HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 G.P. AMEND 94-001 11-20-95DATE: NO. 3 1]-20-95 · Inter-Com NOVEMBER 20, 1995 TO: FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-001, ZONE CHANGE 94-004, SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (IRVINE SUBJECT: COMPANY) RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT There are no fiscal impacts associated with this project, as this is an applicant initiated project. The applicant has paid application fees to recover the cost of processing this application. BACKGROUND The Irvine Company originally proposed to make several amendments to the Land Use Plan and text of .the East Tustin Spec~fic~ Plan (ETSP) primarily related to three separate vacant parcels within the ETSP area. The City Council provided direction to the applicant that the original proposed increase in the percentage of apartments from 25% to 28.4% would not be suppOrted. The applicant submitted a revised project proposal which was referred back to the Planning Commission to review and make a recommendation on the revised project proposal pursuant to Government Code Section 65857. On October 9, 1995, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council by Minute Motion (Attachment A) approval of an alternate project proposal. The Planning Commission's Minute Motion contains a description of all the various elements of their recommendation to the City Council. On October 16, 1995, the City Council provided direction to staff to revise the environmental documentation and notice the public hearing for this project to consider both The Irvine Company's revised proposal, as well as, the Planning Commission's recommendation which has been done. In addition, the attached Ordinances have been.prepared to highlight options available related to the various outstanding issues to help facilitate any direction that the City Council's may wish to provide on this project. City Council Report GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 2 No specific development plans have been proposed with the amendments at this time. Pursuant to the provisions of the ETSP, the Planning Commission and City Council would have the opportunity~ to review and approve the specific development plans through the City's tentative map process. A 1/8 page'display ad public hearing notice identifying the time, date, and location of the public hearing for the project was published in the Tustin News. In addition and pursuant to Section 3.14 of the ETSP, all property owners within Sectors 6, 8 and 11, as well as, within 300 feet of Sectors 6, 8, and 11, were notified of the hearing by mail and notices were posted on the sites, Tustin City Hall and the Police Department. The applicant was informed of the availability of a staff report for this item. DISCUSSION A summary of The Irvine Company's "original" proposal, the "revised" proposal dated August 21, 1995, the "modified" proposal dated October 9, 1995 and the Planning Commission's recommendation has been included in Attachment B.. As the City Council is aware, much of the'discussion related to the' project has focused on the 40 acre former High School site (Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315). The Irvine Company's modified proposal, as suggested in Alternative 4, as it relates to the former High School site would: Create one "Medium Density For-Sale" site for an attached or detached product at the corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Irvine Blvd.; one "Medium Density Apartment" site for apartments away from Tustin Ranch Road; one "Medium-Low Density" site for a detached product along Heritage Way; and a "Neighborhood Park" site at the corner of Tusti~ Ranch Road and Heritage Way. Permit up to a total of 533 dwelling units on the former High School site at an average density of 13.3 dwelling units per acre 'instead of 12..8 units per acre as originally proposed. ~Permit. up to 400 apartment units on the proposed "Medium Density Apartment" site, all of which would be two stories in height, instead of up to 4J9 apartment as indicated in the August 21, 1995 revised proposal and the 350 apartments on a "Medium-High" Density Site recommended by the Planning Commission to the City Council on June 5, 1995. City Council Report GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 3 Require a 2-story townhome or single-family detached product on the "Medium Density For-Sale" site at no more than 16 dwelling units per acre. Provide a 3.6 acre park site instead of the 5 acre proposed to the City Council on June 5, 1995. The Irvine Company has not proposed to increase the size of the park, nor did they make any firm commitment to the Planning Commission to develop or financially contribute to the improvement of the park. They did state to the Planning Commission that they were prepared to discuss this issue with. the City Council and perhaps discuss a possible donation toward improvement costs. The 3.6 acres would be dedicated on the High School site. The Company proposal would require the City to be responsible for the design and construction of the 3.6 acre site. On November 14, 1995, The Irvine Company provided in writing revisions to the Development Agreement that they would agree to commit to the provision of a contribution toward the development of the park site as follows: "The Developer will contribute Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) toward improvement of the New Park, which sum shall be payable to the City on the later to occur of (i) issuance of the first building permit for an apartment unit on the Medium Density Site, and (ii) City's publication of a request for proposals for a public contract to be let by City for the improvement of the New Park." These revisions have not been incorporated into the draft Development Agreement language at this time. Staff would be prepared to respond to any direction the Council may wish to provide related to this issue at the conclusion of the public hearing. Staff in any event would have concerns related to the timing of payment which will need to be further negotiated. The proposed land use designations would be arranged as generally depicted in Alternative 4 prepared by The Irvine Company. The Company proposes to have actual acreage devoted to each designation more precisely determined at the time a Sector Level subdivision map is proposed. The original development proposal included a Sector Level subdivision map (Tentative Tract Map 15055). However, given the nature of the proposed modifications, that Sector Level Map would require significant technical revisions. It is the City Council Report GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 4 desire of The Irvine Company to complete the processing of the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and Amendment to the Development Agreement at this time. A revised Sector Level subdivision map would be subsequently processed concurrently with the first builder level development plan for the former high school site. The Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council, as suggested in Alternate 3, as it relates to the former High School site and the differences with Alternate 4 bolded and can be summarized as follows: Create one "Medium-Low Density" site for a single-family detached product at the corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Irvine Blvd.; one "Medium Density Apartment" site for apartments away from Tustin Ranch Road; one "Medium-Low Density" site for a single-family detached product along Heritage Way; and a "Neighborhood Park" site at the corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. Permit up to a total of 533 dwelling units on the former High School site at an average density of 13.3 dwelling units per acre. Permit up to 400 apartment units on the proposed "Medium Density Apartment" site, all of which would be two stories in height. Require a 3.6 acre park site to be both dedicated and improved by The Irvine Company. Include revisions to the required parking rates of the ETSP in the Estate District, and guest rates in the Medium-Low, Medium, Medium-High, and Patio Home land use designations as originally recommended to the City Council on June 5, 1995. The Company continues at this time to not support, any amendments to the parking standards in the Specific Plan to provide additional parking spaces in multi-family.and patio home projects, as recommended by the Planning Commission some months ago. Their position is that amendments to the Specific Plan can not be adopted without their agreement pursuant to the East Tustin Development Agreement. Although the Planning Commission's recommendation would authorize up to the same maximum number of units at 533 on the former High School site as proposed by The Irvine Company, the recommended Medium-Low land use designation adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road would City Council Report GPA '94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 5 require a single-family detached product at a maximum of 10 dwelling units per acre. The ML land use designation was intended by the Planning Commission to provide a greater transition in density and product type between the existing Low Density~ single- family detached developments across Tustin Ranch Road to the west and the proposed Medium Density apartment site on the eastern portion of the High School site adjacent to Irvine Boulevard. The ML designation would provide a lower density on this portion of the site compared to The Irvine Company's proposal for a "Medium Density For-Sale" site at a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre. In summary, the Irvine Company's modified proposal and the Planning Commission's recommendation differ with respect to the following elements: Land Use Designation on HS site Adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road Park Site Parking Standards Irvine Planning Company Commission Medium Density "For-Sale" Product @ 16 units/acre max. Dedicate a 3.6 acre park site No changes proposed Medium-Low Density Single Family Detached @ 10 units/acre max. Dedicate and Improve a 3.6 acre park site Increase Estate~parking, and guest rates in ML, M, MH and Patio Home developments Other significant provisions of the modified development proposal remain unchanged, from the August 21, 1995 revised proposal and are also consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation which are highlighted below as follows: The Irvine Company would agree to a cap on residential development of 8,058 units in Tustin Ranch. This represents a 12% reduction from the current maximum entitlement of 9,178 units. The Development Agreement would be amended to provide that the maximum number of residential units in Tustin Ranch can not exceed 8,'058. As part of any Development Agreement Amendments, The Irvine Company proposes to: Reduce the setback area along Tustin Ranch Road from the 50 feet originally proposed to 35 feet of.which 10 feet will be for right-of-way, leaving an actual landscape setback of 25 feet. City Council Report GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 6 The proposal provides that any further conversion of apartments to condominiums could not result in a reduction of units used to compute the 25 percent cap on apartments. In other words, the apartments proposed for the High School site would be the last apartment project. The revised proposal would not change the originally proposed Medium-Low land use designation for Lot 6. However, the Company has proposed to cap the number of units authorized for development on this site to 71 units or a density of 7.1 dwelling units per acre instead'of the 100 units originally proposed. The revised proposal would not change the proposed Medium-High density designation requested for'the General Commercial site (Lot 27). The development would be an ownership product and up to 350 attached units would be authorized instead of the original 399 apartment units proposed to the City Council on June 5, 1995. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Based upon review of both The Irvine Company's modified proposal, as well as, the Planning Commission's recommendation in conjunction with EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, Addendum #5 has been prepared to make the EIR adequate and has been included as Attachment C. Pursuant to Section 15146 of the California Environmental Quality Act, an addendum is required for this project in that: a · Onlyminor technical changes to the trip generation tables of EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, are required to make the EIR adequate; and b. Minor text and map changes to the East Tustin Specific Plan and changes to the Development Agreement do not raise new issues about significant effects on the environment which have previously been discussed and mitigated in EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda. The traffic analysis conducted as part of Addendum #5 indicates that both the Planning Commission's recommended prOject and The Irvine Company's modified project would generate the same.amount of traffic. This is a result of the Medium Density and the Medium-Low Density Land Use Designations generating the same amount of vehicle City Council Report GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Development Agreement Amendment November 20, 1995 Page 7 trips/day/unit as defined by EIR 85-2. Both alternatives establish a maximum cap of 533 units on the former High School site at worst case. In addition, the proposed land use changes on the former High School site also represent an approximate 11% reduction in traffic generation from that which could have been anticipated if the site was developed with a high school. CONCLUSION Should the City Council wish to approve the project,, an appropriate environmental certification resolution and other necessary resolutions and ordinances have been prepared with alternatives between the Planning Commission's recommendation and The Irvine Company's proposal highlighted to help facilitate any necessary revisions. In the event that the Council wishes to provide any alternate direction, staff will be prepared to provide Ordinances and Resolutions as requested. ~.~i~CDanlel Fox ---P Senior Planner CA'S: D F: br: GPA94001. C08 Attachments: A - Planning Commission Minute Order B - Development Proposal Comparison. C - Addendum #5 to EIR 85-1 Resolution Nos. 95-44 and 95-114 Ordinance Nos. 1148 and 1150 ATTACHMENT A PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTE ORDER Planning Cornmission Minutes Minute Order A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California was held on October 9, 1995. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kasalek, Bone, Lunn, Mitzmah and vandaveer SUBJECT: GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT · The Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed changes to General Plan Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004 and the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement pursuant to Government Code Section 65857 and recommends to the'City Council approval of the following: · General Plan Amendment 94-001 - A request to change the Land Use Designations of the City's General Plan Land Use Map on the following properties: Be Lot 27 of Tract 13627 - To change the Land Use Designation on a 19 acre portion of the 31 acre property from PC Commercial Business to PC Residential; and Lot 6 of Tract 12870 - To change the Land Use Designation on a 10 acre property from Public & Institutional to PC Residential. · Zone Change 94-004 - A request to change the' Zoning Designations of the City's Zoning Map on the following properties: A· Be Lot 27 of Tract 13627 - To change the Zoning Designation on a 19 acre portion of the. 31 acre property from PC Commercial to PC Residential; and Parcel 2 of Parcel 'Map 88-315 - To change the Zoning Designation on a 40 acre property from PC Community Facility to PC Residential. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Commission Minute Order GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Second Amendment to ET Development Agreement October 9, 1995 Page 2 · Amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan· - A request to change the ETSP as follows: A· Lot 27 of Tract 13627 - To change the ETSP Land Use Designation on a 19 acre portion of the 31 acre property from General Commercial to Medium-High Density Residential; Be Lot ~ of Tract 12870 - To redesignate a 10 acre property which is currently designated for an Elementary School to include an underlying Medium-Low Density Residential Land Use Designation; Ce Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 - To change the ETSP Land Use Designation on a 40 acre parcel from High School identified as Alternative' 3 shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and generally described as follows: approximately 22.6 acres to be changed to Medium Density Residential; and approximately 17.4.acres to be changed to Medium-Low Density Residential with a 3.6 net acre Neighborhood Park site to be identified at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way with the final site configuration of the park to be subject to final approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City'Council; and De A variety of amendments to the ETSP text and statistical summaries to reflect the above noted changes to provide consistency between the Land Use Map and the text of the Specific Plan document and specifically include: E · 1) A maximum of 350 attached units on Lot 27 of Tract 13627; 2) A maximum of 71 single-family detached units on Lot 6 of Tract 12870; and 3) A maximum of 400 apartment units with a maximum total of 533 units on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88- 315. , Amendment to the ETSP text shall include changes to Section 3.10.1.C as originally recommended to the City Council related to the amount of required parking in the Estate District, and guest parking rates Within the Medium-Low, Medium, Medium-High and Patio Home designations as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. Planning commission Minute Order GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Second Amendment to ET Development Agreement October 9, 1995 Page 3 · Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Aqreement - A request to amend the East Tustin Development Agreement related to the following: A· Lots 16/17 of Tract 13627 - To require the Developer to dedicate approximately .18 acres of land area on Lot 17 to accommodate a parking lot for the future neighborhood park on Lot 16; Be Lot 27 of Tract 13627 - Eliminate the requirement for a 250 ~room hotel including a non-competitive clause between the City limits, Portola Parkway, Culver Drive and Myford Road; and modify the phasing Schedule to reflect the elimination of the hotel; Ce Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 - Provide a two-story product type within the Medium Density Land Use Designation; provide a 35 foot landscaped setback along Tustin Ranch Road; and improve and dedicate to the City a 3.6 acre neighborhood park with the actual park location and design of site 'improvements subject to approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. In providing direction in the requirement for The Irvine Company to both dedicate and improve the park site, the Commission qualified the requirement for park improvement as a negotiated condition for the City's rezoning of the property and also in recognition of certain equalizing issues being examined in conjunction with the refinance of Assessment District bonds for District 85-1 (as opposed to a Quimby Act obligation); and De General Provisions - Provide condo conversion language related to the 25% apartment limitation; reduce the total allowed number of units within the East Tustin Specific Plan area and Tract 12345 from 9,178 units to 8,058 units. The 8,058 unit cap~ would not be used in calculating the 25%~ apartment limitation. Planning Commission Minute Order GPA 94-001, ZC 94-004, Second Amendment to ET Development Agreement October 9, 1995 Page 4 Commissioner Bone moved, Vandaveer seconded, to-recommend to the City Council approval of the proposed revisions to General Plan Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004 and the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement pursuant to Government Code Section 65857, as stated above. Motion carried 3-0, Lunn and Mitzman Abstained. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Barbara Reyes, Recording Secretary of the Tustin Planning Commission do hereby certify the foregoing to be the official action taken by the Planning Commission at the above meeting. Recording Secretary --i ITl Z IT! ---t m Z MYFORD ROAD ITl -- -- -- -- z r- ~. :z:: Z T '"" ~ m G") m ..< m T Z Z o ~ 0 0 i'-' EXHIBIT A Ce District ,(ETSP Paqe 3-47) Residential Off-Street Parking Spaces Covered R equ i red Ass i gned Spaces/Uni t Estate ~i 2 3. ;2 Car Garage Low 1. Sector 80 9, 10 2 2 Car Garage 2. Sector 2 2 2 Car Garage Medium Low 2 2 Car G, arage Medium & Medium Hioh Crcd': t for Guest/ Unass i gned 2 per unit per unit per unit ~-~ per unit ~-Strcc~ 1. Detached 2 2 Car Garage 1 ~-5 per unit 2. Attached Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport~ (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) tipte Famity (apartments) Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1Bedrocx~ 1.5 I Carport (1) 2 Bedrocxn 2.0 2 4 Carport (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) 3. Mu[ Patio Homes(2) 1-3 Bedrc~ms 2.0 2 Car Garage ~!75 .-5 per unit Bedrooms 2.5 2 Car Garage ~:':'~-5 per unit (1) Attached singte ramify and muttipte family devetopments shat[ provide a minimum of ~!5 ~.2-5 per unit open unassigned parkin9 spaces for 4 or more dwelling units. If a two ca~""e~ctosed private garage is provided, a guest parking standard of ~i75.-~ open unassigned spaces per unit sha[t appty. ' (2) Required guest parkirKj for Patio Home products must I:e tocated within a 200 foot radius measured from the nearest building frontage facing a street, drive or court of the designated unit which the parking space is inter~Jed to serve. (3)::+.i..i i it:ii ii&ueS tyunass i gned.:parking maybe -Provi tied on 'pub'[ :ii ~ !!Or!Pr ira t ei:.:s .............. UaY iex ist s ~ ! :ex,apt.ti::i i~':i'{'fie C~se'Of ia t t ached a'~ :mU [!~'~ 'p [';:~: ~ i ~i t t. · n°t ' be penni t ted::°n"l:"~bt i c streets.' EXHIBIT B ATTACHMENT B DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL COMPARISONS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL COMPARISONS ATTACHMENT B GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-001 ORIGINAL PROPOSAL REVISED PROPOSAL (AUGUST 21, 1995) MODIFIED PROPOSAL (OCTOBER 9, 1995) 19 acres from Commercial to Residential I Lot 27, Tract 13627 Lot 6, Tract 1 2870 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (OCTOBER 9, 1995) Sallie Public & Institutional to Residential [ Same Same I Same ORIGINAL PROPOSAL 19 acres from Commercial to Residential Community Facility to Residential ZONE CHANGE 94-004 REVISED PROPOSAL (AUGUST 21, 1995) MODIFIED PROPOSAL (OCTOBER 9, 1995) PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (OCTOBER 9, 1995) Lot 27, Tract 13627 SazIl¢ Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 Sam~ Same ORIGINAL PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS REVISED PROPOSAL (AUGUST 21, 1995) MODIFIED PROPOSAL (OCTOBER 9, 1995) Lot 27, Tract 13627 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (OCTOBER 9, 1995) Eliminate 250 room hotel Provide non-competitive hotel clause Modify phasing schedule to reflect elimination of hotel S~me Salne Same Same San'le Same Same Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-'315 Dedicate & construct 5 acre park Dedicate 3.6 acre park Dedicate and Improve 3.6 acre park 50' landscape setback on Tustin Ranch Rd Two-story appearanc~ on Tustin Ranch Rd & 50% on Irvine Blvd Dedicate 3.6 acre park 35' landscape setback on Tustin Ranch Increase perimeter landscaping Removed Lots 17/18 of Tract 13627 35' landscape setback on Tnstin Ranch 2 ~tory product/Medium Density Sites For-Sale product adjacent t6 Tnstin Ranch Road Removed 35' landscape setback on Tustin Ranch 2 story product/Medium Density Site Single-Family Detached adjacent to Tnstin Ranch Road Removed I Release 2.7 acre reserved park site I Dedicate. 18 acres for park parking lot I I General Provisions Same Same Increase % apartments to 28.4% 9,178 units total entitled for Tustin Ranch No request; would agree to condo conversion language 8,0~8 ~mit~ Total at buildout No request; would agree to condo conversion language -8,058 units Total at build0ut No request; would agree to condo conversion language 8,058 units Total at buildout ORIGINAL PROPOSAL SPECIFIC PLAN REVISED PROPOSAL' (AUGUST 21, 1995) AMENDMENTS MODIF[ED PROPOSAL (OCTOBER 9, 1995) Lot 27, Tract 13627 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (OCTOBER 9, 1995) 19 acres to Medium-High Density 25 da/ac Not to exceed 399 apartments Same Same Max. of 350 attached units ~ 25 du/ac Same Same Max. of 350 attached units ~ 25 da/ac Same Same Max.of 350 attached units (~ 25 da/ac Lot 6, Tract 12870 Medium-Low Density underlying 10 da/ac Not to exceed jO0 units Same Same Max. of 71 units (~ 7.1 du/ac Same Same Max. of 71 units ~ 7.1 da/ac Same Same Max. of 71 units ~ 7.1 da/ac Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 16.7 acres to Medium-High Density 25 du/ac not to exceed 350 apartments 16.3 acres to Medium-Low Density 10 da/ac Not to exceed 163 units 5 acre park Total of 513 units proposed ~ average density for 40 acres = 12.8 da/ac Increased parking rates 24.38 acre~ to Medium Density 18 du/ac Max. of 439 apartments (~ 18 du/ac 12.02 acres of Medium-Low Density Same Max. of 94 units (~ 7.1 da/ac 3.6 acre park Total of 533 units proposed (~ average density for 40 acre ~ite = 13.3 du/ac Removed Medium Density Apartment Site - Max. of 400 apartments ~ 18 du/ac Medium Density For-Sale Site - Min. of 39 units ~ 16 du/ac Medium-Low Density; Max. of 94 units ~ 7.1 da/ac 3.6 acre park site Total of 533 units proposed ~ average density for 40 acre site + 13.3 da/ac Removed 22.6 acre Medium Density Apartment Site - Max. of 400 apartment units ~ 18 du/ac 17.4 Medium-Low Density (~ 10 da/ac 3.6 acre park dedicated and improved Total of 533 units proposed ~ average density for 40 acre site = 13.3 da/ac Increased parking rates ATTACHMENT C ADDENDUM NO. TO EIR 85-'1 5 INITIAL STUD Y AND ADDENDUM EIR #5 FOR: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 94-001 ZONE CHANGE (ZC) 94-004, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN Prepared fo r: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92680 Prepared By: The Keith Companies 2955 Red Hill Avenue Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 November 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I .......................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PURPOSE .......................................................................... 1-1 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION ........................................................... 1-1 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................... 1-2 SECTION II ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ................ 2-1 SECTION III DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION3-1 APPENDIX A East Tustin Specific Plan Text Modifications APPENDIX B Traffic Impact Evaluation, Tustin Unified School District CorreSpondence APPENDIX C Proposed Second Amendment to East Tustin Development Agreement 9995-S F J- 12557.001- ETS P 11/9/95 -i- LIST OF FIGURES DESCRIPTION PAGE Figure 1-1 Existing Land Use Plan ............................................................................. 1-4 Figure 1-2 Proposed Land Use Plan & Location Map ....................................................... 1-5 Figure 1-3 GPA 94-001, Exhibit A ............................................................................. 1-6 Figure 1-4 GPA 94-001, Exhibit B ............................................................................. 1-7 Figure 1-5 ZC 94-004, Exhibit A ............................................................................... 1-8 Figure 1-6 ZC 94-004, Exhibit B ............................................................................... 1-9 9995-SFJ-12557.001-ETSP 11/9/95 -ii- LIST OF TABLES DESCRIPTION PAGE Table 1-i Entitlement Modifications ........................................................................... 1-3 Table A-2 East Tustin Phase II Land Use ..................................................................... 3-20 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9195 ooo -111- SECTION I 1.1 PURPOSE According to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164 (a), the Lead Agency shall prepare an addendum to an EIR if none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred; only minor technical changes or additions are necessary to make the EIR under consideration adequate under CEQA and the changes to the EIR made by the addendum do not raise important new issues about significant effects on the environment. This addendum evaluates land use revisions that were originally considered in the East Tustin Specific Plan Final EIR 85-2, prepared by Michael Brandman Associates in 1985 .and as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda. FEIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, is currently available at the City of Tustin Community Development Department. Given that the proposed changes do not raise new issues about significant impacts on the environment, this environmental assessment has been prepared as an addendum to Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 85-2. An addendum to the previous EIR need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR. The City Council should consider the addendum with the previous final EIR prior to making a decision on the project. Together, Final EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, and this addendum are intended to serve as documents that will generally inform decision makers and the general public of any significant environmental effects of proposed project changes and subsequent mitigation measures. Final EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, is hereby incorporated by reference into this addendum. Listed below is a discussion of the project location and description of the proposed changes to the East Tustin Specific Plan, East Tustin Development Agreement, City's Zoning Map, and Land Use Map of the City's General Plan. Section II includes the environmental checklist outlining potential impacts that may or may not contribute to significant environmental effects. Section III provides discussion of the environmental checklist and identifies any differences between land use modifications and that discussed in Final EIR 85-2, as modified by' subsequently adopted supplements and addenda. 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 1-1 1.2 PROJECT LOCATION The project site is located in Sectors 2,6,8, and 11 of the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP) area of the City of Tustin (see Figure 1-1). Sector 2 is located at northernmost portion of the specific plan area and is bounded by Peters Canyon Regional Park on the west and Jamboree Road to the east. Sector 6 is bounded by Tustin Ranch Road on the north and west, Portola Parkway to the south and Jamboree Road to the east. Sector 8 is bounded by the City Limits to the west and north, Tustin Ranch Road to the east and La Colina Drive to the south. Sector 11 is bounded by Bryan Avenue to the south, Jamboree Road to the east, Irvine Boulevard to the north and Tustin Ranch Road to the west. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project consists of a General Plan Amendment (GPA 94o001), Zone Change (ZC 94-004) and the second Amendment to the East Tustin Specific Plan Development Agreement for a variety of land use modifications throughout the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP) area. These proposed Specific Plan Text changes are specified in detail in Appendix A. The proposed second amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement is included as Appendix C. The proposed land use modifications are depicted on Figure 1-2. Proposed entitlement modifications are outlined in Table I-1 and are depicted in Figures 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, and 1-6. These entitlements will result in a transfer of dwelling units from one sector to another and therefore, will not increase the overall number of dwelling units permitted by the East Tustin Specific Plan (7,950 total units) and the Phase I Residential Area (1,228 total units), for a maximum entitlement of 9,178 units in Tustin Ranch. In effect, three sites which currently permit the construction of a high school, one elementary school and 72,000 square feet of general commercial use are proposed to be designated for residential use. As part of the proposed Development Agreement Amendments, the applicant has agreed to a maximum buildout cap of 8,058 units in Tustin Ranch which represents a twelve percent (12%) reduction from the current maximum entitlement of 9,178 units. 9995-SFJ- 12557.001-ETSP 11/9/95 1-2 r~ ~m - E _' = .. Irvine Ave. I i Barranca Rd. LEGEND _~] I~.AN ~ECTOR$ CHANGED AREAS EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN EXISTING LAND USE PLAN Figure 1-1 E LEGEND REFER TO FIGURE 1-4 & 1-6 REFER TO FIGURE 1-3 INSTTTUTIONA .L/RECflEATIONAL [--~-'~ blXEO USE [-~-'] Q.P.A. · Z:ONINQ LANO LLSE AREA REFER TO FIGURE 1-5 ALTERNATE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS CONSIDERED EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN & LOCATION MAP Figure 1- 2 TOWNSHIP DRIVE RAWLINGS ~ SITE '- EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL .OT 6 OF TRACT 12870 A.P.#: 501-093-16 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN GPA 94-001 EXHIBIT A' Figure 1-3 EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL.,/ PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS LOT 27 OF TRACT 13627 A.P.#: 502-452-01 -- SOURCE:CITY OF TUSTIN ii EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PL.AN GPA 94-001 EXHIBIT B Figure 1-4 IRVINE SITE EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMUNITY FACILITY PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 88-315 A.P.~: 500-221-02 A.P.#: 500-221.-03 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT A Figure 1-5 LU EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMERCIAL PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL.,tPC COMMERCIAL Lot 27 of Tract 13627 A.P. 502-452-01 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT B Figure 1-6 SECTION II ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 2.1 Background The proposed General Plan Amendments, Zone Change, East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments and East Tustin Development Agreement. Amendment are a reconfiguration of previously approved land uses for the project site. Proposed residential dwelling units will not exceed residential unit totals discussed and analyzed in Final EIR 85-2 as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda. In fact the modifications requested will establish a buildout dwelling unit cap of 8,058 units which represents a twelve percent (12%) reduction in the maximum entitlement for Tustin Ranch. The proposed elimination of some public institutional and commercial type uses are not expected to result in any new significant environmental impacts to the site that were not considered in EIR 85-2 as subsequently modified by adopted supplements and addenda. Following is an analysis which will document the additions and the magnitude of additions to determine impacts of the project proposal. 2.2 Environmental Checklist Form Differences in environmental impacts between the p~oposed land use revisions and the land uses that were proposed in Final EIR 85-2 as subsequently modified by adopted supplements and addenda have been summarized in Section III of this Addendum EIR. Determining whether a project may have a significant effect on the environment and the subsequent checking of a "yes", "no", or "maybe" on the checklist form is critical to the CEQA process. Section 15064 (b) of the CEQA Guidelines specifically states that "the determination of whether a project may have a significant effect on the environment calls for careful judgment on the part of the public agency involved, based to the extent possible on scientific and factual data. An ironclad definition of significant effect is not possible because the significance of an activiw may vary with the setting." In the case of the proposed project a considerable amount of technical data was available (Final EIR 85-2 as subsequently modified by adopted supplements and addenda) to determine potential environmental impacts. In those cases where considerable technical and factual data was available to determine that the project will not create an adverse impact to the environment a "no" determination was given. In those cases, such as land use, when there was no question the projects intent was to modify land uses, a "yes" determination was given. In those cases where additional study or research was necessary (such as transportation/circulation) the item was checked "maybe". A conservative approach was taken in the preparation of the checklist insofar as if there was any question of a "no" or "maybe" determination.the preparers of the study determined that there may be a possibility of an impact and selected "maybe" 9995-S F J- 12557.001 -ETSP I 1/9/95 2-1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FOR3/I PROJECT LOCATION: PROJECT ADDRESS: Tustin Oranqe City County East Tustin Specific Plan Area DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The project proposes to amend existing general plan and zone designations for a variety of properties throughout the East Tustin Specific Plan Area, including text and map amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan and modifications to the East Tustin Development Agreement. This project will not increase the number of dwelling units permitted to be built by the specific plan, but will provide more land area for those units by modifying other land uses and densities. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Y~' Maybe No I. EARTH a) Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? _ d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? _ e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beachsands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any ban, inlet or lake? g) Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards, such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? X X X X II. AIR a) Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? _ b) The creation of objectionable odors? __ c) Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? _ X 9999-VMV-911-IS CHECKLIST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (CON'T) III. WATER Yes Maybe No Vo a) Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or freshwaters? b) Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff?. c) Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in any water body? e) Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water quality, including, but not limited to, temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f) Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? g) Change in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? h) Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for Public water supplies? i) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? PLANT LIFE a) Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b) Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare, or endangered species of plants? c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area, or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d) Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? ANEMAL LIFE a) Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds; land animals, including reptiles; fish and shellfish, benthic organisms or insects)? b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare, or endangered sPecies or animals? c) Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d) Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? VI. NOISE a) Increases in existing noise levels? b) Exposure of people to severe noise levels? LIGHT AND GLARE a) Produce new light or glare? X X x X X x X 9999-VMV-911-IS CHECKLIST ENVIRON."MENTAL IMPACTS (CON'T) VIII. LAND USE Yes Maybe No a) Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area'? IX. NATURAL RESOURCES a) Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? X. RISK OF UPSET a) A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including, but not limited to: oil, pesticides, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? b) Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? XI. POPULATION a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? XII. HOUSENG a) Affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? XIII. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION a) Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? c) Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? d) Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? e) Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f) Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians? XIV. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Fire protection? b) Police protection? c) Schools? d) Parks or other recreational facilities? e) Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? 0 Other governmental services? X X X X X X X X X X 9999-VMV-911-IS CHECKLIST ENVIRON~IENTAL IMPACTS (CON'T) XV. ENERGY a) Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? b) Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? XVI. UTILI~S AND SERVICE SYSTEMS a) Power or natural gas? b) Communications systems? c) Water? d) Sewer or septic tanks? e) Storm water drainage? f) SOlid waste and disposal? XVII. HUMAN HEALTH a) Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? b) Exposure of people to potential health hazards? X~II.,MESTH~TICS a) The obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public? b) The creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? XIx. RECREATION a) Impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? XX. CULTURAL RESOURCES a) Result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? b) Result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? c) Have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? d) Restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? Yes Maybe No X X X X X X X X 9999-VMV-911-IS CHECKLIST ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (CON'T) XXI. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Potential to degrade: Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Short-term: Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively, brief, definitive period of time. Long- term impacts will endure well into the future.? c) Cumulative: Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, but where the effect on the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) Substantial adverse: Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Y~s Maybe No X X X X 9999-VMV-911-IS CHECKLIST SECTION III DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Explanation of all Answers I. Earth Items A-D - "No": The majority of the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP) area is relatively flat (over 70% of the site is at 0 to 5 percent slope). Slopes in the northeastern area 'of the site consists of moderate hills and a small valley bottom. All properties identified in the subject modifications have previously been rough graded as part of the rough grading operations associated with the sector level maps. No significant geologic substructures are known to exist on the subject sites. No unique geologic or physical features are located in the project site modification areas. Item E- "No": Proposed land uses would add impervious surfaces to the project area but the amOunt of impervious surfaces would not be significantly different than what would be created by land uses proposed in EIR 85-2. Given that the amount of impervious surfaces would generally remain the same, it is expected that water runoff quantities would remain the same as well. Item F- "No": Project implementation will not modify or impact beachsands or river or stream channels or lake beds. Item G. "No": Exposure of people and/or property to earthquakes is inherent with living in Southern California. This project does not subject people or property to geologic hazards in any additional manner than previously addressed. Statement of Findings and Fact The proposed land use modifications will not introduce the project site to earth related hazards not previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Each significant impact can be reduced to a level of insignificance by implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in the Final EIR. A statement of overriding considerations for landform alteration and geology was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impacts, of landform alterations or geologic considerations (seismic) therefore, no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan 3-1 9995-S F J- 12557.00 I-ETSP I 1/9/95 II. Air Item A- "No"' Short-term temporary impacts would result from construction activities. Long-term impacts would result from automobile emissions. Both long and short-term impacts would be similar to impacts created by the uses proposed for the site in Final EIR 85-2. Construction activities would remain similar and the .proposed project would not create additional vehicular usage not previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Item B- "No"' The construction of residential uses will not create Objectionable odors. Residential uses are not associated with objectionable odors. Item C- "No"' The construction of the proposed project will not significantly alter air movement, or result in any change in temperature or climate either locally regionally. Statement of Findings and Fact The proposed land use modifications will not introduce new air quality impacts to the site nOt previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Impacts to air conditions can be reduced by implementation of mitigation measures as outlines in the final EIR. A statement of overriding considerations for the generation of mobile and stationary air pollutants was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed .project will not worsen the environmental impacts of airborne pollutants, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources' Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan III. Water Items A,C and D- "No": The project sites are not located in either a marine or freshwater environment and no water bodies exist on any of the sites. Portions of the ETSP area are located in both the 100 year and 500 year flood zones.. Specifically,. the 500 year flood zone area are areas of 500 year floods; areas of 100 year floods with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile: and areas protected by levees from 100 year floods. Standard mitigation measures required by the City of Tustin ensure that all structures meet all construction standards established by the National Flood Insurance Program. Items B and E- "No"' Urban land uses will affect runoff pollutants. Storm runoff from the site will result in runoff such as pesticides and herbicides (commonly the result of landscaping activities) and oil, grease and debris commonly associated with auto- related pollutants. 