HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1978 09 18 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Centennial at Main September 18, 1978 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:33 P.M. by Mayor Welsh. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Welsh, Sharp, Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James G. Rourke, City Attorney Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk Mary E. Wynn, Deputy City Clerk III. PUBLIC CONCERNS The following spoke in favor of the City providing some kind of transportation, perhaps a Dial A Ride program, for the senior citizens of the community as well as for others who might need it: Violet E. Banks, 530A South C. Street Bernice T. McKay, 140 North C Sty, Past President of Senior Citizens A. R. Delaney, 17621 17th St., 29C Nick N. Ogden, 13841 Red Hill - T.L.C. Center Manager Linda Poremba, Chamber of Commerce Manager Mrs. Kennedy requested that the Council discuss OLD BUSINESS NO. 3, REPORT ON BUS SERVICE AND ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT, at this time. IV. OLD BUSINESS 3. REPORT ON BUS SERVICE AND ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT The staff report was given by Dan Blankenship. He gave an encouraging report that the sales tax figures for the first quarter are in and that we have had the best quarter we have ever had, so that we are substantially above the projection that we have in the budget for the year. He felt that if we do anything in the way of continuing the bus service, it should be more along the lines of a demand service. Mr. Saltarelli suggested that perhaps the City could buy a van and then lease it to the Senior Citizens, making sure that it was properly insured, and permit the Senior Citizens to operate it on an independent basis. Mrs. Kennedy felt the City Council should take a stand for Senior Citizens. Mr. Welsh added that it was not just a problem of the senior citizens but also of the poor, the young, and people with only one car. He would be more supportive of a program that addressed the needs of the whole community. Mr. Welsh moved, seconded by Kennedy, that Council direct staff to come back with a report for the potential possibility of the City instituting its own Dial A Ride system, based on a van. Mr. Saltarelli felt we should try to secure a subsidy from the Orange County Transit District. Mr. Sharp stated that this was an urgent project and maybe we should have some kind of interim study. Dan Blankenship said he could have report on certain aspects by next meeting but not on grant funding money that soon. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL MINUTES 9-18-78, P.age 2 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 5, 1978 meeting 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $33,706.42 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in amount Of $55,404.38 3. RESOLUTION NO. 78-99 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS (Main & Williams Sts.) Approval as recommended by the City Engineer. 4. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - Red Hill Avenue and Barranca/ Dyer Roads. Approval as recommended by City Engineer. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 78-100 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ESTABLISHING ITS STRONG OPPOSITION TO THE LACK OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA'S CONCERN FOR THE IMPACT OF STATE MANDATED COSTS. Adoption as requested by Council. 6. TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT SEVENTEENTH STREET AND THE COSTA MESA FREEWAY. Approval of funds as recommended by City Engineer. Mayor Welsh brought up a correction for the September 5, 1978 minutes, Page 6, Public Concerns No. 3. Me felt that the minutes did not reflect that the Council or staff was responding to Mr Edgar's concerns. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp, that the Consent Calendar be approved with the one amendment to the minutes. Motion carried 3-2 with Kennedy and Schuster absfaining on minutes because of absence. VI. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. 787-A An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE NECESSARY TO CARRY ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-79. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that Ordinance No. 787-A have second reading by title. Carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 787-A read by title. It ~as moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy that Ordinance No. 787-A be passed and adopted. Roll Call Vote: All votes Aye. VIII. OLD BUSINESS 1. NISSON ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION. Staff report given by Bob Ledendecker. Mr. Saltarelli questioned as to how long it would take to even begin construction. COUNCIL MINUTES 9-18-78, P.age 3 Bob Ledendecker said that it would probably be at least 12 weeks until time of construction. Since we have a problem with a water line' leak, we would not want to put these improvements in over a faulty water line and therefore would have to program our timing with the Water Co. It was moved b~/Saltarelli, seconded by SharD to spend $3000 to put in an interim 2" thick asphalt sidewalk on Nisson ROad, between Red Hill and Browning now to meet the present 'needs for school children, contact Tustin Water Co. to institute proper plan for construction of water line, and initiate proper procedures for staff recommendation No 5. Mrs. Kennedy asked if the property owners would be charged for the improvements. Mr. Ledendecker replied they would be charged for the curbs, gutters and sidewalks, and if it was not paid, a lien would be put on their property. After further discussion, motion was carried unanimously. IX. PUBLIC CONCERNS (Continued)Mr. Carter, representing the Year Book Program at Tustin High School, requested permission to have either the Military or a private concern take an overhead picture of the campus of Tustin High School to include in the Year Book for this year. The picture to be taken prior to the first of October. It was moved by Schuster, seconded by Kenned~ to grant permission to Tustin High School to take an overhead picture of the campus. Carried 4-0. Welsh abstaining. X. OLD 2. POLICY 0N FEES, CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAIVERS - CLIFTON C. MILLER BUSINESS COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Sharp asked if the classifications in the Staff report were listed by priority or just listed at random. If they were listed by priority, he would prefer No. 4, Private Non-Resident, to be listed last. Don Biery said they were not listed by priority. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Sharp that this matter be postponed until the 7:30 P.M. City Council meeting. Mr. Saltarelli had some questions relating to why organizations like Ray of Hope and Sons of Italy were not considered Local Non-Profit. Don Biery explained that they were a non-profit organization but that 50% of their members were not local residents. Motion carried unanimously. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. REGULATIONS OF REFUSE DUMPSTERS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Welsh, to agendize this item for the October 2nd City Council meeting. Carried unanimously. 2. WALNUT AVENUE SPEED ZONE STUDY It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Schuster that this matter be heard at the 7:30 City Council meeting. Carried unanimously. 3. FAU SUBMITTALS "3R" & "TSU 'PROJECTS It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy that the Council aa. opt Resolutions 78-101, 78-102, 78'103 and 78-104. Carried unanimously. COUNCIL MINUTES 9-18-78, Page 4 4. RESOLUTIONS FOR 1979-80 FISCAL YEAR FEDERAL AID URBAN (FAU) PROJECT APPLICATIONS It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster, that the Council adopt Resolutions 78-105 and 78-106 and authorize staff to submit project applications to the O.C.T.C, for inclusion into the 1979-82 County F.A.U. Program. Carried unanimously. 5. ADDRESS OF CITY HALL AND CIVIC CENTER It was moved b~ Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, that Council authorize the redesignation of street address for the Civic Center to "300 Centennial Wa" y with the address to be phased in on correspondence and other forms as practical in order to minimize the cost of the change. Carried unanimously. XII. OTHER BUSINESS City Administrator Dan Blankenship requested an executive personnel session after this meeting. City Council 1. Petition for Senior Citizen Transportation Mr. Saltarelli informed the Council that Walt Fredrikson was there to present a petition, and asked t~at he be permittea to present it at this time. Mr. Walt Fredrikson, 240 E. 3rd St., presented a petition, signed by approximately 100 people, in favor of senior citizen transportation, preferably Dial A Ride. Mayor Welsh responded that the Council had already heard that matter and that it would be on the October 2ndagenda and the Council shares his concerns. Mrs. Kennedy said that she hoped the staff would explore the possibility of Enderle Center, Tustin Heights Center, and others sharing some of the costs of this transportation. 2. Name Change for Marine Corp Air Base Mayor Welsh said that he had had correspondence from Supervisor Riley with an enclosed copy of a letter that ne had sent to the Marine Commandant in which he had urged that the name be changed from Santa Aria to Tustin. He asked that staff pursue this. 3. Sales T~x Figures Mayor Welsh mentioned that the sales tax is above the projection for the first quarter and that we can indeed be proud but suggested that we be conservative. XIII. ADJOURN- MENT It was moved bySharp, seconded by Schuster that The Council adjourn at 4:41 P M. to the Executive Meeting and thence to the 7:30 meeting. Carried. REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL September 18, 1978, 7:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Welsh, Sharp Schuster, Kennedy, Saltarelli Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present James G. Rourke, City Attorney Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk Mary E. Wynn, Deputy City Clerk III. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY - OLD CITY HALL BUILDING The staff report was given by Dan Blankenship. He said that we have one bid for $36,101, with the building- to be moved to the site at 1011 Laguna Rd. Public hearing opened at 7:34 P.M. Frank Greinke, 1011 Laguna Rd, submitter of the bid, asked several questions about the building and building fees. He wanted to Know if the building was up to code in its present condition and would there be a 10t of building fees to be paid. Brian Chase responded that the building does meet the Code and the building fees would be the normal fees that anyone moving a building would have to pay. Public hearing was closed at 7:38 P.M. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Schuster that the Council accept the bid from Frank~H. Grienke, 1011 Laguna Road, Tustin, in the amount of $36,101.00 for the old City Hall building and direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents for the sale Of this building and authorize the Mayor to execute any necessary documents for the sale of said building. 2. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY - MERCURY BUILDING Dan Blankenship gave the staff report. There was one bid in the amount of $5,750, which is below the minimum bid of $24,000. n order to accept a lesser bid, we would be required to ~eadvertise the property with a lower minimum bid. The Mercury Building is Presently on the Sunset Construction site and the time limit for leaving it here has expired- It is recormnended that the building be moved to the Columbus-Tustin Park at a cost of between $1500 and $2000. Public hearing opened at 7:40 P.M. John Prescott - Saddleback Chapel, submitter of the bid, said that if his bid was accepted, the building would be located on the grassy lot next to the Saddleback Chapel. The plan would be aesthetically pleasing. John Jamison, 445 E1 Camino Real, spoke in favor of accepting the bid, stating that this would be a nice addition to the Saddleback lot. Public hearing closed at 7:47 P.M. After some discussion, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Schuste~ that Council reject bid for the Mercury Building, direct staff to readvertise bids for the sale of this building and authorize the expenditure of funds (estimated to be $1500 - $2000) to move this building to an interim loca- tion at Columbus - Tustin Park site until the sale of said building can be finalized. COUNCIL MINUTES 9-18-78, Page 6 Mr. Schuster felt that it would be unfair to other people to accept a bid that was lower than the minimum bid. Motion carried unanimously- 3. PREZONE 78-18 - Prezoning property at 18422 Warren Avenue from Orange County E-4 to City of Tustin Planne~ Development District. Staff report was given by Brian Chase. The use would be as a one lot subdivision and they would be condominiums that look l~ke single family residences. He has had several people come to the counter to oppose the project, thinking it might become apartments but they were assured tnat it would be only single family residences. The Foothills Association~ was informed that a density could be set at the time of the Use Permit. The project would have a 30 ft. wide street with a hammerhead turn around. A negative declaration will be filed at a later date. Council questioned if a cond0minimwo~d be considered single family residences. Mr. Chase said that condominium referred only to type of ownership. The buildings will be detached homes. Public Hearing was opened at 7:57 P.M. T~e following residents spoke in opposition to the Pre-Zoning of this piece of property: Niles P. Koines, County Homeowner's Association Cecelia Durham, 14582 Gylah Lane, Tustin Sharron Chapman, 14572 Gylah Lane, Tustin Michael R. Deblieux, 14542 Gylah Lane, Tustin Richard B. Edgar, 13622 Loretta Dr. Tustin, urged Council to accept staff's recommendation- Ray Bennett, Business Manager of First Baptist Church, had two questions: 1~ Can the developer withdraw this 6 single family unit plan and then submit an apartment plan at a later date, and 2. What are the City's plans for the long drainage ditch along their property. Mr. Sharp responded that this area would only be for single family detached dwellings w~th a total density of 20 people. He said that the Council has not received any precise plan for this area and this hearing was only for pre-zoning of the area. In response to Mr. Bennett's second question, Mr. Chase said that they would get together with the City Engineer in the next week or two to go over these problems. Public Hearing closed at 8:27 P.M. It was moved by Schuster, seconded by Sharp to uphold the findings and recommendations as containedin Resolution 1778 and direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance approving Pre-Zone 78-18. Mrs. Kennedy told Clifford Thompscn that she was delighted that he was coming into the City but when the hearing comes up for the Use Permit, she would vote to limit the development to 4 houses and that she would not change her vote. Motion carried unanimously. 4. APPEAL OF GEORGE METSOVAS FOR VARIANCE 78-4 Location: Corner of Irvine and Plaza Drive Mr. Chase gave the report that Mr. Metsovas had Withdrawn the appeal since the Planning Agency had approved his new plan in the afternoon Planning Agency meeting. Public hearing was opened at 8:30 P.M- There being no comments or objections, the public hearing was closed. It was moved by SaltarelliandsecondedbySch~ter that no further action be taken. Carried unanimously. COUNCIL MI~TES 9-18-78, Page 7 It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarell~, to recess to the Redevelopment Agency regular meeting at 8:30 P.M. Carried unanimousiV' MINUTES OF A EGUL~ MEETING EDEVELOpENT AGENCy Septe~er 18,1978 1. Meeting called to order at 8:30 P.M, 2. Present: Meters: WelSh, Sharp, Kennedy, Saltarelli ~ ~sent: Meters: None 3. ~proval of Mhutes It was moved by Saltarelli, seCOndedby~h~to approve the~ninutes of the September 5, 1978 meeting. Carried 3-0, Kennedy ahstahhg. 4. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ON EASTERLY SIDE OF NEWPORT AVENUE, SOUTEASTERLY OF WALNUT AVENUE It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kenned~ that the City Attorney prepare ~e necessa~ doc~ents for the sale of the s~ject property and authorize the Chai~an to execute a grant deed for the sale Of said property at the earliest date possible. Motion carriedunan~ousl~. 5. It was moved by Sharp, seconded by Kennedy to adjourn th.e Redevelopment Agency meeting at 8:31 P.M. and th.ence tO the next regularly scheduled Redevelopment Agency meeting. Carried unanimously. "RECOEING SECETARY MEETING OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 8:30 P.M. September 18, 1978 I. PUBLIC CONCERNS Mr. Richard B. Edgar, 13622 Loretta Driv~ asked about the pace of develop- ment of the County's commitment to widen a veryshort~parcel~ of Bryan Avenue between Red Hill and Browning. Mr. Ledendecker responded that he did not know the County's schedule but he would check into it. Mr. Edgar suggested that we ask for a precise time. Dan Blankenship said the County has adopted their budget now and we should be able to get an answer from them. II. OLD BUSINESS 2. POLICY ON FEES, CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAIVERS - CLIFTON C. MILLER COMMUNITY CENTER Mrs. Kennedy had several questions regarding the use and fees of the Community Center, the first of which was perhaps we should have a new classification that would allow local businesses with non-local owners to have the same rights as residents. After some discussion, it was the consensus of opinion of the Council that local businesses with non-local owners should have the same rights and fees for the CCMCC as residents. However, this sheuld not apply to fees for recreation classes. COUNCIL MINUTES 9-18-78, Page 8 Another question of Mrs. Kennedy was considering having a list of non-profit community sponsored organizations that would be entitled to the same fees as local non-profit organization. After much discussion as to which organizations should qualify for lower fees, Mr. Welsh recommended, that because of Mrs. Kennedy's concerns and because the Council did come up with a number of questions, that she get together with Don Biery and Dan Blankenship to pursue all of the ramifi- cations of her proposals and report at the next meeting with come codi- fication and direction to be considered by Council. Mrs. Kennedy agreed. Council all agreed. III. NEW BUSINESS 2. WALNUT AVENUE SPEED ZONE STUDY' Bob Ledendecker gave the staff report. Mrs. Kennedy asked if a 35 miles per hour (mph) speed limit could be enforced by radar. Mr. Ledendecker responded that it could not because the study indicated the 85th percentile of 40 mph and therefore 35 mph would not hold up in court. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli that a 35 mph limit be posted on Walnut between Red Hill and Jamboree. Peer Swan, 14351 Morning Glory, Tustin, representing Laurelwood Home- owners Associatidn, agreed that the speed limit should be 35 mph through the Peppertree and Laurelwood areas. Council concurred that a 35 mph speed limit was adequate for this area and after further discussion felt that additional studies should be taken. Mayor Welsh coIm~ented that this affects a lot of people and felt we should get the opinion of the homeowners. Substitute motion was moved by Welsh, seconded by Sharp, to continue this matter and have staff make more speed surveys and then notify the associ- ations, people most directly effected, and hold a hearing, if necessary. Carried unanimously. IV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mrs. Kennedy asked if Mr. Saltarelli had talked to Tustin News about providing block headlines for Tustin for legal notices. Mr. Saltarelli responded that he had and we could do anything we want and they would charge the regular rates. F~s. Kennedy will have recommendation ready for next meetin9- 2. Mrs. Kennedy commended Chief Thayer on the brochure on rape and asked about the distribution of it. Chief Thayer responded that they had been distributed at Homeowners meetings and Rape Seminars, had been placed in the lobby of the Police building and have been sent to California Crime Prevention Assoc. office for review. V. ADJOURN- MENT It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. to Executive Session, thence to September 26th, 7:30 P.M. workshop and an exe- cutive session and to September 27th, 7:30 P.M. workshop to consider Flood Control Insurance (HUD) and thence to October 2nd regular meeting. Carried. k,,_ CITY CLERK