HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 PUB OF CITY NOTICES 11-06-95NO. 8 11-6-95 ,ATE: NOVEMBER 6, 1995 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER VALERIE CRABILL, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES RECOMMENDATION Award a one-year contract to the Tustin Weekly newspaper for publication of City legal and general notices, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute subject agreement. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for legal and general advertising has been budgeted for the 1995- 96 fiscal year. BACKGROUND The City is legally required to publish certain official notices such as notices inviting bids, notices of public hearings, adoption of ordinances, etc. In addition, to increase communication with the community and inform the public of City functions and events, advertising is also needed in the regular portion of the newspaper. The publication of legal notices and general advertising informs the public of action that may or will be taken by the City. Prior to 1993, Tustin News was the only adjudicated newspaper of general circulation in the City and all legal and general noticing required by the City was published in the Tustin News. In May 1993, the Tustin Weekly became an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation, but because their newspaper was not physically printed in Tustin as is legally required for some notices, the City Attorney recommended that the City continue to use the Tustin News for publication of all legal notices. Following.the sale of the Tustin News to the Register/Freedom newspapers, staff learned that the Tustin News was also being printed outside of the City and the City .Council concurred to submit the publication of City notices to a-competitive bidding process. A Request for Bids was mailed to the Tustin News and the Tustin Weekly on September 20, 1995, requesting price quotations for varied sizes of legal notices and general advertising (Attachment C). Their sealed responses (Attachments A and B) were received and opened in the citY Clerk's office on October 5, 1995, with the following results: · Contract for Publications Page 2, 11/6/95 Leqal Notices: Minimum Rate Per Legal Ad: 1st Insertion Rate Per Column Inch: 2nd Insertion Rate Per Column Inch: Cost to Publish Sample Ad 1: Cost to Publish Sample Ad 2: General Notices: Minimum Rate Per Run of Paper Notice: 1st Insertion Rate Per Column Inch: 2nd Insertion Rate Per Column Inch: Cost to Publish Sample Ad 3: Cost to Publish Sample Ad 4: Cost to Publish Sample Ad 5: T. NEWS T. WEEKLY 8.50 5.75 8.50 5.75 8.50 5.00 59.50 40.25 127.50 86.25 8.50 '5.75 8.50 5.75 8.50 5.00 178.50 120.75 95.63 64.69 42.50 17.25 CONCLUSION -. Based on the above price quotations, staff recommends that Tustin Weekly be awarded a contract (Attachment D) for publication of City legal notices and general advertising. Valerie Crabill Chief Deputy city Clerk Attachment A = Bid from Tustin News Attachment B = Bid from Tustin~Weekly Attachment C = Sample Attachments for Price Quotes Attachment D = Proposed Contract CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM A LEGAL NOTICES Name of Newspaper: THE. TUSTIN NEWS Please provide the following information: 1. MINIMUM RATE PER LEGAL AD- $ 8.50 2. FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH: $ 8.5o 3. SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH- $ 8.50 4. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 1- $ 59.50 5. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2: $127.50 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM B RUN OF PAPER NOTICES · Name of Newspaper: THE TUSTIN NEWS Please provide the following information' 1, MINIMUM RATE PER RUN OF PAPER NOTICE: $ 8.5o 2. FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH- $ 8.50 3 SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH' $ 8.5o , $178.50 COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 3: . $ 95.63 COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 4' . COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 5: $ 42.50 CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM A LEGAL NOTICES Name of Newspaper: Tustin Weekly Please provide the following information: 1. MINIMUM RATE PER LEGAL AD' $ 5.75 2. FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH' $ 5.75 3. .SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH: $ 5.00 4. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 1- $40.25 (2x3½) . COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2: $86.25 (2x7½) ATTACHMENT B CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM B RUN OF PAPER NOTICES Name of Newspaper: Tustin Weekly Please provide the following information: 1. MINIMUM RATE PER RUN OF PAPER NOTICE: $5.75 . FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH: $5.75 3 SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH: $5.00 4. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 3: $120.75 (4x5¼) 5.. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 4: $ 64.69 (3x3¼) COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 5: $17.25 (lx3) SAMPLE ATTACHMENT I OFFICIAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF TUSTIN Notice is hereby given that the City Council o! the City of Tustin. California. will conduct a public hearing on September 5, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the City's Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. Tuslin. California to consider the following: · ZONE CHANGE 95-001 An applicalion by elan Property Services Inc. authorizing Zone Change 95-001. changing the zoning designation from Planned Community Industrial-(PC-Ind.) District to Planned Community Industrial/Business (PC.-IndlBus.) District for the property lo.- cared at 1371-1431 Warner Avenue. This project may be medi- S'led by the City Council as a result of the public hearing. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this request in conlormation with the California Environmental Quality Act. I! you challenge the subject item in court, you may be limited to. raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing'described in this notice, or in written correspondence de- livered to the City of Tustin at. or prior to. the publi.c hearing.' Il you require special accommodations, please contact the City Clerk at (714) 573-3025. Information relative to this item is on lile in the Community Develop- ment Department and is available lot public inspection at City Hall. Anyone interested in the Inlormation above may call the Community Development Department at (714} 573-3105. Valerie Crabill Chief Oeputy City Clerk · Published: Tustin News August 24. 1995 t114.438 ATTACHMENT C SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2 P. UBLIC NOTmCE .... CITY --N'OYfO-~TO-CO'N SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the City Clerk. Tustin. City' Hall. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California 92680 until 11:00 A.M. on the 6th day o! June. 1995 at which time they will be publicly opened.and read. for perlorming work as follows: SERVICE CONTRACT FOR UNIFORM RENTAL.,AND LAUNDRY .Work to be done consists el furnishing all materials, equipment. tools, labor and incidentals as required by the plans, specificalions and contract documents lot the above stated project. The service to be performed hereunder consists o! the following: · Supply unilorms and laundry service al various locations throughout the .City:, Specifications and proposal forms to be used for bidding, on this project..c, an only be oblained by prospe¢live bidders at the Public Works otlice. Tuslin City Hall. 300 Centennial Way. Tuslin. California 92680. All questions are to be directed to Noel Kapple. Supervisor Building/ Street Maintenance. He can be reached by calling (714) 573-3350 or. by mail at 300 Cenlonnial Way. Tustin. ~A 92680. The City o! Tuslin hereby affirmatively ensures that minority busi- ness onlerprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will nol be discriminated against on the basis el. race. cplor, national origin, ancestry, sex or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The CRy el Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids. and/or to waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of lorry-live (45} days afler the dale set tot Ihe opening thereof..Prior to bid opening bidder may withdraw his bid. Bids received afler the bid opening time and date herein will be returned Io biddj~?'unopened. Pursuan..I, to the Calilornia Public Conlract Code. the contractor will be entitled to post approved securities wilh the City or an approved financial institution in order to have Ihe City release funds retained by the .C.!ty to insure performance to the conlractor. In Ihe c.a. se of Cily contracts that involve federal lunds, the contractor must be properly licensed at the lime el award of the conlracl. (Public Contract Code Seclion 20103.5). A conlraclor who is not properly, licensed'will have his bid declared non responsive. (Business and Professions Code Section 7028.15(e)). The City; Council o! the Cily el Tuslin has obtained from the Director et Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and Ihe general prevailing rate for legal holiday and.overtime work in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type et work needed and the City Engineer. Nol less than said prevailing rates shall be paid the workers employed on Ihis public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 o! the State of California. The-City' o! Tuslin has implomenled a 9/80 work schedule. This schedule means thai Cily Hall Oltices will be closed every othcr Fr,day. City Hall Offices are currenlly opened Item 7:30 a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the Fridey. C. ity Hall remains opened· The-C6nlractor's activities.shall be conlined to the hours between 7:30 a.m.'and ,4:30 p.m.. Monday through Thursday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the Friday City olfices are opened, excluding holidays. Deviatio.n Item these hours wi riel be permitled wilhout the prior con.sent el the Field Services Manager. except in emerg(,ncies invo!vil~g immediate hazard Io persons or property. Or. dared by the City Council on May I. 199.5 Mary E. Wynn. Cily Clerk PtH);ished: Tusltn INlews M~7 18. 25. 1995 # '14-258 · SAMPLE ATTACHMENT ::3 MARI.NE CORPS AIR STATION TUSTIN PUBLIC NOTICE The Tustin Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) will meet on Thursday, September 21, 1995 7:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. Senior Center Multipurpose Room 200 South C Street Tustin, California Topics of discussion at this meeting will include: Property Transfer: The Environmental Baseline Survey; Moffett Trenches and Jamboree/Edinger Interchange Construction Update; and Fiscal Year 1996 Funding Update All memebers of the interested public arc welcome: Additional information can be obtained by contacting: Commanding General, AC/S. Environment I AU (Mr. Vish Parpiani). MCAS El Toro. P.O. Box 95001. SantaAna, CA 92709-5001 (714) 726-3386 SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 4.' TUSTIN RANCH TREE PARK WORKSHOP City of Tustin invites interested parties to attend a public workshop to participate in the ,planning of a new community park site on Pioneer Road in Tustin Ranch. Date- Time' Place: RSVP' Saturday, June 24, 1995 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Tustin Ranch Fire Station (Corner of Pioneer Road/Pioneer Way across from park site) Reservations for seating and site tou? should be coordinated by calling: COMMUNITY SERVICES' DEPARTMENT · · (714) 573-3326 SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 5 Apply now for city clerk job Thc City Council. is ac- cepting applications for the position of city clerk; appli- cants will be interviewed on Sept. 5. Applicants must be regis- tered to vote in Tustin. Du- ties include attending the two City Council meetings a month and signing the min- utes.The position pays $227 a month plus benefits. Send a letter of interest to City Council, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin -- or bring them to City ltall. AGREEMENT FOR PUBLICATION OF LEGAL AND RUN OF PAPER NOTICES THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1995, between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City," and IRVINE WORLD PUBLISHERS, as publisher of the Tustin Weekly, hereinafter referred to as "Legal Advertiser." WHEREAS, City is required to cause certain legal notices and other documents to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City; and WHEREAS, Legal Advertiser is a newspaper of general circulation within the City and has represented to City that it is qualified to perform the publication services required; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of November, 1995, the City Council of the City of Tustin authorized the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with Legal Advertiser for the proVision of publication services. NOW THEREFORE, in donsideration of the mutual covenants herein, it is hereby agreed by and between City and Legal Advertiser as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. Legal Advertiser ~grees to publish all notices or other documents presented to Legal Advertiser by City for publication pursuant to Legal Advertiser's bid proposal, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. DEADLINE. Legal Advertiser agrees to accept City submittal of new.copy for publication up to 10:00 a.m. of each Tuesday; and will accept cancellation of publication up to 10:00 a.m. of each Tuesday. 3. METHOD OF PAYMENT. Payments shall be made upon monthly invoices. Invoices for legal notices will be accompanied by Proof of Publication. City shall make payments within thirty (30) days after receipt of each invoice as to all undisputed sums. City shall notify Legal Advertiser of any questions or disputes regarding any invoice within ten (10) days after receipt of the invoice by City. 4. TERM. This Agreement shall be valid for a term of one (1) year, commencing on the day of , 1995, and terminating on the day of , 1996. 5. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice of an intent to terminate not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of termination. 6. INDEMNIFICATION. Neither party hereto shall be liable ATTACHMENT D Agreement for Publication of Legal Notices Page 2 for, and each party shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the other party and its respective directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, losses, disputes, and other liability or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and necessary disbursements, for any damage whatsoever, including but not limited to, bodily injury, death, or injury to property, proximately resulting from any negligent act or omission .of the party, its officers, employees, agents, or contractors in ~the performance of this Agreement. Each party agrees to provide the indemnifying party with written notification of any claim within thirty (30) days of the notice thereof, and to cooperate with the indemnifying party in the defense and/or settlement of the claim. 7. AMENDMENTS. This Agreement may be'amended provided such amendment is in writing and agreed upon by both City and Legal Advertiser. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and any documents or instruments attached hereto or referred to herein., integrates all ~erms and conditions menti'oned herein or incidental hereto and supersedes all negotiations and prior written or oral understandings with respect to the subject matter hereof. 9. GOVERNMENT LAW. The City and Legal Advertiser understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. 10. NOTICES. Notices shall be given pursuant to this Agreement by personal service on the party to be notified,.or by written notice upon such party deposited in the custody of the United States Postal Services addressed as follows: (a) City: Attention: City Clerk City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (b) Irvine World Publishers' Attention: Brien Manning, Publisher Tustin Weekly 181 E1 Camino Real #A Tustin, CA 92680 The notices shall be deemed to have been given as the date of Agreement for Publication of Legal Notices Page 3 personal service, or three (3) days after the date of deposit of the same in the custody of the United States Postal Services. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN Date By' Jim Potts, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM- Lois Jeffrey/~ di~y Attorney Date Brien Manning, Publisher Tustin Weekly CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM A LEGAL NOTICES Name of Newspaper: Tustin Weekly Please provide the following information: 1. MINIMUM RATE PER LEGAL AD' $ 5.75 2. FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH' $ 5'.75 3. SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH: $ 5.00 4. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 1' $40.25 (2x3½) 5. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2: $86.25 (2x7½) . EXHIBIT A CITY OF TUSTIN BID SUBMISSION FORM B RUN OF PAPER NOTICES Name of Newspaper' Tustin Weekly Please provide the following information' 1. MINIMUM RATE PER RUN OF PAPER NOTICE: $5.75 . FIRST INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH' SECOND INSERTION RATE PER COLUMN INCH' $5.75 $5.00 COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 3' $120.75 (4x5¼) . , COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT. 4: $ 64.69 (3x3¼) 6. COST TO PUBLISH SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 5' $17.25 (1×3) .. SAMPLE ATTACHMENT '1 .... OFFICIAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING' " CITY OF TUSTIN · Notice is hereby given Ihnt the City Council of the City o! Tustin. California. will conduct a public hearing on September 5. 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the City's Council Chambers. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California to consider the 1ollowing: ' · ZONE CHANGE 95-001 An application by glen Property Services Inc. authorizing Zone Change 95-001. changing the zoning designalion I'rom Planned Community Industrial. (PC-Ind.) District to Planned Community Industrial/Business {PC-IndlBus.) District for tho property lo- cated at 1371-1431 Warner Avenue. This project may be modi- · ~ied by the City Council as a res,ult of the public hearing. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this request in conlormation with the Calilornia Environmental Qu~,llty Act. I! you challenge the subject item in court, you may be limited ID raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing'described' in this notice, or in written correspondence de- livered to tho City of Tustin at. or prior ID. the public hearing.' I! you require special accommodations, please contact the City Clerk at (714) 573-3025. Inlormalion relative to this item is on lile in the Community Develop- ment Department and is available lot public inspection at City Hall. Anyone interested in the Information above may call the Community Development Department at (714) 573-.3105. Valerie Crabill Chie! Depuly City Clerk - Published: Tustin News August 24, 1995 1114~38 SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2 · . PUBLIC NOTICE .... CITY O l~' T DST Fl~, C-~'L-fI= O R N I A .-N'0T f¢ i?l' O-C'-0'N T RY~-C T O-i~- SEALED BIDS will be received at the olfice of the City Clerk. Tustln. City' Hall. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California 92680 until 11:00 A.M. on the 6th day o! June. 199,5 at which lime they will be publicly opened.and read. fo~' performing work as follows: SERVICE CONTRACT FOR UNIFORM RENTAL-,AND LAUNDRY .Work to be done consists of lurnishing all materials, equipment, IDols. labor and incidentals as required by [he plans, specifications and contracl documents for the above stated project. The service to be performed hereunder consisls of the Iollowing: . Supply uniforms and laundry service at various locations throughout Ihe .City:~ SpeciI'icalions and proposal terms to be used lot bidding on this project..c, an only be obtained by I~rospec. Hvo bidders at Ihe Public Works oflice. Tustin City Hall. 300 Centennial Way. Tustin. California 92600. All questions are to bo directed to Noel Kapple. Supervisor Building/ Street Mainlenanco. He can bo reached by calling (714) 573-3350 o¢. by mail at 300 Cenlonnial Way. Tustin. 'CA 92680. The City of Tuslin hereby attirmalively ensures that minority busi- ness enterprises will bo afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response ID this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of. race. cplor, nalional origin, ancestry, sex or religion In any considoralion leading to the award of contracl. The Cily el Tuslin reserves the right to rejecl any or all bids. and/or to waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of lofty-live (45) days after tho dale set for Ihe opening thereof..Prior to bid opening bidder may withdraw his bid. Bids received after the bid opening time and date herein will be returned 1o bidd~?'unoponed. Pursua0t.to the California Public Contract Code. the contractor will be entitled to post approved securities wilh the City or an approved linancial inslitulion in order ID have lhe City release funds retained by the .C.[ty to insure performance to the conlraclor. In the c.a. se of Cily contracts that involve federal ~'unds. the contractor must be properly licensed al the time-of award of Iho conlract. (Public Contracl Code Section 20103.5). A contractor who is not properly llcensed'will have his bid declared non responsive. (Business and Prot'essions Code Section 7028.15(e)). The Cit); Council of 1he Cily or Tuslin has oblained Item the Director o! Industrial Relalions lhe general prevailing rate et per diem wages and Ihe general prevailing rate for legal holiday and.overlime work in the locality in which the work is to bo perlormod ~'or each craft or type el work needed and a copy of Ihe same is on file In the of(ice of the Cily Engineer· Nol less than said prevailing rates shall be paid the workers employed on Ihis public works contract as required by Labor Code Sections 1771 and 1774 o! the Stale o! Calilornia. · The-Cily. of Tuslin has implemented a 9/80 work schedule. This schedule means Ihat Cily Hall Oltices will be closed every othcr Friday. City Hall Offices are currenlly opened Item 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 0:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the Friday..C. ily Hall remains opened. The*CGntractor's actlvilios.shall be confined to the hours between 7:30 a.m. 'and ,4:30 p.m.. Monday through Thursday and 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the Friday City offices are opened, excluding holidays. Deviatiq0 from these hours will not be permitted without the prior con.senl et tho Field Services Manager. except in emergencies invo.!vi~g immediate hazard to persons or property. Or, doted .by the Cily Council on May 1. 199,5 Mary E. Wynn. City Clerk Published: Tustin News May ti]. 2,5. 1095 SAMPLE ATTACHMENT :~3 "" MARINE CORPS AIR STATION TUSTIN PUBLIC NOTICE The Thstin Restoration Advisory Board.(RAB) will meet on Thursday, September 21, 1995 7:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. Senior Center Multipurpose Room 200 South C Street Tustin, California Topics of discussion at this meeting will include: Property Transfer: The Environmental Baseline Survey; Moffett Trenches and Jamboree/Edinger Interchange Construction Update; and Fiscal Year 1996 Funding Update All memebers of the interested public arc welcome! Additional information can be obtained by contacting- Commanding General, AC/'S. Environment I AU (Mr. Vish Parpiani). MCAS El Toro. P.O. Box 95001. Santa Aha, CA 92709-5001 (714) 726-),386 AMPLE ATTACHMENT .. -'-. TUSTIN RANCH TREE PARK WORKSHOP City of Tustin invites interested parties to attend a public, worksh°p to participate in the planning of a new community park site on Pioneer Road in Tustin Ranch. Date: Time: Place: RSVP' Saturday, June 24, 1995 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Tustin Ranch Fire Station (Corner of Pioneer Road/Pioneer Way across from park site) Reservations for seating and site tou? should be coordinated by calling: COMMUNITY SERVICES"DEPARTMENT '(714) 573-332..6. SAMPLE ATTACHMENT 5 Apply now for city clerk job The City Council. is ac- cepting applications ['or the position or city clerk; appli- cants will be interviewed on Sept. $. Applicants must be regis- tered to vote in Tustin. Du- ties'include attending the two City Council meetings a month and signing the min- utes. The position pays $227 a month plus benefits. Send a letter or interest to City Council, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin- or bring them to City Hall.