3-2 9995-S F J- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 Item F- "No": modifications. Direction or rate of water flow would not be affected by the proposed land use Item G- "No": EIR 85-2 noted that increases in impervious surfaces and the provision of storm drain improvements will result in less runoff percolating into the groundwater basin. In addition to reducing the volume of water recharge, project implementation will alter the character of water percolating through the soils. Ultimately the change in landscaping irrigation return water is anticipated to result in an improvement in the water quality of the groundwater basin. The proposed land use revisions will not change the quantity of groundwater nor will they impact through additions or withdrawals, °r through the interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavation change the quantity of groundwater. Item H- "No": The proposed project will use water supplies for domestic and irrigation uses, similar to those discussed in Final EIR 85-2. Item I- "No": The project site is not located in close proximity to any large body of water that could subject the site to water-related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves. Statement of Findings and Facts The proposed project will be similar in impact and scope to that of approved land uses for the site. The proposed project will not introduce and water related hazards or issues not previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Water related impacts associated with development of the site can be reduced by implementation of the mitigation measures outlined in the final EIR. A statement of overriding considerations for decreasing recharge to groundwater basins and the increase of surface runoff to on site and downstream drainage facilities was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impacts of decreased recharge to groundwater basins or' increase surface water runoff, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan IV. Plant Life .I.t. ems A,B and D- "No": All areas under project consideration have been previously rough graded. Consequently, there is no sensitive vegetation on any of the subject sites, including coastal sage scrub. Additionally, no'agricultural crops remain on any of the sites. 9995-SFJ- 12557.00 I-ETSP 11/9/95 3-3 Item C- "No": New on site plant species will be introduced to the project site, however, these species would be similar to those discussed in Final EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Facts All land use areas under consideration with the proposed project have been previously rough graded. Therefore, all native vegetation and habitat has been removed. The proposed project will not impose new impacts to existing on site vegetation. A statement of overriding considerations for the elimination of all on site agricultural vegetation and removal' of various vegetation associations was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen environmental impacts of elimination of agricultural vegetation and removal of various vegetative associations, as all of the project areas have been previously rough graded and are consequently no longer on site. Therefore, no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan V. Animal Life Items A,B and D- "No": EIR 85-2 did not identify significant animal life residing on the project site. Modifications to land uses proposed would generate similar impacts as those land uses proposed for the site in Final EIR 85-2. Item C- "No": Because land use modifications are residential in nature, it can be anticipated that domestic species of animals such as dogs and cats, will be introduced to the area. However, given existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project, domesticated animals are already present in the immediate vicinity. Statement of Finding.s and Facts There is no known fish or wildlife habitat existing on the project site. Habitat for the site has been previously rough graded and would not support significant wildlife except for domesticated animals associated with residential units. Environmental impacts can be reduced to a level of insignificance by implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan 9995-SFJ-12557.001-ETSP 3-4 VI. Noise Item A- "No": Construction activities will temporarily increase existing noise levels in the immediate vicinity of the project area. Construction activities are however, considered short- term in nature. These increase would be similar to short-term noise impacts as discussed in Final EIR 85-2. Item B- "No": Long-term noise impacts will be decreased based upon a reduction in traffic levels originally considered with Final EIR 85-2. High school facilities generally have playing fields which can generate a significant amount of player and spectator noise from such sports as baseball, track meets, soccer, and softball. Football activities also generate loud speaker noises at events that can be annoying and obtrusive. The traffic study indicates that the proposed modification to land uses substantially reduces daily traffic anticipated to be generated by the East Tustin Specific Plan and said modifications are not considered severe. Statement of Findings and Facts Proposed land uses are less intensive than original land uses analyzed in FEIR 85-2. Noise associated with sporting activities at the school will be eliminated thereby eliminating loud speaker and spectator noise which can be very obtrusive given that many of these activities are played in the evening hours. Traffic levels are consequently less and subsequently noise impacts are reduced. Environmental impacts can be reduced by implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in Final EIR 85-2. A statement of overriding considerations for incremental increases in ambient noise levels was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impacts of an increase in ambient noise levels, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan VII. Light and Glare Item A- "No": Similar to existing land uses and those approved for the sites, light and glare would be generate from proposed land uses. In some instances, such as the removal of schools, light and glare impacts may be less due to the removal of associated high intensity lighting necessary for nighttime athletics such as football and baseball. 9995-S F J- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-5 Statement of Findings and Facts Light and glare impacts will not introduce the project site to impacts not previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Each significant impact can be reduced to a level of insignificance by implementation of mitigation measures as outlined in the Final EIR..A statement of overriding considerations for aesthetics was adopted concurrent with the certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impacts of light and glare therefore, no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan VIII. Land Use Item A- "Yes": The proposed land use modifications will alter the present land uses approved as part of the ETSP. These modifications are described in Section I, Table 1-1 of this Addendum to the EIR. The intent of the proposed land uses is not to increase the number of dwelling units permitted to be built in East Tustin, but to modify land uses and transfer units from one sector to another. The results will be an overall lower residential density for the community than is currently planned. Provisions of the Development Agreement Amendment will reduce the overall allowable dwelling unit count of 7,950 units to 7,236 units within the East Tustin Specific Plan and from 1,288 units to 822 units in the Phase I Residential Area. This represents a twelve percent (12%) reduction in the maximum entitlement of 9,178 units to 8,058 units in Tustin Ranch. The potential for land use conflict may arise within the ETSP between Sectors 10 and 11. Sector 10 consists of occupied low density dwelling units. The current ETSP designates a High School (HS) and Medium Density Residential (M) within the central and western portion of Sector 11, adjacent to Sector 10 and the occupied dwelling units (see Figure 1-1). The proposed land use modifications will delete the HS designation and chan~e the Land Use Plan to Medium Density Residential (M) adjacent to Irvin~e Boulevard .and'-Tustin Ranch Road, Medium-Low Density Residential (ML) adjacent to Heritage Way and Tustin Ranch Road with a Neighborhood Park site (NP) to be identified at the northeast corner of Heritage Way and Tustin Ranch Road (see Figure 1-2). An alternate land use designation is also being considered for this site which includes Medium Density Residential (M) adjacent to Irvine Boulevard away from Tustin Ranch Road, Medium-Low Density Residential (ML) adjacent to Heritage Way and adjacent to the entire frontage along Tustin Ranch Road with a Neighborhood Park site (NP) identified at the northeast comer of Heritage Way and Tustin Ranch Road (see Figure 1-2). The Medium designation would allow up to 18 dwelling units per acre and the Medium-Low designation would allow up to 10 dwelling units per acre. In 9995-S FJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-6 either the proposed land use modifications or the alternate land use designation, the traffic generated would be similar because :both M. and!~ML land use deSignations carry the same average daily trip rate (ADT). Approval of either scenario, from an environmental stand point, would still generate less traffic and reduce circulation impacts with the removal of the high school. The apartment uses and neighborhood park site may appear to be a significant departure for the elimination of the high school site. However, the ETSP and Development Agreement have acknowledged that school sites would be developed upon need, with flexible siting locations, and that the underlying land use to schools would be residential. Provisions in the Development Agreement amendments would require the applicant to provide an expanded 35 foot landscaped buffer adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road within Sector 11. A Medium Density "For-Sale" site to accommodate an attached residential product at a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre or Single-Family Detached dwellings at a maximum of 10 dwelling units per acre would be provided adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road. The Medium Density "Apartment" site would be located along Irvine Boulevard away from Tustin Ranch Road to provide additional land use buffers between the existing single-family detached dwellings and the apartment site. Additional provisions require that the buildings within the M land use designation of Sector 11 be limited to two-stories in height. The Medium Density "Apartment" site would allow development up to 18 dwelling units per acre and would consist of a maximum of 400 apartments. Apartments are allowed within the ETSP subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. In addition, apartment projects are also typically processed with Condominium maps, therefore, future conversion into condos for home ownership is not precluded. As part of the Development Agreement Amendments, the applicant has agreed to provide language that any future conversion of apartments to condominiums would not be used to create additional apartments under the twenty-five percent (25%) limit described in the development agreement. Please see Section 12-Housing for additional discussion on this issue. Additionally, circulation impacts and light and glare impacts would be reduced to these areas with the removal of the high school site. Please see Sections 13-Traffic and Circulation and 7- Light and Glare for further discussion of these issues. The proposed project also requests to remove the obligation in the Development Agreement of the applicant to construct a minimum 250 room hotel in Sector 6. The removal of this use from commercial uses will allow the construction of up to 350 condominium units as identified in the statistical summary for Sector 6. Condominium units at this location will be a continuation of residential uses in nearby sectors and generate less traffic and circulation impacts than a hotel and retail uses. See Section 13-Traffic and Circulation for additional discussion of impacts. 9995-$ F J- 12557.00 t- ETSP 11/9/95 3-7 A statistical analysis demonstrating changes from the presently approved ETSP to the proposed project modifications are included in Table 2.4 of the proposed ETSP Text Amendments contained in Appendix A. The proposed Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement is included in Appendix C. A review of the table reveals total allowable unit changes to Sectors 1,4,5,7 and 8. The total unit number changes to these sectors are reduced from the existing plan and will therefore require a specific plan text change only. The overall changes to these sector areas reflect existing densities and do not change the overall ETSP land use densities. The proposed project increases the number of residential units in SeCtors 2,6,9,10 and 11. In summary, the high school site, one elementary school site, and 60% of the general commercial site are proposed to be converted to residential use. Although these sector areas propose an increase in the number of residential units, the overall total buildout for the ETSP area and Phase I Residential Area will be reduced by twelve percent (12%) or 1,120 units. The ETSP specifically allows that if a school and/or park currently designated for a sector is not built in this sector, that the acreage goes into residential use. Additionally, Section 3.4.3 of ETSP provides that if a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units will be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan area provided that: o The basic character and intensity of development in both the losing and gaining sector is not significantly altered; , The maximum number of dwelling units in each land use area, as determined by the density factor times gross acres, shall not be exceeded; and , The resulting development pattern is compatible with land use areas adjacent to both the losing and gaining sectors. With removal of the HS site in Sector 11 and the reasons cited above, no significant land use conflicts within Sectors 2, 6, 9 and 11 will occur. Statement of Finding and Facts Land use, impacts will remain similar to those outlined in the Final EIR 85-2. A statement of overriding considerations for conversion of open space to urban uses was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impact of conversion of open space to urban uses, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. 9995-$FJ- 12557.001-ETSP 11/9/95 3-8 Sources Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan City of TuStin Planning Staff IX. Natural Resources Item A- "No": EIR 85-2 analyzed natural gas consumption and noted that although there was an increase in usage, there would be no significant impacts associated with providing the site with natural gas. Although the proposed project is requesting residential uses at sites designated as public institutional (schools) and commercial, the number of residential units is below that of the original project. Statement of Findings and Facts A reduced number of residential units located over the entire specific plan area will result in less natural gas consumption. Project impacts can be reduced to a level below significance through the implementation of mitigation measures as set forth in Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan X. Risk of Upset Items A and B- "No": Proposed residential land uses would not result in hazardous activities that would pose a risk of upset. Residential activities typically do not involve the use of significant amounts of hazardous materials such'as oils, pesticides, chemicals or radiation. Additionally, proposed land use siting locations would not impede or interfere with established emergency response or evacuation plans. Statement of Findings and Facts Proposed residential uses would have similar impacts to those analyzed in Final EIR 85-2. Project impacts can be reduced to a level below significance through implementation of mitigation measures as discussed in FEIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan 3-9 XI. Population Item A- "Maybe": The proposed project would result in a reconfiguration of land uses. Although the project proposes residential units on previously designated public and institutional and commercial sites, the total number of units planned in the ETSP areas is less than the tOtal number analyzed in Final EIR 85-2. Therefore, the total estimated population at buildout is not expected to exceed levels estimated in Final EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Facts' The proposed project will not exceed the previously estimated population at buildout for the ETSP, because total residential units requested are below the total unit figure of the original ETSP project. The proposed project will result in reduced ETSP population as compared to the ETSP project analyzed in Final EIR 85-2. Sources' Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XII. Housing Item A' "Maybe"' The proposed land use modifications will affect existing housing within the ETSP area. 'The ETSP currently allows a maximum of 7,950 dwelling units and the Phase I Residential Area currently allows a maximum of 1,228 dwelling units for a maximum entitlement of 9,178 units within Tustin Ranch. Based upon existing built conditions, as well as anticipated development of remaining properties, the applicant has estimated the buildout number of dwelling units in Tustin Ranch as 8,058. This buildout number represents a twelve percent (12%) reduction from the maximum entitlement of 9,178 units. The applicant has agreed to include language in the Development Agreement Amendments to establish a maximum buildout total of 8,058 units in Tustin Ranch. The current ETSP Development Agreement specifies that twenty-five percent (25 %) of the total dwelling units within the ETSP and Phase I residential area (9,178 total units) to be apartments, which would allow a maximum of 2,294 apartments to be constructed. No change to the twenty-five percent (25 %) limitation is proposed. As part of the Development Agreement Amendments, the applicant has agreed to provide language that any futux:e conversion of apartments to condominiums would not be used to exceed the maximum number of apartments under the twenty-five percent (25%) limit. For purposes of calculating the twenty-five percent (25 %) limitation, the original maximum entitlement of 9,178 units for the ETSP and Phase I Residential Area shall be used. 9995-S F J- 12557.001-ET5 p 11/9/95 3-10 Apartment projects are typically processed' with Condominium maps, therefore, future conversion into condos for home ownership is not precluded. This practice would be consistent with recently adopted goals within the City's Housing Element. Goal 3 of the H°using Element is to "[I]ncrease the percentage of ownership housing to ensure a reasonable balance of rental and owner-occupied housing within the City." Apartment unit conversions to condominiums typically provide for more affordable opportunities for housing ownership. For the previously outlined reasons, no additional significant impacts to housing will occur. Statement of Finding and Facts The increase in apa'rtments will not result in an increase in the total number of residential units located within the ETSP site. However, impacts will remain similar to those outlined in the Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan City of Tustin planning staff XIII. Transportation/Circulation Items A,B and C- "Maybe": A traffic study for the proposed alterations to the land uses was prepared by Pirzadeh and Associates, titled "East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment-Traffic Generation Analysis. October 24, 1994. An independent review of this study Was performed by Austin-Foust Associates on October 25, 1995 with comparison of the requirements for a Level One Traffic Impact Evaluation. Refer to AppendiX B for reports. A Level One Traffic Impact Evaluation seeks to determine how the proposed land use revisions impact the original traffic analysis identified in EIR 85-2. The Pirzadeh study indicates that the proposed amendment will result in significantly less average daily trips (38,611 ADT) as compared to 49,501 ADT discussed in EIR 85-2. This reduction in trips is due mainly to the reduction in General Commercial (GC) acreage, and to a lesser degree, to the buildout conditions throughout the majority of the ETSP area. Four Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) were studied under the Level One Traffic Impact Evaluation. Within two of the four zones studied, (TAZ's 37 and 40), the number of residential units increases by 646. Within the the other two zones, (TAZ's 38 and 46), the number or residential units decreases by 848, leaving a net decrease of 200 units within the four zones. These reductions and increase are a result of the transferring of units from other areas of the specific plan. For this reason, the analyzed traffic zones may slightly increase or decrease without increasing the overall number of previously approved units at 7,950 d.u. 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-11 The effect of the proposed land use modifications, or the alternate land use designations discussed in Section VIII, Land Use page 3-6, substantially reduces daily traffic anticipated to be generated by the ETSP and thereby negates the need for a more detailed Level Two traffic analysis. The number of trips generated by the four affected traffic zones is reduced, and the overall daily trip generation for the zones is reduced by 19,880 ADT. Should the alternate land use designations be approved as part of this proposal, the reduction in ADT would remain the same. Overlapping impacts are of a concern and were initially anticipated to occur on Jamboree Road south of Tustin Ranch Road to Barranca Parkway, Bryan Avenue between Jamboree Road and Newport Avenue, and most severely on Irvine Boulevard between Jamboree Road and the SR- 55 Freeway. However, analysis of the proposed ETSP amendment traffic study indicates that the modified land uses reduce average daily trips generated within the four aforementioned TAZ's from 49,501 vehicles per day (vpd) to 38,611 vpd; a reduction of 11,890 vpd or twenty-two percent (22 %). Within TAZ 40, which directly impacts Irvine Boulevard, traffic will be reduced from the previously approved 10,432 vpd to 9,275 vpd. These reductions would result in improved traffic flow on affected Tustin 'roadways and therefore, either the proposed amendment, or the alternate, would not adversely impact the City's planned circulation system. The City's Transportation Engineer has also reviewed the subject proposed amendment with consideration of the proposed Lower Peter Canyon Specific Plan EIR (LPCSP) circulation plan, dated November 18, 1994. While the LPCSP project substantially impacts various roadways within the City of Tustin, a mitigation program has been prepared by the County of Orange to address and mitigate the project traffic impacts generated by the. LPCSP Project. The LPCSP project is identified as adding 11,000 vehicles per day on Irvine Boulevard at project buildout in the area of TAZ 40. The additional traffic generated by the LPCSP project onto Irvine Boulevard, does not offset the traffic reduction from the ETSP amendment~ However, the LPCSP project has been conditioned by the County of Orange to mitigate their project traffic impacts on all roadways to a level of acceptable conditions. These conditions were imposed prior to consideration of the reduction in traffic associated with the ETSP amendment, since neither proposal has been approved as of this date. As part of the ETSP text amendments, consideration is being given to increase the amount of guest parking spaces required by Section 3.10.1.C of the ETSP, for multiple family projects. The amendments would increase guest parking from 0.25 spaces per unit to 0.5 spaces per unit. In the event that a two-car garage is included, the guest rates would be increased from 0.5 spaces per unit to 0.75 spaces per unit. Additional guest rate increases are also proposed for patio home projects and developments within the "Medium-Low" land use designations of the ETSP. Proposed changes to the parking requirements are included in Appendix ~. 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-12 Item D- "Maybe": Alterations to present patterns of circulation and movement may be modified due to development of sites. However, changes to movement patterns will not be considered significant, as traffic generated will be significantly less than that analyzed in EIR 85-2. Item E- ."No": The proposed project will not alter waterborne, rail or air traffic. Item F- "Maybe": Development inherently brings increased hazards and' risks to motor vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Given the reduction in traffic volumes these impacts are considered less than those analyzed in EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Fact Land use modifications will redistribute traffic volumes within the ETSP. In addition, said volUmes will be reduced in the location of land use modifications, because of the decrease in GC and existing buildout conditions throughout the majority of the ETSP area. Please refer to the complete traffic study found in Final EIR 85-2 and the traffic impact evaluation study prepared for this project found in Appendix B. A statement of overriding considerations for increased traffic generation and distribution to local roadways was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impact of traffic generation and diStribution, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans ~' Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment Traffic Generation Analysis, Pirzadeh & Associates, October 24, 1994. East Tustin Specific Plan Amendment Level One Traffic Impact Evaluation, Austin-Foust Associates, October 25, 1995. Lower Peters Canyon Specific Plan EIR Circulation'Plan, November 18, 1994. XIV. Public Services Item A- "No": The Orange County Fire Authority currently provides service to the ETSP area. The land use modifications proposed would result in slightly less impacts to the fire department due to the decrease in overall dwelling units within the planning area and the corresponding decrease in emergency calls. 9995-SFJ-12557.001-ETSP 11/9/95 3-13 Item B- "No"' The Tustin Police Department currently provides police protection to the ETSP area. Similar to fire protection serVices, police protection 'services would decrease when compared to impacts outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Item C- "Maybe": The Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) has indicated that the proposed land use modifications will not significantly change impacts as outlined in Final EIR 85-2, nor will the modifications affect existing school requirements previously negotiated between the project proponent and the TUSD. Please refer to Appendix B for the most recent school district correspondence. Item D- "Maybe": Proposed land use modifications would alter the location of planned public parks within the ETSP area. As a part of the proposed project, the Development Agreement Amendments 'would require the applicant to dedicate a 3.6-acre neighborhood park site at the time of recording any subdivision map in Sector 11. Consideration may also be given for the applicant to improve the park site ~or financially contribute to the improvements of the park site as part of the provisions of the Development Agreement Amendments. All other parkland dedications have occurred consistent with the Specific Plan at the time of recording of the sector level maps. No significant impacts would result with implementation of the mitigation measure outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Item E- "No"' Project implementation will not modify or impact the maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Item F- "No"' The proposed project will not impacts other governmental services .not previously addressed in Final EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Fact The proposed land use modifications will not significantly change the impacts outlined in Final EIR 85-2. School impact have been mitigated to level of insignificance by implementation of. mitigation measures as outlined in the final EIR. A statement of overriding considerations for increased demand of public services and facilities was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impact of providing public services and facilities, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan 9995-S F J- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-14 XV. Energy Items A and B- "No": EIR 85-2 analyzed energy requirements and noted that although there was a cumulative increase in usage, mitigation measures can be incorporated into the project to reduce demands on energy resources. The land use modifications proposed would not significantly alter the impacts outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Facts Impacts to energy requirements would remain as outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XVI. Utilities and Services Systems Items A,B,C,D,£ and F- "No": The proposed land use modifications will not alter the impacts to the usage of natural gas, the local telephone system or solid waste disposal. The City of Tustin Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed land use modification for possible changes to the approved water, sewer and drainage systems. Impacts as a result of the proposed project will remain as outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Statement of Findings and Fact The redistribution and overall decrease in dwelling units will not significantly alter the utilities and services approved in Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XVII. Human Health Items A and B- "No": The proposed land use modifications would not create a health hazard or potential hazards, or exposure of people to potential health hazards. Statement of Findings and Fact Similar to the land uses proposed in Final EIR 85-2, the land use modifications would not create significant human health hazards. 3-15 9995-SFJ-12557.001-ETSP I I IOlflgl Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its. supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XVIII. Aesthetics Items A and B- "No": The aesthetic impacts associated with the original project were found to be unavoidable and adverse. As the proposed land use modifications and Development' Agreemej~t Amendments will decrease overall dwelling units within the specific plan, impacts would not significantly be altered. The proposed project includes the dedication of a 3.6-acre neighborhood park sit, e, in the western portion of Sector 11 adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road. Consideration may also be given to require the applicant to improve the park site or financially contribute toward the improvements of the site as part of the provisions of the Development Agreement Amendments. Additional provisions have been included within the proposed Development Agreement Amendment to: a) provide a 35-foot landscape setback along Tustin Ranch Road, and b) require that the future buildings within Sector 11 within the Medium Density Land Use Designation be limited to two stories in height. Statement of Findings and Fact A statement of overriding considerations for altering a previously open space/undeveloped 'area was adopted concurrent with certification of Final EIR 85-2. The proposed project will not worsen the environmental impact of introducing land uses into an open space area, therefore no additional statements of overriding considerations are required. Sources- Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XIX. Recreation The original recreational needs outlined in Final EIR 85-2 anticipated approximately 66 acres of new neighborhood and community parks would be needed to support increased recreation needs. The proposed land use modifications would reconfigure the park sites within the specific plan but would not impact the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities. By establishing a maximum buildout cap of 8,058 units as part of the Development Agreement Amendments, the maximum number of acres required for parks within Tustin Ranch can be calculated. Based upon the proposed 8,058 unit buildout cap and acreage dedicated to date for parks, the City would be entitled to 3.6 acres of additional parkland to satisfy Quimby Act requirements. The Development Agreement Amendment will 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-16 provide for the Developer to dedicate a 3.6-acre neighborhood park site within Section 11 of the ESTP, generally located at the northeast comer of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. Consideration may also be given for the applicant to improve the park site or financially contribute toward the improvement of the park site as part of the Development Agreement Amendments as a negotiated condition for the City's rezoning of the property (as opposed to a Quimby Act requirement). All other parkland dedications have occurred consistent with the Specific Plan at the time of recording of sector level maps. With the dedication of the 3.6- acre neighborhood park site, a total of 61.6-acres of public and private parkland will ultimately be provided within the ETSP area. Statement of Findings and Fact Land use modifications to recreational facilities will have insignificant impacts as outlined in Final EIR 85-2. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan XX. Cultural Resources Item A- "No": The proposed land use modifications would not result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site. Item B- "No": No adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object would occur with implementation of the proposed land use modifications. Items C and D- "No": Implementation of the proposed changes would not cause a physical change which would affect unique cultural values, nor would it restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area. Statements of Findings and Fact The proposed land use modifications would not have a significant impact on cultural resources. Sources: Field Verification Submitted Land Use Plans Tustin City Code Certified Final EIR 85-2, its supplements and addendum East Tustin Specific Plan 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-17 XXI. Mandatory Findings of Significance The proposed location of the land use modifications have recently been graded. Therefore, the land uses proposed will not substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining level, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. The proposed land use modifications will not result in any new long-term impacts not already outlined in Final EIR 85-2. The proposed land use modifications will not result in any new cumulative impacts not already considered in Final EIR 85-2. Final EIR-85-2 outlines all environmental effects which may cause substantiaI adverse effects on human being, either directly or indirectly. The proposed land use modifications do not alter these conclusions. 9995-SFJ- 12557.001 -ETSP 11/9/95 3-18 'Based upon the above discussion, it can be concluded that none of the situations identified in Section 15162 of the California Environmental Quality Act requiring the preparation of a Subsec uent EIR exist in that: he Bo The proposed changes would not require important revisions of EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, as no new significant environmental impacts have been identified which have not been previously covered in EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda; There are no substantial changes that would occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project will be undertaken; and Co No new information of substantial importance has become available that could not have been known at the time EIR 85-2, as modified' by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, was certified related to this project. Therefore, Addendum//5 to EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, has been prepared pursuant to Section 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act in that: Ao Only minor technical changes to the trip generation tables of EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda are required to make the EIR adequate and shall be revised to read as follows' o The Trip Generation Table A-l, as identified in Appendix B of the Supplement to EIR related to the East Tustin Development Agreement, for Traffic Zones 37, 38, 40 and 46 shall be revised as shown on the following pages. Bo Minor text and map changes to the East. Tustin Specific Plan and changes to the development agreement do not raise new issues about significant effects on the environment which have previously been discussed and mitigated in EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda. Prepared By: 9995-SFJ- 12557.001-ETSP 11/9/95 Saundra F. Cicileo-Jacobs Senior Environmental Planner Title The Keith Companies Firm 3-19 Date: November 9, 1995 TABLE A- 1 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION ~n¢ T~nd U~ BUILDOtYr Uni! Amount ADT Rea - E. gam Res - Low Res - Med-High Sub-total (Res) ~ Commercill Sub-to~ (Other) DU DU DU ~ Du Res - Med-Lo~ Res - Medium Res - Med-High Su~ou~ DU DU DU DU DU Sub-total (Others) ACRE STU ACRE 150.00 690.00 :~.:.:.:.:<.:.:.: TOTAL (Zone 38) Res - Med-Lmv Res - Medium Rea - Med-High Su~al (Rea) Parka Sub-total (Others) TOTAL (Zone 40) Rea - Lo~ Res - Med-Lo~ Rea - Medium Sub-total (Rea) Sub-total RESIDENTIAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL DU DU DU DU ACRE DU DU DU DU DU ACRE DU ,;.;.:,:,;,:.;.;.>;.:.: 650.00 .×.;.:.:.:.:<.> d"LK ~ 900 518 ...i~ ......... East Ttmtin Specific Plan Tcchnk:al Notes Austin-Foust As.sedates. Inc. 159007.tn APPENDIX A EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT MODIFICATIONS ZONE CHANGE 94-004 EXHIBIT C EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT REVISIONS 2.1 Land Use (ETSP Paqes 2-1 throuqh 2-4) The Land Use Plan, illustrated in Exhibit C, incorporates the planning goals and objectives in designating a variety of residential and non-residential land uses circumscribed and linked by an appropriate arterial circulation system. Each of the parcels within the plan having a specific land use designation is referred to as a "land use area". These areas have been aggregated into 12 easily identifiable zones called "Sectors". The sector boundaries are defined by major roadways and toPographical features; each sector contains one or more land use area. Table 2.1 summarizes the land use statistics. More detailed statistics for each sector are provided in t-he Section 2.14. Gross acres have been used for computing acreages and residential densities on the following tables. Gross acres include all land within a sector or land use area exclusive of arterial street rights-of-way. Table 2.1 Statistical Summary Land Use Designation Acreaqe Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10 du/ac) Medium (up to 18 du/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 du/ac) 410:9 ~ 2:.5'4: ~ oo 212 Open Space · Community Parks 4-~ 46 Golf Course .~v~=n 158 · Commercial/Business Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Mixed Use 10 113 31 t2 121 Institutional Elementary Schools~ Intermediate Schools Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only ~ .... *~) ~v~ i24 ...:,: :.c:. ~:. :.. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 2 ** ~....... Acreage for ail roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land ~Use Plan des ignates five residential categories, each of wh='{ch has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area... Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70-acre commercial center and hotcl/motcl will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land Use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non-residential uses such as: (1) Schools, (2) Parks, (3) Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use Designations. These are summarized in the following table: Table 2.2 Land Uses Inteqral to the LUP Institut'ional Us~ Quantity Intermediate School High School Community Park Golf Course Commercial/Business Us~ Approximate Total Acreaqe 150 15.8 General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 3 Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreage Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdivision maps. ~;~'i~! elementarY school sites a'~e ..... to'". b'~'" diSt ribUted' "th~'6'~gh"d'd't c area, neighborhood parks are generally located in various seCt0'r'~ of the Plan. Three (3) community parks are more specifically loCated; they include an cight ai!?!iln~:ne acre site near the junior high sChool, a 20-acre site, and~'~'"i3'""~i-acre site incorporating a knoll situated south of Portola Parkway. Elementary and Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan. The specific sizes, locations and numbers of these facilities will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 2.8. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 4 2.10 Schools .(ETSP Paqes 2-13 and 2-14) The Specific Plan area is within the boundaries of the Tustin Unified School District. The school district expects that the completion of the development in the East Tustin Specific Plan Area will require new facilities as well as the use of some of the existing facilities. The Specific Plan symbolically .identifies a maximum number of school sites to serve the largest estimated population growth. These schools have all been generally located in areas that are central to estimated student population growth. One intermediate school site has been identified for the Specific Plan area. h,llsldc arc&. ~^ h=gh school sit^ has ~ ........... ~ for ~ust .... The ultimate requirement for the precise number of schools is based on the number of students that are to be generated from the residential areas within the Specific Plan area. The demand for schools may vary depending on the actual type and number of units built in each land use category. The size of school sites may vary depending on specific school district needs and joint school/park programs. Also phasing and precise locations of sites are dependent on timing of development and more precise planning within sectors. The number, location, and size of schools illustrated symbolically on the Spccifi~ ~an~ 'usc ~&&~~"~t Lan:d~.Use!plan should be considered as a general guide, subject to further:':~evaluation. As development plans are prepared for each sector the land owner and school district will make specific provision for school facilities. These provisions should be accomplished prior to final development. The actual size and number of sites may cause an adjustment to acreage within the land use areas. If any school that is shown on the Land Use Plan is not needed or if the site acreage is less than estimated then the acreage that has been allocated to the school site will be reallocated to the underlying residential use. However, the maximum number of units permitted within the sector where the acreage adjustment is made will not be changed except as provided in Section 3.0. Zone change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 5 Acreage ETSP Paqes 2-25 and 2-25 Table 2.4 Statistical Analysis Maximum Land Use Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR 1 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 74 Estate Density Residential ~ 5~ Low Density Residential ~ 50 ~18 ~."i'i~i'i'' Medium Low Density Residential 37.35 i~ii~ Medium Density Residential 15 2:~D ** Junior High School ~'" ~i"* * .......... c'ommunity' park 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal 271 ~i~ SECTOR 3 i~12' Low Density Residential 1110 ** Elementary School : :.:.., * * ~ ~ ~rhood ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5 du/ac Subtotal 17 2:2 SECTOR 4 ii~ 112 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68 _+ Subtotal~ ~° 112 SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 Subtotal Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 6 SECTOR 7 97 Medium Density Residential ~ i~i~!!~ Medium High Density Residential o 10 '~'"~' ........ Elementary School 150 i~158! Golf Course :::::::::::::::::::::: 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 8 77 26 O 10 ** LOW Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School 4 du/ac ~4~ 18 du/ac ~ Subtotal 117 i~ii~i SECTOR 9 39 Subtotal 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac SECTOR 10 46 ~: 215 .%./ O i0 *+ Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal 71 55 ~ .32:i~. + SECTOR 11 '~'-~ ::':'!::':'ii:::' ' ::¥:i':'::°:':':':':':''': : :' '" ~ 6:6:~i:~ Medium Density Residential 18 du/ac 5~ ~.9 Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac ~ 6'~.6 ** NeighborhoOd Park ::: ;.:: -.; ,10 ~1:3 Neighborhood Commercial .... Subtotal 177 SECTOR 12 121 Mixed Use Subtotal 121 7,236*** Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 7 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ~ ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of .the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific .Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. o This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage al'locations in this sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this sector is not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 8 Sector 2 (ETSP Paqes 2-'28 and 2-29) This sector consists of approximately 271 2~16~6 acres and extends from the northernmost tip of the site south ~'~"the proposed future road. The sector is bounded on the west by the crest of the north/south Peters Canyon ridge, Peters Canyon Wash, and Lower Lake Drive; on the north and east by the City boundary; and on the south by the Future Road. The land beyond the eastern edge of the Sector is in the County's jurisdiction and is currently planted with orchards. The Sector encompasses a broad valley which contains the west tributary of Peters Canyon Wash. Much of the valley is relatively flat. This sector is planned to include a variety of land uses. The residential uses will range from the estate density to medium h~h density. Estate density residential is located in the western and northern hillsides; low density is located in the upper valley and on a low knoll extending south from the north/south ridge; medium low and medium density occur in the central and upper portions of the valley; and' medium h~gh !1'0~ ~ensity is located at the southerly end of the valley adjacent .......... to the Future Road. These various residential densities have been organized relative to the topography access and visibility from existing development to the west ~ .... ~ ~ ..... ~- ly tly 1 ........... ~,. ~t ~ rcn ~I o .............................. :~ An intermediate school has been sited along Peters Canyon Wash. The precise location and size of ~--~ ~--~litic~ thiS/!~ ity .......... ~ faciI shall be determined as described in Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan ~ ~~ A nine_acre community park is planned just south of the ~nt~-m~-~..~iata''elementary school site ini~sedt0r~3, along the wash. A regional riding/hikin~ trail and Cl~'~S~t~'~Bikeway are planned in proximity to Peters Canyon Wash reflecting Orange County General Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 2-... Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 9 Sector 6: (ETSP Pages 2-36) This triangular configured sector contains 31 acres of flatland and has the potential to be circumscribed by.arterial roadways. It is situated along the eastern edge of the site, bounded by the proposed Future Road extension on the west, Portola Parkway on the south and the Specific Plan boundary on the east ~ ~ ~_-A~ ~!~iii!ii!ili~!~! in the S~6'~!~h~i~'~!iiiiiiiii~'~'~ti!~i~iiiiiii!iii~f!iiiiiii!ii~h'~ sector are to be ~'~:~:::~:~:~:~r a variet~':'::'~:~'~':'::~:'h'~:~'~:':::~~:~:~'i'~:~:':':'"~:~es. ~¢ rcsi~cntial ~ .... ~ ....- ~ ~" ~ .... ~ f th "~-~-- Medium high de ity residential development is planned for the remainder of this sector i~%:i:i:!:i:::i;i:i:i:i$i:~:i::.:.::!:!:F................:i:::.:.:::.:.:.:::::.:::::;::::.:.:.::::~:: '::~': The following policies apply to Sector 6' In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. ~ C. Concurrent with a Subdivision Map submittal for any portion of this Sector, a Conceptual Site Plan shall also be submitted for the entire sector as identified in Section 2.14.1. Concurrent with the submission of the Sector Subdivision Map as required under Section 1.5, the precise location of the E1 Modena Fault will be determined by a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current State Standards.' Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 10 Sector 8 ...CETSP Pages 2-39 and 2-40) This sector consists of 117 !~i~~3 acres and is virtually flat. It is situated adjacent to the eXisting community on the west, and is bounded by the La Colina extension on the south, the Future Road extension on the east and the Racquet Hill Drive extension on the north· Most of the sector has been designated for low density residential development along the western boundary so as to be compatible with the adjacent residential development. Approximately 26 acres along Future Road have been allocated for Medium Density Residential. Also planned for this area is an elementary school, the precise location and size will be determined as identified in 'Subsection The following polices apply to Sector 8'... E · The distance between the edge of the western right-of-way of the "Future Road" and the closest point of the foundation of the closest residence of Pavillion/Saltair shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet plus or minus 100 feet measured on a horizontal plane. The noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan area shall be further mitigated by a continuous noise barrier consisting of a combination of berm, soundwall, and residences adjacent to the Future Road. This requirement for a continuous noise barrier applies along the western side of Future Road adjacent to the medium density residential development in Sector 8 and' the low density development in between. The noise barrier line-of-sight from the residences along Saltair and Pavillion to vehicles traveling along the Future Road behind such noise barrier. In addition, in designing and orienting the residences in the two medium-density residential areas in Sector 8 and the low-density development in between, the developer shall, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with other sound planning practices, construct multi-story structures which further mitigate the noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan. A design goal impact of 55 or less CNEL for the existing residences at the foundation is hereby established. At such time that further noise analysis is done in this area (at the Tentative Tract stage), this analysis will model the projected CNEL level at these existing Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 11 Fo residences to confirm that the noise of level of 55 CNEL will be met. It is the explicit intent of the East Tustin ~i~i!iif!~i Plan that La Colina Road in the Specific Plan area C~~'"'~"~o the existing La colina Road and to the major arterial known as "Future Road.~'' this road shall consist of a four lane residential street, and should be incrementally improved, beginning With a two lane road. The roadway should not exceed a total right-of-way of 80 feet, and the first two lanes should be.built at the edge of the right-of-way, with a raised landscape median making up the rest of the potential right-of- way. The precise alignment of La Colina Road will be determined at the Tentative Tract stage. The City and County will prepare a joint study, examining the impacts and mitigation measures of the connection, and recommending specific measures to deter through traffic. Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 12 Sector 11 ..(ETSP Paqes 2-43) This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is bounded by the Future Road alignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, and Bryan Avenue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential uses include m~di!~!i!iii!iii~!o~ and medium density 'which ~s ~i~ to be located' in the"'~~;~~ quadrant we~i~'i~?ip'0ri~i~ of~the'~"~ector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. A ~0-acrc sitc has ...... just s~uth ~ I ............... ~ ....... O .... -~ ........... C ~uturc ~ .... ~-"~-~-~-.~... At the northeast corner of the sector, a.~" iI3-acre neighborhood commercial site has been Planned at the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point into the City from the east An -icmcn~ ..... ..... = ~c..ocl has_~..~-- gcn-rall} io-~ C '~ d~s~.~bcd ~ Subscct~ · ...... ~ ..... .c Plan~ A Two neighborhood parks has ha~e been generally located in the area'"::6f the ~'~:d'iumiil:owi~!iil. and mediUm density residential development. The preci:~''~ ........ I°~ti'ons of this these parks ~s are to be determined as described in SubSection 2.8 '~':f'::this SPecific Plan. The following polices apply to Sector 11:... Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 13 Acreage ETSP Pages 3-13 and 3-14 EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Maximum Land Use Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR I 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal 125 SECTOR 74 Estate Density Residential ~ ~51!! Low Density Residential 50 !68 ............... Medium Low Density Residential 37.35 !~?~ Medium Density Residential e ~ ~ Elcmcntary 15 ~0i ** Junior High School G '9' ** community. Park~ 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal 271 ~26i6 SECTOR 3 6 i~12! Low Density Residential o G !~ii0 ** .Elementary School 5 du/ac Subtotal 17 2:2 SECTOR 4 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68+ Subtotal lis ~II2 SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 ilg?~:iiil ::,: ..:./i.::.:!.i:Medium High. Density Re~ide.ntial /:25 .:du/ac 31 112 Genera 1' 'commerCial <:::: .:::. Subtotal 31 3150_+ ::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 14 SECTOR 7 97 Medium Density Residential ~ i~!~ii~ Medium High Density Residential o 10 ** Elementary School ~ =~ i~!58 Golf Course :.:.>;.;+~.: :<.;. 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal 3, ,,,.,5 ~i~i~ii18108 _+ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 8 77 26 O 10 ** Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School · ~ .......... Park 4 du/ac ~4~ 18 du/ac ~ ~ ° Subtotal ~ ~ = ~t t!13 · x.: :.:..:.: :+: ~8~ !436_+ SECTOR 9 39 Subtotal 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac SECTOR 10 46 0 I0 *+ Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal 71 SECTOR · ~-7 66:,i!4 Medium DenSity Residential ~6 ~9 ....... Medium High Density Residential ~ ~ii~6 ** Neighborhood Park I0 i~i.~ .... Neighborhood Commercial it2i:ii!ili!i !~i ~: !~ ii:'ii: ~:: Med!ium L0w..'DenSitY.~ Residential ~ ~'~iii!I0 :'du/aC 18 dU/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal 177 ~ i1,1875 + SECTOR 12 121 Subtotal 121 Mixed Use 7,236*** Zone Change 94-004 Exhibit C Page 15 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. 0 This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage allocations in this sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this sector is not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Zone Change Exhibit C Page 16 94-004 Ce District _Estate Lo._.~w ~ETSP Paqe 3-47) Residential Off-Street Parking Spaces Covered Crcd': t for Requi red Ass i gned Guest/ Spaces/Un i t Unass i gned ;.: . ..;.. <.:.;.......;.:...,....... ~ 2 ,~ 2 Car G~rage 2 per unit 0~..- ?. t rcct P-~rk !ng 1. Sector 8, 9, 10 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit 2. Sector 2 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit Medium Low 2 2 Car Garage 11 ,-5 per unit · Medium & Medium High 1. Detached 2 2 Car Garage ~! ,-S per unit 2. Attached Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 ·Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) 3. Multiple Family (apartments) Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 ~ Carport (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) 4. Patio Homes(2) 1-3 Bedrooms 2.0 2 Car Garage ~75 ,-5 per unit 4 Bedrooms 2.5 2 Car Garage ~',-S per unit (1) (2) Attached single family and multiple family deve[ot~nents shall provide a minimum of ~5 J per unit open unassigned parking spaces for 4 or more dwelling units. If a two car"enclosed private garage is provided, a guest parking standard of .75 ,-~ open unassigned spaces per unit shall apply. Required guest parking for patio Home products must be [ocated within a 200 foot radius measured from the nearest building frontage facing a street, drive or court of the designated unit which the parking space is intended to serve. i~'~!ii~ii!:i!i.i...i.i!~t:/:Unass i gned:iperk{,g ii~¥: be :PrOvided: on:pub[ i c: 0 way. exists, .except:.in. the:Case of:attachedand mu[ t ip[e, fami[y deve.[opments Where guesl~ patak:in~ ~i::[.[ii,i:noi~: b~permi tted', oni~[i Cs treets, · .,.,...., ,.;.... ....,....... ;....:....: .. :.,...., ... ETSPAMEND.4 APPENDIX B TRAFFIC IMPACT EVALUATION TUSTIN UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CORRESPONDENCE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT Traffic Generation Analysis Prepared for: Irvine Community Builders 550 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Prepared by: Pirzadeh & Associates 17801 Cartwright Road, Suite D ~lrvine, CA 92714 October 24, 1994 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................... Page 1 I1. METHODOLOGY · - Page 1 III. IV. ANALYSIS '. ....................................... Page 2 CONCLUSION ' Page 6 I. INTRODUCTION Irvine Community Builders has proposed an amendment to the land use plan for the East Tustin Specific Plan. The proposed changes occur in three different zones of the Specific Plan area. This report will analyze the impacts of these proposed changes by comparing the trip generation of the new land uses to the previous assumptions of the Tustin Specific Plan. II. METHODOLOGY The East Tustin Specific Plan Development Agreement between The Irvine Company and the City of Tustin was analyzed by a Supplemental EIR to the East Tustin Specific Plan EIR. A traffic study was conducted as part of the EIR process which assessed the impacts of the development and identified related mitigation measures. The analysis presented in this report will follow the same procedure as contained in the Development Agreement traffic study. Specifically, the traffic generation of the proposed land uses will be compared to the project trip generation data contained in the Development Agreement. If the trip generation for the proposed land uses in each zone is less than or equal to the previous level of traffic generation, then the previous mitigation measures will be sufficient. Should the new trip generation exceed the previous levels, then additional analysis and measures may be necessary to mitigate the potential impacts of the new land uses. III. ANALYSIS The East Tustin Specific Plan Development Agreement traffic study projected land use trip generation by project zones. The Development Agreement Zone Map is shown on Figure 1. The corresponding land use assumptions for each zone is shown in Table 1. The proposed land use changes occur in zone numbers 46, 37, and 40. These changes consist of changing the land use for some of the previously reserved school sites to residential uses in Zones 46 and 40. Also, the land use assumptions in Zone · 37 have been modified to allow the implementation of an Intermediat~ school and a different residential/commercial development plan. Additionally, the residential land uses for each zone. h.a. ve been modified, where appropriate, to reflect the actual level of development consistent with the current zoning for each parcel. Table 2 reflects the Development Agreemen.t and the proposed land use asSumptions and trip generation for each zone. As shown in this table, the trip generation for the new land use plan is lower in all three zones. Page 2 FIGURE 1 Zone Map · TABLE 1 _Land Use Data ZONE LANO 32 Res - E] mflClr7 ~OQi TOt41 ~slaentlli Res - Part ToLAI ~s~OenClil Toga ] Total Res - ~s - N~-~lqn [lm~car~ ~1 Per~s Totai ~mn~r~ ~ooi hr~s Totii ~sl~enClil Totl! Nt~h Parts TotAl RestaentlaZ Toca I Res - To~ll ~s 1Gent14 i ToCl I Retail ~clll ReCall ~tai ~ ~nter btm11 ~clal ~te I ToC~ i Res - Es~ce ~car7 ZnCl~ lice ~001 Parts Total ResidentiAl ToLl i EAST TUSTIH P,A$E II L~#O U$£ kaO TRIP &EJ4£RATION ---6UILO-QUT--- UNIT AJeOU# f OtJ 725. O0 2250 225.00 DtJ 180.00 IS48 180.00 5TU 690. O0 SI8 690. OU 405. O0 3798 405. 4316 OU 760. O0 2.236 260. OO OU 268.00 2219 ZS8.~Q OU S3Z. OQ 3777 S3Z. ~.R£ 4.00 20 4.00 OU .~OSG.OQ 1232 1050.00 8252 OU 147.00 16&8 100.00 OU 72°00 720 0°00 TSF 3OZ. O0 ZI],4O 0.00 OU 219. OG 2308 100- O0 OU 349. OO 3490 40 . OU S&O. 00 4988 0 o DU ISOS. O0 10686 0. iX) J~R£ 150.00 gO0 tSO.O0 STU 690.00 SX8 0.00 JI~R£ 17.00 86 13.00 OU 2434. O0 19X64 40.00 20667 DU 156.00 1560 ti0. OO OU 803.00 6906 730.0(3 OU 950. OO 67 45 6~&. 00 · TU 690.00 S18 0.00 A~qE 4.00 20 4.00 DU 1909. OG 15211 X536.00 IS749 DU 684. ~ 58&2 684 bTU Z4OO.OO 4440 2400.00 ACRE ZZ.00 110 22.00 OU 684. OO S882 684. 10432 OU 856.00 6078 856.DQ TSF 145.00 10150' 145.00 bTU 690. OO S18' 690.00 OU 856. GO 6078 856.00 1674& TSF 272. O0 1373~ Q. 00 T~F 4SO. 00 72775 460.00' AC~.E 37. DO 7263 '37. IX) ItO0~ Z$O. O0 3000 Z$O. 00 Z.ZSg4 OU 476.0O $141 0.00 OU 473.00 4730 O.OQ OU 338. O0 2~0 7 O. 00 OU 1SG.0O 1347 O.O0 STU 1250.00 938 O. 00 STU 650. O0 468 0. O0 ACRE Z!. O0 105 O. O0 OU 1443.00 14170 1665! ,PHASE II----- ...... ~qOUXT PF.R~EMT AOT PERC~JiT 1002 2ZSO XOOZ 1546 ZOOZ 518 100~ 3798 4316 /.00~[ 2236 100~ 2219 I002 3777 100~ 20 1002 .SZ3Z I252 1002 100~ OZ 1080 0 0 1080 52 OZ 1002 OZ 762 400 O 0 0 · 66 400 X365 77 772 912 727 OZ 1002 1002 1007, XOOZ 1200 ~278 4671 0 20 12349 12.369 4440 110 Sa,82 10432 71)Z 1002 1002 IOOZ 1002 64378 10150 Sin 6078 1674~ IOQZ 1002 1002 0 22725 7263 1002 IOOZ I00~ 1002 19S94 JO00 27.594 1001 OZ 02 OZ OZ 02 02 TABLE 2 TRIP GENERATION ZONE DEV AGMT LAND USE UNITS DEV AGMT ADT NEW LAND USE UNITS NEW ADT 46 Res-Estate 476 DU 5.141 Res-Estate 117 DU 1.264 Res-Low 473 DU 4.730 Res-Low 259 DU 2,590 Res-Med Low 388 DU 2,907 Res-Med Low 817. DU 7,026 Res-Med 156 DU 1,342 Res-Med 208 DU 1,789 Elementary School 1250 Stu 938 Elementary School 650 Stu 520 Intermediate School 650 Stu' 488 Intermediate School 0 Parks 21 Acres 105 Parks 13 Acre 65 37 Res-Estate 147 DU 1,588 Res-Estate 147 DU 1,588 Res-Low 72 DU 720 Res-Low 72 DU 720 Gen Corem 302 TSF 21,140 Res.-Med High 399 DU 2,833 GenComm 130TSF 9,100 Intermediate School 650 Stu 488 ........~.....~;...;.:.....;.;...:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.?:.:.? ?:.:.:-;.:.?:.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.~.?:.;?;.:.:.:.:.~;:~;; :~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.' .............. .:....:........ :.;.;.;.;,,. ?..;~:.:.:.:.;.:.: ;. ?:.;~ ?:.:.:.:.:-:.;.:.:. ? ? ?:.:.:+:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:.: ?:,:.?:.:+:.? ?:+: .:+:.:.;.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.; .+:,:...:.:.? :,....;....; o., :.. ?;¥... +;.:.:.:.:.;.? ?;.??; ..;.;.;....¥ ....;+:.?;.;.:.:+:.:.:.;.;.: 40 Res-Med 684 DU 5,882 Res-Med Low 163 DU 1,402 High School 2400 Stu 4,440 Res-Med High 588 DU 4.175 Parks 22 Acre 110 Parks 5 Acre 25 IVo CONCLUSION Based on the data presented in Table 2, the new land use plan results in a lower level of trip generation when compared to the East Tustin Specific' Plan Development Agreement . The infrastructure improvements assumed in the Development Agreement are not proposed to be reduced or modified. Therefore, the new land use plan can be developed and can be accommodated by the previously planned circulation system capacity. Page 6 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN Technical Notes Prepared for: The Keith Companies Prepared by:, Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. 2020 North Tustin Avenue Santa Aha, California 92705 (714) 667-0496 October 25, 1995 EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TECHNICAL NOTES INTRODUCTION The Irvine Company has applied for a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP) and Development Agreement to modify land use in the specific plan area. In effect, three sites which currently permit the construction of a high school, an elementary school and 72,000 square feet of general commercial use are converted to residential use but without any corresponding increase in the total dwelling units allowed by the ETSP. The total number of dwelling units planned for the specific plan area is actually less than that allowed by the ETSP. ANALYSIS A Level One traffic impact evaluation was performed for the proposed changes to the ETSP. A Level One impact analysis seeks to determine how thc project's overall trip generation compares with the original EIR analysis. Consistent with the Original EIR traffic study, thc proposed land use has been subdivided into several traffic analysis zones (TAZs). The attached Table 1 shows thc land usc and thc corresponding trip generation for the four zones that have changes. The overall trip generation for thc East Tustin area decreases by approximately 20,000 ADT duc to thc changes listed above. At a zonal level, the change in land use decreases the 'corresponding zonal trip generation for each of the four zones. CONCLUSION The effect of this project substantially reduces daily traffic anticipated to be generated by the ETSP and thereby negates the need for a more detailed Level Two traffic analysis. The number of trips generated by the four affected traffic zones is reduced and the overall daily trip generation for thc zones is reduced by about 20,000 trips. Ea~ Tuatin Specific Plan 1 Technical Notes Austin-Foust Associates. Inc. 159007.tn Table EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION Zone Land Use BUILDOUT -- Unit Amount 37 Rea - Estate Res - Low Rea - Med-High Sub-total (Rea) Genernl Commercial Sub-total (Others) DU TOTAL (Zo.e ~7) Res - Low Res - Med-Low Res - Medium Res - Med-High Sub-total (Res) Golf Course ACRE 1SO.O0 Elementary School STU 690.00 Sub-total (Others) TOTAL (Zone 38) Res - Med-Low Res - Medium Res - Med-High Sub-total (Res) High School STU Parks ACRE Sub-total (Others) TOTAL (Zone 40) Res - Estate Res - Low Res - Med-Low Res - Medium Sub-total (Res) ElcmcntaFy School STU ~ Intermediate School STU 650.00 Sub-total (Othe~) TOTAL (Zone 46) RF_~IDENTIAL TOTAL GRAND TOTAL DU ADT 1.;.:,:.:.;.:.;.;.;.: .:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:, ·. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ...........,....:.;.: 900 518 .... · :.:.:.: .:,:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:. .:.::.:,:.:,:.:. .:.:.:.:.:..:.:. ..:.:.:.;...: .:.:..:.:.:+:.:.-. 5!4: 14120 .... East Tustin Specific Plan Technical Notes Austin-Foust Associates. Inc. 159007.tn EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TECHNICAL NOTES INTRODUCTION The Irvine Company has applied for a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP) and Development Agreement to modify land usc in the specific plan area. In effect, three sites which currently permit the construction of a high school, an elementary school and 72,000 square feet of general commercial use are converted to residential use but without any corresponding increase in the total dwelling units allowed by thc ETSP. The total number of dwelling units planned for thc specific plan area is actually less than that allowed by thc ETSP. ANALYSIS A Level One traffic impact evaluation was performed for the proposed changes to the ETSP. A Level One impact analysis seeks to determine how the project's overall trip generation compares with the original EIR analysis. Consistent with the original EIR traffic study, the proposed land use has been subdivided into several traffic analysis zones (TAZs). The attached TableA-/shows the land use and the corresponding trip generation for the four zones that have changes. The overall trip generation for the' East Tustin area decreases by approXimately 20,000 ADT due to the changes listed above. At a zonal level, the change in land use decreases the corresponding zonal trip generation for each of the four zones. CONCLUSION The effect of this project substantially reduces daily traffic anticipated to be generated by the ETSP and thereby negates the need for a more detailed Level Two traffic analysis. The number of trips generated by the four affected traffic zones is reduced and the overall daily trip generation for the zones is reduced by about 20,000 trips. East Tustin Specific Plan Technicni Notes Austin-Foust Associatea. Inc. 159007.tn Zone TABLE A- 1 F..AST TUSTrN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION BUILDOUT -- Land Uae Unit Amount ADT 37 Re~ - Entree DU ~ '??_99 ~.3 ~ Rem - Low DU .................. ~ ............. ~ R~ - M~-Hi~h DU ~ ~ Su~to~l (Oth~) )t~ ~ .;,:.;.;.;,;.;.;. ~T~ (~.~ ~ ~ ~ s..-,o~, (~) Du ~9 ~ ~ ~ Goff ~u~ ACRE 15~.~ ~ El~en~ ~h~l S~ 6~.~ 518 Pa~ ACRE ~ !U.~ ~ ~ :.:.:-:-:.:,:-:.:.: .:.:.:.: Su~,o~ (O,h~.) ~!~ ~ ~ R= - M~-~ DU ~ ~ R~- M~-High DU ~ ~:~ su~,o-, (R=) Du ~ ~ ~ ~ High Sch~i S~' O' ~ ~ ~O Pa~ ACRE ~:~ ~ ~ ~ :.:.:.:....,:.: Su~to~i (Othc~) ........ ....v. TOT~ (~nc ~) ~ ~ .... :...:.:.:..,:.:...:.:.: R~ - ~ DU ~ d7~.~ ~ ~ R=- -~.~ DU ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~';'-';';';';':'>;';':+ - ...... ..-;....; ;-.v.v - .... Intimate ~h~i ~ ~0.~ ~ Pa~ ACRE ~ ~ ~ ~ s.~, (O~h~) ~ ~ ~E~ TOT~ DU ~ ~7~9 ~ ~,~ v...v..;< v;.;- East Tmtin Specific Plan 2 Amtin-Fou~t ~tea. Inc. Technical Notes 159007.tn THE KEITH COMPANIES December 13, 1994 FILE COPY Ms. Donna Burr Tustin Unified School District 300 South C Street Tustin, California 92680 Subject: East Tustin Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment 94-001 and Zone Change 94-004 Dear Ms. Burt: The Keith Companies (TKC) is currently under contract with the City of Tustin to prepare the environmental documentation necessary for the City to process the subject General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Based on our discussion this afternoon, The Keith Companies would like to confirm our understanding of the Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) issues within the East Tustin Specific Plan area. · The City originally approved the following school sites_within the East Tustin Specific Plan: Reservation of five (5) elementary, school sites. Reservation of one (1) middle school site, and Reservation of one (I) high school site. Since the original Specific Plan approval, the TUSD has agreed to the following number of school sites within the Specific Plan area: TUSD has purchased two (2) elementary school sites, Reservation of one (1) elementary school site, Reservation of one (1) middle school site, and Release of one (1) high school site. If the TUSD concurs with our understanding, please do so in writing as soon as possible. ~qnmng Eng~neenng Enwronmenial Serwces LanO Surveying PuOhc Works Water Resources Cullural Resour..,e'; 9998-SFJ-12557-L (714) 540-0800 P.O. Box 25127. Santa Ana. CA 92799 2955 Red Hill Avenue. Costa Mesa. CA 92526 Ms. Donna Burt December 13, 1994 Page 2 of 2 Should you have any other questions on this matter, please don't hesitate to contacts me at (714) 668-7113. Let me thank you in advance for your timely response in this matter. Sincerely, ~ KEITH COMPANIES Saurktra F. Jacobs, REA Sr. Environmental Planner SFJ/sg 9998-SFJ-12557.L ,. Llni ieb School Dist ic December 19, 1994 The Keith Companies Post Office Box 25127 Santa Aha, California 92799 Attention: Saundra F. Jacobs, R.E.A. Senior Environmental Planner Re: East Tustin Specific Plan General Plan Amendment 94-001 and Zone Change 94-004 Dear Ms. Jacobs: In response to your letter of December 13, ~ 1994, this will confirm that the status of the Tustin Unified School District school sites within the East Tustin Specific Plan is correctly set forth in your letter. Specifically, the Specific Plan originally provided for reservation of five elementary school sites, one middle schOol site and one high school site. Currently, the status of the school sites is that the District has purchased two elementary school sites, has reservations of one additional elementary school site and one middle school site, and has released the reservation of the high school site. The District currently believes that the remaining school sites which it has either purchased or reserved, together with available capacity in existing schools of the District outside the Specific Plan area, will be sufficient to provide school facilities for the anticipated maximum number of dwelling units at buildout in the Specific Plan area. However, if the impact of General Plan Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004, or any other related City approvals is to significantly increase the maximum number of dwelling, units allowed in the Specific Plan area, then the District will need to re-evaluate whether the remaining purchased and reserved sites, together with capacity in existing schools, will still be sufficient to provide capacity for all the students to be generated from the Specific Plan area. 500 so tb C st ee o ¢ s im, ca[ifo nia DR6 O o 71z -750-7501 .. Saundra F. Jacobs, R.E.A. December 19, 1994 Page 2 Accordingly, the District hereby reserves all rights to comment on General Plan'Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004, and any related environmental impact report or negative declaration, once those documents are completed in draft form and circulated for review and comment. Very truly yours, Donna Burt, Facilitator Administrative Services DB/pg cc: The Irvine Company APPENDIX C PROPOSED 2ND AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT (the "SECOND AMENDMENT") to the East Tustin Development Agreement (the ."ETDA") is made effective , 1995, by and between The Irvine Company, a Michigan corporation ("Developer"), and the City of Tustin, a California municipal corporation ("City"), with respect to the following: RECITALS ao This SECOND AMENDMENT amends the ETDA entered into by and between City and Developer effective December 3, 1986, and approved by City by Ordinance No. 978. The ETDA concerns all of that real property (the "Property") described in Exhibit "A" to the ETDA 'and delineated on Exhibit "B" thereto, which description and delineation are incorporated herein by this reference. At the time of its entry into the ETDA, Developer was the fee owner of the Property, and is the fee owner of the areas of the Property specifically involved in this SECOND AMENDMENT. The ETDA has been amended once previously; effective March 16, 1992, and approved by City by Ordinance No. 1082 ("First Amendment"). The term "ETDA" is used herein to refer to the ETDA as amended by the First Amendment. Be The ETDA provides for the development of the Property in accordance with the East Tustin Specific Plan adopted by City on March 17, 1986 (the "Specific Plan"). Ce The Specific Plan and ETDA provided for the reservation of school and park sites anticipated to be needed to serve the future residents and occupants of the Property. As the Property has been developed, however, certain sites reserved for school or park purposes are no longer needed for those purposes, and should be redesignated for residential development subject to the dedication of a new neighborhood park, and parking for a future neighborhood park. City and Developer have also considered the feasibility of development of hotel uses on the Property, and have determined that hotel construction is unlikely within the next ten years, and the ETDA should be amended accordingly. De Amendments to the Specific Plan, approved by the City Council on , 1995, provide for changes in the Land Use Designations of the East Tustin Land Use Plan relating to the release of certain school and park sites. Ee In light of the foregoing, City and Developer desire to further amend the ETDA to accomplish the foregoing purposes and to provide for the development of the Property in accordance with the Specific Plan, as amended. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereafter contained, and for the purposes stated above, City and Developer hereby agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Amendments to Specific Plan. Exhibit "C" to the ETDA, as amended, which is the Specific Plan, is hereby amended as set forth in the attached Exhibit "C". Among other minor changes, the amendments to the Specific Plan accomplish the following: ae The Land Use DeSignation of the East Tustin Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 is changed from HS (High School) to designate approximately. 16 acres at ML (Medium-Low) Density Residential with a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 24 acres at M (Medium) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C-1. -OR- A. (ALT.) The Land Use Designation of the East Tustin Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 is changed from HS (High School) to designate approximately 17 acres at ML (Medium-Low) Density Residential with a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 23 acres at M (Medium) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C-2. Be The Land Use Designation of the East Tustin Land Use Plan for Lot 27 of Tract 13627 is changed from GC (General Commercial) to designate approximately 19 acres at MH (Medium-High) Density and approximately 12 acres at GC (General Commercial). · A· Site Access, Landscapinq Setback and Building Heiqht, and Special Development Restrictions. Vehicular access to the Medium Density Site from Irvine Boulevard shall be at its signalized intersection with Robinson Road. Vehicular Access from Tustin Ranch Road shall be at, or southerly of, the intersection'of Palermo and Tustin Ranch Road. Be De E · An expanded thirty five (35) foot setback along Tustin Ranch Road from the edge of the curb to the residential improvements shall be provided, consisting of nine (9) feet of landscaped right-of-way and an additional twenty six (26) feet of landscaped area, all thirty five (35) feet of which is to be annexed for maintenance purposes to the Tustin Ranch Landscape and Lighting District (the "Lighting District"). The Lighting District shall be responsible for maintenance of the landscaping in all landscape setback areas around the Medium Density Site and in dedicated right-of-way. The building height of any future development provided on the Medium .Density sites shall be limited to two (2) stories. No more than 400 apartment units may be considered on the Medium Density site located adjacent to Irvine Boulevard, away from Tustin Ranch Road. A "For-Sale" townhome or single-family detached residential product shall be provided at a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre on the Medium Density site located at the southeast corner of Irvine Boulevard and Tustin Ranch Road. E. (ALT.) (If Land Use Alternative C-2 for Medium-Low Density adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road is selected, this Paragraph E may be eliminated.) · ae Neiqhborhood Park. Developer shall dedicate by separate instrument at the time of recordation of a final map on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, a minimum net acre neighborhood park to be located on the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. The Developer shall receive land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained by the City's Community Services Department for the amount of land area dedicated to the City for the neighborhood park. (OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TO ADD TO THIS PARAGRAPH A) In addition, Developer shall contribute $ toward the improvement of the neighborhood park. The Developer shall receive an additional land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained by the City's Community Services Department based upon the above amount of contribution. Said contribution shall be made prior to issuance of the first building permit for residential development on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315. The amount of land credit that will be given for the contribution shall be calculated by dividing the contribution amount by the value of one (1) buildable acre of residential land with typical urban infrastructure services to accommodate development at the densities shown on the approved Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, as determined by an appraiser selected by the City, with appraisal costs borne by the Developer (i.e.: If the value of the contribution equals $400,000 and the value of one (1) acre of land is appraised at $800,000, the land credit would equal $400,000 divided by $800,000 or .5 acres). -OR- A (ALT.) Developer shall design, construct and dedicate to City, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first 'residential unit developed on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, a minimum net acre neighborhood park to be located on the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. The design of the neighborhood park shall be subject to input from the Parks and Recreation Commission and final City Council approval. City agrees that the approval of the park design shall be expedited to the greatest extent possible so that there will be no delay in Developer obtaining Certificates of Occupancy for residential units on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315. The Developer shall receive land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained by the City,s Community Services Department for the amount of land area dedicated to the City for the neighborhood park. The Developer shall receive an additional land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary based upon the value of the improvements provided in the neighborhood park by the Developer. The value of the improvements shall be based upon actual construction costs, as verified by the City, and Developer agrees to provide true and correct supporting documentation. The amcunt of land credit that will be given for the improvements shall be calculated by dividing the actual construction costs by the value of one (1) buildable acre of residential land with typical urban.infrastructure services to .accommodate development at the densities shown on the approved Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, as determined by an appraiser selected by the City, with appraisal costs borne by the Developer (i.e.: If the value of the improvements equals $400,000 and the value of one (1) acre of land is appraised at $800,000, the land credit would equal $400,000 divided by $800,000 or .5 acres). 4. Release of Reserved Park Site. In order to satisfy Condition 5.1.B of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2603 approving Tentative Tract Map 13627, City has determined in the Specific Plan, as amended, to release Lot 17 of Tract 13627 for residential development provided that the Developer dedicates to the City an approximate .18 acre portion of Lot 17 of Tract 13627, as generally depicted in Exhibit H, to provide parking for the future neighborhood park site located on Lot 16 of Tract 13627. Said dedication shall occur as part of any future subdivision or development of Lot 17 of Tract 13627. · Apartment Development. A· The second sentence in Section 2.1, Permitted Uses, of the ETDA shall be revised to read as follows: "As a standard governing the exercise of the City's discretion to issue conditional use permits for the construction of apartment projects under the Specific Plan, the City agrees that the Developer will be allowed to construct apartment projects in the medium high and medium density areas of the Property totalling 25% of the maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the Specific Plan and Tract No. 12345 as of the date of the ETDA (December 1986) which maximum was 9,178 dwelling units." B· New sentenCes shall be inserted after the second sentence in Section 2.1, Permitted Uses, of the ETDA and are added to read as follows: "For purposes of calculating the percentage of apartments allowed pursuant to this Agreement, the 1,854 City approved apartment units, as of the date of Amendment No. 2, and any apartment units approved by City and built by Developer (or any successor) after the date of Amendment No. 2, shall always be used in calculating the 25% apartment unit limitation as stated above. To the extent that Developer or its successors in interest, after the date of Amendment No. 2 convert apartment units to condominium units, the resultant reduction in apartment units can not be used to recalculate the 25% apartment unit limitation and give rise to a claim for additional apartment units. In addition, once the 25% apartment unit limitation is achieved, no further approvals for apartment units will be granted by the City." 6. Hotels. ae The last sentence in Section 1.4 of the ETDA shall be deleted in its entirety. Section 1.4.1, added by the First Amendment to ETDA is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new Section 1.4.1, Hotel, is added to read as follows: "1.4.1 Hotels. Developer agrees that, for a period of ten (10) years following the effective date of this SECOND AMENDMENT, it shall~ not construct a hotel on its property located between Portola Parkway on the north, the Atchison, Topeka and santa Fe railroad right-of-way to the south, Myford Road to the west, and Culver Drive to the east." 7. East Tustin Phasing Plan. The East Tustin Phasing Plan identified in Section 1.9 of the ETDA, and amended by the First Amendment, shall be amended to read as follows: EAST TUSTIN PHASING PLAN CUM. DWELLING DWELLING UNITS UNITS CUM.. AUTO SQ. FT. SQ. FT. CENTER RETAIL RETAIL DEALERS 955 955 0 0 3 740 1,695 0 0 4 1,095 2,790 0 0 2 1,303 4,093 400,000 400,000 1 1,273 5,366 663,000 1,063,000 0 1,192 6,558 0 1,063,000 0 1,212 7,770 0 1,063,000 0 288 8,058 . 80,000 1,143,000 0 8,058 8,058 1,143,000 1,143,000 10 8. Maximum Number of Residential Dwellinq Units. The maximum number of residential dwelling units authorized by the Specific Plan (7,950 dwelling units) and the Phase I Residential Area as authorized by Tentative Tract No. 12345 (1,228 dwelling units) shall be reduced from a total of 9,178 dwelling units to a total of 8,058 dwelling units. However, the original maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract No. 12345 as of the date of the ETDA (December 1986) was a tOtal of 9,178 units and this maximum number of units shall still be used for purposes of calculating the 25% limitation on apartment units as described in Section 2.1 of the ETDA, as modified by this Amendment No. 2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer have each executed this SECOND AMENDMENT effective as of the date first written above. CITY OF TUSTIN THE IRVINE COMPANY By Mayor By By ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk ETDAREV.2 City Attorney RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES RESO. 95-44: ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION ORD. 1148: DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENTS AGREEMENT RESO. 95-114: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS ORD. 1150: ZONE CHANGES/SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS 1 RESOLUTION h~O. 95-44 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION O? THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 85-2, AS MODIFIED BY SUBSEQUENTLY APPROVED SUPPLEMENTS AND ADDENDA, WITH ADDENDUM NO. 5 RELATED TO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-001, ZONE CHANGE 94- 004, AMENDMENTS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AND SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT' The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That an application has been filed by The Irvine Company, requesting approval of General Plan Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004,. Amendments to the East Tustin Specific Plan, and Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement. That an Initial Study was prepared during the review process which determined that no significant environmental impacts beyond that previously considered would occur as a result of the proposed project and that an addendum to Environmenta'l Impact Report (EIR) 85-2 would be required for this project. C · That Addendum No. 5 to EIR 85-2 was prepared in compliance with Section 15164 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). De That pursuant to CEQA, EIR 85-2 has previously been prepared and certified and adequately 'addresses the general environmental setting of the project, significant environmental impacts, and the alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental effect and that no additional environmental .impacts or mitigation measures were identified in Addendum No. 5 to EIR 85-2. m o That Addendum No. 5 to EIR 85-2 prepared for the project addresses only minor technical changes or additions and none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines have occurred. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 95-44 Page 2 II. The Irvine Company shall pay City's defense costs (including attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any claims, losses, liabilities, or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees), arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of Addendum No. 5 to EIR 85-2. III. The East Tustin Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (85-2), previously certified on March 17, 1986, as modified by subsequently adopted supplements and addenda, was considered prior to the City Council approval of this project. The City Council hereby finds: this project is within the scope of the East Tustin Specific Plan 'previously apprOved; the effects of this project, relating to grading, drainage, circulation, public services and utilities, were examined in the Program EIR, particularly in the traffic analysis contained in the Technical Appendices of said EIR, as modified by subsequently approved supplements and addenda, and Addendum No. 5 to EIR 85-2 addressing the 'proposed amendments incorporated herein by reference. Ail feasible mitigation measures and alternatives developed in the Program EIR are incorporated into this project. The Final EIR, is therefore determined to be adequate to serve as a. Program EIR for this project and satisfies all requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. Applicable mitigation measures identified in the Final EIR have been incorporated into this project which mitigates any potential significant environmental effects thereof. The mitigation measures are identified as Conditions of Approval related to General Plan Amendment 94-001, Zone Change 94-004, the East Tustin Specific Plan Amendments and the Second Amendment to the East Tustin'Development Agreement. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 95-44 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED bb· the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 20th day of November,. 1995. JIM POTTS MAYOR Pamela Stoker, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) ~S PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 95-44 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 20th day of November, 1995, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1148 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, AS DEFINED BY SECTION 65865.2 OF THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE, BETWEEN THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE IRVINE COMPANY PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows- I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ne That on April 7, 1986, the East Tustin Specific Plan was adopted by the City Council. Be C· That as a required element of the East Tustin Specific Plan, a Development Agreement was adopted by the City on_ November 3, 1986, prior to authorization of any development within the project area· That the proposed Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement has been submitted by The Irvine Company pursuant to applicable provisions of state law and local ordinances and with the concurrence of the City of Tustin. De That Addendum #5 to EIR 85-2 has been prepared in conjunction with the proposed project in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. E · That a public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the Planning Commission on March 13, 1995 and continued to March 27, 1995, and by the City Council on June 5, 1995. Project scope changes were further considered by the Planning Commission on october 9, 1995 pursuant to Government Code Section 65857. A second public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the City Council on November 20, 1995. F· The Second Amendment would be consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the General Plan, as amendment by General Plan Amendment 94-001, particularly the Land Use Element which encourages well balanced land uses and while maintaining a healthy diversified economy. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1148 Page 2 G o The Second Amendment would be compatible with the uses authorized by the East Tustin Specific Plan, as amended by Zone Change 94-004. He The Second Amendment would be in conformity with public necessity, public convenience, general welfare and good land use practices in that the Second Amendment would provide for dedication of land devoted for park purposes, while still providing for the overall residential and commercial development anticipated by the East Tustin Specific Plan. The Second Amendment would not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community in that the amendment would reduce the overall allowable dwelling unit count within the Tustin Ranch area from 9,178 units to 8,058 units which represents a twelve (12%) reduction. J · The Second Amendment would not affect the' orderly development of the property in that the land use patterns, as amendment by General Plan Amendment 94-001 and Zone Change 94-004 would provide for potential commercial and residential development consistent with the capacity of the supporting infrastructure and street improvements. K· The Second Amendment would have a positive fiscal impact on the City which is required to be monitored through the East Tustin Fiscal Monitor as the elimination of the hotel from the' phasing schedule as a revenue generator would be replaced · by an equivalent amount of retail space in the phasing schedule. II. The Irvine Company shall pay City's' defense costs (including ~attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any claims, losses, liabilities, or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees), arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement. III. The City Council hereby approves the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement as included in Exhibit A attached hereto and subject to final approval of the City Attorney. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1148 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 20th day of November, 1995. JIM POTTS MAYOR Pamela Stoker, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1148 PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1148 was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of November, 1995 and passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of December, 1995, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE EAST TUSTIN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT (the "SECOND AMENDMENT") to the East Tustin Development Agreement (the "ETDA") is made effective , 1995, by and between The Irvine Company, a Michigan corporation ("Developer"), and the City of Tustin, a California municipal corporation ("City"), with respect to the following: RECITALS ae Be This SECOND AMENDMENT amends the ETDA entered into by and between City and Developer effective December 3, 1986, and approved by City by Ordinance No. 978. The ETDA concerns all of that real property (the "Property") described in Exhibit "A" to the ETDA and delineated on Exhibit "B" thereto, which description and delineation are incorporated herein by this reference. At the time of its entry into the ETDA, Developer was the fee owner of the Property, and is the fee owner of the areas of the Property specifically involved in this SECOND AMENDMENT. The ETDA has been amended once previously, effective March 16, 1992, and approved by City by Ordinance No. 1082 ("First Amendment"). The term "ETDA" is used herein to refer to the ETDA as amended by the First Amendment. The ETDA provides for the development of the Property in accordance with the East Tustin Specific Plan adopted by City on March 17, 1986 (the "Specific Plan"). C · De The Specific Plan and ETDA provided for the reservation of school and park sites anticipated to be needed to serve the future residents and occupants of the ProPerty. As the Property has been developed, however, certain sites reserved for school or park purposes are no longer needed for those purposes, and should be redesignated for residential development subject to the dedication of a new neighborhood park, and parking for a future neighborhood park. City and Developer have also considered the feasibility of development of hotel uses on the Property, and have determined that hotel construction is unlikely within the next ten years, and the ETDA should be amended accordingly. Amendments to the Specific Plan, approved by the City Council on , 1995, provide for changes in the Land Use Designations of the East Tustin Land Use Plan relating to the release of certain school and park sites. m · In light of the foregoing, City and Developer desire to further amend the ETDA to accomplish the foregOing purposes and to provide for the development of the Property in accordance with the Specific Plan, as amended. ORDINANCE 1148 EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants hereafter contained, and for the purposes stated above, City and Developer hereby agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Amendments to Specific Plan. Exhibit "C" to the ETDA, as amended, which is the Specific Plan, is hereby amended as set forth in the attached Exhibit "C". Among other minor changes, the amendments to the Specific Plan accomplish the following: ae The Land Use Designation of the East Tustin Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 is changed from HS (High School) to designate approximately 16 acres at ML (Medium-Low) Density Residential with a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 24 acres at M (Medium) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C-1. -OR- A. (ALT.) The Land Use Designation of the East Tustin Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of- Parcel Map 88-315 is changed from HS (High School) to designate approximately 17 acres at ML (Medium-Low) Density Residential with a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 23 acres at M (Medium) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C-2. The Land Use Designation of the East'Tustin Land Use Plan for Lot 27 of Tract 13627 is changed from GC (General Commercial) to designate approximately 19 acres at MH (Medium-High) Density and approximately 12 acres at GC (General Commercial). · ae Site Access, Landscaping Setback and Building Height, and Special Development Restrictions. Vehicular access to the Medium Density Site from Irvine Boulevard shall be at its signalized intersection with Robinson Road. Vehicular Access from Tustin Ranch Road shall be at, or southerly of, the intersection of Palermo and Tustin Ranch Road. Be Ce De m · An expanded thirty five (35) foot setback along Tustin Ranch Road from the edge of the curb to the residential improvements shall be provided, consisting of nine (9) feet of landscaped right-of-way and an additional twenty six (26) feet of landscaped area, all thirty five (35) feet of which is to be annexed for maintenance purposes to the Tustin Ranch Landscape and Lighting District (the "Lighting District"). The Lighting District shall be responsible for maintenance of the landscaping in all landscape setback areas around the Medium Density Site and in dedicated right-of-way. The building height of any future development provided on the Medium Density sites shall be limited to two (2) stories. No more than 400 apartment units may be considered on the Medium Density site located adjacent to Irvine Boulevard, away from Tustin Ranch Road. A "For-Sale" townhome or single-family detached residential product shall be provided at a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre on the Medium Density site located at the southeast corner of Irvine Boulevard and Tustin Ranch Road. E. (ALT.) (If Land Use Alternative C-2 for Medium-Low Density adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road is selected, this Paragraph E may be eliminated.) · A· Neiqhborhood Park. DeVeloper shall dedicate by separate instrument at the time of recordation of a final map on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, a minimum net acre~neighborhood park to be located on the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. The Developer shall receive land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained by the City's Community Services Department for the amount of land area dedicated to the City for the neighborhood park. (OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE TO ADD TO THIS PARAGRAPH A) In addition, Developer shall contribute $ toward the improvement of the neighborhood park. The Developer shall receive an additional land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained by the CitY,s Community Services Department based upon the above amount of contribution. Said contribution shall be made prior to issuance of the first building permit for residential development on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315. The amount of land credit that will be given for the contribution shall be calculated by dividing the contribution amount by the value of one (1) buildable acre of residential land with typical urban infrastructure services to accommodate development at the densities shown on the approved Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, as determined by an appraiser selected by the City, with appraisal costs borne by the Developer (i.e.: If the value of the contribution equals $400,000 and the value of one (1) acre of land is appraised at $800,000, the land credit would equal $400,000 divided by $800,000 or .5 acres) . -OR- A (ALT.) Developer shall design, construct and dedicate to City, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the first residential unit developed on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315, a minimum net acre neighborhood park to be located on the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way. The design of the neighborhood park shall be subject to input from the Parks and Recreation Commission and final City Council approval. City agrees that the approval of the park design shall be expedited to the greatest extent possible so that there will be no delay in Developer obtaining Certificates of Occupancy for residential units on Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315. The Developer shall receive land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary maintained bY. the City's Community Services Department for the amount of land area dedicated to the city for the neighborhood park. .The Developer shall receive an additional land credit in the East Tustin Parkland Dedication Summary based upon the value of the improvements provided in the neighborhood park by the Developer. The value of the improvements shall be based upon actual construction costs, as verified by the City, and Developer agrees to provide true and correct supporting documentation. The amount of land credit that will be given for the improvements shall be calculated by dividing the actual construction costs by the value of one (1) buildable acre of residential land with typical urban infrastructure services to accommodate development at the densities shown on the approved Land Use Plan for Parcel 2 of Parcel. Map 88-315, as determined by an appraiser selected by the City, with appraisal costs borne by the Developer (i.e.: If the value of the improvements equals $400,000 and the value of one (1) acre of land is appraised at $800,000, the land credit would equal $400,000 divided by $800,000 or .5 acres). 4. Release of Reserved Park Site. 'In order to satisfy Condition 5.1.B of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2603 approving Tentative Tract Map 13627, City has determined in the Specific Plan, as amended, to release Lot 17 of Tract 13627 for residential development provided that the Developer dedicates to the City an approximate .18 acre portion of Lot 17 of Tract 13627, as generally depicted in Exhibit H, to provide.parking for the future neighborhood park site located on Lot 16 of Tract 13627. Said dedication shall occur as part of any future subdivision or development of Lot 17 of Tract 13627. · Apartment Development. a. The second sentence in Section 2.1, Permitted Uses, of the ETDA shall be revised to read as follows: "As a standard governing the exercise of the City's discretion to issue conditional use permits for the construction of apartment projects under the Specific Plan, the City agrees that the Developer will be allowed to construct apartment projects in the medium high and medium density areas of the Property totalling 25% of the maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the Specific Plan and Tract No. 12345 as of the date of the ETDA (December 1986) which maximum was 9,!78 dwelling units." Be New sentences shall be inserted after the second sentence in Section 2.1, Permitted Uses, of the ETDA and are added to read as follows: "For purposes of calculating the percentage of apartments allowed pursuant to this Agreement, the 1,854 City approved apartment units, as of the date of Amendment No. 2, and any apartment units approved by City and built by Developer (or any successor) after the date of Amendment No. 2, shall always be used in calculating the 25% apartment unit limitation as stated above. To the extent that Developer or its successors in interest, after'the date of Amendment No. 2 convert apartment units to condominium units, the resultant reduction in apartment units can not be used to recalculate the 25% apartment unit limitation and give rise to a claim for additional apartment units. In addition, once the 25% apartment unit limitation is achieved, no further approvals for apartment units will be granted by the City." 6. Hotels. a. The last sentence in Section 1.4 of the ETDA shall be deleted in its entirety. Be Section 1.4.1, added by the First Amendment to ETDA is hereby deleted in its entirety, and a new Section 1.4.1, Hotel, is added to read as follows: "1.4.1 Hotels. Developer agrees that, for a periOd of ten (10) years following the effective date of this SECOND AMENDMENT, it shall not construct a hotel on its property located between Portola Parkway on the north, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad right-of-way to the south, Myford Road to the west, and Culver Drive to the east." 7. East Tustin Phasinq Plan. The East Tustin Phasing Pla~ identified in Section 1.9 of the ETDA, and amended by the First Amendment, shall be amended to read as follows: EAST TUSTIN PHASING PLAN CUM. CUM. AUTO DWELLING DWELLING SQ. FT. SQ. FT. CENTER UNITS UNITS RETAIL RETAIL DEALERS 955 955 0 0 3 740 1,695 0 0 4 1,095 2,790 0 0 2 1,303 4,093 400,000 400,000 1 1,273 5,366 663,000 1,063,000 0 1,192 6,558 0 1,063,000 0 1,212 7,770 0 1,063,000 0 288 8,058 80,000 1,143,000 0 8,058 8,058 1,143,000 1,143,000 10 8. Maximum Number of Residential Dwelling Units. The maximum number of residential dwelling units authorized by the Specific Plan (7,950 dwelling units) and the Phase I Residential Area as authorized by Tentative Tract No. 12345 (1,228 dwelling units) shall be reduced from a total of 9,178 dwelling units to a total of 8,058 dwelling units. However, the original maximum number of dwelling units permitted by the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract No. 12345 as of the date of the ETDA (December 1986) was a total of 9,178 units and this maximum number of units shall still be used for purposes of calculating the 25% limitation on apartment units as described in Section 2.1 of the ETDA, as modified by this Amendment No. 2. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer have each executed this SECOND AMENDMENT effective as of the date first written above. CITY OF TUSTIN THE IRVINE COMPANY By Mayor By By ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Clerk ETDAREV.2 City Attorney 1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-114 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-001 TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP ~ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ae Be That an application has been filed by The Irvine Company, requesting approval of General Plan Amendment 94-001 to change the land use designation of ~the City's General Plan Land Use Map on certain, properties within the East Tustin Specific Plan area. That a public hearing was duly notice, called and held on said application by the Planning Commission on March 13, 1995 and continued to March 27, 1995, and by the City Council on June 5, 1995. Project scope changes were further considered by the Planning Commission on October 9, 1995 pursuant to Government Code Section 65857. A second public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the City Council on November 20, 1995. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently approved supplements and addenda, for the East Tustin Specific Plan has been certified with Addendum No. 5 in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project. Do Proposed General Plan Amendment 94-001 would be consistent with good land use design placing higher density residential products adjacent to major arterials minimizing traffic and noise impacts. E · Proposed General Plan Amendment 94-001 would provide consistency with existing and proposed zoning and provisions of the East Tustin Specific Plan related to allowed uses and number of allowed units within the Specific Plan area. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 95-114 Page 2 F . Proposed General Plan Amendment 94-004 would be consistent with the policies of the General Plan Land Use and Housing Elements with balanced land uses and not precluding owner occupied dwellings. II. The Irvine Company shall pay City's defense costs (including attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any claims, losses, liabilities, or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees), arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of General Plan Amendment 94-001. III. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment 94-001 as follows: ne The Land Use Designation on the City's General Plan Land Use Map shall be changed as follows: · Lot 6 of Tract 12870 shall be changed from Public & Institutional (P&I) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto. · A portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road along the entire Tustin Ranch Road street frontage and includes approximately 19 acres shall be changed from Planned Community Commercial Business (PCCB) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. Be The changes to the City's Land Use Map identified in subsection A above are contingent upon the execution of the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement as adopted by Ordinance No. 1148. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 95-114 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 20th day of November, 1995. JIM POTTS MAYOR Pamela Stoker, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) SS PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the city Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the~whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 95-114 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 20th day of November, 1995, by the following Vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk TOWNSHIP DRIVE RE$1DENTI RAWLINGS SITE ' EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC PUBLIC/INSTITUTIONAL PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL LOT 6 OF TRACT 12870 A.P.#: 501-093-16 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN GPA 94-001 EXHIBIT A Figure 1-3 EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL.,~ PC COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS LOT 27 .OF TRACT 13627 A.P.#: 502-452-01 SOURCE:CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN GPA 94-001 EXHIBIT B Figure 1-4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1150 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 94-004 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION AND THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN ON CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, INCLUDING TEXTURAL AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN~ The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ne That an application has been filed by The Irvine Company, requesting approval of Zone Change 94-004 to change the zoning and the East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan on certain properties within the East Tustin Specific Plan area, including textual and statistical summary revisions to the East Tustin Specific Plan. B. That a public hearing was duly notice, called and held on said application by the Planning Commission on March 13, 1995 and continued to March 27, 1995, and by the City Council on June 5, 1995. Project scope changes were further considered by the Planning Commission on October 9, 1995 pursuant to Government Code Section 65857. A second public hearing was duly noticed, called'and held by the City Council on November 20, 1995. Ce That an Environmental Impact Report EIR 85-2, as modified by subsequently approved supplements and addenda, for the East Tustin Specific Plan has been certified with Addendum No. 5 in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project. De Proposed Zone Change 94-004 would be consistent with good land use design placing higher density residential products adjacent to major arterials minimizing traffic and noise impacts. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21¸ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1150 Page 2 . Proposed Zone Change 94-004 would be consistent with the policies of the General Plan Land Use and Housing Elements with balanced land uses and not precluding owner occupied dwellings. II. The Irvine Company shall pay City's defense costs (including attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any Claims, losses, liabilities, or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for'costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees), arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of Zone Change 94-004. III. The City Council hereby approves Zone Change 94-004 as follows: ne The Zoning Designation on the city's Zoning Map shall be changed as follows: i · Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 shall be changed from Planned Community Community Facility (PCCF) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown.in Exhibit A attached hereto. · A portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road along the entire Tustin Ranch Road street frontage and includes approximately 19 acres shall be changed from Planned Community Commercial (PCC) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. . The East Tustin Land Use Plan shall be changed as follows: · A portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located adjacent to Tustin Ranch Road along the entire Tustin Ranch Road street frontage and includes approximately 19 acres shall be changed from General Commercial (GC) to Medium High Density (MH) as shown in Exhibit C attaChed hereto. · The underlying land use designation related to the Elementary School designation located on Lot 6 of Tract 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1150 Page 3 12870 shall be Medium-Low Density (ML) as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto· · Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 shall be changed from High School (HS) to designate approximately 16 acres at Medium-Low (ML) Density Residential with a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 24 acres at Medium (M) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C attached hereto. -OR- 3. ALT. Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 88-315 shall be changed from High School (HS) to designate approximately 17 acres at Medium-Low (ML) Density Residential with ' a Neighborhood Park Site located at the northeast corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Heritage Way, and approximately 23 acres at Medium (M) Density Residential as generally depicted in Exhibit C attached hereto. C · The East Tustin Specific Plan document shall be changed to read as shown in Exhibit D attached hereto. Do The changes to the City's Zoning Map and the East Tustin Specific .Plan identified in subsections A, B and C above are contingent upon the execution of the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment 94-001 as adopted by Ordinance No 1148 and Resolution No. 95-114 respectively. IV. In order to implement the above changes, the applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department the following materials within 30 days of final approval by the City Council: A· Twenty (20) copies and one (1) reproducible copy of the East Tustin Specific Plan with revisions required in Sections II.B and II.C above. 3 41 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1150 Page 4 Be Twenty (20) copies and one (1) reproducible copy of a large scale Land Use Plan of the East Tustin Specific Plan with revisions required in Section II.B above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City · of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 20th day of November, 1995, JIM POTTS MAYOR Pamela Stoker, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1150 PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1150 was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of November, 1995 and passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of November, 1995, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk _.) .o 13211 SITE EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMUNITY FACILITY PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 88-315 A.P.#: 500-221-02 A.P.#: 500-221.