HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 DESIGNATE MCAS 07-05-94AGENDA NO. 21 ~-$-94 .... ": DATE: a'o ¥ 5, I n t e r- C o m . 'TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM:. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJEC~ INITIATIVE'TO AMEND. THE ORANGE COUNTY GENERAL PLAN TO ... 'DESIGNATE MARINE CORPSAIR:STATION EL TORO FOR CIVIL AVIATION AND RELATED USES RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT The discussion by the City Council on this issue will not result in any direct fiscal impact to the City. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION On June 20, 1994, Councilmember Thomas requested that the initiative being sponsored by the Committee for 21,000 New Jobs entitled an."Initiative to Amend the Orange County General Plan to Designate Marine Corps Air Station E1 Toro for Civil Aviation and Related Uses" be agendized for City Council discussion. A copy of the subject initiative measure has been provided as Attachment A. The initiative measure will be considered by the County's registered voters on November 8, 1994. If adopted, the initiative measure would amend the current Orange County General Plan designation for the property commonly known as Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro, including areas surrounding the base property to provide for an airport and related uses. A portion of the initiative measure would also provide for an interim condition at MCAS E1 Toro whereby air cargo carriers could jointly use the runways with the military, until base closure becomes effective (estimated to be 1999). The City of Tustin has previously expressed formal opposition to the use of MCAS E1 Toro for commercial aircraft. City Council Resolutions Nos. 88-65, 91-122 and 93-29 have all been previously adopted conveying Tustin's opposition to any form of joint or full commercial airport use of MCAS E1 Toro. Specifically, the Council has stated that the increase in noise, air and vehicle traffic, City Council Report MCAS E1 Toro Initiative July 5, 1994 Page 2 land use, 'and aesthetic impacts of a commercial airport at the E1 Toro site would seriously degrade the quality of life in the entire Saddleback'region. Copies of these re~olutions have been provided as Attachment B, C and D. At this time, staff do not believe that we should interfere with the MCAS, E1 Toro Reuse planning effort. Christine ~. S~gleton Assistant City-Manager Attachments: C2%S: ~b: kbc\el~oini~, ccr A - Initiative Measure B - Resolution No. 88-65 C - Resolution No. 91-122 D - Resolution No. 93-29 ATTACHMENT A ORANCIE COUNTY/P.L TORO ECONOMIC STIMULUI INrTIATWE .~lio,~ Of're -- I;)urDos~ iLn(~ __ lid lit citgo neloI in Cx)ntuflCllon w1~n D~ner il~IYflM~ compltl~l Al JOb USES. B.Llmlmd AJrpon Cap, city. The ~olf~ o~ Superv~o~ tm~ Oec~lrld Init Ofeflpe CDunly's orliy c~)mmercl~r Ii/lion l( prevented Dy ticlllty IlmlllnOns tram lef'vln~ ~! Illin 6.4 Wu]on mlpm'~efl per yllr InCI Iht #millhon Il lrld~JDf~lC~ I~/A lineal cou~ orOe:. Orlng,¢, County mtnnoy eena~ IDDPOIuff~IIily tour I~'dllK)/~ Pilll~ll'l. n~ ~op~t m ~l~ge ~umy. C~,. C~l~ of ~ ~ ~AS ~ e ~i~n m~n mu~ crea~e ~uel of ~m hn &4.3 t~m e~Rutll In Cl~mm. T~ ~cK Of lille I~ t ~.A C~ln Envlr~nL A~ ~ ~ Bt~ ~ ~v~ ~ ~.