HomeMy WebLinkAbout33 SMOKING ORDINANCE 06-06-94NO. 33
JUNE 2, 1994
Councilmember Worley asked that the City Council discuss the City's
smoking ordinance and whether it needs to be updated. The City's
smoking ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was enacted in 1985.
Councilmember Worley also requested that smoking ordinances of other
cities be reviewed in order to assess whether Tustin's ordinance is in
line with more contemporary smoking regulations. Attached are the
ordinances of the cities of Anaheim, Dana Point, and Irvine which are
typical of smoking ordinances enacted by cities in' the past several
At the State level, the Legislature is currently considering Assembly
Bill (AB) 13 which in its present form would establish state-wide
smoking standards. AB 13 would permit cities to enact stricter
ordinances. However, this provision of AB 13 has been subject to
amendments as the legislation moved through the Senate and Assembly. At
one time, AB 13 would have prevented cities from enacting smoking
ordinances stricter than the standards of AB 13. As of today, the
League of California Cities supports AB 1'3.
smokord, wah
SECTIONS 4120, 4121, 4122, 4123, 4124, 4125,
4126, 4127, 4128, AND 4129, RELATING TO THE
The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does
hereby ordain as follows:
$_~ 1. That Article 4, Chapter 1 of the Tustin
Municipal Code be, and hereby is, amended by adding Part 2,
Sections 4120, 4121, 4122, 4123, 4124, 4125, 4126, 4127, 4128, and
4129 to read as follows:
"Section 4120. PURPOSE. Because smoking of tobacco,
or any other weed.or plant, is a positive danger to
health and a cause of material annoyance, inconvenience,
discomfort and a health hazard to those who are present
in confined places, and in order to serve public health,
safety and welfare, the declared purpose of this article
is to prohibit the smoking of tobacco, or any other weed
or plant, in certain public places and places of
employment, except in designated smoking areas.
Section 4121. DEFINITIONS. (a) 'Smoke' or 'smoking'
as defined in this chapter shall mean and include the
carrying of a lighted pipe, or lighted cigar or cigarette
of .any kind.
(b) 'Public place' shall mean any enclosed area to
which the public is invited or in which the public is
permitted, other than the ones enumerated in Section
4126, including but not limited to, retail food
production and marketing establishments, elevators,
restaurants, theaters, waiting rooms, reception areas,
educational facilities, health facilities and public
transportation facilities. A private residence is not a
'public place'.
(c) 'Place of employment' shall mean any enclosed
area under the control of a public or private employer
which employees normally frequent during the course of
employment, including but not limited to work areas,
employee lounges, conference rooms, and employee
cafeterias. A private residence is not a 'place of
employment ' .
Section 4122. PROHIBITIONS. No person shall
smoke in a public place, or place of employment, except
in designated smoking areas.
Smoking areas may be designated in public places and
places of employment by proprietors or other persons in
charge except where smoking is prohibited by law,
ordinance or regulation. Where smoking areas are
designated, existing physical barriers and ventilation
systems shall be used to minimize the toxic effect of
smoke in adjacent nonsmoking areas. It shall be the
responsibility of employers to provide smoke-free areas
for nonsmokers to the maximum extent possible within
existing facilities. Employers are not required to incur
any expense to make structural or other physical
modifications in providing these areas. An employer who
can prove a good faith effort to develop and promulgate a
policy regarding smoking and nonsmoking in the work place
shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section,
provided that a policy which designates an entire work
place as a smoking area shall not be deemed a good faith
effort. Restaurants covered by the provisions of this
article shall designate an adequate amount of seating
capacity to sufficiently meet the demands and shall
inform all patrons that a no smoking section is provided.
Section 4124. OPTIONAL PRORIBITION. Ail managers and
owners of any establishments serving or doing business
with the public may at their discretion post 'No Smoking'
signs within various areas of their businesses and
utilize the full right of the provisions of this chapter.
No. public place other than the ones enumerated in Section
4126 shall be designated as a smoking area in its
Section 4125. POSTING OF SIGNS. Signs which designate
smoking or no smoking areas established by this chapter
shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously posted
in every room, building or other place so covered by this
chapter. No smoking signs shall be specifically placed
in retail food production and marketing establishments,
including grocery stores and supermarkets open to the
public, so they are clearly visible to persons upon
entering the store, clearly visible to persons in
checkout lines, and clearly visible to persons'at meat
and produce counters. The manner of such posting,
including the wording, size, color, design and place of
posting whether on the walls, doors, tables, counters,
stands or elsewhere shall be at the discretion of the
owner, operator, manager, or other person having control
of such rcom, building or other place so long as clarity,
sufficiency and conspicuousness are apparent in
communicating the intent of this chapt_~r.
Section 4126. EXCEPTIONS. (a) No-smoking areas are
not required in individual private offices, hotel and
motel meeting and assembly rooms rented to guests, areas
and rooms while in use for private social functions,
private hospital rooms, psychiatric facilities, jails,
bars, retail stores, retail service establishments,
and restaurants with a seating capacity of ~ess than 20
st.ore(b) The owner, operator or manager of any retail
or retail service establishment shall dev. elop and
promulgate a policy regarding smoking and nonsmoking in
the retail store or retail service establishment, and the
policy shall be clearly, sufficiently and conspicuously
posted in a location visible to all persons entering the
retail store or retail service establishment.
(c) Restaurants or eating establishments with a
seating capacity of less than 20 persons shall have the
option of d~signating a no-smoking section or allowing or
prohibiting smoking throughout the establishment.
(d) Any owner or manager of a business or other
establishment subject to this article may apply to the
City Council for an exemption or modification of the
provisions of this article due to unique or unusual
circumstances or conditions.
Section 4127. ENFORCEMENT AND APPEAL. (a) The
Director of Community Services shall be responsible for
compliance with this chapter when facilities which are
owned, operated or leased by the City of Tustin are
involved. The Director of Community Development shall
provide business license applications with copies of this
arti cl e.
(b) The owner, operator~ or manager of any facility,
business or agency within the purview of this chapter
shall comply herewith. Such owner, operator or manager
shall post or cause to be posted all 'No Smoking' signs
or notices of policy regarding smoking'and nonsmoking in
retail stores or retail service establishments required
by this chapter. Such owner, operator or manager may
refuse service to any person who violates this chapter by
smoking in a posted 'No Smoking' area.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of employers to
disseminate information concerning the provisions of this
article to employees.
(d) The provisions of this article pertaining to
places of employment shall not apply until January 1,
Section 4128. PENALTIES. Any person who violates a
provision of this chapter by smoking in a public place or
place of employment, other than in a designated area,
shall be guilty of an infraction and, upon conviction,
shall pay a fine of fifty dollars ($50) for a
first violation and a fine of one hundred dollars
($100) for each additional violation of this ordinance
wi thin one year."
~ 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
on the thirtieth day from and after its passage.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Tustin held on the 16th day of December , 1985.
Atte st:
Frank H. Greinke, Mayor
Mary wsO~n, k
1311 JGR:SA:pj:11/22/85(16)
1'5 :~
MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of
the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing
Ordinance No. 949 was duly and regularly introduced and read at a regular meeting
of the City Council held on the 2nd day of Deceit)er, 1985. and was given its
second reading and duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on the 16th
day of Dec.er. 1985. by the following vote:
COUNCILPERSONS: Edgar, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli
MARY E. W~...._, ~.ty
City of Tusti~ Californ'la '
Summaries published: Dec. 12, 1985
Dec. 26, 1985
That new Chapter 6 30 be~ and the same is hereb),~ added
to Title 6 of the Anaheim Municipal Code to read as follows.
