HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 TERM LIMITS 05-02-94 NO. 21 Intor-Com ?ATE: APRIL 27, 1994 TO: FROM: suBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A' HUSTON, CITY MANAGER TERM LIMITS Mayor Pro Tem Potts requested the City Council discuss the drafting of an ordinance which would impose term limits for members of the city Council. He also requested the City Council receive a copy of the attached resolution of the City of Orange which requests that the State Legislature enact legislation enabling general law cities to impose term limits ..... CITY CLERK (714) 744-5500 CITY OF ORANGE RECE'IV"F.D ADMINISTRATION FAX (714) 744-5515 March 29, 1994 TO: Orange Cotmty Cities League of California Cities State Assembly Representatives Orange County Chamber of Commerce Orange County Supervisors The attached Resolution No. 8320 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange on March 22, 1994. We encourage your support of state legislation authorizing General Law cities to enact term 1/mits. City Clerk of the City of Orange ORANGE CiViC CENTER 300 E. CHAPMAN AVE · ORANGE, CA 92666-1591 ° P.O. BOX 449 RESOLUTION NO. 8320 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORANGE, SUPPORTING THE ENACTMENT OF STATE LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING GENERAL LAW CITIES TO ENACT TERM LIMITS. WHEREAS, the residents of many cities have either enacted term limits for members of their City Councils, or have expressed a desire to enact such term limits; and WHEREAS, State of california Courts of Appeal have held that the residents of general law cities do not have the authqrity to enact term limits for members of their City Councils because the State Legislature has preempted the field of determining eligibility to serve on City Councils of general law cities; and WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced in the State Legislature which, if enacted, would authorize the residents of general law cities to enact term limits for members of their City Councils. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Orange, as follows: 1. The city Council supports, the enactment of legislation to guthorize'the residents of general law cities to enact term limits for members of their City Councils. 2. The City Council requests that the State Legislature enact such legislation, and ~equests that the legislators who represent areas which are included in the City of Orange support such legislation. 3. The City Clerk is directed to provide a copy of this Resolution to the State Legislature and the legislators that represent areas which are included within the city. ADOPTED this 22nd day of March , 1994. ATTEST: GENE BEYER Mayor of the city of Orange ORIGINAL SIGNED BY , FRED L, BARRERA By Mayor pro tem e '~ ~..,' - , . M.A?~ILY.,I'4 J. :.IENSEN" city Clerk of the City of Orange Inter-Co'm DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: APRIL 27, 1994 HONORABLE MAYOR ANDMEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL DONNA HINSHAW, EXECUTIVE coORDINATOR~ TEI~ LIMITS Mayor Pro Tem Potts requested that the City Council also receive a copy of Senate Bill (SB) 2, which is attached. This office is currently in the process of trying to find out the status of this bill and will keep you informed. .. Attachment 613 2 1992 ~ a~ ~0 amend ~ec~ions ZOO6, 35107, and 72~03 o£ the 3ducat~on Code, and to amend ~e~cione 2S000 and 36S.02. o£w and to add ~otion S3077 to~ the ~' Gods, ~il&tLng tO governing bodies. LEGISLA.TZV'B ~OUNBEL' S DZGBeT of ~~ ~hat ~uons ~y le~e ~ governing ~[es of l~al of ~uoa~, sc~l districts, o~~t~ collie dis~riots, or ot~r ~es~~ve en~Les, ~o e~ I p~o~sal ~o ~ eleo~a to l~it ~ n~r of ke~ a ~~ of the ~ve~n~ng body, bo~d of su~Leo~s, o~ c~ty council The b~ll ~uld make ~ o~rat~on o~ the ~o~eal o~n2~ngent u~n khe approval of the pro,cai b~ a ~Jo~it~ of ~he votes cas~ on ~e ~lon at a 8~e~t~ ~ ~e~l~l~ Ich~ul~ e~ec~on. $Lnoe ~he bill ~uld c~ate addi2i~al, duties ~or looal elOCon o~ficiale, the bill ~uld ~ a · ~ ~li~o~nia ~nstitution ~lrea the s~ate ~o repulse l~al ageacies c~eak~on o.~ a S2ate ~andate8' CLi~ ~nd to ~ ~he coskt of ~da~ vh2oh do 8~a~L~ ~n~s exc~ $1,000,~0. ~Xd ~~nLse that-local agencies ~d sch~l districts ~y ~rsue ~y Vote~ ~ority. Appro~rLatAons no. Fisoal o~l~ yes. $~ate~t~ l~al p~r~ yes. PA~ 2 TH~ lrffOPLB OF ~ STATE OF CaL~POR~IA DO ~ AS FOLLOWS t SF~TZON 1, Section 1006 of the Educa~£om Code Lo emended to read: 1006. (a) kn~ registered voter is el~~ to~ a~r of the county ~d o~ ~ucatLon excep~ ~ ~ty ou~n~~~ o~ ooh~ls, ~y~r of h~ O~ ~ ~ff. or any ~plo~ of a ~1 (b) N~w~hst~d~g ~y othe= p~vigl~ of law, the o~nty ~~ of a pro. sa1 ~o l~t ~he n~r of t~ a ~~ of t~ ~nty ~uoation may ~rve on the county ~d of ~oatLon. ~y pro.sa1 ~he a~ of ~e~ a ~=.of 2he co~ ~rd of ~uoation ~y ee~ on the a ~orLty o~ ~he votes cast on ~he~e~~fa~r ~he ad~ion of the pro~stl. (~) ~ ~l~iative M~eure pr~e~ ~~~ ~o e~ivi~Lon (b) shall 3700) of Division 5 of S~. 2. S~21on 35107 o~ the ~ucatLon~il ~nded 35107. (a) ~y ~rson~ =eg~dle~ of ~, w~ is 18 ~s of tge or olde:, a c~i~n of the state, a =esid~2 of t~ sc~l d[et~i~r a r~istered vo~e~, ~d w~ Ls n~ dis~alified by t.~ ~stitut~n ~ 1.we of ~he ~ld~ a civil office, ie el~g~le 'to ~ el~~ or ap~nt~ (b) (1) ~ ~loyee o~ a sch~L dietr~ ~ ~ ~ e~rn into office el~~O: ap~in=~m~r of t~t ~~l~r~'s g~ern[ng~d unless ~d~L1 ~ or she resigns as ~ ~loy~. If ~he ~ploy~ d~e not resign, ~he ~lo~nt will aut~at/cally t~in~~n~lng ~=n ~nto office, (2) F~r ~y individual ~ho iS ~ ~L~of a sch~l distri~ and an eleo~o~ ap~int~m~e= of t~t ~h~1~rL~'e govern~g~ard prior j~~ 1, 1992, thLe e~divieion e~11 ~1~ wh~ he or she reap~Ln~ on or a~ter ~u~ 1, 1992. 80 a ~r of the ooh~l di0t~ct's (c) ~twithet~d[ng any othe= pr~[s[m of law, ~he g~e=ning~ard of a go~i~ ~rd of the echo1 di~t=[~ ~F ~e on the gove~ing gov~~g ~d of the sch~l dl~tri~ ~ ~ on the 9ove~ng el~l~ ~ a maJo=Ity of the ~te~ cast ~ =~ ~eetion ~avor t~ ado~ion 72103. ..... ~- --~ my ~ne ~niZ~2ut~on or laws of the I~te ~ ~lding a oivil o~f~ce, ~ elL~le to (b) (1) An employee of · c~nit¥ college district ~ay ~ot be swo=n ~nto ~o~ ~e ~t resign, the ~---- ..--. -~]' _. _~,~-v~. ~r =~ ~z~ ~r~ ~to office, r--~.~u~ w~ au~acLoa~ly terminate u~n (2) For any individual who is In e~ployee o~ a o~mnit and ~n.elec~ed or a~~t~ ----- -- .... F 1~ district ~ .... ~ ........ r~- ~~ ~ o~nit~ coll~di-*-:-~,- or s~ L~ ~lec~ or ~a .... -z -, ~, CA~O I~vLs~on shall apply when he ~~, on or af2er J· of ~ ~Aity coll~ d~lt~L~*l gover~L, ~a ~U~y. !~ ~992, ~ M~4a&Y~~eG ~ ~ ~ou~tion other ~h~ =earn no ~e =~an o~ oourle'~r .... - ........ -- 8trzot of t~t ~vLdual'~ oe~tion. ~ ----~-~ or ~a~er ~ ,&~-.- z~ z~ IB~LCt~O the sifters'of the a ~Jority O~ the votes cast on the ~est~on ~tvor the adoption of the .(d) (1) ~ initiative ~lgufe pro~sed ~rouant ~o l~ivig~on (c) shall eubJ~ 2o the pressures so~ fo~h in Chapter 4 (c~ncing W~2h Section 5150) of D~viSion 5 of 2ho El~tA0ns (2} A pro~fal o~it~d to t~ electors by t~ governin~ ~ard ~rsu~2 to lu~v~8~ (c) shall ~ 8~~ ~o the P~ocedurel let fo~h (~~i~with ~Lon 5320} ~f Division ~ of the. Elastics C~e. ~C. 4. ~t~on 25000 of the ~over~nt ~de is ~ended to five ~~8. Not ~re than ~hr~~er8 shall be elect~ 9ener~l ele~Lon. If the te~s ~f office of more 2hah t~ee ~rd exp~e at the s~ t~, at the f~et r~l~ meeting ~ 1~ ~ thrmm ~e I~'~e for four _~BIO. S. ~ectLon 36502 of t~.:he ~Ml~r. nment Oode is emended f.o refuel: 36502. (.a) A person LB n~: llAgible to hold office as ~uac~lman, city (1~.) loCw~h~t&ndiag any O~he~. p~ovision of law, ~h~ bo~-d of ~~~e of ~o~ ~ /n~Cia~i~e, a p~~ to l~it the n~r of t~ a ~ o~ t~ ~ O~ su~~re ~y ~ on the ~d o~ to l~t ~ n~r of te~ a ~= of the ~ard of sublets ~y ~e on ~ ~ of su~iso=s e~IL ~ ~o~ ~=ative: unless it is ~C~ to ~ e~.~o of the co~y 8C i. s~e~aL oF ~1a~1~ 8~u~ eL~t~ clerk, o= city treasurer unlesa he or she ks at ~he time of a~u~ng re8~i~ Office ~ eie~of of ~he city, ~d was a r~ilte~ ~ter of the In ~l~ 22842 of the B~ec=i~ ~e. If, d~g his or her tim of office, ~ or mbo ~ves ~m ~ ~ place of residen~ ~teide of ~he o~y L~tm or ooa~8 ~o be ~ el~o= of ged=al law o= cheer c~ty ~y ~ or t~ residence cE Che c~ty my ~~, by ~nLtiative, ~ p~~L ~o 1~i~ ~he ~~r of ~e~ a ~ of the ci~y ~cil ~y se~e o~ the city council. ~y p~~ ~o l~t ~he n~= of te~ I ~r Of the o~y council ~y I~o on ~he: city shall ~t ~o~ o~rativ, unless Lt ia s~tt~ ~o t~ slicers of ~ o~ty at a .~.~a~ e~ 're~larly 'sch~~ election and a ~ori~y o~ ~e cast on t. he ~estion favor ~ a~ion of ~he pfo~sal. No~l~h~~~ ~'~u~ 1, 1994, ~se l~L~atl~, on the n~t~r of te~s a ~r city ~u~i.l ~y serve on ~he c~Cy o~ncil shall ~in in eff~. cheer, ~ ~clude the l~itat~n authorized ~n this S~. 6. ~ion 53077 is ~ed tO the ~ve~t C~e, to 53077. (a) Notwl~hst&nding ~y other ~ovision of L,w, t~ gove~ of a ~riot ~y adop2 or the residents of a distract mY ~~se, ~y of ~ die,Fica M~ se=ve On the governing ~y of ~he disarmS. pro~sal ~ limit the number o~ te~ms a ~er o~ t~ governi~ ~y of the o~ra~ive unless it is o~i~ to the electors of the d~strict At e~ r~larly sch~ul~ ele~/on &~ a ~o=~y of the ~teB cast on ~estion favor t~ adoption of ~he pFO~sal. o~ t~ ~ate~ fo~ ~rlua~t to g~eral law o= 8~cial a~, for ~ ~rfo~ of g~er~ntal or pfopfieta~ functions w~th~n iZLL TBX~ !