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29 MID-YR BUDGET RVW 02-22-94
NO. 29 2-22-94 I n t e r- C o m ,, i DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: le · Receive and file the mid-year budget review Authorize an appropriation of $86,000 from the Landscaping and Lighting District for contract tree trimming services Authorize an increase in the number of Police Sergeant positions by one (to be offset by the reduction of authorized Police Officer positions by one) DISCUSSION: Attached is a report from the Finance Department regarding projected revenues and expenditures for all funds through June 30, 1994. The report focuses primarily on the General Fund since it is the major operating fund and most affected by economic conditions. The report indicates that while projected General Fund revenue will be less than one percent under the budgeted amount, expenditure savings will be 1.8% resulting in an increase in the ending fund balance. The General Fund will continue to be balanced with a General Fund reserve within the policy guidelines established by the City Council. It is important to keep in mind that although the 1993-94 General Fund-- budget is balanced, there looms the possibility of loosing additional funds to the State in 1994-95. The State will have a large deficit next fiscal year. It should be anticipated that City revenue will again be at risk in 1994-95. The City will continue to face the difficult task of maintaining quality services and allocating funds for needed capital improvement projects while loosing revenue to the State. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council William A. Huston, City Manager Mid-Year Budget Review Page Two The recommendations include two items which require City Council approval. The $86,000 appropriation for the Landscaping and Lighting District is for emergency tree trimming in the Tustin Ranch area. This area was scheduled for routine tree trimming next fiscal year. With the high winds over the past few months, trimming needed to be accelerated to avoid the loss of a significant number of trees. There are sufficant funds in the Landscaping and Lighting District to cover the cost. The recommendation to authorize one additional Sergeant position is based upon the Police Department's analysis of what is needed to optimally staff for field supervision. With conversion to a 3-12.5 work schedule in patrol, an additional field supervisor is needed. This can be accomplished by converting an existing Police Officer position to Sergeant without negatively affecting~ the number of Police Officers needed for patrol functions. The incremental cost is approximately $5,000 and can be absorbed within the existing Police Department budget. The new Sergeant position will be filled through an internal promotional exam. Staff will continue to closely monitor the budget. While the 1993-94 budget is tight, corrective action can be taken quickly if necessary. AGENDA_ Inter Com ') DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 1994 TO: WILLIAM ~.IHUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM' RONALD ~LT,'/~/ FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: 1993-94 MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW Attached for your review is the 1993-94 mid-year budget review. In general the projected fund balances for 6/30/94 are tracking the balances estimated in the 1993-94 adopted budget. For purposes of this review I will focus on the status of the general fund in particular and touch on the other funds when there are material differences in the year-end projections. GENERAL FUND The projected 6/30/94 general fund balance is $3,579,031. This is an increase of $245,685 over the estimated balance in the adopted budget. While estimated GF revenues are off by'~$169,397 (.73%) operating savings of $424,866 (1.8%), more than off set the revenue short fall. · SIGNIFICANT REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS ARE: · Property tax receipts <$218,000> Based on the tax charges reported by the County last October property tax charges are off our estimate about equally in the secured; unsecured and supplemental rolls. This is due to new construction being less than anticipated. · Sales Tax The trend for sales tax revenue collected to date, indicates the projected amount for the Fiscal Year will meet the original budget projection, The March 1993 Sales .Tax distribution will give us a much better idea as to the amount to be collected in 1993-94. · Community Service fees <$118,756> Fees from Classes and other recreational programs are less than budgeted due to a drop off in participation. City Council Report 1993-93 Mid-Year Budget Review 2/17/94 Page 2 [] Use of property <$29,000> This is due to loss of revenue from the Community Center not being available for rentals. · Licenses and permits $76,500 Construction permits are nearly double the original budget estimate. [] Interest income $50,000 Is higher than originally projected due to improved yields on investments. [] Parking fines $24,000 Will be higher than originally projected due to increased enforcement. [] Miscellaneous revenues $45,859 Various one time accounts such as the State's Abandoned Vehicle Program; recovery of traffic signal damage, $13,400; recovery of damage to other City property, $21,000. Staff has carefully reviewed the current expenditure requirements for the balances of the fiscal year and has included an assumption that proposed agreements with the~employee organizations will be approved after the preparation of this report. The costs of the agreements have been factored in the projected expenditures for the affected departments. It should be noted that where the projected personnel expenses exceed the budget amount, it is due to the cost of the salary adjustments. EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS BY DEPARTMENT: · Legislation $24,282 Estimated savings is primarily due to reduced contract attorney expense. · Community Development $70,188 Savings is primarily due to savings in contract services, expected to be re-budgeted 94-95. City Council Report 1993-94 Mid-Year Budget Review 2/17/94 Page 3 [] Public Works $13,542 Savings in personnel due to vacancies offset by assumed salary increases and increased operating costs for utilities and tree replacement. [] Police $230,908 Savings is primarily due to anticipated personnel savings from vacancies and overtime. [] Community Services $77,637 Personnel savings from vacant/frozen positions; less contract services; over time and travel and meetings; program supplies. [] Non-departmental $9,475 Minor savings in various accounts. OTHER FUNDS BIG~IFICA~T REVENUE C~51~NGEB: []'Tustin Street Light District $86,000 Greater interest income than estimated. [] Asset forfeiture $110,000 Difficult to project receipts from asset forfeitures. [] RDA-So.' Central Capital Projects <$375,000> Reduced interest income due to lower rate on collateral deposit to secure current working capital loan agreement. [] Risk Management <$74.,500> Interest income slightly reduced and the conversion of the City's long-term disability plan from self-insured to an indemnity plan. City Council Report 1993-94 Mid-Year Budget Review 2/17/94 Page 4 · Health Benefits <$517,038> Effective 1/1/94 the City joined the PERS Health Program and discontinued self-insuring health benefits for its employees. We budgeted for the full year not knowing the final accounting details of the new plans. This fund should be eliminated after final accounting for claims lag under the old plan. Costs for health insurance are now charged directly to department operating accounts. SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURE CHANGES: · Redevelopment Agency operations $559,379 Some programs will not be fully implemented this Fiscal Year such as the rental grant and single family grant program, $400,000; Marine Corp Air Station RDA study, $30,000; RDA newsletter, $20,000 and consultant services $63,000. These programs will be carried over to the 94-95 budget. · Health Benefits $415,000 Effective 1/1/94 the City joined the PERS Health Program and discontinued self-insuring health benefits for its employees. We budgeted for the full year not knowing the final accounting details of the new plans. This fund should be eliminated after final accounting for claims lag under the old plan. Costs for health insurance are now charged directly to department operating accounts. Capital Projects - Ail Funds The last three pages of this report contain 'the detail for all capital improvement projects currently funded. In addition to the year-to-date expenditure projections and the estimated carry-over the project managers have provided a current project status. It's important to note that the capital improvements currently budgeted and managed by the City are significant at $20,279,000. In conclusion I believe that the mid-year review indicates that we are on track with the adopted budget in almost every fund. We will continue to monitor revenues and expenses and will provide an updated report as of the third quarter in April. At that time we will have a much better picture of both property and sales tax revenue. The next major sales tax distribution will not be until mid-March which will cover the period from mid-November through mid-February. A CZ) ~. 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TOTAL 4,386,341 534,659 : 1,835,395 3,751,682 1,900,173 "~i:.':700109 210,845 179,899 210,845 30,946 0 complete eniment domain pend' ~:.~:i:.700i::1~~ 204,105 19 19 204,086 0 project complete · , ::? ': : -'-. :. .i.: .. :. :.:; i I' ' · .::.:i;i:ii::7001i7:? 301,403 0t 0 301,403 301,403 on hold per county direction · .'::::.': :;. - ::::::::::::::::::::: .:;',: :?::::::.7001.18"! 172,814 0 50,000 172,814 122,814 project design contrct under nego. ':.:-:i:: ':.:" ':'. :'"-:-:i:.. i:i:::.i~i1700700'. 429,055 429,065 429,065 0 0 on going budget · :.' :..' ..:':!i::.i::;::. ':?i.7900091!.: 67,000 0 0 67,000 67,000 awaiting Caltrans billing ';:.:::::7001.19 ' 57,967 0 0 57,967 57,967 project underdesign Sub Total 1,443,199 608,963 689,929 834,216 549,184 :"' :'7001'16 306,033 67,572t 275,000 238,4611 31,033 project underdesign ' .:700119' 80,000 6I 6 79,994 79,994 project underdesign ';700~i20. 25,000 0t 25,000 25,000 0 on going program '..?.:.70012~~! 45,061 660 5,000 44,401 0 awaiting Caltrans payment ...:........... :: ::%700122 : 113,222 1,986 5,000 111,236 0 awaiting C, altrans payment , · -:!?ii:.i:700123: 211,040 149,595 160,000 61,445 0 awaiting county payment , , , ~ ":::.?: 700126:'i 42,500 0I 22,500 42,500 20,000 project underdesign '::i¥~'~i.700127 00.000 0 60.000 00.000 20.000 pro,,ct underdesign 55.000 3 i 55,000 54.007 0 pro}ect underdesign ':..:700'12~ 2~,500 0 I 13.500 2~,500 13,000 pro}ect underdesign · ' 800049 TOTAL 994,356 219,822 i 625,892 774,534 169,027 Capital Project Fund Continued CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY BY FUND SECOND QTR FUND BALANCE RECONCILIATION MONTH ENDING: 12/31/93 'PROJECT FY 93-94 YTD PROJECTED BALANCE PROJECTED PROJECT NO# · BUDGET EXPENSE EXPENSES 12 3J_~.~_93 CARRYOVER STATUS: FUND 680 ::'~ :/:!!~:~:':~~ATER OPERATIONS PROJECTS .:~ -- ~~ :600038 45,000 8,894 I 25,000 36,106 20,000 annual r.p__[_~g_ram i:ii .:600039 40,000 10,049 40,000 - 29,951 0 annual r[~[~.~ram i:.::. :600052 2,559 0 2,559 - 2,559 0 annual rE[o_gram .::~:::: 600064 321,607 177,940 321,607 - 143,667 0 ~ress-add fund in 95 : 1:60006~5 513,606 62,260 200,000 _- 451,346 313,606 ~ress-add fund in 95 i?!:60007.7. 120,150 0 20,150 120,150 100,000 project in progress ii.~ ;;~.~1600087,. .. 251,081 117,739 200,000 133,342 51,081 contractor bankrupt-litigat. i;iiliili1600092' 45,000 0 0 45,000 0 project on hold ;:~ii600095 0 1,015 1,015 ~~._ 0 caltrans rein. ~.:i:?/~600099 62,594 82,120 82,120 ~ 0 __~ect complete '~ii:.;i:!:600100 42,212 2,445 42,212 39,767 0 project complete :: 600094 1,122,956 479,174 500,000 643,782 1,422,956 ~ress .... 600101 1,864,291 62,312 600,000 -~ 1,801,979 1,201,979 project to be awarded ~:':. 600103 302,500 0 0 302,500 0 __p_~ect on hold i:., 600104 173,692 116,836 173,692 - 56,856 0 ~ect co mplete 6/94 ~-: '.600105 39,352 0 0 - 39,352 0 project complete :.:i 6001._..~06 34,775 0 0 34,775 34,775 project on hold i::'~'::600108 786,153 0 10,000 - 786,153 776,153 project in progress :: 600109 106,429 108,564 108,564 (2,1351 0 project complete 600112 118,150 ' 0 10,000 118,150 108,150 project underdesign .::.::.;: 6001:13 60,000 0 10,000 60,000 50,000 in--ess ?:~ ~ 600114 35,000 0 0 - 35,000 35,000 i::;iiii7600115.