HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1977 11 07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CENTENNIAL AT MAIN November 7, 1977 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 4:26 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Schuster, Edgar, Saltarelli. Absent: Councilmen: None Others Present: William Bopf, City Administrator Brian Chase, Community Development Director James Rourke, City Attorney Ruth Poe, City Clerk III. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 17, 1977 meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in the amount Of $413,957.69 3. RESOLUTION NO. 77-106 A Resolution of the City Council of the Clty of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adoption as recommended by City Engineer. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 77-107 A Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON CERTAIN PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY. Adoption as presented by Community Development Dept. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 77-108 A Resolution of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON CERTAIN PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY. Adoption as presented by Community Development Dept. ~ 6. EXONERATION OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS TRACT NO. 9345 Acceptance of improvements and exoneration of bonds as recommended by City Engineer. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 77-110 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE, PERTAINING TO MATERIALS, SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AND THE COSTS THEREOF FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH, 1978. Adoption as recommended by City Clerk. 8. EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT TERMINATION DATE RE PHASE I DEVELOPMENT OF COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK. Approval as recommended by Parks & Recreation Director. 9. BURGLARY INDEX FUNDS Approval as recommended by Chief of Police. 10. TRANSFER OF FUNDS - OVERTIME ACCOUNT, POLICE DEPT. Authorization to transfer $4,135.00 from Regular Police Salary Account to the Regular Police Overtime account as recommended by City Administrator. ll._PROPOSED SALE OF SANTA ANA VALLEY IRRIGATION CO. (SAVI) Return of proxy with abstention recorder as recommended by Assistant City Administrator. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page two 12. RESOLUTION NO 77-112 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, EXPRESSING SUPPORT OF THE "HELP ELIMINATE RAPE EVERYWHERE"~ (H.E.R E) PROGRAM. Adoption as recommended by City Administrator. 13. RESOLUTION NO 77-111 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-104 FOR THE PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH EASTERLY CORNER OF WALNUT AND NEWPORT AVENUES. 14. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS VEHICLES Disposal of vehicles as recommended by Asst. City Admin- istrator. 15. BASEMENT STORAGE REQUESTS Appropriation Of $1,500 for partitions and shelving as recommended by Asst. City Administrator. 16. RESOLUTION NO 77-113 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10091. Approval as recommended by Community Development Dept. Councilman Saltarelli requested that item 11 be removed for further consideration. In answer to questioning, Mr. Ledendecker stated that all projects as approved by Council were completely outlined in specifications package. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that consent calendar items with the exception of item 11 be approved as recommended. Item 11 SAVI Sale. Councilman Saltarelli questioned recommendation to abstain from voting. Mr. John Prescott stated that vote on sale had been a split vote by the Board of Directors. He stated that a complete appraisal had mot been made and urged the Council to at least abstain but recommended a "No" vote. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Council approve staff recommendation and register an abstention. Carried. IV ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 746 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, ADOPTING AN UNIFORM FIRE CODE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, AND ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION AND PROVIDING OFFICER THEREFORE AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES, AND ADOPTING THE 1976 UNIFORM FORM CODE. Mr. Bopf and Chief Holmens explained that this ordinance is necessary to update fire code to coinscide wi~h building code and would not interfere with the transfer of the Fire Department. The County would be enforcing Our code, and this code is very close to theirs. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 746 have first reading by title. Carried unanimously. Council Minu~es 11/7/77 Page three OLD BUSINESS 1. NEWPORT AVENUE WIDENING (EASTERLY SIDE) Mr. Ledendecker explained reasoning behind break in parcel half way between Newport and alley. This continued the ultimate width line and there is only one property owner surrounding this property. The City could only have one buyer for the property and City would be left with a 30'x 90I strip. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that City proceed to acquire land and proceed with entire widening project as presented. Carried. 2. NICKEL BUS SERVICE Mayor Sharp explained that the OCTD Board had met today. He had contacted the Chairman of the Board asking for a continuance of this matter. A City Staff Member did attend that meeting. Mayor Sharp also read petitions from approximately 320 Senior Citizens asking for continuance of Nickel Bus even with an increase in fare. Council concurred to take this matter up at an executive session immediately following this afternoon meeting. 3. LARWIN SQUARE DRIVE LOCATION USE PERMIT NO. 76-25. Mr. Chase stated that due to use Permit requirements this matter would necessitate a public hearing adver- tised for next regular meeting. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster, that matter be continued for hearing at next meeting. Carried. 4. UNIFORM COST FOR FIREMEN Report presented by Fir. Bopf with recommendation for purchase of uniforms not to exceed $200400 ~er~fireman. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that the City Council authorize a maximum of $4,400 of the savings from the Fire Department to be allocated for the pur- chase of new uniforms. The cost shall not exceed $200 per Fireman and that Chief Holmes be authorized to make necessary purchases. Carried. In answer to questioning Chief Holmes stated he did not believe any Tustin identification would be on the uniforms but there will be wording on vehicles to the effect "in cooperation with the City of Tustin" and a City seal. It was the consensus of the Council that current badges could be presented to firemen in manner decided by City Administrator. 5. REPORT ON AMBULANCE FRANCHISE Moved by Schuster, seconded by Saltarelli, that this matter be deferred to the evening meeting~ Carried. IV. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli that meeting be adjourned to an executive session and thence to meeting at 7:30~.m. Carried. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page four COUNCIL MEETING 7:35 P,M. 11/7/77 CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. II. ROLL ~. CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Schuster, Edgar, Saltarelli. Absent: Councilmen: None III. PRESENTATIONS 1. Proclamation presented declaring Alcoholism Action Week. 2. Proclamation read in appreciation of Public Service of Frank Greinke. 3.Prolcamation declaring March of Dimes Week of Concern. Following Proclamations signed and noted for mailing. i. Adoption Week 2. Family Week 3, Lungs for Eife Week Presentation to City: Mrs. Bernice McKay on behalf of Tustin Senior Citizens presented a check for $123.00 consisting of individual donations t~ward cost of shade film on Clifton C. Miller Community Building. Senior Citizens also requested one more row of shade film over doors if possible. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. SIGN APPEAL OF U.P. 77-17 - TUSTIN LANES Report presented by Mr. Chase with recommendation against granting appeal. Hearing opened at 7:43 p.m. Mr. Bill Becker, 202 Fashion Lane, representing sign company showed drawings and stated that 6 line reader board is necessary for promotion of events. He agreed to the stipulation of 425 milliamperes for the sign. Dr. Jack Mann spoke of need for reader board. There being no further!comments and no objections the hearing was declared closed at 8:01 p.m. Councilman 8altarelli stated that he felt the City was desirous of bringing this facility to Tustin and location on Old Irvine Blvd. is sufficient reason to grant request. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that signing be authorized as requested. Councilmen Edgar and Schuster agreed that the rationale was that most commercial sites do not have events and functions to advertise and the location does warrant signing. Councilman Welsh felt this was 50% more than authorized by code and to give variance is to set a pattern for every businessman. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page five Mayor Sharp spoke in opposition stating that approved signing takes care of identification and reader board is not necessary. Above motion to approve carried. Ayes: Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: Sharp, Welsh. 