HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1978 05 01 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING, TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CENTENNIAL AT MAIN May 1, 1978 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Welsh at 4:25 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Welsh, Schuster, Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy Absent: Councilmen: None Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Brian Chase, Community Development Director James G. Rourke, City Attorney Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk Hearings and presentations noticed for 7:30 meeting. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy that meeting be adjourned to meeting of Redevelopm~n~ Agency and thence reconvene to Council meeting. Carried. Ma/or ~i~y Clerk MEETING OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY May 1, 1978 1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Welsh. 2. All members present 3. Business Items 1) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 17, 1978 meeting. 2) RESOLUTION NO. RDA 78-1 A Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, APPROVING USE PERMIT 78-4 AUTHORIZING A COCO'S RESTAURANT IN THE COURTYARD. 3) RESOLUTION NO. RDA 78-2 A Resolution of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, APPROVING USE PERMIT 78-5 AUTHORIZING A SPIRES RESTAURANT IN LARWIN SQUARE. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that business items 1, 2 and 3 be approved. Carried. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page two 4. Adjournment: Moved by Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli that meeting be adjourned to regular Council meeting. Carried. · REGULAR MEETING OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL Reconvened at 4:35 p.m. III. PUBLIC CONCERNS None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 17, 1978 meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $367,202.93 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in amount of $56,083.16. 3. DENIAL OF CLAIMS 1) Harold L. Hartwick 2) jeffrey Tanksley 3) Irwin Abraham Weiss 4) L. P. Fricker Denial as recommended by City Attorney. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 78-55 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP NOS.78-105, 78-106, 78-107, 78-108, 78-109. Adoption as recommended by Planning Agency. 5. FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM CONTRACT. Adoption of Resolution No. 78-56 and authorization of payment of $5,253.30 to Sully-Miller Contract- ing Co. and assuming that no claims or stop notices are filed within 30 days of date of recordation of completion that final 10% ($4,866.55) be paid - as recommended by the City Engineer. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 78-57 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 78-115 FOR SENIOR CITIZEN PROJECT ON SIXTH STREET. Adoption as recommended by Community Dev- elopment Dept. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page three 7. RESOLUTION NO. 78-58 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT 10281. Adoption as recommended by Community Devel- opment Dept. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 78-59 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 77-104. Adoption as recommended by Community Devel- opment Dept. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 79-60 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, APPROVING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN A JOINT RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY. Adoption as recommended by City Administrator. Councilwoman Kennedy requested that item 9 be removed. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli that Consent Calendar be approved with deletion of item #9. Carried. Councilwoman Kennedy voting No on Consent item No. 4. Item #9 - In answer to questioning by Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. B~ankenship explained the joint Risk Management Agency process stating that this should save the City money on liability insurance coverage and that there would be no City commitment if costs are not as good as tenta- tively anticipated. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Schuster that Resolution No. 78-60 be passed and adopted. Motion carried - Mrs. Kennedy voting No. V. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None VI. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 772 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 2603 CONCERNING THE PAYMENT OF FEES IN CONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance No. 772 have second reading by title. Carried unanimously. VII. OLD BUSINESS 1. FINALIZATION OF CIVIC CENTER SIGNING. Report presented by Mr. Chase including costs of $11,367 for total signage including 2 monument signs~ $2,800 of which has been approved. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli that the staff proceed with signing including Police signing and monument signs on Centennial Way and on Main St. Carried. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page four 2. REPLACEMENT OF VEHICLES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT Report containing'following bids~presented by Mr. Blankenship~ 1. Harry Mann Chevrolet - $5885.61 2. Guarantee Chevrolet - $5841.84 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster that bids for 6 police cars be awarded to Guarantee Chevrolet in amount of $5841.84 (including tax). Carried. 3. ON-STREET PARKING - FASHION LANE. Report presented by Mr. Blankenship. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Kennedy that staff make a study and report on City parking standards especially in commercial and Planned Development zones. Carried. 4. AB 3546 and SB 1874 RELATIVE TO ANNEXATION LAWS. Mr. Saltarelli stated that both Senate and Assembly Committees on LOcal Government will be meeting tomorrow to consider these bills which would tear the heart out of MORGA. Moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Kennedy that staff send night letters to all members of these committees opposing both bills. Carried. VIII. ADJOURN- MENT Moved by Sharp, seconded by Schuster that meeting be adjourned to evening meeting at 7:30. Carried. MEETING OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL 7:30 p.m. May 1, 1978 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Welsh. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Welsh, Sharp, Saltarelli. Schuster and Kennedy arrived at 7:34. III. · PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. APPEAL - MARK MURAKAMI ON BEHALF OF L. H. RESEARCH. Appeal of decision by Fire Marshal requiring automatic sprinkler system at 14402 Franklin in Tustin/Irvine industrial complex. The following spoke in favor of appeal and described construction Of building and fact that it has no wood and is not flamable. Mr. Mark Murakami, Architect of 15225 S. Western Ave., Garden Grove. Dr. L. Lee, President Mr. David Kaylor, representing General Contractor. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page five Jim Sims, Deputy Fire Marshall, Orange County Fire Department, explained City Code requirements for sprinkler~ in this size building. According to City records a copy of the standards had been given to the developer. The County of Orange provides fire protect- ion to the City and has no authority to wave ~any code section. This requirement will be a part of the 1979 State Code. Mr. Sims recommended retaining integrety of Ordinance 746 and denying appeal. There be'ing no further comments or objections the hear- ing was declared closed at 8:07 p.m. Council diScussed costs involved in Sprinkling, hazards of sprinklers due to electrical products, fact that only contents of building are burnable, code conditions and restrictions and other methods that could be used in place of sprinklers such as Halon System. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy that appeal be granted with staff directed to work with developer toward alternate method of fire fighting throughout the build- ing. Building permits not to be issued until satisfied with other ~ypes of extinguishing methods. If no plan devised to assure reasonable protection this action granting app~a! t0 be rescinded~,' Carried. Councilman Schuster felt that code should be reviewed and Updated for new methods. 2. APPEAL - TOM & JERRY 'S SANDWICH SHOP Appeal of Zoning Administrator Hearing 78-1 - property at 15471 Red Hill Avenue. Hearing opened at 8:30 p.m. Report presented by Mr. Chase. Mr. Tom o,Hara, applicant,spoke on behalf of appeal. There being no further comments or objections the hear- ing was declared closed at 8:34 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Kennedy that original res- trictions on conditions be maintained. Motion carried. Councilmen Saltarelli and Sharp voting No. IV. PRESENTA- TIONS Mayor Welsh read and presented Proclamation declaring "Clean Air Week". V. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. TREE WELL TREE REPLACEMENT Mr. Richard Edgar suggested that trees be replaced in empty tree wells in the City. 2. TRAFFIC CONTROLS - NEWPORT - WASS - OLD IRVINE Mrs. Lynne Vogel, 12931 Newport Ave. asked that this matter be taken up at this time. Staff repor~ presented by Mr. Chase. Report presented by Mr. Hower, Traffic Engineer. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page six Mrs. Lynne Vogel, Mrs. Ellen Hein and Mr. William ~ Vogel spoke in favor of traffic control devices, lower speed limits, red painting of curbs and repainting of Council addressed ~oncerns and also suggested that residents contact their board of supervisors as a good portion of area is in the County and they are County residents. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that a two-way left turn be installed where possible if the County of Orange w~ll concur in th~se areas under their jurisduc- tion and that a 3~ MPH speed limit be posted on Newport between Irvine and Wass Street if County will concur. Carried. OLD BUSINESS Old Business Age~da i~emS i, ~ and 3 completed at afternoon session. 4. APPOINTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMBERS. Report from City t0 ney presented and discussed, Movea by Sh~r~, se~o, nded by Saltarelli the Redevelopment Agency continue as a 4 man agency until the volume and complexity increases to make a commission a necessity. Motion Carried - councilwoman Kennedy voting No, Councilman Schuster abstained. Council concurred that this action does not cut off an informal unstructured group from working with staff. VII. NEW BUSINESS New Business Item 3 - See public Concerns. 1. PROJECT I - MCFADDEN AVENUE SANITARY SEWER PROJECT II - SIXTH STREET WATER MAIN! PROJECT III- 17TH STREET SIP 26 STORM DRAIN Recommended action: 1. CityI CounCi~ at their mee~.~ng Of May 1, 1978, authorized budgeting Of additional funds to complete the work as tabulated below: AdditiOnal Funds - ~ Authorized · Recommended Additional F.Y. 77-78 Budget by C0uncii 3~20~78 Funds to Complete Work Project I $ 20,000.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 4,300.00 Project II 50,000.00 36,600.00 4,400.00 Project III 0 39,600.00 10,300.00 Totals $ 70,000.00 $81,500.00 $19,000.00 2. That the City Council at their meeting of May 1, 1978, award the contract for subject work to Dale Casada Construction Company, of Anaheim, California. 2. AUTHORIZATION TO FILL VACANCY - POLICE DEPARTMENT Recommendation - that Police Department be authorized to fill Records Clerk vacancy. 4. CONSIDERATION OF TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX. Recommendation - That City Attorney be directed to prepare the appropriate ordinance. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page seven Moved by Saltarelli~ seconded by Sharp that staff recommendations for items 1, 2 and 4 be approved. Carried. 5. DISCUSSION OF COUNCIL POSITION ON JARVIS-GANN INITIATIVE AND PROPOSITION 8. No action taken VIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. ADJUSTMENT IN FUNDING OF MAINTENANCE FACILITY EQUIP- MENT AND STREET SWEEPER FUNDING. Report and recommendation presented by Mr. Blankenshipo Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Sharp that budget adjustments as recommended be· approved. Carried. 2. MAINTENANCE YARD OPEN HOUSE. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster that Maintenance Yard open house be held during Public Works Week of May 21 thru May 27. Motion carried - Councilwoman Kennedy voting No. 3. TRASH RECEPTICALS Councilman Saltarelli congratulated Mayor Welsh on rapid action in providing trash recepticals to eliminate problems. Mr. Blankenship announced that all three bins had been centralized on Procter property on Main Street opposite the library. 4. LOOSE DOGS In answer to questioning by Mrs. Kennedy, Mayor Welsh stated that all unleased dogs should be reported to County Animal Control. 5. RECYCLING PAPER Mayor Welsh stated he would look into ways that other cities had been successful in this endeavor. 6. CROSSWALKS - PEPPERTREE Staff to report. 7. CABLE T.V. Staff asked to find companies. using new technology which could cut costs. 8. BUDGET SESSIONS Council set dates of May 8, 9, 16 and 17 at 3:00 p.m° for budget workshops. 9. BUSINESS LICENSE PROCEDURES. Mr. Blankenship informed Council that staff is studying these procedures. 10. REQUEST FOR CONVENTION EXPENSES - NON CITY PERSONNEL Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that such requests be denied. Carried. Council Minutes 5/1/78, page eight IX. ADJOURN- MENT Moved by Schuster, seconded by Kennedy that Council adjourn to Budget Workshops May 8 and 9 and to next regular meeting May 15, 1978. Carried. C~lerk