HomeMy WebLinkAbout22 PUB BENEFIT XFER 02-07-94AGENDA NO. 22 2-7-94 Inter-Com DATE: FEBRUARY ?v 1994 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: u.s. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (DOI) APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC BENEFIT TRANSFER - COUNTY OF ORANGE (URBAN REGIONAL PARK) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 94-20 supporting an application to the U.S. Department of the Interior (DoI) by the County of Orange for the public benefit transfer of' surplus federal real property (MCAS, Tustin) for use as an Urban/Regional Park. FISCAL IMPACT Supporting the County's application requesting the transfer of surplus property from MCAS, Tustin for public benefit will not result in a direct fiscal impact to Tustin. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION As Council is aware, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Tustin is scheduled to close by July 1997. In compliance with federal base closure law, the Navy has recently begun the process of advertising the property for future conveyance to military branches, federal agencies, and state and local entities. In October, 1993, the City ~of Tustin and County of Orange responded to the Navy's state and local screening effort by indicating a wide range of potential future interest in property and facilities at the base. Base disposal law provides the above referenced agencies an opportunity to acquire property at closing bases for below market value or for free when certain categories of public benefit can be shown. In response to the City's and County's letters of interest sent in October, 1993, DoI has requested that formal applications be submitted by the City by February 26, 1994 and by the County by January 31, 1994, respectively. The applications are required to detail the future recreational re-uses of the property and identify the specific public benefit which would be derived from the transfer. City Council Report U.S. Dept. of the Interior Application for Public Benefit Transfer of Surplus Federal Real Property February 7, 1994 Page 2 In order to offset any potential for competing or conflicting applications, City staff met with County staff to discuss their proposal. The County has previously indicated their desire to see a 100-acre Urban/Regional Park as outlined in their Master Plan. The County has also indicated their desire to preserve the historic blimp hangars for their cultural significance. The County would propose to operate support commercial activities in the hangars to offset the maintenance costs. A formal Memorandum of Understanding would be brought before the Council for consideration concerning any commercial activities at the time the property is awarded to the. County. A copy of the staff report, resolutions and conceptual plan describing the County's intent for re-use of the surplus property as presented to the County Board of Supervisors on January 25, 1994 is provided as Attachment A. By working together in the application process, both County and City staff believe that the U.S. Department of the Navy would be placed in a much better position to make any final decisions regarding conveyance. As a result, staff and the County have agreed that an 88-acre site currently identified as two separate properties in the Draft Preferred Alternative as presented to and preliminarily approved by the Task Force on December 7, 1993, would be an acceptable sized facility. The County's concurrence was based on the City's intention to acquire a 30-acre site of the surplus property for re-use as a City Community Park. The site being sought by the County is located in the central portion of the base with the designation PI (park) and PI (cultural). The 30-acre site sought by the City is located at the northwest corner of the base property and would be immediately adjacent to the proposed county park site. Both locations are noted on Attachment B. Staff has apprised the City of Tustin Parks and Recreation Co~mission of the requests and has obtained their support for the proposal in the form of adopted Resolution No. 94-01, a copy of which is attached, supporting both the City's and County's applications. -CONCLUSION Resolution No. 94-20 has been prepared for the Council's consideration to confirm the City's support of the County's application, as staff believes that the public conveyance and utilization of a significant portion of the base could be better served if the County and City were to work cooperatively toward attainment of this surplus property. Therefore, it is recommended City Council Report U.S. Dept. of the Interior Application for Public Benefit Transfer of Surplus Federal Real Property February 7, 1994 Page 3 ' that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 94-20, as submitted and that a signed copy be forwarded to the County. Senior Planner '~ristine A. Sh~gleton Assistant City ~anager DO: kd\CCRE POR T \urbanprk. do Attachments: A - Board of Supervisors Report - January 25, 1994 B - Map C - Parks and Recreation Commission Reso. No. 94-01 Resolution No. 94-20 AGENDA TO: ITEM TRANSMITTAL CONSENT ~ YES B0/~D OF SU?gRVISORS C0UNT¥ 0F 0R3d~Gg FROM: EMA FILE: TU-Acq. AG£NCY/DEPT. ~ CAO REVIEW Concur Do Not Concur CONTACT FOR INFOR/~ATION Barbara Doerr CLERK USE ONLY Eric Jessen MEETING DATE SUBJECT January 25, 1994 Application for Publi: Benefit Conveyance of Land and Historic Blim H~ar at Tustin Marine Corps Air Station. SUMMARY OF REQUEST (Description for agenda) PHONE 834-6791 834-6786 SUPV.DIST. S Authorization is requested to submit appli:ations seeking a public benefit conveyance of surplus federal lands and one historic blimp hangar at Tustin Marine Corps Air Station for parks, recreation, and historic preservation purposes. ADDITIONAL DATA: The Tustin Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) is projected to be closed by mid-year 1997. In anticipation of base closure, the federal government has notified public agencies of the opportunity to submit applications seeking portions of Tustin MCAS for public benefit purposes. Federal surplus lands are available through the Federal Lands-to-Parks Program and the Historic Surplus Property PrOgram. These programs enable states and local governments to acquire land and facilities for historic preservation purposes (continued on reverse) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC IT£M: FUNDING SOURCE(S) HBP Funds WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL;' CURRENT ?EAR COST i ANNUAL COST BUDGETED;' LIYES IXINo CONSISTENT WITH BOARD POLICY;' ~ NO Ir YES, .STATE NUMBER RECOMMENDED ACTION PERMANENT LIMITED TERM ~ YES ~ NEW ITEM OR EXCEPTION Adopt resolutions authorizing submittal of applications for public benefit conveyance of surplus ~federal land at Tustin MCAS for the establishment of a urban regional park. CONCURRENCES (If applicable) obert G. Fisher, Directo~ - Harbors, Beaches and Parks DA~E ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolutions 2. Location Map Michael M. Ruane, Director, EMA ATTACHMENT A AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL -2- and to meet park and recreation needs. Public park and recreation conveyances can be made with up to a 100% public benefit discount, which, in this ease, would mean at no cost to the County. Sites and buildings obtained..through this program.must be open to the public and used ~xel~sively for parks and recreation activities. Revenue generating uses for the proposed urban regional park must be compatible with park uses and approved by the National Park Service. Historic monument conveyances are at no cost but the surplus property must be eligible for listing or listed'in the National Register of Historic Places. The blimp hangars were nominated for National Register status by the U. S. Marine Corps and listed in 1979. Properties transferred under this program must be preserved, in perpetuity, for historic monument purposes. A preservation, re-use, and financial plan must be developed which is consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects. The City of Tustin and the Base Closure Tas~ Force have identified a parcel suitable for urban regiona~ park purposes. The parcel is currently identified as Public Institutional (PI). It is anticipated that, with the concurrence cf the Base Re-Use Task Force and the City of Tustin, this land use designation will be renamed Urban Regional Park to be consistent with the Board approved Orange County General Plan - Recreation Element/Master Plan of Regional Recreation Facilities which proposes such a park at this location, Currently, the 80 to 90 acre parcel selected for urban regional park uses is divided into two pieces and identified on the attached location map as Public Institutional (Park) and Public Institutional (Cultural). Allowable uses for this site have not been developed by the City, but much of this detail will be developed in coordination with the County as it develops plans for the urban regional park and restoration and re-use of the historic blimp hangars. Revenue generating uses for the blimp hangars will be considered and require the approval of the City and the Re-use Task Force. The Environmental Management Agency proposes to submit an application to the federal government to allow for the development of an urban regional park at the former Tustin Marine Corps Air Station. It is envisioned that the park may contain expansive general purpose turf areas, extensive tree forestation, meandering paths for walking, jogging, and bicycling, a water feature such as a lake or large fountain with plaza for poblic events, group and individual picnicking facilities, and other facilities agreeable to the CoUnty and City of Tustin that would serve park users and generate revenue to offset the cost of park and historic blimp hangar maintenance. As proposed, the park will ~nclude one of the historic blimp hangars, for which EMA is considering potential revenue generating uses. However, additional research will be necessary to determine appropriate use(s) for this building. The uses to be considered will have to be compatible with the regional park and generate sufficient revenues to pay for, or substantially contribute to restoration and ongoing maintenance costs of the hangar. The blimp hangar has complicated the park planning process as there is uncertainty regarding the structural integrity and the annual maintenance cos:s. To address these issues, the Marine Corps will have a cost analysis study available in early February 1994. This will guide the County in developing r~-use plan and revenue generation program for the blimp hangar. The City's consultants are preparing a structural analysis study of the hangars. This report will provide important information on the integrity of the structure ATTACHMENT A AGENDA ITEM TEANSMITAL -3- potential restoration costs. Both documents are critical to determining whether or not the regional park hangar can be preserved and for selecting the appropriate revenue generating re-uses for the building. To safeguard the County's position to obtain a no cost public benefit, conveyance of the the blimp hangar and the 80 to 90 acres'of Iand for an urban regional park, EMA proposes to submit the applications for a no cost public benefit conveyance of federal lands for recreation and parks purposes and historic monument purposes. If the publlc benefit conveyance is other than a no cost acqu'isition, ENA will return to your honorable Board for re-consideration of this proposed acquisition. Additionally, authorization will be sought from your honorable Board for preparation of County's restoration, re-use, and financial plans for the historic blimp hangar and the federally required Program of Preservation aqd Utilization. The submittal of this application has been coordinated with other County agencies. The County Administrative Office will be reporting to you separately with a coordinated list of all County'needs. However, the U. S. Navy has established January 27, 1994 as the deadline for submitting applications to the Secretary of the Interior fgr no cost public benefit conveyances such as this proposed regional park. · COMPLIANCE VITH CEOA CEQA compliance will be obtained prior to park development activities. BJD:3110911065351 ATTACHMENT A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2O 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 Att ac b~nent iA RESOLUTION OF T~IE BOARD O~ SUPERVISORS ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Whereas, certain real property owned-by the United States, located in the. County of Orange, State of California, has been declared surplus and at the discretion of the General Services Administration, may be assigned to the Secretary of the Interior for disposal for public park or recreauion purposes, under the provisions of Section 203(k)(2) of the Federal Proper~v and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 387), as amended, and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, more particularly described as' follows: Tustin Ma~ine Corps Air Station GSA Control Number 11011 88 acres for park and recreation purposes Whereas, the County of Orange needs and will utilize said property in perpetuity for a public park or recreation area as set fo~h'in its application and in accordance with the requirements of said Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the County of Orange shall make application to the Secretary of the Interior for and secure the uransfer to it of the above-mentioned property for said use upon and subject tc such exceptions, reservations, terms, covenants, agreements, conditions, and restrictions as the Secretary of the Interior, or his authorize~ representative, AT/AC~iENT A 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 2O 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 may require in connection with th~ disposal of said property under said. Act and the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto; and Be It Further Resolved that the County of Orange has legal authority, is willing and is in a position to assume immediate'care and maintenance 'of the property, and that Michael M. Ruane, Director, Environmental Management Agency, or his designee, are hereby authoriZed, for and on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, to do and perform.any and all acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the foregoing resolution, including the preparing, making, and filing of plans, · applications, reports, and other documents, the execution, acceptance, delivery, and recordation of agreements, deeds, and other instruments pertaining to the transfer of said property, including the filing of copies of the application and the conveyance documents in the records of the governing body, and the payment of any and all sums necessary on account of the purchase price thereof or fees or costs incurred in connection with the transfer of said property for survey, title searches, recordation of instruments, or other costs identified with the Federal surplus property acquisition. il Ii I! II II I! Board of Supervisors of Orange County Hall of Administration 10 Civic Center Dr. Santa Aha, CA 92701 ATTACHMENT A 10 11 12 t3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I, Phyllis A. Henderson, hereby certify that I am the Clerk of the Board, of the Orange County. Board of Supervisors; 'and that the foregoing resolution is a true an~ correct copy of the resolution adopted by the vote of a majority of the me.~bers of said Board of Supervisors, present at the meeting of said body on the day of " , 19 .... , at which' a quorum-was present. (Signature of Certifying Officer) ,,' ! / / /? // // // // // /! B~:h~BPO!