HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1977 05 02 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL May 2, 1977 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Sharp in the City Council Chambers, Centennial at Main, Tustin. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Sharp. III. INVOCATION Given by Councilman Saltarelli. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Absent: Councilmen: None. Others present: William L. Bopf, City Administrator R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Admin- istrator for Community Development James G. Rourke~ City Attorney Ruth C. Poe, City Clerk PRESENTATIONS Proclamations read and presented: 1. PROCLAIMING FOSTER PARENTS WEEK. 2. PROCLAIMING INSURANCE WOMEN'S WEEK. 3. PROCLAIMING FIRE PREVENTION WEEK. 4. PROCLAIMING MUNICIPAL CLERKS' WEEK. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ZONE CHANGE 77-3 To consider rezone of property at 240 and 270 Pasadena to R-3 District. Report and reco~Tar~endations presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 7:55 p.m. There being no protests or comments the bearing was declared closed. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar that the Council uphold the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and direct the City Attorney to draft the nec- essary ordinance approving zone change for subject property. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. 2. ZONE CHANGE 77-4 To consider rezoning certain property on San Juan between Newport and Orange to R-3 (2000). Report and recommendations presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 8:00 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the hearing was declared closed. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh that Council uphold the findings of the Planning Commission and approve Zone Change 77-4 to Multi-~Family R-3 (2000) District and direct the City Attorney to prepare the~necessary ordinance. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltaretli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page two 3. PREZONE 77-3 To consider prezoning a portion of unincorporated area on Orange between Bonita and San Juan to R-3 (2000). Report and recommendations presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 8:05 p.m. Mr. N. Miyamoto requested that Commercial zoning be placed on 4 lot depth facing Newport Avenue. Mr. James Welmouth, representing his parents, owners of 3 lots on Walnut, stated he felt consideration of prezoning should be deferred until such time as property is annexed to the City. He concurred that Council should have depth of 4 lots east of Newport all zoned Commercial. There being no further comments Or objections, the hearing was declared closed at 8:10 p.m. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that staff recommendations be implemented with stipulation that 4 lot depth from Newport left for Commercial. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. VI. PUBLIC CONCERNS 1. INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS, INC. Mr. Chuck Jeffs presented a community assistance program on any projects from his firm stating they provide technical information etc. free of charge. They would need a letter setting forth specific requests. Council discussed uses for this service, including a mech- anical way to have one lighting district in area to give certain efficiency if areas annexed have logical boundaries. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that letter listing concerns be sent to Technical Community Assistance Program. Carried. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 18, 1977 regular meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $518,983.38 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in amount of $57,490.02 3. RESOLUTION NO. 77-47 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin California, URGING THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO RESTORE THE CITIES' PREVIOUS 20% SHARE OF SALES AND USE TAX REVENUE. Adoption as recommended by staff. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 77-50 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-94 FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY FASHION LANE AND FIRST STREET. Adoption as recommended by planning. Commission. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page three 5. RESOLUTION NO. 77-49 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MCFADDEN AVENUE F.A.U PROJECT M-M033(1) AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Adoption as recommended by City Engineer. 6. R/W ACQUISITION SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM (AHFP) PROJECT Authorize Donahue and Co., Inc., no proceed with preparation of appraisal reports and provide right- of-way acquisition services as recommended by City Engineer. 7. APPOINTMENT OF LABOR NEGOTIATOR Approval as recomraended. 8. NEW CONTRACT FOR REFUSE DISPOSAL Authorization for execution of agreem. ent with Great Western Reclamation as recommended. 