HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 RECONST OF 17TH ST 02-07-94l~O. 7 2-7-94 OATE: FEBRUARY 7, 1994 inter-Com TO' WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUB~IECT: COOPERAT, IVE AGREEMENT FOR TI{E RECONSTRUCTION OF TI{E SEVENTEENTh{ STREET OVERCROSSING AT SR-55 FREEWAY RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council, at their neeting of February 7, 1994, approve the subject agreement and autkorize the Mayor to sign and the City Clerk to attest to tke subject agreement. FISCAL IMPACT There is no direct fiscal impact to 'the City of Tustin with approval of this agreement. The city's financial obligation, as well as that of Santa Ana and the County of Orange, is being met through both Federal (Surface Transportation Program - STP) and Measure M sources (Growth Management Area No. 7 - GI.~). That obligation is estimated at $1,083,000. Of that amounm $972,170 will be provided through Federal STP funding and $124,22D provided through the GMA program as amatching amount for the Federal funds. BACKGROUND The OCTA has entered into an agreement with the 2alifornia Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to widen 5he SR-55 Freeway between 17th Street and SR-22 Freeway. The free;.;ay widening will require the reconstruction of the overcrossings on S~-=5 at 17th Street, Santa Clara Avenue and Fairhaven Avenue. On February 18, 1'992 a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU~ to widen the overcrossings was executed between OCTA, the Counts' of Orange and the cities of Tustin, Santa Ana and Orange. The pur~ose of the MOU was to identify responsibilities and funding for the Jesign and construction of the overcrossings. DISCUSSION At this time, the cities of Tustin and Santa Aha, the County of Orange and the OCTA desire to execute a cooperative agreement to widen the 17th Street overcrossing only. The cooperative agreement will formalize the understanding in the MOU and finalize the cost sharing-~rior to commencing the final design phase for this project. The cooperative agreement specifies 5hat tke OCTA is responsible for all the cost of reconstructing the 17th Street overcrossing to its current four lane width, and the local agencies are responsible for the incremental costs to widen the overcrossing from four to six lanes. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer, RSL: NM: k [ b: 17ovrx A t t achment Nestor Mondok Assistant civil Engineer OCTA Agreement No. C-93-593 County Agreement No. D93-138 Tustin Agreement No. File 881.1 COOPERATIVE AGREEhENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY AND CITIES OF SANTA ANA AND TUSTIN AND COUNTY OF ORANGE FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF 17T}{ STREET OVERCROSSING THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this~;., f~ day .! 9· ~ of~/~.~.'~-~--~P,i~7.-~-/~-J~' - , 1993 by and between the Orange County ~ Transportation Authority, a public corporation of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "AUTHORITY"); the City of Santa 12 I~ _.'i Ana, a municipal corporation; the Cit~ o~ Wustin~ a ~unicigal · corporation~ (hereinafter re~erre~ to as "CIWI~S")~ and the Count~ o~ Oran~e~ a political subdivision of the State o~ California~ -' (hereinafter referred to as "CO~W~"). 16 17 19 ~;- 20 21 22 23 24 25 RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Route 55 freeway project between 17th Street and Route 22, as shown on Attachment A, consists of widening the freeway to {provide a general purpose lane and an auxiliary lane in each direction (hereinafter referred to as "PROJECT"), which will require reconssruction of the 17th Street overcrossing (hereinafter referred to as "OVERCROSSING") ; and - 1 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY has entered into an agreement with the California Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as "CALTRANS") for development of PROJECT, including preliminary design, environmental documentation, final design, right of way acquisition, ~nd construction; and WHEREAS, CITIES and COUNTY desire to widen said overcrossing to increase its capacity as part of PROJECT, and agree to share in the incremental costs of designing and constructing the overcrossing 9!i widening; and 10 11 12 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY, CITIES and COUNTY entered into a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 1991 for the ~widening of the °overcrossings at 17th Street, Santa Clara Avenue, and Fairhaven Avenue o ~1 Which established CITIES and COUNTY intent to participate in the cost 14 i! of designing and constructing the overcrossing widening; and 115 WHEREAS, this cooperative agreement further defines the roles and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 !. 