"ClIAPTER 6'30
6' 30.010 Purpose and Findings
· The City Council finds that the smoking
of tobacco, or any other weed; plant or sub.stance is'a
positive danger to health and a material annoyance,
inconvenience, discomfort and a possible health hazard
· to those who are present in confined spaces; and in
order to serve public health, safety and welfare, the
declared purpose of this Chapter is to prohibit the
smoking of tobacco~ or any other weed~ plant or
substance in public places and places of employment as
stated and required in this Chapter'
6.30. 020 Definiti OhS
· ~,
The following words and phrases~ whenever
used in this Chapter~ shall be construed as defined in
this Section-
A. 'Bar' means an area which is devoted to
serving alcoholic beverages and in which the :service of
food is only incidental to the consumption of such
B. 'Employee, means any person who is
employed by any employer for direct or indirect monetary
wages, profit, or any other form of consideration.
C. 'EmFloyer' means any person, partnership,
corporation, including municipal corporation, or oti~er
entity which employs the services of four or more
D. 'Enclosed Facility' means any building or
room within a building closed in by a roof and four
walls with appropriate openings for ingress and egress
but does not include areas commonly described as public
lei 'Motion Picture Theater' means any
thea. ter engaged in the business of exhibiting motion.
F. 'Service Line' means an indoor line or
area in which persons await service of any kind,
regardless of whether or not such service involves the
exchange of money or other considerationl Such service
shall include; but is not limited to; sales, giving of
information, directions, or advice and transfers of
money or goods.
G~ 'Workplace' means any enclosed area of a
structure or portion thereof occupied by a business
entity and frequented by employees during the normal
course of their employment and where clerical,
professional~ or business services of the business
entity are performed or where 'other work is done at thst
location: Workplace includes; but is not limited to,
spaces in office buildings, medical office waiting
rooms, libraries, museums, hospitals and.nursing homes,
employee lounges, conference rooms and employee'
cafeterias~ A private residence is not a workplace~
H' 'Smoke' or 'Smoking' means and includes
any of the following: {1) the combustion of any cigar;
cigarette, pipe'~ or any similar article, using any' form
of tobacco or other combustible substance in arfy form,
or (2) the holding or carrying of a lighted, cigar,
cigarette, pipe or any other lighted smoking devide, or
(3) emitting or exhaling the smoke directly from a
cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other lighted smoking
Smoking Prohibited - Elevators
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful
within elevators in public or private buildings
generally used by and open to the public including, but
not limited to, elevators in office, hotel and
multifamily residential buildings.
'Smoking Prohibited - Hospitals and Health
Care Facilities
A. In public areas of health care facilities.
and hospitals, as defined in Section 12S0 of the
California Health and Safety Code, including waiting
rooms, public hallways and lobbies, all smoking is
prohibited, except in specially designated smoking
areas, which may be all or part of a public area.
B. Every publicly'or privately owned health
care facility, including hospitals, shall make.a
reasonable effort to determine preference and to assign
patients placed in rooms occupied by two or more
patients according to the patient's individual
nonsmoki'ng or smoking preferencei
C'. In rooms and areas occupied by two or
more patients, smoking shall be prohibited for hospital
staff, visitors and the general public' 'STAFF AND
VISITOR SMOKING PROHIBITED' signs shall be conspicuously
posted in such areas.
Smoking Prohibited - City Council Chambers
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful
within a contiguous area of not less than fifty percent
of the total area of the City Council Chambers of the
Anaheim Civic Center which has been designated and
posted as a no smoking area by the City by signs of
sufficient number and posted in such locations as to be
readily seen by persons within such area.
6' 30: 060
Smoking Prohibited'- Theaters
A: Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in
every publicly or privately owned motion picture theater
which is.open to the public for the primary purpose of
exhibiting any motion picture in all areas except either
in that area commonly known as the lobbyi'of'iq'oareas
not open to the publicl Every owner and/or manager of
such theater shall post signs conspicuously, in the lobby
stating that smoking is prohibited within the theater
and such information shall be shown upon the screen for
at least five seconds before Showing feature motion
B" Where not otherwise prohibited by law;
smoking may be prohibited within all or any pOrtion of
any auditorium or other enclosed facility which is open
to the public for the purpose of exhibiting any stage
drama, musical recital, athletic event or any other
performance or event open to the public upon the posting
of signs in those certain areas where smoking is
prohibited as determined by the owner or person in
control of said facility or portion thereof. Said signs
shall be posted conspicuously in the areas where smoking
is prohibited and shall conform to the specifications
set forth in Section 6.30.120 of this chapter. The term
'person in control of said facility or portion thereof'
as used herein shall mean any person or entity which has
leased, rented, hired or otherwise obtained .the right to
use of such facility or portion thereof for tl~e purpose
of exhibiting such performance or event to the public.
Nothing contained herein shall require the owner or
person in control of such facility or portion thereof to
designate and post such facility or any portion thereof
as a nonsmoking area except in those certain facilities
and areas where smoking is prohibited by the fire
marshal or by any other law, ordinance or regulation.
Smoking Prohibited -. Anaheim Stadium
Suites and Executive Boxes
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in
any suite or executive box within Anaheim Stadium
provided the licensee or other person; firm, corporation
or entity having control of the occupancy of said suite
or executive box shall have posted or caused to be
posted signs prohibiting smoking within such suite or
box. The posting of any such suite or executive box as
a no smoking area shall be at the sole discretion of
such licensee or person, firm, corporation or entity
having.control of the occupancy thereo£i
Smoking Prohibited - Public Restroom$
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in
public restrooms containing less than 200 square feet of
floor area in any public or private building2
6'230 080~ Smoking Prohibited - Indoor Service Lines
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in
indoor service lines in public or private build-ings-in..
which more than one person is giving or receivi~ ·
services of any kind. Service lines for concession
stands at Anaheim Stadium shall not be deemed 'indoor
service lines' for purposes of this Section.
62 302 0~)0
Nonsmoking Areas in Restaurants
Al' Restaurants and other eating
establishments having an occupancy capacity of fifty
(50) or more persons shall by signs designate an
adequate amount of seating capacity to fully meet .
demands of nonsmokers and shall ask each patron or party
of patrons their preference. Where seating does not
include a host or hostess, there is no requirement to
ask each patron; however, signs complying with Section
6.30.120 of this Chapter designating smoking and
nonsmoking,areas shall be posted at the entrance or in
the reception 'area to clearly direct customers to the
correct area of the restaurant. Every restaurant shall
have posted at its entrance and/or reception area a sign
clearly stating that both smoking and nonsmoking
sections are available. In any restaurant where smoking
is entirely prohibited, there shall be a sign to that
effect at its entrance and/or reception area.
B. Each such restaurant or eating
establishment shall have a written policy describing how
nonsmokers are to be accommodated in the restaurant per
subsection A above and shall present its policy to any
City: Code Enforcement Officer or member of the public
when asked~ :
C. If a patron begins smoking in a
nonsmoking section, the waiter or waitress serving such
area or, in self service restaurants, the restaurant
manager shall inform him or her that smoking is
prohibited in such section and if the patron refuses to
cease, the waiter, waitress or manager shall attempt to
reseat him or her.
Df This section shall not apply to any rooms
which are being used for eating establishment purposes
for private functions, but only while any such room is
used for such private functions. 'The' term 'private
functions' as used herein shall include all eating
functions not open 'to the general public or
establishments open only to members and their guests.
E' After this section has been in effect one
year, the City Council shall reevaluate this Section.
6'50'090 to determine whether it is being adhered to,
and whether it provides adequate protection to the'
61301100 Smoking Prohibited - Retail Food
Production and Marketing Establ~ghments
Smoking is prohibited and unlawful in any
retail food marketing establishments including grocery
stores and supermarkets except {i) those areas of such
establishments set aside for offices, (ii) areas thereof
not open to the public and (iii) areas thereof set aside
for the serving and/or consumption of food and.
beverages. Such food and beverage areas shall be
subject to the provisions of Section 6'30.090 if such
areas have an occupancy capacity of fifty (50).¢r more
6.30.110 Regulation of Smoking in the 1Vorkplace
A. Within ninety {90) days of the effective
date of this Chapter, or within ninety (90) days of
first becoming an employer as defined in this Chapter
for employers who are not in operation of the effective
'. date of this Chapter, each employer shall adopt,
implement, and maintain a written smoking policy which
shall contain at a minimum the following:
1. Prohibition of smoking in employer
conference and meeting rooms, classrooms, auditoriums,
restrooms, medical faciliti'es, hallways and elevators.