~ 275000 0 10,000 - 275,000 265,000 project underdesign :!'i~'!:?:600116 227,143 20,949 40,000 206,194 187,183 project underdesign ,i-::i-:i:.~?i600117: 219,343 10,066 40,000 209,277 179,343. project underdesign i-!!.!:!::::~6001;18 30,000 0 30,000 30,000 t 0 project complete by 6/94 :~::~:~:~:'6001:1:9: 19,319 55 0 19,264 J 19,264 project complete :' ~.:600120 15,000 890 9,000 14,1101 6,000 in progress roof 600121 453,327 9,037 25,000 ~4,290 419,270 project under design ... 600122 49,927 7,090 14,000 42,837t 35,927 project under design ~ 7376166 1277435 ~_ 6098731! 5225687__ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CONTINL FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL OBJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 020 400 9999 .... 800049 RED HILL AVE. @ EDINGER AVE. - INSTALL RAILROAD PREEMPTION DEVICE 020 400 9999 800050 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALL - MCFADDEN AVE. @ WALNUT AVE. 020 400 9999 800051 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALL - BRYAN AVE. @ PARKCENTER LN. 020 400 9999 .... 900020 020 400 9999 900031 SAN DIEGO CREEK WATERSHED IN-CHANNEL FACILITIES EL MODENA - IRVlNE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS - I-5 FWY TO MICHELLE DRIVE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TOWN CENTER - SOUTH CEN~..L..). .................................................................................................................................................................. FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL OBJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 590 400 9999 .... 100026 CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION/RENOVATION (TC) 560 400 9999 560 400 9999 300045 GENERAL LIGHTING - VARIOUS LOCATIONS (SC) 300051 NISSON RD. STREET LIGHTS - "B" ST. TO PASADENA AVE. (SC) 590 400 9999 .... 400029 COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARK - PHASE 2B (TC) 560 400 9999 560 400 9999 · 590 400 9999 590 400 9999 700130 700131 800048 900024 NEWPORT AVE./SR-55 INTERCHANGE (SC) NEWPORT AVE. EXTENSION NORTH OF EDINGER AVE. (SC) FIRST ST. @ "B" ST. - INSTALL NEW'TRAFFIC SIGNAL (TC) AMAGANSET STORM DRAIN - PROSPECT TO ACACIA (TC) TUSTIN WATER SERVICE - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ................................................................................... DESCRIPTION OBJECT PROJECT .... 600038 .... 600039 600052 .... 600064 .... 600065 .... 600077 .... 600082 .... 600087 .... 600092 .... 600094 .... 600095 FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 680 400 9999 600099 680 400 9999 .... 600100 680 400 9999 .... 600101 680/590 400 9999 .... 600103 680 400 9999 .... 600104 ANNUAL ROUTINE REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE LATERALS ANNUAL ROUTINE REPLACEMENT OF WATER METERS ANNUAL REPLACEMENT OF OBSOLETE METERS ON WELLS MODIFY/UPGRADE TELEMETRY SYSTEM WELL AND WELLHEAD FACILITY (VANDENBERG) AUTOMATED CHLORINATION SYSTEM TUSTIN AVE./FIRST ST. AND FIRST ST./PASADENA AVE. (CALTRANS) NEWPORT AVE. - EDINGER TO WALNUT - WATER MAIN REPLACE. TUSTIN AVE. WELL SITE WALL AND ELECTRICAL REPAIR RAWLINGS RESERVOIR REPAIR !-5/SR-55 CALTRANS STAGE III WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS NISSON RD. (PASADENA AVE. - 'B" ST.) MAIN ST. @ I-5, MAIN ST. @ SR-55, EL CAMINO WAY W/O NEWPORT, & MARSHALL'S CENTER @ i-5 HEWES AVE. - OAKRIDGE TO DODGE & BIKINI TO ERVII',i - WrR MAIN PROSPECT AVE. @ FAIRHAVEN TO PROSPECT WELL SITE - W'TR MAiN -- WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS NEWPORT AVE. bt. WASS ST. AND NEWPORT RESERVOIR WARREN AVE. bt. HOLT AVE. AND NEWPORT AVE. NEWPORT AVE. bt. CASTLEGATF AND SKYLINE DRILL/INSTALL WATER WELL AND WELLHEAD FACILITY 235 MAIN STREET REPLACE WATER MAINS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS (GROUP I): MARELL CIRCLE & MURIEL PLACE E/O HEWES (COUNTY) MOUNTAIN VIEW DR. bt. FIRST AND IRVINE (CITY) "A" ST. bt FIRST AND IRVINE (CITY) IRVINE BLVD. EJO NEWPORT (CITY) BEESON LANE S/O WARREN (COUNTY) -2- FUND 680 TUSTIN WATER SERVICE - CAPITAL I1~, r{OVEMENT PROGRAM (CONTINUED) EXPENSE CAPITAL OBJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 400 9999 .... 