HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 COND OF BUS STOP 08-15-94AGENDA NO. 9 8-15-94 OATE: AUGUST 15, 1994 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION CITIZEN COMPLAINT REGARDING CONDITION OF BUS BTOP(S) NISSON RO~D BETWEEN NEWPORT AND RED HILL AVENUE ALONG RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. BACKGROUND At the August 1, 1994 city Council meeting, Mayor Pro-Tem Potts requested staff to address a citizen complaint that he had received regarding the condition of the bus stop(s) along Nisson Road between Newport and Red Hill Avenues. Staff reviewed all of the bus stop(s) along Nisson Road and found them to be in an acceptable condition at the time of the inspection. The bus stop in question is located on the southerly side of Nisson Road westerly of Red Hill Avenue and in front of the apartment development at 1412 Nisson Road. This location has a trash receptacle for the convenience of the bus patrons and was originally requested by the manager of the apartment complex. DISCUSSION It has been determined by inspection of the contents of the trash receptacle that at times the major portion of this refuse at this bus stop receptacle is generated from the apartment units on the northerly side of Nisson Road across the street from the bus stop. This tends to occur when the single dumpster from those apartments is overloaded. The city has established weekly maintenance routes for all bus stops containing trash receptacles. The bus stop located at 1412 Nisson Road will be monitored on a routine basis and the maintenance schedule will be adjusted to meet the needs of maintaining the area in an acceptable condition. As the implementation of the bus shelter program proceeds, this site might be a good candidate for a shelter installation even though it is not on an arterial highway. A shelter installation at this site would provide on-going maintenance and clean-up of the i~mediate area by the franchisee. Staff will pursue this approach and keep the City Council informed as to its status. Robert Ledendecker Acting Director of Public Works/City Engineer RL: ccg: busstop AGENDAo NO. 10 DATE: AUGUST 15, 1994 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF TUSTIN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTAL AWARDS (P.W. FILE NO. 2053.5) PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION Receive and file. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact on the City for this program. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION As part of the Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) prepared in compliance with Assembly Bill 939 (AB939), the California Integrated Waste Management Act, the City has committed to the development of a Business Environmental Awards Program to encourage and promote source reduction and recycling in the business community of Tustin. Pursuant to the SRRE, staff and representatives from Great Western Reclamation and the Chamber of Commerce developed the attached program. The program has been designed with four categories, with one award being presented quarterly. The four categories are: Reduce Reuse Recycle Most Extensive and Comprehensive Waste Management Program The first award, Reduce, is scheduled to be presented in September for the quarter of July, August, and September. The award will involve a unique glass trophy to be presented to the selected business for each quarter. The presentation will take place at a City Council meeting. All applicants/nominees will receive a window decal identifying them as a participating business. Applications/nominations are being accepted through September 2, 1994. At this time, the presentation is scheduled for the Council meeting of September 19, 1994. All applications/nominations will be evaluated on an equal basis by a committee comprised of the following: ~obert Ledendecker Acting Director of Public Works/ city Engineer The Chairman of the Tustin Pride Committee One representative from the Chamber of Commerce One representative from the Public Works Department One representative from Great Western Reclamation K~i~ Pitcher Administrative Assistant II RL:KP:ccg:awards Attachment THE CITY OF TUSTIN, THE TUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND GREAT WESTERN RECL~MATION PROPOSED 1994 BUSINESS/ENVIRONMENTAL AWARDS PROGRAM PURPOSE The overall purpose of the City of Tustin and Great Western Reclamation's (GWR) Environmental Business Awards Program is to increase corporate interest and awareness in waste management programs, encourage businesses to maximize diversion and recycling tonnage, and promote source reduction and reuse opportunities. As 1995 quickly approaches, it is important to ensure that businesses, as well as residents, are participating in comprehensive recycling, reduction and reuse programs in order to assist the City of Tustin in reaching statewide mandates established by AB 939. CATEGORIES It has been suggested that four award categories be established: Reduce Reuse Recycle Most Extensive and Comprehensive Waste Management Program A definition of each category follows. These specific were selected because they best cover the "loop" of waste management systems. categories integrated The Reduce category applies to businesses that are continually committed to the reduction of waste generation at the source. For example, water and energy conservation programs such as temperature control systems and water saving shower heads. Improved air quality programs that implement ridesharing and carpooling for employees are also encouraged. The Reuse category applies to businesses that reuse office supplies, equipment, or machinery, such as reusable printer cartridges. The Recycle category applies to businesses that have aggressive recycling programs which includes recycling of office supplies, equipment, cardboard and all types of paper. APPLICATION/NOMINATION PROCEDURE Applications will be made available through the city of Tustin, the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, and Great Western Reclamation (GRW). A four member Selection Committee, comprised of one member from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce, the Tustin Pride Committee, Great Western Reclamation (GWR), and the City Public Works Department will be responsible for the judging and selection process. The aforementioned selection committee will review applicants/nominees and judge their applications on a point basis. For each separate category (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Comprehensive), the minimum and maximum score is one and three points, respectively. Thus, for all four categories combined, twelve points is the highest achievable score and four points the lowest possible score. The applicant/nominee with the highest score is the award winner. AWARDS The applicant who receives the highest score of points, will be the recipient of an attractive, unique glass trophy (provided by Great West~rn Reclamation). In addition, all businesses that apply or are nominated should be issued window decals. These decals will serve as a promotional tool by being placed in storefront windows of participating businesses in the City of Tustin. Such decals inform the public of the business community's commitment to reusing, recycling, and reduction principles and will create awareness and maintain enthusiasm for the awards program. AWARDS PRESENTATION The.Business Awards Program recipient will be recognized during a Tustin City Council meeting. The award recipient will be recognized and receive a glass trophy and proclamations from the four member Selection Committee (The Tustin Chamber of Commerce, the Tustin City Council, Great Western Reclamation and the City Public Wroks Department). The Business Awards program should be conducted on a quarterly basis, beginning July 1, 1994. Thus, a total of four awards will be presented annually. PROMOTIONS AND PUBLICITY A Press Release will be sent to the media with a brief description of the business Awards program and upcoming recipients. Award Winners should be publicized in the Tustin Weekly, The Tustin News, the Orange County Register, the Los Anqeles Times Orange County Edition, the Tustin Today publication, and in recycling brochures. In order to receive additional publicity for the award winners, the city of Tustin and Great Western Reclamation (GWR) should aggressively and strategically target the attention of the business community. This type of publicity in the business community is important for inspiring interest and increasing participation in future awards. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The following rules are proposed as eligibility criteria: o 0 0 o 0 0 The application/nomination must be received before the deadline; Only Tustin based businesses, either owned or leased, are eligible; The applicant/nominee must have a current City of Tustin Business License; Only those businesses generating nonhazardous waste will be considered for the award; The applicant/nominee must be in compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations; Educational institutions, individuals, government entities, and nonprofit organizations are not eligible.