2. Provisions and maintenance of a
contiguous no smoking area of not less than one-half of
the seating capacity and floor space in cafeterias,
lunchrooms and employee loun£es.
3~ Any employee in the workplace shall
be given the right to designzte his or her immediate
work area as a nonsmoking area and to post it with
appropriate signs or sign~ The policy adopted by the
employer shall include a definition of the term
'immediate work area' which gives preferential
consideration to nonsmokers~
B. In any dispute arising under the smoking
policy, the rights of the nonsmoker shall be given
C' Except where other signs are required,
whenever smoking is prohibited~ conspicuous signs shall
be posted so stating which signs shall conform to the
provisions of Section 6.30'120 of this Code.
D' The smoking policy shall be communicated
to all employees within three weeks o£ its adoption~
E' Notwithstanding the provisions of
Paragraph A of this Section, every employer shall, have
the right to designate any workplace as a nonsmoking
area or to adopt and enforce a smoking policy more
restr'ictive than the provisions of Paragraph A 3~ this
P' This Section is not intended to regulate
smoking in the following places and under the following
conditions '
as a workplace.
A private residence which may serve
2. Any property being operated by any
governmental agency other than the City of Anaheim.
3. An enclosed workplace occupied
exclusively by smokers, even though such a workplace may
be visited by nonsmokers, excepting places in which
smoking is prohibited by the ['ire marshal or by other
law, ordinance or regulation.
Bars as defined in Section 6.30.020.
S. Pood service areas of eating
establishments where food is served to and/or consumed
by patrons.
G. It shall be unlawful for an employer to
fail or refuse to adopt, implement and maintain a
written smoking policy which conforms to all applicable
provisions of this Section.
Posting of Signs Required
Except where other signs are required~
whenever in thfs Chapter smoking is prohibited,
conspicuous signs shall be posted so stating~ containing
all capital lettering not less than one inch in height
on a contrasting background and/or the international No
Smoking logo. It is the duty of the owner, operator,
manager, or other persons having control of such room~
building, or .other place where smoking is prohibitedi to
post such signs or to cause such signs to be posted~
6' 30' 130
Structural Modifications not Required
Al it shall be the responsibility of
employers to provide smoke-free areas for nonsmokers
within existing facilities to the maximum extent
possible, 'but employers are not required to incur any
expense .to make structural or other physical
modifications in providing these .areasl
Bi.' Nothing in this Chapter shall require the
· . .
owner, operator, or manager of any theater, auditorium,
h~alth care facility; Or any building; facility;~
structure, or business, to incur any expense to'make
structural or other physical modifications to any area
or workplace.
C. Nothing in this Section shall relieve any
person from the duty to oost signs or adopt policies as
required by this Chapter.
The no smoking regulations established by
this Chapter shall be administered by the City Code
Enforcement Supervisor and the Code Enforcement Officers
under such supervisor's direction.
Any owner or manager of a business or
other establishments subject to this Chapter may apply
to the City Code Enforcement Supervisor for an exemption
or modification to any provisions of this Chapter due to
unusual circumstances or conditions.
A. Such exemption shall be granted only if
the City Code Enforcement Supervisor finds from the
evidence presented by the applicant for exemption at a
hearing either that'
1, The applicant cannot comply with the
provisions of this Chapter roi' which an exemption is
requ'ested without incurring expenses for structural Or
other physical modifications other than posting signs,
to buildings and structures.
21 Due to such unusual circumstances,
the failure to comply with the provision for which the
exemption is requested will not result in a danger to
health or annoyance, inconvenience or discomfort.
Bi The applicant for an exemption shall pay
a fee on One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150~00) at the time
such application .for exemption is filed to cover cost of
the hearing and noticing of the hearing' Notice of the
time and place of said hearing shall, be mailed to the
applicant and published in a newspaper of general
circulation within the City of Anaheim not less than ten
(10) days prior to said hearing~
Violations and Penalties
Any person who violates any provision of
this Chapter by smoking in a posted 'No Smoking' area or
other area in which Smoking is prohibited by any
provision df this Chapter, or by failing to post or
cause to be posted a required 'No Smoking' sign, or
failure by An employer to regulate smoking in the
workplace as required by Section 6'30'110~ is gfi~lty of
· . .
an infraction.and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by (1) a fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars
($50.00) for a first violation; (2) a fine not exceeding
One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150~00) for a second
violation of..the same ordinance within one (1) year; (3)
a fine not exceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($500;00) for
each additional violation of the same ordinance within
one (1) year."
The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby declares
that should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this
ordinance, hereby adopted, be declar'ed for any reason to be
invalid, it is the intent of the Council that it would have passed
all other portions of this ordinance independent of the
elimination herefrom of any.-such portion ag may be declared
The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this
ordinance and shall cause the same'to be printed once within
fifteen (15) days after its adoption in the Anaheim Bulletin, a
newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in said
City, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, it
shall take effect and be in full force.
TIlE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and adopted by the
City Council of the City of Anaheim this 18th day of March, 1986.
ATT'~-ST' "~
JLl~'fm .-
4571M ~ ..
030586..'.. . ..
That Section 6.30.050 of Chapter 6.30 of Title 6 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby, amended to
read as follows:
"6.30 · 050
.010 It shall be unlawful for any person to
smoke within any enclosed building, or within any portion of any
enclosed building, which building, or portion thereof, is both
owned and operated by the City of Anaheim, except as hereinafter
set forth.
.020 Subsection .010 above shall not apply
within any City owned and operated building, or portion thereof,
.during any period of time 'such building, or portion thereof, is
leased, rented, licensed, 'or for which the right of exclusive or
private occupancy has been granted, by the City to any other
person or entity, unless the lessee, tenant, licensee or person
or entity having control of such occupancy shall have posted or
caused to be posted therein signs prohibiting smoking as
otherwise required or authorized by this Chapter. The provisions
of this subsection .020 shall not apply to any event or activity
held within any City owned building, during such times as said
event or activity is open to the general public, regardless of
whether a fee is charged for admission to such event or activity.
.030 For purposes of this Section, the
following terms shall have the respective meanings hereinafter
set forth:
.'0301 The term 'building' shall not include
the Anaheim Convention Center or Anaheim Stadium, or any portions
.0301 The terms 'City' and 'City of Anaheim'
shall include the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency, Anaheim Housing
Authority, and the Anaheim Public Improvement Corporation.
.0302 The term 'owned' shall include any
property interest of the City of Anaheim (as herein defined)
whereby the City has obtained the right of exclusive possession
or occupancy whether by fee title or as lessee, sublessee, tenant
or otherwise."
That 'Section 6.30.055 be, and the same is hereby, added
to Chapter 6.30 of Title 6 of the Anaheim Municipal Code,. to read
as follows:
.010 It shall be unlawful for any person to
smoke in any place or area within the Anaheim Convention Center,
except as hereinafter provided.
'.020 Notwithstanding subsection .010 above,
smoking shall be permitted within any office leased or rented by
the City to any person or entity unless the lessee or tenant,
shall have posted or caused to be posted signs prohibiting
smoking within such office. Smoking in offices shall be
prohibited to the extent required by Section 6.30.110 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code."
That Section 6.30.065 of Chapter 6.30 of Title 6 of the
Anaheim 'Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby, amended to
read as follows:
· "6.30.065
.010 It shall be unlawful for any person to
smoke in any place or area within Anaheim Stadium, including but
not limited to any event seating and aisle areas, except as
hereinafter provided. '
.020 Notwithstanding subsection .010 above,
smoking shall be pez~itted within the following places and areas
within Anaheim Stadium:
.0201 Upon or within any concourses or
rampways. For purposes of this Section, 'concourses' shall mean
the pedestrian walkways on each level of the Stadium which are
generally located between the event seating areas and the outside
walls or confines of the Stadium structure and which walkways
provide patron circulation within and around each level of the
Stadium. For purposes of this Section, 'rampways' shall mean the
pedestrian accesswaYs which connect and provide patron access
from one level of the Stadium to another.
.0202 Within any suite or executive box unless
the licensee or other person or entity having control of the
occupancy of said suite or executive box shall have posted or
caused to be posted therein signs prohibiting smoking. The
posting of any such suite or executive box as a no smoking area
shall be at the sole discretion of such licensee or person or
entity having control of the occupancy thereof.
.0203 Within any.office or other enclosed area
(except the Stadium Club or any other stadium restaurant) leased,
rented, licensed, or for which the right of exclusive or private
occupancy has been granted to any person or entity for a period
of time, unlesS the lessee, tenant, licensee or person or entity
having control of the occupancy thereof shall have posted or
caused to be posted signs prohibiting smoking within such office
or other enclosed area. Smoking in offices shall be prohibited
to the extent ~equired by Section 6.30.110 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code. The posting of any other enclosed area as a
smoking area shall be at the sole discretion of the person or
entity having control of the occupancy thereof.
.0204 Within the Stadium Club or any other
stadium restaurant except where, and during such times as,
smoking is prohibited by the requirements or under the authority
of Section 6.30.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code."
That Paragraph D of Section 6.30.090 of Chapter 6.30 of'
Title 6 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is hereby,
amended to read as follows:
"D. This section shall not apply to any rooms which
are being used for eating establishment purposes for
private functions, but only while any such room is used
for such private functions. The term private functions
as used herein shall include all eating functions not
open to the general public or establishments open only
to members and thei~ guests; provided, however,
functions held within the Stadium Club at Anaheim
Stadium which are open to Stadium Club members and
their guests shall not be deemed 'private functions' as
used herein."
The City Council of the City of Anaheim hereby declares
that should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this
ordinance of the Code, hereby adopted, be declared for any reason
to be invalid, it is the intent of the Council that it would have
passed all other portions of this ordinance independent of the
elimination herefrom of any portion as may be declared invalid.
Neither the adoption of this ordinance nor the repeal
of any other ordinance of this City shall in any manner affect
the prosecution for '~iolations of ordinances, which violations
were committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be
construed as a ~waiver of any license or penalty or the penal
provisions applicable to any violation thereof. The provisions
of this ordinance, insofar as they are substantially the same as
ordinance provisions previously adopted by the City relating to
the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and
continuations, and not as new enactments.
THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE is approved and adopted by the
City Council of the City of Anaheim this 2n~ day_ of March
JLW: lm
O3 3SMOKE. 12
· -
PLACES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" ie hereby added to the Dana Point
Municipal Code to read ae follows=
"Cha_uter 6.49
Places open to the public within buildings
owned or leased by the City of Dana Point,
6.4o. 010 Prohibition. Smoking. 'shall be prohibited
in the following public places within the City of Dana Point:
(a) Elevators open to and in use by the public;
waiting rooms, public hallways and patients'
rooms of every private or public health care
facility, including., but not limited to,
hospitals except rooms limited to a single
patient and not open to the general public;
Within every.room, chamber, place of ~eeting or
public assembly, during such tiao es a Beating
required by law to be open to the general public
is in progress;
Within any building or room not open to'the sky,
except the lobby, when that building or room is
open to the public for the purpose of exhibiting
any motio~ p~cture, stage drama, lecture, musical.
recital or other etmllar performance except when
smoking is part e~ the stage produ~cion;
In any establishment where food is h~ing served
to the general public; provided, however that:
Ordinance No. 93-07
~ae 2
building vhorein a Uno-smoking. area of not
less than seventy-five (Tat) of t~e riser
space and of the seating oapecity in which
cuatonere ere served lo uaintainod;
conunencing on July 1, lees smoking shall 'be
prohibited in one hundred percent (xO0t) or
any building where food is being served to
the general public;
thio prohibition against snaking shall not
apply to any area o£ a building
open to the sky or open on et least
tvs full sides, and wherein not
leos than fifty percent (SOt) o£
such area is a Uno anok.ingu area;
any private party or banquet rosa
or roans during its use by a
private party group or groups;
any bar, cocktail lounve, or other
sinilar area where alcoholic
beverages are the prlnar¥ sales
In the halls, reading and viewing roans of
nuseums and librar~ea when open to tho public;
· ·
wi'chin retail stores doing b'dsinees with the
general public in areas posted by the nanagenent
to thac effect, excep~ in areas not open to the
h' _6.40.020 places_scan to the Dublic within lmildina~
~e~ ~.leas~d b~ t~.CiCy_?~:Da~a Po~n~_[ .ThOse places Open to
· puo~c unaer section 6.4o.o10 2stated vithin Imildl~ge owned
or leased by the City of Dana Point shall be regulated under
Section 6.40.010; the prohibition of Section 4-7-11 oft. he
Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange shall be inapplicable
to such public places.~
~~_~. Sections 4-7-~2 and 4o7-13 of the Codified
Ordinances of the County of Orange, as adopted by r~ference by
the City of Dana Point pursuant to Ordinance ~o. 89 1, are hereby
Ordinance 93-07
SECTZON 3. If any section, subsection, subdivision,
sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance, Aa for
any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision
of any court of competent Jurisdiction, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this
Ordinance, and each section, subsection, eu~xlivision, sentenoe,
clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of tile fact the:
any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences,
cl&uees, phrases or portions thereof be declared invalid or
S£¢TION_4. This ordinance shall bacons effective on
3uly 1, 1993. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
th~s Ordinance and cause the sa~e to be posted st the duly
designated posting places within the C~ty and published once
within f~fteen (~5) days after passage and adoption as required
by lay; or, £n the alternative, the City Clerk nay cause to be
published a summary of this Ordinance and a cart~fisd copy of the
text of th~s Ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City
Clerk f~ve (5) days pr~or to the date of adoption of this
Ordinance; and, vithin f~fteen (15) days after adoption, the City
Clerk shall cause to be published, the aforementioned sunmary and
shall post a cer:£f~ed copy of this Ordinance, together with the
vote for and against the sa~e, in tho Office of the C~ty Clerk.
April, 1993.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of
Sec. IV.I.501. Purpose of findings.
The city council finds that the smoking of to-
bacco, or any other weed or plant, is a positive
danger to health and a material annoyance, in-
convenience, discomfort and a health hazard to
chose who are present in confined spaces; and in
order to serve public health, safety, and welfare,
the declared purpose of this chapter is to prohibit
the smoking of tobacco, or any weed or plant, in
public places and in certain other places open to
the general public, as stat~} and required in this
chapter. (Ord. No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85)
Sec. IV.I-502. Definition{.
T~,e following words and phrases, whenever used
in this chapter, shall be constructed as defined in
this section:
ia) Bar shall mean an area which is devoted to
serving of alcoholic beverages and in which the
service of food is only incidental to the consump-
tion of such beverages.
~) Motion picture theater means any theater
engaged in the' business'of exhibiting motion
(c) Smoking means the combustion of any cigar,
cigarette, pipe, or any similar article, using any
form of tobacco or other combustible substance in
any form.
(d) Workplace me*-- any enclo~d area of a
structure or portion th~ intended for oceupam'y
by buzineu entitiu for indu~ri~l, manufactur-
lug, office or other bu~inm p~
(e) Food seruice counter area me-,,- a bar or
counter area which is primm'ily devoted to the
service of food and where the service of alcoholic
beverages is only incidental thereto. Where the
gro~ receipts from the sale of food is more ~
~y (50) percent of the total gross receipts from
the bar or counter area, it shall be conclusively
presumed that the bar or counter area is primar.
ily for the service of food.
