HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA EL CAMINO PLAZA 11-06-95'.7 RDA NO. 2 NOVEMBER 6, 1995 Inter-Corn TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: CHRISTINE A. SHINGLETON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: EL CAMiNO PLAZA DEVELOPER SELECTION RECOMMENDATION Pleasure of the Agency. BACKGROUND The Tustin Redevelopment Agency at a meeting on May 1, 1995 authorized staff to invite Lowe Development, W/H Tustin Limited Partnership and Carlson/Vestar to prepare and submit proposals for the development of the Old Town Gateway Project. In response to this direction, the existing property owner also requested an opportunity to submit a proposal. Development proposal were submitted on October 5, 1995 from the following: Vestar/Carlson Development Services, Lowe Enterprises, W/H Tustin Limited Partnership (WATT), and William and Peter Zappas. Staff have done their own review of each proposal but have also utilized the services of the Sedway Kotin Mouchly Group (SKMG) to examine and comment on the following: · Project economic/financial feasibility · The proposed level and nature of Agency assistance · The nature and strength of potential tenants · The anticipated development and cash flow schedule Strength of the redevelopment team and their financial stability A copy of SKMG's report to the Agency is provided under separate cover.- The Community Development Department current Planning Division has also provided a review of the scope and character of each proposal which is attached along with a number of urban design comments on each proposal. Redevelopment Agency Report E1 Camino Plaza Developer Selection November 6, 1995 Page 2 A representative from SKMG will be available at the Agency's November 6th meeting to discuss the Agency options in proceeding with selecting a developer for the E1 Camino Plaza project. Christine A. Shi~leton Assistant City Manager CAS: kbm\rdareport \ecpdvsel. cas ATE: OCTOBER 31, 1.995 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: CHRISTINE A. SHINGLETON, AS.S~_ANT CITY MANAGER DANIEL FOX, SENIOR PLANNERY\ SUBJECT: REVIEW OF EL CAMINO PLAZA PROPOSALS The following is a review of the scope and character of each proposal along with staff comments on each: WATT COMMERCIAL A. Scope of Development The "Tustin 'Festival" proposed by Watt Commercial Development Company would include apProximately 99,000 square feet of entertainment, retail and restaurant uses. The layout of the development proposes a more traditional neighborhood commercial center design with buildings located around the rear perimeter of the site with parking between the street and buildings. The main building structure would be located on the rear portion of the property with a large service area adjacent to the westerly property line. The main building includes a 45,000 square foot movie theater anchor at the north end of the site adjacent to 6th Street, a 30,000 square foot retail anchor ~t the south end of the site adjacent to the I-5 Freeway, and 12,350 square feet of in-line retail space between the two anchor tenants. A 6,000 square foot freestanding restaurant/retail building is proposed at the corner of Newport Avenue and E1 Camino Real. A second 6,000 square foot freestanding restaurant/retail building is proposed adjacent to the I-5 Freeway easterly of the existing Marshall Krupp Office Building. Site access is proposed from two driveways on E1 Camino Real and two driveways on 6th Street, the westerly of which would be primarily devoted to service access to the rear of the main retail building. The-existing E1 Camino Way is proposed to be vacated and incorporated into the project on-site parking and circulation. E1 Camino Way presently provides access to the existing Marshall Krupp Office Buildings. The proposed site plan will need to address access and parking issues for this building. Review of E1 Camino plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 2 ~ Parking for the center would be provided in a large parking field between the buildings and E1 Camino Real. In addition, a two level underground parking structure would be provided under the main parking field easterly of the main retail bUilding. The proposed plan anticipates that approximately 1,050 parking spaces would be provide. The amount of parking will need to closely reviewed as current parking requirements would necessitate approximately 200 additional spaces (or approximately 1,250 parking spaces) primarily to serve the theater use which should be parked at a rate of 1 space per each 3 seats, rather than 1 space per each 4 seats as proposed. The architectural character of the buildings are proposed to reflect a contemporary interpretation of the traditional early California and Mediterranean styles. A variety of hardscape, landscape, trellis work, entry treatments and water elements are proposed and intended to provide a "pedestrian friendly environment". Urban Desiqn Comments Not very exciting; typical neighborhood commercial center layout. Does not address E1 Camino well; all activities and buildings are away from E1 Camino. Does not appear to have the ability to anchor the south end of "Old Town" . Will be difficult to generate energy and excitement with theaters. No real pedestrian focal point at the theaters, along E1 Camino or Newport. Does not appear to accommodate access and parking for the Marshall Krupp Building located at the end of E1 Camino Way. Architectural character and form is separate and distinct from "Old Town" and would not transition well north of 6th due to extensive building setback of the theaters. Underground parking would not likely be used with this type of configuration and center design. Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 3 · VESTAR/CARLSON A. Scope of Development The ,'Tustin Gateway Plaza" proposed by Vestar Carlson Development Team includes approximately 178,000 square feet of entertainment, retail and restaurant uses. The layout of~the development proposes two distinct building masses. The main entertainment building structure would be located on the northerly portion of the site adjacent to the 6th Street. This building includes movie and dinner theaters on the second floor above retail shops on the ground level oriented toward E1 Camino Real and the interior of the project. Other major retail tenants are located adjacent to the westerly property line with orientation toward E1 Camino Real and the I-5 Freeway. The second retail building would be two stories in height and include a variety of restaurants and retail businesses. The building is oriented toward Newport Avenue, E1 Camino Real and the I-5 Freeway east of the existing Marshall Krupp Office Building. Site access is proposed from two driveways on E1 camino Real and two driveways on 6th Street, the westerly of which would be primarily devoted to service access to the rear of the main retail and entertainment buildings. The easterly driveway on 6th Street would provide access to a ground level (with theaters above) and a one level underground structure. This parking is- intended to primarily serve 'the theater complex. The existing E1 Camino Way is proposed to be vacated and incorporated into the project on-site parking and circulation. The proposed site plan appears to accommodate access and parking for the Marshall Krupp Office Building. In addition, the proposed plan identifies the creation of angled on-street parking along E1 Camino Real and narrowing the travel lanes on E1 Camino Real to one lane in each direction. Traffic and circulation issues such as single theater access from 6th Street and the creation of angled parking on E1 Camino Real which would result in one travel lane in each direction on E1 Camino Real will need to be closely reviewed. Parking for the center would be provided in a large parking field between the buildings and E1 Camino Real. As previously mentioned, additional parking is proposed Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 4 B o on the ground level and one level underground below the theaters. The proposed plan does not identify the anticipated total number of parking spaces to be provided. The amount of parking will also need to closely reviewed as current parking requirements to ensure that the adequate parking is provide to accommodate the demand and level of activity. The architectural character of the buildings are proposed to reflect a "turn of the century" theme integrating modern and contemporary elements. A variety of hardscape and landscape elements are proposed throughout the site. In addition, extensive enhancement to E1 Camino Real is envisioned to extend the character of the project beyond the traditional~property lines. The major focal point of the project is on E1 Camino Real with a significant pedestrian plaza at the southeast corner of the main entertainment building. An entry portico is proposed to span E1 Camino Real just west of 'Newport Avenue to identify the entrance into the project. The Vestar/Carlson prOposal also identifies a possible expansion of the development to the north and east sides of El. Camino Real, continuing the major pedestrian, landscape and hardscape elements, as well as, new retail and restaurant uses adjacent to E1 Camino Real. A significant pedestrian plaza is proposed adjacent to E1 Camino Real opposite the plaza proposed for the main entertainment building to reinforce and further strengthen the focal point of the project. The Vestar/Carlson proposal also includes an alternate site plan consisting of approximately 150,000 square feet of retail space which reflects a more traditional neighborhood retail center layout with buildings located around the rear perimeter of the site with parking between the street and buildings. While the architectural character is proposed to be the same as the preferred plan, the creation of a pedestrian focal point and entertainment complex. Urban Desiqn Comments Significant potential to create a vibrant and energetic environment. Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 5 Entertainment building addresses. E1 Camino well; Retail building also addresses Newport well. Needs to include more buildings along south side of E1 Camino, similar to proposed future expansion area across street. This will help make the angled parking work, provide "Old Town" building masses adjacent to the street, as well as, reinforce the pedestrian connection between the entertainment building and the Newport building which is needed. Will extend character of "Old Town" in architectural form with buildings on the street. Entertainment and focal areas are located at E1 Camino and 6th to draw users into "Old Town" rather than keep them on the edge. Entertainment plaza is at the axis terminus on E1 Camin0 which provides an excellent view west on E1 Camino into "Old Town" Like the concept of having an entry portico; however, it-should be more reflective of ENTIRE "Old Town", not just this project. Separate theater parking may not work well, particularly since all access will be from 6th. A connection of some sort should be available from the main parking field to the structure. Architectural character strongly related to the "Old Town" character; however, the E1 Camino elevations particularly should be broken down even more for each tenant space by adding, a greater variety of building materials, and perhaps less of a contemporary look and less glass on the ground floor to resemble a true "Old Town" individuality of bUilding form and mass between tenant spaces. The stronger, more contemporary character along Newport Avenue is desirable. Strong pedestrian orientation and focal point, particularly if ultimately connected to the east and north side of E1 Camino Real. Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 6 Serious analysis for traffic circulation in and around the area will be need related to the changes to E1 Camino; however, on-street parking should be encouraged, and some degree of traffic activity should be expected and encouraged to create a viable "Old Town" character. ZAPPAS A. Scope of Development The "Gateway Galleria" proposed by William and Petter Zappas would include approximately 174,000 square feet of entertainment, retail and restaurant uses. The layout of the development proposes a movie theater/retail building located at the southwest corner of Newport Avenue and E1 Camino Real. with retail store fronts adjacent to Newport Avenue and E1 Camino Real and theaters above on the second level. Other major, retail buildings would be arranged in a more traditional neighborhood commercial center design with buildings located around the rear perimeter of the site with parking between the street and buildings. A 31,000 square foot major retail anchor tenant would be located at the north end of the site adjacent to 6th Street. A 45,000 square foot retail anchor is proposed at the south end of the site adjacent to the I-5 Freeway. A two level parking structure would be located between the two major retail buildings.. Two freestanding restaurants are anticipated adjacent to E1 Camino Real. Additional retail shops and a dinner theater is proposed north of the Marshall Krupp Office Building. Site access is proposed from two driveways on E1 Camino Real and two driveways on 6th Street, the westerly of which would be primarily devoted to service access to the rear of the main retail building. The existing E1 Camino Way is proposed to be generally retained in its present configuration to provide primary access to the theater building. The southerly terminus of E1 Camino Way would include modifications to the cul-de-sac and would appear to accommodate access to the existing Marshall Krupp Office Buildings. Parking for the entertainment building would be provided by a ground level parking structure with theaters above. Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 7 Be The primary parking field would be provided in front of the major retail anchor tenants, along with a two story parking structure located between the two major retail anchors. The proposed plan does not identify the. anticipated total number of parking spaces to be provided. The amount of parking will need to closely reviewed to ensure that the adequate parking is provide to accommodate the demand and level of activity, andthat the parking is properly distributed throughout the site, particularly given the distance between the majority of the parking and the proposed theater.building. The architectural character of the buildings are proposed to reflect a contemporary interpretation of the Mediterranean styles. A variety of small pedestrian plazas are anticipated with primary emphasis at the corner of Newport Avenue and E1 Camino Real, as well as, E1 Camino Real and E1 Camino Way. Urban Design Comments The major focus of development is at Newport and E1 Camino which will not draw people into "Old Town" but rather keep them on the edge. Balance of the development is a typical neighborhood commercial center. Rehabilitation of existing buildings may not give the project the emphasis it needs. Small freestanding buildings along E1 Camino, north of E1 Camino Way address, the street differently from the entertainment building and would not provide a strong "Old Town" character. The architectural character of the big boxes and parking structure on the westerly portion of the property do not relate to the character of "Old Town". Smaller uses, should be incorporated in and around the big boxes to reduce the scale and provide more activity in the interior of the center. Parking appears to be removed from the theater use and inappropriately distributed throughout the center. Review of E1 Camino Plaza Proposals October 31, 1995 Page 8 Architectural form replicates Newport Avenue more than "Old Town". While this may be appropriate for the Newport building, other buildings should provide individuality in architectural form and character to extend the existing "Old Town" character. The center is very vehicle oriented. The main pedestrian area at E1 Camino Way is limited and physically separated from the other portions of the .center. DF: GATEWAY.MEM cc: Rick Zimmer