HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 TCA'S RESO 92F-06 03-21-94 NO. 15 3-21-94 nter-Com .. DATE: MARCH 21, 1994 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION FROM: TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCYtS PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO SUBJEC~ PROJECT APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 92F-06 FOR THE EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR (WEST LEG TRANSITION AREA) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council at their meeting of March 21, 1994 approve the Transportation Corridor Agency's proposed modifications to the Project Approval Resolution No. 92F-06 for the Eastern Transportation Corridor (West Leg Transition Area). FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact associated with the present City Council action. BACKGROUND On May 14, 1992, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) and approved a number of Resolutions concerning corridor implementation. Included in the approval resolutions were conditions relative to the timing of engineering design and environmental studies for improvements south of the west leg project termination (vicinity of Walnut Avenue) along Jamboree Road, commonly referred to as the Transition Area. These conditions specified that the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) would "administer, fund, and complete the engineering design and environmental studies" for three improvements to Jamboree Road "prior to completion of the final design for the ETC." These improvements included: 1) construction of a grade-separated interchange at Edinger Avenue; 2) widening of Jamboree Road from six to eight lanes south to Barranca Parkway; and 3) construction of a grade-separated interchange at Barranca Parkway. DISCUSSION In response to the requirements set forth in Resolution No. 92F-06 and No. 92F-09, the TCA has had a traffic study prepared ("ETC West Leg Transition Area Phasing Analysis", November, 1993, Austin-Foust Associates, Inc.) which analyzed traffic volumes and capacity needs after initial opening of the ETC in the Transition Area. The report was intended to determine the scope of the implementation plan for widening Jamboree Road to eight lanes and construction of a grade-separated interchange at the Jamboree Road/Barranca Parkway intersection. Information on this matter was forwarded by messenger on March 9, 1994 to the Laurelwood, Peppertree and Tustin Meadows Homeowners Associations. Each of the associations were encouraged to review the information and provide input back to staff in time for City Council consideration. To date, no comments have been received. A copy of this present staff report will also be forwarded to the three associations prior to the City Council meeting of March 21, 1994. It should be indicated that the Irvine City Council is scheduled to consider this matter at their meeting of March 22, 1994. It will then be considered by the Technical Advisory Committee and the Operations Committee of the Foothill/Eastern TCA at their meetings of March 31, 1994 and April 6, 1994, respectively, with a recommendation to the Foothill/Eastern TCA Board of Directors for their formal consideration of modifying the resolution at their meeting of April 14, 1994. Robert S~ Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Engineering Services Manager RSL: DRK: k I. b: TCA92 f Attachments i';'USIIN PUBLIC WOR~,S u~.,. '71 'ICA DATE:' ~ 15~ 1994 ~ OF DAY: _ _ FOR VOICE CONTAC'r, CALL (714) 4.t4-9800 FOR SEllinG Ts~.~r. COZ, IES, CA~L C/~4) 436-9848 Re. solution Wording- . · Prior w complc~ion of~h= final D~I~ for th= El'C, the TCA shsll mdminis~r, fund mhd ~ thc ~i~ri~g dcsis;n and cavironm~ rmdics for ~ ~ e) EdingerSsmboree grade separation and inter~g¢. lA. In'or to completion of the fnat deign for the ETC the.finat deggn for the initiat ~ovemen~ neeesa~ for the Jamboree/Barranca inteJ'secfion shall be completed ~Twse frrtprovements shall be .opened prior to or at the same ttm~ ~. the _t~'ni'ng of the ETC F/est Zeg in the Tran~tion ~rec~ _ ~h J~.Wect to _thq~ ultimate Jamboree widening and t_hr ultimate Jamboree/Barrargnz intersection '_tmpr_ ~om the following conditions ~ app,: a} Jamboree widened to eight lanes ~z~uth to Barranc~ improvement- 7) Be_~nnirrg_ ~ith the_first quarter.of !995, the TC~ shall pre_ .vare an armual _vtxIate to the ETC Y/¢~ _Ze_ g Transition ~4rea Phasing d~na~'s (37o _vember 1993) andshall,~date the results of the _gtn~ate with t~ C~tF's of lrvine_ __~ Tuxtin. 2) Upon opening the Corridor to traffic, TCX shall monitor daffy and peak hour traffic volumes on this roadway segtnent and pretnare an anaty~ on a year~ basis showtng traffic volume trends and a projection of when service levels wltl reach level of service "D". $) AFFroxirnate~ three years prior to reaching the projected level of service 'D', IU~ shall initiate, admiM~, and~ and EOO'BD~d SXDN9~ EOOI~OD SNS~± WO~J SE:OI PS, gl ~W ** EOO'R9~d q~lOl ** .~omplete engineering design and environmental studi'ez for the two lane widening of this segment. 0 Beginning with the first quarter of 199;. the 7U~ shall prepare an armual _umdm_ e to the ETC West Zeg Transiaon Area Phasing ,4naty~ fNovemt~r 199~; ana s~7 ~lakr~ th, results_ o/ t~ utntate wa~ ~ Cities of Irvine and FusMn. 