-03 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT A Figure 1- 5 EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PC COMMERCIAL PROPOSED DESIGNATION: PC RESIDENTIAL, PC COMMERCIAL Lot 27 of Tract 13627 A.P. 502-452-01 SOURCE: CITY OF TUSTIN EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN ZC 94-004 EXHIBIT B Figure 1-6 · · 1 FGEND REFER TO FIGURE 1-4 & 1-6 REFER TO FIGURE 1-3 ~ ~2.P.X. · ZONIN~ t,.XNO U~E AREA REFER TO FIGURE 1-5 · ALTERNATE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS CONSIDERED EAST TUSTIN ZC 94-004 SPECIFIC PLAN EXHIBIT C ZONE CHANGE 94-004 ORDINANCE 1150 EXHIBIT D EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT REVISIONS 2.1 Land Use (ETSP Pages 2-1 through 2-4) The Land Use Plan, illustrated in Exhibit C, incorporates the planning goals and objectives in designating a variety of residential and non-residential land uses circumscribed and linked by an appropriate arterial circulation system. Each of the parcels within the~plan having a specific land use designation is referred to as a "land use area". These areas have been aggregated into 12 easily identifiable zones called "Sectors". The sector boundaries are defined by major roadways and topographical features; each sector contains one or more land use area. Table 2.1 summarizes the land use statistics. More detailed statistics for each sector are provided in thc Section 2.14. Gross acres have been used for computing acreages and residential densities on the following tables Gross acres include all land within a sector or land use area exclusive of arterial street rights-of-way. Table 2.1 Statistical Summary Land Use Designation Acreage Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10 du/ac) Medium (up to 18 du/ac) Medium-High (up to 25 du/ac) .+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: Open Space Community Parks ~ ....... :~::~ Golf Course 150 :~:~:::~:: ............. .. Commercial/Business Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Mixed Use . ......... 121 Institutional Elementary Schools~ Intermediate Schools Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only ** i~i) i0'i i~i~i~ Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 2 ** i~ Acreage for all roads other than arteriaI and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land ~se Plan designates five residential categories, each .of which has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area... Mixed Use Designation: The .Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast corner of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed"use area. A 70-acre commercial center ......... ~ ...... 1 will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed Use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Land Uses: The Land Use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non-residential uses such as: (1) Schools, (2) Parks, (3) Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use Designations. These are summarized in the following table: Table 2.2 Land Uses Inteqral to the LUP Institutional Use Quantity Intermediate School Community Park Golf Course Commercial/Business Use Approximate Total Acreage 4O General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 3~ Table 2.3 Land Uses Anticipated in LUP Institutional Use Quantity Approximate Total Acreage Elementary School Public Neighborhood Parks Private Neighborhood Parks The exact number, location and size of private neighborhood parks will be established with subdivision maps. ............................................... ~ ................................................................... ==================================================: an area, ................... neighborhood parks are generally located in various se6'~"6'~'~' of the Plan. Three (3) communi.~y ...... p. grks are more specifically located; they include an cight ~ii!iiiii~i~i~ ...................... acre site near the junior high school, a 20-acre site, and~'~:'~':':'~':':'~':~i-acre site incorporating a knoll situated south of Portola Parkway'. Elementary and Intermediate schools and public neighborhood parks are symbolically illustrated on the Land Use Plan. The specific sizes, locations and numbers of these facilities will be determined in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 2.8. Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 4 2.10 Schools (ETSP Paqes 2-13 and 2-14) The Specific Plan area is within ~he boundaries of the Tustin Unified School District. The school district expects that the completion of the development in the East Tustin Specific Plan Area will require new facilities as well as the use of some of the existing facilities. ~ The Specific Plan symbolically identifies a maximum number of school sites to serve the largest estimated population growth. These schools have all been' generally located in areas that are central to estimated student population growth. One intermediate school site has 'been identified for the Specific Plan area. This aa~ ~aa ~~ w~ ~ ~aa~ ' t f Ir~..~ ~-~.. th The ultimate requirement for the precise number of schools is based on the number of students that are to be generated from the residential areas within the Specific Plan area. The demand for schools may vary depending on the actual type and number of units built in each land use category. The size of school sites may vary depending on specific school district needs and joint school/park programs. Also phasing and precise locations of sites are dependent on timing of development and more precise planning within sectors. The number, location, and size of schools illustrated symbolically on the Spccific Plan usc cxhibit ~!~i~i!i!ii~i~i!iiiii~i~i~ should be considered as a general guide, subject to ..... ~~'~9~Uation. As development plans are prepared for each sector the land owner and school district will .make specific provision for school facilities. These provisions should be accomplished prior to final development. The actual size and number of sites may cause an adjustment to acreage within the land use areas. If any school that is shown on the Land Use Plan is not needed or if the site acreage is less than estimated then. the acreage that has been allocated to the school site will be reallocated to the underlying residential use. However, the maximum number of units permitted within the sector where the acreage adjustment is made will not be changed except as provided in Section 3.0. Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 5 Acreage ETSP Pages 2-25 and 2-25 Table 2.4 Statistical Analysis Maximum Land Use Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR I 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 74 Estate Density Residential ~ i~i~i Low' Density Residential ~ i~i iiiiiiiiiiiii'i 'Medium Low Density Residential 37.35 i~i~ Medium Density Residential t5 20 ....... ** Junior High School 2. du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal SECTOR 3 6 i~2i Low Density Residential o ~ it?:0 ** Elementary School ..~ ~ ~.~ ..i. v ::::::::: =========================== __ 5 du/ac Subtotal 17 i~i~i SECTOR 4 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68 + SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 Subtotal Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 6 SECTOR.7 97 Medium Density Residential ~46 i~ii~i~ Medium High Density Residential o 10 ** Elementary School 150 i!~ii~i~i GO1 f Course 18 du/ac 25 du/ac SECTOR 8 77 26 o 10 ** Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4 du/ac ~4~ 18 du/ac Subtotal 117 i~i~i~3i :::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 9 39 Low Density Residential 5 du/ac Subtotal 39 SECTOR 10 46 ~,5 ~i~Si ~:::::::::.:::- Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal 71 5s2 i~i~i~i _+ ::::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 11 ~.:.'~'<... <..:.:.. · .: .......... :..>:..:.:.: ...... ... ..... ,.............-... · · · .-.... ...... .....-.....-.-...-.......-...-.-.....-.-.-.:,:.-.- -.......-.-.-.-....~......-.....v.....-.- .+-. ................ -~ .......................... ..... .............. ....:. ~:: ~:::i2::~?:~::~::~i~:/:~ii::i:/~i~::iii:/:iii:/:~::~i~?:~::~?::~?~M~::~i~ ~ ::!:: D~:~::~i~::::::::R~".S.'i~ ~ ~h~:::::::: :: :: :: :: : :: : :: :: :: : :: :: :: :: :: ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac 4 ~ ** Neighborhood Park 10 ~3~ Neighborhood Commercial Subtotal 177 SECTOR i2 121 Mixed Use Subtotal 121 7,236*** Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 7 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. ** The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. o This acreage figure is an estimated allocation.for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage allocations in this sector may Change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/Or park currently designated for this sector is not built in'this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Ordinance ·1150 Exhibit D Page 8 Sector 2 (ETSP Paqes 2-28 and 2-29) This sector consists of approximately ~"~ ~!i~i!~! acres and extends ~ · ~ :.,...:.:.:.:.:.:...:. from the northernmost tip of the site south ~'"'·'the proposed future road. The sector is bounded on the west by the crest of the north/south Peters Canyon ridge, Peters Canyon Wash, and Lower Lake Drive; on the north and east by the City boundary; and on the south by the Future Road. The land beyond the eastern edge of the Sector is in the County's jurisdiction and is currently planted with orchards. The Sector encompasses a broad valley which contains the west tributary of Peters Canyon Wash. Much of the valley is relatively flat. This sector is planned to include a variety of land uses. The residential uses will range from the estate density to medium hi.lb density. Estate density residential is located in the western and northern hillsides; low density is located in the upper valley and on a low knoll extending south from the north/south ridge; medium low and medium density occur in the central and upper portions of the valley; and medium h~ i~i~ ........... density is located at the southerly end of the valley adjacen~ .......... ~'o the Future Road. These various residential densities have been organized relative to the topography access and visibility from existing development to the west ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ .... ~^~ ~ A1 .... ~ ..... ~ ~hioh ................... cf ~..~ ..llcy. An intermediate school has been sited along Peters Canyon Wash. The precise location and size of these facilities ~!~i~i~!i~ili~i~i~!~i~ shall be determined as described in Subsection 2.10 ~ ............ ~ ............ ~'~ific ~=~ '- ^~-~ ~&A. ~&A ~AA~ ................. ......................... community park ........................................ is planned just south of the ........... ~ntc--~ ~'~':'?~:~¥"?~:::~i~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~ school site i~!~i!iii!~i~i~i~!~!i.i.i.~i, along the wash. A regional trail and Cl~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~ay are planned in proximity to Peters Canyon Wash reflecting Orange County General Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 2:... Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 9 Sector 6: (ETSP Paqes 2-36) This triangular configured sector contains 31 acres of flatland and has the potential to be circumscribed by arterial roadways. It is situated along the eastern edge of the site, bounded by the proposed Future Road extension on the west, Portola Parkway on the south and the Specific Plan boundary on the east '~ ~ ..... ~"~ ..... ~ ~ -~ .... ~ ~- ~ .... ~- Medium high density residential development is planned for the remainder of this sector The following policies apply to Sector 6: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ' A ~. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the . Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. B ~. Concurrent with a Subdivision Map submittal for any portion of this Sector, a Conceptual Site Plan shall also be submitted for the entire sector as identified in Section 2.14.1. Concurrent with the submission of the Sector Subdivision Map as required under Section 1.5, the precise location of the E1 'Modena Fault will be determined by a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current State Standards. Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 10 Sector 8 (ETSP Paqes 2-39 and 2-40) This sector consists of 117 i~!i!3! .......... acres and is virtually flat. It is situated adjacent to the eX[~'~ing community on the west, and is bounded by the La Colina extension on the south, the Future Road extension on the east and the Racquet Hill Drive extension on the north. Most of the sector has been designated for low density residential development along the western boundary so as to be compatible with the adjacent residential development. Approximately 26 acres along Future Road have been allocated for Medium Density Residential. Also planned for this area is an elementary school, the precise location and size will be determined as identified in Subsection The following polices apply to Sector 8:... Ee The distance between the edge of the western right-of-way of the "Future Road" and the closest point of the foundation of the closest residence of Pavillion/Saltair shall be a minimum of 1,000 feet plus or minus 100 feet measured on a horizontal plane. The noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west of the Specific Plan area shall be further mitigated by a continuous noise barrier consisting of a combination of berm, soundwall, and residences adjacent to the Future Road. This requirement for a continuous noise barrier applies along the western side of Future Road adjacent to the medium density residential development in Sector 8 and the low density development in between. The noise barrier line-of-sight from the residences along Saltair and Pavillion to vehicles traveling along the Future Road behind such noise barrier. In addition, in designing and orienting the residences in the two medium-density residential areas in Sector 8 and the low-density development in between, the developer shall, to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with other sound planning practices, construct multi-story structures which further mitigate the 'noise impacts of the Future Road on the existing residences to the west .of the Specific Plan. A design goal impact of 55 or less CNEL for the existing residences at the foundation is hereby established. At such time that further noise analysis is done in this area (at the Tentative Tract stage), this analysis will model the projected CNEL level at these existing Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 11 F. residences to confirm that the noise e~ level of 55 CNEL will be met. It is the explicit intent of the East Tustin S~i~i~!ifi~!~! Plan that La Colina Road in the Specific Plan area c6'~~'~'~'~'~o the existing La colina Road and to the major arterial known as "Future Road." this road shall consist of a four lane residential street, and should be incrementally' improved, beginning with a two lane road. The roadway should not exceed a total right-of-way of 80 feet, and the first two lanes should be built at the edge of the right-of-way, with a raised landscape median making up the rest of the potential right-of- way. The precise alignment of La Colina Road will be determined at the Tentative Tract stage. The City and County will prepare a joint study, examining the impacts and mitigation measures of the connection, and recommending specific measures to deter through traffic. Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 12 Sector 11 (ETSP Paqes 2-43) This sector consists of approximately 183 acres. It is .bounded by the Future Road alignment on the west, Irvine Boulevard on the north, Myford Road on the east, and Bryan Avenue on the south. Several land uses are proposed within this sector. The residential uses include ~!d!!ii~iiiiiiiiiii~i~ and medium density which is i~i~ to be :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: located in eh~ -'~-'~'~:'~"~"~'"~' ~,,-~...~ ~:!~i~!!~i~i~::i::i~i~:~fi~i6:.~ of th~:~:~:~:~:~:ector. Medium high residential development is to be situated along the eastern boundary of the site encompassing the entire area between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard ~ ~0-~crc -~ ~-~ ~ii. ~ ~ ccnt~a~ lly i~~ to ~ ~--~ ~ ~ ~,,~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ .-.-.......-... ~t ..... on. At the northeast corner of the sector, a i0 ~2~S~-acre neighborhood commercial site has been Planned at the inter~:ction of Irvine Boulevard and Myford Road, an important entry point into the City from the east ~ -~ .... ~ .... dcscr~d ~.~ ~°"~t~~ ~ 2.10 ~f ~ o~_~ ....................... .... ~ .... P i a n. A ~ ~AA~ ~ ........-...........v ............ neighborhood parks has ~ been generally located in the the ~d~u~.~.~.~.~ med'~'~'~ ........ density residential development. The precf~'~ ......... i~'~h~'i'~'h~'~'~'~bf this ~h~ park~~. ~- ~.~ to be determined as :.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.....: ... :.:.....: ...... ~ ~ ....... ... described in Sub~ection 2.8 .......... ~"f'"'""this S:'~ecif:'~:~':':':Plan. The following polices apply to Sector 11:... Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 13 Acreage ETSP Paqes 3-13 and 3-14 EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Maximum Land Use Density Total Allowable Units SECTOR ,1 125 Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 74 Estate Density Residential ~ i~ii~i Low Density Residential 50 i~i~i Medium Low DenSity Residential 37.35 ~4~?~ Medium Density Residential 15 12~O ** Junior High School 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac**** Subtotal 271 ~i~6116 -.:.:.:.: :.:.::: - SECTOR 3 .6 i~ii~ Low Density Residential 0 8 i!ii0 ** Elementary School : :.:.: :.:.:.: 5 du/ac Subtotal 17 2ii2 ::::::::::::::: SECTOR 4 :::::.:::::-:::::::. Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac 68+ Subtotal ~ ~ o ~i~ii~igi ::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 5 98 18 Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac :.:.:.:,:.:,:.: Subtotal 116 SECTOR 6 Subtotal 3 1. i~ii~i~i~i Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 14 SECTOR 7 97 Medium Density Residential ~4~ itit~O Medium High Density Residential o 10 ** Elementary School ~ =n it!581 Golf Course .u .~ %J 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Subtotal ~ ~ii~!6 :::::::::::::::::::::: SECTOR 8 77 26 O 10' ** 4 ** Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School 4 du/ac 849 18 du/ac ~ Subtotal 117 i~?1;3 SECTOR 9 39- Low Density Residential 5 du/ac ::::::::::::::::::::::: Subtotal 39 SECTOR 10 46 Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 5 du/ac 18 du/ac Subtotal 71 SECTOR 11 55 ~:~ Medium High Density Residential 25 du/ac 4 ~ ** Neighborhood Park ........... i0 ::~::3::: Neighborhood Commercial ::::::::::::::: Subtotal 177 SECTOR 12 121 Mixed Use Subtotal 121 7,236*** Ordinance 1150 Exhibit D Page 15 Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhOod parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. o This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land uses acreage allocations in this sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the sector will remain the same. Total Allowable Units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this sector is not built in this sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another sector. Ordinance Exhibit D Page 16 1150 (ETSP Page 3-47) Ce District Estate Low Residential Off-Street Parking Spaces Covered Credit for Required Assigned Guest/ Spaces/Unit Unassigned ~ 2 ~ 2 Car Garage 2 per unit On-Street P:rking O~ 1. Sector 8, 9, 10 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit 2. Sector 2 2 2 Car Garage 2 per unit Medium Low 2 2 Car Garage i!i ,-5 per unit Medium & Medium High 1. Detached 2 2 Car Garage i~i ,-5 per unit 2. Attached Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) 3. Multiple Family (apartments) Studio 1.0 1 Carport (1) 1 Bedroom 1.5 1 Carport (1) 2 Bedroom 2.0 ~ % Carport (1) 3 Bedroom 2.0 2 Carports (1) 4 Bedroom 2.5 2 Carports (1) 4. Patio Homes(2) 1-3 Bedrooms 2.0 2 Car Garage iii~ ,--5 per unit 4 Bedrooms 2.5 2 Car Garage ~i.l.i ,--5 per unit (1) Attached single family and multiple family developments shall provide a minimum of iii~ ,-2-5 per unit open unassigned parking spaces for 4 or more dwelling units. If a two car enclosed private garage is provided, a guest parking standard of iii~ '-~ open unassigned spaces per unit shall apply. (2) Required guest parking for Patio Home products must be located within a 200 foot radius measured from the nearest building frontage facing a street, drive or court of the designated unit which the parking space is intended to serve. ETSPAMEND.4 SENT BY PACKARD - HUGHES INTER�20 -95 , 9 490 , FINANCE UEP IMENI• (14 U44 otl254 2 DALE A KIKEN 2111 La Colina Drive SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 November 17, 1995 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Re November 20, 1995 Hearing public Flea ina Notice GPA 94 -001 Attn. Pamela Stoker City Clerk Dear Ms. Stoker NOV 2 0 191 This letter is sent in response to your above - referenced Public Hearing Notice. After vocal opposition by local residents to increasing traffic use, La Colitis Drive and portions of Redhill Avenue were deleted from the Orange County Mast r Plan of Arterial Highways (IMPAH"). The East Tustin Specific Plan has cont mplated the use of La Colina Drive as a Master Plan Arterial. To date, we are una are of any modification of the plan to accomodate the changed use of La Coll a Drive. Despite La Colina s deletion from the MPAH, we resident. in and around La Coli a Drive continue to experience the attendant problems associated with incr sing usage of our neighborhood street by regional commuters and the ever urg oning density of Tustin Ranch Market Place Shoppers and new development esid nts. To my knowledge, the County of Orange has repeatedly sought cooperation rom the City of Tustin in redesigning local traffic patterns to minimize the use of a C line Drive. The City of Tustin has not cooperated. Instead, the City of Tust has watched as automobiles line up on Northerly Tustin Ranch Road far no d the left lane turn pocket awaiting the opportunity to turn left or Westerly onto nine Boulevard. The insufficient turn pocket and lack of second left -hand urn ant induce travelers to seek their route to Newport Avenue through La Colina riv . The City of Tustin has further induced regional traffic use of La Colint by rov ing a large left -hand turn pocket on Northbound Tustin Ranch at La Colina, opt er with a fast cycling left -hand turn signal. During evening rush hour, I outi ely see groups of 10 cart at a time making that turn and barreling toward the top sign at Ranchwood, where a new traffic backup begins between Ranchwood nd !frowning. The permissive protective left -hand turn signal on Southbound Newport von a at La Colina further induces regional traffic through our neighborhood. SEAT BY PACKARD—HUGHES 1N1EKC iii 2U S y asHrn 9 r1NMN(s Vat' i Mall i- Pamela Stocker, City Clerk City of Tustin November 18, 1995 Page 2 /14 sac UOL3,tr J Additionally, poor design of the Newport Avenue - Old Irvine / Irvine Boulevard intersections dissuades regional traffic and further induces usage of La Colina. Once complete, Portola Parkway will funnel thousands of regional traffic commuters to Tustin Ranch Road. Those travelers seeking the fastest route to Newport Avenue, Seventeenth Street, the 55 Freeway or the 22 Freeway will again find La Colina their first outlet. The expanding and successful Tustin Ranch Market. Place is an increasing attraction to regional customers, drawing more travelers through La Colina. Any amendment or zoning changein and around our area should contemplate the impact of noise, traffic and pollution upon our neighborhood. Mitigation meaanres should be taken to minimize traffic use of La Colina, while maintaining neighborhood access, induce utilization of Master Plan Arterials, and minimize the deleterious impact of traffic upon our neighborhood. Specific stops should be taken to provide disincentives for regional traffic use of La Colina. I hope that these issues will be thoroughly contemplated and that specific measures will be taken to minimize the impact of these land use changes upon our neighborhood. Thank you. DAR /sf Very ruly you