26 27' funding responsibilities of AUTHORITY, CITIES, and COUNTY for the completion of final design and ~construction of the OVERCROSSING; and WHEREAS, the Measure M Freeway Program Interchange/Crossing Policies were approved by AUTHORITY January 11, 1993; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually understood and agreed by AUTHORITY, CITIES, AND COUNTY as follows: 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF AUTHORITY- AUTHORITY agrees to the following responsibilities for PROdECT: - 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [3 ;i A. AUTHORITY, in cooperation with CALTRANS, will fund the full cost of PROJECT, excePt for the additional cost of ~dening OVERCROSSING to increase the bridge's capacity. These PROJECT costs include final engineering design, construction, construction design support, and ~onstruction management. AUTHORITY will also be responsible for all right of way acquisition and utilities costs. · Construction management includes surveying and inspection, materials testing, contract administration and related required technical services. o B. AUTHORITY will provide staff to manage, administer, coordinate, and oversee PROJECT at no cost to CITIES and COUNTY. C. AUTHORITY will monitor the activities of all parties to ensure that all parties support and adhere to PROJECT schedule, 14 i' quality, and budget goals. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 ,, D. AUTHORITY will assume responsibility for final engineering design, construction, and construction support services for OVERCROSSING. AUTHORITY will administer engineering consultant's preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates, and provide for provision of construction support./ AUTHORITY 'will also be responsible for coordinating CALTRANS' work, which will provide technical oversight during final design and administer the construction contract. - 3 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E. AUTHORITY will provide plans., specifications, and estimates for OVERCROSSING to CITIES and COUNTY for their review and written approval. Plans, specifications, and estimates will be prepared in conformance with CALTRANS, COUNTY and CITIES regulations, procedures, man..uals, standard plans and specifications, as appropriate. F. AUTHORITY will pay for final engineering design, construction, and construction management in anticipation of reimbursement by CITIES and COUNTY for their portion of OVERCROSSING widening costs, as described in Section 4 of this Agreement. G. AUTHORITY will bill 'CITIES and COUN?¥ monthly for final 12.!!engineering design, construction, and constructicn management for 13 !itheir portion of OVERCROSSING widening costs, as described in Section 14 4 of this Agreement, based upon actual monthly expenditures. 15 !! H. AUTHORITY will make accountin? records available to t6!I!ICITIES and COUNTY for review and audit during construction and for 17 i!three years following completion of construction and settlement of all ,I _ 18 claims. 19 I. AUTHORITY will coordinate the execut:on of any agreements 20 between CALTRANS and CITIES related to constructicn of PROJECT and 21 itimate responsibilities for maintenance and operation of 22 23 24 25 26 i' OVERCROSSING. - 4 - 8 J. AUTHORITY will prepare a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for review and approval by CITIES and COUNTY as part of PROJECT. The TMP will address traffic handling requirements during PROJECT construction, including staging, lane closures, detours and signalizatioq. · The TMP will also specify requirements for communicating with the public and local agencies before and during construction. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITIES AND COUNTY: CITIES and COUNTY agree to the following responsibilities fcr o OVERCROSSING: A. CITIES and COUNTY will fund their portion of the actual 19~ !! costs of OVERCROSSING widening, as described in Section 4 of this 13 ~iil Agreement. This includes final engineering design, construction and 14 ~i construction management.. Funding for construction management is 15!1. limited to actual costs, but shall not exceed 15% of the constructicn ., 16 ! costs of widening the OVERCROSSING from four to six lanes. ii B CITIES and COUNTY will review OVERCROSSING plans and 17 i~ ' 18 i'i, special provision for approval and return comments within 10 workinG_ ~ days to maintain PROJECT schedule. 20 ii ~' C . CITIES and COUNTY will pay monthly invoices for_ the 21 !i aCtual costs of final design, construction, and construction 22 management, within 45 days of receipt of invoice, fo_¢ their pcrtien g3 I OUERCROSS'rNG widening. 24 i! 3. MUTUAL AGREEMENTS: 25ii A11 parties agree to the following mutual respOnsibilities 27 28 and understandings regarding project: - 5 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A. PROJECT will proceed in accordance with the schedule and budget defined in the Measure M Strategic Plan for Freeway Projects, as adopted by AUTHORITY. B. OVERCROSSING will be reconstructed and widened as an integral part qf PROJECT. C. OVERCROSSING is shown in Attachment B to this Agreement. The shaded area designates the portion o= OVERCROSSING to be funded by CITIES and COUNTY. AUTHORITY is respons:ble for the actual costs of - replacing the existing OVERCROSSING to current standards. CITIES and COUNTY are responsible for the actual co~s of widening OVERCEOSS!NG from four to six lanes. D. within 120 days after filinc a notice of completion of construction of PROJECT and the resoluticn of all claims, AUTHORi?Y will provide to CITIES and COUNTY a fina' accounting report for OVERCROSSING for review and ,approval by~-TIES and COUNTY. Said 16 ireport, shall be accompanied by a certification signed by AUTHORI-_Y s 17!iDirector of Finance and Administration tkat all expenditures 18 applicable to OVERCROSSING have been made and that all copies of 19il_invoices and warrants are on file :~ith AU?HORITY. 2011 E. within 60 days after receip~ of Final Report from , AUTHORITY, CITIES and COUNTY shall review' the Final Accounting Report 21 22 for approval by CITIES AND COUNTY. Upon approval, AUTHORITY shall transfer to CITIES and COUNTY or CITIES and COUNTY shall transfer to AUTHORITY the necessary funds to balance PROJECT'S expenditures, 251i subject to--the limit of Section 4 of this Agreement. ,, 27 F. Any Amendments to this Agreement must be approved in writing by all parties to this Agreement. G. This Agreement remains in effect until completion of construction and final acceptance of PROJECT BY CALTRANS, or until July 31, 1998, whichever is earlier. This Agreement may be extended at the mutual consent of all parties. H. Neither AUTHORITY nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason _ of anything done or omitted to be done by CITIES or COU>~TY under or in tion with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to 10 ~ or COUNTY under this Agreement. It is also understood and . greed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITIES and I~OUNTY shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold ~UTHORITY h~rmless from Il ~ny liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code  ection 810.8), occurrin~ by reason o~ anythin~ done or omitted ~o be [ ~one by CITIES or COUNTY under or in connection with any ~authori~y or jurisdiction delegated ~o CITIES or COUNTY under ~reemen~. 18 I I. Neither CITIES or COUNTY nor any officer or employee ]9 _ hereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by 20 ~reason of anything done or omitted to be done by AUTHORITY under or in 21 connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction no% delegated to CITIES or COUNTY under 5his Agreement. It is also understood and agreed tha~ pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, AUTHORITY shall ~4 fully indemnify, defend, aRd hold CITIES and COUNTY harmless from any .... ~iability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 27 :~ ~ - 7 - :, ,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 171 18 20 21 23 24 27~ 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by AUTHORITY or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to CITIES or COUNTY under this Agreement. J. Notification and mailing addresses: Any notices, requests and demands made between the parties pursuant to this Agreement are to be directed as follows: · If to AUTHORITY: Contracts and Materials Management Orange County Transportation Authority 550 South Main Street P.O. Box 14184 Orange, CA 92613-1584 Attention: Sr. Contracts Administrator If to CITIES: City of Santa Ana 101 West Fourth Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 Attention: Director of Public Works City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Attention: Director of Public Works If to COUNTY: Environmental Management Agency P. O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Attention: Director of Transportation 4. OVERCROSSING WIDENING COST SHARES: ~ AUTHORITY, CITIES and COUNTY agree to the following cost sharing responsibilities for OVERCROSSING: - 8 - ~ummar: zed below. These costs are stated in escalated dol' ars !Iassuming a construction award of April 1995). i! 17TH STREET OVERCROSSq-NG 6~ A. The estimated costs shares for OVERCROSSING w:flening are AUTHORITY CITIES and COUNTY $4,377,000 $ 915,0~0 389,000 81,0C0 416,000 87,0~0.. $5,182,000 $1,083,0~0 Ccnstruction · Final Engineering Design Ccnstruction Management TOTAL The estimated-cost shares of AUTHORITY, CITIES, and COUNTY for 10 OVERCRCSSING are further segregated in Attachment C to this Acreement. The estimated cost shares were derived from the intermediate desicn dost es%imate shown in Attachment D. B. The total costs for CITIES and COUNTY of final 14 engineering design, construction, and construction management for 16 17 18 OVERCRCSSING widening shall not exceed $1,083,000 without ~_ written amendment signed by all parties to this Agreement. C. This agreement may be amended to revise con§t_~uction icosts for OVERCROSSING to reflect actual bid ~quantities and unit 19 :costs. - 20~ 2!' D. Cost shares for contract change orders execute~ subsequent to this Agreement will be evaluated individually. Their 22- ° 23 24 25 -06 allocat-on will be based on the change order's association '~'ith the ~UTHORI-Y'S, CITIES' or COUNTY'S portion of OVERCROSSING. 7osts associa:ed with contract change orders will be shown separ~-=!y on iinvoices and allocated appropriately. - 9 - IN WITNESS ;';HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement No. D93-138 to be executed on the date first above written. ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY 4 BYst~n Oftelie~ Chief Executive Officer 6 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 10 CITY OF S~NTA ANA By Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: city-A~o'r e~ 14 15 16 17 ]1 ,~ ii CITY OF TUSTIN 13 By Mayor ATTEST: By City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FCRM: 19!t Cit~ A~'t5 r ne y 20 !t 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i, COUNTY OF ORANGE Harriett M. Wieder, Chairman Board of Supervisors N0¥ 3 O ~99] SIGNED AND CERTIFIED THAT A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Phyllis A. HendersOn NOV 3 0 ]99] Cle'-~k of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: !/ // :.,-.. . ,. ,, , ,,..;:, .-,.,,;:,'/:" ..... .//.4/ T~'.r ry..~. '~nd:us County Counsel . - !0 - 681 +00 END PROJECT .. .. Agreement No. D93-]38 PROJECT LOCATION AVE SANTA CLA AVE 0 500 1000 1500 FLL'F i 17TH ST. ! ! 610+00 BEGIN PROJEC1- ATTACt-I:.IENT. A - I_OCATION MAP $. I1! - · tit ~ f · - . - I .'11 / // .' / /-' oO / / ,'El ..- ..- Attachment B Agreement No. D9: LU o Route 55 Widening Project 17th. Street Overcrossing Estimate of Shared Costs (1) August 1993 Base Start Cost (2) Date Agreement No. D93-138 Attachment C Annual End Inflation Escalated Date. Rate Costs (3) Construction (4) Authority City of Santa Ana City of Tustin County of Orange $4008 279 279 279 Subtotal $4.845 Final Design (5) Authority City of Santa Ana City of Tustin County of Orange $389 27 27 27 Subtotal $470 Construction Management (6) Authority City of Santa Ana City of Tustin County of Orange $381 27 27 27 Subtotal $462 4/95 7/97 4.5% 11/92 10/94 0.0% 4/95 7/97 4.5% $4377 305 305 305 $5292 $389 27 27 27 $470 $416 29 29 29 -$503 TOTAL $5777 $6265 Notes: (1) All amounts are in thousands of dollars (2) Base costs are in January 1993 dollars , (3) Construction and Construction Management base costs are escalated at 4.5% for two years to award of construction contract (4) Construction costs are from August 1993 intermediate design cost estimate (5) Design cost shares are derived from actual Moffatt & Nichol Engineers contract amount (6) Constru~Fion management co~ts are estimated at 9.5% of estimated construction costs Agreement No. I)9 3-138 E N G I N E E R ~; July 29, 1992 Orange County Transportation Authority 1055 N. Main Street, Suite 516 Santa Aha,* CA 92701 Attn: Mr. John Garcta Subject: SR55, 17th Street to SP,22 12-0RA-$5-11.6/12.9 M&N File 3037-01\0CTA-022 Dear John: As you requested we have updated the construction cost estimate for the 17th Street Overcrossing dividing the cost between OCTA and non-OCTA items. The estimate is based on the general plan and DCA estimates and is divided between OCTA and nbn-OCTA costs based on the following assumptions. · The widened overcrossing structure is I18'-0" wide and 260'-1" long. · An uhwtdened structure would be 94'-0' wide (less two 12' lanes) and 260"-1" long. 'o Items required on the structure regardless of the'wi'dening are designated as OCTA cost only. Items' that increase as a result of the widening are distributed to OCTA/non-OCTA by the ratio of the structure widths. · Items such as Joint seals, neoprene strip and concrete surface textures are distributed based on directly estimated quantities on widened and unwidened structures. Structure demolition is required under both conditions' and is considered OCTA only. · Construction easements are not included in the estimate. . The general plan ~tructure costs were reduced by 5~ base'd on recent bid results from Caltrans. The contingencies ere estimated at this stage as 15~. 3720 Soulh Susan Strool, Sullo 200, Sarlla Aaa, Ca!!fornln 92704 (71d) 979-2055 Fax (714) 979-4131 2Mr. John Garcta July 29, 1992 Page Two If there are questions regarding this estimate, please call A1 Ely Project Manager AE:lj Enclosures o~s'~ .LZ co ~ ~TE YZ~ PM J. ZJ ,' PRELIMINARY ENQINEEWG STRUC"tLJRE ESTIIV~TE ITEM ITEM No, CO~E 1 192OO3 2 193003 3 490713 4 4D0714 5 50OOO1 6 510051 7 510053 8 610086 9 511055 10 519001 11 619007 1= 519086 13 520102 14 750501 15 833032 16 833142 3037-01 28JUL$3 · ITEM STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGEI STRUCTURE BACKFILL {BRIDGE) FURNISH PIUNG {CLASS DRIVE PILE (CLASS 70} PRESTRESSING CAST.IN-PLACE CONCRETE. STRUCTtJ~ CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE STRUCTURAL CONCRETF~ APPROACH G:LA~, TYPE N (3OS). CONCRETE SURFACE TEXTURE WATERSTOP 12' NEOPRENE STRIP JOINT SEAL {TYPE I~-MR 1 1/2') BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE) MISCELLANEOUS METAL (BRIDOEI CHAIN LINK PAII. ING [TYPE 7) CONCRE'I'E BARRIER (TYPE 26 MODIFIED) EST tI',~.~TED ESTIMATED UNiT OF ITEM OUAI'~1"ITY TOTAL QUANTITY MEASURE .PRICE IOCTAJ {OCTA) (NOH-OCTA~ CY ~;38.00 2,748 $ 104,424 702 CY 40.25 2,015 LF 16:60 8,500 EA 1,780.00 162 LS LUMP SUM LUMP SUM CY 395.00 430 CY 430.00 2,310 CY Z85.00 199 SF 3.80 5,018 LF 24.00 100 LF 24.00 192 LF 83.00 192 LB 0.66 589,,492 LB 4.10 270 LF 42.00 260 LF 96.00 630 SUBTOTAL: MOBILIZAT!ON [I 0%I: SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCY (15,%): . COMPONENT TOTAL: DEMO COST INCLUDING 10% MOBILIZATION & 15% CONTINGENCY: TOTAL STRUCTURE COST: TOT (NON5 . 26,67a 81,104 616 20,729 107,250 - - 1,660 27,390 288,360 42 74,700 90,813 LUMP SUM 23,187 189,8S0 "110 993,300 690 56,715 61 43,450 253,700 14,635 19,088 1282 4,872 2,400 0 0 4,$08 $0 1,200 1E~,935 60 4,150 389,065 150,508 99,33§ 1,107 70 287 10,920 0 59,850 0 0 ~;2,394,770 239,477 2,534,247 394,753 3,029,000_ 630,000 $3,599,000 ~$34,270 5@,427 633,697 $8,303 752,000 0 $782,000 H:\ADMIt4\3037-O 1 \CO$1'. 17 UNIT OF UNIT · ITEM _ME_4SUPE PNCE DEM OUTI?N CY ~ 15.00 ROADWAY ELEVATION CY 10.00 IMPORTED BORROW CY 12.00 CLEARING & GRUBBING AC 3,000.00 ASPHALT CONCERET TON 29.00 AGGREGATE BASE CY 16.70 LIGHTING EA 5,000.00 PERMANENT STRIPING LS LUMP SUM 'TF~FFIC CONTROL SYSTEM L$ LUMP SUM 17TH STREET C'.'~RCRO,~ , ESTIMATED OUANTITY TOTAL QUANTITY IOOT'A! (0_C_TA~ (NON-OCTA! 3,900 ¢ 58,~00 0 loo 1,ooo 5o 4,000 48,000 700 0.4. 1,200 0 -- 2,024 58,898 1,300 4,629 78,834 1,100 12 80,000 0 LUMP SUM 13,000 LUMP SUM ' LUMP SUM 7,000 LUMP SUM 3037-01 2$JULB3 SUBTOTAL: MOBILIZATION {10%}: SUBTOTAL: CONTINGENCY [1 TOTAL ROADWAY COST: TOTAL STRUCTURE COST: TOTAI~ ~323,030 32,303 355,333 53,687 ¢409,000 ~4,008,000 ESTIMATED TOTAl. INON-OCTA}_ ~ o $oo 8,400 0 37,700 18,370 0 2,000 0 ~B8,970 6,697 73,687 11,333 ~837,000 H:\~,Dk~JH'~3O 37--b i\l 7 RO.£ sT · . -I