(f) Civic Center means any enclosed structure,
building or portion thereof located in the City of
Irvine Civic Center at #1 Civic Center Drive.
(Ord. No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85; Ord. No. 86-6, § !,
3-11-86; Ord. No. 87-29, §§ 1, 2, 10.27.87; Ord.
No. 88-25, § 1, 10-11-88)
Sec. IV.I-503. Smoking prohibited--Elevators.
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful within
elevators in buildin~ generally used by and open
to the public, including elevaumrs in office, hotel
and multifamily buildings./Ord. No. 85-36, § 1.
See. IV.I-504. Sm~e--~ and health ca~
ia) In public areas of health care facilities and
hospitals, as defined in section 1250 of the Call.
fornia Health and Safety Code, including waiting
rooms, public hallways and lobbies, all smoking
is prohibited, except in specially designated smok-
ing areas, which may be all or part of a public
area o
lb) Every publicly or privately owned health
care facility, including hospitals, shall make a
reasonable effort to determine preference and to
assign patients placed in ro~ms occupied by two
(2) or more patients according to the patient's
individual nonsmoking or smoking preference.
¢c) In rooms and areas occupied bY two t2} or
more patients, smoking shall be prohibited for
hospital staff, visitors, and the general public.
ED" signs shall be .conspicuously posted in such
areas. (Ord. No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85~
See. IV149~. ~,,~,--Irvine Civic Center. and
public meeting rooms.
(a) Smoking iz prohibited, and is unlaw/ul in
any enclo~/building or structure located within
the City of Irvine Civic Center as defined in sec-
tion IV.1-502(f) of the Irvine City Code.
(b) Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in
hearing rooms, conference rooms, ch-tubers, and
places of public assembly in which public busi-
*Editor's uot~-Ord. No. 16/i, { 1. adopt~i May 25, 19/8, mp~i/ic~lly ameud~ the C~ by a~ ch. 5, ti ~.I.501--~.I~.
Su~uently ~. No. ~, t l, a~ ~. ~, 19~, ~~ ~ da~r m ~,d ~ ~t ~t in ti ~.I~1-~.I413.
Sup~ No. 31 --
or provides direct participation or observation by
the general public. (Ord. No. 85-36, § I 10-22-85;
Ord. No. 88-25, § 2, ].0-11-88)
Sec. IV.I.506. Same--Theaters and audito-
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in every
publicly or privately owned theater, auditorium,
or other enclosed facility which is open to the
public for the primary purpose of exhibiting any
Supp. No. 31
HEALTH ~ [V.I-50~
or provides direc~ participation or observation by
the general public. (Ord. No. 85-36, § 1 10-22-85:
Ord. No. 88-25, § 2, 10-11-88)
See. IV.I~506. Same--Theaters and audito.
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in every
publicly or privately owned theater, auditorium,
or other encioeed facility which is open to the
public for the primary purpose of exhibiting any
Supp. N~ 31
HEALTH ! IV.I-600.1
motion picture, stage drama, musical recital, ath.
letic event, or any other performance or event in
all areas except either in that area commonly
known as the lobby, or in areas not open m the
public. Every owner and/or manager of such the-
ater, auditorium, or other enclosed facility used
for the purposes stated herein shall po~ signs
conspicuously in the lobby stating that smoking
is prohibited within the theater, auditorium, or
facility. (Ord. No. 8~, § L 10-22.8~)
Sec. IV.I-607. Same--Public rest room.
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in public
rest rooms. (Ord. No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85)
See. IV.I-508. ~me--Indoor service linee.
Smoking is prohibited and is unlawful in in.
door service lines in which more than one (1)
person is giving or receiving services of aay kind.
(ertl No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85)
Sec. IV.I-509. Same--Eatinf establishments.
Smoking is prohibited and is ~lrtlala~ ill
publicly or privately owned coffee shop, cafeteria,
foun?J~,% res~urant or other eatin~ est~~t
'serving food whoee occupied capacity is for~y (40)
or more persons, excludin~ from that calculation
of capacity any portion of such facility which is
locM~l ouuloors and any portion of such facility
which is utilized for bar p~; not~ithstand-
lng the fore,lng, smoking is prohibited and
lawful at all foocl service counter areas. This pro-
hibition shall not apply to any such
m,in_t~inin_a a conLi~mous no-smokin~ ar~ of not
less than ~ (50) perce~ of both the seating
capacity and the floor'space in which customers
are being served, includin~ all food service coun~-
ers, excludin~ fi'om said calculations any por~ion
of counters of' such facility which is located our
doors and any portion of such facility which is
utilized for bar ~ Tl~ia prohibition shall
not apply to .any rooms which are bein~ used for
eating est~lishment p~ for private Amc-
t~ons while any such room is used for such l~Vate
functions. At the request of a patron, the patron
shall be seated in a nonsmokin~ area ff available.
(Ord. No. 85.36, § 1, 10-22-85; Ord. No. 87-29, § 3,
See. IV.I.509.1. Refulation of smoking in the
office workplace.
(a) On or before June 30, 1986, or within ninety
(90) days of having i'u-st engaged the ~ervices of
an employee, for employers who are not in opera-
tion on March 31, 1986, each employer shall adopt,
implement and maintain a written mmmoking policy
which shall contain at a minimum the followin~
1. Prohibition of smoking in employer conference
and meeting rooms, while being used for con-
ferences and meetings, classrooms, auditor-
lures, re~trooms, medical facilities, hallways
and elevator~
2. Provision and maintenance of a contiguous
no-smok~ing area of not less than the -.ea~ing
capacity and floor space in cafeterias, lunch-
rooms and employee lounges with a seating
capaci~ of forty (40) or more people. Smoking
shall be prohibited in cafeterias, lunchrooms
of less than fort~ (40);
3. Any employee in the ofl~ce workplace shall
be ~iven the right to designate his or her
immediate work area as a noasmoking area
and to post it with appropriate sign or signs.
The policy adopted by the employer shall in-
clude a definition of the term "immediate
work area" which gives preferential considera-
tion to nonsmokers.
(b) In any dispute arising under the smoking
policy, the rights of the nonsmoker shall be given
(c) Signs shall be posted in ao~tance with sec-
tion IV.I.511.
(d) The smoking policy shall be communicated
to all employees within three (3) weeks of it~
(e) No w thsta t . ' pn,v m of subee on
(a) of this section, every employer shall have the
right; to deei~te any or,ce workplace as a
(f) This section is uot intended to regulate
smoking in the followiu~ places and under the
following couditions;
1. A private home which may serve as an ot~ice
Supp. No. 29
2. Any property owned or lea~t by other govern.
mental agencies;
3. A private enclosed office workplace occupied
exclusively by smokers, even though such an
office workplace.may be visited by nonsmo~
excepting places in which smokin8 is prol~bited
by the ftre marshal, or by other law, ordi.
nance or regulation.
(g) An employer may submit the proposed
smoking policy to the cit7 for review aa to com.
pliance with the provisions of this section. An
employer shall be deemed'to be in compliance
with the provisions of this section during such
period of time that an ontinance is under review
by the city, and ii' the employer adopts any recom-
mended re~--~.:o-.,a tu the pclicy ~ tc ~ employer
by the city as a result of that review. It' an employer
disagrees with the city's interpretation that a
smoking policy is not in compliance with the pro-
visions of this section, the employer may request
a hearing on the issue of'compliance by .filing a
written request therefor with the director of pub-
a hearing on the issue of compliance of the smoking
policy with the provisions of this section within
thirtT (30) days follo~in.e, receipt of the notice of
a request for es The hem
shall be conducted by the director of public 'ety
or his designee, and the decision of the director
of public safety or the director's designee shall be
ru~. The emplcyor shall have thirty (30) data after
the decision of the director within which to revise
the employer's smoking policy to con/om'to the
director's determination.
