NO. 2
~TE: MAY 2, 1994
Staff recommends that the City Council uphold the March 7, 1994
City of Tustin License and Permit Board decision regarding Candice
Towing Service and deny the appeal filed by the business owner.
No fiscal impact is anticipated from Council action on this item.
The City of Tustin has receiVed an appeal of a License and Permit
Board decision related to' the operation of a tow truck service.
This report is intended to provide the City Council with background
information related to the circumstances leading to the License and
Permit Board decision.
The City of Tustin License and Permit Board acts as an appeals
board on administrative decisions made concerning the granting,
denial, suspension or revocation of permits related to City
business licensing. The License and Permit Board consists of three
(3) members including the City Manager, the Chief of Police, the
President of the Chamber of Commerce or their designated
alternates. Prior to permit revocation"or suspension, the License
and Permit Board must hold a hearing where evidence can be
submitted, reviewed and considered. Any decision of the License
and Permit Board can be appealed to the City Council.
Candice Tow, Inc. currently operates a licensed tow truck business
within the City of Tustin. The business performs private property
impounds (PPI's) through contracts with private property
owners/managers and commercial impounds through contracts with
large corporate commercial/industrial owners. Chapter 4, Part 3 of
the Tustin City Code currently regulates tow truck operations
within the City of Tustin. Tow trucks (as well as ambulances,
taxicabs and ice cream vendors) are regulated by the City to
Protect the public's common interest by attempting to ensure their
City Council Report
Appeal of License and Permit Board regarding Candice Towing
May 2, 1994
Page 2
safety, reliability, honesty and integrity and the application of
reasonable rates/charges. Licensing of tow truck operations fall
generally under the purview of the Tustin Police Department.
However, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police, the City's
License and Permit Board may revoke or suspend any license for any
of the reasons identified within Section 3436a (Exhibit A).
In September 1993, the Police Department provided the Community
Development Department with significant evidence indicating that
Candice Towing, Inc., had violated numerous sections of the Tustin
City Code. At the Community Development Department's request, the
City Attorney reviewed said evidence and determined that grounds
for revocation or suspension could exist and that a License and
Permit Board Hearing should be set to review said evidence. The
License and Permit Board met .~nitially on October 29, 1993 and
again on February 22, 1994 to review this matter. Candice Towing
was represented by Attorney Steven Cuevas at both hearings. At the
hearing of February 22, the City Attorney submitted a report
detailing the evidence which the Board should consider (Exhibit B).
Specifically, the City Attorney identified evidence which indicated
that the business operator had caused the following violations:
Substantial or recurring deviation from the schedule of
rates (TCC Section 3436a(8));
Violation of any of the laws of .the State of California
or the City with respect to the operation of the business
by any permit holder or repeated violations by operators
or tenants of any vehicle covered by such license or
permit (TCC Section 3436a(6)).
At the conclusion of the February 22, 1994 hearing, the License and
Permit Board considered all evidence and testimony and voted to
permit Candice Towing to continue operations as a permitted tow
truck operator with certain conditions intended to rectify past
violations and ensure that Candice Tow, Inc. would operate in
compliance with the Code in the future (Exhibit C).
On March 16, 1994, Mr. Pat Tocher, owner of Candice Towing,
officially appealed the decision of the License and Permit Board
(Exhibit D).
The License and Permit Board decision relies upon the conclusion
that Candice Towing has clearly violated the Tustin City Code and
State law. Specifically, the City Attorney and the License and
Permit Board made the following findings:
City Council Report
Appeal of License and Permit Board regarding Candice Towing
May 2, 1994
Page 3
Candice Towing admitted to charging Tustin customer~ a
$26.50 impound fee, informing them that the extra charge
was a fee which Candice Towing was required to pay to the
City of Tustin. No such charge exists in the City. The
issue had been originally identified by the Police as a
citizen complaint. According to Mr. Tocher, this
overcharge occurred on eight occasions and was a result
of a computer error, since Santa Ana has such a charge.
However, when asked by the Board on October 29, 1993, to
detail his efforts to refund the overcharge to affected
Tustin customers, Mr. Tocher, Jr., indicated that Candice
Tow had done nothing. Later, when asked the same
question by the Board at their February 22, 1993 hearing,
Mr. Tocher, Jr., responded that letters had been mailed~
to those affected but that there had been no response by
anyone. Mr. Tocher also stated that all records
'associated with this attempt at reimbursement as well as
all records identifying those persons impacted had been
lost. There was also conflicting testimony from Tustin
Police Officer Paul Garaven who testified that he had
repeatedly informed Mr. Tocher, Jr., of the need to
immediately correct the violation, while Mr. Tocher, Jr.,
claimed that he had independently pursued the necessary
corrective action.
