HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1978 01 16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CENTENNIAL AT MAIN January 16, 1978 Io . CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Sharp at 3:07 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster, Welsh. Absent: Councilmen: Saltarelli. Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Brian Chase: Community Development Director James G. Rourke: City Attorney Mary Ann Chamberlain: Recording Secretary III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Schuster. IV. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Welsh. V. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Amendment to General Plan 77-3 (A) and Environmental Impact Report 77-6 Koldrich, Kest and Associates for an EIR which relates to the general plan amendment that proposes to change the land use designa- tion f~om Commercial to Multi-family residential. This request is to construct 100 units for senior citizen housing. L~cation is the north side of 6th Street approximately 400' easterly of E1 Camino Real on 2.43 acres. After the presentation of the Staff report by Mr. Chase, the public hearing was opened at 3:10 p.m. There being no comments or objections the hearing was closed at 3:~1 p~m. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar to certify EIR 77-6 by the adoption of Resolution No~ 78-21 and also approve General Plan Amend- ment 77-3 (A) and (B) by the adoption of Resolution No. 78-18. Carried unanimously. (8altarelli absent). VI. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, at 3:11 p.m. to adjourn to a Planning Agency meetin~ Carried unanimously. /Recording' Secreta~~ page two MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CENTENNIAL AT MAIN January 16, 1978 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Mayor Sharp. ROLL CALL present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Schuster Absent Councilmen: Saltarelli Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Brian Chase, Community Development Director james G. Rourke: City Attorney Ruth C. Poe: City Clerk III. PUBLIC HEARINGS Scheduled for 7:30 meeting. IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS None V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - 1/3/78 meetings. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN AMOUNT OF $32,730.32 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN AMOUNT OF $101,552.52. 3. USE OF TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL SWIM POOL Approval of continuing agreement as recommended by Parks and Recreation Director. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 78-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CONSENTING TO A WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HEARING FOR UN- INHABITED CONSENT ANNEXATIONS. AdQption as recommended by Dr. Fleagle, Consultant. · .... ~ 5. RESOLUTION NO. 77-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO EXECUTE TRAINING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE POLICE DEPART- MENT OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY PATROL. Adoption as recommended by Chief of Police. 6. TREE REMOVAL REQUESTS Approval to remove trees at 1251 Mauna Loa and 1451 Nisson Rd. and replace at no cost to property owners as recommended by Mr. West. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 78-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING CITY REPRESENTATION TO THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION. Adoption as recommended by Dr. Fleagle. 8. RESOLUTION NO. 78-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO 77-105, 106, 107, 108 and 109 FOR PROPERTY LOCATED EASTERLY OF HOLT AND NORTHERLY OF IRVINE BLVE. Adoption as recommended by planning Agency. Council Minutes 1/16/78 page three 9. APPOINTMENT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR Appointment of Michael Day as recommended by City Administrator. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 78-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AMENDING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE 1977-78 FISCAL YEAR. Adoption as recommended by City Administrator 11. BINGO FEES Approval of license fee of $5.00 with license not to exceed 6 month period. License fees to be in addition to License and Permit Board Hearing Fee of $25.00. 12. RESOLUTION NO. 78-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN REVISING CERTAIN CONDITIONS FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 77-104 AND AMENDING RESOLUTION 77-111 Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that all items on Consent Calendar be approved as reoommended. Council discussed use of Tustin High pool due to its conditions and lack of financing and requested that Mr. Biery look into this. Council also requested that staff look into other trees at 1451 Nisson Road for potential trouble. Above Motion to approve Consent Calendar, carried unanimously. VI, ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 757 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOREIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance NO. 757 have first reading by title only. Carried unanimously, Saltarelli absent. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance NO. 757 be introduced. Carried. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 758 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA REZONING PROPERTY OF JANSVU PROPERTIES ON APPLICATION NO. 77- 10. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance NO. 758 ha~e first reading by title only. Carried unanimously, Saltarelli absent. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance NO. 758 be in- troduced. Carried. VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 755 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ARTICLE 8, BUILDING REGULATIONS, OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE & ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1976 EDITIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, UNI- FORM PLUMBING CODE, DWELLING CONSTRUCTION UNDER THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, UNIFORM HOUSING CODE AND UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDING; '1975 EDITION OF THE ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWELLING CODE: AND 1978 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. Council Minutes 1/16/78 page four Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Ordinance NO. 755 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously, Saltarelli absent. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that Ordinance NO. 755 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Schuster. Noes: None. Absent: Saltarelli. VIII. OLD BUSINESS 1. AMENDMENT TO SIGN CODE PROCEDURES Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that this matter be noticed for public hearing at 7:30 p.m., February 6, 1978. 2. JAYCEES REQUEST FOR TILLER DAY FUNDING. Continued to 7: 30 meeting. IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS Newport Ave/Old Irvine Blvd. and Newport/Wass St. Continued to evening session. 2. STREET RENAMING - IRVINE BLVD. Report presented by Mr. Ledendecker. Moved by Welsh~ seconded by Schuster that staff be authorized to send a letter to the City of Irvine stating that Tustin does not desire to change the street name of Irvine Blvd. to Trabuco Rd. ' within its corporate limits or its sphere of influence. Letter to include facts of hardship to businesses and stating that Council feels that the name Irvine Blvd. is more appropriate. Carried. 3. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE CITY. Report and recommendation for approval submitted by Mr. Chase. Moved by Welsh, seconded for discussion by Schuster that expenditure for aerial photo be approved recognizing that it is for whole spher~ .of influence. Council discussed waiting for planned developments to be completed. Usefulmess of photo to future developments. Above motion carried. Councilman Schuster voting no, Councilman Saltarelli absent. 4. DEVELOPMENT OF OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY Report presented by Mr. Blankenship. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that staff recommendation be approved to cooperate by making the property or at least the south half planned for development first~ available around April 1st and then authorize notice to be given to the museum of the 60 day cancellation as required by agreement, with pledge that .City will attempt to find an alternate site and assist in the required move. Use of Smith house approved in concept. Carried. In answer to questioning, Mr. Blankenship said he would be looking into costs, etc. of relocating old City Hall buildings. He stated he was also concerned that old buildings be compatable with area and he would be preparing a report for Council. Council Minutes 1/16/7~ page five 6. ROBBERY SUPPRESSION AND APPREHENSION GRANT Report presented by Mr. Blankenship. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that letter be sent by Chief of Police to the City of Huntington Beach indicating that the City of Tustin will participate and that during the fiscal year $116.77 will be appropriated for this project. Carried. RECLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR POSITION TO PLAN CHECKER. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that reclassification be approved as recommended by staff. Carried. X. OTHER BUSINESS 1. ROBERTI - Z'BERG URBAN OPEN SPACE & RECREATION PROGRAM Mr. Blankenship stated staff is working on proposal to be present- ed to Council. 2. GREATER IRVINE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Mr. Blankenship reminded Council of meeting January 26° 3. HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL APPOINTMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Mr. Tom Tallman be appointed City representative to fill vacancy created by resi.~- nation of Mr. A. Holub. Carried. Staff to prepare proclamation of recognition for Mr. Holub. 4. TUSTIN HIGH SWIMMING POOL Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster that letter be sent to School Board indicating approval of Board Action on this matter. After Council discussion the motion and second were withdrawn. 5. HAZARDOUS WALKWAYS Councilman Edgar requested that staff look into walkways that were created for helping children get to school and report locations and recommendations for making them safer such as lighting, gates ,etc. 6. RED CURBING - EL CAMINO & SIXTH Mr. Ledendecker reported this curbing had been removed when catch basin was installed and they will be replaced. 7. ANNEXATION AREAS Mr. Edgar requested map showing Water district and other service areas. 81. COMMENDATION - CHIEF OF POLICE ~oved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster that an appropriate commendation be prepared for Chief Thayer on excellent job done and accomplishments since his appointment. Carried. 9. SOS (SAFER OFF-SYSTEMS) ROAD PROGRAM In answer to questioning by Fir. Welsh, Mr. Ledendecker stated that the County will administer funds but they have not gotten into pro- cedures: Money will be appropriated to each city. City will have to propose project. Council Minutes 1/~6/78 page six Mr. Welsh asked that project be one that these funds will pay for that othersfunds will not. 10. LEFT TURN LANES Mr. Ledendecker reported on status of lanes such asat Newport and First. This intersection will be improved with Newport Ave. signal interconnect system. Newport and McFadden buttons should be installed in next couple of months. All intersections will be reviewed in next fiscal year. XI. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Schuster, seconded by Welsh that meeting be adjourned to evening meetingat 7:30. Carried. COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 P.M. January 16, 1978 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Sharp. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Brian Chase, Community Development Director james G. Rourke, City Attorney Ruth Co Poe~ City Clerk III. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. WATER WORKS FRANCHISE - Continued Hearing for 7:30 meet ing. Mr. Rourke stated that the attorney for the Water Works had contacted him requesting continuation of this matter.! Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that this hearing be continued to next regular meeting. Carried. Council Minutes 1/16/78 page seven 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-7 - 7:30 meeting. Relative to improving the Bryan/Browning Street inter- section and related storm drain channel facilities. Report presented by Mr. Chase. Dr. Fleagle gave full explanation of this EIR and alternatives including costs, traffic etc. Hearing opened at 7:43 p.m. Mr. E. G. Carter of Edison Company stated he was available to answer any questions. There being no further comments and no objections the hearing was declared closed at 7:45 p.m. Dr. Fleagle explained alternate "C" and fact that Irvine Company has expressed interest in this alternate. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that Council acknowledge res- ponse, and certify EIR 77-7 by adoption of Resolution NO. 78-14 and staff be directed to file a "Notice of Determination'.' Carried unanimously. 5. REZONE 78-1 Hezoning 2.43 acres of C-2-P (Commercial to Planned Development (PD) - Residential for the purposes of constructing a Senior Citizens complex. Report presented by Mr. Chase with Planning Agency recommendation for approval. Reported no adverse comments had been received but have received calls of approval. Hearing opened at 7:51 p.m. Mr. Manny Aftergut, representing developer presented conceptual drawings. There being no further comments and no objections the hearing was declared closed at 7:54 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli that Rezone 78-1 be approved and City Attorney directed to draft necessary ordinance. Carried. IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. RED HILL SHOPPING CENTER LIGHTING Mr. Larry Bradley commented on the poor lighting in center and requested that the City take steps to force the landlord to correct this problem. Mr. Rourke stated he was not aware of any ordinance to enforce this problem. Mayor Sharp suggested to Mr. Bradley that he contact Cal Osha as this could be a safety problem. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that staff look into this parking lot problem to see if standards should be developed for lot lighting and see if original standards are being met. Carried. Council Minutes 1/16/77 page eight 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL - NEWPORT & WASS Mr. William Vogel requested that City look into placing a traffic signal at this crossing stating it was very hazardous for ped- estrians as well as vehicular traffic. (This matter agendized for later in meeting.) V. OLD BUSINESS 1. JAYCEES' REQUEST FOR TILLER DAY FUNDING Mr. Daniel O'Connell, president requested continued funding for Tiller Days. Request $2,200 for 1978 to support Parade with a certain amount paid prior to event, so they can pay those involved on an immediate basis. Councilman Welsh questioned length of time it took to pa~ judges and Mr. O'Connell said there had been a misunderstanding as to where bills should be sent but that they were paid by November. In answer to questioning Chief Thayer stated that police costs were approximately $450.00 to $500.00. Also in answer to Councilman Welsh, Mr. O'Connell also stated that they are trying to get other organizations involved, in- cluding schools. Mr. Jay Braccin~ said they were considering moving parade back two weeks to end of October to avoid conflicts with other communities and wanted to center parade around Beauty Pageant and not around one of the schools activities. Mr. Guy Jaffey felt that due to the crowds this event brings out it is well worth the costs. Council discussed costs of liability insurance. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster for discussion that Council authorize $2,000 to Jaycees' for parade expenditures with authorization for portion paid in advance. Councilman Saltarelli stated he was concerned with the liability and that cost of insurance should be determined and brought back to Council before final approval. SubstitUte.! Motion moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that Council agrees in principal to support the Jaycee's to a max- imum of $2,000provided insurance problem can be resolved. Sub- stitute motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT NEWPORT AVE/ OLD IRVINE BLVD. AND NEWPORT AVE./WASS. Report presented from Mr. Ledendeckero Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that staff be directed to update the initial study that was performed in December, 1975, to include the following: 1. Complete traffic study of all roadway striping, signing and street lighting. 2. Study of each involved intersection regarding the requested traffic signal installation. 3. Perform a radar speed survey for Newport Avenue from Irvine Blvd. to northerly of Wass Street. 4. Coordination Of each of the previously mentioned items with ! the County of Orange E.M.A. for areas within County territory. Council Minutes 1/16/78 page nine In answer to questioning Mr. Ledendecker stated that a study would involve interviewing people in apartment area to see what their t~abits are and what help would be for traffic light at either intersection. Perhaps set a realistic speed limit that could be enforced by radar. City will have to work with County as fifty percent of area is in County area. Mr. Ledendecker stated that portions of signing, striping and lighting could be started immediately but traffic counting, speed etu. could be done only in dry weather and he could not speak for the County. Need for signals would be determined after d~ciS~n' as to what need is and when budgeted. Councilman Saltarel!i felt that signalization should not be consid- ered until after Newport Avenue is widened to ultimate width which is being scheduled by the County. Council requested that Mr. Ledendecker get names of interested persons present and Council be given progress report as soon as possible. Above motion carried. VII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. SEVENTEENTH STREET FREEWAY OFF-RAMP Report presented that the 17th Street Interchange signal is schedulted for advertising ~n March with construction during the summer months. ~ 2. ~ COMMENDATIONS Councilman Saltarelli congratulated Chief Thayer and Tina Richardson on excellent job done on the Burglary Prevention Seminar. 3. AERIAL PHOTOS Councilman Saltarelli suggested contacting businesses in the area to see if they would De interested in buying copies from the City to help defray costs. 4. STREET PARKING ORDINANCE Councilman Edgar requested staff look into street parking relative to street sweeping once a week. 5, JARVIS INITIATIVE Councilman Welsh suggested looking into alternative budget in case the Jarvis Initiative should pass. 6. SB 764 Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that correspondence be sent to Assemblyman Nestande in opposition to SB 764. Carried. 7. AB 389 Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that correspondence be sent to Assemblymen urging support of this bill. Carried. 8. PARK DEVELOPMENT CHECK Mayor Sharp stated that check in amount of $20,000 for park devel- opment is part of Revenue Sharing. The Mayor stated he had sent letter to Supervisor Riley in appreciation of his help in this matter. Council Minutes 1/16/7~ pagete~ VII. ADJOURN- MENT Moved by Schuster, seconded by Saltarelli that meeting be adjourned to meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and thence to an executive session and thence to next regular meeting date of February 6, 1978. Carried. Clt erk