Ch) Employers subject to the provisions of seetioa
IY.I-$09 shall not be subject to the provisions of
this section. (Ord. No. 8&~, § 2, 3-11-86)
Smokin~ ia prohibited and is unlawful in buse~
trams, taxi~ and other means at' pubUc trane-
portation under the authority of the City of
vine while withi,~ the boundaries of' the city. (OnL
N~. 8536, § 1,
See. lY.1411. POsting orplaeing of Mgn~.
Any buainem with an area designated u a
smoki area smmm to
IV.I-510 shall.peet or cause to be posted and shall
main~ no-smoking signs at the main enU-ance
and in conspicuous locations within said area. All
such signs shall be prominently displayed, shall
clearly recite the phrase "no smoking" and/or use
the international no-smoking symbol and shall
cite the appropriate sections of the City of [rvine
Municipal Code. Such signs shall be posted not
less than five (5) feet nor more than eight (8) feet
above floor level and shall be of sufficient number
and location to catme the message of the signs to
be clearly visible and readable. In addition; any
business with a lawfully designated smoking area
shall post or cause to be posted and shall main-
tam signs dearly identifTing the designated amok.
As an alternative to posting signs u required
by this section, eating establishments may place
sm~ si&m, cou~inin6 the m>~sag~ dee~ibed
above, on each dining table located in an area
subject to the provisions of-rids chapter. No per*
son shall willfully mutilate or desUoy any sign
required by thl- m~etion; '
In addition to the signs required herein, the
hoeZ, h~ walter or waltre~ soatin& patrons
within a food establishment shall advise the pa-
trons at the. time they are seated whether
509 above. (Ord. No. 8~86; § 1, 1~22,8~; Ord. No. '
864t, § 3, 3-114~6; Ord. No. 8?-29, § 4, 10-274~7)
See. IVJ41~.. Stru~ modifications not
(a) It _,,hal! be the rempon~bility of employers to
provide smoke-free areas, for-nonsmokers within
existing f&:ilities to the. maximum-extant poeai-
bls, but employers are.no~ required to incurany
expmme to make structural ~er phTsical modi-
fications in providm~ these areas.
Om) Nothing in ~ chapter shall require the
owner~ 6petal, or ~ of any theater, audi-
torium, hea~ cam facility, or any building, facil-
ity,-struetm~,oe b~ to incur:any expo~to
make str~-tm~l or other - physical modifications
(c) Nothing.in this section shall relieve any
person from tha duty to post signs or adopt poli-
cies es required by this chapter. (Ord. No. ~, §
SUM~ No. ~9
! IV.I~Og.! IRVlN~ COD;
2. Any progerW owned or leased by other govern.
mental a~enci~;
3. A privato enclceed o~ce workplace occupied
exclumvely by smokers, even though such an
exce~ plum in which ~no~ ia prohibited
by the f'u-e marshal, or by other law, ordi.
nance or regulation.
(g) An employer nay submit the propo~d
smoking policy to the city for review as to com-
pliance with the provisions of this section. An
employer shall be deemed to be in compliance
with the provisions of this section during such
period of time that an ordinance is under review
by the city, end if the employer adopt~ any recom-
mended revim~ to L~e poU~ ~ b; the employer
by the city es a result of that review. If an employer
disagrees with the city's interpretation that a
smoking policy is not in compliance with the pro-
visions of this section, the employer may request
a hearing on the issue of compliance by filing a
written request therefor with the director of pui~
lic safety. The directs- of public safet~ shall conduct
a hearing on the issue of comPliance of the smoking
policy with the provisions of this section within
thirty (30) days following, receipt of the notice of
a reque~ far hearing as M~ forth ~. The hasting
shall be conducted by the director of public safety
or his designee, end the decision of the director
of public safety or the director's designee shall be
C~maL The emPloyer shall have ~ (30) days after
the. decision of the director within which to revise
the employer's smoking policy to conform to the
director's determination.
(h) Employers subject to the provim'ons of section
IV.I-§09 shall not be subjec~ to the provisions of
~ section. (Ord. No. 86-6, §
Se,=. I~.I-510. Same--Public ~pormtton,
Smokiag is prohihited and is unlawful in buses,
ureas, taxi~ and other means of public trans.
portation under the authoriW of the City of Ir.
vine whUe within the J~oundaries of the city. (OnL
N~. 85*36, § 1, 10~22~5)
and in conspicuous locations within said area. All
such signs shall be prominently displayed, shall
clearly recite the phrase "no smoking" and/or uae
the international no*smoking symbol and shall
cite the appropriate sections of the City of lrvine
Municipal Code. Such signs shall be posted not
less than five (5) feet nor more than eight (8) feet
above floor level and shall be of sufficient number
and location to cause the messqe of the siS, as to
bo clearly visible and remiable. In addition, any
buainese with a lawfully designated 'smoking area
sh~ll pos~ or cause to be posted and shall maia.
cain siSna chariy iden~ying the designaMd smok.
As an alternative to posting signs as required
by this sec~4oa, eatJn~ estub!ish_~en*.s may Flace
small signs, coataininf the messages described'
above, oa each dining table located in aa area
subjec~ to the provisions of this chapter. No per-
soa shall willfully mutilate or destroy aay sign
required by this sectio~
Ia additioa to the signs required hereia, the
ho~, hostess, waiMr or waitress searing patens
within a food esUblishmeat shaft advise the pa-
trons at the rime they are seaMd whether or not
tb~ are aimaf wire,ia a smoking or nonsmoking
509 above. (Ord. No. 86-36, § 1, ~0-22~5; Ord. No.
86-6, § 3, 3-11~86; Ord. No. 87-29, § 4, ~0-27.87)
See. IVJ-51~. Structural modifications not
(a) It shall be the responsibility of employers to
provide smoke*free erens for nonsmokers within
existing facilities to the m--imum exaent possi-
ble, but employers are not required to incur any
.expenm to make m'uemraJ or other ph.vsical modi-
fications in providing the~e
Co) Nothing in this chapter shall require the
owner, 0parsUl, or ~ of any theater, audi-
Un'ium, honlth care facilitT, or any building, facil-
ity, structure, or business to incur any expense to
m*ke structure] or other physical modifications
to any ~ or w~rkpl~e.
(c) Nothing in th/s s~ction shall relieve any
parson from the duty to po~ signs or adop~ poli-
~i~ ns ~ by th/, chapter. (Ord. No.
1, 10-~2~5)
! IV.I.813
Sec. IV.I-613. Violations to be infractions.
Violations o£ any provision of this chapter shall
be an iht'faction, punishable as provided by $~ate
law. (Ord. No. 85-36, § 1, 10-22-85)
Crom referenee--B&ii for violation, ! IV.M. IO?.
Sup~ Nb 29
[The nexl; pale is 39111
,.,,.,,,,-,,.,.'-~. ~nu ~.,.'~ L~-~Ur.. U~- CA CITIES FAX NO, "~'6444867I P, 02/I0
Introduced by Assembly Member Terry Friedman
(Principal coauthor: Assembly Member MargoUn)
(Coauthors: Assembly Members Archie-Hudson, Bates, Caldera, Eastin,
Gotch, Isenberg, Klehs, and 5olis)
(Coauthors: SenatorS Petris , Ton~ and Watson)
December 7, 1992
An act to add Section 6404.5 to the Labor Code, relating to
occupational safety and health.
AB 13, as amended, T. Friedman. Occupational safety and health:
,tobacco products.
The existing California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973,
adrrfinistcrcd and enforced by thc Division of Occupational Safety and
Health w/thin the Department of Industrial Relations, prohibits any
employer from occu~ or maintaidng any place of employment that is
not safe and healthful. It also provides, under specified circumstance.%
for m/sdemeanor penalties with respect to violatiom of the act, except
W~.re another penalty is spedfically provided.
JUN-02-94 THU 14:22 LERO~'~ OF C~ Gl'tiES F~X NO, 9~'-'-'t48671 I~, U3/IU
This bill would additionally prohibit any employer from knowingly or
intentionally permitting, or any person from engaging in, the smoldng of
tobacco products in an enclosed space at spedfied places of employment.
The bill would specif~ that, for purposes of these provisions, "place of
employment" does not include certain portions of a hotel, motel, or
other lod/ing establlshn~nts, meeting or banquet rooms subject to
certain exceptions, retail.or wholesale tobacco shops, private smoker's
lounges, cabs of motor trucks or truck tractors as specified, bars and
taverns and gam/ng clubs subject to certain prescribed conditions,
w:trehouse facilities, theatrical production sites, and medical research
or treatment sites. It would also specify that, for purposes of these
provisions, an employer who permits any nonemployee access to his or her
place of employment on a regular basis has not acted knowingly or
intentionally if he or she has taken certain reasonable steps to prevent
.~noldng by a nonemployee. It would allow an employar to.permit smoking
in designated breakrooms under specified conditions.
This bill would also specify that thc smoking prohibition set forth
in these provisions shall constitute a uniform statewldc standard for
regulating the smoking of tobacco products in enclosed places of
employment, and shall supersede and rendcr unnecessary specifi~ local
ordinances regulating the smoking of tobacco products in enclosed place~
of employment.- ,r~.., .... ,.m..... ...... ..,..,,.,.~'~,,,,,,--"° ~'....- ...,.~, ~u,,,,, ~,,.'~ ..... .,,,...,
efft. c',/;'¢,,,,,,,'~"'- c,/ "--...,,
This bill would additionally provide that a violation of the smoking
proh~ition set forth in thes~ provisions is an in~raction punishable by
specified' tines. It would further provide that the smo~ proh~ition
shall be enforced by local law enforcement agencies, as specified, but
would specify that the division shall not be required to respond to any
complaint regarding a violation o! the smoking prohibition, unless the
employer has been found guilty of a 3rd violation of the smoking
prohibition within the prc~ious year, By establishing a new prohibition
the violation of which is, under spe~fied circumstances, an Infracgo~
this bill would create a new o'ime and would thereby establish a
state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local
agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state.
Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
Thh bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this
act for a specified reason.
Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated lo/al program: yes.
JUDt-U/-U4 IllU i4;ZZ L,t?~,: UD UR (SI'i'll:5 I-F~X NU, ~'q,444t~l~(1 V, U4/1U
Thc people of the State of Califom/a do enact as follows:
~- SECIION 1. Section 6404.5 is added to the Labor Code, to read:
6404.5. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that regulation of
smoking in the workplace is a matter of statewide interest and concern.
It h the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to prohibit
the smokin~ of wbacco products in all (100 percent of) enclosed places
of employment in th~ state, ~s covered by this ~ction, thereby
eliminating the need of local governments to enact workplace smoking
restrictions within their respective jurisdictions. It is further the
/ntent of the Leghlature to create a un/form statew/de standard to
restrict and proh/bit the smoking of tobacco products in enclosed places
of employment, as spec/fled in this section, in order to reduce employee
exposure to environmental tobacco smoke to a level that will prevent
anyth/ng other than ind?liqc~utly harmful effects to exposed
employees, rout aho to eliminate the confi~ton and hardship that can
result from enactment or enforcement of disparate local workplace
smoking restrictions..,Vo~it/utand~ any other.vrovi~ion of this
section, it is the intent of the ~gislam~ that an, v ~ not defined
a~ a ~lace of emplo~ent"pursuant to ~uMividon (d) or in which the
smo/dng of tobacco products i~ not regulated 1~~ to mbdi~'on (e)
shall be sub/ect to local ~egulation o£ s .mo~ o/tobacco.v~
_ Co) No employer shall knowingly or intentionally permit, and no
son shah engage in, the smoking of tobacco products in an enclosed
.,.ace at a place of employment.
(c) For purposes of this section, an employer who permits any
nonemployee access to his or her place of employment on a regular basis
has not actcxi knowingly or intentionally if he or she has taken the
following reasonable steps to prevent smoking by a nonemployee:
(1) Fosted clear and prominent signs, as follows:
(A) Where smoking is prohibited throughout the buildin~ or
structure, a sign sating "No smoking' shall be posted at each entrance
to the building or structure.
(B) Where smoking is permitted in designated areas of the building
or structure, a sign stattn~ "Smoking is prohibited exd. ept in designated
areas" shall be posted at each entrance to the building or structure.
(2) Has requested, when appropriate, that a nonemploye~ who is
smoldng refrain from smoking in the enclosed workplace.
For purposes of this subdivision, "reasonable steps' docs not
'-'ude (A) the physical ejectment of a nonemployee from the pln~e of
.,loyment or (B) any requirement for making a request to & nonemployee
JUN-02-94 I'MU 14:23 LI:A(? .... ul,, CA 61'l'tt:.~ I"flX NU, tC*""':'"'~48b/l t", Ub/lU
to refrain fi.om smoking, under circumstances involving a risk of
physical harm to the employer or any employee.
(d) For purposes of this section, "place of employment" docs not
include any of the following:
(1) Sixty-five percent of the guest room accomn~odations in a hotel,
motel, or similar transient lodging establishment.
(2) Areas of the lobby in a hotel, motel, or other similar transient
lodging establishment designated for smoking by the establishment. Such
an establishment may permit smoking in a dcsignated lobby area that does
not exceed 25 percent of the total floor area of thc lobby or, if the
total area of the lobby is 2,000 square feet or less, that does not
excccd $0 percent of the total floor area of the lobby. For purposes of
this paragraph. 'lobby' means the common public area of such an
establishment in which registration and other similar or related
transactions, or both, are conducted and. in which the establishment's
guests and members of thc public typically congregate.
(3) Meeting and banquet rooms in a hotel, motel, other transient
lodging establishment similar to a hotel or motel, restaurant, or public
convention center, except while food or beverage functions are taking
place, including setup, service, and cleanup activities, or when the
room is being used for exhibit purposes. At times when smoking is not
permitted in such a meeting or banquet room pursuant to this paragraph,
the establishment may permit smoking in corridors and prefunction areas
adjacent to and serving the meeting or banquet room if no employee is
stationed in that corridor or area on other than a passing basis.
(4) Retail or wholesale tobacco shops and private smokers' lounges.
For purposes of this paragraph:
(A) 'Private smokers' lounge' means any enclosed area in or attached
to a retail or wholesale tobacco shop that is dedicated to the use of
tobacco products, including, but not limited to, cigars and pipes.
CB) 'Retail or wholesale tobacco shop' means any business
establishment the main purpose of which is the sale of tobacco products,
including, but not limited to, cigars, pipe tobacco, and smoking
(:5) Cabs of motor trucks, as defined in Section 410 of the Vehicle
Code, or thick tractors, as defined in Section 655 of the Vehicle Code,
if no nonsmoking employees are present,
(6) Warehous~ facilities. For purposcs of this paragraph, "warchousc
faciHtlf means z warebou.~ facility with more than 100,000 square feet
of total floor space, and 20 or fewer full-time employees working at the
dU1'~-02-94 THU 14:24 LF~"~ OF GA OI'I'IES FAX NO. ,'~'~4448§71
facility, but does not include any area within such a facility that is
_utilized as office space.
(7) Gaming clubs, in which smoking is permitted by subdivision (0.
For purposes of thin paragraph, 'gaming club" means any g~rnlng club as
defined in Section 19802 of the Business and PrOfessions Code or bingo
racility as defined in Section 326.5 of the Penal Code that restricts
access to minors under 18 years of age.
(8) Bars and taverns, in which smoking h permitted by subdivision
(0. For purposes of this paragraph, "bar' or "tavern' means a facility
primarily devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages for consumption
by guests on the premises, in which the serving of food is incidental
"Bar or tavern' includes those facilities located within a hotel, motel,
or other s|m_~lar transient occupancy establishment. However, when
located within a building in conjunction with another use, including &
restaurant, "bar" or 'tavern' includes only those areas used primarily
for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages. 'Bar" or "tavern" does
not include the dining areas of a restaurant, re~rdless of whether
alcoholic beverages are served therein.
(9) Theatrical production sites, if smoki~ is an integral part of
the story in the theatrical production.
(10) Medical research or treatment sites, if smoking is integral to
research and treatment being conducted.
(11) ~. 'vatc residences, excePt for private residences licensed as
family day care homes, during the hours of operation as family day care
homes and in those areas where children are present.
(e) (1) Employers may pcrmlt smoking in designated brcnln'ooms where
all of the following conditions are met:
(A) Air f~om thc smoking room shall be exhausted directly to the
outside by an exhaust fan. Air from the smoking room shall pot bm
recirculated to other parts of the building.
(B) The employer shall comply with any ventilation standard or other
standard utilizing appropriate technology, including, but not limited
to, mechanical, electronic, and biotechnical systems, adopted by the
OcCUpational Safety and Health Standards Board or the federal
'l~nvironmental Protection Agency. If both adopt inconsistent standards,
the ventilation standards of the OcCUpational Safety and Health
Standards Board shall be no less stringent that the standards adopted by
the federal ]~nvironmental Protection Agency.
.... (C) The smoking room shall be located in a nonwork area where no
. as part of his or her work responsibilities, is required to enter.
JUN-02-94 THU 14:24 LERGI"""qF CA CITIES FRX NO, 91~""'~,8671 H, Of/ILl
For purposes of th/s paragraph. "work respons~ilities" does not include
any custodial or maintenance work carried out in the breakroom when it
/s unoccupied.
(D) There are so~cient nonsmoking breakrooms to accommodate
not, reekers.
(2) This subdMsion shall not be construed to require employers to
provide reasonable accommodation to smokers, or to provide breakrooms
for smokers or nonsmokers.
(0 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subdlvizion, smoking
may be permitted in g:~ming clubs, ns defined in paragraph (7) of
subdivision (d), and in bar~ and taverns, as defined in paragraph (8) of
subdivision (d), until thc carller of thc following:
(A) lanuary 1, 1997.
(B) The date of adoption of a regulation (i) by the Occupational
Safety and Health Standards Board reduci~ the pcrmiss~le employee
exposure level to environmental tobacco smoke to a level that will
prevent anything other than insignificantly harm/ul effects to exposed
employees or (i/) by the federal Environmental Protection Agency
establishing a standard for reduction of perm~_ible exposure to
environmental tobacco smoke to an exposure level that will prevent
anything other than insignificantly harmfid effects to exposed persons.
(2) If a regulation specified in subparagraph ('B) of paragraph (1)
is adopted on or befor~ lanuaty 1, 1997, smoking may thereafter b~
permitted in gaming clubs and in bars and taven~ subject to full
¢ompUance with, or conformity to, the standard in the regulation within
two years following the date of adoption of the regulation. An employer
failln/to achieve complianc~ with, or conformity to, such a regulation
with/n this two-year period shall prohibit smoking in the gaming club,
bar, or tavern until complianc~ or conformity is achieved, If the
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board and the federal
Environmental Protection Agency both adopt regulations specified in
subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) that are inconsistent, the regulations
of the Occupational Safety Standards Board shall be no less stringent
than the regulations of the federal Environmental Protection Agency,
(3) If a regulation specified in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1)
is not adopted on or before January 1, 1997, the exemptions specified in
paragraphs (7) and (8) of subdivision (d) shall be inoperative on and
aher January 1, 1997, until such a regulation is adopted, Upon adoption
of such a regulation on or after January 1, 1997, smoking may thereafter
bo permitted in gaming clubs and la bars and taverns, subject to full
compliance with, or conformity to, the standard In the relulation within
two years following the date of adoption of the regulation. An employer
JUN-02-94 THU 14:25 LKP'-'~, OF C~ CITIES F~X NO..~'~448671
failing to achieve compliance with, or conformity to, such a regulation
~ithin this two-year period shall proh~it smoking ig the gaming club,
, or tavern until compliance or conformity is achieved. If the
..¢cupational Safety and Health Standar& Board and the federal
Envtromnental Protection Agency both adopt regulations specified in
subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) that are inconsistent, the regulations
of the Occupational Safety Standards Board shall be no less s~ent
than the regulation~ of the federal Environmental Protection Agency.
(g) The gnoM~ prohibition set forth in thi~ sectlan shall
conm'tute a uniform statewide standard for regulat~ the ~tno~ of
tobacco products in enclosed, t~lace~ of employment and shall ~'ttpersede
and render unnecessary the local enactment or enforcement of local
ordinance~ regulating the smoking of tobacco product~ in enclosed ptac~
of employment, lmofar a~ tl~ a'moMn8 prohibition ~et forth in thtt
section i~ applicable to all (100 p~rcent o.0 plac~ of employment
within this state an~ ther~for~ provider the maximum degree of
coverage, the practical effect of thi~ section i.~ to eliminate the nted
of local govemmentt to enact enclos~ workplace gnoking restd~'ons
within their respecave ]uttntlctlona
(h) Nothing in th{~ se. ctlon shall prohibit an employer from
pro.hi'biting smoking [tn all enclosed place of employment for any reason.
JUN-02-94 THU ! 4: ;~B LERO' ..... -~Jl' CFi L; 11'11::5I. R,~ Nu. ~ ~*"--t~,Ub ! 1 r. u~/I u
(i) The enactment of local regulation of smoking of tobacco
products in enclosed places of employment by local governments shall bc
suspended only for as long as, and to thc extent that, thc (100 percent)
smokin8 prohibition provided for in this section remains in effect. In
the event this section is repealed or modified by subsequent legislative
or judidal action so that the (100 percent) smokin8 prohibition is no
longer applicable to all enclosed places of employment in Cal/fornia,
local governments shall have the full right and authority to enforce
previously enacted, and to enact and enforce new, restrictions on the
smoking of tobacco products in enclosed places of employment within
their jurisdictions, including a complete prohibition of smoking.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any area not
defined as a *place of employment* or in which thc smoking is not
regulated pursuant to subcUvision (d) or (e), shall be subject to local
regulation of smoking of tobacco products.
(j)' Any violation-of the prohibition set foFth in
Subdivision (1:)) is an infraction subject to subdivision (d) of Section
17 of the Penal COde and, notwithstanding Section 19.8 of the Pen~!
Code, is punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100)
for a first violation, two hundred dollars ($200) for a second violation
within one year, and five hundred dollars ($$00) for a third and for
each subsequent violation within one year. This subdivision shall be
enforced by local hw enforcement asendes including, but not limited
to, local health departments, as determined by the local governing body.
(k) Notwithstanding Section 6309, thc division shall not be
required to rcspcmd to aW comp!sint regarding the smokin$ of tobacco
products in an enclosed space at a place of employment, unless the
employer has bccn found guilty pursuant to subdivision -tq0-
0') of a third violation of subdivision Co) within the previous
(/) If any provision of this act or the application thereof
to any person or circumstances is held Invalid, that invalidity shall
JUN-02-94 THU 14:27 LEN''''~, OF CR CITIES FRX NO, V'"'"448671 P, lO/lO
not a/fca o~er provisio~ or applications of the ac~ that can be given
e~ffect without the invalid prov/sion of application, and to this end the
.~ions of th/$ act are severable.
SEC. 2. No reimbursement ~ required by this act pursuant to
Sect/on//of Article XHIB of the Ca~ornia Constiu~tion because the
only costs wh/ch may be incurred by a local agency or school district
w/il be incurred because fl~s act creates a new crime or infraction,
changes the definition of s crime or ir~raction, chs.uges the penalty for
a crime or infraction, or el/minates a crime or in'action.
Notwithstanding Sect/on 17580 of the Government Code, unless othcrwhe
spec/fled in th/s act, the provisions of this act shall bcc~m8 operative
on the same date that the act takes effect pursuant to the California