Morris Benoun, an employee of Candice Towing, was
operating a tow truck and attempting to remove a vehicle
in the City of Tustin without a required driver's permit
issued by the City in violation of Section 3433 of the
Tustin City Code. Mr. Tocher, Jr., indicated that the
instance had occurred without Candice Tow's authorization
or knowledge and that the location of the tow had
confused the driver (the attempted tow occurred at a
property where the Tustin/Santa Ana border is at the
centerline of the street; 'Candice Tow is licensed to
operate within the City of Santa Ana).
Morris Benoun also attempted to remove a vehicle from
private property without prior authorization from the
property owner or an agent of the property owner being
present at the time of the tow in violation of Vehicle
Code Section 22658. Mr. Benoun had in his possession an
authorization card from an alleged'agent of the property
owner which had been pre-signed. This also violates
Vehicle Code Section 22658. Vehicle Code Section
22658(1)(i) provides:
City Council Report
Appeal of License and Permit Board regarding Candice Towing
May 2, 1994
Page 4
"A towing company shall not remove or
commence the removal of a vehicle from
private property without first obtaining
a written authorization from the property
owner or lessee, or an employee or agent
thereof, who shall be present at the time
of removal. General authorization to
remove or commence removal of a vehicle
at the towing company's discretion shall
not be delegated to a towing company or
its affiliates..."
It is.a crime for a towing company to tow cars without written
authorization from the property owner or agent of the property
owner, who must be present at the time of the tow. Candice Towing
contends that Ray Flores Parking Control is the "~gent" of various
private property owners in the City. However, Deputy City Attorney
David De Berry learned in telephone calls to the property owners
and managers that most were not aware that they had signed a
contract with Ray Flores Parking Control to act as their agent, nor
knew who Ray Flores was.
Tustin Police Officer Ken Maddox testified that employees of Ray
Flores Parking Control rode inside Candice Towing tow trucks
cruising parking lots looking for potential tows. The signature on
the pre-signed authorization card in the possession of Mr. Benoun
was that of Jerry Ruetz, whom Mr. Tocher, Jr., testified was an
employee of Ray Flores Parking Control. In addition, Mr. Tocher,
Jr., testified that Ray Flores is compensated by Candice Towing,
not the property owner. Also, it appears that Ray Flores Parking
Control utilizes no other tow companies but is solely employed by
Candice Tow, Inc.
By letter dated February 12, 1993, Candice Towing was notified by
the Tustin Police Department that it was illegal to utilize
affiliates to authorize the towing of vehicles. By certified
letter on February 26, 1993, Mr. Tocher was again told by the
City's Police Department to cease utilization of illegal
affiliates. However, according to Mr. Tocher, Jr.'s, own testimony
this practice continued some weeks after the first Board hearing on
October 29, 1993.
The word "affiliate" is not defined in the Vehicle Code and as
such, the law of statutory construction provides that it should be
given its plain and ordinary meaning. "Affiliate" is defined in
part as follows: (1) to bring or receive into close connection as
a member or branch; (2) to connect or associate oneself; (3)
closely associated with another typically in a dependent or
City Council Report
Appeal of License and Permit Board regarding Candice Towing
May 2, 1994
Page 5
subordinate position, Webster's New Colleqiate Dictionary (1977).
By driving in the same vehicle and receiving compensation solely
from Candice Towing, Ray Flores Parking Control is clearly an
affiliate or agent of Candice Towing.
The Board considered Mr. Tocher, Jr.'s, testimony that employee
Benoun was terminated approximately 1% months after being cited and
was operating in a manner inconsistent wit Mr. Tocher, Jr.'s,
direction. The Board also. considered Mr. Tocher, Jr.'s,
controverted testimony concerning the overcharges and attempts to
remedy the overcharges. However, Mr. Tocher, Jr., testified that
none of the eight people he allegedly notified of the overcharges
ever contacted him or received refunds.
The Board found Mr. Tocher, Jr.'s, testimony to not be credible.