2) Upon opening the Corridor to tra2~, TCA shall monitor ~l' and peak hour tra~c vohanes on each leg of the intersection and prepare an analy~s on a year~ basis showL~ tragTtc volume trends and a projection of when aervice le'vels will reach level of ax. trice 3) Appraximate~y three years prior to reaching the projected level of service "D", ~ shall initiate; administ~ and~ and qornp_ lete engineering design and ertviranm~___,,! ~ for a grade ~ to define the improvemen~ £den~_~e~ in lB ~bove) ~-.---~----- "-- '--'~---"~'-~ and lden~ the the_oar~'es rvzponsible for the riel-of-woo' requir~ funab'ng sourves and the implementation protege, irsclu~ng and timing, w.¥.'ch ~.da~. 7'his shall include beginning design and ert~. ~_z~es t~ons~ent with the Turrin Bct~ 2Eeuse Plan. and the C#v of lrvine - Plm~. ngArea lO. RESOLUTION NO. 92F-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FOOTHIIJ_/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY APPROVING THE WEST !_~G OF THE EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AND APPROVING PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WEST LEG OF THE EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR May 14, 1992 On motion of Board Member Diehl, duly seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) has been identified as a needed facility in studies of existing and projected travel demand in Orange County beginning with the 1980 Northeast Orange County Circulation Study; and WHEREAS, the Multimodal Transportation Study and Refinement Study, and the Northeast Orange County Circulation Study evaluated land use and transportation alternatives for northeastern Orange County; and WHEREAS, the ETC was added to 'the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in August, 1981; and WHEREAS, following addition of the ETC to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways, baseline env/ronmemal studies and preliminary engineering analyses for the ETC and the Foothill Transportation Corridor were conducted, and Env/ronmental Impact Report No. 123 was prepared and certified; and WHEREAS, in February 1986, the Orange County Board of Supervisors selected 18 links to be evaluated as part of the ETC Route Location Study and Tier 1 Environmental Document; and WHEREAS, EIR No. 451 addressed potential environmental effects associated with the i8 links and a range of non-alignment alternatives for the ETC; and WHEREAS, EIR No. 451 was certified by the Orange County Board of Supervisors on June 8, 1988, and a preferred alignment was selected by the Foothill/Easmrn Transportation Corridor Agency and the Orange County Board cf Supervisors in June 1988; and WHEREAS, the ETC was officially placed on the State Highway System in January 1989 by the state Legislature, now designated as State Route ~ 1 and State Route 261; and WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency issued a Notice of Preparation on December 27, 1988. and a Revised Notice of Preparation on January 24. 1991; and WHEREAS, duly noticed scoping hearings were held on January. 10, 1989, and January 12, 1989, concerning the ETC project; and WHEREAS, numerous other public hearings and meetings have been held concerning the ETC project; and WHEREAS, Draft Environmental Impact Report No. 2 was distributed for public review on November 8, 1991, for a period of public review lasting uatil December 30, 1991, and the public review period was extended until January 17, 1992; and WHEREAS, public information meetings were held on Draft F-qviromnental Impact No. 2 on November 19, November 21, and December 5, 1991; and 13, 1992; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held on December 12, 1991 and February WHEREAS, TCA Draft EIR No. 2 was prepared and circulated pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency CEQA Procedures; and WHEREAS, written comments were received during and after the public comment period, and a written response was prepared to written comments and to oral comments at the public hearing, which employ a good faith, reasoned anaI~ to descn'be and address the disposition of environmental issues raised by the comments; and WHEREAS, the response to comments was distributed to ~mm.enti~g agendes and members of the publfc on March 17, !992, for a period of public review ending April 16, 1992; and W'HEREAS, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) incorporated the ETC into the Regional Mobility Plan after analyzLug regional transportation alternatives for the Southern California region; and WHEREAS, SC. AG, as the designated Metropolitan Planning Organi~tlon under the Federal Clean Air Act, has included the ETC in the Transportation Improvement 2 Program and has certified that the Transportation Improvement Program conforms with the requirements of the State Implementation Plan adopted pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act; and WHEREAS, the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Calffonfia Air Resources Board included the Regional Mobility Plan as a component of the 1989 Air Quality Management Plan and identified the ETC as a Tier I transportation control measure in the 1989 Air Quality Management Plan after analyzing regional alternatives for achieving attainment with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of the Federal Clean Air Act; and WHEREAS, the 1991 Air Quality Management Plan and the Regional Mobility Plan assume that both mixed use and HOV lanes will be constructed on the ETC by the year 2010, and SCAG and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency have entered into a memorandum of understanding regarding the timing of HOV lane implementation, and the use of toll