HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 SUPT PROP 187 08-15-94AGENDA___ NO. 15 DATE: AUGUST 15, 1994 Inter-C TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION 187 (ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION) Councilmember Thomas has requested that endorsement and support of Proposition 187 related to illegal immigration be agendized for City Council discussion. Valerie Crabill Chief Deputy City Clerk OPRoPosmor SA E OUR STA'.. P.£). Box 2628~, SmHa AHn, CA ct2799 ! I TF, L: (714) 544-1. 14 I .FAX: (714) 5 15-4 I qq RESOLUI'ION IN ENDORSEHENT 8. SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION 187 I'~tEREAS~ the people of have suffered and are suffering the co]~sequences caused by the presence of ILLEGAL aliens iii this community; and WHEREAS, sally of the hundreds of th¢,usalid$ of ILLEGAL ALIENS who enter California every year· come to where their use of p%~blic funded servicem reduces tho avail- ability of such services for the citizens and legal residents of ,3ur co~{m%unity; and ~4EREAS, many of tile illegal aliena who come to utilize false documents to obtain employment, in violation of- Eederal Law {I~M4IGRATIO~ & NATIONA~.ITY ACT, UNLaWfUL ENPI~DYMENT OF AI,IEI']S - SEC 274A [8 USC 1324a] and In puk, lio ar. sas in a man- net that constitutes a severe public nuisance; and ~tEREAS, many of the ILLEGAL ALIENS who come to or reside i~/ · present a burden to our law enforcemont se es and a thr, eat to the pt~).l, ic safety of our citize~]s and legal residents aBd ~4ER[~S~ the Federal Gover}lment has failed to enforce its own laws and the Stats Government bas failed to support new laws for the prot~ctton of tile people of the City of and ill the Stat of California, it has become necessary for the people to 5%ilize the Initiative proces~ and act on their own behalf for their own self- protection; and %'f[ER[~S, tho. y have ~ell illustrated their support of PROPOSITION 3.87, the Save Our State initiative, and qualified it for the November ballot; BE Il' TttEREFORE RESOLVED TItAT TIlE CITY COmCIL OF HER.EIIY ENDORSES PROPOSITION 187 AND URGES THE ELECTORS OF THIS CITY TO VOlE "YES" AT TIlE TIME OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. [NOVEMBER 8, 19911] AND ~ES, IIERE AND ~10$~, ENDORSE IttIS INITIATIVE TtlAT REPRESENTS THE FNFORCFJ'ENr OF OUR 1,-}' GRATIOII LAWS Al,ID WILL SUPPORT liDSE CONCEPTS WITHIN TltE CONFINES.OF 1HIS CITY OF N-DSE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES RECOHFIRH TtIEIR OAIll OF OFFICE TO UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION Al'ID "~TECr TIlE LIVES & WELFARE OF OUR CITIZENS AND LEGAL RESIDENTS, INITIATIVE MEASURE TO liE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS The Attorney General of California has prepared the following title and summary of the chief purpose and olnts of the proposed initiative. ILLEGAL ALIENS. INELIGIBILITY FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. VERIFICATION AND REPORTING. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Makes illegal aliens ineligible for public social services, public health care services (unless emergency under federal law), and attendance at public schimls {elementary, secondary, and post- secondary). Requires various state and local agencies to report persons who are apparent illegal aliens to Ihe California Attorney General and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Mandales California Attorney General to transmit reports to INS and maintain records of such reports. Makes it a felony to manufacture, distribate, sell or use false citizenship or residence documents. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Annual savings al the state level potentially in excess of $100 million from withholding health and social services to undocumented persons. Annual savings at the local level potentially exceeding $200 million pr marily from withholding medical care from undocumented'persons. School districts would likely incur additional costs of tens of millions of dollars in the first two years of implementation and in excess of $10 million annually thereafter, to verify the legal status of students, parents and guardians. Savings to education, if any, are unknown. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THIS PETITION MAY BE CIRCULATED BY A PAID SIGNATURE GATHERER OR A VOLUNTEER. YOU HAYE THE RIGHT TO ASK. IMPORTANT: All shaded areas must be completed and signed in ink in your own hand writing. D£CLARATION OF CIRCULATOR (to be complcsr3 after above signatu~:~ have mn I, ~ ~ ~giste~d to vote in the County (or City ~d ~nly) of ~, CA. ~fition is to ~e ~st of my ~fo~ation ~d ~lief. ~e genuine signatu~ of ~ All signatu~s on ~is d~umcnt were obta,md ~lw~n the dales of ~ ~d ~;~', ...... INITIATIVE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS he Attorney General of California has prepared the fo0owing title and summary of the chief purpose and oints of the proposed initiative. LLEGAL ALIENS. INELIGIBILITY FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. VERIFICATION AND REPORTING. NITIATIVE STATUTE. Makes illegal aliens ineligible for public social services, public health care services mless emergency under federal law), and atlendance at public schools (elementary, secondary, and post- ~*condary). Requires various state and local agencies to report persons who are apparent illegal aliens to the 'alifornia Attorney General and the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Mandates California ,ttorney General to transmit reports to INS and maintain records of such reports. Makes it a felon)' to )anufacture, distribute, sell or use fa se c t zenship or res dence documents. Summary of estimate by Legislative ,nalyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Annual savings at the state level ~otentially in excess of $100 million from withholding health and social services to undocumenled persons. ~nnual savings at the local level potentially exceeding $200 million primarily from withholding medical care rom undocumented persons. School districts would likely incur additional costs of tens of millions of dollars in ne first two years of implementation and in excess orS10 million annually thereafter, to verify the legal status of t udents, parents and guardians. Savings to education, if an)', are unknown. ~ THE HONORABLE SECRETARY OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA: