HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 INVESTMENT RPT 11-20-95 NO. 16 11-20-95 Inter-Com ,ATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1995 TO: WILLIAM~HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: RONALD~ FINANCE DIRECTOR SUSJECI: INVESTMENT REPORT, JUNE AND JULY, 1995 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file DISCUSSION The attached investment reports for June and July, 1995 have been reformatted per recommendations by the City's AUditors as a result of their review at the close of fiscal year 1995. We have provided a more defined report that corresponds with the current investment policy referenced both by investment type and the allowable percentage by type. The allowable percentage is an element of our current policy and reflects the City's desire for prudent diversification of investments to mitigate market risk yet take advantage of positive changes in the investment markets. Footnotes are provided for reference, but I want to draw your attention to notes (1) and (8) specifically. Note (1) describes each category of authorized investment and any limitation on concentration by investment type. Note (8) addresses the actual concentration per the current report which should be compared with any limitation noted in the description-limits column. For example, medium term notes (mtn) are limited to 10% of the current portfolio which can be compared to the 3.91% of mtn's in the current report. It is important to. note that the critical test of specific investment concentrations per our policy is the time of purchase. Because of the uncertainty of cash flow at times a month-end report may indicate certain investments exceeding their limit. For example, the Fidelity Money Market deposit of $9.5 million in the June report will soon be used in the assessment district refunding, thereby reducing the total portfolio by 25%. It is conceivable that all investment limits will be exceeded by virtue of the significant cash outflow. November 15, 1995 Agenda Item to: William A. Huston (cont'd.) The current report indicates that federal agency bonds or notes is 3.3% above the current authorized limit of 25%. This is a temporary situation that is driven by current cash flow considerations as addressed above. Future reports should show changes in this area. We are also looking at adding graphs to the report for a very quick view of the investments in summary. We are always looking at ways to improve the report to give the City Council and others the information they need to feel confident about the use of City funds. While there are certain elements of the report that are required by code, I will make any changes to the report that will make a more meaningful report for the reader. a:agenda.3 DATE: 11/14/95 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF: JUNE 30,1995 (1) DESCRIPTION-LIMITS YIELD TO PURCHASE MATURITY DATE MATURIT:Y DATE (2) ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE (3) CURRENT BOOK VALUE (4) CURRENT MARKET VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Umit ] Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180 Day~ Current Total: Current Total: (5) J Medium Term Notes- 10% PFIZER INC. Rating-(AAA/AAA) 6.32% KF] I ~ CO. Rating-(AAA/AAA) 6.22% PAC TELL CAP. Rating-(AA3/M-) 5.52% SHFI/OIL CO.- (AA2/AAA) 6.72% I Federal Agency Bonds or Notes-25% t FNMA 1992- IOOE FED FARM CR BK FHLB FRN (6) FHLMC 1325-C (6) FED FARM CR BI( FRN FED FARM CR BK FRN FHLMC 1402- H FHLMC 1436- SB FHLB FRN FHLB FRN (6) FHLMC 1296-J FRN TVA (AANA.z~). I US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes-No Umit I Treasury Note (6) Treasury Note 3.01% 6 4.05% 5 2.22% 3.42% 2.89% 3.66% 2.55% 3.63% 8.07% 5.60% 6.19% 5.59% 05/12_/94 05/15/95 03/17/93 11/05/94 02/01/97 07/15/97 10/15/97 07/01/99 Current Total: $251,078 $149,034 $574,140 $690,228 0) $250,431 $149,034 $537,070 $69o,228 02/25/93 02/28/94 10/20/93 05/06/94 01/31/94 11/09/93 01/28/94 03/21/94 09/29/93 10/21/'93 06/09/95 02/03/94 01125197 02/10/97 06/02/97 07115/97 07128/97 O9123/97 10/15/97 12/15197 03/23/98 05/07/98 07/15/99 08/01/99 Current Total: $230,066 $742,500 $2,550,000 $.1,024,371 $1,050,000 $1,025,000 $1,006,886 $723,054 $1,507,500 $1,343,400 $1,626,763 3.91%] (8) $19553 $742 50O $2,532 145 $.934 364 $1,032 199 $1,008 865 $97O 019 $649 147 $1,5O5 001 $502 500 $515,556 05/27/94 08/06/95 Current Total: $251,640 $149,594 $519,500 $709,023 $1,629,757 $18,437 $750,000 $2,251,990 $595,622 $1,001,090 - $990,880 $977,877 $638,241 $1,251,705 $467,894 $1,294,948 $500,470 $11,755,249 $11,039,154 28.28%1 05/15/97 $2,021,360 $2,017,088 ' $2,022,500 02/15/00 $1,998,599 $1,998,5~ $1,975,678 Daily-No Umit Cash Fidelity Money Market. (AAA/~ Local Agency Invesl~ent Fund I 5.20% 5.80°/0 5.96% Current Total: Current Total: (8) $1,021,767 $1,021,767 $9,529,162 $9,529,162 $13,620,094 $13,620,094 $24,171,023 $24,171,023 TOTAL CITY INVESTMENTS $41,568,722 $40,838,112 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average P~3rtfolio Life (Years): 2.14 Average Portfolio Yield: 5.47% Current 2 yr Treasury;.'_ 5.38% (1) DESCRIPTION-lIMITS TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (2) YIELD ORIGINAL TO PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE MATURITY DATE DATE AMOUNT (3) (4) CURRENT CURRENT BOOK MARKET VALUE VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Umit 1 Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days 1 Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180Day~ (5) Medium Term Notes- 10% Franklin Universal Trust-(AAA/AAN GE Capital- (AANAAA) Norwest Corp- (ANAA) Federal Aqency Bonds or Notes-25% I FHLB FRN FED FARM CR BK FRN .. FED FARM CR BK FRN FHR 1402-F FHLB FRN TVA (AAA/AAA). Current Total: $0 $0 Current Total: $0 $0 Current Total: (8) 4.94% 09/14/93 09/01/98 $1,029,800 $1,020,860 $976,050 5.19% 11/18/93 11/18/98 $2,006,060 $2,004,242 $1,941,580 7.26% 04/19/95 04/01/00 $994,450 $994,450 $1,029,020 Current Total: $4,019,552 $3,946,650 21.37%I (8) 4.05% 10/20/93 06/02/97 $2,040,000 $2,028,572 $1,785,630 2.94% 01/31/94 07/28/97 $1,058,750 $1,037,770 $967,444 3.15% 11/09/93 09/23/97 $1,435,000 $1,412,726 $1,274,953 7.33% 06/01/95 10/15/97 $348,928 $348,928 $343,112 5.95% - 06/01/95 03/04/98 $487,431 $487,431 $487,445 5.60% 02/18/94 08/01/99 $515,048 $511,704 $500,470 Current Total: I US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes-No Limit1 US Treasury Strip $5,827,131 $5,359,054 I Daily-No Umit RDA Cash Local Agency Investment Fund (8) 5.60% 06/06/95 02/15/00 $1,998,5~ $1,998,599 $1,975,678 Current Total: $1,998,599 $1,975,678 10.63% J TOTAL RDA INVESTMENTS 5.70°4, (7) 5.96% Current Total: PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average Portfolio Life (Years): 2.61 Average Portfolio Yield: 5.34% Current 3 yr Treasu_ry: 5.86% (8) $321,482 $321,482 $6,642,928 $,6,642,928 $6,964,410 $6,964,410 37.03% ] $18,809,692 $18,245,792 FOOT NOTES: (1) DESCRIPTION-LIMITS reflects the various authorized investments as documented in the most current adopted investment polcy and the allowable per-centage of total portfolio per investment type. (2) Original Purchase Price is the amount paid for a security less any discount plus any premium. (3) Current Book Value is a securities original cost less rceipt of principal payments, net of amortized premiums/discounts. (4) Current Market Value is the price that the security is currently trading and could presumablyu be purchased or sold. Current market values are provided by Bank of America and First Interstate Bank on all securities held in safekeeping for the City or RDA. Differences in value are only booked if the security is sold prior to maturity. (5) In compliance with Section II, paragraph f. of the City's Ir~vestment Policy, Corporate Medium Term Notes shall have a Moody's/Standard and Poors's long term debt rating of at least AA. (6) Securities held in Trust per the Funding Agreement between the City of Tustin and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency adopted by the City Council on 6-5-95. (7) Earnings allowance on compensating bank balances to offset bank activity charges. Not included in the Average Yield calculation. (8) Current percentage by investment type to be measured against allowable limits in current investment policy. CERTIFICATION: I certify that this report reflects ali City and RDA pooled investments. Due ,to current cas flow considerations maturities in excess of one year and Federal Agency Bonds or Notes temporarily exceed the current Investment Policy limits by aproximately 10%. Projected cash flows, maturing investments and the prudent sale of longer maturities will mitigate this condition. In all other aspects the investments represented in this report are in conformity with the current adopted investment policy of the City of Tustin. The investment program herein shown provides sufficent cash flow liquidity to meet the next thirty days estimated expenditures.. This statement is prepared in conformance with Section 53646 of the Government Code. Ronam A. Nault, Treasurer LEGEND: CD-Certificate of deposit FRN- Floating rate note DATE: 11/15/95 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF: ~qELD (1) TO DESCRIPTION- lIMITS MATURITY JULY 31,1995 (2) (3) ORIGINAL CURRENT PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE BOOK DATE DATE PRICE VALUE (4) CURRENT MARKET VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Umit I Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days I Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180 Day~ SAKURA BANK, NY 5.83% (5) I Medium Term Notes-10% j PFIZER INC. Rating-(AANAAA) KELLOGG CO. Rating- (AANAAA) PAC TELL CAP. Rating- (AA3/AA-) Current Total: $0 $0 Current Total: $0 $0 07/20/95 01/02/96 $974, f78 $974,178 $974,178 Current Total: $.974,178 [ 2.45% 1 6.32% 05/12/94 02/01/97 $251,078 6.22% 05/15/95 07/15/97 $149,034 5.52% 03/17/93 10/15/97 $574,140 (8) $250,647 $149,034 $537,070 $974,178 $251,743 $149,406 $5 19,500 Federal Agency Bonds or Notes-25% '~ Current Total: $936,751 $920,649 2.36%1 (8) FED FARM CR BK FHLB FRN (6) FHLMC 1325-C (8) FED FARM CR BK FRN FED FARM CR BK FRN FHLMC 1402- H FHLMC 1436-SB FHLB FRN FHLB FRN (6) FHLMC 1296-J FRN TVA (AANAAA) I US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes-No Umitl Treasury Note (6) Treasury Note Treasury Note I Daily-No Limit Cash Fidelity Money Market (AAA/AAA) Local Agency Investment Fund 6.06'% 02/28/94 02/10/97 $742,500 $742,500 $750,000 4.05% 10/20/93 06/02/97 $2,550,000 $2,532,145 $2,238,043 5.84% 05/06/94 07/15/97 $1,024,371 $934,364 $885,007 2.22% 01/31/94 07/28/97 $1,050,000 $1,028,623 $1,001,090 3.42°,4, 11/09/93 09/23/97 $1,025,000 $1,008,865 $990,880 2.89% 01/28/94 10/15/97 $1,006,886 $970,019 $977,877 3.66% 03/21/94 12/15/97 $723,054 $649,147 $638,241 2.55% 09/29/93 03/23/98 $1,507,500 $1,505,001 $1,257,495 3.63% 10/21/93 05/07/98 $502,500 $502,500 $466,003 8.07% 06/09/95 07/15/99 $1,343,400 $1,343,400 $1,294,948 5.60% 02/03/94 08/01/99 $520,000 $515,556 $498,750 6.19% 5.49% 5.59% Current Total: 05/27/94 05/15/97. $2,021,360 07/11/95 09/30/98 $1,956,250 06/06/95 02/15/00 $1,998,599 $11,732,120 $10,998,3,.34 2 .52 l (8) $2,017,088 $2,020,500 $1,956,250 $1,295,000 $1,998,599 $1,966,794 5.05% (7) 5.72% 5.97% Current Total: Current Total: $5,971,937 $5,282,294 I $.02%1 (8) $324,636 $324,636 $9,573,649 $9,573,649 $10,235,094 $10,235,094 TOTAL CITY INVESTMENTS PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average Portfolio Life (Years): 1.85 Average Portfolio Yield: 5.490/,,. Current 2¥r Treasury: 5.86%] .$39,7~,~5 $38,309,034 (1) DESCRIPTION- LIMITS TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (2) YIELD ORIGINAL TO PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE MATURITY DATE DATE AMOUNT (3) (4) CURRENT CURRENT BOOK MARKET VALUE VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Umit t Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days i~ Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180Da~ SAKURA BANK, NY (5) Medium Term Notes- 10% ] Franklin Universal Trust- (AAA/AAA) GE Capital- (AANAAA) Current Total: $0 $0 Current Total: $0 $0 5.83% 07/20/95 01/02/96 $974,178 $974,178 $974,178 Current Total: $974,178 $974,178 (8) 4.94% 09/14/93 09/01/98 $1,029,800 $1,020,860 $971,200 5.19% 11/18/93 11/18/98 $2,006,060 $2,004,242 $1,936,280 ~ Federal Aqency Bonds or Notes-25% I FHLB FRN FED FARM CR BK FRN FED FARM CR BK FRN FHR 1402- F FHI..B FRN TVA (AAN~) Current Total: $3,025,102 $2,907,480 I 14.35% 1 (8) 4.05% 10/20/93 06/02/97 $2,040,000 $2,028,572 $1,790,434 2.94% 01/31/94 07/28/97 $1,058,750 $1,033,574 $976,640 3.15% 11/09/93 09/23/97 $1,435,000 $1,412,726 $1,274,815 7.33% 06/01/95 10/15/97 $348,928 $348,928 $343,112 5.95% 06/01/95 03/04/98 $487;431 $487,431 $487,445 5.60% 02/18/94 08/01/99 $515,048 $511,704 $498,750 [ US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes-No Limit US Treasury US Treasury Strip I Daily-No Umit J RDA Cash Local Agency Investment Fund Current Total: $5,822,935 $5,371,196 . J 27.63°,4, J (8) 5.50% 07/11/95 09/30/98 $2,445,313 $2,445,313 $1,975,678 5.60% 98/06/95 02/15/00 $1,998,599 $1,998,599 $1,975,678 Current Total: $4,443,912 $3,951,356 (8) 5.70% (7) $169,292 $169,292 5.96% $6,642,928 $6,642,928 Current Total: $6,812,220 $6,812,220 TOTAL RDA INVESTMENTS $21,078,347 $20,016,430 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average Portfolio Life (Years): 1.29 Average Portfolio Yield: 5.34% Current 2 yr Treasury_: 5.86% (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FOOT NOTES: DESCRIPTION-LIMITS reflects the various authorized investments as documented in the most current adopted investment polcy and the allowable per-centage of total portfolio per investment type. Original Purchase Price is the amount paid for a security less any discount plus any premium. Current Book Value is a securities original cost less rceipt of principal payments, net of amortized premiums/discounts. Current Market Value is the price that the security is currently trading and could presumablyu be purchased or sold. Current market values are provided by Bank of America and First Interstate Bank on all securities held in safekeeping for the City or RDA. Differences in value are only booked if the security is sold prior to maturity. In compliance with Section II, paragraph f. of the City's Investment Policy, Corporate Medium Term Notes shall have a Moody's/Standard and Poors's long term debt rating of at least AA. Securities held in Trust per the Funding Agreement between the City of Tustin and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency adopted by the City Council on 6-5-95. Earnings allowance on compensating bank balances to offset bank activity charges. Not included in the Average Yield calculation. (8) Current percentage by investment type to be measured against allowable limits in current investment policy. CERTIFICATION: I certify that this report reflects all City and RDA pooled investments. Due to current cas flow considerations maturities in excess of one year and Federal Agency Bonds or Notes temporarily exceed the current Investment Policy limits by aproximately 10%. Projected cash flows, maturing investments and the prudent sale of longer maturities will mitigate this condition. In all other aspects the investments represented in this report are in conformity with the current adopted investment policy of the City of Tustin. The investment program herein shown provides sufficent cash flow liquidity to meet the next thirty days estimated expenditures. This statement is prepared in conformance with Section 53646 of the Government Code. LEGEND: CD- Certificate of deposit FRN-Floating rate note