Orange Street
c. Walnut Avenue between Newport Avenue and Orange Street
d. Alley southerly of Walnut Street, between Newport Avenue and Orange
e. Alley ~v~therly of San Juan Street
Orange Street.
~.~ween Newport Avenue and
Estimated Cost: $281,000
(Sec. 411.3) South Area Transportation Facilities
Transportation projects within the South area, which may include curb,
gutter, sidewalks, paving, street trees, and street lighting,
include, but shall not be limited to, the following projects:
a. Newport Avenue extension~to Edinger~
b. Widening of Edinger_~eed~. between Redhill Avenue and the Costa
Mesa Freeway.
.c. "B# .Street between McFadden Avenue and Mitchell Avenue
d. Mitchell Avenu~ between N~wpOrt'Avehue and Nisson Road f~/f&
e. "C" Street between Mitchell Avenue and its northerly terminus
Estimated Cost: $1,872,600
(Sec. 411.4) South Area Traffic Controls
Traffic cJntrol devices may be installed,
following locations within the South area:
but not limited to, the
a. Newport Avenue interconnect between Nisson Road and Sycamore Avenue
with a new installation at Sycamore Avenue.
b. New signal installation at Walnut Avenue and McFadden Avenue.
c. New signal installation at Edinger Street and Del Amo Avenue.
Estimated Cost: $354,000
5. (Sec. 411.5) South Area Flood Control Facilities
Flood control facilities in the South area may be constructed, but not
limited to, the following projects:
~l~a. Mitchell Avenue drain between Newport Avenue and a point 100'+
westerly. --
b. McFadden Avenue drain between Myrtle Avenue and Pasadena Avenue
Estimated Cost: $73,000
6. (Sec. 411.6) Beautification Projects
New'port Avenue Center !sla~ds - .HcFaddcr. to Sycamore.
Estimated Cost: S135,00C
(Sec. 411.7) Water Supp{y and Distribution
Edinger between Del Amo and Newport and Newport Ave. between Edinger
and Walnut.
Estimated Cost: $147,000
(Sec. 411.8) A~_ egate Cost Estimete for Publi~ aorks
Transportation Facilities
Beautification Projects
Traffic Controls
Flood Control Facilities
. , Water-Supply and Distribution
9. (Sec. 411.9) Improvements in Amended Area
a. Potential transportation improvements are shown by Figure I cost
estimates for the project area shown by Table IV-2, extracted from
the Austin-Foust Associates, Inc., Circulation Study, dated January
.. 9,..lg85.. The projects are.more fu11~ described..in, the Austin-£oust
Study and Consist of the following:
(1) Newport Avenue Southerly Extension
Newport Avenue is proposed for southerly extension by grade
separation over the Santa Aha (F-lO) Flood Control Channel,
ATSF Railroad mainline, and Edinger Street to interconnect
with Valencia.
(2) Relocation of Costa Mesa Freeway (SR-S5) Ramps
The northbound off-ramp to Edinger Avenue would be deleted
and replaced by northbound on/off-ramps at Valencia.-
(3) - Internal Circulation Improvement~
Circulation improvements southerly of Edinger will vary
depending upon the alternative design that is selected. All
alternatives will require a connection to the Valencia
freeway ramp. Among the alternatives are a new roadway
parallel to §el AmD and the realignment of a section of
Edinger Street.
(4) Edinger~eree~eImprovement
Edinger will be widened to full six-lane arterial from
Redhill to SR-$$ with public improvements consisting of
street lights, fire hydrants, sidewalks, median and parkway
(5) kedhill A~:nue lmprovemept.~
Redhill Avenue will be widened to full six-lane arterial
within the project limits.
(6) Traff)c Signals
Traffic signals will be replaced at Redhill intersection with
Edinger and Valencia and a new signal will be required at
Redhill and Industrial Drive.
b. Flood con-...ol and storm drain faciliti, e~ are proposed to car~y ~j~
storm water from the interior of the project area to the Redhill '~f
Storm Drain (FOg-PiS) and on to the Barranca Channel (F-09). The
cost of drainage improvements is estimated at $1.4 million.
(Amend. No. 1, July 15L 1985)
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