Candice Towing employee Benoun's attempted tow was a violation of
Vehicle Code Section 22658. Employee Benoun's operation without a
permit violated Tustin City Code Section 3433. The overcharges
were a violation of Tustin City Code Section 3436. The utilization
of Ray Flores Parking Control constituted numerous violations of
Vehicle Code Section 22658, which violations continued after
Candice towing was told the practice was illegal, twice by letter
and once, at the first Board~hearing on october 29, 1993.
Based upon the above, the License and Permit Board voted to allow
Candice Tow, Inc. to continue operating with the conditions noted
below. However, all actions/conditions have been stayed pending
City Council determination on this appeal.
Candice Towing shall not conduct any private property
impounds (PPI's) for six months, effective March 7, 1994,
through September 7, 1994.
Candice Towing shall cease in its practice of
compensating, so-called "agents" of private property
owners, such as Ray Flores Parking Control.
Ail-records regarding private property impounds must be
kept for three years.
Reimburse all overcharges to individuals who were
assessed the overcharge. If this is not possible, the
amount of the overcharges shall be reimbursed in some
other manner and proof thereof provided to the City by
April 7, 1994.
City Council Report
Appeal of License and Permit Board regarding Candice Towing
May 2, 1994
Page 6
Candice Towing shall be on a one-year probation, meaning
that a violation of any of the conditions set forth
above, between March 7, 1994 and March 7, 1995, shall
constitute grounds for revocation.
Staff supports the License and Permit Board conclusions and
decision in this matter and recommends that the City Council uphold
the March 7, 1994 City of Tustin License and Permit Board decision
regarding Candice Towing Service and deny the appeal filed by the
business owner. If denied by Council, staff recommends that all
deadlines established within the above referenced conditions be
adjusted as follows:
* Condition 1: effective May 3~- 1994, through November 3, 1994.
* Condition 4: proof provided by June 3, 1994.
* Condition 5: effective May 3, 1994 through May 3, 1995.
Dana Ogdon
Senior Planner
Christine n
Assistant Cit~/Manager
DO: kd~CCP, EPORT \cand i ce. do
Exhibit A - TCC 3436
Exhibit B - Memo from City Attorney to License and
Permit Board
Exhibit C - License and Permit Board Determination
of March 7, 1994
Exhibit D - Candice Towing Appeal
TCC 3436
a Grounds for Revocation
Any ~ermit granted under the provisions of this Part may be removed by the
License & Permit Board either as a whole or as to any person or vehicle
.described' therein, or as to the right to use any .distinctive Color, monogram,
or insignia, after ten (10) days' written notice to the permit holder requiring
him-to appear at a certain time and place to show cause why the license or
permit should not be revoked, for any of the following reasons:
(1) That the insurance coverage required by Section 3432d hereof has bccn
withdrawn or lapsed or is not in force for any reason. (2) Dissolution of business or bankruptcy.
(3) For assignment of an Official Police Towing Service contract with the
City of Tustin or any right or interest stated therein, without prior written
consent of the Chief of Police.
(4) For' the nonpayment of any City business license or other fees of the
City of Tustin.
(5) Breach of any rules, regulations or conditions set out in the Tustin
City Code.
(6) For the violation of any of..'the laws' of the State of California or the
City with respect to the operatio.,n of the business by any ~ermit holder or .
repeated violations by operators or attendants of any vehicle covered by such
license or permit.
(7) For failure to maintain satisfactory service to the public or for
failure to keep any such vehicle in a safe condition and good repair or for
failure to Use the distinctive coloring, monogram, or insignia described in the
(8) Substantial or recurring deviation from the schedule of rates.
(9) For any cause which the License & Permit Board finds which makes it
contrary to the ~ablic interest, convenience, necessity or general welfare, for
the license or permit to be continued.
f ·
January 13, 1994
A hearing will be held to consider the revocation or
suspension of a license granted by the City to Candice Towing to
operate a towing business within the City limits. Pursuant to
Tustin City Code Section 3436, the Board may revoke or suspend a
license to operate a towing company on the following pertinent
1. Substantial or recurring deviation from the schedule of
rates (TCC Section 3436(a)(8)).
2. For the violation of any of the laws of the State of
California or the City with respect to the operation of the
business by any permit holder or repeated violations by operators
or tenants of any vehicle covered by such license or permit (TCC
Section 3436(a)(6)).