600105 REPLACE WATER MAINS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS (GROUP II): HILO LANE E/O HEWES (COUNTY) GREENWOOD LN. S/O WARREN AVE. (COUNTY) MILFORD CIRCLE N/W OF BRENAN/SAUGUS (COUNTY) WINDSOR LANE E/O SIERRA ALTA (COUNTY) 680 400 9999 .... 600106 REPLACE WATER MAINS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS (GROUP III): LEAR LANE E/O WOODLAND (CITY) PARKER ST. CUL-DE-SAC F-JO YORBA (CITY) CAMERON LANE CUL-DE-SAC F_JO SECLUSION (COUNTY) · 680 400 9999 .... 600108 MAIN ST. RESERVOIR ENLARGEMENT (235 MAIN) 680 400 9999 .... 600109 FOOTHILL BLVD.-NEWPORTTO ARROYO - WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT 680 400 9999 .... 600112 COLUMBUS TUSTIN WELL/PORTABLE GENERATOR 680 400 9999 .... 600113 FOOTHILL RESERVOIR SITE ANALYSIS/RECONSTRUCTION 680 400 9999 .... 600114 SIMON RESERVOIR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 680 400 9999 600115 PRESSURE ZONE II BOOSTER STATION 680 400 9999 .... 600116 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS 17TH ST. bt. DESALTER PLANT AND BRENAN WAY 17TH ST. bt. BRENAN WAY AND ESPLANADE AVE. BRENAN WAY bt. VANDERLIP AND 17TH ST. 680 400 9999 .... 600117 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS ETHELBEE WAY NORTHERLY OF SANTA CLARA AVE. DEBUSK DR., WALTER AVE., RALEIGH ST. EL CAMINO LANE EASTERLY OF NEWPORT AVE. 680 400 9999 .... 600118 PANKEY WELL/BENETA WELL NITRATE MONITORS 680 400 9999 .... 600119 MAIN ST. WTR. MAIN bt. PROSPECT AVE. AND 300 FT. EASTERLY 680 400 9999 .... 600120 REROOF AND PAINTWATER FACILITY BUILDING 680 400 9999 .... 600121 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS PASADENA AVE. SOUTHERLY OF SECOND ST. (CITY) · "A" ST. bt. FIRST ST. AND MAIN ST. (CITY) COUNTRY LANE NORTHERLY OF LA COLINA DR. (COUNTY) SIERRA ALTA bt. RED HILL AVE. AND WINDSOR LANE, AND WINDSOR LANE TO DEL REY (COUNTY) RANCHVIEW DR. NORTHERLY OF LA COLINA DR. (COUNTY) 680 400 9999 .... 600122 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS WHITNEY DR., LASSEN WAY, LASSEN DR., & SHASTA DR. bt. PROSPECT AVE. AND RAINER DR. (COUNTY) RAINER DR. bt. PALOMAR DR. AND PROSPECT AVE. (COUNTY) BLUE RIDGE bt. MT. HOOD AND SANTA CLARA (COUNTY) OAKRIDGE bt. MT. HOOD AND BLUE RIDGE (COUN'rY) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL OBJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 540 400 9999 .... 700042 540 400 9999 .... 700043 540 400 9999 ..... 700044 540 400 9999 .... 700045 540 400 9999 .... 700046 540 400 9999 .... 700047 540 400 9999 .... 700048 540 400 9999 .... 700049 540 400 9999 .... 700050 540 400 9999 .... 700051 540 400 9999 .... 700052 TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL BROWNING AVEJBRYAN AVE. PHASE I & 2 _ BRYAN AVE. BRIDGE El. CAMINO REAL PHASE - AUTO CTR. EAST BOUNDARY TO MYFORD RD. JAMBOREE RD. FROM I-5 TO IRVINE BRYAN AVENUE PHASE - BROWNING AVE. TO MYFORD RD. TUSTIN RANCH ROAD - BRYAN AVE. TO IRVINE BLVD. BROWNING AVE. - EAST HALF FROM BRYAN AVE. TO 1300' N/O BRYAN IRVINE BOULEVARD - SOUTH HALF 800' E/O BROWNING TO MYFORD RD. NEW MYFORD ROAD - EL CAMINO REAL TO IRVINE BLVD. TUSTIN RANCH ROAD/I-5 INTERCHANGE (PREVIOUSLY 700078) -3- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 - CAPITAL IMPF, JIENT PROGRAM (CONTINUED) FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL OBJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION 540 400 9999 800020 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS/INTERCONNECT - VARIOUS LOCATION 540 400 9999 540 400 9999 900018 EL MODENA IRVINE CHANNEL 900019 DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 86-2 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND EXPENSE CAPITAL 480. 400 9999 480 400 9999 480 400 9999 480 400 9999 480 400 9999 OBJECT PROJECT 700077 700079 700080 700081 700083 DESCRIPTION JAMBOREE ROAD FROM IRVINE TO SANTIAGO CANYON RD. TUSTIN RANCH ROAD - IRVINE BLVD. TO JAMBOREE.RD. PORTOLA PARKWAY FROM JAMBOREE TO TUSTIN RANCH ROAD IRVINE BLVD. (NORTH 1/2) FROM JAMBOREE TO WEST CITY LIMIT LA COLINA DR. FROM TUSTIN RANCH RD. TO WEST CITY LIMIT 480 400 9999 480 400 9999 700085 REGIONAL TRAILS 700096 PROJECT INCIDENTALS 480 400 9999 .... 800026 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATIONS/INTERCONNECT - VARIOUS LOCATION 480 400 9999 .... 900027 PETERS CANYON WASH (PHASE I & II) RETARDING BASIN FACILITY -4-