HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 CLAIM #94-26 07-18-94 NO. 19 " . 7---~8-94 Inter-Corn DATE: July 8, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONOPJ%BLEMAYORANDMEMBERS OF THE CITY COD-NCIL CITY ATTOP. NEY CLAIMANT: KIM MORGAN; CLAIM NO.: 94-26; D/L: 4/7/94; DATE FILED W/CITY: 5/12/94; CARL WARREN FILE NO. S 78297 PRL This claim was proposed for rejection at the last City Council meeting. Sinre that time, we have investigated the incident further with ~he City's Risk Manager, Ron Nault. There is no evidence that any City crews were working in the area at the time of the inciden=, and accordingly, it is City staff's belief that the paint in the roadway was deposited there by another party. If there was any potential City liability, given the small amount of this claim, we would recommend that the City consider granting the claim. However, upon further investigation, it is our recommendation that the claim be rejected. LEJ: cas: D: 07/08/94: (T24 cc: William A. Huston, City Manager Ron Nau!t, Finance Director AGENDA__ DATE: JUNE 21, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONOR3~BLEMAYORAND CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: KIM MORGAN; CLAIM NO: 94-26; D/L: 4/7/94; DATE FILED W/CITY: 5/12/94; CARL WARREN FILE NO: S 78297 PRL After investigation and review it is recommended that the above-referenced claim be rejected.and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of'th~ rejection to the claimant and to ;he claimant's attorney. Enclosure: Copy of Claim cc: Carl Warren & Co. Finance Director City Manager city of Tustin C'--A. IK AGAINST T?F- CITY OF TUE%-K (For Da_~ages %0 Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the city Clerk o~ the City of'~cstin ='~thin 6 months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. ~ere space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the city Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92£30 ~EN COKPLETING T~I$ FOR/{, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLAC~ INK ~TO THE HONOP~A3LE ¥~YOR A~D CITY COUNCIL, city of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following relative to damage to person and/or property: claim and information b. ADD,LESS OF CLAiFJtNT: ~ -~ ~ ~- c. CITY/ZiP CODE: e. DATE CF BIRTH: g. DRI~P3 LICENSE NO:~ ~-~ Name, telephone and post office address to ~hich claimant desires notices ' %o be sent (if ouher ~han above): This clain is submitted against: a. ~< The City of Tustin only. b. The foi!o~ing employee(s) of the city of Tustin only: The City of Tustin and =he fo!lo~'ing employee(s) of the City Occurrence or event from %'hich the claim arises: Pi--ACE 'E>~acu and specific location): HOW an! unier ~'ina~ circumstances ~id dar, ace or injury occur? Speci ~he part!ct!ar occurrence, even%, act or omission you claim caus~ ~he iniur>' cr damage (Use addiuiona! paper if necessary): ~ ~-i~N~'~ '~ .... ~ ~. C~ C qTT i ~693.2. 95~615145 Est: D. TRI ~'LETT FREFWAY ~UTO B( ~F~Y / SF:~ r~lT A ~N~ L · NC MER 28 AUTO C~NT~R DR. TUST I N, CA (714> 544-7:~34--258 7wrier: KlM MORGAN Day ~-'hone: ( - qdd~ese: Deductible: s N/A Claim No. : Phone ~3 NISS AI_TIMA GLE 4D SED BLACK 4-2.4L-FI J~n: Licenso: ~ P'rod Da~e: 6/92: Odometer: :'ower steering :'ower locks "~1 mirrors t wheel inert deter/alarm ~Tiectric glass sunroof ~e~iine/I oun_oe se~ts Air conditionin9 Cruis~ control Dr~ver airba~ Cloth seats Clear c~at ~aint Body side mo]dings Rear defog~er Climate ~ontrol · ' RE~'R/ ~'ART L~R PAINT ~C. RE~:'L DESCRI~'T~0N OF DAM~PE (~,TY COST HRS HR$ 1 FENDFR & LAMC'S 2' Rep1 LT Wheel liner 3 Repl. LT Splash shield 4 CENTER PILl_AR & ROCKER 5* Refin LT Orr rckr pnl X, GX, (~L 6 Add for Clear Coat ?~- COLOR SAND & BLiFF 8~ DETAIL CAR 29. 00 0. 4 19. 84 0. 2: 1.~ 0.5 'Subto%~Is ===> ~8.54 5.7 1.8 -'-,. eo '~:-'.~T par:icu!~ ='-ion by :he City, o: e---plcyees, cause~ a!lege~ damage o~ inju~? Give a description of the inju~, property damage or loss so far known at ~the zime of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries". 6. Give the name(s) of the~employee(s) causing the damage or 7. Name and address of any other person injured: ~5/~ injury: !0. Name and address of the owner or any damaged property: Damages claimed: '. -r' -' " a. ~ount claimed as of the date: ~(?0 b. Estimated amount of future costs: c. Total amoun~ claimed: --~-~0 d. Attach basis for computation of a~ounts~-~cclaimed (include copies all bills, invoices, estimates, etc. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. of W;_RNiNG: ZT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLJ, ZMI! (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Sec%ion 555.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and i Know the same to be tl-ue of my own knowledge, except as ~o those mat~ers stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters.I believe the same to be t~ue. I certify under penalty or perjuFy ~hat the foreccinc is TRUE ~D CORP~ECT. - - Executed ~his % ~ day of ~ DATE mG~ATURm .' ( S l: CLFOR_M Revised 4/29/91