It is staff's position that based upon the following facts,
grounds exist for the revocation or suspension of Candice Towing's
Substantial or Recurring Deviation From the Schedule of
Officer Paul Garaven has informed staff that Candice Towing
charged customers a $26.50 impound fee and informed customers that
the extra charge was for a fee which Candice Towing was required to
pay to the City of Tustin. Although the City of Santa Ana has such
a charge, no such charge exists in the City. After notifying
Candice Towing of the excessive fee, Officer Garaven believes that
this practice has now stopped. Staff is unaware of any efforts by
Candice Towing to reimburse customers charged the extra $26.50.
2. Violation of City and State Laws.
a. Section 3433 of the Tustin City Code makes it unlawful
for any driver to operate a tow truck in the City without a valid
permit issued by the City. Section 3433e of the.Tustin City Code
Inter--Com to License and Permit Board
Page 2
January 13, 1994
requires each licensed tow truck company to furnish to the Chief of
Police, by the 10th day of each month, a list of its currently
employed drivers.
Attached as Exhibit "A" is a police report dated September 26,
1993, written by officer Maddox of the Tustin Police Department.
Pursuant to that report, officer Maddox witnessed a Candice Towing
truck removing a vehicle from Station Liquor, located at 14802
Newport Avenue, Tustin. The driver of the tow truck was a Morris
Benoun. Mr. Benoun stated that he did not possess a driver's
permit requiredbytheTustin City Code.
In addition, according to officer Garaven, Candice Towing has
not been supplying the city with a list of currently employed
b. California vehicle- Code Section 22658 provides in
pertinent part:
"A towing company shall not remove or
commence the removal of a vehicle from private
property without first, obtaininq written
authorization from the property owner or
lessee, or an emDlovee or aqent thereof, who
shal~ be present, at-the time of the removal,.
General authorization to remove or commence
removal of a vehicle at the towinq company's
discretion shall not be delegated to the
towinq company or its affiliates except in the
case of a vehicle unlawfully parked within 15
feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire lane, or
in a manner which interferes with any entrance
to, or exit from, the private property.
Any towing company which removes or
commences removal of a vehicle from private
property without first obtaining written
authorization from the property owner or
lessee, or an employee or agent thereof, who
was present at the time of removal or the
commencement of the removal, is liable to the
owner of the vehicle for four times the amount
of the towing and storage charges, in addition
to any applicable criminal penalty."
(Emphasis added.)
Essentially Section 22658 makes it a crime for a towing
Inter-Com to License and Permit Board
Page 3
January 13, 1994
company to tow cars without written authorization from the property
owner or agent of the property owner, who must be present at the
time of the tow. Evidence gathered by staff indicates that Candice
Towing violated Vehicle Code Section 22658 on the following
(1) Officer Garaven has informed staff that he had a
conversation with a Virginia Ramsey, a former apartment
manager of the Tustin Meadow apartment complex. Ms. Ramsey
informed Officer Garaventhat she was told byPat Tocher, the
owner of Candice Towing, that it was unnecessary for Ms.
Ramsey to sign for each tow or to be present for each tow and
that Candice Towing "would take care of everything". If true,
this representation by Mr. Tocher directly conflicts with
state law.
(2) Officer Garaven also informed staff that Ms. Ramsey
informed him that she had spoken with a dispatcher at Candice
Towing who informed her thatthere had been four impounds from
'her apartment complex. Officer Garaven stated that Ms. Ramsey
told him that she had only called Candice Towing for private
property impounds on two occasions. Of those two calls, one
of the impounds was completed and the other was not as the
vehicle had left the complex. 'Ms. Ramsey further informed
Officer Garaven that she did not sign for the completed
private property impound.
(3) Attached as Exhibit "B" is a card signed by a J.
Ruetz, allegedly authorizing Candice Towing to remove
vehicles. This card was presented to Officer Maddox by driver
Benoun of Candice Towing on September 26, 1993. Under Section
22658, the agent must be present at the time of the removal of
the vehicle. According to Officer Maddox, J. Ruetz was not
present at the time of the attempted removal by Candice
Towing, nor does J. Ruetz have a business license with the
City of Tustin.
(4) Attached as ELhibit "C" is a tow report involving
Candice Towing from the Monterey Pines apartment complex
located at 15545 Williams, Tustin. The report was taken by
Tustin Police Clerk Theresa Skaff and was called in by Ray
Flores Parking Control. The tow was completed by Candice
Towing. Attached as Exhibit "D" is a Declaration from Carolyn
Tuber, General Manager of the Monterey Pines apartment
complex. Pursuant to the Declaration, Ray Flores' Parking
Control was not authorized to act as an agent for the
impounding of vehicles from the Monterey Pines apartment
Inter-C~m to License and Permit Board
Page 4
January 13, 1994
3. Other Factors.
Section 22658 of the Vehicle Code has been the law of the
State of California since January 1, 1992. In addition, a letter
was sent to Candice Towing on February 12, 1993, and all other tow
truck operators within the City, setting forth the requirements of
Section 22658. A copy of that letter.is attached as Exhibit #E#.
A second letter was sent to Candice Towing on February26, 1993, by
Captain Foster. By this letter, Captain Foster informed Mr. Tother
that Candice Towing's operations were violating the State statute
and that further use of the Practice could result in a revocation
of Candice Towing's license. A copy of that letter and a certified
receipt from Candice Towing are attached as Exhibit "F".
Despite these two letters, as evidenced by the exhibits and
the information supplied by City staff, Candice Towifig-appears to
have Continued to violate the provisions of Section 22658 of the
Vehicle Code.
~ME~ ~. ' ROURKE
DAD:¢j ·
W. Husio~
c. ~m~ (w/~)
.ON$0LIOATION REPORT T'J--Q' ' pf-'ll I('.F DEPARTMENT -.-- -'~' EIO ,,r,~"* -
-" ___ /' ( ., ]CEN'"-~EN~--t,,IIAL-W_AY ?'( Iii
~ 1'I'~ ET~L, C)I'Y t,,,4~-rf... K~t.. AI~TKL~ k~,k~ SE~RIAI. l, lt,f~4l~R, t,445f_.~Lt, A~lE. O4JS O~'SOK41rl'tO4'l
J. .
' - / :- i
ilClCll CA 03022 (//405) " _ ~ I~. (~ --
-co v-v,cr, M S-SUS.ECT H---.DE"
ils$rou~ ~ ~ F -- TV/Radio/Cameras . ' ..
A -- ~es G -- F'~earms K -- Miscellaneous
B- Jew~3~eei(x~ M~als H --Household Goods (Includes Bicycles.
c--ctoetalg~s ! --Coasumable Goods
Sporting Goods,
Auto Parts. Tools. etc.)
~ Purstm~ to Penal Code ~ 1413(b:). a claim el ownm'shiP of the above-asted property has bee~ received and is attached hereto. Pursuant to Section
1413(o) you have rdteet (15') days lmm the date asa'vice ol INs notice to asset 8 claim tothe above listed property. Such'noUce shall be in ~'fltlag and
derwered to the Tustln Pol;.,ce Departme~, Propen7 ;m3 Evidence Ofrmer, 300 Centennial Way, Tusfia. Ca.qfomia -°'2680. If no s~ch cleim is received within
time period, the ;x'operty will be deliver'ed to E'~e perso~ claiming (~mtership.
[~ ANo~.YSI$
~ ^uc'noN
[~]YES J~ NO
"~.. PAWN .~"IOP NAME: ~
/ J El
~[32 I J:). USEO:
.I~r. NSE:
D 11~ lo/go
6~ 23
BEAT: I (~) 3
~--- 15
I, CAROLYN TUBER, declare:
1. I am the General Manager of the Monterey Pines Apartment
Complex and have personal knowledge of the 'following facts.
2. At no time, and specifically'not on September 14, 1993,
hast he Monterey Pines Apartment Complex contracted with Ray Flores
Property Parking Control to provide any security or towing
services. Monterey Pines utilizes Cal-West Security as its agent
for the impounding of vehicles. Candice Tow currently tows
vehicles from Monterey Pines property.
I declare, under-penalty of perjury, under the laws of the
State of California, tha~ the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this /~~- day of November, 1993, at Tustin,
Police Department
: --- City
February 12, 1993
Of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 544-5424
FAX (714).730-5134
Candice Towing
2209 S. Lyon
Santa Ana Ca 92701
Recently, we have been recieving numerous complaints in reference
to Private Party Impounds. These complaints stem from citizens
as well as our Records division' It seems many companies are
still operating on what is commonly known as "cruise accounts."
As I would hope all of you know, it is no longer legal to have a
tow truck driver -cruising" complexes looking for unauthorized
parked vehicles. This is clearly defined by CVC 22658(L) and
reads as follows.
CVC 22658(L)(1) A towing company shall not remove a vehicle from
private property without first obtainingwritten authorization
from the property owner or lessee, or an employee or agent
thereof, who shall be present at the time of removal. General
authorization to remove vehiclesatthe towing company's
discretion shall not be delegated to a towing company, or its
.affiliates except in the case of a vehicle unlawfully parked with
in 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire lane, or in a manner
which interferes with any entrance to, or exi% from, the private
pr°petty'(2) If a towing company removes a vehicle without
written authorization and that vehicle is unlawfully parked
within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or in a fire lane, or in a
manner which interferes to any entrance to, or exit from, the
private property, the towing company shall take, prior to removal
of that vehicle, a photograph of the vehicle which clearly
indicate that parking violation. The towing company shall keep
one copy of thc photograph taken pursuant to this paragraph, and
shall present"'that photograph to the owner or agent of the owner,
when that person claims the vehicle.
(3) Any towing company, or any affiliate of a towing
company, which removes a vehicle from private property without
first .obtaining written authorization from the property owner or
lessee, or an employee or agent thereof, who is present at the
time of removal, except as permitted by paragraph (1), is liable
to the owner of the vehicle for four times the amount of the
towing and storage charges, in addition to any applicable
criminal penalty, for a violation of paragraph (1).
HoPefully, this section will clear up any questions on the
subject of cruise accounts. If you should have any questions,
feel free to contact either officer Garaven or me at 573-3216.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Steve Foster, Captain
Operations DivisiOn Commander
Police Depa,;_
February 26, 1993
'City Of Tustin
300 Cenlennial Way
Tustin. CA 92680
(714) 544-5424
FAX (714) 730-5134
Candice Towing
2209 S. Lyon
Santa Aha, Ca 92701
Dear Mr. Tocher:
It has been brought to my attention, that your company has been
doing private-property impounds that are not in accordance with
current California Vehicle Code regulations~ Current law states,
#General authorization to. remove vehicles at the towing company's
discretion'shall not be delegated to a towing company or its
affiliates .... " The section which refers to this is CVC
22658(1). TAe affiliate I am referring to is Ray Flores ParkiDg
Control. -
It is a violation of CVC 22658(1)(1) for an affiliate to ride
with your tow truck drivers for the purpose of "cruising"
complexes to have the affiliate approve and sign for impounds.
It is obvious that since you pay Ray Flores Parking Control that
his is your affiliate.
Further use of this practice will result in recommendation to the
City of Tustin License an.Permit Board that your business license
be rescinded.
If you should have any questions, feel free to contact Lt.
Schoenkopf or officer Garaven at (714)573-3216.
Thank You in advance for your cooperation.
Steve Foster, Captain
Operations Division Commander
SF: pg
..... ' ..... ' ......... ' ..... '1 ~ ° Complete item~ 3. and 4~ & b. ' foIIowir~] services (for an extra
~ ~ ~m to ~. 1. ~ A~dre~ee's Address
':' ~ - A~~f~~f~tof~~'~~ ~a
~ d~ ~t ~ ' '
. . ~ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ C~lt ~s~aster f~ f~.
o 3. A~icle Addr~s~ to: I ~. A~ N~ber _ ~
"'" ---' = i~'~~~ ~,=~.-
6. ~.)lgnature 6e~lent! --
I ~ ps Form 3811. December lg'1 * u~cd'-c~:'e~'a°'~3°
Community Development Department
March 7, 1994
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Mr. Patrick Tocher
2209 South Lyon
Santa Aha, CA 92701
Dear Mr. Tocher:
Based upon the evidence submitted at the February 22,
1994, hearing before the City of Tustin's License and
Permit Board, the Board has determined to impose the
following conditions on Ca,dice Towing's continued
operations as a permitted tow truck operator within the
(714) 573-3106
Planning & Zoning Info.
(714) 573-3140
(714) 573-3131
(714) 573-3132
(714) 573-3117
Code Enforcement
(714) 573-3134
Business License
(714) 573-3144
Candice Towing shall not conduct any private Inspection Requests
property impounds for six months, effective (714) 573-3141
March 7, 1994, through September 7, 1994.
Candice Towing shall cease in its practice of
compensating so-called "agents" of private
property owners, such as Ray Flores Parking
Graffiti Hot Line
(714) 573-3111
FAX Machine
(714) 573-3113
Ail records regarding private property
impounds must be kept for three years.
Reimburse all overcharges to individuals who
were assessed the overcharge. If this is not
possible, the amount of the overcharges shall
be reimbursed in some other manner and proof
thereof provided tc the City by April 7, 1994.
Candice Towing shall be on a one-year
probation, meaning that a violation of any of
the conditions set forth above, between March
7, 1994 and March 7, 1995, shall constitute
grounds for revocation.
The above conditions are imposed based upon the following
- 1.
Candice Towing charged customers a $26.50 impound
fee and informed customers that the extra charge
Mr. Patrick Tocher
Re: Candice Towing Permit Hearing
March 7, 1994
Page 2
was a fee for which Candice Towing was required to pay to the
City of Tustin. No such charge exists in the City. According
to Mr. Tocher, this occurred on eight occasions and was a
result of a computer error.
Morris Benoun, an employee of Candice Towing, was operating a
tow truck and attempting to remove a vehicle in the City
without a valid driver's permit issued by the City in
violation of Section 3433 of the Tustin. City Code. The Board
took into consideration Mr. Tocher's representation that Mr.
Benoun's employment with Candice Towing has been terminated in
November of 1993.
Morris Benoun attempted to remove~ a vehicle from private
property without prior authorization from the property owner
or an agent of the property owner being present at the time of
the tow in violation of Vehicle Code Section 22658. Mr.
Benoun had in his possession an authorization card from an
alleged agent of the property owner which had been pre-signed.
This also violates Vehicle Code~Section 22658. The Board took
into consideration Mr. Tocher's representation that Mr. Benoun
has since been terminated and was operating in a manner
inconsistent with thedirection given him by Mr. Tocher.
Vehicle Code Section 22658(1)(i) provides:
"A towing company shall not remove or commence the
removal of a vehicl~ from private property without first
obtaining a written authorization from the property owner
or lessee, or an employee or agent thereof, who shall be
present at the time of removal. General authorization to
remove or commence removal of a vehicle at the towing
company's discretion shall not be delegated to a towing
company or its affiliates..."
Candice Towing has been utilizing Ray Flores Parking Contrel
as the "agent" of private property owners. However, in its
contracts with the owners and managers of the private
property, City staff learned that most were not aware that
they had signed a contract with Ray Flores Parking Control to
act as their agent. In addition, Mr. Tocher testified that
Ray Flores Parking Control is compensated by Candice Towing
and not the private property owners.
As utilized by Candice Towing, Ray Flores Parking Control is
merely an employee or affiliate of Candice Towing, a violation
of Vehicle Code Section 22658(1) (i)~ By certified letter on
Mr. Patrick Tocher
Re: Candice Towing Permit Hearing
March 7, 1994·
Page 3
February 26, 1993, Mr. Tocher was told to cease this practice
by the City's Police Department, but according to Mr. Tocher's
own testimony, continued this practice up until the latter
part of 1993.
The License and Permit Board reserves the right to impose
additional conditions/penalties based on any new information which
it receives concerning past violations or with respect to any
future violations. Candice Towing would be provided the
opportunity to respond in both cases.
Pursuant to Section 1536 of the Tusitn City Code, you have the
right to appeal the decision of the License and Permit Board by
filing with the City Clerk, within 10 days of receipt of this
notification of the-Board's decision, a written statement stating
that you have elected to appeal this decision to the City Council.
Dana Ogden
Senior Planner
00: kd\candctow. [tr
cc: William Huston
Christine Shingleton
David DeBerry
Nena McNamara
Bob Schoenkopf
Tom Brennan
George Cuevas, Esq.
2209 S. LYON
SANTA ANA, CA. 92705
(714) 545-7702 (714) 966-0596
To :City Clerk
Re: License and Permit Board
Candice Towing Permit Hearing
To It May Concern:
Pursuant to section 1536 of the Tustin City Code. We at Candice Towing have
Elected to appeal the boards &eision, and would like to have a City Council
Pat Tocher
CC: City Clerk
Dana Ogdon
City of Tustin Police
"Bob Schoenkopf'
G. Steven Cuevas
Attorneys at Law
G. Steven Cuevas
Hugh gE. Gregg
Dean I.. Lippi
1002 North Ross Street, Santa Aha, California 92701
(714) 667-0880
Fax (714) 667-0649
March 16, 1994
of Counse/
John A. Marinelli, Jr.
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, Ca. 92680
City Council
Appeal of Candice Towing from deCision
of License and Permit Board
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Candice Towing appeals from the decision dated
March 7, 1994 of the Tustin's License and Permit Board to the full City Council.
A copy of the Decision is attached hereto as Exhibit "A".
Dated: March 16, 1994
Attorney for Candice Towing
Community Development Department
March 7, 1994
14AE 0 199
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin. CA 92680
Mr. Patrick Tocher
2209 South Lyon
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 573-3106
Planning & Zoning Info.
(714) 573-3140
Dear Mr. Tocher:
Based upon the evidence submitted at the February 22,
1994, hearing before the City of Tustin's License and
Permit Board, the Board has determined to impose the
following conditions on Candice Towing's continued
operations as a permitted tow truck operator within the
(714) 573-3131
(714) 573-3132
(714) 573-3117
Code Enforcement
(714) 573-3134
Business License
(714) 573-3144
Candice Towing shall not conduct any private inspection Requests
property impounds for six months, effective (714) 573-3141
March 7, 1994, through.September 7, 1994.
Candice Towing shall cease in its practice of
compensating s°~called "agents" of private
property owners, such as'Ray Flores Parking
Graffiti Hot Line
(714) 573-3111
FAX Machine
(714) 573-3113
Ail records regarding private property
impounds must be kept for three years.
Reimburse all overcharges to individuals who
were assessed the overcharge. If this is not
possible, the amount of the overcharges shall
be reimbursed in some other manner and proof
thereof provided to the City by April 7, 1994.
Candice Towing shall be on a one-year
probation, meaning that a violation of any of
the conditions set forth above, between March
7, 1994 and March 7, 1995, shall constitute
grounds for revocation.
The above conditions are imposed based upon the following
Candice Towing charged customers a $26.50 impound
fee and informed customers that the extra charge
Mr. Patrick Tocher
Re: Candice Towing Permit Hearing
March 7, 1994'
Page 2
was a fee for which Candice Towing was required to pay to the
City of Tustin. No such charge exists in the City. According
to Mr. Tocher, this occurred on eight occasions and was a
result of a computer error.
Morris Benoun, an employee Of Candice Towing, was operating a
tow truck and attempting to remove a vehicl~ in the City
without a valid driver's permit issued by the City in
violation of Section 3433 of the Tustin City Code. The Board
took into consideration Mr. Tocher,s representation that Mr.
Benoun's employment with Candice Towing has been terminated in
November of 1993.
Morris Benoun attempted to remove a vehicle from'private
property without prior authorization from the property owner
or an agent of.the property owner being present at the time of
the tow in violation of Vehicle Code Section 22658. Mr.
Benoun had in his possession an authorization card from an
alleged agent of the property owner which had'been pre-signed.
This also violates Vehicle Code Section 22658.' The Board took
into consideration Mr. Tocher's representation that Mr. Benoun
has since been terminated and was operating in a manner
inconsistent with the direction given him by Mr. Tocher.
Vehicle Code Section 22658(1) (i) provides:
"A towing company shall not remove or commence the
removal of a vehicle from private property without first
obtaining a written authorization from the property owner
or lessee, or an employee or agent thereof, who shall be
present at the time of removal. General authorization to
remove or commence removal of a vehicle at the towing
company,s discretion shall not be delegated to a towing
company or its affiliates...,, ..~
Candice Towing has been utilizing Ray Flores Parking Control
as the "agent" of private property owners. However, in its
contracts with the owners and managers of the private
property, City staff learned that most were not aware that
they had signed a contract with Ray Flores Parking Control to
act as their agent. In addition, Mr. Tocher testified that
Ray 'Flores Parking Control is compensated by Candice Towing
and not the private property owners.
As utilized by Candice Towing, Ray Flores Parking Control is
merely an employee or affiliate of Candice Towing, a violation
of Vehicle Code Section 22658(1) (i). By certified letter on
Mr. Patrick Tocher
Re: Candice Towing Permit Hearing
March 7, 1994
Page 3
February 26, 1993, Mr. Tocher was told to cease this practice
by the City's Police Department, but according to Mr. Tocher's
own testimony, continued this practice up until the latter
part of 1993.
The License and Permit Board. reserves the right to impose
additional conditions/penalties based on any new inf6rmation which
it receives concerning past violations or with.respect to any
future violations. Candice Towing would be provided the
opportunity to respond in both cases.
Pursuant to Section 1536 of the Tusitn City Code, you have the
right to appeal the decision of the License and Permit Board by
filing with the City Clerk, within 10 days of receipt 'of this
notification of the Board's decision,__~a written statement stating
that you have elected to appeal this decision to the City Council.
Dana Ogden
Senior Planner
DO: kd\candctou. [tr
cc: William Huston
Christine Shingleton
DaVid DeBerry
Nena McNamara
Bob Schoenkopf
Tom Brennan
George Cuevas, Esq.