2. SIGN APPEAL OF U.P. 77-25 - D.K.'S DONUTS · Report presented by Mr. Chase including that signs were installed without permits. Hearing opened at 8:08 p.m. Mr. R. Smith of Big Bob's Electrical Sign Co.told of signs that had been ruined by vans and trucks. Stated he was requesting the Pole sign on original pole that was in existance when property was acquired. He stated they would bring Milliamperes down to 425 as requested and would place planter at base if necessary. There being no further comments and no objections the hearing was declared closed at 8:25 p.m. Council discussed safety factor of higher pole sign and their support on recommendation for planter. Staff recommended minimum 8~ high sign, of 32 square feet and 420 Milliamperes. Mayor Sharp stated that copies of sign code should be distributed to sign contractors doing business in the City so they would be aware of City requirements thus preventing the need for future variances and appeals- to eleminate signs being installed without permits. Mr. Chase stated that all contractors who had done any sign construction in the City in the last two years were sent copies of sign code policy in August, 1977. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that one pole sign be authorized at a height to be determined by staff at a size not to exceed 54 square feet with planter at base and elimination not to exceed 425 Milleamperes. All other signs to be removed. Motion carried unanimously. 3. ZC 77-8 REZONING PROPERTY ON EASTERLY SIDE OF NEWPORT AVENUE (PACKER'S SQUARE) Staff report presented by Mr. Chase with recommendation of agency for approval. Hearing opened at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Knowlan Fenauld of Packer's Square presented drawings and slides of proposed development and stated they would adhere to all approval plans through deed restrictions or CC & Rs or whatever controls are called for. Mr. Carlton Brown stated his pleasure with present development plans. There being no objections or further comments the hearing was declared closed at 9:05 p.m. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Council uphold findings and recommendations of staff and Planning Agency and direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance. Carried unanimously. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page six PUBLIC CONCERNS None OLD BUSINESS 1. NICKEL BUS Mr. Bopf reported that the Orange County Transit District Board at their meeting this A.M. had set aside the motion to terminate the Nickel Bus for two weeks and requested that OCTD staff and City staff meet to study problems o Mayor Sharp stated that he would be contacting the Board and reiterate economic situation and transmit the Sen~or Citizens concerns. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that letter be sent by the Mayor to the OCTD Board requesting continuation of Nickel Bus and asking that they take careful look at economics and at requests from citizens. Carried. 2. AMBULANCE FRANCHISE Report including synopsis of staff report presented by Mr. Bopf with recommendations for denial. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Council deny an exclusive franchise. Mr. Scott Levinson of Conva-Care Ambulance Co. spoke in favor of a franchise with one company having primary call. Mr. Jack Nolan, Comfort Coach and Ambulance inc. stated he did submit a letter requesting franchise if the City went that way but he did not feel it was in the best interest of the City. Council discussed level of service needed and possible need for franchise in the future. Motion to deny carried. VII. NEW BUSINESS 1. SYCAMORE AVENUE PREDESTRIAN WALKWAY AND EMERGENCY CROSSING Reports presented by Mr. Bopf and Mr. Ledendecker. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by'.Edgar, that Council authorize the mayor to execute the subject agreement by adoption of a minute order and authorize the payment of $255.00 to the A.T~ & S.F. Railroad to install the required private crossing signs. Carried. 2. STREET SWEEPER BIDS Following Bids received: DELIVERY COMPANY TYPE ENGINE TYPE DATE TOTAL COST F.M.C. Corp. (Wayne) Mechanical Diesel 150-180 $50,122.10 Mechanical Gasoline 90-110 44,949.30 Nixon Co. - Elgin CO. (Mobil) Mechanical G~soline 120-150 37,866.38 Freeman Equipment Co. (Elgin) Vacuum Diesel 120-150 62,980.96 Vacuum Gasoline 90-120 51,456.64 Haaker Equipment Co. Vacuum Diesel 150 63,585.16 (Ecolotec) Vacuum Diesel~ add 90 57,210.32 Gasoline Council Minutes T1/7/77 Page seven Reports presented by Mr. Bopf and Mr. Ledendecker with recommendations to purchase mechanical type sweeper. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that City Council authorize the purchase of the FoMoC. Municipal Sales Corp. Mechanical Type Sweeper (Wayne), Model No. 2-12, four wheel sweeper with the diesel option in the amount of $50,122.10. In the event F.M.C. cannot obtain State of California certification on the diesel engine with regard to air quality standards; the City purchase the same unit with the gasoline option be authorized in the amount of $44,949.30. Carried. 3. POLICE FACILITY MODIFICATIONS Chief Thayer presented report and diagram of proposal modifications. Mr. Bopf soncurred with need for these modifications. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Council authorize the expenditure of approximately $33,000 for modification of existing police facility. Carried. 4. AUTHORIZATION TO FILL VACANCY - Police Dept. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that Police Department be authorized to fill the officer vacancy as requested. Carried. 5. LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE Mr. Blankenship presented report with recommendation for self-insured long term disability insurance coverage. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that the City notify the Associations of intent to consider adding the pre-existing condition limitation to our contract as this would save approximately 10% of the new rate. That the City approve expanding the maximum benefit from $1200 per month to $2000 per month in order that department heads will have the same percentage pro- tection as other employees. That City hold the insurance at a 60-day waiting period as.they are not giving an adequate credit for a longer period. That City self-fund the program by establishing the plan recommended above and by placing premium into a special fund from which we would pay benefits. That we set the rate at 0.8% (rather than the 0.89%) until July 1, 1978, in order to avoid changing salaries and deductions again, and that we continue to take the 0.8% deduction and pay the balance from the City for the same reason and for the same period. ~ Motion carried. i 6. ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR SIXTH STREET WATER MAIN Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli,Council authorize $50,000 expenditure for the Sixth Street Water Main from the General Fund. Carried unanimously. 7. REQUEST FOR SIGN CODE EXCEPTION-BASIC FOUR CORPORATION Report presented by Mr. Chase with recommendation for approval. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page eight Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that request for Sign Code Exceptions'of Heath Graphic Systems on behalf of Basic Four Corporation be approved. Carried. 8. RESIGNATION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR Council commended Mr. Bopf for his excellent administration and his professionalism, and stated their regrets upon his resignation. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that resignation be accepted with regret and City's thanks for job well done. That Mr. Bopf be granted one week of vacation to facilitate move. Carried. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Mr. Dan Blankenship be appointed City Administrator to be effective on last day of Mr. B~o_~_~ tenure. Carried unanimously. Details of appointment to be negotiated in near future. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that steps be commensed to fill vacant position created by this appointment. Carried. 9. APPRAISAL OF FIRE STATION NO. 2 Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Council authorize employment of an appraiser as recommended by City Attorney. Carried. VII. OTHER BUSINESS 1.COMMISSION RECOGNITION All commissioner's of dissolved Traffic, Planning and Parks & Recreation Commissi6ns have been sent plaques and letter from the Mayor. 2. SHADE FILM - COMMUNITY CENTER Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that film on Community Building windows be dropped down one more level. Carried. 3. SENIOR CITIZENS LUNCH PROGRAM Councilman Welsh reported that word had been received that the State has approved this program and it should start by first of the year. Arrangements have been made and approximately 60 luncheons per day will be served to Senior Citizens at the First Baptist Church, 4. FISH AND CHIPS PERMIT - LARWIN SQUARE In answer to questioning Mr. Chase stated that a Use Permit Amendment will be needed for this use and should be considered at next Council Meeting. 5. COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK Councilman Edgar stated it was gratifying to see so many children using the park. In answer to questioning Mr. Biery stated that plans would be made for a formal dedication of this park. Council Minutes 11/7/77 Page nine 6. ANNEXATIONS Mr. Edgar requested that the 9 County islands that will be available for annexation be annexed as early in January as possible. Mr. Edgar also stated that the City should be prepared to have a census taken when annexations are completed. 7. COMMENDATION FOR WILLIAM BOPF Council requested that City Clerk have appropriate commendations prepared for presentation. 8. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Mr. Sharp requested that draft resolutions on this matter be reproduced and agendized for the November 21st meeting. IX. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Schuster that meeting be adjourned to Redevelopment Agency Meeting. Carried. MAYOR