-065 (4012)4011211255803 ATTACHMENT A TUSTIN MCAS URBAN REGIONAL' PARK CONCEPT PLAN B~K F./JOC, GING TRAIl. p,.~c~ OF-RCE -- PARK ADMtNt:STRATION/MAINTENANCE BUDDING PARK, SNACK, BAR PLAY FIEtJ~ PARK~iG OBSTACLE COURSE WI. FOuN'rA~ / PAI:~iNG ATTACHr~ENT A r-l. r I i I IAV NVfl! IVM NI )A '~)AV ~)NOLII ~P~I:,IV ATTACHMENT B ]7 I9 20 21 23 ~ RESOI/~ION",NO. 9'~'-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE PARKS ANDRECREATION COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING APPLICATIONS BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AND THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FOR THE PUBLIC BENEFIT TRANSFER OF SURPLUS FEDERAL REAL PROPERTY FOR PARKS/RECREATIONAL USE The Parks and Recreation Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, certain real property owned by the United States of America, located fn the City of Tustin, CountY of Orange, State of California, commonly known as Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Tustin, has been declared surplus and is subject to assignment for disposal for parks/recreational purposes by the U.S. Department of the Interior; and WHEREAS, a new mixed-use community will be developed on the MCAS, Tustin property as a result of the closure of the base in 1997; and WHEREAS, sound land use planning principals combined with the community,s vision for the re-use of the base property mandate that parks and open space be included in the Re-use Plan; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange has adopted a Master Plan which indicates the desire to locate an Urban/Regional Park on the property and the City of Tustin General Plan indicates a need for additional park facilities; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Tustin and the County of Orange to agree to the re-use of certain federal real property in order to achieve the maximum public benefit and enjoyment of said surplus property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Parks and Recreation Commission hereby supports the applications to the U.S. Department of the Interior for the public benefit transfer of surplus federal real property by the CountY of Orange for re-use as a County Urban/Regional Park and the City of Tustin for re-use as a community park. PASSED ~D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, held on the 20th day of January, 1994. Attest: ~_.._:..'~! ...... ,~,, r Secre,.tary ChairpeDson ' ,~ ATTACHMENT C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION BY THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO'THE U.S. DEPARTMEN~ OF THE INTERIOR FOR THE PUBLIC BENEFITTRANSFER OF SURPLUS FEDERAL REAL PROPERTY FOR PAR2<S/RECREATIONAL USE The.City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, certain real property owned by the United States of America, located in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, has been declared surplus and is subject to assignment for disposal for parks/recreational purposes by the U.S. Department of the Interior; and WHEREAS, a new mixed-use community will be developed on the MCAS, Tustin property as a result of the closure of the base in 1997; and WHEREAS, sound land use planning principles combined with the community's vision for the re-use of the base property mandate that parks and open space be included in the Re-use Plan; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange has adopted a Master Plan which indicates the desire to locate an Urban/Regional Park on the property commonly known as Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Tustin; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of 5he City of Tustin and the County of Orange to agree to the re-use of certain federal real property in order to achieve the maximum public benefit and enjoyment of said surplus property; and WHEREAS, the City of Tustin Parks and Recreation Commission adopted Re~olution No. 94-01 at their regularly scheduled meeting on January 20, 1994, supporting both the City's and County's applications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Tustin hereby supports the application by the County of Orange to the U.S. Department of the Interior for the public benefit transfer of surplus federal real property for re-use as a County Urban/Regional Park as shown on Exhibit A, subject to the City of Tustin and the County of Orange entering into a Memorandum of Understanding regarding required consultation which the County will have with the City of Tustin on park uses and planning and design, prior to any development. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 94-20 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 7th day of February, 1994. " JIM POTTS Mayor Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 94-20 MARY E WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Counci~ of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 94-20 .was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 7th day of February, 1994. COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER:ABSENT: MARY E. WYNN City Clerk I ! I lAY NVlql IV~ N~ ~ "l~v ,,.)t,K~.IISwUv EXHIBIT A