pricing mechanisms to encourage higher vehicle occupancy; and WHEREAS, toll facilities provide an inherent financial incentive to encourage HOV usage; and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (TCA Final ErR No. 2) has been prepared pursuant to CEQA and to the State of California CEQA Guidelines, which includes the following: 1. TCA Draft EIR No. 2; e TCA Draft EIR No. 2 Technical Studies; Comments received on TCA Draft EIR No. 2; e Responses to comments on TCA Draft EIR No. 2; ,, Comments, and responses to comments received Responses to Comments on TCA Draft ELP. No. 2; on the Staff reporu of the Transportation Corridor Agency concerning Draft and Final TCA ErR No. 2; WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors has conducted duly noticed public hearings concerning the certification of TCA Final ErR No. 2 and concerning the approval of the ETC project on December 12, 1991, February 13, 1992 and May 14, 1992, and heard evidence from all persons interested in testifying concerning the certification of TCA Final EIR No. 2 and the approval of the ETC project; and I~-{EREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors has reviewed and considered TCA Final EIR No. 2 and has considered the oral and written comments on the TCA Final EIR No. 2 and the responses thereto prior to approving the project; and WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors has certified TCA Final EIR No. 2 as adequate and complete prior to taking action on the project: NOW, THEREFORE, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors resolves as follows that: 1. The West Leg of the EFC, described as the Corridor with West Leg (2lA) Alternative in TCA Final EIR No. 2 (including interchanges and other ancillary facilities described in TCA Final EIR No. 2), is hereby adopted. 2. In the Peters Canyon area, as described in TCA Final EIR No. 2, the West Leg Alignment designated 21A-IN (with adoption of 21A-5 under the criteria outlined in Mitigation Measure AL-I) and 21A-IS is hereby adopted, 3. In the Tustin Plain area, the Refined Concept Ali..tmrnent (semi-depressed), as described in TCA Final EIR No. 2, is hereby adopted. 4. In the Transition Area, ~ described in TCA Final EIR No. 2, the alignment designated as lC Modified (consistent with Mitigation Measure T-14) is hereby adopted. 5. The Environmental Findings, Facts in Support of Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations attached as Attachment "A" of Resolution No. 92F-06 are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. 6. The Mitigation Monitoring Plan attached hereto as Attachment "B" in Resolution No. 92F-06 is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. 7. The mitigation measures described in the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached as Attachment "B" of Resolution No, 92F-05 are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. 8. The Chief Executive Officer of the Transportation Corridor Agencies is authorized to initiate such steps as necessary, to: (i) prepare final construction plans, specifications and estimates; (ii) acquire right-of-way; (iii) obtain financing for the construction of the ETC; (iv) implement the mitigation measures identified in Attachment 'E"; (v) obtain necessary permits and approvals for the construction of the ETC; (vi) take such other steps as may be necessary to construct the ETC and open the facility to traffic as early as feasible; and (vii) bring back to this Board any appropriate recommendations to further implement the foregoing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that adoption of the'West Leg of the ETC as set forth in this resolution is subject to the following conditions of approval: 1, Prior to completion of the final Design for the ETC., the TCA shall administer, fund, and complete the engineering design and environmental studies for the following improvements: a) Edinger/Jamboree grade separation and interchange. Jamboree to eight lanes south to Barranca. c) Jamboree/Barranca grade separation and interchange. The environmental/engineering studies shall identify construction timing, implementation, funding and parties responsible for construction of the Jamboree widening to eight lanes south to Barranca and the Jamboree/Barranca grade separation and interchange; and funding for the Edinger/Jamboree grade separation and interchange. Construction timing of the widening of Jamboree to eight lanes south to Barranca and the Jamboree/Barranca grade separation and interchange shall be determined primarily on traffic and circulation needs. Any. financial constraints relative to improvements within the project limits shall not impact financial feasibility of these improvements south of the West Leg terminus. Funding for these projects will be developed between TCA, Irvine and Tustin. . Prior to final design for the ETC: a) A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shall be entered into which defines the TCA as the lead agency and defines the roles of the Cities of Irvine and Tustin as cooperating agencies in the environmental process. b) A MOU shall be entered into identifying fair- share funding between TCA, City of Irving and City of Tustin regarding construction of the above improvements. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, this Resolution is approved, adopted and signed this 14th day of May, 1992, and shall take effect immediately. FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY By_~~~,~.