9. CANDY SALE - PARKS AND iECREATION GIRLS' CLUB Permission for Parks and Recreation Department Girls' Club to sell candy to cover cost of a special excur- sion as recommended by Parks and Recreation Director. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that all items on Consent Calendar be approved. Carried unanimously. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION 1. ORDINANCE NO. 719 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, REZONING PROPERTY ON APPLICATION NO. 77-2 OF MAURER DEVELOPMENT. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 719 have second reading by title. Carried unanimously. Moved b~ Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 719 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 720 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City Of Tustin, California, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 155 RELATIVE TO WEED ABATEMENT. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Saltarelli, that Ordinance No. 720 have second reading by title. Carried unanimously. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 720 be passed and adopted. Carried by roll call. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Noes: none. Absent: none. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page four IX. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION 1. ORDlNANCE NO. 721 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, amending the tustin city code relative to the licens- ing and regulation of ambulances. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Ordinance No. 721 have first reading ~E.titlet Carried unanimously. Moved by Welsh, seconded bZ_Sattarel!i, that Ordinance No. 72] be introduced. Carried. X. OLD BUSINESS 1. AIRPORT E.I.R. Repor~ presented by Mr. Bopf. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that the City reaf- firm its position, and the resolution submitted in November 1976, and indicate that it strongly objecEs to the imple- mentatio~ of the preferential runway. Carried. 2. HEALTH SERVICE AGREEMENT Moved by Saltarelli, secondea by Edgar, that the City Admin- istrator be authorized zo communzcate to the County Health Department indicating that the Council wishes to continue its contract relationship with no ~xpans~on of items as con- tained in Cotnnty communzcation dated April 14, 1977. Carried. 3. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION FINDING DISPOSAL OF ' THE YOUTH CENTER IN CONFORMANCE WITH GENERAL PLAN Moved by Saltarelti, seconded by Welsh, that findings of the Planning Commission as contained in their Resolution No. 1620 be received and filed. Carried. 4. SALE OF YOUTH CENTER SITE RESOLUTION NO. 77-48 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin California, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND CONVENIENCE REQUIRE THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT AN IRREGULAR SHAPED LOT AT 600 WEST SIXTH STREET, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE TUSTIN YOUTH CENTER. Moved by Saltarelti, seconded by Welsh, that Resolution No. 77-48, soliciting bids for the Youth Center site be adopted and staff directed no contact all interested Public & Insti- tutional users who may be interested in the propermy. Carried. Mr. Glenn Barnes spoke on behalf of proposal submitted by Tustin Baptist Council, Council concurred that no proposals should be considered until after bids are in. 5. BICYCLE LICENSING Council questioned why licensing was not required by the County and possibility of Sheriff's Department contracting to pay costs ~or City licensing County residents. Moved by Sattarelli, seconded by Welsh, that this matter be continued for more information. Carried. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page five 6. CONSORTIUM FOR WASHINGTON LOBBYIST Moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli, that the City proceed with participation in _t_hhe__consorti~m an this time. Carried. 7. S.C.A.G. MEMBERSHIP Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster that staff recommenda- tion for a t~resentation by a SCAG representative be apEroved. Motion failed. Noes: Sharp, Welsh, Saltarelli, Schuster. Ayes: Edgar. Absent: none. No further action taken. XI. NEW BUSINESS 1. REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING CENTER Moved by Schuster, seconded by Edgar, that City transmit $166.72 to the Criminal Justice Council as its share to conduct necessary studies and final decision on proceeding with training center pending outcome of this stua23' carried. 2. REQUEST TO FILL VACANCIES - FIRE DEPARTMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Schuster, that these vacancie~ be filled as requested. Council discussed rate of turnover and suggested that some thought be given to requiring a 30-day notice. Above motion carried. 3. TRAFFIC COSMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS a. Sidewalks, Irvine Boulevard Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, that staff contact propert}, owners for installation of sidewalks on a voluntar~X bas is. Carried. b. Yorba Street Speed Zone Moved by. Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that Council approve the establishment of a 40 m.p.h. speed zone along Yorba Street between irvine Boulevard and Seventeenth StreeE as recommended. Carried. 4. REPRESENTATIVE FOR COUNTY PARK MASTER PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE Council deferred appointment reconmmendations to next meeting pending suggestions of interested individuals. 5. ACCELERATED INCREASE - FIRE CAPTAIN Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, ~dnat accelerated increase from Step D to Step E be awarded to Captain Hunt as recommended. Carried. 6. DENIAL OF BUILDING PERMITS Fire Chief Holms presented repor~ on conditions of water flow in the downEown area. Dr. Fleaqle reported on application for building permit for construction of building at Sixth and "B" Streets in conjunction with Chief Nolms' concern for required fire flow. Council discussed the alternatives presented in Chief Holms' report. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page six Moved by Welsh seconded by Schuster, that Council file a formal request with the Tustin Water Works to install the required water mains. Carried. 7. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CONFERENCE Report received, no action taken. 8. ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Council concurred that a letter be sent to Mr. A1 Holiinden, Chairman, Orange County Tr,%nsportation Comaaission~ support- ing the Technical Advisory Committee as the Advisory Commit- tee to the Orange County Transportation Commission, pro- viding the City of Tcst~n is represented on the Technical Advisory Committee as a regular men~0er through the appoint- ment of City Engineer, Bob Ledendecker. 9. N.E.O.C.C.S. Councilman Edgar requested positive direction be taken sup- porting alternate route bypass=ng Tustin. Council requested a staff study and report with this matter agendized for next requ!ar meeting. XII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. H.U.D. Mr. Bopf presented report on letter received from Department of Housing and Urban Developmenn relative to Housing Assist- ance Program. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that a public hearing on this matter be noticed for May 16th meeting. Carried. 2. CENSUS CERTIFICATION Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that the Assistant City Administrator, Community Development, be authorized to request a certification of the current population figures from the State of California Deparrmenn of Finance. Carried. 3. PRELIMINARY BUDGET Mr. Bop__f informed the Council that the preliminary budget would be delivered ~o ~e Council Friday May 6, and a work- shop could be scheduled for the week of May 9. Time and date of meeting to be coordinated with City Administrator's secretary. 4. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Mr. Bopf presented written report from the City Attorney explaiPing risks and benefits of law requiring states to enact unemployment insurance legislation for public employ- ees. Included was correspondence relative to terms and conditions under which a city may participate in the liti- gation to challenge the constitutionality of this law enacted by Congress. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar~ that the City par- ticipane in this lawsuit as requested. Carried. 5. FINANCIAl REVIEW - PURCHASE OF TUSTIN WATER WORKS Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Battle Wells Associates be authorized to proceed with this review at a cost not to exceed $2,000. Carried. Council Minutes 5/2/77 Page 7 6. REALIGNMENT OF MOULTON PARK'WAY Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, that staff be auth- orized to submit a proposal for the realignment of Moulton Parkway through the easterly portion of the Marine Corps Air Station (Helicopter) in accordance with diagrams ~e_L- sented. C~rried. 7. MOTHERS DAY BREAKFAST - LIONS CLUB Council concurred that proclamation of conlmendation be pre- sente~ to the Tustin Lions Club at the annual Mothers Day Breakfast. 8. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE Council requested a/proclamation be prepared cormmending the Tustin Assistance League. 9. EQUIPMENT NEEDS - MAINTENANCE FACILITY It was requested that staff look into e~aipment that could be used jointly with the School ~intenance Yard. 10. SENATE BILL 170 Consideratron of this funding to be held to next meeting for further status report for Columbus Tustin Park. 11. LIQUID NATURAL GAS Resolution of support to be prepared. 12. SIGN CONTROL Council concurred that authorization for time of two to three hours on weekends be authorized. 13. OCTD PROPOSALS Correspondence and proposals to be duplicated and sent to each Councilman. 14. PYLON SIGN - EL CAMINO REAL Dr. Fleagle stated that the old identification sign would be removed as a condition of redevelopment permits. XII!. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Sharp declared the meeting adjourned to meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and thence to next regular meez- ing of May 16, 1977. MAYOR ~tTY CLERK