HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 CLAIM #94-33/34 09-19-94/ GENDA_L_ NO. 9 9-19-94 Inter-Com DATE: September 1, 1994 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MF~4BERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORAIEY SUBJEC~ CLAIMANTS: PAUL & CF~ARLOTTE POUND; CLAIM NOS: 94-33/34; 2/28/94; DATE FILED W/CITY: 8/15/94; CARL WARREN NO: S78454 D/L: CLB After investigation and review it is recommended that the above-referenced claim be rejected and the City Clerk directed to ~ive proper notice of the rejection to the claimants and to the claimants' attorney. Enclosure: Copy of Claim Lois E. Je~r~ CC: Carl Warren & Co. Finance Director City Manager P~ B8 '~ O?:C~;~i ~iTY OF ~CTIN TH£ LA ~ OPPICP_~ OF O'MARA & COOPER 2550 I:I.FIM A VEN'U,E, $'.I~ 109 SA_M DIEOOo CALIPoRNIA 92103 1=.4 August 12, 1994 CITY CLERK ~Of The City Of Tu~tin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, C-A 92680 Dexr Sir/Madam: Purmaant to Government Code section 910, the undersigned respectfully mbmks the following information: (a) Claimants: Paul Pound 6359 Fillmore Avenue Rialto, GA. 92377 Co) Notices to be sent:. CUPXIS L. GOOPEF~, ESQ. O'MAKA & COOPER 2550 Fifth Avenue, 5te. 109 San Diego, CA 92103 (c) Date, place and othee cieeun~tane~s of ~:he occurrence or transaction which claim ea'is~ from: DATE~ On or about February 21t, {994. PLACE: Subdivision of Cowan Heights, at or about Clem-view Cla~mant PAUL POUND sustained injuries when he fell through the roof of a reservoir under eonrtruetlon, musing injuries inclusive of but not limited to his upper extremities with related complaints of hearing difficulties, blurred vision, dizziness, headhche% memory lapse and other related injuries. 3t4 832 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM P004 ~08 A~,iS 30 ~S~ CiTY ~USTIM County of Orange In re: Claim of Mr. Pound At said time and place, Claimant was working as a construction worker for M2~'. Builder~. M.W. Builders ~ subcontracted to replace thc roof of a reservoir. Said reservoir was owned, operated, maintained and controlled by the O~nge County Water District, and at all times hereinmenfioned was situated upon property owned and controlled by the City of Tustln. Cl:fimant is informed and believes that at the time of the accident, the City of Tustin was responsible for the maintenance of the abject reservoir and for the supervision, management and administration of all maintenance and construction undergone by the subject reseevoir, as well as the location where said maintenance and construction took place. Claimant contends that the City of Tustin was negligent and reckless in its conduct in controlling, supervising and overseeing the vabject eons'tnxefion site and fax'led to en~ure compliance with commonly acceptable polldes, procedures, and guidelines relative m the safety conditions of the subject work rite. The City of Tustln is liable, therdore, for its failure to exercise proper, non-wrtious, conduct and to properly cuery out its duties for the benefit of Claimant, resulting in Mr. Pound's injuries and damages. General description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damages or loss incurred so fax as may be known at the tLme of presentation of the talin: Claln~t Paul Pound ~u~talned injuries which were indufive of but not liml.ted to the followin~ bleeding of the right ear, broken temporal bnne loss in mld.x-.,nge he,ring, blurred vision, dizzlnes% he~d,ches, memory lapse, inability to concentrate, broken collar bone and two ribs, pain to both shoulders, Iow back pain, partial numbness to left hand. (e) The names or .names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, if known: The City of Tustln, and DOES 1 through lo0, haclush, e. (F) The amount claimed.: The amount of Mr. Pound's claim is unaseertainable at this time duc to continuing investigation, but will be in excess of $$00,000.00 and xx4thout prejudice to ClaL, nant's right .to revise this claim at a later date, at thi~ time, it is believed Clalmant% cla/rn will be within the juH;dictional limits of the Superior Court of the State of California. 