~lgJoflll Bm~. ~1 hlJto~l ~lon On A~hon H.T~lnl4)M'llflen Hub. )coNe ~o EJ Tom MCA~ ~& ~v~ea oy i,ve ~h. ~ u~ l~ ~1 El T~ MC~ mm ~1~ with d.&trport Environs lind Uii Plan. E'~mrm LInc~ UM Plin ~ u ~ ~n,al O~eml Pin I~ ~ ~e ~y N.No Efle~ on City LenDL NOthlnl~ In !1~ Ina4bve ~mix34as any ina uii ftllflC~lOrl o( (~r II/~lll~n on Iir~OI w$1hir~ II~l in~f'lX)fiW(I &laa of any ca~. &.El Toeo MCAS OaMml Plln POIIL'y AOopllon. tn O~ ~ Ntl~lsh %~M Uae ~menb Pu~ ~ri~r~ ~ ~ LU.~?: MC~) ~ ~mna. In ~tem~r. 1993, I~ed ~t ~u~ pur- Polt~ RF-I -- CMIMn AI~ Uss: In light of hi ~lnt ~e M I ~li. the El Tom M~A~ Pm,~ in ~nunl~ lO ~Vel~ ~n In ~e ~un~ 1o re~ to ~ ~a ~r i~mM0 ~n oa~y ~nUhlo m Ihs P~l~ ~i~ ParKay a~ ~ ~ly I~a Of ~tcn and I~11 N mt~ lo m~ aDe~h~ hereNMr ~ ~ El ~om ~n P~nnl~ Ami.' ~p the ~ Tom MCAG on MB~ ~, A~n Pmnn~ ~el ~y ~ ma,lgnmK. ~ ~~n or IIn~ P~nnln9 Ares ~11 ~ lp~ POlt~ PF~ -- RMnuf B~ng: ~e t~ El Tom MC~ ~ l mm C~nty. ~e m~ ~ lot the ~Mmll~ of n~l~ C~n~ mvmn~ Poll~ P~ -- Al~ ~nd Uses: To t~ m~ trin~nal~ OI ~th ~rl S~ ~. m P~'~t~Im Joint U~ POIt~, ~nO ~um otl~ El T~ MOA~ PF~.3:Atr ~ ~l~y. U~ estl~flt of I cMMn l~ it El Toro ~A~, ~ ~u~'e ~ ~o PF-~.l:M~rtnlp tnd O~ln~lllofl, ~ l~me~ by the ~rO Of b~, I)oli~y I)/=4 -- PMIcy ~ondmM~t~: TM IIX~r~rlas of mo ID Tom Alqx)~ Plann~nD Aras end Ihs Iotl~ng poti~s m~rl~g Jnd des ~ IM El 1om AI~a Pl~Nin0 A~B mi), bi ~ &l PF-&lO~nlo~lty wll'h Pl~i~al or II~ta DlOIalOnl, ~n ~nn9 a~m of ~ El T~ Pinmn9 At~ ~ m (~) ~: ~ o~m~n et a~ li~n ~m t~ ~ TOm AlOft ~nnln~ ~. ~1 ~mmi PF-1, PF-2, PFC, PR.5, ~U P~; PF-O2:l~commofl~Uon o! t~o El Tom Alan ~mloiion. If, iT ~ rl~ueil ~ ~0 ~0 of 6~q, ~ El Tom M~ on ~ ~ Of I final ~i~n m~M ~~ ~U~ o~ or WI of IM ~ ~n~mU ~ tM ro~fl ~ ~ We tlnm t~t ~0 ~1~ his ~u~ to t~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ ~n)u~ wan any ~ ~. ~ on~t~ m t~ ~gr~ i~h O~il Pmn ~t~ ~m 3~. 2016, t~ Itlur3'l U~ n Use ElIm~nt '~c FaMilieS' i~ UM ~t~. m~ure in~on~, ~m~ a~ ~ a ~rm~ ~ b~ I~ Fk~lfl,~ E~m, hilly Ei~nL ~fwel~n E~. ~ ~rf~y ~o~ in ~0 ~ral Pin. ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~e t~lo~ I~menll ~y ~ lufl~r I~o~ ~ I minnor ~ I0 ~ GIMraI P~n. T,~nd U~ ~nl kme~men~. I.T~ ~ I~ ~ Nrl~ ~ tho 'Pu~C 8~ m~ L~) ~e he~ ~Ofl~O M tOl~: b. TM ilmt ~moripn ~ ~ ~ UN E~'e ~ix C ~ MW C~i Air ~tt~ ~ ~on of m~bW ~ it ~y ~ u t~: M ex~ l0 ~ ~nw~d to I =tdl/n ~ 1Mt~lnE o~m. 2.~M ilwN Am~m~tl. a.T~ ~n ~mgm~ ~ I~ N~e EWm~e ~1~ 1. Pen D ~. T~ D~ment of ~f~ (~D) I ~nlm M~ r~ lo ~ ~ ~ ~ng ~li. DOD l~ i ~r of ~ ~ I~e~ to mint~e ~lt~e ~ ~ lich ~ tM ~s' ~m~. ~ev~,) ~o El 1~ M~A& ~ TuKIfl MCAB Bm lo ~ o~ ~ b.Tr4 ~$t ~lraDr&~ tn the NMe E)eme~'~ ~ml~ I~ I~ ~S~DII~ ro~mm,n~ the I~re 0~ C~nty ~TII ~1~ ~ P~nl (DIgl o,Jonn WIyr4 )rurporl will ten, lin &$1t'~ pnrll:~l.I I)~bhc ~rTt~r alqporl in ~e) ~ 1079 E.4To II~ 4.PubUa 14rvk~la OhO FI~IIIWI Element kmln~menll. &.TI~ Ilventh plra0~lph in the ~ubC Sit.oil I~d Fa~ ~enl'l OMar 2. Piti C. &K~ 5, Gu~i~ b,(4) ~ of ~n ~ ~ ~ ?~ M~I ~ Ih~ H~I sir ~tgo. ~. ~ ~n ~, E~ ~.(3) ~ ~ ~m ~ ~r ~ ~. The hame ~, e~r Mlem ~.N'tc. m Orjr~a County miy M~ e~nl~ ~ ~um M ~ BI of ht faoll~ ~OM Mlp ~ I~ ~~I amount OI uno~.MOI)~l ira,nO In C~ln~l Co~,w. pen~Jt~ny in IM t~e ~nn~es ~ ~ ~. FM e~M, ~ El Toro INlfl¥ vM tuner trihaporlltlon corridor&. 