___ '" ~ ransportation Corridor Agency Eastern T/ansportation ' Corridor Agency I hereby cert~ that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency at a regularly schedulecl meeting thereof on the 14th clay of May, 1992, by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Vasquez, Sheridan, Wilson, Krause, Cody, Diehl, Friess, Thomas,.Wisner NOES: Pickler, Beyer, Richardson ABSENT: Riley Secretary O,f the Foothill/ Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency RESOLUTION NO. 92F-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FOOTHILL/EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY ADOPTING A POLICY REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR May 14, 1992 On motion of Board Member Diehl, duly seconded and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the Eastern Transportation Corridor (El'C) has been identified as a needed facility in studies of existing and projected travel demand in Orange County beginning with the 1980 Northeast Orange County Circulation Study; and WHEREAS, the ETC was officially placed on the State Highway System in January 1989 by the state legislature, now designated as State Route 231 and State Route 261; and WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency issued a Notice of Preparation on December 27, 1988 and a Revised Notice of Preparation on January 24, 1991; and WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Report (TCA Final EIR No. 2) has been prepared pursuant to CEQA and to the State of California CEQA Guidelines, which includes the following: 1. TCA Draft EIR No. 2; 0 TCA Draft EIR No. 2 Technical Studies; 0 Comments received on TCA Draft EIR No. 2; . Responses to comments on TCA Draft. EIR No. 2; e Responses to the Responses-to-comment document on TCA Draft EIR No. 2; Staff reports of the Transportation Corridor Agency concerning Draft and Final TCA EIR No. 2; WHEREAS, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Board of Directors has certified the TCA Final EIR No. 2 and has approved a facility with a West Leg, a North Leg, and an East Leg; NOW, THEREFORE, the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corddor Agency Board of Directors resolves as follows that: le The Board of Directors further directs TCA staff to undertake financing, design, and construction of the following: ae Construction of the West Leg, North Leg, and East Leg in the first phase of Initial Construction. b~ Construction of a full interchange with general purpose lanes at SR 91 including east and west connectors in the first phase of Initial Construction. c. Construction of full interchange with general purpose lanes at I-5/SR133 including the north and south connectors in the first phase of Initial Construction. d. Construction of ramps in the first phase of Initial construction to and from Walnut Avenue as identified by the 1C-modified alternative supported by the Cities of Tustin and Irvine. Implementation of the ramps will be consistent with mitigation measure T-17 which requires analysis of the Walnut rampS. Further, the Board of Directors further directs TCA staff to undertake financing, design, and construction for the following improvements located beyond the southern limits of the West Leg terminus as follows: ae be Prepare an implementation program for the following Jamboree Road transition improvements southerly of the EIR/EIS project limits to Barranca Parkway as stated in Resolution 92F-06 to include: ii) Widen Jamboree to eight lanes south to Barranca; Jamboree/Barranca grade separation and interchange A grade separation and interchange at Jamboree Road and Edinger Avenue shall be opened to traffic pdor to or at the same time as the opening of the ETC West Leg in the Transition Area. 3. Further: a~ A subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Committee, including financial personnel, consisting at a minimum of the Cities of Anaheim, Irvine, Orange, Santa Aha, Tustin and the County of Orange and a landowner representative shall be established to participate and review the IFB or any other process that may be utilized leading to construction of the ETC for consistency with the EIR, the approved Project, and other direction from the Board of Directors including this Resolution. b. It is the policy of the Board of Directors that issues regarding financing and phasing of the ETC shall be processed through said subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Committee for their recommendation prior to final Board approval. C. The TCA staff will conduct community information meeting/workshops -- prior to ETC construction, to update residents on the status of final design, construction and mitigation efforts so that the public is aware of what can be expected when work commences. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is approved, adopted and signed this 14th day of May, 1992, and shall take effect immediately. FOOTHILL/EASTER NTRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY / Chairman of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency A'I-I'EST Secretan~f-the Foothill/Eastern TranspoN.-',~ion Corridor Agency 3 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corriclor Agency at a regularly schecluled meeting thereof on the 14th day of May, 1992, by the following vote of the Board: AYES: Vasquez, Sheridan, Wilson, Krause, Cody, 'Diehl, Friess, Thomas, Wisner NOES: Pickler, Beyer, Richardson ABSENT: Riley Secretary,'of the Foothill/ Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency