HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1977 06 20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL June 20, 1977 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Sharp. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Councilman Schuster. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Welsh. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: William L. Bopf, City Administrator R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator for Community Development James G. Rourke, City Attorney Kathy Morrison, Recording Secretary Florence Kortmeyer, Deputy City Clerk V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 1977-78 CITY BUDGET - GENERAL FUND AND REVENUE SHARING Mayor Sharp announced that this meeting had been continued open from the June 6th meeting, and invited further testimony on the subject. There were no comments. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that the public hearing on the 1977-78 City Budget be continued in an open manner to the next regular meeting of July 5~ 1977. Carried unanimously. Mayor ISharp announced that a public budget workshop would be scheduled prior to the next Council meeting. 2. SALE OF TUSTIN YOUTH CENTER PROPERTY Mr. Bopf reported that a total of three bids had been received previously and a fourth had been submitted that evening from Israel Academy. Also, the third bidder, Christian Life Church, had withdrawn its bid. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Sharp summarized the bids as follows: Bid I Grace Baptist Temple: A bid offer of $90,000 to be paid over five years. Bid II J. and L. Icenhower/P. and J. Aria: A bid offer of $80,000 cash for use of property as nursery school. Bid III Christian Life Church of God: A bid offer of $90,000 with $45,000 to be in cash and the balance paid in one year (bid withdrawn). Bid IV Israel Academy: A bid offer of $92,000, subject to obtaining financing by July 8, 1977. Mr. Jerry Icenhowar, 1682 Lance Drive, Tustin, changed his bid to $93,000, requested a short escrow period, and referred to the need of a conditional use permit for the Pine Tree Children's House and the demand for preschool and day care facilities in the area. He summarized the qualifications of Mrs. Icenhower and Mrs. Aria in this field. Mr. Bopf cited the need for a parcel map on the property and the effect this procedure would have on the short timeframe requested by the bidders; however, he said the Council could consider a grant of possession. Mr. Icenhower was agreeable to this suggestion. Rev. V. A. Elfstrum, Pastor, Grace Baptist Temple, 423, S. Alpine Road, Orange, stated he had authority to go as high as $100,000 City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page two under the same terms, and spoke of the need for an independent Baptist church in this community. Councilman Saltarelli objected to bidding not having been con- ducted under the same terms for all, in that two of the bidders were not making cash offers. Mr. Dennis Simon, 26011 Montanoso Drive, Mission Viejo, repre- sented Israel Academy, and offered to accept July 5 (date of next Council meeting) as their deadline for obtaining financing, rather than July 8 as requested. He also raised their bid offer to $93,000. Mr. Icenhower cited the length of time and modes by which the proposed sale had been advertised and objected to postponement of a decision beyond this meeting. There being no further comments or objections, Mayor Sharp closed the public portion of the hearing and any further bidding, at 7:59 p.m. Based on the cash offer, the quality of the use proposed, and the fact that the transaction would put the property on the tax rolls, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that the Council accept the Icenhower/Aria offer in the amount of $93,000 cash; and directed the City Attorney to close the escrow as soon as practicable; and authorized upon sufficient deposit that the use of the?property be conveyed to the purchaser.for purposes of getting their work done. Following brief cor~aents by Councilman Edgar and Mayor Sharp in support of the motion, it was carried unanimously. __ 3. ADOPTION OF RECODIFICATION OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE Mayor Sharp opened the public portion of the hearing aT 8:05 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 727 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, ADOPTING AND ENACTING A RECODIFICATION AND REVISION OF THE ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ENTITLED "TUSTIN CITY CODE", AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED THEREIN EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPPRESSLY PROVIDED. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 727 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Following reading of the ordinance title by the secretary, it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that Ordinance No. 727 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. URSULA KENNEDY, RE: ELIMINATION OF CITY COMMISSIONS Ms. Ursula Kennedy, 14711 Danberry Circle, Tustin, questioned the wisdom of the Council assuming the functions of Commissions pro- posed to be eliminated, citing the need for citizen participation in government through service on Commissions, and for citizen · nput through the Commissions. She urged the Council not to isolate themselves from the concerns of the businessmen and resi- dents of Tustin. There was a reques~ from the audience that Old Business No. 1, Consideration of Sale of the Old City Hall Property, be con- sidered at this point. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page three Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that Old Business No. 1 be taken out of order and considered at this time. Carried unani- mously. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY It was noted that a public hearing and receipt of bids had taken place at the June 6th meeting, and that the hearing and bidding had been closed on that date. Mr. Bopf announced receipt of a proposal from Goldrich, Kest & Associates, 816 Union Bank Plaza, 15233 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks. The City Attorney had indicated that in order to entertain this bid, the Council would have to reject all former bids. Mr. Rourke confirmed this, citing the need to set a hear- ing date and readvertise for bids. Mr. Bopf surmnarized this new proposal as being an offer of $225,000 for the property, for development of approximately 80 senior citizen apartment units under HUD's Section 8 Housing Program, with 1/3 to 1/2 of a parking space per unit. An alternate proposal provided for a family-type (mainly two- bedroom units) project of about 50 apartments in 2- and 2~- story buildings, with the full required City parking. He then outlined the terms of the offer. Mr. Bopf explained that two prior bidders, Walt Fredriksen and Dr. Walter Flaherty, had requested that their bids be withdrawn. He summarized the two remaining bids, of Dr. Clem and Associates, and Biddie/White. He reiterated staff's recommendation in favor of the commercial-office complex use. Councilman Saltarelli noted that bidding had been closed at the last meeting and that rejecting bids and starting over would not be fair to the two existing bidders. After some discussion of the terms of the bids and the absence of specificity of terms in the Request for Proposals, the Council agreed to recognize a member of the audience. Mr. Robert. Hirsch, partner in Goldrich, Kest & Associates, sup- ported the propriety of residential use of the site, and requested a decision that evening because of HUD's June 24th deadline for submittal of "evidence of site control". Louise Lynch, Realtor, 135 Centennial Way, Tustin, spoke in sup- port of development of the site in the office-commercial mode, as a sure stimulus to redevelopment of the downtown area. Mr. Josh White, President of Biddie/White Housing & Development Corporation, 730 North Euclid, Suite 304, Anaheim, spoke in support of their mixed use proposal, based on the current zoning (Commercial and R-3 Residential); indicated the assurance of HUD funding and SCAG's "bonus allocation" procedure; and expressed willingness to pay the parking in-lieu assessment and to adjust the parking ratio per unit to the City's satisfaction~ Councilman Edgar expressed his concerns about the cost and source of funds for relocating Fire Station NO. 1 on a temporary basis, lacking any conclusion at this time as to the optimum permanent location for it; easements across the property; and parking, feeling that a parking district should be a last resort. He asked about the extent of the parking deficiency of the site adjoining the City Hall property ("old barber shop"). Dr. Fleagle described the easements and explained the on-site panking accommodations included in the conceptual design of the City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page four site submitted by Bidder I, and their proposed contribution to the parking district for parking on the old barber shop site. He noted that the parking study done by the consultant indicated that there was no parking problem downtown at the present time because there was not enough activity; when there is, there will be funds established to provide the parking. Mr. Tom Kelly, 330 E1 Camino Real, Tustin, urged the Council to make a decision that evening on the sale of the property. Councilman Schuster noted that the mire Department is conducting a fire station location study to find the best location for a new Fire Station, and he was against moving the Fire Station until that study was concluded. Councilman Welsh noted that the present location of the Fire Stationwas not deemed the most desirable. Bttn. Chief Ferdig'agr~ed~and gave~he status of the 1Qcation study. Mr. Bopf addressed their comments, explaining that a fire station has been shown in other communities to be compatible within a park, and that the investment in moving would not be a total loss as the existing buildings at the park would be used, with the addition of a Butler-type garage--all of which can be used by the Parks and Recreation DepartmenE when the Fire Station is permanently relocated. The relocation to the park could be accomplished within the six-month timeframe. Mr. John W. Jamieson, Western Building Design, 445 E1 Camino Real, Tustln, urged assurance that adequate parking would be provided on the site, and expressed opposition to the concept of residential units being built. He had no objection to the Clem proposal. Mr. Walter Fredriksen, 240 East Third Street, Tustin, also supported the Clem proposal because parking was included in their plans. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that the offer of Dr. Clem and Associates, ~n the amount of $210,000, for a commercial- office complex be accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute a sale and escrow agreemen~ consistent with the invitation to bid and the proposal that was made subject thereto. Councilman Saltarelli pointed out that the City is building up funds for future parking in the downtown area, so at some point proper~y will have to be purchased or condemned for that pur- pose. He suggested instead the rejection of the bids and use of a portion of the City Hall property for that purpose. He then expressed sympathy for the senior citizens' position in regard ~o their need for housing, and hoped that the City could do something for senior citizens in the future, if not now. RECESS The Mayor called a recess at 9:07 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. With the concurrence of Mr. Sal tarelli, Mr. Welsh withdrew his ' motion. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster, that all bids be rejected, and proposals be invited which would require provision of parking entirely within the development. Councilmen Saltarelli and Welsh discussed the desirability of going out ~o bid again in the midst of Council concern about parking, particularly in light of the provisions of Ordinance No. 510 allowing in-lieu contributions to a parking district. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page five Councilman Schuster reiterated his concern about the fire station, and Councilman Edgar agreed. Councilman Welsh said that that issue was not a stumbling block in his mind, but asked Mr. White and Mrs. Clem whether they could design their respective projects to meet parking requirements. Both responded affirmatively. With Councilman Schuster's concurrence, Mr. Welsh then withdrew his motion to reject all bids. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar, that all bids be rejected and that a public workshop be conducted to develop a new Request for Proposalsto include consideration Of On-site parking and dis- position of the Fire Station. Following brief Council cormnents, representatives of Biddle/ White presented an alternative which would allow the Fire Sta- tion to remainby deferring development of the commercial por- tion, and allowing purchase on a pro rata basis of the land for the elderly housing only, which would permit retention of the Fire Station in its present location, and provision by the City of public parking on the remaining land if the commercial area is not developed. Mr. Rourke advised that any changes this substantial would not be appropriate without rejecting all bids and readvertising. Following further discussion, the motion to reject all bids was defeated by a 2-3 vote, Councilmen Sharp, Welsh and Saltarelli voting no. RECESS Mayor Sharp called a recess a~ 9:51 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:59 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that Dr. Clem's offer of $210,000 be accepted subject to provision of adequate parking on the total project, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be auth- orized to execute a sale and escrow agreement consistent with ~he invitation to bid and the proposal that was made subject thereto. Councilman Saltarelli suggested a 60-day escrow with an "escape clause" to allow some flexibility in case extraordinary circum- stances prevent relocation of the Fire Station within the six months provided in the P~FP. Mrs. Clem indicated that would be agreeable. Above motion to accept the Clem bid was carried by a 3-2 vote, Councilmen Edgar and Schuster voting no. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 6, 1977 meeting. ~-~ 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount Of $883,071.04. RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in amount of $58,044.99. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 77-62 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, PETITIONING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL OF A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT WITH THE CITY OF IRVINE. Adoption as recommended by the City Engineer. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page six 4. RESOLUTION NO. 77-63 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-95 FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY FIRST STREET, NEWPORT AVENUE AND CENTENNIAL WAY. Adoption as recon~nended by the Planning Commission. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 77-64 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP NO. 77-96 FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY MCFADDEN, TUSTIN VILLAGE WAY AND THE NEWPORT FREEWAY OFF RAMP. Adoption as recommended by the Planning Con~aission. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 77-65 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-97 FOR PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF YORBA, SOUTH OF 17TH STREET. Adoption as recommended by the Planning Commission. 7. CONSOLIDATED EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT Approval as recommended by the Fire Chief. 8. EXONERATION OF PAVING BOND - TRACT NO. 8088 Authorization for exoneration as recommended by the City Engineer. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 77-66 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustln AMENDING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FROM THE 1976-77 FISCAL YEAR. Adoption as recommended by Assistant City Administrator. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 77-67 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, RELATIVE TO REGULATING VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON CERTAIN PRIVATELY OWNED PROPERTY. Item No. 4 was removed from the Consent Calendar for separate actionr by request from the audience. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that the Consent Cal- endar be approved with the exception Of Item No. 4, Resolution No. 77-63. Carried unanimously. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 77-63 Mr. Douq Danielson, Master Plan Architect for Larwin Square, questioned Section 2B of Resolution No. 77-63, requiring partici- pation of 25% or one leg of the Newport/Bryan traffic signal cost, estimated at $10,500. Dr. Fleagle confirmed that A~FP and budget constraints had pre- cluded installation of the signal without the developer's participation, and that it is common for a developer to con- tribute to the cost of signal installation if the development contributes to increased traffic demands. Following discussion by the Council, it was moved by Edgar, seconded-by Welsh, that Resolution No. 77-63 be adopted with deletion of Section 2B. Carried, Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarellir Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: None. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page seven VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 728 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO REVISE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Moved by Sharp, seconded by Schuster, that consideration of Ordinance No. 728 be postponed. Carried unanimously. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 729 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO THE PLANNED COMMUNITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (PC-R-3-2500) DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ZONE CHANGE 77-5 (PLAZA WAY). Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 729 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. The title of Ordinance No. 729 was read by the secretary. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance NO. 729 be adopted. Carried. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 731 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, ESTABLISH- ING THE CITY COUNCIL AS THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Following Council discussion, it was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Ordinance No. 731, including establishment of July 1, 1977, as the effective date, have first reading by title only. During discussion, Mr. Rourke confirmed that the Council would have the prerogative of re-establishing the Planning Commission at any time. Mayor Sharp and Dr. Fleagle replied to questions from Tony Coco, 17802 Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, as to the effective date and its impact on the timeframe for applications in the planning process. Above motion for first reading by title carried unanimoUsly. The secretary read Ordinance No. 731 by title. Moved hy Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that Ordinance No. 731 have second reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Following comments from Mr. Cole, 1477 Sycamore, Tustin, against the Council assuming the Planning Commission's role , the above motion for second reading was carried unanimously. The secretary read Ordinance NO. 731 by title. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by. Edgar, that Ordinance No. 731 be adopted as an urgency ordinance to go into effect on July 1, 1977. Carried unanimously. Mayor Sharp recommended consideration in the near future of establishment of a committee of about 9 people from the community City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page eight who have shown the ability to plan and represent certain con- s~ituencies, to perform actual planning functions and maintain citizen input. He invited s~ggestions on the concept. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 732 An Ordinance of the City Of Tustin, California, ABOLISHING THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 732 have Lfirst reading by title only. Carried unanimously. Following the !reading, it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster, that Ordinance No. 732 be introduced. Carried. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF OLD CITY HALL PROPERTY This item was taken out of order. See page three. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR SIGN CODE EXCEPTION (SWENSEN'S ICE CREAM FACTORY (Request for 8 signs with an aggregate copy area of 211.2 square feet.) Following brief discussion, it was moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar, that staff's reconunendation (that approval be given to any of the four wall signs requested with the total aggregate area not to exceed 15% of the area authorized by the Code, 144 square feet) be approved. Mr. MalLrice Lebanoff, 222 Fashion Lane, Tustin, spoke in support of his need for more signing due to the location of the Swensen's facility Within the center at Bryan and Main. MS. Pearl Hollander, 10634 Equestrian, Santa Ana, partner in Swensen's, spoke of the need for a lettered sign just to the northof the door. DUring discussion, Dr. Fleagle suggested that if the Council wished to rule that the requested stained glass panel was an "architectural embellishment", then it would be excluded from the total aggregate area. A substitute motion was made by Sharp, seconded by Welsh, that the applicant be allowed the ,high wallsign", visible to Newport; that those existing signs which hang from the faciabe allowed to remain;~that the sign described as an architectural embellish- ment be allowed; and that the box letter sign on the north side of the door be excluded. Mr. Lebanoff maintained that there was a critical need for the box letter sign next to the door for identification of the facility from within the center; Mrs. Margaret Byrd, 158 North "B" Street, Tustin, agreed. Following fUrther comments from Ms.! Hollander, a substitute motion was made by Edgar and seconded by Saltarelli, that the applicant be allowed two trapezoidal signs, the two existing signs, and the one logo sign (approval of all except the under-parapet sign on the south side). Based on drawing power and central location of the store, Councilman Saltarelli moved that all signs be approved as requested. The motion died for lack of a second. Above substitute motion by Councilman Edgar, granting all the signs except the under-parapet sign on the south side, was carried by a 3-2 vote, Councilmen Sharp and Welsh voting no. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page nine 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-2 (TUSTIN SKATE PALACE) RESOLUTION NO. 77-68 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-2 (SKATE PALACE). Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that EIR 77-2 be certi- fied by adoption of Resolution No..77-68. Carried. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. 3. NICKEL BUS Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that the staff recommenda- tion to notify Associated Charter Bus CompanZ that the City will no longer be requiring its services as Nickel Bus contractor after June 30, 1977, and that this action be publicized, be approved. ~ CounciLman Saltarelli urged further efforts to effect continua- tion of the Nickel Bus subsidy by the Orange County Transit District, based on the need for the service and the lack of time to adequately notify the populace of its termination on June 30. He and Mayor Sharp agreed that the action should require at least 30 days' notice in the next "Tustin Today". Mayor Sharp agreed to contact the Transit District the following morning. Moved by Saltarelti, seconded by Welsh, that temporary City funding be authorized pending resolution of the matter with the Orange County Transit DistriCt. Carried unanimously. XII. OTHER BUSINESS t. FIRE SERVICE ALTERNATIVES Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that the staff undertake a study of the feasibility of alternative means of providing fire service, specifically a proposal from the County on a · contract arrangement, and including the timeframe within which such a course could be implemented, Carried unanimously. CounciLman Edgar commented on the vital nature of the fire station location study in considerations on fire service. 2. CAPITAL PLANNING With the concurrence of the Council, Councilmen Edgar and Saltarelli volunteered to act as a committee to review long range capital planning, with the assistanceof staff. 3. INITIATION OF REZONING By unanimously consent, the Council requested initiation of a zone change for Enderle property on the westerly side of Yorba. 4. BUS STOP BENCHES Mayor Sharp requested that the matter of bus stop benches be agendized for the next meeting. 5. MAGNOLIA TREE PARK TENNIS COURTS CounciLman Welsh requested that the Parks and Recreation Director look into the need for posting hours, r~les and regulations at the Magnolia Tree Park tennis courts. City Council Minutes 6/20/77 Page ten 6. REQUESTS FOR SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION Councilman Welsh recormuended that the Council endorse legis- lation being introduced by Assemblyman Chester Wray dealing with detention of non-criminal juveniles, which is scheduled for hearing by the Senate JUdiciary Committee in August. Mayor Sharp agreed to sign a letter of endorsement when more information on the bill is available. In reply to a question from Councilman Schuster, Mr. Bopf reported that telegrams had gone out in the name of the Council toappropriate legislators strongly opposing Senate Bill 164 concerning Compulsory and Binding Arbitration. Mayor Sharp gave the current status of that bill. 7. NAMING OF DOWNTOWN AREA Councilman SChuster requested agendizing again for Council consideration the matter of tkeme-naming of the downtown area. Mayor Sharp agreed that the timing would be appropriate in light of the Council's action to sell the old City Hall property and the certainty of the nature of its development. 8. BICYCLE LICENSING Councilman Schuster requested agendizing the matter of bicycle licensing, even though there has been no response from the Sheriff's Office on the City's proposal to provide bike licensing services to County residents through a contract arrangement. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that the meeting be adjourned to a Redevelopment Agency Meeting, and thence to a budget workshop-to be announced., and thence to the next regular meeting of Tuesday, July 5, 1977. Carried unanimously. (11:45 p.m,) ~R~EORDING SECRETARY