'TIlt lndl~tll ~ ChlDllr TwO, 'l'raP4DO/lltlon ~yllt~. UIYIIII0or# IiCI m·t aeneas 0~flo4enmes ·xil~ in O(an;)e County's trar~ll~ 0o not hive luffio~m cll~lcl~y, oue Io ~a0eQUati cll~tel k%'eltmentl, Io aocommo04te me Inu(~DitKI heavy 0amen0 o4uee0 by prO~ectecl population In0 l~pioymenl gn)wlh, 'I'rlMI~ &l In Intmllwl I~ not ix3:)ec~l~ Io illlr Jl~'.hc~u~ (~ pree)fl! IlC~llbee w~l a4~ oonlln~l, wRh mu~ c~ Orln~ Ooun¥l air trlve; ear-anD, ~Jng mm DUtlJOe me County, Tr4 Oounty'~ ih Wd~ Co~l &tr Griffon Imm mllll~ uH 1o ~e ii 1 ~lvlMn IIr- 3.e, ltety El~n~nl Amenamln~.. B.Inte~m Am~menti, T~ ~l~e ~ 0~1 Plan ~ Jo ~ J~ ~m~e me~e wo~ ~ed tfl~ me G~era~ ~, II ~y ~N Of thll ~l~o ~ ~ltea tn~l~ by I ~U~, me fe~in. ~ ~ ate 1o ~ ~ p~l riot l~,~ve~ ill dolw Wayne o011tn air ee~..,e Imm atrpo~l Purl, JOe TI~I InltilPve Ih&Il remain in e~ecl until Deeemb'er 31,201E. ink C4~'ny. EIlm~lel lot IM yelr 2~X) mc~oalp Ihlt limps! I~D,0 mi;. ~ larfler ·men0~0 or repe&tld by itl lem~ or & vole 0t the bo~ total Dlllenger~ will be gemlrllee by tnt Ix)pulatlO~ of Ihe N~tl. F~ Jlnua~ 1PM ~ i IW, ovlr ~.~ air- klrlnl ~i ~ ~tlflOn t0 t ¢lvll~n ll~ofl In me all 1~8. b.~ fl~ ~mgrl~ in ~ ~lle~ Elemenl'a C~er ~. Pa~ C. ~ aM ~ram ~m; yet, ~ ~ IvJ~ I~ll~ In t~ ~u~ may ~t t~ll~ In t~ ~ie ~. c.~ ~ ~m~a~ In tn~ ~lety EW~'a Cna~er 2, P~ C, ~ ~ N~ ~n (MGm) D Tom ~ ~o et I~ ~vo Ma~ ~ ~ ~it. The i~li~n i~ ~leD I~ ~ ~n~l Orl~ ~u~, lO ~oe ou~ O~ ~ C~ of 6anti ~fenle llll ClNum mhd ~ld~m~ Ao$ of 1~ hll ~li~ ~1 El 1Mo MC~ will ~ e~ M J mlllm~ f~lll~ by m~l~. A ~villan ~rpon may ~ ~ at $,ReorBatlon EMinent Amer~lmentL tlvlf INtl/'Io~ lc) CIK~UIIIi IJ'i Illlc~10 Petition wfll~n lhl ~o4Jnb/of O~·ng~ for me DurDMO of mpmvln~ L~o Ofan~ Coun~ economy lrdurlrlg I~1 ht0nlll lnCI l~Wlt Ult Of Ibc El 'Toro ~ll"lne &llllon Iollowml) itl 0K)lUre I1 I n'~lry lacdlfl¥. A Illlemenl Df El Tom Otvlllen Airport -- The El TDfo k~nne Con~ Air Slltk~ {'M~'~ wWI oe e~ea as I m#ltlry lnl~l:llKX~ bllorl TAI~ I~l~n~ a unu~e ol~pc~nunliy. The Cmmty I~J~ ~ m IIllMIl~ · ~vJ~ l~)on BI the ~ To~ MCA~. I~ El Tom M~ rote. OVbln II~ o~ ~uflt~ MI NMI~ t~ ~a ~r ~ a~ m ~ ~l ~ fire. ~. &top ~lfl9 P~8 and ~ lo ~X -- By ~ ~r 2010 be eem~. our ~ ~y ~ ~ ~m~ ~ I~ e~e~ ~ a ~ ~t. ~ O~mI ~mn ~ Element ,~nehamenll. l.llem 11 I~ I1~ R~0ut~tl EimnI'l Ct~Die~ ?, Pul D O,l. OuM~n el I~r mlOurc~l I~nlM'llllJOr~ I:~l~r&l, Tlg (PI'gl RE8-7.12) ia hMeby 8monaec~ ,,f ~ ~ )n ~ ~ El Tom M~; o~ ~l~ ~t Init the ~Unty ~l ~ I ~ fl~ ~ ~. 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 1'0 ,, o, 1,2 ._ ~5 · .. 17 o~ o . , 21 9'9 23 24 25 26 27 . · ATTACHMENT B RESOLUTION NO. 88-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OK THE CITY OF TUSTIN OPPOSING ANY FORM OF JOINT OR FULL COMMERCIAL USE OF MCAS EL TORO The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' i. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ae The City of Tustin is vitally concerned with preserving the quality of life for its citizens; and B · C · The City of Tustin has an importa'nt responsibility to work on behalf of its citizens to promote quality of life and guard against any activities '"or, actions ':.%hat might jeopardize .the quality of life in the City; and ,:£.'i:'. ': . ,', ":' '-:: :'i,'"" " ,.'i...! . ""' ' ..... " ":' '"-' The. Marinel Corp ~,A-ir Sta'tionI (MCA. S). El'ii.'