714 832 0825 08-30-94 OS:02AM PO05 ~08 RJG .~0 '94 137:10P~~, CiTY OF ~TIH County of Orange In re: Claim of ~Ar. Pound Page 3 P.G I have read the maeeer~ and ¢tatement¢ made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge~ except ac to tho~e matter~ ~tated upon information and belief and as to nach matterg, I believe the came to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and coercer. SIGNED THIg ./2~h day o~. )q-~994, at San Diego, Californim crmzi$ .k coO ,r , ksq. Attorney for Cl~mant PAUL POUND 37% 714 822 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM PO06 ~08 ~JRTIE (BUZ) COOPER D'M~_RA & COOPER 2550 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3an Diego, CA 92103 ~rr0~EY(S) FOR: 109 p.?, COURT USE OHLY: 687-5085 JHF.~ING DAllt -TIM[-DEFT: DE, CLA.RATION OF 8-'ERVICE BY MAIL C~£ Nbl~BER: 1, Jeanette Lewis, dcelarc that: I am over ~h¢ age of eighteen ¥~ nd not a pony Io lhe action; I am employed h, or am a ~os~dcnt of ~he Con~ty of San D~q:o, C. alifomlaf wh~ ~h~ rmailbag OCmU~; a~d my businea* address I, ~50 ~t Av~uc, gui~ 109, l ~er ~chre ~at I am ~ily ~r wi~ ~= bu~ine~' p~ctice for ~ll~vn and p~i~ of co~spond~ for ma~ ~g ~i~ ~ Un~d ~a~s Posffi S~i~ pu~mt w w~ prsefi¢, ~e *on~pondtn~ w~l b~ deposit~ wi~ ~t Uni~d ~t~ Pos~l CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF TU. STIN (PAUL POUND) ~pla~hga mpymereof~aselmm~ ~lopc~relchaddrcss~r~i~e~ve~ ~ Bllo~: CI2~2' CLER.K City of ~tin 300 Cente~al Way ~stin, CA 92680 I then sealed each enve!ol~and, · ' ' w~th the potage CERTI~ MAIL - IL~rLrRN RECEIPT REQ~. thereon fully prepakl, ehhet de~ed~a~i"h~e~n~ted~t~te$p~sta~e~w~:e~rp~edea~hf~e~l~andma~ing~n3~ucr~.8t ~.2, 'lg~4.~lSallD~ego, Callfomla, following ordinaU bu~ines~ practices. " ' I declare umd:r penalty of penury under the laws of thc $Iat~ of Califomb. mat ~he fo;;~'oing is true and correct ~nd that ~his dcclLmtion wu d~ly ~ecm~d on ~t !2 1994 .~ · /~/ (SicnatuF0 ' ' PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (C.C.P. 1013a and 2015.~ 714 832 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM P007 ~08 Adg 30 'S~ 07:llAr~ CITY OF ' -TIM P.10 O'MARA & COOPER 2~0 £IPTH A W_.NU£, g~. 109 ~ D~GO, ~O~IA 92103 August 12, 1994 AGAINST THE ClS~ff OF TUSTIN .C1TY CI.r. KK Of The City Of Tustin 300 Centenn;al Wa)' Tustln, CA 92680 Dm' Sir/Ma&m: Pursuazat to Government Code sraZion 910, the undersigned respectfully submits the following itfformation: (a) Claimants: Mrs. Charlotte Pound 6359 F;llmor¢ Avenue Rialto, CA 92377 (b) Notices to be sent: CURTIS L COOPER, ESQ. O'MARA gc COOPER 2550 Fifth Avenue, Sm. 109 San Diego, CA 92103 (c) Date, 'place and other clreumstance~ of t. he occurrence or tran=aetlon which claim arlse~ from: DATE: On or abo~t February 28, 1994, PLKCE: Subdivision of Cowan Heights, at or about Clearview Lane. Claimant's husband Paul Pound, sustained injuries when hc fell through the roof of a reservoir under construction, causing injuries inclusive of but not ILmlted to his upper extremlrles with related complaln~ of hearing difficulties, blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, memory lapse and other related injuries. 97% 714 832 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM P010 ;08 g. JG 38 '94 ~?:11~ CiTY OF TUSTIH Count,/ of Orange In re: Claim o~ Mrs, Pound Psge 2 (d) (0 At ~aid time and phcc, Clalm-~-t's husband was working as a construction worker for M.W. Builders. M.W. Builders was mbcontn'aeted to replace the roof of a reservoir. Said reservoir was owned, operated, maintained ~nd controlled by the Orange Count-), Water District, and at all tlm=~ hereinmenfioned was situated upon property owned ~nd controlled by the City of Tustim Claimant is informed and believe~ that at the time of the accident, the City of Tustin was responsible for the maintenance of the subject reservoir and for thc supervision, management and administration of all maintenance and construction undergone by the subject reservoir, as well as the location where said maintenance and construction took place. Claimant contends that the City of Tustin waz negligent and reckless in its conduct in controlling, supervising and overseeing the subject construction site and failed to ensure compliance with commonly accept, able policid% procedure, and guidelines relative to thc safety · conditions of the subject work site: The City of Tustin is liable, therefore, for its failure'to exercise proper, non-torfiou~, conduct and to properly carry out its duties for the benefit Of Claimant, resulting in Mrs. Pound's in~zries and damages. General description of the indebtedness, ohllgation, injury, d~mages or lo.~s incurred so far ~s m~y be 'known at the time of presentxfion of the claim: Claimant CHAtLLOTTE POUND has suffered Loss of Consortium. The names or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, ff known: The City of Tustin, 'and DOES 1 through 100, Inclusive. The amount claimed: The amount of Mrs. P~und's claim is unascertainable at this time due to continuing investigation, but will be in ~xce~s of $500~000.00 and without prejudice to Claimant~s right to revise this dalm at a later date, at this time, it is believed Claimant's cl~lm will be within the jurisdictional limlr~ of the Superior Court of the State of California. 714 832 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM P611 ~08 County of Orange In re: Claim of Mrs. Pound Page :3 I h~ve read the matters and ~tatc-.mcnts made in thc above clah-n, and ! know the same to be u-ue of my own Imowledgc, except a~ to tho~e matters ~tatcd upon information and bcllcf and a~ to ~uch matters, I bclJcvc thc same to bc true. ! certify under penalty of periury that the forcgoin§ i~ truc and correct. SIGNED THIS _/.'2..~h d.y of ./'~,,--~9¢, at $~n Diego, California. cLrRTIS L. COOPFJg(_ ~ ESAU. Attorney for Claimant CHARLOTTE POUND =G7~ 714 832 0825 08-30-94 08:02AM POI2 ' ' ' P. i [OUK'T US[ OHLY: ~URTIS (BUZ) COOPER 0'MARA & C00PEK 2550 Fifth Avenue, Suite 109 San Diego, CA 92103 687-5085 ATTO~EY(S) KR: HE. ARIkiG DATE-T)I~ -D£PT: DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY lvIAIL I, J~anetie Lewls~ declare th:rte I :ua over th~ age of ~ghmen years and not s p~ to ~e ~fion: I tm employed ~. or ~ a ~ldc~t of ~e C0~ of ~ Diego, ~Ufom~: w~ ~ ~g ~; ~ ~ b~M ad~s is ~50 F~ Av~ue, Sui~ 109, I ~rtbe. r dechrc~ that I am madly ~milhr wi~ the b,,~ine~s' practice for collection and proc*ssi~ et' corrtspondcne~ for mailing with ~he United Sm~a Postal $~rvice pursuant w which p ractir, e ~e correspondence will b~ deposited with ihs Unl~d Strt~ Poslal Sorvic¢ ~hb sam~ d;iy I, th~ ordinary course of business. I caused lo be ~el'ved the following documcms(s): CLAIM AGAINST THE C. ITY OF TUETIN (CHARLOTTE POUND) by pl~ing · copy thereof in ~ sep;ira,, envelope for e~ch :~ddres.~:e ,z.spectlv,~ly s~ follow~: 'CIT~ CLERK City of Tustin 300 Centennial way Tus ~in, CA 92680 I th~z ~eaied r, aeh eavelope ;ind. with the postage CER'I'It~I~D MA.IL - ILETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. thereon fully prepakl, either deposkexl e.mzh in th~ United Emei Poslil Service or plaid e:¢.% for colleciion z.ud mailh:l; on ~J~,k,~, al Emu Di~ga, Californh, folio,c'ing ordinary bud~ess I d¢chr¢ under permlcy of l:~rjury under ~e la~ of ~e S~ of Califo~h ~t ~e forego~t h ~e ~d co~t and ~at ~ (~i~mr~) PROOF OF gERVICE BY M.t U~ (C.C.P. 1013a and ~01£.~) R=96~ 714 832 0825 08-30-g4 08:02AM P013 ~08