HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 PROJECT 600094 05-16-94)ATE: MAY 16, 1994 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - RAWLINGS RESERVOIR REPAIR (CITY PROJECT NO. 600094) RECOMMENDATION That the Tustin City Council, at its regular meeting of May 16, 1994, approve Addendum No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with the firm Of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates,'dated March 21, 1991, for design and construction inspection services for repair of the retaining wall at Rawlings Reservoir. FISCAL IMPACT Currently Budgeted from-Certificates of Participation (Bond Proceeds). ..... Original'design contract including -~ Addendums NO~ 1 and No. 2 ~".. Amount requested per Addendum No. 3 Less: Unused portion of Original Contract Total remaining fee requested per Addendum Nb. 3 $643,000.00 $ 86,650.00 ~:$133,460.00 $~4.075.00) .~..$109~385.00 ' - BACKGROUND At its meeting of January 7, 1991, it was reported to -the City Council that staff was proceeding, on an emergency basis, to procure the services of an engineering consultant for the purpose of designing repair or replacement of the subject retaining wall. Subsequently, on March 21, 1991, an agreement was signed with the firm of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates. As the design proceeded, and as geotechnical and survey data became available, it became apparent that the project would be much more complex than anticipated. The~ major obstacle was that the southerly portion of the retaining wall was constructed on the property line of the adjoining residential property. The owner of that property had constructed numerous improvements within close proximity of.the subject wall, which would need to be removed in order to accomplish the repair. Several alternatives for repairing the wall were prepared by the consultant, evaluated by City staff, and discussed with the neighboring property owner. The owner initially expressed a desire to retain ownership in his property and provide the City with an easement on which the repairs could be accomplished. This would have required that the improvements to the property be demolished and reconstructed, or. that he be compensated for full replacement- 9~lUe~.'' of·..~ ~'~'.~ improvements. This added considerable expense to the project. After reviewing this alternative in depth, it was determined that this approach would not be in the best long term interests of the water system. At its meeting of March 1, 1993, the City Council authorized staff to strive to reach an agreement with property owner for purChase of the entire adjacent property, and if an agreement could not be reached, to initiate condemnation proceedings. It was determined that the long term needs of the water system, including current and future maintenance requirements, the need for future expansion of the reservoir, and the need for a booster pump station in the area, required that the property be purchased outright. Negotiations commenced with the property owner, and on July 15, 1993, he signed an agreement providing for the sale. of his property to the City. An Initial Environmental Study and Negative Declaration, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, was required before the sale could be completed. This was approved by City Council, through ResOlution 93-106 on September 20, 1993. - Escrow was opened on August 30, 1993. During escrow, the Initial Study and Negative Declaration was completed-and several issues of clguded-title to the property arose and ~ere resolved. Escrow was. closed on March 29, 1994. ~ "'~' ~-~.~- . -. DISCUSSION· ~ .' The-original design contract, and first' tWo addendums, in the amount of $86,650.00, allowed for preliminary design"-and geotechnical work to be completed. This was necessary in order to develop construction alternatives which could be'discussed with the neighboring property owner and co-operatively evaluated with City staff. It established firm design parameters so that the engineering consultant canproceed with final design, per Addendum No. 3, at a cost of $109,385.00. Following is a tentative schedule for completion of the project. Approval Final Design Contract Complete Final Design Advertise Construction Bids Award Construction Contract Begin Construction Complete Construction 05/16/94 07/15/94 07/17/94 09/14/95 10/17/94 01/31/95 Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Gary R. ~;eeh Water Services Manager RSL:GRV:klb:rawlings AtIschmcnt Cl be t CBeixt , Villiam CFFost c ssociates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS May 3, 1994 JN 27423 Mr. Gary Veeh CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Rawlings ReservOir Addendum #3 to Professional Services Agreement dated March 21, 1991 Dear Gary: As a reSUlt of changes in the' Scope of Work and requested additional services by the City of Tustin, we have prepared this addendum to our contact for additional services to repair the Rawlings Reservoir retaining walls. This is a cOntinuation of work activities originally authorized by_City of Tustin per the signed agreement dated March 21, 19-91. -. This addendum contains our Scope of Work and Fee EStim~t~e'attached'as Exhibits -'A" ~tnd "B' for your review and approval. We estimate that Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate can be submitted to-the City for review eight weeks after Authorization to Proceed. We at Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates appreciate this opportunity to be of continuing service to the City of Tustin and are looking forward to assisting you on these tasks for this project. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or if we can provide you with any information. Sincerely, Paul yoUng, S.E. Vice President Structural Engineering BC:bjk\27423\add-3 Accounting (2) ' ~ o Bob Kallenbaugh oo ,~,~ Gary Miller °. ~x ~ t,,'s 14725 ALTON PARKWAY ® P.O. BOX 57057 ° IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 ® (714) 472-3505 ® FAX (714) 472-8373 OFFICES LOCA]ED THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA Robert Bein, William Ftc Contract Agreement with nd Associates City of Tustin Exhibit Scope of Work Rawlings Reservoir Addendum #3 May 3, 1994 The Client and Consultant, for mutual consideration hereinafter set forth agree as follows: A. Consultant agrees to perform the following services: PHASE II DESIGN SERVICES TASK 01 Project Meeting Attendance and Consultation Consultant shall attend regularly scheduled meetings with Client to review the progress of the work included within this contract and to provide consulting services. A maximum of 30 hours are included within this Scope or Work. Additional meetings and consulting services will be performed, if required, on an hourly basis for an additional fee. Field Survey .Services . · Consultant shall collect detail survey data of existing alley curb line between Foothill Boulevard and the first private way driveway approximately 800 lineal feet along alley and other'misCellaneous spot 'elevations within the residence site. Consultant Shall identify locations to pothold for final designs. .-... _ _.___ -- TASK 03 Civil Improvement Plans Consultant shall prepare a demolition plan, final grading, and alley improvement plans and details on standard citY mylars for the construction of the reservoir repairs including the following: Prepare a project title sheet consisting of City's Standard Public Works title sheet along with pertinent notes and location maps. Prepare a demolition and clearing plan of the existing facility and adjacent lot. at a scale of 1" = 10'. Prepare a detail sheet illustrating the removal and relocation of the valves and appurtenants associated with the reservoir inlet/outlet system. Included in the relocation will be the main valve and 16" reservoir main, extension of three each subdrain pipes, a three-inch drainage pipe and a two-inch irrigation line and valves. Also illustrated will be the valve house lighting and telemetry lines. Exhibit 'A' Client Initials JN 27423 Page 1 Robert Bein, William Fr nd Associates Contract Agreement with me City of Tustin May 3, 1994 Prepare landscape and irrigation plans and details for the new slopes at a scale of 1" = 20'. Prepare grading plan for the new slopes at a scale of 1" = 20'. Also prepare alley plan and profile including alley entrance removal and replacement. The final products include:"- ae Title Sheet (1 sheet) Demolition Sheet (1 sheet) Detail Sheet (1 sheet) Grading and Improvement Plan (1 sheet) Landscape and Irrigation Plan (1 sheet) TASK 04 Structural Improvement Plans Consultant shall revise and complete previously prepared engineering design and structural drawings as follows: Finish Soldier pile'wall design based on geotechnical engineer's recommendations. ~. Review masonry retaining wail'Sections for geotechnical and structural requirements. Design Cathodic Protection System for .soldier Piles and_ .Sui~ey Monitoring System for earthwork adjacent to existing reservoir. Coordinate project with geotechnical engineer and civil site Work plans. Revise Sheet S1 - Wall Demolition Plan and Site Plan- update to show proposed, construction. ,. Revise Sheet S2- Wall Elevations. - Add gunite panel details for top of soldier pile wall. - Add 90 degree wall at southeast corner. · Revise Sheet S3 - Retaining Wall Sections - Add fence on top - Vault Details (structural) - Cathodic Protection System Details - Survey Monitoring System Notes and Details - Construction Sequence Notes - New Slough Wall at Toe of South Fall Exhibit "A' Client Initials ~ JN 27423 Page 2 Robert Bein, William Fr( ~d Associates Contract Agreement with t,,c City of Tustin · The final products include: May 3, 1994 a. Sheet SI - Wall Demolition and New East Wall Plans Sheet S2 - Wall Elevations and Details Sheet S3 - Wall Sections, Details and Notes TASK 05 Geotechnical Services Consultant shall provide supplemental recOmmendations and report for soldier pile wall, (including slope movement and temporary anchorage if required), east retaining wall backfill criteria, swimming pool removal and excavation filling, south wall fill material and placement. TASK 06 Quantity and Cost Estimate Provide engineering services for the preparation of a construction quantity and cost estimate. The quantities will be developed from the final construction plans prepared for the site grading and retaining wall improvements along with other appurtenance. Unit costs will be based upon the most current cost information for receht similar projects in the area compiled by the Consultant. and approved by the Client. Costs will be presented in tabular form for review by the Client. Work under this item specifically .excludes preparation of cost estimates during stages prior to final plan preParation. The quantity and cost estimates Will both be prepared at the initial agency plan-review and final acceptance.' .. Consultant shall prepare the Special Provision portion of the Construction Specifications and Contract Documents suitable for bidding and awarding of the Contracts for the civil and structural engineering improvements to be-constructed. These special provisions shall be incorporated into the Client's standard construction document package. The Client shall provide the Consultant a standard 'boiler plate' document utilizing a typical construction format. This work item specifically excludes development of the 'boiler plate"portions of the specifications. The fee for this work item is based on the. preparation of one master set of special provisions for the proposed improvements and excludes the development of specifications for multiple construction phases or additional specifications for bidding purposes. 'Specifications for the project will conform with the most recent applicable standards and specification from: ao City of Tustin Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Applicable APWA Exhibit UA" Client Initials JN 27423 Page 3 Robert Bein, William Fro ' and Associates Contract Agreement wit~ City of Tustin PHASE III CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES May 3, 1994 TASK 08: Bidding Review Phase Consultant shall provide construction plan interpretation and post design/consultation, if required, during the bidding phase of the project. Consultant shall provide evaluation of the bids and other consulting services as requested. For budgetary purposes, it is estimated that approximately 24 man-hours will be required for this purpose. Actual work will be provided on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached rate schedule. TASK 09: Construction Plan Interpretation/Consultation Consultant shall provide services during the construction phase of the project to interpret plans and recommend plan revisions based upon actual field conditions encountered during construction as field conditions require. This task includes the review of Shop Drawings submitted by the Contractor for conformance with the improvement plans and specifications. Consultant shall review and assist in evaluating change order requests. A maximum of 40 hours has been budgeted for this task. Actual work will be provided, if required, on a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached rate schedule. TASK-10: I. Contract Admini.qtrafion and Inspection .. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION 1. e ' -~:~' . . Coordinate and monitor shop drawing review and design clarification requests. Schedule .and conduct-pre-construction: meeting,~: as. well~.~ as- periodic..- construction coOrdiniltion meetings with the City; .engineer, C°n..tract0_r,-and other associated parties as may be applicable. Review construction progress and prepare monthly payment recommendations. Prepare monthly progress report. Review and negotiate change order requests submitted by contractor. Coordinate construction surveying requirements as needed by the contractor. II. INSPECTION 1. Provide . . . . full-time construction inspection during the duration of the construction peri0.d as required to monitor construction and contractor's activities. A construction period of 3 months has been assumed for budgetary purposes. Provide coordination with governmental agencies as required under any permits. Coordinate required testing of soils, compaction, concrete and other testing services as needed. Prepare daily inspector's report and construction progress and documentation photos. - Meet with City staff as required to discuss project status and resolve any field construction problems. Exhibit Client Initials JN 27423 Page 4 · May 3, 1994 Robert Bein, WilliaIn Frc Contract Agreement with nd Associates City of Tustin o Conduct final project inspection including preparation of final project completion punchlist. It should be noted that the proposed budget is based on providing part-time contract administration and full-time inspection during the anticipated 3-month field construction period. The estimated manpower requirements and budget for this project are summarized below. However, because of the many unknowns associated with construction projects and their duration, we would propose to provide these services on a time-and-materials basis. Project Mgr. Inspection Total Estimated Description (Hours) (Hours) Hours Budget 1. Contract Administration 72 TASK 11: 1" Inspection Budget Total for Task 10 480 "Ge°technical Observation· . · Soldier l~e InStallation ' Ge°technical Staff Engineer- Budget: 32 hours @ $85 per hour 72 480 $7,200 $38,400 $ 45,600 2. Field Testing - Geotechnical Technician Backfill and Fill Placement and Concrete Cylinders (12) Budget: 40 hours @ $48 per hour ge . Laboratory Testing Soil (Dry Destiny and Sieve Analysis) Concrete Cylinder Tests Budget: $1000 Prepare report of field observation and testing during construction Budget: $1500 Actual work for items 1 and 2 will be provided on a time and material basis at the stated hourly rate. Exhibit 'A~ JN 27423 Client Initials ~ Page 5 Robert Bein, William Fi .nd Associates Contract Agreement with ,,e City of Tustin May 3, 1994 TASK 12: Prepare URecord Drawings' Consultant shall, subsequent to completion of construction, review URecord Drawing' plan mark-ups to be provided to the Client's Construction Manager by the Client's Contractor. Consultant shall: 1) Verify, to the best of his ability, the changes from original design, 2) Draft the ~Record Drawing' changes per the mark-ups provided, and 3) Verify, to the best of his ability, that the contractors work as being in substantial compliance with the intent of the construction documents based upon obtaining written reports for all inspection provided by others and based upon written notification by the Project Surveyor. For the purpose of this proposal a budget estimate for this task is provided. Actual work to complete ~Record Drawings' shall be on a time and material basis in accordance with the attached rate schedule. TASK 13: Construction Staking and Surveying Consultant shall provide construction staking as required to complete the Project. The staking shall consist of (1) one set of removal stakes (2) one set of rough grade stakes establishing horizontal and vertical control and (3) one set for retaining wall. (4) Survey services for-monitoring soldier pile wall deflection and movement of east wall of reservoir during construction of soldier pile wall and retaining wall backfill placement. Additional stakes may be provided at the request of the client or Contractor as part of additional request for S~rvices. ~. Budget for Monitoring Piles: 10 site visits '@'4 hours per visit during excavation, masonry wall construction and backfilling. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Services which are not specifically identified herein as services to be performed by RBF or its consultants or additional work in manhours that exceeds budget fee are considered UAdditional Services' for purposes of this Agreement. Client may request that RBF perform services which are Additional Services. However, RBF is not obligated to perform such Additional Services unless an amendment to this Agreement has been fully executed setting forth the scope, schedule and fee for such Additional Services. In the event RBF performs Additional Services before receipt of such executed amendment, Client acknowledges its obligation to pay for such :~'r~4ces at RBF's standard rates, within 30 days of receipt of RBF's invoice. Exhibit "A' JN 27423 Client Initials Page 6 Robert Bein, William Fro: :1 Associates Contract Agreement with t~lc City of Tustin May 3, 1994 EXCLUSIONS Consulting services relating to any of the following tasks may be completed by Consultant if negotiated under a separate contract for an additional fee; but are presently specifically excluded from this Agreement: · Potholing for utilities. ASSUMPTIONS Consultant's obligations hereunder are based upon the following understanding: 1) Client shall provide record documents signed by the responsible professional engineer for the existing facilities no later than one week subsequent to receipt of written authorization to proceed. CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1) Client shall provide access to the site. _ Client shaH' notify property resident in 'advance concerning construction schedule, removal of site trees,, demolition schedule for rear yard elements~ and interruption of utilities during construction. .. 3) Client is to provide any and all indemnification,'abatement~ dispoSal-or-6ther -- - actions required by local, state or federal law regarding hazardous materials. 4) Client shall pay all governmental fees and costs. 5) Client will require any construction contractors to indemnify Consultant from any and all losses, damages, claims,, expenses, including attorneys fees, and costs arising out of the contractor's work, excepting only losses, damages, claims, expenses including attorneys fees, and costs which are caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of~RBF in performing its services under this agreement. Client will require that the construction contractors add RBF (Consultant) as an additional insured in the comprehensive general liability, auto liability, workers' compensation and builders risk insurance coverages required by Client. Exhibit 'A' Client Initials ~ JN 27423 Page 7 Robert Bein, William Fro ~d Associates Contract Agreement with .... City of Tustin May 3, 1994 EXHIBIT 'B' COMPENSATION RAWLINGS RF_~ERVOIR Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates (RBF) will complete the Design Sex-vices outlined herein and invoice Client monthly on a percentage of completion basis. RBF will complete the Construction Support Services outlined herein and invoice client monthly on a time and material basis based upon the schedule of Professional Fees attached. Any work considered to be outside of the scope contained herein will be accomplished as "Extra Work" on a Time and Materials basis in accordance with the enclosed Hourly Rate Schedule. The allowance for reproduction services is a budget amount representing an initial authorization. Actual costs for blueprinting and reproduction services will be billed to the Client directly without markup or handling fees. TASK DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL FEE Phase H Design Services 01 Project Meeting Attendance $3,750.00 02 Field Survey Services 2,400.00 03 Civil Improvement Plans 15,950.00 04 Structural Improvement.Plans 18,730.00 05 "Geotechnical Services .. ~' 5,540.00 06 Quantity and Cost Estimates .. 3,700.00 07 Specifications and Bid Document .,' 5,760.00 .... .--.. Subtotal.~ -.~ .-..... ~ ~- .~ ~-~ '~,'i~ ~,. ,~ ".' ~ $55,830.00 ..-~ Phase m Construction Support Services 08 Bidding Review Phase $2,640.00 09 Construction Plan Interpretation/Consultation 4,400.00 10 Contract Administration and Inspection 45,600.00 11 Geotechnical Observation 7,140.00 12 Prepare Record Drawings 2,350.00 13 Construction Staking 12,500.00 Subtotal $74,630.00 TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES Reimbursable Expense $130,460.00 $3.000.00 TOTAL FEE REQUESTED Remaining Original Contract Budget-Phase Il Remaining Original Contract Budget-Phase III Remaining Addendum 1 Budget Remaining Addendum 2 Budget $133,460.00 ($1,865.00) (14,900.00) (7,032.00) (278.00) TOTAL FEE REQUESTED (Addendum 3) $109,385.00 Exhibit "B" Client Initials JN 27423 Page 1 bext Bei , illiam CF ost c ssociates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS OFFICE PERSONNEL HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective August 1, 1993 Principal .............................................................................................................................................. $130.00 Project Director ..................................................................................................................................... 115.00 Structural Engineer .................................................................................................................................. 98.00 Project Manager/Project Engineer ........................................................................................................... 90.tg.,3 Corrosion Engineer .................: ............................................................................................................... 85.00 Senior' Engineer. ...................................................................................................................................... 81.00 Senior Desiener/Planner... v - ...................................................................................................................... 75.00 Design Engineer/Designer (CADD) ........................................................................................................ 70.00 Mapping Calculator ................................................................................................................................. 67.00 Enviromnent',d Manager .......................................................................................................................... 60.00 Senior Drafter/Technician ....................................................................................................................... 56.00 Financial Analyst ..................................................... , ...................... : ....................................................... 55.00 Designer/Planner ..................................................................................................................................... 55.00 _Drafter/GraPhic .Artist :. ........................................................................................................................... 48.00 Enviromnental Analyst/Staff Planner ..................................................................... ,'.} .............................. 45.00 Engineering/Planning Aide ................................................................................... 2 ................................. 38.00 FIELD PERSONNEL 3-Mm~ Survey Crew ............. :2 ......................................................................................... ~ .............. ,...$192.00 2-Man Survey Crew ........................................................... : ............ ~.:..-: ..... :..~ ................ ~ ...... :.~,:-: ......... 148.00- Field Supervisor ....................................................................................................................................... 88.00 - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Consu'uclion Manager ........................... : ......................................................................... : .................. $110.00 Field Superintendent ................................................................................................................................ 90.(gl Resident Engineer/Pn~ject Mtmager ........................................................................................................ 85.0(~ Assistant Field Superintendent ................................................................................................................ 78.00 Senior Construction Inspector ................................................................................................................. 73.00 Construction Inspector ................................ .. ............................................................................................ 68.00 F:ield Office Engineer. ............................................................................................................................. 60.00 Consu'ucfion Teclmicim~ .......................................................................................................................... COMPUTER & OTIIEP, SERVICE FEES Computer Aided Design and Drafting ................................................................................................ $ 35.00 P.C. Work Station .................................................................................................................................... 15.00 Cleric;d/Word Processing ........................................................................................................................ 35.{gl Consultation Relative to Legal Actions ................................................................................................. 225.00 Note: Blueprimmg. reproduction, tfiessengcr service and other direca expenses will be charged al to.gl. A Subconsuhanl Managemem Fee of lifl¢¢ll- percent (15qv) will bc added lo thc dir¢cl cOSl of ali subconsuhanl scivices Io provide for die COSl of adnmUsttalitm, subconsuhaltl COllStlllillit,ll. and insurance. cprocfessiot~al c~'~rvit~: ~ittce 1944 14725 ALTON PARKWAY o P.O. BOX 57057 * IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92619-7057 · (714) 472-3505 · FAX (714) 472-8373 OFFICES LOCATED THROUGHOUT CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Tills AGREEMENT, made and entered into lifts ~'/~'f day of /~,c,~' ,. 1991, by and between CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates, 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92713-9739 (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). ~WITNESSETII: WltEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the necessary services to - -provide engineering and geotcchnical service for investigation, repair and/or replacemen[ of retaining 'Walls .at the City's. Rawlings Reservoir hereinafter referred to. as "Project"; and .- WHEREAS, Consultant and its subcontractor, Kleinfelder, Inc., is qualified-to'-' · provide the necessary services in connection with said Project and has agreed-to provide the necessary services; and WHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a proposal dated January 21, 1991 and a letter amendment .to said proposal dated February 4, 1.991, which includes the · following parts attached hereto, marked as indicated and incorporated herein as set lbrth in full here as: Scope of Services (Exhibit "A"), Lettcr Amendment dated February 4. 1991 (Exhibit "A-I"), Compensation (Exhibit "B"), Project Schedule (Exhibit "C"), Hourly Ratcs (Exhibit "D"), and Proposal for a Geotcchnical Sludy, Kicinfcidcr, 'dated January 18, 1991, (Exhibit "E") NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to provide the professional services for the Project, and City and Consultant. for the consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: · Section 1' Scope of Consultant's Services. Consultant-agrees to furnish to City consulting services for the Project. These services shall include all of the services contained in the proposal dated January 21, 1991 and in the letter dated February 4, 1991, which are attached as Exhibits "A" and "A 1" Section 2: Time for Com_~letion. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed that the time for completion of the work to be performed by Consultant is an 'essential condition of this Agreement. Consultant agrees that it shall prOsecute regularly and diligently the work of this Agreement according to reasonable schedules established by City for the various items des~eribed and as outlined within Consultant's proposal. Consultant shall :.-not be accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by an:~ conditiOn beyond- its control-and without the, - fault or negligence of Consultant. Any delays shall not entitle Consultant to any additional compensation, regardless of the party responsible for the delay. Section 3: Com_t}ensation. The compensation to be paid under' this Agreement shall be as set forth in the Consultant's proposal, as amended, with a total cost estimated at $48,790.00. Progress payments for work completed will be paid a's the work progresses, within ~hirty (30) days of the date of Consultant's invoice. Both City and Consultant agree that the work will be done in three phases and that the Consultant will be required to obtain from City written authorization to proceed with each phase as described in Exhibits "A" and "A-I" of Scope of Work. It is understood that City will authorize each subsequent phase based on the findings of the preceding phase of work. City also reserves the right to delete any phase of the work based upon findings of any preceding phase of work. The estimated cost of the three phases of work are as follows: · Phase I $24,190.00 Phase II 9,700.00 Phase III 14.900.00 TOTAL $48,790.00 Section 4: Statement of Costs. Pursuant' to lite prOvisions of California Government Code, Section 7550, the total amount expended by City relating to the preparation of the report and documents prescribed herein shall be set forth within -the final edition thereof, in a separate section, in a statement substantially as follows: ';Pursuant to California Government Code Section 7550, the City of Tustin expended the total amount of $- and/or documents." for thc preparation of this report Seclion 5: Miscellaneous Provisions. a. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions: - 1. City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or ali of the services covered by this Agreement at any time. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be paid fo; services rendered :o the effective date of the termination. 2. Consultant agrees Ihat it shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the phased services provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. 3. The'terms and provisions of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties thereto. · 4. Consultant and its subcontractors shall perform the service hereunder as independent contractors and under no circumstances or conditions shall Consultant or its contractors or any of its agents, servants and employees, be considered as an employee or agent of the City. 5. Consultant shall perform all services required under this Agreement using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in -. -similar localities, and shall be responsible for ali e, rrors and omissions of services performed by Consultant under the terms of this Agreement. Consultant agrees to . indemn'ify, 'defend and hold CitY, its agents, employees,'., successors and assigns harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness,,, death, or other claim made by Other Persons and from all costs, expenses and charges, including attorney's fees, .. arising from Consultant's negligent performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect, during the term of this Agreement, p~)licies of comprehensive general liability, personal injury and liability insurance, with limits of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit coverage per occurrence, and · professional liability insurance coverage with limits of at least $500,000.00 combined single limit coverage per occurrence for which certificates of insurance have heretofore been delivered to City. 6. Consultant shall carry and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary lo fully protect Consultant and its employees under California Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws, to relieve City from all responsibility under said laws in connection with the performance of this Agreement, and upon execution of this Agreement, to file with City a certificate certifying to said protection. · · 7. Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any · employee who is employed iu the work covered by this Agreement, or against any application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin including, but not limited to, the following: a. Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensalion, or selection for training, including apprentic, eship. 8. Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed itemization of all work performed and the fees accrUed thereon, in complete' and sufficient detail to- fully apprise City thcrcoL IN',WITN~S ,WHEREOF, ~is Agreement -. was cxccut~ by Se~'pa~es.' on ..$c:.~ay ~;;-~ci-~:' above written. ' . . ... - ' CITY OF TUSTIN, a Municipal. · - "'"" ~:- - - ~X-?.'-~ . .?:>: Cit~ Manager ' ;: :'-' -~;*-':~'~.--x-'~:--;* :-;?-'~'?~-~-~':?: ' ..).: . . ~ - . ~ ~ . -:- .. ~ ~;~... ~ ~-'~ ~ ~.. ~, . ROBOT BEIN, ~LLIAM ~OST & ASSOCIA~ - ._. ' ;:':'"';"':" ' Name Printed~itle ': -'-; ..... '; ' ;'- - -';--. '.. . . , . ~', :--" ":.:.'-5-'.:, -' '- .' -._ _,. ,.... ~,~-~.. '"'.': ~:.~;~'~R ' " :" " ~ .:, . ._, -~ : -:". ~. .,.~ - .~ '~','..' /. .. ~.- :~ : -- ~ -."_..~ . '._.. - _ . - . · ~-..: --~ . ~ ..' Attorney .. - · · -..L . -e ,~ ~- - .'....~. ;. '. ..-:' -,~.~ .', '. :. - ., :~ .-; . : . . .. - .... ;,-'.....,-,? :... ?-?:; .; '.' . :-.,-.~ ~ .; : .--,.:. *:.:.;- .~'.- : -- : ...... ?._..." .-.;' ..:...... . ~'~.- :. ~ ';; : -~.... . , - ~.;..:.; ' . -.s . .' ..';' .. .. ', . . . ,.-:.. · . . . .. ', . - .. - ; ;'; '. . .. · ~;- . . .. ,,. ·: ..... . . · .. · . . . . .. · . .' ".. · ;..: '.: ~.. -. ' . -:. ... -., .- .:. ,; . .- , . ;: ''. %:. '...:..:..~ ,..'.. . :"' "7148378007 RBc' "]l-IIl'lO BLIP. F-501 T '6 P-VJ02 l-lOk,~ 13 '91 15:10 cBei , liam F -ost c ssociates PROFESS~CNAL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS & SURVEYORS October 15, 1991 JN 27423 Addendum No. 1 Revision Mr. Gary Veeh Field Service Malinger CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tusti~h CA 92680 Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for-Repair/Replacement of Retaining Wails at Rawlings Reservoir- Addendum No. 1 Revision Professional Servi.ces Agreement · Dear Gary: : .. As requested by the City of Tustin, Robert Bein, ' william Frost and Associates (RB.F) has prepared this proposal for additi°nal engineering and ge°teclmical services related to the.. design of the retaining wall system incorporating a permanent'soldier pile Wall and masonry retaining wall on the east and south sides of the existing reservoir, removal/replacement of swimming pool elements on the adjacent Neher property, removal/replacement of existing alley paving, new manhole for extended resewoix subgrade drain lines and delineation o£ adjacent properties for construction access and contractors storage area. This proposal h~cludes additional engineering services related to all the elements summarized above, and, supersedes the Proposal for Addendum No. 1 dated September 24, 1991. Revisions to this proposal are per your' discussion with Jim Bradford at the site, October 9, 1991 and our telephone conversation ttfis morning. As discussed in our ineeting on September 11, 1991, the various alternati~'es included the following systems: - No footing toe at south wall which results in high soil bearing pressures and construction difficulties due to the wide footing. Extending the footing toe in alley along east wall and provide cast-in- drilled hole piles under south wall footing which results in higher construction costs. Mr. Gary Vech October 15, 1991 Page 2 A'.F'ct -' .J EF,1._~ t I i'ILJ k:LDG. F'-b'!d I I -..54b l-'-~,(J-; Provide a permanent soldier pile wall in combination with a masonry wall with level backfill. The upper portion of the slope would be' retained by shotcrete panels at the top of the soldier pile wall. This results in a reduction in cost for the masonry wall and footing. An outline of the specific work tasks to be completed under this addendum is included as Exhibit 'A' and the associated fees required to complete this work are included as Exhibit "U". The engineering design for the new support wall and replacement portion of the pool cover would be limited to that portion of the pool cover with no respons~ility for the structmal integrity of the remaining portion of the pool cover and existing support walls. Schedule Completed plans can be submitted to the City for review within 7 weeks of your authorization to proceed, based on the tasks identified in Exhibit We are pleased to be of contimdng service to the City of Tustim' Please call ff you have questions concerning this revised Addendum No. 1 proposal _ . . sincerely, Paul'IL ~oung~S.E. Senior Director Structural Engineering l~Y:blj/27423f6~t.a~I ! Enclosures: Attachment "A" Attachment "B" Hourly Rate Schedule Standard .Conuact Agreement Geotechniml Proposal, Scope, and Fee pc: Doug Frost (2) Jim McDonald JN 27423 October 15, 1991 Page 3 RE:F: --ROlq Ii'10 BLDG. F-501 -'---'~46 p-~04 EXHIBIT "A' SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICF~ ADDENDUM NO. 1 REVISION RAWI.INGS RES~VOIR RETAINING WALLS JN 27423 October 15, 1991 INObI i3 '':'i 15: tl TASK DESCRIPTION Evaluate Alternatives · Document alternatives using data previously developed by design staff. g. Permanent Soldier Pile Wall Design · Review Geotechnical Report. · Determine length of soldier pile walls. · -. Design soldier pile and lagging. " Design Shotcrcte wall at top. De Corrosion Protection for Soldier Piles · Evaluate various protection systems with corrosion consultant, recommend one system and identify in the project drawings_. _ Layout and De. sign Survey Monitoring System , E~ Constmctibility Review with Contractor · Identify site constraints. · Review wall .systems. · Prepare construction sequence construction. for wall demolition and Remove and Replace Existing Swimming Pool Elements · Field observation and measure existing pool roof stmcttcre, enclosure wails, pool and coping, pool planter, roof mounted panels, vents and piping. · Design roof suppo~ wall adjacent-to new south retaining wall. · Prepare drawings identifying pool elements to be removed and replaced with appropriate details and notes, del~eate on the plans adjacent property lines, construction access, and construction storage areas. ~- Ge Remove and Replace Alley Paving · Field measure existing alley. · Prepare alley paving details identifying subgrade, sub-base, and, finished paving. JN 27423 7148378~387 Mr. Gary Vceh October 15, 1991 Page 4 H~ P"~/~'nROl'l I HO BLDG. F--501 ~--~46 p-~5 IqOU 15 '91 15:12 Manhole for Reservoir Drain Lines · Prepare details for extending existing reservoir subgrade drain lines to new manhole in alley and connection to existing 4~ P.V.C. drain in the alley. Prepare Alternative Construction Cost Esfmates · Prepare construction cost estima, te for the proposed east and south-walls, including alley paving and pool cover modifi~fiom at the Neher Property. · Prepare construction cost estimate which eliminates the south wall by extending the slope as required onto the Neher property. This will include the costs of property acquisition, 'pool and cover demolition, import fill material, and new pool and cover comtmction. Supplemental Geotechnical Report · Prepare soldier pile design criteria · Analyze potential Vertical and horizontal movement of eXisting extertor reservoir wall due to soldier pil9 deflection and construction procedures. JN 27423 7 i 48378887 Mr. Gary Veeh October 15, 1991 Page 5 Rp'- -'JEROIq I1'10 BLDG. ~JO-IIBr[' "B" COMPENSATION FOR FRqG~G ADDENDUM NO. 1 REVISION RAWIiNGS RESERVOIR RETAINING WALLS JN 27423 October 11, 1991 TASK.DESCRIPTION Evaluate Alternatives aa C, Permanent Soldier Pile Wall Design Corrosion Protection for Soldier Piles Layout-and Design Surveying Monitoring System Ee' · Fe G' Constructibility Review with Contractor . Remove and Replace Existing Swimming' Pool Elements ' Remove and Repla.co Alley P&v~og Delineate ProPerty Lines and Contractor Storage Area(s) Manho1¢ for Drain Lines Fence Details J, Alternative Construction Cost Estimates Addendum No. 1 Engineering Subtotal ESTIMATED FEE $1,200.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,20o.oo $1,100.00 $ 2,400.00 $1,5oo.oo $92,8oo.00 Supplemental Geotechnical Report (Kleinfelder) Subtotal Professional Fees Reimbursables TOTAL FEES FOR ADDENDUM NO. 1 REVISION $3,850.OO $26,650.00 $ 450.00 $27,100.00 JN 27423 Cl bett C ei L, cWilliam F Ost c ssociates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS April 15, 1992 JN '27423 Addendum No. 2 Mr. Gary. Veeh Field Service Manager CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Proposal for ProfeSsional Engineering Services Repair and'RePlacement of Retaining Walls Rawlings Reservoir- Addendum No. 2 Professional Services Agreement. Dear Gary: .. " As requested by thc City of Tustin, Robert Bcin, William Frost and Associates (RBF) has prepared this proposal for additional engineering services "related to field meastir6me-nt of property elements, and preparation of a plot plan for the tWo lots adjacent to the south property wall of the reservoir. Also included in this addendum are fees for a site constructability meeting with an RBF selected contractor on March 4, 1992 and preparation of letter to City dated March 9, 1992 summarizing the contractor comments. We understand that the plot plan will not be a legal document, therefore, field taping the lOcation of property elements will be satisfactory to the City. Specific work tasks to be completed (Task 1 and 2) and completed Task 3 (site meeting with contractor) are summarized in Exhibit "A" and associated fees required to complete tB0se tasks are included as Exhibit "B". .:ProcfcSsiot~d cScrvicc co, itl.CC 19'I'1 14725 ALTON PARKWAY ° P.O. BOX 19739 ° IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 ° (714) 472-3505 ' FAX (714) 472-8313 OFFICES IN CORONA ° DENVER ° PALM DESERT ° SACFtAMENI'O ° SAN DIEGO ° TEMECULA Mr. Gary Veeh- ( April 15, 1992 Page 2 We recommend that prior to purchasing any property the City authorize a boundary survey for the private properties (Lots 11 and 12) to stake lot lines and purchased/easement property. We also understand legal descriptions of Lots 11 and 12, purchased property, and easements will be required prior to formalizing any purchase agreement. These tasks are not included within this addendum. We are prepared to proceed with Tasks 1 and 2 as soon as directed by the City. All provisions of the original March 21, 1991 Agreement shall remain in effect for this addendum. Please call if there are any question.s concerning this Addendum No. 2 proposal. Sincerely, Paul R. Young, S.E. Senior Director Structural Engineering :bl~2'/423add.2 - - Enclosuri~s Attachment "A" Attachment "B" Hourly Rate Schedule pc: Doug Frost (2) Jim McDOnald JN 27432 Mr. Gary Veeh- April 15, 1992 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" ADDENDUM NO. 2 RAWLINGS RESERVOIR RETAINING WALLS JN 27423 TASK DESCRIPTION . Field Survey Two Lots South of Reservoir Field measure location of the following elements on Lots 11 and 12 relative to the existing masonry wall along the alley (east side) and existing retaining wall along the south edge of reservoir property: House footprint All sheds All trees .on Lots 11 and 12 that are 3 inch trunk diameter and larger , Fences · Planter walls · Pool cover ' · Wood deCks. · Pet cemetery · Kehnel and bird cages Items located between the hous6and Foothill Boulevard on Lot-12 will not be located. 2, . Prepare Plot Plan Identify and locate above elements including roof plan of pool cover. Identify property lines for both lots, based on assessors maps. Identify 15 foot property width along south wall for future purchase by the City and 10 foot wide construction easement adjacent to south edge of purchased property. Site .Meeting with Contractor to address Construciability Issues for South Wall Construction as requested by City. RBF project staff (Paul Young and James Bradford) met with RBF selected contractor at the site on March 4, 1992 to address constructability issues related to property access, construction JN 27432 Mr. Gary Veeh' April 15, 1992 Page 4 t easements and materials/equipment storage for reservoir retaining wall construction along south side property line. Prepare letter to the City dated March 9, 1992 summarizing site construction comments by the selected contractor. JN 27432 Mr. Gary Veeh. April 15, 1992 Page 5 EXItlBIT "B" ADDENDUM NO. 2 RAWLINGS RESERVOIR RETAINING WALLS JN 27423 TASK DESCRIPTION . Field Survey and Measure Two Lots 2e ge Prepare Plot Plan Site Meeting with Contractor TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES . FOR ADDENDUM NO. 2 REVISION ESTIMATED FEE. $ 3,800.00 $ 2,760.00 $1,200.00 $ 7,760.00 JN 27432 l qbe t 6-Bei , illiam CF ost ssociates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS & SURVEYORS HOURLY RATE SCItEDULE Effective August 1, 1991 OFFICE PERSONNEL Principal ,. Project Director' " Structural Engineer Project Manager/Engineer Senior Engineer Registered Engineer Senior Designer Design Engineer Designer (CADD) Mapping Calculator Designer/Planner Senior Draftsman/Technician Draftsman/Graphic Artist Environmental Analyst Engineering/Planning Aide FIELD PERSONNEL $125.00 '. - 110.0O 95.00 85.00 80.00 75.0O 70.00 65.0O 60.00 63.00 ~. 55.00 - 51.00 46.00 43.00 35.0O 3 Man Survey Crew 2 Man Survey Crew Field Supervisor Resident Engineer Inspector · $185.00 144.00 83.0O 70.0O 65.00 COMPUTER & OTHER SERVICE FEES Compuler Aided Design and Drafting P~C. Work Station Clerical Consultation Relative to Legal Actions $ 35.00 15.00 30.00 225.00 Note: Blueprinting, reproduction, messenger service and other direct expenses will be charged at cost. A Subconsuhant Management Fee of fifteen (15) percent will be added to the direct cost of all subconsuhant sercices to provide for thc cost of admknistrztion, sulmonsuham consultation, and insurance. ¢l'ro~fcssiotE~l c~c,'vi,:c ¢Sitl.CC 19-I.'1 14725 ALTON PARKWAY · P.O. BOX 19739 - IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92113-9739 ° (714) 472-3505 · FAX (7;,t) 472-8373 OFFICES IN CORONA · DENVER · PALM DESERT ° SACRAMENTO - SAN DIEGO · TEMECULA Cl(qbe t CBeirt, cWilliam C-Frost c ssociates PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS& SURVEYORS HOURLY RATE SCItEDULE Effective August 1,1991 OFFICE PERSONNEL Principal ,. ,, Project Director' Structural Engineer Project Manager/Engineer Senior Engineer Registered Engineer Senior Designer Design Engineer Designer (CADD) Mapping Calculator " - Designer/Planner Senior Draftsman/Technician Draftsman/Graphic Artist Environmental Analyst Engineering/Planning .Aide FIELD PERSONNEL $125.00 "· 110.00 95.00 85.00 80.00 75.00 70.00 65.00 60.00 63.00 ,.. 55.00 - 51.00 46.00 43.00 3 Man Survey Crew 2 Man Survey Crew Field Supervisor Resident Engineer Inspector · $185.00 144.00 83.00 70.0O 65.00 COMPUTER & OTitER SERVICE FEES Computer Aided Design and Drafting P;C. Work Station Clerical Consultation Relative to Legal Actions $ 35.00 15.00 30.00 ~25.tx~ Blucprlnting. reproduction, messenger scrvice and other direct cxfx:nses will be chargcd al cost. A Subconsuhant Managen',znt Fee of fifteen (15) percent will be ,,ddcd lo the direct oost of all subconsuh:,nt services to provide for thc cost of adminisw~tion, subconsultam consultation, and ingur=nce. ClYo~fcssh,qid c~crvicc ~iq.c.c 19-1.t 14725 ALTON PARKWAY · P.O. 8OX 19739 o IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 92713-9739 · (114) 472-3505 ° FAX (7;,~) 472-8373 OFFICES IN CORONA o DENVER · PALM DESERT · SACRAMEr4TO · SAN DIEGO · TEMECUI~