.T]o.r? i..s.- surrounded by residenti-al, communities; and · . --,-., -D,.. 'The.Federal..Aviation.:Adml.nistration.,.(FAA) ..and:o.~her or..gani,zations have studied or proposed studies examl ning feasibility of .. -':e Lpermi. ttin. g'commercial.,..non~mil,itary aircraf..t at MCAS E1 Toro; and · E. Any_ form of. commercial ~use,. includi_n,g ,.non-military-cargo.:aircra_f.,t · a%.MCAS E-1 Toro,'.would seriously .degrade the quality of life in the entire.Saddleback Valley region, creating unmanageable levels '.-.. of~ automobile .:traffic; an .increase in-.ai:r~.'p,oll.ution, ·unsafe crowding of airspace ...in the Orange .County .area; :.~d :.an .increase in..aircraft noise; .and ..... ",::i'.- ' .... ' ~, ' ...... - '. F. M~As .El-Toro 'is a vitally important.and strategically-located mi.l. i tary air base ;l~and G. Commercial flights at ~CAS E1 Toro would be incompatible with the .. ~.. .mission.of-the.United States Mar. ine Corps .(USMC);..andr--..~.id.s--.:..j · . H. The USMA..has cons.istentiy."and' strenuously opposed a. nY-.for.m of commercial air service at MCAS El 'Toro. II. The Cit~.Council expresses its strong opposition to-=any' ~orm.of joint or full .commercial .use of MCAS E1 'Toro. · . PASSED AND ~DO'~'T£D at a' re'gular'meet'ing of tJ~e City COuncil.of ~he Ci~y-.:9i Tustin held.:.on.the 20th. day of ,]~me , 1988. Mary E. Wy.nh .... City Clerk-' · · . .Ronald B. Hoesterey ~ayor · , 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTACHMENT C RESOLUTION NO. 91-122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING ANY FORM OF JOINT~OR FULL COMMERCIAL USE OF MCAS, EL TORO WHEREAS, the City of Tustin is vitally concerned with preserving.the quality, of life for its citizens; and . WHEREAS, the City-~f Tustin -has an important responsibility to work on behalf of its citizens to promote quality of life and guard against any activities or actions that might jeopardize the quality of life in the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has provided input to reach an equitable solution to Orange County residents' increasing demand for Safe and convenient airline service; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin concurs with the Orange County Board of Supervisors' acceptance of the Airport Site Coalition's findings and support of the conversion of George Air Force Base to a civilian airport upon its closure in 1992; and WHEREAS, the Tustin City Council has previously expressed its strong opposition to any form of joint or full commercial use of MCAS, E1 Toro by adopting Resolution No. 88-65; and WHEREAS, the Marine Corp Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro is surrounded by residential communities; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other organizations have studied or proposed studies examining feasibility of permitting commercial, non- military aircraft at MCAS E1 Toro; and WHEREAS, any form of commercial use, including non- military cargo aircraft at MCAS E1 Toro, would seriously degrade the quality of life in the entire Saddleback Valley region, creating unmanageable levels of automobile traffic, an increase in air pollution, unsafe crowding of airspace in the Orange County area, and an increase in aircraft noise; and WHEREAS, MCAS, E1 Toro is a vitally important and strategically-located military air base; and 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 Resolution No. 91-122 Page 2 WHEREAS, commercial flights at MCAS, E1 Toro would be incompatible with the mission of the United States Marine Corps (USMC); and WHEREAS, the USMC has consistently and strenuously opposed any form of commercial air service at MCAS, E1 Toro. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby expresses its strong opposition to any form of joint or full commercial use of MCAS, E1 Toro. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the l~6th day ~ September, Charles E. Puckett,' Mayor Wynn, C t~~y Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 91-122 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 91-122 was duly and regularly introduced, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of September, 1991, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Puckett, Pontious, Edgar, Ports, Prescott None None None SR: kd\91 - 122 2 3 4 ATTACHMENT D RESOLUTION NO. 93-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL' OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, OPPOSING THE POTENTIAL CLOSURE OF MCAS, EL TORO (THE MAIN FACILITY) AND AN~ POTENTIAL RE-USE AS A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has an important responsibility to work on behalf of its citizens to promote quality of life and guard against any activities or actions that might jeopardize the quality of life in the City; and 9 10 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 20 2.1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, it was announced on March 12, 1993, that MCAS, E1 Toro had been included on the list of base properties to considered by Congress for closure and realignment; and WHEREAS, an actual closure of MCAS, E1 Toro (the main facility) could have dire social and economic consequences to all of the cities immediately adjacent and nearby MCAS, E1 Toro due to the loss of jobs, taxes and businesses; and WHEREAS, the direct economic impact to Orange County resulting from the closure of MCAS E1 Toro (the main facility) is estimated to be $235.7 million annually; and WHEREAS, the effect of the closure will mean an increase in the jobless by as many as 20,000 in Orange County alone through direct and indirect projects that the base supports; and WHEREAS, included within MCAS, E1 Toro property being considered for closure, there exists a remnant parcel that is within the City of Tustin limits; and WHEREAS, the anticipated use of the subject remnant parcel was originally conceived to be developed with housing to support MCAS, E1 Toro; and WHEREAS, the MCAS-Tustin is currently in the planning stages for disposition and realignment which preliminarily includes the military's retention of the housing at MCAS-Tustin for use by MCAS, E1 Toro thereby satisfying the housing need; and WHEREAS, the disposition of the remnant parcel would be in the best interest of the City of Tustin and the military in that the current and future mission requirements and operational readiness of the Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 13 15 17 19 20 21 99 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 93-29 Page 2 of Defense's (DOD) total force would not be affected (DOD Final Selection Criteria No. 1) ; and WHEREAS, the base closure announcement reintroduces the possible re-use of the property as a commercial airport; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has provided input to reach an equitable solution to Orange County residents' increasing demand for safe and convenient airline service; and WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other organizations have studied or proposed studies examining the feasibility of permitting commercial, non- military aircraft at MCAS E1 Toro; and WHEREAS, the Tustin City Council has previously expressed its strong opposition to any form of joint or full commercial airport use of MCAS, E1 Toro by adopting Resolution Nos. 88-65 and 91-122; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin previously concurred with the Orange County Board of Supervisors' acceptance of the Airport Site Coalition's findings and support of the conversion of George Air Force Base as a more suitable civilian airport upon its closure in 1992; and WHEREAS, the Marine Corp Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro is surrounded by residential communities; and WHEREAS, any form of commercial airport use, including non-military cargo aircraft at MCAS E1 Toro, would seriously degrade the quality of life in the entire Saddleback Valley region, creating unmanageable levels of automobile traffic, an increase in air pollution, unsafe crowding of airspace in the Orange County area, and an increase in aircraft noise. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby formally declares the following- · Strong opposition to the potential closure of MCAS, E1 Toro (the main facility) urging the President of the United States, Defense Secretary Aspin, the Base Realignment and Closure Commission, and Congress and Senate to delete the base from further consideration for. closure; and 3 4 5 6 ! 8 9 ]0 ]2 ]3 15 17 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 Resolution No. 93-29 Page 3 , · Strong support for the disposition of the remnant parcel of MCAS, E1 T~ro located within the Tustin City limits regardless of any disposition decision for MCAS E1 Toro (the main facility) Strong opposition to any re-use of MCAS, E1 Toro as a commercial airport - requesting that the Base Realignment and Closure Commission stipulate in their MCAS, E1 Toro deliberations that no commercial airport use be permitted on said site in the event of a closure decision; and That copies of this resolution, be forwarded to the agencies listed as follows: the Department of the Navy, the United States Marine Corps, the Orange County Board of Supervisors, our Legislative representatives in the State including Assemblypersons Tom Umberg, Mickey Conroy, Doris Allen, Nolan Frizze!le, Senator Marian Bergeson, Senator John Lewis; and our representatives in Washington Congressmen Dornan and Cox, and Senators Feinstein and Boxer and any other pertinent parties. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 5th day o_f April, 1993. Leglie Anne/Pontious, Mayor Zary E. ~ynn, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS